Gay Erotic Stories

Complete Control

by Fantasy Girl
25 Jun 2001

College Days

It was the end of my senior year in college. It was time to pack my things and head back home to Pennsylvania. It has been four years since I’ve seen my sister Clarissa. A couple of years ago my parents passed away and left Clarissa their large colonial home in the middle of nowhere. I didn’t have any desire to go back to my hometown but I missed my sister and didn’t have a set plan in mind of where I wanted to restart my life yet. Clarissa agreed to let me come stay with her for a while. Clarissa never went to college; she had too many bad experiences in High School that made her have no desire to further her schooling. She has everything going for her she’s beautiful. Long Blonde shiny hair, a great full figure and the most beautiful blue eyes you have ever seen. Unlike my sister I am very petite, light brown hair and brown eyes. However, her looks compared to mine have given us two different lifestyles. Clarissa was always picked on in school and treated with no respect especially by men. I have always been respected and have been liked for more than just how I look. As a result I had more friends, more men that liked me for me and more confidence in myself. Clarissa has been used several times by the boys in school. I would hear people talking in the hall of what a great piece of ass she was and how that is all she is good for. Girls in the halls calling her a slut and other boys waiting for their turn to lie to her and get her into bed. Clarissa is all grown up now and living in our hometown in PA off of our parents inheritance money and in the house we grew up in. I feel kind of bad for her because she never did much with her life. She is now 26 years old and still single. I wondered often what she did with her time. It was Friday Morning, June 28, 2000 my last day here at Monmouth College and Clarissa sent the Chauffer to come and give me a ride home. Late that Friday afternoon I arrived at our home in PA. There was no one around for miles, the nearest store was 28 miles away and the silence was killing me already. I am not used to this kind of life anymore and I knew I wasn’t going to like it much. I proceeded to walk up to the front door and there was Clarissa waiting for me with a big smile. “Hi Sandra, how is my little sister? I haven’t seen you in so long”. She gave me a big hug, congratulated me on graduating and instructed the chauffer to bring my bags up to my room. Clarissa tip the chauffer $200.00 for driving me home and sent him away. There was a faint sound coming from the basement that sounded like an alarm. Clarissa told me to go up in my room and make myself comfortable “There is something I have to take care of right now Clarissa exclaimed”. She was acting kind of strange but then I haven’t seen her in a while and maybe I was just being paranoid. I went upstairs to my bedroom where I grew up as a child and it felt so strange to be there again. I sat down on my bed and looked around a bit and then remembered the air duct under my bed that enabled me to hear everything going on throughout the house. Many times I was able to hear Mom and Dad having sex. I often played with myself listening to them moaning and screaming. The thought gave me a twinge and I began to feel flushed. Through the air duct I heard “BE A GOOD BOY! that’s right make Clarissa cum for you. You want to taste my cum? Hmmm”? OHHOOOOOO! I heard a man moan. WAS I hearing things, what was she doing down there? I knelt down on the floor trying not to make any noise so I could hear more of what was going on. OOH HO HO MMMMMMMM! OH Please I heard the man cry. What was she doing to him? After lying there a few minutes listening to this man cry several times and plead with my sister. There was silence. I continued to listen but heard nothing. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING SANDRA?” Startled I turned to see my sister standing over me with an intense look on her face. What are u doing, hmm?” Are you eavesdropping on me sis? By the look on my face she could tell I heard everything and she demanded that I get up off the floor. There will be no Violation of my privacy in my house, What I do in my home is nobody’s business but since you made it your business I might as well make you a part of it. Get up off the floor now and follow me. But Clarissa I exclaimed! What is..? SHHHH! Come with me and I will show you. Clarissa. As we came closer to the bottom of the basement stairs I heard faint sounds of weeping coming from behind the door at the far end of the room. Hello, Whom do we have here? A beautiful girl came out from the darkness named Melony, She was very sexy. “This is my little sister Clarissa explained to Melony”. “She was eavesdropping on me” MmHMM so what are we going to do about it Melony asked with a mischievous look in her eye. First we will explain to her what is going on around here and then we will punish her for her actions. You see sis, Melony and I are tired of being used by men, they think we are only good for one thing and we are going to punish them for their actions. Melony and I went out last weekend to the center of town and picked up these guys whom we both have in common. They took us to bed and then went on with their lives like we didn’t exist anymore. We made them think we were taking them home for a little fun but that was only half true. The only one having any fun is Me and Melony. Clarissa opened the door to expose the two men strapped to two reclining