Gay Erotic Stories

Scrapbook of Exchange Student in Germany, Part 1

by S.I.
16 Apr 2001


Scrapbook of an Exchange Student in Germany Notebook I - by Ken Ladder September 1997 Introduction I wrote it on my portable PC. Aside from the Diary, there are texts ”Scrapbook” that are fillers that I wrote a few days or weeks after the facts. I also glue in significant letters, copies of mine, cards, pictures, etc. “Blankenese, Germany, September 2, 1997 Dear Sis, Since we have our birthday in almost two weeks, I wish you a wonderful time with your friends and Anita GUTENBACH Seventeen years already… hard to believe! They were all great, cool, super, fabulous, funny; I have a great sis, I know. I am proud of you. When Anita left, it was a vale of tears around here, it was even hard for me, since she is our age, and, like you, a real neat girl. We have used the last two weeks of August to visit many parts of Hamburg with her sister Krista. As you know, Krista is just one year younger; she is a talented musician, a live wire, adventurous, curious, really cute. Don’t worry; I never get bored with her. Tomorrow, I start school; as an exchange student I am scared out of my wits. We visited the school and I met the principal, a kind man. He led me through the entire establishment, talked to me in German the whole time; I got about half of what he said. Krista was with me. She is fluent in English and she could help me understand some of his remarks. German is a difficult language, but I know that after a year here, I will own it for life. The family Gutenbach is really nice. I don’t know if they represent the Germans in general, but they have different habits, foods, and schedules. I will let you know what’s happening as time goes on. Until two days ago I was sleeping on the sofa bed in the living room. Now I am in Anita’s room where I can spread and store my stuff. Mrs. Gutenbach requires perfect “Ordnung und Reinigkeit”(order and cleanliness). She checks on us every day; she has what I would call the “Dustitis” disease. One of the things you get used to right away here is rubber gloves. She has pairs hanging all over the place: kitchen, bathroom, toilet room (separated from the bathroom), washroom area, broom closet, and in each bedroom closet. Since I have large hands, she added other clips and hung large size pairs. For all household tasks, I am required to wear them. When I help with the dishes, or mop the floors, she also requires me to wear a rubber apron; it is a huge thing that wraps all of me and some. Krista has one too, with frills, neat and thin. They seem to be terrified of spotting their clothes, of water, may be. Oh, one last thing, I could not explain the sweet smell of “my” bed (Anita’s). I discovered that the mattress was covered with a fitted rubber protective sheet under the regular pad and bed sheets. May be Anita is a bed wetter still! Anyway, I left it as is; it is not uncomfortable, although it does give a peculiar smell, a little erotic, especially to the touch. Funny the differences from one country to another. I have to stop this long letter. OOO XXX (for your birthday!) Be well and have loads of fun. Say hi to my classmates. I’m surviving Gutenbach. Ken Scrapbook Picture of the Gutenbach family From left to right, Anita, Mrs. GUTENBACH, Krista The Gutenbach’s live in Blankenese, along the Elbe River. It is a fairly wealthy and traditional neighborhood, with small houses, all built close together. Those who have the view over the river are premium places. We don’t. The apartment is nice, large, on the third floor. No elevator. It is fairly quiet here. Mrs. Gutenbach is a nurse, and assists handicapped people, usually victims of accidents, in rehabilitation, some older folks also, I am told. Her specialty is physiotherapy. She is quick in all that she does, very organized. She has raised her daughters the same, and there is constant activity in her house. The schedule of each day is prepared way ahead of time and posted. Free time, only when everything else is done. She is a kind lady, but nobody says no to her. Mrs. Gutenbach is about 36 years old, 5 ft 8, like me. Her body is firm and trim, she is quite physical in her demeanor, and outspoken. With blond hair –quite common here- she could pass as a woman in her late twenties. Intelligent and perceptive, she has an amazing sense of reality. She has a sense of morality and honesty with open mindedness. Next to a professional discipline that is quite exacting on her (she carries heavy responsibilities), she has her two daughters to raise. Her immediate relatives do not live in that area, and her divorced husband has moved to another city. He visits about twice a year. They dread his visits. He is quite wealthy, and in the settlement, the apartment came free and clear, plus alimony. Since there is little free time for her, and no desire to remarry, she has managed another way to release her sexuality. I had no idea what I was in for, but with some distance I have come to admire her common sense. She has led her daughters into the same path, seeing that the lack of a father is rather hard on them, too. She does not own or operate a car, but uses public transportation for everything. It saves her loads of money that she uses wisely. I was not supposed to be assigned to that home. The exchange coed who had been planned for the GUTENBACH family had a car accident days before departure, and the agency had also a couple of desisting hosting families. In fact, the Gutenbach home was the only option. The agency asked my parents if I would be willing to go there. Mom and dad had no objection, so the agency went on for a trial time of three months, which is until Christmas. A review will be done; if things don’t work out they will move me to another home. From the first day on, I had my chores: the garbage, the living room (dusting and vacuuming every day), the steps from the third to the second floor (every other day), and my room, of course. Mrs. GUTENBACH inspects everything. I have to do my laundry and ironing. She showed me