Gay Erotic Stories

A Helping Hand

by Brodosis
26 Dec 2000


I'm still not sure why you wanted to talk to me about all of this...maybe you guys should go to ...counseling, or something?' She looked at me sympathetically, but seemed as if she felt that this conversation might be out of her league. You're her sister, Rachel. You know her better than anyone. I need some advice and I think you're the only one who can help! If you don't want to, I guess... She interrupted. "NO! No, I do...I will. So what's going on? Tell me what's up.' She scooted over closer to me on the couch. I exhaled heavily. 'OK...This is going to get a bit...personal, so, get ready...It's...' I couldn't just come right out and say it. Not to her sister. 'We've been having problems.' 'Sorry, Rob, but you'll have to be a little more specific than that!' She was smiling at me, trying to make me more comfortable. I continued reluctantly. 'I Know, I know...It’s not easy to say. We...We're not---Shit: We haven't had sex in over a year!' I breathed a heavy sigh of relief. I couldn't make eye contact with her. I was ashamed and embarrassed at the same time. Rachel and I knew each other for years, but we'd certainly never discussed this type of thing... She inhaled sharply. 'Wow...a whole year? I'm sorry, I mean...Why do you think that is?' 'I have no idea. She just seems to have no desire, like her life's complete without it. It really slowed down right after we got married and stopped about a year or so ago.' We sat in silence for a few moments. Clearly Rachel didn't know what to say. 'I thought of everything I could, I mean...Was it me? Was she depressed? Was she cheating on me?' Rachel cut me off right there. 'Rob, she would never...She's not that kind of person! You know that! She'd...' 'I know that. But I needed to know why...I wanted to figure it out so I could understand it…and maybe fix it. That's the way I am. I needed to know why. And now it really doesn't matter anymore...' Tears welled up in my eyes and Rachel saw it. 'What do you mean? What doesn't matter? Rob, please...Don't get upset...' She held one of my hands in both of hers. I fought back the tears as I spoke. ' I've been patient! I've tried everything! I've tried to convince myself that I don't need it either! But it's a lie! I do need it! I'm a 30 year old man and I'm not ready to accept that I'll be living the rest of my life without sex!' I fought to keep my voice down. 'I can't live like this, Rachel. I can't.' She stroked my hand as she spoke comfortingly to me. 'OK, it’s OK…What do you want me to do, Rob? I mean...I'll talk to her...but I don't think she'll be willing to discuss it with me...I don't know that there's anything I can do! I don't know what it could be, I really don't...' 'Then I've got to move on, Rachel. I need to move on.' The words hung in the air between us. Rachel looked up at me slowly in utter disbelief. ' can't! You can't leave her! You guys can work this--' I was slowly shaking my head 'no' as she protested. 'No! Listen to me! It would kill her!! Counseling--' 'She won't go.' '--well, then...Rob, this can't happen! There's got to be an answer! Don't just give up on this! You've been together for 15 years!! You can't just...' ‘Rachel, listen to me. You don't know what it's like. Over a year. And no sign of improvement! I'm a man. I have needs. I'm sorry if this embarrasses you, but...' 'No, go ahead. It’s OK. Please'. 'I…I masturbate 4 or 5 times a week. With a beautiful woman who loves me in the very next room! We go out on the weekends and she gets all done up, looking great...We have a great time and she looks so fucking great...when its time to get into it, she's not interested. Some stupid excuse comes up. At this point we both know it's bullshit. I can't take the rejection anymore, either. It's not just the sex; it's also the feeling that I'm not wanted, not desirable. It's killing me, Rachel! I can't take it anymore.' I took a deep breath. I turned to face Rachel; she let go of my hand and looked me in the eye. 'You can take this anyway you want to, Rache; as a cop out, as an excuse, whatever--but sometimes I feel like I'm going to either rape her or cheat on her. Or I have to go. I’m not willing to live without sex for the rest of my life. I need it. We all do. That's it.' Another long uncomfortable silence. I regained my composure. 