Gay Erotic Stories

The Ancient Prophecy Ch. 04

by Viper
22 Feb 2001


Ch. 4: The Slave Of War The town of Tiras was a small border town south of the Kingdom of Aragon. It served as a trading post for many adjacent towns. It was also the closest town to Labrador. The land was hilly and inappropriate for farming. South of this town was a vast range of volcanoes, one of the Forbidden Lands. Nobody who traveled through Forbidden Lands had ever returned back alive. The people of the town were mostly traders and crafters. Tiras ceramics were very famous across the land. The skills possessed by the town people were extremely rare and unique. They were skilled in making smooth sculptures on the ceramic surface. Rumors said that the clays used were only available in the volcanic areas south of the town. However, today was a very special day for the people. It was the time for the annual fair in Tiras. The merchants opened their store very early in the morning to attract customers who would like to enjoy the warmth of the sunshine. In every corner of the marketplaces people gathered, browsing and spending their money. Cries of joy of children playing with their new toys could be heard clearly. The whole people from many cultures and ethnic were merged with peaceful harmony. It felt like heaven had arrived in Tiras that morning. However, it's no heaven for Maya. She curled on the cold floor of her cell, trying to enjoy the sunshine passing through the small caged window on the wall. She could hear the cheers and laughter of the people outside. She could hear the joyous children walking around and singing merrily. But she couldn't experience it for herself. She could only imagine she could. Maya was a slave of war. Moreover, she was now a sex slave, the lowest status a human could ever reach in the kingdom. She was a human, eighteen years old. She wore nothing but her manacles. Heavy cuffs circled her wrists and ankles together. A big steel ball was chained to her ankle cuffs, preventing her from escaping. A thick rubber collar choked her neck. All manacles were securely locked with steel padlocks. Her black hair was pony-tailed behind her head with a simple rubber band. Her cell was one of many cells in the biggest whorehouse in the town. It was a small room with no comfort at all. The floor and walls were made of hard stone. A small window with steel cages was put high on one side of the wall, facing east. The room was damp and chilly during nighttime, but the stone could be really hot after in contact with sunshine too long. On one corner of the room was her bed. It was a wooden panel strapped on the floor. A pile of hay was spread around her bed, and a dusty old pillow lay on one side. On the other side of the room, covered by a high stone wall, was her toilet. It was poorly maintained and hadn't been cleaned for a long time. All things in her room made her look more like an animal rather than a human being. But she was supposed to be an animal. It was in her contract. She had been sentenced to be an animal for her entire life. Moreover, she had been sentenced for the crime she didn't do. Maya had been the only daughter of John Murdock, or John the Plunderer, one of the greatest bandit-kings in the south. She had once lived in the taste of royalty from his father, who had worked with Baron Stoke, the governor of Southern Aragon. However, her father had been the supreme leader of a bandit band. He had been plundering the nearby towns, a fact that she still couldn't believe. The greatest man she had ever admired was actually a criminal. Then the tragedy had come. When Maya was only seventeen, Baron Stoke discovered her father's business and involvement with the bandits. In a skirmish near the city of Bangor, her hometown, Baron’s army had killed her father. Then the soldiers came to her house and arrested her. The Baron, who hated her father so much, ordered that she would become a sex slave for her entire life. She had been sentenced for a crime she didn't do. For a year she had been trained to become a sex slave by Baron's own men. The training was harsh. She had been chained. She had been whipped. She had been violated. She had been abused. Her freedom was taken away. Her pride was destroyed. Her dignity was stripped. Even her cherry was popped. She had absolutely nothing, but she hadn't given up. And here she was; an unwilling sex slave. She had been sold to the finest brothel in the town of Tiras. She had been sold to many men, but they preferred to sell her back to the brothel after using her because of her bad service. The brothel master had been annoyed, but he had made a lot of money by selling her Sometimes Maya felt sorry of herself. Her body had been repeatedly used and abused. The training had taught her to obey her masters, but being a stubborn girl, she didn't give up, yet. She kept on hoping that someday somebody would grant her independence. She hoped that someday she would get out of this filthy place. However, even now her hope was beginning to fade. Deep in her heart she felt the hatred to her father, who had driven her into this condemned place. She was very disappointed with her father, whom she had admired so much. But now everything was useless. She had been trapped in this place, and she felt she's going to stay here for a long time. Sometimes she would cry all night, wondering why she had to endure this treatment. She wished she had been born as a normal girl. She wished she could grow mature and fell in love and made a family. She wished... only wishes she could make. Suddenly she heard footsteps coming from the hallway. Her fear returned to life. Then the heavy metal door in front of her was unlocked and opened. Her master, wearing his usual formal attire, stood in front of her. Unwillingly, she knelt and put her head down, afraid to stare directly to her master. A mistake in greeting her master could grant her harsh punishments she couldn't bear. "I see you are awake. Good. You have a customer. There's a guy who are looking for a slave." She stayed silent. She was not supposed to talk unless she was given a question. "He has been meeting many other slaves, but are unsatisfied. He said he wants the youngest one around, and I believe you can meet his expectation." She could hear a sardonic chuckle from him. "You'd better, for I'm