Gay Erotic Stories

Marcy's Appliances

by Sparky Kronkite
15 Feb 2001


Hey all, Marcy again. You know, "The Squirter." Hah, one of the few, the proud.... the squirters! Well, I just recently experienced, "the greatest sex event of my entire life," (thus far) - and I finally found time to hack it out on this here beige beast.... the Dell from hell, the not so bored at the keyboard, hunt and pecker's, delight of delights.... my lap-top! Of course you wouldn't know it but Paul (he's my husband, my babe) and I have cum (oh, excuse me) - come - a long way in our relationship. At least from my view point anyway. We just celebrated our 5th anniversary. Hurray! Yep, it's hard to believe but we're as happy as ever, even thinking of having children! Heavens forbid! My titties hurt just thinking about it. But hey, let's not talk kids here - this is about my, or I should say "our," anniversary present. Some time ago Paul and I'd been talking, as we usually do, about what else? Sex! (That's with a capitol "S" and that rhymes with next and that's what I want and lot's of it - next guy in line...please! Next partner, next sexual experience.... Please, fill me up!) So anyway, (I got carried away there) - we were thinking, we're very creative you know - we were thinking about "torture." No, not unpleasant torture, not the pain that is associated with most torture - but "pleasant torture," - fun torture, erotic torture.... yes you got it, "sexual torture." Yeah, "that's it," (Bing!) we thought together, sexual torture! Sexual saturation! We wondered, hmmm? Is this even possible? Would... could a person go insane? Where and how could this be achieved or tested? Just like tickling someone until they actually hurt, could sexual torture have a negative effect? We weren't sure. For days we went wild thinking about this concept and discussing it. Devious minds do think alike. Well, after a while we both came up with the same idea at once. I would be the guinea pig. (Of course!) Sexual torture/saturation - for me and.... excruciating pleasure for Paul too, in that he would be observing and directing this event. But how? How to set it up? How to implement it? Who would the torturers be? How would we bring this "special sexual event" off - so I could be "taken unawares?" In other words, how could we do this so I could partake in the reality of the situation, in an entirely spontaneous way, in order to prevent this particular sexual episode from eroding into some kind of a pre-planned thing, a non-event, or a non-test? Did you all follow that? I hope so. I tell you, at the thought of this whole thing, my stomach flipped, my toes curled, my chest got hot and I just about frigging died. We finally decided, that I was only to know.... that "this would" take place.... sometime in the near future. But I wouldn't know anything about the details. I'd be clueless as to when, where and how. I should explain here that I - and Paul too - are not and have never been into S&M. And "that's not," what we were going for here. No real pain, at least not serious pain. Not for us. Sexual pleasure was to be the key - and it was to be unlimited, never ending, sexual pleasure - yes, it would be under restraint for sure, that in order to provide for total submission.... this was our goal. Sexual pleasure - sexual torture, if you could even call it that. Oh hell, I don't know what to call it. But we were going for it. And I was looking forward to it. Well, I knew this much - we.... or I should say Paul, didn't really have a clue as to how to make all this happen. Until - Paul, ever the industrious one - rented a video, a Dutch Bondage tape - down in the Village on Bleeker street. This video was produced by a club (yeah, a club that's a business too) it's located right in The Hague, in the infamous red-light district. This particular bondage club had a full video advertisement included on the tape. It showed photos of all the torture rooms and wild, sexy play things. And.... it also included the address and phone number of the club. So, "let your fingers do the walking," right? Paul called for general info and in particular, info on any possible contacts back here in the states. As you might imagine, there was a bit of a language problem but the folks at the club spoke fairly good English and adequate communications were quickly established. They were a bit reluctant to give us any names of folks here in the states, you know, tricky situation. Then Paul mentioned fees - and things changed a bit. The communications really flowed then. Money talks. Paul went into the den for some privacy. Remember, the plan was for me to "not know," the details. Ah well.... ignorance is bliss and in this unique case, it was supposed be extremely blissful. So, I was on pins and needles when, an entire hour later, Paul emerged from the den, a huge grin on his face, a bulge in his pants (and a whopping phone bill