'I just wanted to talk to you as a last hope to see if she had ever talked about it with you; maybe you had some clue as to why...' Rachel looked a little shell-shocked. She sat next to me on the couch, staring down at her knees. I stood up and took a few steps towards the door. ‘Thanks for listening. I’m sorry if I embarrassed you, and sorry for dumping this on you. I’ve gotta go.’ Rachel stood up, tears in her eyes. ‘What…what are you going to do?’ she asked, pleading. ‘Please don’t leave her, Rob.’ She was now weeping openly. She walked over to me with her arms outstretched. We hugged as she wept, shaking in my arms. I could feel her tears on my neck; her breasts pressed against my chest. I began to sob as well. ‘I’m sorry, Rache. I don’t want to,’ I said between the sobs. ‘I can’t think of any other way.’ She squeezed me harder, still weeping. Then she said it. ‘Maybe…Maybe I can…’ Her hands ran down my back; her embrace slowly changing from a comforting hug to a sensual embrace. I felt her lips kiss my neck. She whispered in my ear. ‘I would do anything, Rob. Let me help out. I can’t let this happen. I just can’t.’ In my utter shock I stood like a statue, trying not to react to Rachel’s apparent offer. ‘Rachel, I…This isn’t…’ Her hand pressed against my groin. Instantly my cock was aflame. ‘Hhhhh….’ I slumped in ecstasy. Still weeping, she asked, ‘Would this help, Rob? If I …take care of things…for you, would it help?’ She was kissing my neck and cheek. Her hand pressed even harder into my swiftly stiffening dick. I pushed away, but she held on to the back of my neck and before I knew it, her lips were on mine. Our mouths opened and our tongues met. I was just a few seconds away from losing control…So tried to make sure of this before it was too late…I pulled my mouth away from hers. ’Rachel…wait. Are you sure you’re…I mean, this is crazy!’ She was breathing heavily as she stared intently into my eyes. Her tears were gone. ‘Maybe. But if I can help keep you two together…. Look, just don’t talk. Let me do what I think is right.’ She began working my buttons and zipper; soon she had pulled my hard-on out of my pants and was stroking it. It was heavenly. She looked down at my cock, wide-eyed, barely able to hide her amazement. It was a full 10” when erect, and it was pretty close to that already. ‘C’mon. On the couch.’ I dizzily complied. As I sat back on the couch, Rachel pulled my jeans down past my knees. She sat next to me and put on arm around my back and started to slowly jerk me off with the other. ‘This will help you, Rob. You’ll feel better.’ Her hand felt wonderful; the first female hand to touch my genitals in over one year. ‘There. That what you need? That feel good? Hm? We can do this, Rob; we can do this and everything will be OK. I’m doing it for you two because I love you both, OK?’ I nodded my head, eyes closed, enjoying every stroke. God, it was good. Soon I was making low moaning noises; Rachel talked to me as if I was a little kid. ‘Yeah, that’s good. Mm-hm..’ She handled my meat like an expert. Every so often I took a peek at her and noticed that she looked at my dick with intense fascination; perhaps she had never seen one so big. Clearly she was enjoying her work. ‘Tabitha will never know. Everything will be OK. We’ll just…meet, and, ah…do this…every now and then…’ It sounded like she was talking to herself; trying to convince herself. I reflexively put my hand on her knee and she quickly but gently removed it. ‘Sorry,’ I offered. ‘That’s OK,’ she replied, speeding up her jacking motion. I felt the cum rising and knew it would be over soon. So did she. ‘Good, honey. Mmmm, yes…It’s OK, let it go, let it go…Yes! Oh, yeah, let it go, Rob!’ I let it go…I came in 3 spurts of thick hot cum, shooting onto my T-shirt and the couch. Some of it landed on Rachel’s hand and arm. I roared in orgasmic bliss, my ass completely off the couch. She squeezed my fat cock and the remaining jizz oozed out and onto her fist. We both sat, panting, for a few minutes, then Rachel got up and grabbed some Kleenex to clean up the mess. She looked at me as I stood and got my self together. Her eyes lingered on my dick as I stuffed it back into my briefs. ‘You OK, Rob? I mean, you’re not…I mean, I know this is strange, and I don’t want you to think I’m some kind of slut, or anyth—‘ ‘No, Rachel, just a little…confused, I guess. I’m fine, really. It was…it was great!’ I laughed uncomfortably. ‘Wow!’ Rachel sounded very mature; very sure of herself. ‘If this is all it takes, then It’s OK with me, Rob. No one will ever know; right?’ I nodded absolutely. ‘I guess…um…I don’t know. I guess we’ll see each other soon enough; the birthdays are coming…Just keep in touch when you really need to, ah, talk again.’ I turned to face her. ‘Thank you, Rachel. Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me, and to Tabitha. But don’t worry. She’ll never know.’ I gave her an intense hug, once again feeling her ample boobs press against me, then I turned to go. It worked. Perfectly. I had her. A QUICK DIP IN THE POOL/JULY 1, 1999 Circumstances finally lined up in my favor a few weeks later. I had heard through the grapevine that Rachel and Tabitha’s parents were spending the weekend at their house on Cape Warren; Tabitha was working until about 9 pm that night. I waited a few weeks, so I wouldn’t appear to be ‘too needy’, but I was jonesing for another encounter with my hot 18-year-old sister-in-law. Out running errands in the early afternoon, I thought I’d swing by the family house and see if Rachel’s jeep was there. Yes. Looked like she was home alone. I walked directly into the back yard and looked over the wooden fence. There she was. Standing at the edge of the pool barefoot in a T-shirt and super-short cut-offs, skimming the water. I stood on the other side of the fence for a few moments, watching her work; her shoulder length blonde hair blowing in the hot summer breeze, standing on tip-toes as she reached over to the pool’s far side, accentuating those beautiful athletic legs; bending over and squatting to lift something out of the water, her ass cheeks showing just a bit from the bottom of her short-shorts. She obviously wore no bra under her t-shirt. Finally, I swung the gate open and entered, making as much noise as I could so she’d know I was there. She turned to face me at the sound of the gate. Expressionless, she stood as I approached her. I smiled and said ’Hey…how are ya?’ She didn’t respond. I kept talking. ‘Thought I’d come over for a few laps around the pool. You don’t mind, do you?’ ‘No, uh…No, not at all! I’m almost done, go right ahead.’ She didn’t make eye contact and was obviously uncomfortable. Perhaps it was the way I had showed up out of the blue; perhaps she wasn’t willing to follow through on her offer. ‘Look, I’m sorry, maybe I should have called first? Your dad said anytime I wanted I could come over and—‘ ‘And use the pool, sure. But is that all you want to use today, Bob?’ She looked me square in the eye and spoke loudly. I looked nervously around the yard; Rachel crossed her arms and looked down at the ground. ‘I’m sorry. I guess I just hadn’t thought this all through; how we’d make this work, you know, beyond that first time. When and where we’d…do it.’ ‘You having second thoughts?’ My eyes were fixed on her ankle bracelet; I found it very sexy. ‘No. I…no. It’s funny. We went out to lunch late last week and she seemed so…up. She couldn’t stop talking about the change in your attitude. She was really excited about this summer…you know, Cape Warren, and all. So I guess it worked.‘ ‘I think so too. It’s like this dark cloud has lifted from our relationship. I think she’s so happy that I’m feeling better about us that she’s not even wondering why…’ ‘You would never tell her what we did, right?’ ‘Oh my god…Never. Rachel, you’re saving our marriage. For her to find out would ruin it. I’m just like you: I want everyone to be happy.’ I paused, watching her face. ‘But that includes you, you know. Are you still OK with this?’ She walked over to the deck and sat on the edge; I followed. ‘You did come over for more, didn’t you?’ ‘Yes.’ I looked at her sincerely. ‘But if you’re having second thoughts, Rache, I’ll take a quick dip and leave. Forget the whole thing.’ ‘Then what?’ ‘I don’t know. I guess I’ll be back at square one.’ Rachel sat for a minute in silence. I turned and faced the clear blue water in the pool. I pulled my shirt off, kicked my sneakers over onto the grass, and dived into the deep end. I swam across it’s length and back a few times. Then out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Rachel was in the pool with me. She was kneeling a bit, keeping the water level over her tits; the white t-shirt she was wearing had been rendered invisible by the water in the pool. I swam over waited for her to speak. She opened her mouth to speak; then stopped. After a few more moments of silence, she swam a lap herself, finishing up beside me. She stood straight up, revealing her fabulous breasts, completely visible through her saturated t-shirt. My eyes locked on them immediately. She stared sternly at me. ‘Come into the porch with me,’ she said curtly. We climbed out of the pool together and she motioned me into the porch. I dried myself off and followed. Her breasts swung as she took the towel from me. The wet shirt clinged to every atom of her boobs, revealing all to me. The color of her areola, the size and shape of her large pinkish nipples, everything. It was as if she were topless. She dried her hair as much as she could with the damp towel. ‘Take those off’, she said, pointing to my shorts. I looked at her hard, trying to read her face, but she was hiding any trace of expression. I bent and slipped them off, kicking them back toward the door. Rachel looked directly at my dick, which was taking its sweet time growing back to its regular flaccid size; the pool water was chilly. ‘Water’s cold’, I said, smiling sheepishly. She sort-of grinned and replied, ‘I know…’ and pulled the front of her shirt away from her nipples, trying in vain to hide her tits from my view through the now-invisible shirt. She sat on a couch at the back of the small screened-in room and said somewhat coldly, ‘Come here.’ I walked over to her; my cock was exactly at her mouth-level, just inches away. Apparently she just wanted to get it over with. But her eyes told a different story…there was that look of fascination as she eyed my big dick, now elongating and thickening before her eyes. She grasped it at its base and began stroking it. Still only semi-hard, she squeezed, pulled and kneaded it as she worked it. When it was finally 99% hard, she whispered, ‘There…there we go.’ Her face took on a new intensity, far from the guarded, reserved mood of just a few minutes before. With her other hand, she cupped my balls, feeling them and playing with them curiously. The way she went at my genitals told me that she’d definitely never seen a cock as large as mine before. She was in another world as she jerked off my now fully hard tool. Once or twice it actually looked as if she might slip it into her mouth, just inches away…She seemed to be thinking it over; or was it my imagination? I was breathing heavily and began to moan. God, I wanted to fuck her pretty mouth. She was squirming on her seat and kept looking up at me to see how far along I was. ‘Do you feel it? Bob? Is it coming?’ ‘Oh, OH! Soon…Oh, It feels so good…’ I looked down at her pointy nipples; she caught me but ignored it. ‘I know, honey. Just tell me when, OK?’ I nodded. Her firm titties jiggled with her every stroke; I was mesmerized by their movements. Soon my nuts tightened; we could both feel it. ‘Mmmm…here it comes. Yeah…C’mon, Bobby, c’mon; give it to me…Yeah!’ She was jerking it so hard now that it hurt. I yelled through clenched teeth as I came, not caring one bit where I shot my load. Jets of thick white cum erupted from the head of my swollen cock. They poured onto Rachel’s soaking t-shirt and the back of the couch. I almost fell over from the intensity of the orgasm; Rachel’s eyes were on fire as she watched the jizz shoot onto her titties. We both panted like dogs as she milked the remaining goo from my thick hog. Once again, she cut things very short and said, ‘Bye. I’ll see you at Mum’s party.’ She ran out of the porch and dived back into the pool. I recovered my trunks and sat on the couch for a while, catching my breath and watching her swim. Then I left for home. THE BIRTHDAY PARTY/JULY 16, 1999 The next time I saw Rachel was about 2 weeks later at her Mom’s house; the family always had a huge birthday bash in August for 3 or 4 people whose birthdays were around that time. We were all dropping by now and again to help clean and set up the house for lots of guests. Tabitha and I stopped in to bring over a tablecloth; Rachel was there helping decorate the living room. We were all very cool, neither one of us showing even a hint of a secret between us. Tabitha and I seemed very much the happily married couple; Rachel was very pleased to see how well we were getting along. When I had the chance, I murmured to her, ‘I’m not sure if this is still OK or not, but…can we ‘talk’ again soon?’ I looked at her as if I was afraid she’d take my head off. She stopped dead in her tracks. ‘Everything…you guys seem so…You’re still not…’ She was dumbfounded. ‘No, were not having sex. Rachel, everything’s so good because I have an ‘outlet’ now, you know? It’s working because of what we did! What we’re doing!’ I looked at her plaintively, hoping she’d understand. ‘I mean…that time at the pool was the last time I’ve…‘ ‘SSHH! Jesus, be quiet!’ ‘Sorry.’ I looked as dejected as I could. ‘Well. OK then. I don’t want to have to beg, Rachel. Don’t make me beg. We can forget the—‘ ‘No. OK. I’ll be in and out of here all day and night on Thursday and Friday. I assume you guys will be coming and going too?’ I nodded. ‘So sometime at the end of the week, then, we’ll try to make it work out then.’ Just then, Tabitha walked into the room and said, ’Rob, we’ve really gotta get moving. See ya, Rache.’ We said our good-byes to the others and headed home. That Thursday, my wife and I were at the homestead 2 or three times; no Rachel. I even stopped by another 2 times by myself; still no Rachel. Was she avoiding this or was it bad timing? I guess I’d see tomorrow night at the big bash. The outfit Rachel was wearing to her mother’s birthday party was so hot, I’d swear it was designed specifically to turn me on. I had never seen her decked out like this before. A short, black cocktail dress, big, black strappy shoes; her hair was pulled back, exposing her exquisite neck. My god, what did her fiancée John think of her coming to the house looking like this? What did her mother think? I knew what I thought. I wanted her to touch my cock again. I wanted to come all over that black dress, that beautiful neck. The party proceeded as it usually did, year after year, except Rachel had trouble making eye contact with me all night. She always had a beer in her hand, as well…There seemed to be a slight smirk on her face; was it my imagination? Was she…teasing me? Or avoiding me? This was maddening; not knowing if I’d be getting any relief tonight. Finally, I cornered her coming out of the bathroom in the back hall. ‘You look really nice tonight,’ I said, smiling innocently. ‘Thanks. Doesn’t Tabitha look great, too? You guys seem so happy together now…I haven’t seen her this way in a long time.’ ‘Yeah, she does look really great. It’s when she looks like that…that’s when it’s the hardest. Um…God you look so hot, too…REALLY hot…’ ‘Rob…’ I looked her legs up and down. My dick was stiffening as we spoke, anticipating another hand job. ‘When I see you look like that, Rachel…I just…’ She quickly cut me off. ‘So, OK, you think this is…right now…a good time?’ My heart pounded. ‘I guess, um…She’s playing with the kids out on the porch. If we’re quick—‘ ‘C’mon.’ And with that, she grabbed my arm and led me to the top of the stairs that led to the seldom-used attic room. Once at the top, it was almost completely dark; I felt Rachel’s hands at my belt. I leaned back, up against the door as she pulled my pants down to my ankles. I briefly wondered how she had ducked her fiancée John; then she was holding my erect dick in her hot hands. Nothing could prepare me for the surprise that would follow… We stood in almost complete darkness, making out like school kids while she beat me off. She really knew how to jerk a cock…She beat my meat like it was her own. I was soon saying things I thought about, but never thought I’d say to her. ‘Rachel. I need to fuck. I have to fuck you. Please. Please let me fuck you…’ Rachel gently squeezed my balls as I ran my hands over the back of her dress. My hands headed down to the hem of her mini-dress, and I reached under and grabbed a handful of her fine, firm 18 year old ass, (thong!!) but she suddenly jerked her head away from mine…Oops, I thought…I had gone way too far; that’s out-of-bounds. She backed away…But I instantly recognized that the sensation I was now experiencing was NOT a hand job. She was blowing me. My god, she was fantastic. Her hot mouth moved up and down my thick shaft completely; deep throat was not a problem for Rachel. She took it ALL…it was a dream come true. Adrenaline was pouring through my body as the pleasure of her blowjob mixed with the surprise and the fact that my wife and her future husband were just a few rooms away… As I leaned back against the stucco wall for support as she sucked me, I accidentally flicked on the stairway light!! The light shocked me into blindness; but as I regained my vision, I saw a lovely blonde, athletic 18-year-old girl, squatting on the floor and