chairs. Both of them lye there with tears in their eyes and I looked down to notice their cocks were extremely swollen and sticking straight up just aching to be touched. They were both breathing heavy. Melony tell her what we have been doing to them, Clarissa ordered. Well Melony explained “For the past seven days we have brought both of these men to the brink of orgasm several times but never followed through. They are being tortured for the way they treated us.” Then she whispered to me. “We intend to make them suffer for a very long time only they will never know at all if we are ever going to make them cum” This here is Tony and this is George. She pulled the gag out of Tony’s mouth. Hello Baby, she smiled at Tony as she reached down and began to tug on his swollen cock. As she jerked on his cock she smiled and said, “You want me to make this cock explode don’t you?” Tony weeped as she bent over to suck on the tip of his cock. MMMHMM OH OH OH Please make me cum Tony Cried!. I don’t think you deserve to cum yet, you have been a really bad boy. NOW! For your punishment Sandra! Clarissa grabbed me and Melony began to rip my pants off. WHAT are you doing!? I yelled. Clarissa what are you going to do? Clarissa just smiled. They had my clothes completely off now and Proceeded to put leather straps around my legs arms and waist. They sat me in this harness and began to raise me towards the ceiling right above Tony’s face. You want to taste that pussy Tony? HMMM? Tony nodded and pleaded with Clarissa and Melony. Melony began to lower me towards Tony’s mouth and he stuck out his tongue to reach my hole. Melony lowered me just enough for Tony to have a taste for a few seconds and then raised me up again beyond his reach. OH GOD! Tony yelled. She lowered me back down within Tony’s reach and he sucked on my moist hole like a starving animal. I could feel myself getting wet and my pussy began to drip into Tony’s mouth. My pussy began to tingle and I was starting to like the feeling of his lips wrapped around my clit and his tongue invading the entrance of my hole. THAT’s enough now! Melanie shouted! Melanie pushed me forward right above Tony’s aching cock and began to lower me down towards his hard erection. “Now Sandra Tony’s cock has been aching all week and is swollen to an enormous size as you can see. I hope you can handle it as I release this animal on you.” No I cried, Please I’m I’m Your what! Melanie said firmly. I’m still a virgin. A virgin huh? Well Not for long, Melony spoke to Tony. Here is what you have been waiting for all week baby. You want to insert that fat cock in this tight virgin hole? Hmmm? Would you like that? Oh YES! Oh Yes Tony Yelled. Melanie then lowered me onto his cock. Giving Tony the ok to thrust his cock inside me. I began to feel pressure on my entrance and Tony continued to poke at my moist hole with his cock but his hands were all tied up not enabling him to work his cock inside me. Clarissa then walked over. “Need some help?” as she wrapped her hand around his cock. Tony squirmed and moaned as she jerked him off a little and then proceeded to push the head of his swollen mushroom inside me. I cried as I felt him push through. NO Clarissa! I cried. “HE IS IN!” Clarissa Exclaimed to Melanie. OH YEH! I heard Tony Yell. “Oh you like that pussy Melanie chuckled. He began to push his way through like a mad man, screaming louder than I was as he was able to get his cock all the way up inside me. Melony was caressing George’s cock as she ordered him to watch Tony fuck me. I felt my insides being violated but then realized how good his dripping cock felt inside me. I began to relax and just let it happen, enjoying every moment of his hard cock enter my body. I heard George Moaning in the background as he yelled out to Melanie begging her to make him cum. OH GOD! OH Please Make ME CUM! NO! I looked over to see Clarissa rocking his cock back and forth with a firm grip. She smiled at him. I noticed his cock was red at the tip and dripping with his cum. His veins began to swell even more as she took her two fingers and slid them up and down his cock. Tony continued to thrust his cock inside me and I felt his cock start to swell. Melanie noticed the look on his face and bent over once again to lick his balls and tease him with her tongue. Tony weeped and pleaded and Melanie new he was about to cum. She then abruptly pulled me off of his cock and turned to look at George. I think we ought to give George a turn now. What do you think Melanie? Clarissa said. HMMM do you think he deserves it? Tony pleaded with her not to stop because his cock was once again on the edge of orgasm. They just smiled at Tony and swung me over and above the recliner that George was lying on. George’s cock seemed worse than Tony’s, you can tell he has been tortured and teased for an awful long time. We don’t give these guys a break at all Melanie said. We have been making sure these cocks stay hard and swollen constantly. During the day Clarissa works on them and at night I take my shift. If Clarissa or I can’t be here then we apply this artificial life like pussy to there cocks and every so often it will work their cocks few a minute and then stop. Clarissa began to yell at Tony still weeping in the background. You’re not being a good boy and she went over and put a firm grip on his cock. She looked into his eyes. You are not being a bad boy again are you? I don’t know if we can ever give this cock any relief now. OH PLEASSSE! TONY CRIED. Please don’t do this. I can’t take it anymore. Melanie