precisely how she wants my room to be cleaned: it’s a job, but I learned quickly. The family knows how to have good times with friends and without them. It is not all work. They have found ways of enjoying ski vacation, summer vacation, and sometimes a special trip or two to specific cities. Culture is important to Mrs. GUTENBACH, and she wants her daughters to learn music, languages, humanities, philosophy, religion and the arts. September 2, 1997 >>> Diary It was raining outside when I asked Mrs. Brigitte Gutenbach if I could go to the post office for stamps. She seemed particularly concerned with my getting wet and insisted that Krista accompanies me. I found out that they never use umbrellas in that family, but only raingear. Since I only had a windbreaker, Mrs. GUTENBACH was not happy with that. She instructed me about colds and disease I could get if I was not properly dressed for the Hamburg weather, from what I could gather. I could not answer in German fast enough. Felt stupid, and even more so when she handed me her black “Gummi Regenmantel”, with a tie-on hood yet. Difficult to refuse when people seek to be kind to you. I blushed because I imagined that Krista would laugh at me when her mother tied the hood laces tight under my chin. She did not though. Must be normal to her. Krista’s rubber raincoat is yellow with a wide black waist belt. Black rubber boots too. Mrs. GUTENBACH had a pair about my size. I was sure everybody was turning around to look at me; yet, it was not so. The rain fell hard but I remained dry. It’s funny to hear the plopping sound of the rain on the hood. The coat felt nice to wear after some time. Can’t describe it; it kind of grows on you, first that feeling of protection, then the softness of the rubber, and always that smell… Krista talked to the postal clerk for me and I paid. I felt so stupid and shy that I bought for her a huge lolipop: ”Danke vielmals.” I said. She smiled and gave me a ”Kuesschen”. Picture of the Gutenbach’s apartment house September 3, 1997 >>> Diary First school day! Thank God the weather was not rainy…! The kids were real nice and interested when I told them I was from Denver. They laughed at my accent, but were helpful with my mistakes. I can’t think in German yet, and forget the order of the sentence. Grammar… what a pain! I did well in math and science. English was a song. German?… I did not understand a thing. My vocabulary is poor. Tomorrow: history, geography, health, and so on. Kids work hard: there is no nonsense in class. Kind of like that. The fellows included me right away. Girls are prettier in Germany. The scene must be about the same as in HS at home, the same kinds of games. Still I have to plan for rainy days, because Mrs. Gutenbach does not accept a negative answer, and I will not wear her coat to school, should I die. My bed has a homey smell. It’s always nice to find it at the end of the day. Two pictures of the school September 4, 1997 >>> Diary The weather was borderline. After breakfast, I could escape with Krista to school before her mother heard the weather forecast that predicts rain. Krista wore her rubber raincoat, and I my usual windbreaker. I asked her why they did not use umbrellas. She laughed and told me that she needed both hands free to carry things back and forth from school. Also, like her mom, she indicated that many kids get sick with wet clothes.”Ich habe keinen Regenmantel. Wo kann ich einen Shirm kaufen?”(I don’t have a raincoat. Where can I buy an umbrella?) I asked her.”We’ll ask mom tonight”she replied. I feared for that moment the whole day because I felt Mrs. GUTENBACH might have a”rubber idea”in mind. For sure Krista did not forget, and asked her mother on my behalf at the dinner table. From the look of her face, Mrs. Gutenbach considered it a central matter. ”We will go shopping, - Samstag Nachmittag” (Saturday afternoon) she said firmly. Since I have some dough, there will be enough for an umbrella. Classes were okay; I begin to figure several things out. Got good grades on my homework. History is a hopeless cause. Geography I can make a little out of it. Krista saw my portable computer. She envies me for it. September 5, 1997 >>> Diary Friday! None too soon We had chemistry lab and physics lab. We studied electrical induction. Played Monopoly after school with Krista and her girlfriend, Gertrude. It was a fun game till I noticed Gertrude stealing from the bank; I motioned to Krista when she did it; she was embarrassed, and cut the game short with refreshments. We soon forgot the incident, but Krista felt she had to make it up to me. After Gertrude had left (she lives two blocks away), Krista came with a card game in my bedroom. I was in bed, but she sat on it and so did I. We were playing when I noticed that her nightgown was made of rubber, a pink thing. ”It does not rain in the bedroom”, I chanced. She smiled and blushed a little,”you should try wearing a night shirt in rubber (Gumminachthemd), they feel great.” I did not know how to answer that, because nightgowns are women’s things. Tried to go back to the game, but Krista pursued her idea before I could stop her; she went to her mom and brought back a large light blue gown with sleeves and a high collar; it zips in front and has a hood of some kind.”Probiere mal, mit Talkum fuehlt es sehr angenehm; du musst aber damit schlafen”(Try it out, it feels good with talc; but you must sleep with it). I felt embarrassed to put on a woman’s intimate garment. To please her I said”Ja”.. But she got all agitated until I understood that she wanted me to powder my naked body first, that is after I take off my pajamas. I did this in the bathroom and came back. The gown was cold; it felt real strange, I felt terribly naked.”Das ist schon richtig”She laughed, grabed the cards and started another game. We went on for another half hour, and I indicated I wanted to sleep. She made the motion of wanting to take my pajamas with her, but I asked her not to. I did not know what was happening but I felt attracted to her; I wanted to touch Krista. She