no doubt) as he proclaimed, "baby, all you need to know is that everything's set." Wow! I got horny immediately and tried my own form of torture - on him.... trying to get Paul to tell me some of the details. He wouldn't of course but I did eventually take care of his bulge. And with that - our lives went on, business as usual. Weeks went by - It was a Thursday evening. Paul was working late and told me not to expect him until after 10pm. I worked sort of late, until 6 or so. I grabbed the subway up the East Side and headed for Citterella, a most fabulous, and a bit exclusive grocery store on 3rd Avenue. I picked up some fresh veggies and an odorless piece of flounder and headed for our apartment over on 2nd. I checked the mail. I rode up the elevator - 31st floor. I left the elevator, heading down the south corridor to our apartment. And that's when things went black - or maybe I should say blank. I tell you - I don't remember a thing. All I know now is that I remember everything up to that very point, walking toward our apartment door - and also that - I evidently, never had any dinner. So much for my nice hunk of flounder. The next thing I remember - was strange. The only thing I can explain here is that I was obviously groggy. I was coming out, and going back into of an unconscious state of mind. In and out. Floating. Not at all unpleasant, just buzzy, feeling good, feeling loose and very, very relaxed. The strange thing though was the darkness. Not pitch black, but very dark, almost completely black but slightly gray. I knew I was blinking my eyes, I could feel that - and that they were open for instance, but I didn't know if I was focusing on anything. Hell, there was nothing to focus on. It was dark all around. It's then I began to realize what this was - not some sort of a groggy dream - but my sexual saturation. Torture. It was about to begin. I'd like to tell you that a thrill of anticipation bolted through my body and blasted my groin to utter sexual wetness - but no - I was way too out of it for that - yet. As I gained some sort of control of my senses, I attempted to move my body. I was definitely on my back, resting on something soft yet firm. I could move a bit here and there - my fingers, my wrists, my ankles and I could turn my head from side to side. I could even lift my nice, near perfect ass off "the soft thing," - a bed (?) I guessed - that I was laying face up on, but my movement was restricted - a lot. I figured out that I was anchored, tied, bound, whatever - at my elbows and wrists, my thighs, my ankles and my neck. And I could only move my head from side to side a little bit. Then I noticed that I had a tube in my mouth - a breathing tube of sorts - a snorkel is what I thought of first. Even though I was breathing through my nostrils, I had this pacifier-like "thing," in my mouth - but I could breath easily and it was relatively comfortable. I did get a little scared when I realized that I really couldn't talk - and therefore couldn't scream. Hmmm? What the hell was I in for? Up until this point I'd been so pleasantly out of it that I really hadn't fully realized that I'd been drugged. It just didn't occur to me. Then, I figure as I gained higher levels of consciousness, it hit me - hey, I've been drugged! At that point, even though still reeling within my head, I began to strive for control, to strive for consciousness. That's when the first - I don't know what to call it - the first blast, the first flash of stimuli hit me. Well I should say I saw it - oh, and I heard it too, but only for an instant. What the fuck was it? Well, above me, somehow - floating up there was the image of a woman and a bunch of men, all beautifully naked and having wild sex. It happened so fast that I wasn't even sure I saw anything - I blinked my eyes. And like I said I thought I heard it too. That's when I realized that I had headphones on. I guess they were pretty comfortable because in my drugged state I hadn't noticed them before. Then – again, only for a few milliseconds or so - the flash, the picture of the single woman and the many men, having sex - groans of pleasure in my ears. The audible part, the noises of group sex, seemed to linger in my ears longer than the image hovered above in my sight. The sounds would eventually die down until I heard nothing and was left in near total darkness, and silence once again. This repeated itself for I don't know how long. Like I've indicated, I was still a bit buzzed. But the beginnings of sexual feelings began to build within me. I wasn't hurting let me tell you. Oh yeah - smell! I could smell. Incense (?) or something much like it. And with that aromatic excuse, I'll take this opportunity to tell you something I didn't know at the time. Something I could not have known, until Paul told me - the next day following this wild experience of a lifetime. Remember, I'd figured I was drugged - well