getting tired of having you here... You must please him, so he will buy you, you hear me? "Yes, master..." She answered. "If you fail to please him, I'm telling you... I will torture you ALL NIGHT LONG! UNDERSTAND?" "Y...yes master..." She answered again. Her voice was trembling. Her master unlocked her ball and ordered her to follow him. She quickly walked right behind him out of her cell and along the dark hallway. Walking was difficult with her ankle cuffs, but she managed to keep her pace. Her mind raced. This man who wanted to buy her had rejected many other slaves. But she was the clumsiest slave around here! Her stubbornness had prevented her from serving her masters well. She hated to act like an animal no matter what she would face. She knew that her master hated her, and he knew she couldn't do this job well. Then he would surely torture her to the death. Finally he found an effective way to get rid of her. She felt really hopeless and scared. Her stubbornness had finally rewarded her independence, but not the way she wanted. Soon, they arrived in the guestroom. The room was bigger, with better furniture. Bondage utilities filled the walls and chains hung from the ceiling. The light was dim and several candles created scary fantasies in her mind. On the center of the room was a table with straps. On that table she had been violated many times against her will. She began to tremble in fear. She knew she would not survive another day. Unless... if he was willing to buy her. She only had one last chance. She would beg him, if necessary. She would beg him to buy her. "Take off her cuffs." She noticed her guest on one corner of the room, sitting on a chair. He was wearing a dark cloak, preventing her from seeing his face. But from his appearance she knew he was a tall and well-shaped man. Her master usually protested at such request, but this time he obeyed. "Of course, sir." The manager took off her manacles then left them in the room. She didn't move an inch, afraid of what's going to happen to her. She didn't even dare to stare at her guest. She tried to stand still, but her body was trembling. Her hands attempted to cover her nakedness, but no avail. "Don't be afraid. I'm not going to eat you." His voice was full with dignity, making her shiver. She didn't know what to do. She was confused. "Why didn't you answer me?" he asked. "I... I thought you're going to rape me now..." Her answer was weak. "Should I?" His answer surprised her. "Look at me. I won't hurt you." Slowly she raised her head and looked at her guest. He had taken off his cloak. He was a tall young man. He wore a brown leather jacket and a pair of leather trousers. His chest was broad and his arms were muscular. He was also strikingly handsome! His smile was warm and friendly, and for sometime she just stared at him. Then she realized that it was a fatal mistake. She quickly threw off her sight. "I'm sorry, master... I stared at you in the eyes..." She heard him coming closer. She was finished, she thought. He was going to spank or whip her mercilessly... But she felt him took her trembling hand. She tried to pull it back, but he held it firmly. Then suddenly she felt something warm covered her body. Her guest just covered her naked body with his cloak! "Look at me, my dear. Look into my eyes." That's an order, she thought. Slowly, she turned to see her guest again. His eyes were gazing at her, but his expression was calm and friendly. "You are different." He said. "I can see fear in your eyes. I can see despair in your gaze. Do you want to tell me what's bothering you?" His question startled her. She was a sex slave. She existed only for the pleasure of her master. But this man wanted her to tell all of her sorrows. She was now totally confused. He just smiled and let her hand go. Then he walked toward the examination table. She began to panic, but then she saw that he climbed and sat on the corner of the table. "Come here and sit beside me... unless you prefer to stand." She was still scared. She didn't know what to do. But she realized that her feet were tired from her constant trembling. Slowly she approached him. "Why, master...?" She managed to collect all her guts to ask him. "Why what?" "Why did you want to hear my tale...?" She asked again. "Because I'm the only one who might want to hear you, my dear." He was right. Until now she had kept the tale of her tragic life to herself. She hadn't dared to tell it to anybody. She feared that her masters would be angered by her whines. "Come and sit beside me. Don't be afraid. I won't strap you in." Slowly she climbed up and sat next to him, still afraid to stare at him. She pulled the cloak closer to her body to keep her warm and cover her naked body. "What do you want to hear from me, master?" "Let's hear about your story. Why did you become a prostitute?" Maya was quiet for a while, collecting all the courage she could find. Then she began telling her tales. She stopped once in a while to look for boredom in her master's face, but found none. He listened to every word she said. Her voice was full of bitterness, but she kept on going. Slowly she could feel that he was a reasonable man she shouldn't fear too much. When she got to the part where she was taken to become a sex slave, her eyes moistened. But he paid full attention to her story. She felt so free in speaking to him. She felt the burden in her heart began to soften as she found somebody who was willing to listen to her sorrow. She told him everything she felt. She told him the sadness she had been keeping for herself. "When... when they took me to the dungeon... I felt really scared... But they didn't care... They stripped my clothes off... chained me... and whipped me..." Her tears began to fall. Between the words were soft whimpers from her long-kept sorrow. 