swallowing my 10” dick. She looked up at me as she sucked, as if to make sure I was enjoying it…Duh… Her dress had ridden up; most of her hot young legs were exposed, along with a fair bit of black lace pantied crotch. One of the straps on the dress had fallen down and mucho cleavage was exposed…the view was enough to get my jizz rising…She held my dick at its base, occasionally jerking it off as she sucked it long and slow. I put a hand on top of her head and gently guided her. It was time. Where would I shoot? Rachel had that all figured out. She never took her mouth off of my dick. I came gushing into her throat and she swallowed every drop. I really messed up her hair, holding her head in my hands as I tried not to thrust during my orgasm. She sucked every ounce of sperm from my dick, then stood up and said, ’that should keep you for a while, huh? See ya downstairs.’ I got my pants back on and took a few seconds to regain my composure. Wow! What had I started here?! That was definitely the hottest thing that had ever happened to me in my entire 30-year life. The only thing that happened during the remainder of that night was my wife continually asking me what was wrong…I couldn’t get my mind off of the memory of Rachel in that black dress, kneeling before me and sucking my cock. Rachel, wiping the sperm from her lips and saying ‘See ya downstairs’. Rachel, who at that very moment was driving back to Shelbyville with her boyfriend, carrying a bellyful of my cum. I was in a daze…for days… LIVING DANGEROUSLY/JULY 28-AUG 5, 1999 2 weeks later. Mid-summer, at my in-law’s summer house on Cape Warren: Tabitha and I are there for a week, with her older sister Heidi and our 2 nieces, aged 6 and 8. Rachel came down for the day to visit with her sisters and the girls and to enjoy a day or 2 at the beach. If we were going to ‘talk’, it would be difficult. How would we ever find a moment alone? Once again, she had arrived dressed uncharacteristically hot; her pink hot pants and yellow tube top actually garnered some negative feedback from the eldest sister, Heidi. With great effort, I pretended not to notice, but in truth, it was impossible not to try to sneak a peak here and there. Dressed like that, she looked as if she were built for just one thing. Her big boobs strained at the clingy material of the top; the tiniest hint of ass-cheek showed at the bottom of her short hot pants. Hot pants, indeed…the ankle bracelet and a killer tan were the icing on the luscious cake. As it turned out, the very first day we were all there together, I struck pay dirt. Tabitha was lying on the large back deck in the sun and Rachel was about to join her; Heidi and the girls had gone into town to get supplies for the impromptu cookout we had planned for that night. I made a big deal out of the fact that I’d gotten too much sun already and was going to be upstairs on the upper deck, reading the book I had brought along on this trip. Rachel smirked at me and Tabitha asked if I could come down in an hour in case they had fallen asleep. ‘Sure. See you in an hour.’ The upper deck was off the master bedroom on the opposite side of the house. On my way to the master bedroom, I detoured over to the bedroom that looked directly over the deck the ladies were sunning themselves on. They lay side by side on oversized blankets, rubbing themselves with suntan oil and chatting. Tabitha had pulled her bikini top down to just above the nipple and peeled her bottom down to just above the top of her pubic hair. My wife was super-hot, just like her younger sister, taller and thinner, and with smaller boobs, but still a great bod; but Rachel was the one who was making me come… Perhaps she knew I was watching, I don’t know, but as they settled into sun themselves, Rachel pulled her tube top completely off. ‘You don’t mind, do you?’ she asked Tabitha casually. ‘Rachel!! Rob’s here! He’s just upstairs!’ Tabitha was shocked at her little sister’s bravado. ‘He won’t be down for an hour. I don’t want tan lines. John doesn’t like them. Don’t worry!’ Rachel began applying oil to her gorgeous breasts. As she lay back on her towel, the swung from side to side as she got comfortable. Tabitha looked down at her own titties, pulling her top down and fully exposing her boobs. ‘Tan lines…Do I have them?’ She pulled off her shades and inspected herself. Rachel glanced over and checked out her sister’s pretty tits. Tabitha’s nipples were hardening. ‘You can see a difference. Does Rob like tan lines? Some guys do.’ Tabitha stammered. ‘Uh, no, he doesn’t mind.’ She quickly pulled her top back up, higher than it had been before. ‘Just don’t fall asleep like that. He’ll be down in an hour,’ she snapped. She sounded pissed. Rachel had ‘inadvertently’ touched on a sore spot with her big sister. Perhaps she had been checking to see if the story of my plight was true. Tabitha’s reaction to her question should have been all the proof she needed. I sat on the deck in a huge upholstered lounge chair and opened my book. I wasn’t sure if Rachel realized it, but this was a perfect time for her to come up and take care of me. I listened for any sound inside the house to indicate that she was on the same wavelength. After about 10 minutes, I gave up and started to read. There were a few more days left anyway. I was just getting into the book when she appeared in the doorway. ‘Hi. I told her wanted to call John about tonight.’ She came quickly over to the chair and sat on the edge. Her tube top was back on but her cleavage glistened with oil. She caught me looking down her top. ‘Gotta watch those tan lines,’ I said, checking for reaction. ‘You saw that? You were watching?’ I nodded. ‘You’re fantastic. I need more. Please.’ I reached over to pull her top down, expecting her to smack my hands away. She didn’t. I pulled it down, freeing her bouncing tits. Her nipples hardened immediately. Her eyes never left mine. ‘Oh, god…’ She looked sad. ‘This is getting…Bob, you know I’m only doing this for the sake of your marriage, right?’ I nodded, taking one big boob in my hand and gently kneading it. ‘Oh, shit…this isn’t really cheating, I mean I’m doing it for her! Her happiness!’ ‘Right. No, you’re right. This is the biggest favor you could ever do for her, Rachel.’ I gently pinched her nipple. She closed her eyes as her face flushed. ‘Ooohh…I’m just trying to keep everybody happy…I don’t know what’s right anymore…’ she said as she pulled the top of my trunks down, exposing my half-hard cock. She looked at its head hungrily. ‘Trying to help my sister…’ She bent over into my lap and licked the underside of my cockhead like a popsicle. I had both of her tits in my hands as she pulled my shorts down further, revealing the whole 10” pole. ‘Oh…yeah…God, Bob, it’s so big…’ I grabbed my huge dick at its base and pointed it at her mouth. ‘Is John’s this big?’ I asked, suspecting the answer was no. ‘Don’t talk about John now. Please. Just let me…’ I let go of her tits and felt them mash into my knees as she went down on me again with a loud, ‘Mmmmmmmm…’ She hungrily sucked me for about five minutes. ‘Oh, Rachel. OH….that’s so good…you suck me soo good…’ She looked up at me, smiling, licking…she was truly enjoying this. I felt her hard nipples poking across my legs. She licked it up and down like a lollipop for a bit and I asked, ‘When can I fuck you, Rache? Let me fuck you….Ahhh…’ The naughty smile disappeared and she shook her head, ‘No.’ Suddenly we heard the familiar sound of tires on gravel; it was Heidi and the girls returning from their shopping trip. Rachel pulled my meat out of her mouth. ‘Oh my god! Shit!’ She sat up, but not too high; any higher and she’d be visible from the driveway. She snapped her tube top back over her chest and scooted into the bedroom. She must have flown through the house because in just a few seconds she was on the back deck, announcing that Heidi had returned. Damn…second blowjob from this hottie, me with two handfuls of those luscious young titties, interrupted just as we got going. I knew it would be difficult here at the summerhouse, but I’d take whatever I could get. I watched from the bedroom window as Tab got up and entered the house. I resumed my reading. Not exactly a close call, but you can’t be too careful. Later that night, during the cookout, Rachel found a moment and whispered to me, ‘Do you


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A Helping Hand

I'm still not sure why you wanted to talk to me about all of this...maybe you guys should go to ...counseling, or something?' She looked at me sympathetically, but seemed as if she felt that this conversation might be out of her league. You're her sister, Rachel. You know her better than anyone. I need some advice and I think you're the only one who can help! If you don't want to,


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