here's the cocktail - the sex cocktail that is. I learned that I had initially been rendered unconscious with Phenobarbital, just enough to make me pass out and stay out cold for as long as it took for them (but who?) to strip me and rig me up like they did. That explained the memory loss - hell what memory (?) - I was out cold. While I was out, an IV was put in. A local anesthetic was applied to my left arm, the entrance of the IV, so I wouldn't feel the least bit of pain in that area. Heck, in my immobile position I could not have even known that I had a catheter in my arm. In the IV solution was a mixture composed of glucose primarily but powdered and mixed in with it - were six 25 milligram tabs of Viagra (hey, Paul says it works on women too and after this I believe him), one Valium, two tabs of Ecstasy (the euphoric street drug X) and two full ounces (Paul assures me of this) of my favorite Tequila, Heradura Gold. The IV was rigged to drip into my bloodstream very slowly. Also a cream, a hand made sex cream consisting of Sex-glide gel, ground up Viagra, a little cocaine and some kind of hot sex gel had been dabbed upon my clit and nipples. And that smell? The incense? The reason for this lengthy explanation? It was incense all right - but - burning alongside it was a two-ounce chunk of Nepalese dark brown hashish. I tell ya - Paul (or whoever helped him plan this thing) went all out. So guess what? By this time, my guess would be (but I really hadn't a clue) fifteen minutes or so since I first blinked/blanked to some sort of groggy state of coherent consciousness, I was beginning to feel very, very - ultra very - relaxed, tingly and exclusively horny. Don't forget I kept getting those audio/video porno flashes every now and then. And they seemed to be getting longer in duration. No, they didn't seem to be, they were getting longer in duration. They were definitely images of a woman, a very beautiful white woman, in some kind of total sexual abandon, cavorting in every orifice she had, with at least six men. Gorgeous hunks of men - of varied colors, shapes and sizes all moving and moaning and cumming and fucking. The images made me think of our relatively recent adventure, this past spring, the orgy Paul and I had at the swingers club in Florida. I was flashing back to it in a pleasant way, feeling good, feeling hornier and hornier, not even thinking about this "new deal," this sexual torture thing, that I was only guessing, I was going through right now - when I felt the touch of a human. Yipes! The lips of a human!!! A person!!! A person I couldn't see. A person I couldn't smell. A person whose sex, male or female was indeterminable. A person who was kissing and licking my feet of all things - god (!) and I was fucking reeling. I tried to turn my head in order to see my assailant. But was I really being assailed? Maybe I should consider this person to be my lover. Maybe it was Paul. No, I decided, it couldn't be Paul it didn't feel like him. This person was soft, softer than Paul. I thought that it must be a woman. And as the lips kissing me moved over my left leg and began to provide the same stimulation on my right leg, I decided that this person, or at this point I was hoping, "these persons," - were my fuckers, my pleasure providers, my slaves. Yes, they were my slaves. That may seem funny to most of you. Here I was tied up, unable to move. I was gagged and could not talk, question or scream. I was drugged and blissfully, sexually, delirious. I was being stimulated by electronic pornographic images and now a completely unknown person or persons were stimulating me via physical means - and I felt in control. Yes, they were my slaves; my sex slaves, doing my sexual bidding. That's right. That's just how I felt. Why? Because "I had asked for this," first of all - and secondly, I was getting hornier than fucking hell. And thirdly I knew this was Paul's doing. I felt safe and secure. And if my slaves didn't do their best and get me off like I so desired and desperately needed - well, I'd have been pissed. But this was only the beginning. So, let's re-establish this picture - once and for all. There I was, all of my 26 years, 5'6" super tight bodied womanly frame, light haired, Irish Spring looking, beautiful self. Nude and rigged up on some kind of a bed, on my back, nearly completely bound, with my legs up in the air and spread-eagled in some sort of stirrups. My beautiful ass wasn't flat on the bed either, it had some sort of soft pillow under it, lifting it, so I was kind of on an angle - ass up, head back and down. My arms were bound, out to my sides and my head was more or less locked, preventing it from moving too far, side to side. I had some sort of gag in my mouth preventing me from loud verbal excursions. The room was almost black-dark except for the flickering of the hovering porno images. Someone, or "something," was licking