'That night... I thought my... suffering... was over... They... they brought this man to me... He was horrible... he was ugly... and... and... his member... he... he... rammed it into me...!" Her master wrapped his arm around her shoulder, massaging it. Maya hesitantly lay her head on his shoulder and began crying softly. "They... they... raped... me...! And... and... I... was... only... seventeen...!" Maya felt a rush of warm and wonderful feeling swept through her heart as her burden she had kept for herself was released. She just stayed in his arm for a while, crying. Then she remembered why she was here. She turned away from him. "I'm sorry, master, I made you listen to my whining." "How do you feel?" He asked. "Master?" She didn't understand. "How do you feel after you told me everything? I do hope you feel better." She did feel better. "Yes, master... Thank you very much..." "No problem. I'm just happy that I can help." Now Maya couldn't stand it anymore. The tears in her eyes were full. She had to say it. If she waited, she was going to burst. "M...master... May I speak freely?" "Of course! Speak your mind!" She raised her head to look at him "Master... You are... different... I mean from my other customers... You're willing to listen to me... Why? Why did you do this?" He raised her eyebrows. "Why not? Even prostitutes are human! They need somebody they can talk their problems to!" "Master... Most of my customers just grabbed me and used me once they saw me... But you are willing to listen to my story... You are so kind to me." Without waiting for his response, she jumped to her feet and knelt in front of him, her face almost touched his shoe. She hung her head down in submission. Her cloak fell from her shoulders, revealing her nakedness again, but she didn't care. "Master... please... please buy me...! I beg you..." She could see that his master was surprised. She could feel her fear returned. But his master climbed down the table and knelt as well, leveling himself with her. "What is this sudden request?" He studied her face for a while, noting the fear in her face. "What did your master tell you?" He knew it! He could see it! "If... if you don't buy me... he will torture me all night..." He fell silent for a moment. Maya felt hopeless. He was disappointed with her, she thought. He wouldn't buy her, knowing of her disobedience. And she knew that tonight her life would be forfeited. Her master stood up and walked to the door. He called the brothel master. The brothel master came in, looking at her with his sardonic gaze. "I hope she didn't cause you any trouble, sir." "On the contrary, I want her." Both she and her master were surprised. Maya couldn't believe her hearing. He wanted to buy her! She was not going to die after all! "Very well, sir..." The brothel master's voice was still full with disbelief. "For how many nights do you wish to have her?" "Permanently." Again, she was shocked. He wanted her to become his permanent slave! He wanted her to become his! And she was going to leave this dreaded place! "I'm sorry, sir. We have a policy that we cannot sell our prostitutes permanently." She knew that he wouldn't let her go easily. "Of course you can." His new master said calmly. "She has been your pain in the ass, true?" Silence covered both men. At last her master said, "Very well, sir. I will sell her to you for a modest price, twenty-five gold ingots. How's that?" That was very expensive, she thought! He could buy a small house with that money! "Agreed. I will pay in front." For the third time both she and her master were surprised. He could afford her! "And I want you to dress her casually and take off all of her manacles. Is there a problem?" The brothel master answered quickly. "No, no, sir! Certainly, sir!" Then he left. Maya looked at her new master in disbelief. He was staring at her, smiling. Her heart was flushed with joy. She ran to him and hugged his legs, almost knocking him down. "Master... I... don't believe this... Thank you..." Then she cried again. She cried like she hadn't cried for ages. His master knelt and put her in his arms, comforting her. She knew at that moment that she loved him very much. He was her true savior. The brothel master came back with a set of casual clothes. She hadn't worn any clothes for a long time, and the touch of fabric tickled her body. She wore a sleeveless gym leotard, and her long pants showed her long slim legs. Two pairs of leather cuffs with buckles were put on her wrists and ankles. A leather belt circled her waist and was buckled in front. A pair of high-heeled shoes was put on, making her struggle for balance. Her new master helped her with her new outfit. And she was ready to go! Her master paid the brothel master, then walked to the exit. She followed her closely, leaving the place of her torment and despair behind. The day was indeed beautiful. She loved it when the sunshine bathed her body with its friendly warmth. The town people looked at her casually, with no hint of humiliation that had been shown by her customers. She felt so happy. For the first time, she enjoyed the feeling of true freedom. Then she realized that she had forgotten her master, who had walked to the edge of the town. She hastily ran to him and followed him again. He didn't seem to be angry. He was indeed different, she thought. He didn't leash her collar and tugged her to follow him. He was truly wonderful. Near the edge of town, another girl was waiting. She was leaning to the wall of a store. She gave them a skeptical look as her master approached. "So this is your new slave, huh?" "Yes. Isn't she cute?" Her master turned to Maya. "Maya, we're your new owners. My name is Atrus White Lion, and this is my associate, Adriana Freesland." "M... master White Lion... Mistress Freesland... good morning." Maya didn't know what else to say. "Call me Anna." Anna said. "And I think Atrus likes his name better, too." She added. "Yes, master Atrus, mistress Anna. I'm Maya, your new slave." "Yes, but not for long." Atrus added. Maya didn't understand, and she didn't hide her troubled look. "You mean you're going to return me?" "Nope." Atrus reached for her collar and took it off. "You're now free." Both Anna and Maya were stunned. Especially Maya, who had never expected this. "Atrus... I don't believe this... That's very noble..." Anna looked at him in wonder. "You should know better than just calling me a jerk!" He looked at her in his annoyed look. "Oh, I'm so sorry, dear..." She gave him a peck on his cheek. But Maya just stood there, unmoved. She looked at Atrus in disbelief. Then tears sprang from her eyes. "Why... why did you do this...?" Anna gave her an assuring smile. "We defeated a bandit band in the village of Labrador. We got a lot of money from the attack, so we decided to use the money for good cause." "I