perceived my feeling, and when I stood up, she did too and slowly embraced me, leaning her body against mine with passion. I know that she could feel my growing excitement; I did not stop her, although I should have. After an hour in bed I still could not sleep; I had kicked the feather cover off because it was too warm and I was sweaty. I was planning to put my pajamas back on when, in the dark, I heard the door open, and Krista was sitting on my bed. Her hands were caressing my chest; soon after, her head laid on my belly. I was scared, embarrassed by a sudden erection, but it seemed important to her. My heart went crazy with desire. I wanted her in the worst way, yet it was all so unexpected and so soon. She motioned to let her lay next to me, and she did, not for long though. She continued caressing my body and suddenly laid herself on top of me. ”Halte mich fest”(Hold me tight) she whispered and hid her face against my neck. Her hair was tickling my face. That’s when I realized her insecurity; I believe she did this to make sure she could beat her sister. My hands gave her all the comfort she was seeking. At one time she sobbed, then she wanted something she could not quite achieve and I did not know what it was. Finally, I rolled her down under me and literally crushed her under my weight; there, to my utter dismay, I felt myself cumming, I could not stop it so quickly it came, and she reached her nirvana at the same moment. It felt real good. Since then, she is out of herself with pride. After kissing me for almost half-an-hour, she went back to her bed. It was about 4 AM. I was so tired that I fell asleep. September 6, 1997 >>> Diary I am still confused about all this rubber stuff because it has grown on me. I was sorry to part with my nightgown this morning. We had a late breakfast while Mrs. Gutenbach had a morning appointment, so we were alone for a few hours. Krista showed me how to clean and dry the rubber nightgown. We laughed hysterically, especially when she hung it in my closet.”Jede Nacht, werde ich dich inspektieren”she instructed me, warning me with her finger. She took my hand and slipped it under her shirt. Yes, she was wearing rubber undies. I know now that rubber is much more than protective in this family, it is a part of their sexual release. Krista and her mom must have planned to lead me into this… addiciton, I can truly say. It is not too bad, that’s for sure. Can’t make babies with all these layers. Mrs. Gutenbach came back at lunch, and we went with the S-Bahn to St Pauli Altona in the afternoon. We visited the cathedral and the old city, and then she led us through narrow streets to a specialty shop where they sell these rubber clothes. I was told to try on a raincoat for size, then I could choose the style and color. After much time, I went for a grey bomber’s jacket, a pair of black overalls, and a pair of black boots. The overalls are roomy. The bill was astronomical, but Mrs. Gutenbach paid the difference. I am upset to have parted with my monthly allowance already now. During that time Krista was shopping through racks of dresses and other rather risqué clothes. She bought something, I don’t know what. “Das ist viel besser; mit Gummikleider kannst du beim Regnenwetter ruhig spazieren und keine Erkaeltung fuerchten.”declared Mrs. Gutenbach with satisfaction. (This is much better; with rubber gear you can walk in peace in the rain, without the fear of a cold) Sunday, September 8, 1997 >>> Diary I cheated! Last night I went to bed with the nightgown, feeling that Krista would check on me, which she did. We laughed ourselves crazy. She stayed with me in bed for some time, but she talked all the time about her friends, her teachers and many other things I could not understand for sure. She was nervous, she could not keep her hands from rubbing me all over, yet she did not want me to hold her. All of a sudden, she kissed me good night and left. I changed into my pajamas, because I could not sleep in that nightgown. This morning she caught me asleep in bed. She appeared to be upset with me, but it was an act.”That’s the last night it happens, understood?” We spent the day partly reviewing our school work, partly playing, partly looking at TV. She practiced her violin for an hour. Mrs. Gutenbach wanted us to go to a church service, but Krista pretended she was feeling sick. So Mrs. Gutenbach went alone; it was rainy and she was decked in rubber from head to toe. I told Krista that I would accompany her mom the following Sunday. She did not talk to me for twenty minutes. Had popcorn after supper. I miss Sis and my folks. Krista made sure I was wearing the blue rubber nightgown. Now that I close my diary, I feel like sleeping with this gown on for the whole night. It will be a test. Picture of Krista in her pink nightgown September 9, 1997 Letter in the mail “Dear Ken, No time to write. This year things are crazy in school. Every teacher believes that we have nothing else to learn but what they teach. Mr. Carter wants me on his cheer leading team, Ms. Bonito on the volleyball team, Mr. Stein in the swimming team, Mr. Vito in the band; they are all alike. Anita is bewildered. Well, I tried my best, and she chose the swimming team and the orchestra since she can play clarinet. You tell me about rubber in their home. I know all about it now. On the first rainy day she wore her rubber coat. The boys went crazy; I had to talk her out of it. As a result she got so many invitations for dates… I helped her turning them all down. She will wear this coat when we go for walks, or shopping. She has a couple of nightgowns in the same stuff and sleeps the whole night in them. In the morning she just rinses the gown and powders it when dry before using it again. Different! They feel icky to me, cold, kind of impersonal! I’ll ask her to try it once. Maybe. Got to go. Mom and dad send their hugs and kisses. Sis” >>> Diary Got up after a bad night of sleep. I had a wild erection during the whole night. I was in pain.. After breakfast, saw the rain falling. No choice, I had to put on the rubber raingear. We sloshed our way to school, hung all that drippy stuff in my locker. Could hardly follow the lessons: too tired. Went home, drank coffee while Krista hung her and my rubber gear over the tub to dry out. They have a special rod and hangers for that. Took a nap while Krista practiced her fiddle, felt better, and studied till 9 PM. Talked Krista out of the nightgown for two nights.”Zwei Naechte? du bist aber verrueckt!