my feet, my toes, and my calves and climbing higher toward my thighs. And, I was flying like a kite on wild drugs of some kind. I knew what was happening but I knew no real details. And I really felt fucking good - really fucking good. No, I didn't know where I was but - I was thrilled, relaxed, comfortable and feeling no pain - above all else I was super horny and getting hornier. I was not afraid. The mouths, the tongue - moved further up my leg. Very soon, with my mind spinning sexual images from every part of my brain, I noticed that the porno movie and accompanying sound was continually on, it bathed me in the blue light of a TV tube - it didn't flicker subliminal messages any longer - it hammered them home. I watched in amazement as the beautiful young woman sucked on two massive cocks at once, this while she sat up and down hard on a third big dick. Men around her were standing, stroking their fat hard-ons and waiting their turn. As I watched I so wanted to be her, be in her place. And again I felt the faceless mouth moving wetly up my leg - it felt wonderful. Then, I felt another presence - a hand. It stroked my arm. I tried to turn my head to see if I could tell whom or what it might come from - but I could see nothing - I just felt the warm touch of gentle fingers on my upper left arm. Then another, on my right side, another hand. I turned my head as far to the right as I could but nothing - I saw only darkness. Then down there, at my thighs, nearer my pussy (which I'm sure was soaking by now) I felt even more hands, kneading my thighs, massaging my legs. I wasn't so far gone that I couldn't figure out that I now had six hands massaging my aching, sex mad body in various places. And that mouth too. Whoops - another mouth! Sucking the fingers of my left hand. Then more hands! "Oh my god!" I muttered. I was beginning to loose track. I was getting a foot massage - and a scalp massage too. Now, hands everywhere - on my bare breasts, brushing my slick pussy lips, fingers on my lips (I sucked them in my mouth), hands under my ass, hands massaging my thighs and stomach. Hands and mouths everywhere! I was loosing track. Yes, I could now see these alien hands and arms as the came into my limited line of sight. Some were those of men, some were those of women. But when I tried to look up, beyond the arms, to see whom they might be attached to - I still saw only shadows in the dark. I then felt the unmistakable feel of a penis brush into my right hand, and then one in my left hand - I eagerly stroked them. They felt wonderful. Then multiple fingers entered my vagina. How many I could not tell. As I had assumed, they slipped into me easily as my lubrication flowed. All the while I watched the beautiful woman on the TV screen fucking and sucking wildly - making one man cum to orgasm after another - leaving her shining with slick jism. Her ample breasts dripped cum, strands strung from her large brown nipples. My heart pounded and my own breath heaved - I was loosing it, I was beginning to surrender, I was beginning to cum. I knew I was moaning, and loudly too, but the device in my mouth muted me, it muffled my cries into nothingness. I'm sure they were audible to those whose hands stroked my body but not to anyone else outside a distance of a few feet. But at this point I really didn't care. I wanted to cum. I wanted to cum big time. And I didn't give a fuck about being gagged or not. I began to feel pressure within my vagina - and if felt extraordinarily good. I tried with all my might to cock my head downward - to try and see what was happening down there. I successfully did this and what I was amazed me - an entire hand, a male hand, all four fingers and a thumb were invading my love hole. The pressure, the pleasure was so intense I thought I might explode in an infinite orgasm. It was painful to look down like this but I was mesmerized. Slowly the hand worked its way further into me. I rocked my head back and forth, left to right, up to watch the video in which I was so enthralled and then down again to see the hand sinking deeper into my wet pussy - slick with my own fluids. I then uncontrollably began to buck. Just a little at first and then compulsively faster. The explosion of my tortured sex was beginning to rack me. Tingles, millions of tingles started to wave throughout my body. My hardened nipples ached with pleasure. The center of my chest burned with pleasure. My thighs, my anus - up to my lips, my neck - hell even my toes readied for the ultimate sexual explosion. But nothing concentrated my sexual thoughts and my physical feelings - like my blood gorged pussy. It was absolutely freaking out. I bucked and bucked, my legs flailing wildly and my ass humping up into the hand rammed into my cunt. I was cumming and throwing love juice everywhere. I watched as the hand that was fucking me became bathed in my fuck juice - slick and glistening - plunging in and out of me. I came and I came and I came. Even though restrained, my ass was lifting a good foot off the table or bed - whatever the fuck I was laying on. My stifled groans only echoing within my own head. I could not seem to stop. I didn't want to stop. Yet my sexual torture had only just begun. Finally, with lingering guttural groans of draining ecstasy, my orgasm subsided. I felt completely used up. Completely limp. Yet "the hands" continued to stroke my body. At this point of course I didn't care who or what, they belonged to - it just didn't matter. I suddenly realized but with little care - that I "in fact," was not in control. Yes, I could kid myself into believing that "these were my slaves - to do my bidding," but alas they were not, I was fooling myself - they were here to torture me. But so far, what a wonderful torture it had been. As I lay there in my blissful sexual stupor and as the faceless hands continued to work there now more subtle magic, I became increasingly aware of what was happening to me. You see my initial stimulation had been quite cloaked beneath the layers of various stimuli that surrounded and engulfed me. Maybe I was getting used to it, the stimuli. Maybe some of it was wearing off. Maybe that first earth shattering orgasm had cleared my thoughts - I don't know. All I know is that I sensed an increased mental awareness, an increased sense of my surroundings. I even thought I could see more, as if it were lighter somehow. Maybe it was that my eyes were growing more accustomed to the darkness. Yes, the video image above my reclined position was still there but a different scene was now taking place. Now a young blonde woman, a bound blonde woman, a secured blonde woman - a woman who I suspected looked very much to be in the exact same position I now found myself in - was projected before me. Except for the fact that she was masked and that I could see her torturers, I felt that we were in very similar secured positions. In her case, she appeared to be in what looked like a large reclining chair. I had not thought about it until now but I wondered - was I in such a chair? I couldn't see enough to establish that fact but I noticed that the hardware - the buckles and straps that I could see which bound me - the ones around my forearms and wrists - appeared to be very much like the ones on the video. Yes, I began to think that maybe I was in that same chair I was seeing on the video before me. Wow! Holy Shit! Excitement began once again to build inside of me. Oh the titillation. I watched fascinated as the masked girl in the sex chair was surrounded my both men and women - doing things to her. I drank in the feel of my uncontrollable situation. I watched the video as "the torturers," if that's what I must call them, broke out a bunch of sex toys of all types and began using them on the girl all over her body. Wow. That's exactly when I noticed something, a sound - not in the head phones held fast to my ears and not loud but - just there. A humming. A buzzing. A vibrator. No, many vibrators. I strained my head forward, then from side to side, trying to gain a better angle so I could see more - but to no avail. All I could see is just what I had seen before - a little left and right, and down my body from my chin - the rest, all around me was darkness. I then felt them - I felt the tingle. I felt it all over - my arms, legs, thighs, tits, and stomach - just about everywhere. I of course wondered if my torturers were mimicking the exact scenario I was seeing on the projected TV screen above me. It seemed like that may have been what was happening to me. But what the hell - it looked good to me - it all looked good to me. The vibrators and hands were really beginning the work their magic. I began bubbling back toward some kind of fevered sexual arousal. The "victim" displayed on the video before me began to writhe, as did I. My pussy began to overflow. I felt my own wetness ooze out of me, gravity pulling the lubrication down the crack of my ass. I felt a probing vibrator there - applying pressure - trying to enter my tight asshole. Another seemingly bigger and more powerful vibrator began to buzz its way over my now throbbing clit. I took my eyes away from the TV screen where the beautiful blonde torture victim was beginning to thrash and moan. And yes, I could see the operational hands working me over. But they seemed intermingled, male and female, I could not tell which was which. They were holding and directing the sex tools, the buzzing dildos, over my major erogenous zones and that's when I saw it - yes it! The biggest fucking black dildo I'd ever seen. The hands directed it toward my swollen, overly wet pussy lips. I watched as the fat head of the black dildo pushed aside my pussy lips and began to enter me. All the while the two other dildos worked me over - one now just inside my ass and the