went to the brothel house to look for a slave so we can grant her independence. But most of the whores I found enjoyed their slavery." Atrus told her. "Then I found you. I saw the grief in your eyes. Then you told me your story and how your master treated you. You didn't enjoy your slavery. Therefore I decided that you didn't belong there. Now, you can see, you are free!" Atrus expected to see a happy look on her face, but she didn't show it. Instead, she took the collar on the ground and buckled it back around her neck. Now both he and Anna were stunned. "Master... mistress... You have been so kind to me... Please let me be your slave!" "Maya?" Atrus didn't understand. "We let you go! You're free now!" "You don't understand, master. I have been a slave for a long time. I never think I can have my independence, but at least I will be happy if I can find a master who understands me. But nobody wanted me. Nobody was pleased with me. I was about to give up hope when you came." She paused for a while to wipe off her tears. "Master, I have waited for a master like you. Let me repay your kindness. Let me be your willing slave! Let me follow you! I have nowhere else to go!" She was kneeling in front of him, looking at him with her pleading eyes. Atrus was speechless. "No offence, but we don't need a slave." Anna told her. "I promise I'll be good! I'm a good cook, too!" Anna was immediately silenced with her answer, cursing herself for not being able to cook. "Maya, we're not on a picnic. Our journey is a dangerous one." Atrus added. "I can take care of myself!" Maya countered. "I'm the daughter of a great thief, remember? Give me a blade or several throwing knives, and I'll be as deadly as any knights!" Atrus was about to counter again when Anna touched his shoulder. "You know what? We can't just kick her away. She's right. She has nowhere to go." "Anna, which side are you on?" "In this case, her side! You just don't know how it feels to be homeless!" Atrus thought again for a while. Maya was still on her knees, and it seemed she would probably stay knelt until he gave her permission. "At least we can take her until we can find the right home for her. It's not wise for a young girl to travel alone." Anna said again. "I can take care of myself!" Maya claimed. Atrus stared at her. "Actually we can use a chef..." "I can cook really well!" She said. "... And a helper..." "You will find me useful, master!" She said again. "... And somebody to fulfill our needs." She fell silent, dropped her gaze and said, "I obey you, master, for I'm your slave." "That's the problem, Maya!" Atrus exclaimed. "Our journey is dangerous! We depend on each other's ability! There's no time to play this master and slave thing!" Maya sobbed again. This time she couldn't answer that. Anna felt sorry for her. "Maya, I think what Atrus is trying to say is that we will welcome you if you want to forget your role as a slave. We can just be traveling companion, right?" Maya looked at her with her moist eyes. "Tell me, mistress... I... I just want to repay his kindness to me... Tell me... Is that wrong?" Then she cried again. Atrus felt sorry that he just yelled at her. He put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Maya, I just don't want you to get hurt. I'm willing to accept you. I just fear that your feeling of submission to me will shadow your judgment." Then he knelt and looked into her eyes. "I will accept you, then. You may come with us..." Before he had a chance to finish his sentence, Maya leapt to his chest and hugged him tight. "Thank you, master! I promise I will stay loyal forever!" Atrus looked at Anna, who gave him her teasing smile. "You have a better idea?" "Nothing I have in mind, I guess..." Anna answered. Atrus let Maya go and stared at her again. "With two conditions you can come. First, you are a traveling partner. There is no giving away your life for any of us. Got it?" She smiled. "Sure! I'll stay with you forever, remember?" "Second, stop that master and mistress thing! Call us by our names!" "I disagree! I swear I will repay your kindness! Please let me call you master!" Anna giggled at him, trying to hold her laugh. "I'm afraid you don't have any choices, MASTER ATRUS!" "Okay, you win! Wait for us in the weapon store. We'll see you there." Atrus dismissed her. "Thank you, master!" She kissed his cheek, then ran toward the crowds. "Well, Atrus, what can I say? You have your own slave now." Anna chuckled. "Well, it's because of you and your big mouth! She called me master! It makes me look like an idiot!" "You are one!" Anna teased him. "Anyway, got an interesting job from the guild." "Go on..." "A small detachment of troops was reported missing a week ago. The royal army requested for any mercenaries to do a scout around the area for the missing troops." "And where did they go?" Atrus asked. "They headed south. Directly toward the Forbidden Land." The environment around the volcanoes was very unfriendly. The air was hot, with the smell of sulfur everywhere. The ground was rocky and uneven. Only a little vegetation lived there. The volcanoes rose high to the sky like giants holding the curtain of heaven and hell. The three companions made a camp near the ledge of the mountain. Not far from there Anna had found a small hot spring, so they could get fresh water. Maya also had found a small bush of plants that she had claimed was safe to be eaten. Now Atrus was on lookout for any danger around them. Anna was looking at the map, plotting their way so they didn't get lost. Maya was busy preparing the meal, and nobody could deny that her cooking started to smell good. Atrus had let her roam around the market in the city, buying supplies for them. She had bought a big basket of spices for her cooking. When Atrus returned, Anna had finished plotting their position. "I must admit, she really can cook. Don't you think?" Anna gave him her annoyed look. "What are you trying to do? Bug me?" "What do you mean, I'm trying to bug you? I'm giving an honest comment!" "Yeah! Well, you're comparing her and me just because I can't cook! What do you think I am? Am I a housewife? Do you think it's easy to be a housewife?" "Well, at least I CAN COOK! HE...HE...! I CAN COOK!" Before Anna could answer, Maya appeared, staring at them in confusion. "I just joined you for half