…”(Two nights? you are crazy!) Well, she just left for her bedroom. September 10, 1997 >>> Diary Felt much better. I turned in my homework and got a good grade. I begin to think in German. Physed was real great. I could show them a few things in basketball, eventhough I am rather small compared to them. They want me on the team. Bruno is a good leader. It’s night when we walk back home, already. The sky was covered, but no rain, no raingear today. Dinner food was atrocious; they eat so much bread here. No nightgown tonight, although Krista made sure to show up dressed in hers, and to hug me with passion. She is in love, I think. ”Tschuess!” she said with a wink, ”Morgenabend….. Gumminachthemd!” No reply necessary. September 11, 1997 >>> Diary Lots of work. Thank God, Krista corrects my German before final copy. I learn a lot, but I feel that she looks at it as a barter: help for”Gummmispass”(fun in rubber). Some deal! I confess that I missed it today. I’ll wear the”Hemd”for the night. She will surely check me out. When? Who knows. Her mom works until late, most days, and she is very tired. I wish I could explore her bedroom. There is a closet with Anita’s things in my bedroom, but the key has been hidden. Bad kind of curiosity! Saturday night there will be a dance at school, the opening dance of the season. Bruno is the drummer. September 12, 1997 >>> Diary It was about 5 AM when Krista came into my bed. She was shivering. She curled her body against mine and rubbed my chest. Fortunately I was wearing the ”Hemd”. She worked on me, and when I was about to explode she would stop and moan. At one moment, she went too far and… I moaned. She was so proud of herself. ”Hold me!” she said, ”like that!” I had my left hand on her low belly. She moaned for the longest time, kissing me on and on. We heard Mrs. Gutenbach get up and go to the bathroom, and Krista slipped off my bed and tip toed to her room. School as usual. I walked back with Bruno. He showed me where he plays soccer on week-ends, and where the hangar of the Rowing Club International is located. He belongs to this club with his father, and they row on the Elbe river three times a week. When I was back, Krista was a little ticked off that I did not accompany her. Her mom called; she was not going to be there for supper. We shifted best we could. Krista insisted that I wear the”Hemd”for supper. She was going overboard, I felt. I asked her what she would wear at the dance. Her eyes lit up and she went in her bedroom for a few minutes. When she came back she was literally sheathed in a black and red rubber gown, cute, but very sexy. Man, is that thing tight!”Ich werde nur mit dir tanzen!”(I’ll dance only with you) She hung herself around my neck. Irresistible. We ate our supper totally forgetting how we were dressed, when we heard Mrs. Gutenbach coming up the stairs. I made a dash into my bedroom, so did Krista. Never changed so quickly. By the time the key was turning in the lock, Krista’s violin was in the tuning process… Pajamas tonight! I don’t care. September 13, 1997 >>> Diary Friday! Already a whole week. Got a birthday card from mon and dad, one from uncle Jimmy, and from my class. I did not expect this. Uncle Jimmy sent me a hundred dollars. I can pay back Mrs. Gutenbach now, at least some of it. I am not sure if I would have allowed her to chose my birthday present, but, be it as it may, I needed raingear… so that’s it. My class sent fifty dollars. Neat guys! Glued Birthday card from mom and dad Birthday card from uncle Jimmy Birthday card from my class Scrapbook After dinner Veronika and Kerstin came to play Monopoly. This time, I was the banker. We had a lot of fun. It was 11 PM when Mrs. Gutenbach asked me to walk them back to their homes while Krista was cleaning up. I could feel Krista’s silent distress; but I knew that her mom needed to have a talk with her. Am I in trouble? I wondered. It was raining cats and dogs. Well, no other option than the raingear; I went about as if it was a normal thing. The girls did not show any surprise whatsoever. They had raincoats and umbrellas. We walked for about twenty minutes till Veronica was in the door of her house. Another five minutes to Kerstin’s apartment. Just before leaving me, she gave me a long French kiss: ”Ich liebe dich!” she whispered with adoring eyes. I could not find words. I held her hand till the door almost closed. Then I pushed it open again, and gave her another parting kiss. She almost fainted right then and there. Kerstin is a cute girl too with a lot of spunk.”Sweet dreams” I told her. Back at the apartment, I could feel that Krista and her mom had talked. The tension was high. Krista had red eyes. I went in the living room where they had prepared hot cocoa and cookies. Mrs. Gutenbach apologized for the liberties Krista had taken with me. I assured her that nothing serious ”schlimm” did really happen, thanks to the”Gumminachthemd”. She smiled briefly, remained silent, obviously thinking. Krista, humiliated, was crumpled in an armchair, her face all red and teary. Her mom could not allow this to spin out of control, as she put it. She had nothing against us wearing rubber any time we wanted, but this bit of sleeping in the same bed was just a little too much too soon for her to digest.”Ich kann warten, Frau Gutenbach; ich moechte keine Schwierigkeit fuer Sie zu shaffen.”(I can wait, Mrs. Gutenbach, I don’t want to be a difficulty for you). She did not answer me; she had no problem with me, but with her daughter.”Kannst du Krista nein sagen?”