other seeming to hammer on my clit. I was too quickly going over the edge - I groaned through my gag and tears began to puddle in the corners of my eyes. The fat black dildo was deep inside me now and moving - back and forth, in and out. I strained for control. But I so I didn't want to give in too fast, the last orgasm had racked me so quickly and thoroughly that I felt if I had another - I might pass out. Then just as I was really fighting for control - it happened. That's when I felt it - that "certain, satin smoothness of skin," that all sexy women know by heart - it was that oh so soft skin, surrounding a blood engorged, hard cock - the cock of a man of course, the cock of a very horny, very live man. I felt it, casually languishing on the back of my right hand. Then I felt another cock on the thumb of my left hand. I twisted my wrists; I wiggled my fingers, trying to grasp this fleshy hard man meat presenting itself to me - in stereo. Man meat, I now so craved it. Yes, I did it, or more likely the owners of these stiff proud beasts allowed me to - to grasp them. Even though my movement was limited - I found that I could get a good three-inch stroke going on each of the cocks. I felt the slickness of pre-cum on the heads of both. They - the men, the owners of these flesh appendages, began to fuck my hands - making it easier for me to feel their entire delicious lengths. And still - the buzzing dildos continued to do their work on me. The huge black one still probing it's way into me - deeper still. And the hands, still managing me, making me tingle all over. The movie too, still flickering above me. I was lost, given away to the sophisticated rawness of it all. But - not so lost that I still didn't harbor an ember of control. They - the faceless and nearly bodiless "they" - they must have sensed this. I figured that the addition of the two, live, human-born, fleshy dicks was their first attempt to push me over the edge - to break me - to send me into orgasm. And they felt wonderful for sure - it, no I - felt sinfully wonderful. But I wasn't ready to break - no; I wasn't ready to cum - not yet. I held fast. But I held fast in a dreamy state of plateau sexual euphoria - something I had never experienced before, something I didn't know was possible. Let me tell you, it was great, and no, I didn't want it to end. But, I also didn't want to give in to the enormous flood and eventual sexual explosion that I knew awaited me - not yet. I continued - I hold fast. I was floating. Then, very suddenly, the large black dildo in my pussy withdrew, it was gone - I felt empty. I looked down at my crotch but that is all that I saw, my pussy, my thighs, in the light and darkness beyond. I still had no idea where I might be. Then out of the darkness between my legs appeared a familiar contraption - a machine - the ultimate sex machine - it was a Sybian Saddle. But this one was uniquely configured. I was familiar with Sybian Saddles. Paul and I had owned one for years. But this one was mounted vertically on what appeared to be an adjustable telescoping poll, and it was on wheels - it was rolling toward me, rolling toward my pussy! The attached dildo a spear aimed at my privates. The large rubber phallus was unique too - double headed - oh yes (!!!!) I thought, anal intrusion. Then I thought, "oh no," I'll never be able to maintain control with this kind of stimulation. Never!!! The larger, upper most protrusion began to enter me, a clear lubricant seemed to drop from the sky onto my pussy, and a black rubber gloved hand smoothed the lubricant around and into me and then began to help guide the double dildo into my pussy and waiting ass. Slowly, both fleshy colored rubber dicks disappeared from my strained view. I let my head fall back with a moan as they entered me and began to fantasize about what might be next but I knew - "they," whoever they were - would turn on the magic machine that now was impaled into my glistening sex holes. I knew too that once they did that - that it was the beginning of the end. The hands returned. My nirvana-like, sexual mind float, my torture - continued. Then I felt the first vibrations from the Sybian, very subtle at first. This is the way all good Sybian Saddle rides start - slowly. Then hands, now all clad in black latex gloves and glistening with love lubricant, continued to work their magic as the speed of the sex machine increased. I began to moan aloud and move my hips - straining a bit to get more of the Sybian-driven dildos further into me. The speed of the vibration and the swirl of the large dildo in my pussy was now very evident. My nipples were hard and erect, my back was beginning to arch - I was really beginning to loose myself when I felt one of my wrist straps loosen, then the other one. "They," were freeing my hands - why? Then no sooner than my hands had sprung free - I felt my neck harness give way - it