looked at George; you want to have your turn inside this pussy hmmm? Melanie then lowered me onto George’s swollen cock. AHHHHHH! George screamed loudly and begged and pleaded with Melanie to please let him cum as he thrusted his cock inside me as fast as he could. George fucked me with all his might and I felt my pussy clamping down on him. Melanie then yelled over to Clarissa.. She’s going to CUM! Don’t let the bitch cum. She is being punished also. Ok Clarissa said. Lets take a break for now. They are at the point where the slightest touch will set them off. Clarissa then ordered Melanie to take me upstairs and give me a shower. Clarissa gave the guys something to eat and told them she would be back later. They wept and pleaded with her to help them out but Clarissa refused. Melissa walked me upstairs and into the bathroom. She began to caress my ass as she walked along side me. Melissa closed the bathroom door and locked it. She leaned me up against the wall and began to touch clit that was so sensitive and massage my breast with her other hand. I’ve never been with a girl before I was feeling very vulnerable at this time. ARE YOU going to be a good girl? SHE asked firmly as she slowly bent down to kiss my stomach. I looked at her with a surprised look on my face as the excitement rushed through me. Melanie ordered me to sit on the edge of the Bathtub. She then slowly spread my legs wide and worked her tongue up and down my lips and clit. With each lick I felt my pussy contracting and getting wetter by the second. I knew at any moment I would release all my fluids into her mouth. I was about to squirt in a girl’s mouth but I didn’t care. It felt so good. Melanie looked up at me and ordered me to cum in her mouth. C’MON Cum in my mouth you little bitch! I began to tremble all over and released several streams of cum all over her face and in her mouth. I just kept squirting and thought I would never stop. Now you will continue to be a good girl and keep this between you and me wont you? Melanie exclaimed. I looked at her and nodded. NO more eavesdropping either. I nodded again. Later on that night all was quiet. I lye in my bed still thinking I was dreaming about what went on earlier. I Heard noises coming from the basement again. I knew Clarissa was asleep and so was Melanie. Then I remembered how Melanie and Clarissa said they had something set up to wake the guys up and tease them all night long. I felt so bad for them. Knowing what it feels like to want to cum so bad and can’t. Being trapped in that college dorm for four years and living the straight and narrow life I did. There wasn’t much satisfaction for me. I didn’t care if Melanie or Clarissa would punish me again. I kind of liked their punishment. I quietly snuck out of the room and down to the basement and watch what was going on. The boys were lying there weeping again as this artificial vagina fucked and squeezed their cocks. They cried and they moaned as these artificial vaginas had sensors on them. If they felt their cocks expand at all they would stop for 5 minutes. I could see the intense look on George’s and Tony’s face and the intensity of the cum they were about to have and saw the look on their face when the sensors stopped them from Cumming. I decided to take it a step further not caring about the consequences. I walked over to Tony and George strapped in the seats next to each other. I took their cocks in each hand and removed the artificial vaginas from them. Wouldn’t you rather have the real thing? I said as I began to stroke both of them, OHH yeah, Oh yes please they cried. Their cocks felt so good in my hand. I began to take turns sucking on each of their swollen heads as I looked at them with a look that told them I wanted to help them out. Their cocks were so hard and I couldn’t pass up the chance to feel them inside me before I gave them the relief they have been waiting for. I climbed up on top of Tony and began to insert his cock inside me. I stuck my hard nipples in his mouth for him to nurse on. Tony cried and moaned as I straddled his cock. I reached over to jerk on George so he didn’t feel left out taking his hand and placing it on my tits. Tony’s cock began to expand inside me and as much as I would have liked to feel his enormous load emptied inside me I had to stop because I had no protection. I then took a turn on George’s cock fucking him and rubbing his swollen head on my clit. Do you want my cum all over your cock George, hmmm? Is that what you want? I looked at him as my eyes rolled in the back of my head. My pussy started to tremble all over his cock and the cum raced out of me, dripping down the sides of his cock and balls. George cried out as he felt my pussy squeeze him and all my hot juices all over him. I abruptly stood up with my nipples hanging in both of their face and took both of their enormously swollen sensitive cocks in my hand. I looked at both of them intensely as if to beg them to shower me with their cum. C’mon boys, it’s ok now. It’s ok now I am here to help you. Cum all over me. Let it all out now. Both Tony and George’s eyes widened with excitement. AHHHHHHHHH FUCK! Tony yelled OOHOOOLY SHIT! George yelled as the Emptied every last drop off built up cum all over me. My body was completely covered. They just kept squirting and screaming and squirting for at least 3 minutes. It was great. Me and the guys then began to plan our revenge on Melanie and Clarissa. To be Continued…… By Fantasy Girl


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