(Can you say no to Krista?), she asked after a long time of hesitation. I knew that if I could not, she would call the agency and I would be moved to a different family. I told her yes, and Krista began to sob. After a while Mrs. Gutenbach declared firmly,”Krista, you will not wear your rubber dress for the dance, but you may go and dance with Ken. But I will find out if both of you behaved (she looked at her). I want you back at 11 PM sharp, here. Understood?”We both said yes. Then she sent Krista to prepare for bedtime,”come back here when you are ready”. I wondered if she would appear in her pink rubber gown. In the mean time, Mrs. Gutenbach asked me if I liked to wear the blue nightgown; I said yes, very much, and blushed. She noticed it. She said that she had also pajamas in rubber and bedsheets if I was interested. I said I was, eventhough I had no plan to use them; I still was curious. In the meantime, Krista came back… in her pink latex nightgown. “Come with me,” said Mrs. Gutenbach to me. I followed her into her daughter’s bedroom. She showed me her bed. I must have opened eyes like saucers. The bed sheet was rubber, the feather covering case, and the pillows also. Without a word, she opened a closet and pulled out a set for my bed. Which she gave to Krista ”Go make his bed” she said sternly. She added yellow pajamas to the heap. I was looking at the content of the closet: there was a lot more rubber stuff, items I did not understand. Mrs. Gutenbach saw me intrigued, and began to show me a few things: women’s underwear, a leotard, and swimsuits. She unfolded a sauna bag and explained to me that she uses it when someone is sick. There was a box with red hoses and bags, pear shaped red items. She led me to her bedroom and opened a closet full of rubber clothes: a couple of nurses outfits. I did not know if I should show a lot of interest; it came so suddenly. I suggested to her that she shows me all of that on Sunday afternoon after we come back from church. She agreed with enthusiasm. Krista walked out of my room. ”Alles bereit” she declared, looking to the floor. I thanked her, but her heart was bruised; she dumped the cotton bedding into the hamper, went to her room and closed the door. It was 1 AM or so. Now I have to get used to this new bed… and my loins are getting very excited, I can’t yet figure out why this happens with rubber and with nothing else. Sunday, September 14, 1997 Scrapbook Photo of my room with my new bed Glad it was Sunday! As I read back my diary, I notice that there is one main subject that matters and little else. I will never forget the feeling of that evening when I was ushered into the rubber way of life; here I was, I knew, from now on, I had to learn to live with it, in it, I had to accept that it was part of me as much as I was part of it. This material in all its shapes and forms had become an extension of me, and I knew that I was not alone. Krista, Anita, Mrs. Gutenbach were in the same condition, and there would be more, I would find others also. I was scared, I felt I had been altered, and that from that day on I could not exist without rubber. It was a limitation, but also an expanded horizon, an enslavement, but also a liberation. I did not know if I had to be happy or sad. Yes, I was relieved to know my direction. I would give it all that I could; I only was afraid that my family in Denver would not understand, especially Sis. However, I knew that Anita would help her understand. The most important thing now was to communicate to her in such a way that she would not panic, or lose her mind. I did not sleep; the experience of being totally wrapped, snuggled in that cool stuff was unbelievable. I woke up early in the morning, slightly cool. Then I understood why Krista came to sleep in my bed: she was cold, plain and simple. I felt I owed her to find a way to keep warm, but I could not think of any. I was enjoying the experience so much, and the closer to daylight, the less I wanted to get up. By eight o’clock I was so comfortable that I could have stayed there the whole day. Not at Mrs. Gutenbach. The time is the time… >>> Diary By eight thirty, Krista and I were sharing breakfast; she was silent, nervous, she did not talk to me once. She was very upset, and had not slept the whole night for sure. Mrs. Gutenbach had eaten already and she sat with us and explained to us all that we had to do until her return, namely by 1:30 in the afternoon. We went about our work. Besides our own rooms and the regular chores, I had to clean the bathroom and the hall and corridor. Krista had the kitchen and the living area that included the dining room. She had no heart to her work and I was finished well before her. So I took on the kitchen for her; at first, she was mad because she felt it was her territory, and she said to me things that were not very nice and would regret later. I still went on with my work knowing that she would not be done on time if I did not do it. Out of rage, she attacked the same room from the other end. When we met in the middle, I offered her a chocolate bar. She refused it. I walked out and let her finish the kitchen; I cleaned the windows of the living room even though they did not need it. Then I had the idea of vacuuming the bedroom of Mrs. Gutenbach The door was slightly open. When I had done that, I found Mrs. Gutenbach looking at me through the door. Her face did not reflect any sign of displeasure. After lunch, Krista was in a better mood. Mrs. Gutenbach decided to take us grocery shopping. It was raining, so I got dressed, but I was careful not to overdress under the rain gear because we would have to carry all these bags. We stood out among the other shoppers with our shiny raincoats, dripping wet. But then, the people in the store knew the Gutenbach family, and nobody reacted any different. On the way back, the bad feelings of the night before were buried, because the evening dance was going to make it up. Krista was finally ready. She wore a cute little dress, very tight too, and a mid-season coat. How she was allowed to go the dance with that coat, I will never know. I put my overalls since it