seemed like, all of a sudden, they were freeing me. But why? I soon found out - as I propped myself up on my elbows the two luscious male members who I'd held in my hands mere minutes before, moved back into the light, in toward my body. Hard as rocks they were. I leaned forward a bit further, essentially sitting, smiling I grabbed both hard cocks, one in each hand, I bent toward the left one and devoured the entire shaft in one gulp, moaning as I went down to his pubic hairs. Then up, over and back down on the other beautiful prick, my saliva flinging in the air with the twist of my upper body. They continued to stroke my hard nipples with their well lubricated latex gloves and of course, the Sybian's vibration began to take me to even higher levels of sexual bliss. I humped at it and sucked at my two human cocks - I couldn't last much longer. Not like this. I was now in full, sexually driven, wild beast mode - my moans were turning raspy and sounded rough - much like a growl. Then, as I was jacking both my handsome pricks and as I pulled them closer together so I could possibly attempt to get both of them into my mouth at once - I noticed that the room lighting was somehow, less dark. It was a slow fade up - to increased brightness. I really didn't care much - hell no - now having successfully gotten both hard, live, pricks to my mouth. But as I growled and stammered something about loving to suck two cocks at once - I began to notice things - to see things. Things that were in the dark and invisible before - now becoming visible. I could now see the faces of "my men," my two live dicks - but they weren't faces at all, because they were masked. Masked in black latex hoods. Fuck 'em I thought and that's just what I hoped they would eventually do to me. Ahhhhhhh!!!! I was lost. As the speed of the Sybian monster went into warp overdrive - "it" reaming my pussy and asshole with blinding vibrations and G-spot swirls - I began to rove my eyes around the room. There in the dim light I saw others - male and female - all in various sexual costumes of latex and leather - maybe ten others in all - all hooded - except one! Paul!!!! My god I could not believe what I was witnessing. My eyes went wide and the twin dicks fell from my open mouth. There was Paul bent forward over some kind of padded high-stool. A woman with some kind of absolutely beautiful body, with long red hair cascading out from under a red leather hood, was reaming his ass with a large, shiny pink, vibrator. Another woman, equally beautiful but dark haired, was kneeling in front of Paul's face and get this - giving another hunk of a well endowed male an excellently liquid, saliva laden, blow job. This literally two inches from Paul's face and he loved it!!! He looked over at me. He smiled, winked and then groaned as the pink vibrator slid deep into his ass. The red head was now reaching around and stroking his cock, jacking him off. Man (!) this set me the fuck off. I hunkered down onto the now super vibrating and spinning Syb. I grabbed my two big cocks and deep throated each in turn. My eyes glued to Paul and his escapades across the room. The sexually fevered pitch in that room was nearing its pinnacle. I heard the big stud in front of Paul, the one getting the fantastic blowjob moan out loud that he was going to cum. Then bang! Wads of jiz began spraying from the end of his big dick. The hooded dark beauty aimed that big spraying dick right at my husbands face - hosing it with fresh sex cream. She then began to lick his face clean. This sent Paul off - he began to groan and as the beautiful red head jacked hard on his big cock - Wham!!! He unleashed his seed into her waiting hand. Then she put it to her mouth and drank the love juice from her red-gloved palm. Me? I hurled over the sexual edge - I exploded and kept on exploding - my two gorgeous hunk cocks exploded at once. I had love cream all over my face and tits. My pussy and ass, hammered by the pulsing Sybian, contracted and expanded, sending jets of my pussy water everywhere. I rocked on my haunches - cumming and cumming - wave after wave. I sucked my cum-glistened cocks as I came over and over again. I was caught up in the midst of a huge, long, multiple orgasm - not only driven by the atmosphere in which I now reveled, but by the never tiring mechanism of the Sybian sex monster buried deep in my two sex holes. Eventually, I passed out. I still, to this day, don't know how long my series of orgasms lasted. It doesn't matter really. Why? Because this was not the end of my sexual torture, not by the least. Yes, I had lost track of time, so I can't tell you exactly the relativity what time it actually was, not here in this part of my story - I only know now, as I knew then - that this was - just the beginning. The beginning of my sexual torture. More to cum - Marcy the Squirter. Contributed by Sparky Kronkite. Send comments to