a day, and I've heard you quarrelling four times! How did you two decide to go together anyway?" " He started it!" Anna mocked. "Hell, no! I just said she could cook well..." Maya's face was lightened by Atrus' compliment. She grabbed his arm and pulled him to the camp. "Thank you, master! Let's have lunch together!" Then she turned at Anna. "And if you yell at my master again, you'll be eating gravel!" Then they both left. "It... it's... not... fair..." The ground was getting steeper as they got closer to the volcano range. The strong scent of sulfur filled the air, suffocating the three companions. The air was also uncomfortably hot, especially for Atrus, who wore a leather armor outside his shirt. Both Anna and Maya wore minimal clothes, but they didn't escape the torment of the atmosphere. "Anna, are you sure this path is still passable?" Atrus asked. "According to the map, we can go a little bit farther until the path was completely blocked." "Can you use your magic to detect any life forms around here?" "I can try." She closed your eyes and began to meditate. Maya was amazed. When Atrus and Anna were discussing their mission, he was very reasonable and she obeyed him well. But when they were chatting casually, they always ended up fighting. A journey with them would be exciting, she thought. "Atrus, I don't know if this is only my feeling or not. But I've been sensing the same sense of life since we left our camp. It feels... something's following us..." Atrus raised his hand, telling them to be quiet. Just now, he felt he had heard something. He tried to rely fully on his superior Ranger hearing. Besides the continuous sound from the restless volcanoes around them, he could hear another voice. It was a cry... an inhuman cry... a howl... Slowly, he unsheathed his sword. Maya armed her short blade and prepared her throwing knives. Atrus had bought five throwing knives for her to use. Anna also chanted her only harmful spell she mastered, her favorite old Magic Missile. Weaponless, she had to stay behind Atrus or Maya all the time. She wished she had mastered more spells. Atrus' suspicion was confirmed by loud growls behind them. Now blocking their way back was a pack of five black wolves. The wolves were staring at them with their angry gaze. Their sharp fangs and claws were the true signs of their unfriendliness. Atrus moved to the front row and prepared his fighting stance. "Maya, stay close to Anna." "Yes, master. Be careful." One of the wolves dashed forward, but Atrus had anticipated his move. He dashed backward, and by the time the wolf landed, be sliced his skull open. Then another wolf attacked again. Atrus didn't see the other one sneaking from his back, and after he slashed the second wolf, a sharp pain came from his right shoulder, forcing him to drop his sword. When he looked behind, the wolf was ready to strike the second time... But Maya was faster. She slit his throat open with her blade. Atrus was surprised at her sudden aid, but realized the danger. The other two wolves charged Anna from both directions. Anna let loose a magic missile that knocked the wolf to the ground, but didn't have time to recharge her missile. The other wolf leaped forward, targeting her tender neck... Again, Maya's knife arrived first. The wolf yelped in pain when the throwing knife stroked his belly. His fangs barely scored Anna's neck, but created a short cut on her chin. She didn't waste any time and finished him off with her magic missile, silencing the wolf forever. After the battle, Anna cured her wound and Atrus'. Atrus just glared at Maya, who sat next to him. "I thought I said you should stay with Anna!" "Sorry, master..." Anna gave him her warning look. He knew what she was going to say. Then he felt sorry for his word. "Maya, thanks a lot..." She smiled brightly at him and gave him a peck on the cheek. "You're welcome, master! I told you I might become handy somehow!" Then she ran toward the path again. "Well, that was pretty mean!" Anna commented. "I said I was sorry! She didn't really take that seriously." "Well, she saved your neck!" "And she saved yours! You didn't say anything!" "MASTER!!!" Again, Maya stopped their quarrel, but this time there was a hint of horror in her cry. Atrus and Anna ran to the path Maya took. The path was simple and straight, but was very steep. Between them the hills were very high that they couldn't see the surrounding. In front of them Maya stood unmoved. When she saw him coming, she quickly ran to his arms and hugged him tight. Her heart was pacing fast. Once Anna joined them, she also cried in horror. The steep path ended with a level room surrounded by high hills. Around them were ten bodies laid on the wall of the cliff that surrounded them. The bodies could not be recognized well because they had been turned into black corpses. It seemed they had been burned to death. But one of them still held a long pike on his scorched hand. They had found the lost soldiers! Atrus slowly let Maya go and walked to one of the soldier. Their body was rigid and shapeless. On the disfigured face still existed the expression of extreme pain and agony. They had been burned slowly to death... "It's no use! We're all gonna die here!" Atrus turned around to see another man in the other corner of the room. He was a soldier with a torn badge around his shoulder. He wore a half plate around his upper body, but his long pants were full of bruises and cuts. His leather-cased sword was hanged on his waist. His beard was unshaved, and his face was also full of scratches. Looking at his appearance, he was as horrible as the other corpses. "Poor souls... you're trapped here with me..." "What do you mean by trapped? We're here to get you out of here!" Atrus said. The lone soldier gestured at the bodies around them. "My fellow soldiers... that's what they said a week ago... Now... they're nothing but burned mannequins..." "I said we're going to get you out of here, and you're coming with us!" "M... master... I think you should see this..." Maya tugged his shirt. Around them, the cliff walls had vanished. Now surrounding them were numerous passages out of the room, and they're almost the same. The thick walls of rocks made it impossible to look at what's beyond the path without walking into it. "W... what happened...?" Anna asked. "Oh...! This