was raining a little. We arrived at the school a little late, and the party had started. The band was loud; Krista and I had quite a few dances we enjoyed a lot. I took her to the refreshment table a couple of times and by ten thirty we had had enough and felt ready to go home. The rain was falling a little heavier. I offered her my bomber’s jacket, but she did not want it. What was supposed to follow did. She arrived home with a fever and a cold. The rest of what happened I will write it another day. Scrapbook I write these things a couple of days later for the scrapbook, because so much did happen that night and on Sunday. At this time I feel in another world, a different person. This is how it happened starting Saturday shortly before midnight: Mom Gutenbach was not happy, but she had gathered that much, so she was prepared to show me how she approached these health annoyances the thorough (“tuechtig”) way. Krista was mortified, because she knew what to expect. What she did not know was the role her mom had decided to give me in the process, nor did I.”Since Anita is not here, you will have to help me. Go and put your rubber apron.", Mrs. Gutenbach whispered to me. First, I had to prepare a whole pot of hot tea, special herbs, for Krista. She was sitting in an armchair; she wore her usual nightgown and a translucent bathrobe in rubber on top. She was cold and her teeth were chattering. Her forehead was hot, and her eyes looked at me pathetically. I smiled at her, and handed her a warm cup of tea. She took it gratefully; a second and a third. It calmed her cough some. “Only one time without my coat…” she moaned. Soon after, Mrs. Gutenbach called her to the bathroom, and she called me too. Without any hesitation she showed me a large enema bag all prepared for her daughter. I was stunned. ”You better learn some nursing skills,” she said to me, handing me a pair of elbow length red latex gloves. I slipped them on. She showed me exactly how to give one. ”You will give her the second one.” Krista’s protests fell on deaf ears. There was a little vengeance in the process, I believe. I felt bad for her, and I made myself as invisible as possible. I never smiled or looked at her in the eyes. Krista was laying across her mother’s lap (covered by a rubber apron, her knees apart). Mrs. Gutenbach lifted her nightgown up and exposed her rear end without the slightest hesitation. She squeezed a generous amount of jell on her right hand (rubber gloved) and massaged Krista’s anus for a minute or two. Krista was moaning non stop. Then she took the hose and pushed it inside her colon, about four inches, and opened the clip. As the liquid flowed in, she pushed more hose inside Krista, about two feet worth.” If you meet resistance, pull back a little and go in again.” When the bag was empty, she waited for the first couple of cramps and pulled the hose out. Then, she led Krista to the commode. I prepared the second enema and gave it to her exactly the same way. I used jell to lubricate her anus, a part she did not like initially. But with my fingers, I massaged her until I could feel enjoyment. When I was done, she wanted a little more. By enlarge, Krista did not resist. When this was over, Mrs. Gutenbach had prepared a hot bath with denatured alcohol in it But she asked me to soap her daughter up and shampoo her hair; I was still dressed with the rubber apron and the gloves. It was the first time I had seen a naked girl, except for Sis, and I did not know what how to react. But this time Krista cooperated, knowing it was useless to do otherwise. I believe that she rather enjoyed my involvement, but she did not want her mom to know. I took great care to lather her all over; standing behind her I spread the liquid soap everywhere, even between her legs. She liked that a lot; she would even guide my hands over her breasts on and on. In the mean time, Mrs. Gutenbach had prepared the sauna rubber bag. After Krista had dried herself and was powdered, I dried her hair. Mrs. GUTENBACH asked me to powder a comprehensive red leotard suit, while she had Krista put on gloves and rubber socks. When she was dressed, she was zipped inside the sauna bag on her bed. Then Mrs. GUTENBACH produced a hood with nose, mouth and eyes openings. She zipped Krista’s head into it, and adjusted the high collar of the bag snuggly around her neck. She wrapped her into another large black rubber sheet, laid the feather cover (rubber encased) on top of her and plugged in a humidifier to facilitate her breathing. She installed a little two way walkie-talkie set so that if Krista needed help, she could hear her call from her bedroom. She turned off all the lights and left her there in total darkness. Still, I can’t believe what I have done and seen. There is still a world I had not the faintest knowledge of. Why all that for a cold? there must be a reason. Right now, I don’t think of a bed other than a ”rub-bed”, but I don’t have the same urges as yesterday. I know that I am going to learn a lot more tomorrow. It was 2 AM when I turned the lights off. On Sunday, around seven o’clock, I heard Mrs. GUTENBACH in the hall; she knocked at my door. ”I need your help, Ken. Put on your apron (Gummischuerzen), because Krista must have two enemas.” I could not imagine how long this therapy was going to last. Anyway, I went to the bathroom still in my rubber pajamas, tied my large apron, did as ordered and prepared the first one, lukewarm as the day before. Krista appeared and without a word bent over my lap. I zipped her suit open from the crotch up her back and proceeded. She had sweated a lot in this suit and she must have felt quite dehydrated. She was rather weak, and moaned when I applied the cold jell. It all took place without any difficulty; after the first cramp, I led her to the commode. On the second enema, I had the idea of spreading the jelly to her other hole as well, and I noticed that the enema went in much easier when I gently massaged that area. She also liked it immensely. When it was over, she whispered, ”I want an enema from