More Gay Erotic Stories from Sparky Kronkite

Marcy's Appliances

Hey all, Marcy again. You know, "The Squirter." Hah, one of the few, the proud.... the squirters! Well, I just recently experienced, "the greatest sex event of my entire life," (thus far) - and I finally found time to hack it out on this here beige beast.... the Dell from hell, the not so bored at the keyboard, hunt and pecker's, delight of delights.... my lap-top! Of course you

Meet Joey Ch. 1

Meet Joey, (Joseph, a good Catholic guy), the middle child - of a nearly all male, 5 brothers and one sister - all-Italian/all-American family from Queens. A normal guy. In his life, he does his "normal guy" thing and eventually meets, courts, falls in love with and marries a beautiful Irish/all-American girl from Baltimore. Her name is Patricia. Things go well for Joey and

Meet Joey Ch. 2

After the prerequisite AIDS and health tests were completed and proved conclusively healthy a meeting by the four was held to determine just how to go about the first time. At this meeting Patricia was absolutely randy but held herself at bay while the plans were being made. She savored the anticipation. She undressed Tony within her mind. She desperately wanted to know what his cock

Meet Joey Ch. 3

So what about Tony and Joan? Well, Trish, seeking advice, regarding her first elated and now current downtrodden feelings, called the only female she could confide in - Joan. Joan too reported similar frisky behavior about Tony, brothers, acting the same way. No big deal. What surprised Trish though was how well Joan was handling the situation, how casual she seemed to be taking the

Meet Joey Ch. 4

Joan continued her story to Trish. The women in the room were awestruck. That's when Jim, with a big grin on his face finally asked, "Anybody else?" Every hand in the room including Joan's went up like flags. That day, of the fifteen women in attendance, all took a turn on the amazing Swedish Saddle, all who tried it had intense orgasms and three machines were sold on the spot.

The Discovery of a Lifetime

Hey guys (and girls too) - the name's Marcy - and let's get this over with right now. You horny dogs you. I'm 28, that's now days and 5'6" at 120 pounds. I'm really fucking healthy. I'm a shoulder length brunette with fire-like emerald eyes. I've got a stone cold, body-building bod, that measures 35C, 22 and 34. Let me tell ya - I'm a nut cracker. I've got the power. And I know how

True Squirter

Hey all you dudes and dudettes out there - Marcy here with yet another "true story from the Squirter." A lot of you have written some very favorable responses and I thank you so much. This is so much fun. Keep'em cumming. This is my first story that will include my husband. (Sorry guys but believe me, it's cool.) It's about our recent trip to Florida, last May. If any of you


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