place is cursed...! Nobody that comes here can get out alive! We are all the victim of the lizard!" "Lizard? What lizard?" Atrus demanded again. "Red! It's red! And it's hot, too! Oh dear Guardian, why should I get this torment?" "Get a hold of yourself!" Atrus told him. "We can try every one of those paths!" The soldier stared at Atrus with angry gaze. "Do you think I'm incompetent? We've been here for a week! A full damn week! We tried every single path and ended up in this room again! One by one my men were fried by the damn lizard!" Suddenly Atrus heard another weird noise. He signaled his partners to stay alert. "Even at night... I can still hear their dying cry...!" "Hey, be quiet!" Atrus told him. He tried to concentrate. "Slowly they were burned... The thick flames engulf their body..." "QUIET! I WANT TO SEE THE DAMN LIZARD!" A loud roar came from his left. A bright red lizard slowly crawled out of the passage into the room. Its length was approximately a normal human's height. It stared at the group with its blazing red eyes. Sharp spikes covered its back, and on its tail was a pair of long tusks. Its body seemed to be heavy as it crawled really slowly. Thick scales covered its body like body armor. "You called the damn thing... Now you get the damn thing..." Maya said. "Flame salamander..." Anna mumbled. "What?" Atrus stared at her. "Flame salamander... the primary beast in volcanic regions. It's the fiercest carnivore in those areas. Having no teeth, it uses its tail to strike the opponents. Plus, it can also breathe deadly fire from its mouth." She gestured at the burned bodies around them. "They rarely hunt down victims unless for food. I suppose this one is... special..." "It's cursed...! It's cursed...!" the soldier cried. "Any suggestions on how to kill this thing?" Atrus asked again. "No, you can kill it using normal method. It's just the matter of staying alive long enough to kill it." "That sounds easy." Atrus mumbled again. "Maya, take care of the soldier. Don't let him run screaming to the lizard." "Understood, master! Be careful..." She answered. "Atrus, show me your sword." Anna told him. Atrus showed her his short sword. Anna put her palm on the handle and chanted a spell. Suddenly the sword handle became really cold in his grip. He felt cool air run through his veins and the hot air that had tortured him didn't trouble him anymore. "I've put in your sword a limited shield against fire. It will work automatically, but it won't last forever. But you must keep the sword in your hand, or the spell won't work. Got that?" "Loud and clear." "Now be careful and kick that monster's butt!" The monster had reached the center of the room and growled, as if it was issuing a challenge. Atrus came forward and prepared his fighting stance. The lizard swung its tail toward Atrus, but he easily dodged the attack. After a few tail strikes, Atrus dashed forward and slashed its belly. A short cut was made, but the creature seemed unaffected. It continued its tail slashes, forcing him to keep running to evade the attack. However, the thin oxygen quantity in that area rendered him tired very quickly. His motion is getting slower as his power was drained. Then the creature stepped back and took a deep breath, sucking the air around him and almost pulling him, too. Then he realized, it's preparing the fire! "ATRUS, WATCH OUT!" He had no time to evade the fire. The fire breath threw his body to the ground. The flames engulf his body and a sharp pain came from his entire muscles. But he was still in one piece. The shield did its job well. Recovering from the pain, he slowly stood up again. The lizard's tail came again, forcing him to jump around the room. He made several slashes across the creature's body, but it always ignored his attack. After his movement is halted, the creature used the fire breath again. This time Atrus had anticipated it and got a near hit. The pain, however, was unbearable. For the second time he fell on his knees. "Master! Let me help you!" "No, Maya, stay where you are!" Atrus told her. "Atrus, you cannot defeat the salamander alone..." Anna said. The salamander ceased his attack and waited for him to get up. Atrus thought again. His attacks were practically useless. His power was drained and he couldn't dodge the flame fast enough. He can feel his shield weakened. When he turned to his partners, they were talking to each other. "Atrus, target his neck!" Anna said finally. Anna prepared her magic missiles. Maya dashed to the opposite side of the room and prepared her throwing knives. Then they launched their weapons together, making the creature wail. Atrus dashed forward, ready to slash the lizard. But he didn't see the tail coming from his side. The tail knocked him off across the room. The leather softened the blow, but the spikes made a wound on his left arm. Moreover, his sword was lying on the ground. The lizard noticed this and took another deep breath. "MASTER, NOOO!" Maya dashed between the lizard and Atrus, protecting his stunned master. She didn't care about what he had told her earlier. She's going to protect her master even if it would cost her life. The creature opened its mouth and let loose the fire. The pain was intense. Her body jerked to the pain. In the distance she could hear Anna cried in terror. The heat was unbearable. She let go a loud scream. In her mind she could see herself being engulfed by the flame. But slowly the pain subsided. When she opened her eyes, she noticed that she was lying on something. Her body was not burned and was intact. Then she realized Atrus was on her side, holding her body. In his hand was his sword. He had grabbed the sword and touched her body to prevent her from being burned to death. He had saved her! "Master... I have disobeyed you... Are you going to punish me later...?" Atrus smiled at her. "Punishments can wait. I promise we'll get out of here alive." "I trust you, master... I trust you..." Then she fainted on his arms. Atrus slowly put her body down and stood up. Anna was making the lizard busy using her magic missiles. Atrus could feel the rage building inside him. This creature had killed almost an entire detachment. It had made the soldier mad. Just now it had almost killed Maya. His power returned to life as his anger reached the peak. "You are the worst