you every day from now on.”, and she kissed me with renewed passion. I had started something, and I was not sure if I should say yes or no. ”We shall see,” I answered not wanting to commit myself, but I knew already that she was not going to leave me in peace until it was a yes or no. After that, I gave her another bath, with shampoo, just like the night before. She loved it a lot. Her mother had prepared a terry cloth sweat suit that Krista put on first before entering another rubber suit, larger than the leotard. After I had showered and washed my pajamas and hung all that rubber over the tub, I dressed. Mrs. Gutenbach, still in her rubber nightgown and bathrobe had fixed some breakfast for us. Everyone felt much better after that. With Krista sick, Mrs. Gutenbach could not leave her alone; so she decided to stay home. After the breakfast was cleaned up, we had a game of Risk for a couple of hours. Krista was sweating a lot, but her mom had no intent of stopping the process, on the contrary; she had her drink more tea and gave her a couple of aspirins. I must admit that Krista did not cough any more and that she was getting better. After a bit of lunch, both women wanted me to read a book in German to them. I did my best, but I am sure that I made a lot of mistakes, because they laughed at the way I pronounced some words. Then, Mrs. Gutenbach decided that her daughter should take a nap in the rubber sauna bag for a couple of hours. Krista was not happy. I suggested that we install the TV in her room to make time pass quicker. We helped her into the leotard after we had powdered her and the garment, and into the mask; from there she was zipped into the bag, wrapped into the bed sheet and covered to the neck with the feather cover once again. While I was powdering the leotard, I made sure to leave a couple of blobs of jell in the crotch, I felt it would make it more comfortable for her to wear. Now Mrs. GUTENBACH had one hundred percent of my attention, and she did not waste a minute of it. She led me into her bedroom, and she opened her closet and showed me everyone of her outfits, her nursing outfits to begin with. I told her that should I be sick, I would like her to wear these before nursing me. She gave a smile first, and then a look of surprise. ”You will see me with it before then,” she teased. We went through everything, dresses, lingerie, rain gear, the bed sheets, and all kinds of special items that were very intimate. She went through all of these things setting aside a few of them. ”Wait here,” she said, and walked to the bathroom. She came back wearing her rubber bathrobe, a very shiny purple and black garment that fit her very well, I must say. Turning her back to me, she proceeded to dress herself in my presence; she wanted to excite me, I suppose, but I was dumbfounded. It was too much. She did not realize that I could see the front of her in a side mirror of her dresser. She put on underwear with a rubber shaft inside, then a very tight red girdle with garters holding black rubber stockings. She slipped on a bra with holes for the nipples. This being done, she turned towards me and walked towards me till she was a foot away. My hands were sealed against my body; I did not dare touch her. May be she was testing my self-control for her daughter’s sake. My gaze never left her eyes. Taunting me, she went to her closet and put on her nursing outfit, a molding light blue skirt with a wide red belt, and a white top. It all fitted her magnificently. She adjusted a little cap on her hair, and slipped her feet into white sneakers. When she tied them, the hem of her skirt went up by five inches. She looked stunning. With one hand on her hip she commanded, ”I will give you an enema right now.” I had not counted with that, and by the time I was about to refuse, she had taken a pair of elbow length gloves, black ones, and was dragging me to the bathroom. For the sake of Krista I did not resist. What’s fair is fair, I kept thinking I kept reminding myself that Mrs. Gutenbach is a nurse and that a naked man is not so strange to her. I was glad that Krista was in the sauna bag and could not move. Knowing exactly what to expect, I submitted without protest. But when I bent over, my masculinity was pressed against her cool rubber apron and I had a hard-on in seconds. I was quite distressed about that. Mrs.Gutenbach surely had noticed it because she gave me an extra long anus massage with jell, probing deep and massaging my prostate gland. The effect was unavoidable: I ejaculated violently. ”Oh!” she said, ”you are quite a man!” She wiped the semen off her apron and me with a wet tissue and gave me the first enema of my life. It was most uncomfortable. Before the second one, she used the jell again, but extended her massage to my private parts. She brought me back to another erection rather efficiently, and I ejaculated a second time. This was embarrassing; ”This is good, quite normal for a young man to have two to three ejaculations a day”, she said; ”I hope you do not deprive yourself in your rubber pajamas.” She had read me; she knew. ”Is that what you do?” I had to confirm, ”yes.” ”Good, that’s very good… every day, understand?” The second enema was not less painful than the first one. But I must admit that I felt a lot better after it. ”Put your rubber pajamas on, here is the jell and the powder.” I blushed, but did what she asked. ”I will give you an enema at least once a week, or when you feel you need one.” Only then did it dawn on me that it was my birthday. What a day! I would never forget it. After that, we went to free Krista from her rubber prison. She was moaning and begged her mother to leave her a little longer in the sauna bag. Only she and I knew why. Her mom gave her some tea in a glass with a straw so that she would not dehydrate. Mrs. Gutenbach and I spent the evening in the living room; we sat on the sofa, she was almost on top of me, and she opened up all her catalogs explaining them to me. I must admit it was rather erotic. She opened a bottle of wine, and we shared a glass or two. It lightened our heads, and the age difference became much less important. I caught her hand in my swollen crotch a couple of times. Her intents were clear. When we were done with her collection of ”rubberotica”, we went to help Krista prepare for bedtime. She was glad to take another bath, and to dress for the night. We all were starved and ate bread and ”Wurst” (sausage) dinner. Once more I was intrigued by Krista’s bathrobe in translucent rubber. She looked very sexy. Krista shared with us a glass of wine and became quite silly. She jumped onto my lap and gave me a huge ”Happy Birthday” kiss. ”Froehlicher Geburtstag!” She had a little present for me, and asked me to open it up right away. I was confused and already very thankful. Never in a million years did I expect anything like it. It was a pair of red rubber pants with a sleeve for my penis attached to it. This time both women laughed their heads off. My face must have been very funny. Still sitting on my lap, Krista grabbed it and covered my head and face with it, laughing hysterically. All I could do was to play their game, and proposed to put it on. I went to the bathroom for the jell and the powder and changed there. I came back with my pajama top and the underwear showing a swollen member. I could not understand what they said between their fits of laughter. They loved it for sure. Sitting in the armchair again, it took less than a minute for Krista to come back on my lap, and to lay hold of my hard on. This time, her mom put a stop to it, because she could see her daughter getting out of hand. We all went to bed fairly early, since the next day was going to be a workday for all. One thing I knew then, was that I could and should ask Mrs. Gutenbach to put on the rubber outfit I liked and she would do it. After that memorable weekend, I slipped on my pajamas again and went to bed, and for some reason, I had a very good night of sleep in all that rubber. I also knew that it was the beginning of much more to come. September 15, 1997 >>> Diary It was hard to get up; I was so relaxed that I could have slept the whole day. It was raining. My rain gear was a little tacky, but Krista gave me a spray that made it all slippery inside and the problem was solved. We walked to school quietly. Just before getting there, she gave me a long kiss, and told me how sorry she was for her bad attitude. She thanked me for taking care of her. She looked truly sorry, although one never knows for sure.” I want to take some pictures of you in your rubber outfits, would you mind?” I asked her. ”If I can do the same with you,” she answered with a wink. We sat in the same class, and she was proud to sit next to me. Little did I know that I was the envy of the other girls, and that a fierce bargain was going on. Krista decided to allow other girls to sit next to me, but for certain privileges. One of them wanted to help me with my homework, in particular German grammar and vocabulary. I told her that I would check it out with Mrs. Gutenbach first. School went extremely slow that day. My mind was on rubber more than on anything else. It seemed that the teachers heaped homework more than they instructed. I used every moment of the day to start on it. I had two study hall periods. Usually kids use one for lunch or for free time. I just dived into my work. I wanted to be in bed before ten PM. On the way home I stopped in a drug store and had Krista buy some jell for me. She teased me a lot for it, but the traditional lollipop stuffed her mouth. Mrs. Gutenbach was waiting for us. From that day on, for some reason, she was home a little more. I asked her to wear a nice rubber dress for dinner; she was quite pleased. After I had completed my homework, she wanted me to talk with her for a while. We exchanged family stories. I noticed that the hem of her dress was slowly going higher and higher. She did not even cross her legs. But I used the same technique, I looked at her in the eyes, and nowhere else. It was a game, we knew. “Are you done with your homework?” "Ja!” I said. “Then go and put on your pajamas and come back.” She had a glass of wine waiting for me. We drank to the health of everyone. She was getting excited. At 10 PM, I excused myself, thanking her for a perfect evening. I knew Krista was furious with her mother, but I would handle her tomorrow. Going to bed was becoming a special pleasure; I was developing a taste to the feeling of rubber, and I could not imagine any other kind of life. I was an addict, I knew it, I enjoyed it, I could not imagine the harm; it was just fun. (To be continued)


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Scrapbook of Exchange Student in Germany, Part 1

Scrapbook of an Exchange Student in Germany Notebook I - by Ken Ladder September 1997 Introduction I wrote it on my portable PC. Aside from the Diary, there are texts ”Scrapbook” that are fillers that I wrote a few days or weeks after the facts. I also glue in significant letters, copies of mine, cards, pictures, etc. “Blankenese, Germany, September 2, 1997

Scrapbook of Exchange Student in Germany, Part 2

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Scrapbook of Exchange Student in Germany, Part 3

Scrapbook of an Exchange Student in Germany Notebook III - by Ken Ladder September - October 1997 Introduction I wrote this story on my portable PC. Aside from the Diary, there are texts called " Scrapbook " written a few days or weeks after the facts. I also glued in significant letters, copies of mine, cards, pictures, etc.. Sunday, September 22, 1997 Scrapbook (cont.) I had

Scrapbook of Exchange Student in Germany, Part 4

Scrapbook of an Exchange Student in Germany Note IV - by Ken Ladder November 1997 Introduction I wrote this story on my portable PC. Aside from the Diary, there are texts called « Scrapbook » written a few days or weeks after the facts. I also glued in significant letters, copies of mine, cards, pictures, etc.. Diary Letter from Sis Dear Ken, I miss you so


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