killer I've ever met... I WON'T FORGIVE YOU!!!" He dashed forward as fast as lightning. The lizard's tail answered him, but this time he was faster. He dodged the tail, moved to its behind and slashed his sword on its tail, cutting it. The creature growled in pain and fury. Atrus gave it no chance. He quickly dashed to its side. "LIGHTNING SLASH!!!" The sword made its way through the creature's neck, splitting its throat. The lizard stopped its struggle and collapsed to the ground. Then smoke came out of its torn neck. "Atrus! It's going to blow!" Anna ran for cover, and Atrus laid his body on top of Maya's, protecting her. A large explosion came, spreading the debris of the lizard's remains. When they recovered from the explosion, they saw that high walls of rock now replaced the numerous passages. There's only one passage, which is their passage out. The bodies remained, and the spot where the lizard had been was a dark patch on the ground. The explosion disintegrated the lizard remains. "Do you have any theories about this?" Atrus asked Anna. "It seemed that the salamander was capable of creating hallucination, probably using the sulfur-polluted air around us. It seemed these soldiers thought they had explored the entire land. Instead they had been here all the time." The soldier slowly stood up and looked at Atrus in disbelief. "You... you killed the monster!" He turned to the bodies around them. "My fellow soldiers... Your death has been avenged..." Atrus carried Maya's body on his arms, then walked out of the room. Anna helped the soldier to stand up and followed Atrus shortly. "I must say I appreciate your knowledge with that creature." Atrus told her. "Finally you said that! I can't cook, but I can think, butthead! "You're calling me butthead? What do you think you are, egghead?" "Butthead!" "Egghead!" And merrily, they walked out of the Forbidden Land. Atrus closed the room behind him. It had been a long day, he thought. They hadn't encountered any wolves on the way back. The soldier was now under treatment, and they had got their well-deserved reward. Anna had used up all her power to heal him and Maya. Maya was still too weak, so he had told her to get some rest. He himself was exhausted from the long battle. He unbuckled his sword and threw it on the floor. He changed his suit into a casual one then climbed to bed. Just before he blew the candle off, somebody knocked on his door. "Come..." The door was opened slightly and Maya came in, closing the door behind her. She was wearing Anna's nightgown, for she had no other suit but her slave suit. She had also refused to take off her collar. Her untied hair hung on her shoulder. Illuminated by the candlelight, she looked like a little princess. "Maya, didn't I tell you to grab some rest?" "Yes, master, but I'm fine right now. Can I come in? I have something I want to talk about." "Sure. Grab a seat." She sat on one of the chairs, and then stared at him. "I want to thank you for saving my life there. I... you don't know how lucky I feel for having a wonderful master like you..." "Ah... don't mention it. I should thank you for saving my life." Atrus answered her. "And I'm very sorry I disobeyed you, master. I'm always ready to be punished." Atrus chuckled, then softly brushed her hair. "Just tell me you won't do it again, and you'll be fine." "You won't punish me?" "Why should I?" Maya's face turned brighter. She smiled warmly at him. "You're very kind, master... Most masters would punish me harshly if I disobeyed them." "You are not my slave. You just act like it." She walked to his bed. "I don't act like it, master. I become your slave willingly." Atrus raised his eyebrows. "What are you doing...?" "You see, I've been your slave for the whole day, but I haven't had a chance to serve you. Tonight I will please you, master." "Maya... you don't have to do this..." She climbed to his bed. "But I want to, master... Just relax and enjoy..." Slowly she took off her gown. She didn't wear any undergarments. Her cute breasts popped out of the gown. Slowly she moved toward him and kissed him passionately. Despite her young age, she was an expert kisser, he thought. She intruded his mouth, inviting his tongue with hers. The kiss seemed to last forever. After a while, she broke it. "How's that, master...?" "Not bad..." Then she began kissing his entire body, starting from his neck to his chest. She slowly massaged his broad chest and shoulders, avoiding his wounded arm. Then she took off his boxers, revealing his semi-hard member. Slowly she stroked it, feeling the heat building inside. Passionately she kissed the tip and licked the base. He let out a soft moan. Then she engulfed the member into her mouth and slowly sucked it. His cock was getting hard inside her mouth and almost hurt her jaws. But she didn't care. Her mind was drifting. She would do anything to please her master. "Maya, stop it." She was shocked. Slowly she sat up, facing him. His face was calm and unchanged. She looked at him in disbelief. Her eyes were moist with tears. "Master... you don't like me...?" Atrus stroked her long black hair and smiled. "No, that's not it. You know how to please, but you don't know how to love." She didn't understand him. "Master... can you show me how...?" "Of course. Close your eyes." Atrus softly kissed her again, but this time he was in control. He kissed her neck then probed her body. He traced her breasts softly, evading her nipples. Her breathing was getting heavy as he teased her. When he touched her nipples, her body jerked as the sensation of pleasure swept across her body. "Master... it feels good... please do it again..." "First of all, we need to work on your submissive nature..." Slowly he laid her on the bed and covered her body with a blanket. Then he got inside the thick fabric and played with her breasts. She let out soft moans, as her body was being loved. Her nipples were as hard as rock. Atrus put his mouth on a nipple and suck it lightly while playing with the other one. Her moan grew louder that he thought the neighboring tenants might hear her. "Master... I feel strange... I never feel this before..." "How do you like it?" "I... I like it... I... I love it... I love you, master..." Atrus slowly opened her legs with no resistance from her. She turned away in embarrassment. Her crotch was already moist and her love-hole was leaking with her honey. He bent down and began licking her tender pussy, making her crazy with excitement. Her body jerked in every lick as he played with her super-sensitive part. "Master... stop... I can't... I can't... hold it... I CAN'T..." Atrus didn't stop. Maya couldn't hold any longer and exploded in ecstasy. Her body jerked with pleasure. When the feeling subsided, she saw Atrus' face was soaked with her juice. "M... master... I'm sorry... I couldn't hold it..." "Show me how sorry you are." He answered. She smiled and began licking her juice off his face. She could feel the difference now. She loved him, and she was doing it willingly. She had no fear of being punished. She had no fear of being dumped. She only feared of... nothing. When he was with her, she feared of nothing. He was her dream master. She vowed she would serve him forever. He positioned his hips near her crotch. She gave him her nod, and he slowly entered her vagina. Her love hole was wet enough that he met no resistance. She smiled at him lovingly, giving him her blessing to continue. Slowly, he trusted his member in and out her pussy. She moaned in pleasure in each thrust. Her hands were holding the bedcover tightly, trying to hold the wave of ecstasy from her hypersensitive pussy. He played with her clit, making her squirm and moan louder. It didn't take too long for her to reach the peak. She cried in ecstasy when the orgasm hit her. Atrus didn't give any chance for her to recover. He thrust his member faster, increasing her pleasure intensity. "I... I... love you... Atrus..." Then he reached his peak. He pulled out his member and shot his load on her breasts. He collapsed beside her and she embraced him passionately. They kissed again and looked at each other's eyes. "Maya... you called my name..." She gave him her sneaky smile. "No, master. I'm still your old Maya." "So my effort in getting rid of your submissive nature is a failure?" "Do you know that I'm the most stubborn slave in the brothel, master?" "Yes, I do." Maya looked at him in disbelief. "How do you know? Did my master tell you?" He looked at her lovingly. "You never obey me." She kissed him deeply. "Master, you taught me a lot... You taught me how to love... You taught me how to love you..." The next morning, Anna was waiting for them downstairs. She had ordered a pile of pancakes with honey and several bacons for breakfast. She wore her usual uniform, but she changed her hair bow to red. Her hair bow was the only one that changed from her clothes. She stared at them suspiciously as they approached. "Maya, I came to your room to check on you, but you were not there." "Oh, I was in master's room, mistress Anna..." Anna turned to Atrus and gazed at him. "Um... well... she just came to my room last night to... to..." "Sleep with him." Maya finished. Anna's eyes turned fiery. Her gaze demanded his explanation. "Uh... last night... she felt she was..." "Scared. I was scared to sleep alone since I saw the burned bodies. Master let me sleep on the couch. Nothing else." Again, Maya added his explanation. Atrus cursed himself for being bad at lying. If Anna decided to use her 'Banish Evil' spell on him right now, he would die. But luckily Anna seemed satisfied with the reason. "Sit down, then, and eat. I have another assignment from the guild." While they were eating, a man approached them. Atrus quickly recognized him as the lone soldier they saved the day before. His head was heavily bandaged. He bowed at them with respect and gratitude. Maya pulled a chair for the soldier to sit down, but he refused. "I won't be long." He said. "I just want to thank you all for saving my ass yesterday." "Don't mention it." Anna answered. "Forever I will remember your name. My name is Captain Hawk." "You're a captain?" Atrus exclaimed. In the royal army, a captain had the right to command a small detachment of elite soldiers. To become a captain, one required a lot of skills, fame, and years of dedication. "Such a dishonor for me as a captain to act like a coward yesterday." He hung his head. "But I will not hide it. I will write full report of this incident, and I assure you that you will receive full credit of what you have done to me." "Don't worry, captain. We've earned our pay." Atrus answered. "And you will receive more." He added. "If you, by any chance, ran short of work, please come to the castle. Just mention my name to the guards and you will be cleared to enter. The kingdom requires many good mercenaries like you." "Thank you, captain. We will surely consider your generous offer." Atrus bowed. "We shall meet again, then. Farewell." He left the inn. "Well, Atrus, you just earned a contact in the palace." Anna said. "This might make our journey easier, master!" "Perhaps." Atrus answered. "We don't know where we're supposed to go. Anyway, what job did you get from the guild?" He asked Anna. "Another simple scout. The army has lost contact with the village of Gideon, a few miles west from here. The last report said the villagers were mysteriously disappeared, one by one." "Disappeared? You mean lost?" Atrus asked. "No, that's not what the report said." Anna tried to remember. "The report said that they just... disappeared. I mean vanished! Gone!" They fell silent, trying to figure it out what she said. "We can still cancel the assignment if you don't like it..." Anna added. But Atrus stood up and carried his backpack on his shoulder. "Well, I think we have a job to do." Maya followed him out of the inn cheerfully. Anna followed shortly. He was a brave soul, she thought. She felt lucky she had him on her journey. She was sure she would eventually find the lost Champion of the Guardian. She hastened her pace and followed Atrus closely. "Alright, Gideon, here we come!" To Be Continued... Contributed by


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Ch. 11a: Waltz with the Demon's Pet 1 The room was dark and hot. The air was thick with vapor and scent of sulfur. The heat was so intense, even for the Dwarves. The cavern was located deep inside the bowels of the earth. It was a home of no one, for nothing could survive in these unfriendly environment, not even monsters or subterraneous beasts. A lone man walked along the

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