Gay Erotic Stories

The Swimsuit

by M1ke Hunt
24 Jul 2000

Sexual Encounters

The last time I didn't feel like writing something for a while I went back and found some old piece of shit that I'd done but never posted. It was just a simple fuck and suck story, and I put it up just to keep a lot of assholes from bugging me to write something else, cause I was busy at the time. Checking my stocks and bond portfolio, if I recall. Much to my surprise, I got a ton of positive reaction to the piece, which only goes to prove that Barnum was right. Anyway, my last one was one of those with humor and jokes and blood, sweat, toil, and tears, and the reaction wasn't nearly as good. Why I'll bet I got less than 2,000 e-mails about it! So since I've been busy again lately, (just closing a big real estate deal to buy six shopping centers in Texas) and since I haven't felt like writing anything new, here's another old piece of shit for the horny moron crowd. You know who you are. I wrote this one a long time ago, too. Probably 10 years ago, come to think of it, when I was still in my 60's, and before the prostate operation which left me sterile. Or was that impotent? I forget, the fucking doctor had me on so many drugs. Actually that was the only decent part of the whole thing. Fucking doctors. They're worse than lawyers if you ask me. Walking around with this "god" complex when everybody knows that 98.6% of the time you'll get better anyway. The only thing they're good for is giving out drugs, and even then they usually won't give you what you want! Most lawyers have decent drugs, at least the ones I deal with do or they don't get my business. And plumbers. Talk about a bunch of scumbags! $50 to visit your house and look at a fucking pipe! You think anybody gives me $50 to come to their house and write a goddamn story? No way. I did have a guy once offer me $50 for a peek at my weenie, but I didn't think it was worth it. My weenie, I mean. If I'd known way back then in 1954 that I could have bought 9 shares of IBM with that $50, you can bet I'd have whipped my zipper down in nothing flat. Of course I was only 32 then, and didn't start watching every penny and investing in the market until I was nearly 40. You think a fucking stockbroker would have told me that back then? Leeches. Charging me commission on my own money! Bloodsuckers. And don't get me started on the fat lady at the dry cleaners. Bitch. She wants $17.50 to clean 2 pairs of pants and a crappy old shirt. Hell, that's more than I paid for the damn clothes 20 years ago! What is this country coming to???? About the only decent people I can think of are the garbage guys and the girl who delivers my newspaper. I have sympathy for the garbage collectors even though they make over $100,000 a year and belong to the International Brotherhood of Thugs because who the hell wants that job? It's worth it to me to pay them off. And as far as the girl goes, well, she's just 13 years old and cute, and it's nice to see the youth of the country engaged in earning their own money and learning about the free enterprise system. Anyway, she's the one who brings my drugs along with the Friday paper, and that's a real convenience, especially since I fell down and broke my hip. I hope I'm still around in another five years when she turns 18, because then I can show her my stories and maybe jerk off in her face. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Swimsuit - by MIKE HUNT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The TV blared some mindless sitcom, the laugh track so obviously phoney I wondered why the producer even bothered. It was a Tuesday night and I was killing the evening alone at home. My wife had left on an afternoon flight for a business trip which would keep her away until Friday. She was shooting a commercial in Dallas with some hunky TV star - I don't even know who, and if she had told me the name wouldn't have meant anything anyway, cause I rarely watch TV. Anyway, there I was minding my own business when the phone rang. It was one of June's co-workers at the ad agency. Tina, and as the words tumbled from the tiny speaker in the handset I could tell she was in a panic. "Mike," she said, "we have a crisis at the agency. That presentation tape that June worked on last week for the big Kramer pitch...we have to make some changes. They just sold one of their divisions." "Yeah, well, June is on her way to Dallas," I started. She interrupted, "I know, I know. I'll talk with her when she gets to her hotel. But in the meantime, all of the raw tapes are at your house. God I hope they are. I can't find them anywhere around here. All we have at the office is the finished piece. We need the raw material to reassemble the tape." "Well if they're here, you're more than welcome to them. But I wouldn't know which is what. You'll just have to root around in her office to find them." June's office was always a blizzard of audition tapes, field footage, demo tapes from camera guys, and god knows what else. "Why would they be here?" I asked. "June did the edit plan for the piece. Remember, she worked from home a couple days last week?" I shook my head, as though she could hear it through the phone. "Can I come over now?" she pleaded. "Sure, sure. See you in a while." I hung up, and looked around to see if the house was presentable. Just a couple of pillows out of place in the living room and a Fritos bag on the floor and an empty Coke bottle on the end table. And a few magazines strewn about. No big deal. I took an old bathrobe from the clothes hook by the front door and wiped some cat puke from the foyer floor, then got out a broom to clean the front porch before I ripped up the old subfloor in the kitchen and put down some new linoleum. A few minutes later I was done. Another 20 minutes passed, and the doorbell rang. It was Tina, and I invited her in. She was still dressed in a business outfit but packed a strong visual wallop anyway. Tina was a doll. Literally. Though barely 5 feet tall, Mattel could have used her hourglass proportions and sculpted face to sell a million. I guess I like my women short; the wife is barely 5' 1". I led Tina to June's office and told her to help herself. In less than 10 minutes she poked her head back into the living room, arms full of tapes, saying she had found everything she needed. I asked "So you're running right back to the office to reedit the piece?" "Oh, no," she replied. "We can't do anything until tomorrow when the studio opens. But it won't be any big deal now that we have all the raw footage. Whew. What a relief." "Well then, how about a beer?" I offered. "You look frazzled." "Thanks, that would be great," she responded. "I feel frazzled. Do I really look it?" "Fraid so," I said. "A double frazzle with sugar on top, actually." "Yeah, that's how I feel, I guess." She paused for a moment, as if to catch her breath. "But now everything's fine. Mind if I run down to the ladies' room and see if I can un-frazzle at little?" she asked. "Help yourself," I offered. "I'll pour the beer." She reappeared a few minutes later, her face scrubbed and hair combed. And she had taken off her jacket and unbuttoned a button or two on her blouse. She looked, and apparently felt more casual. As she came in she said "I noticed a bathing suit in the bathroom. What is June doing with a bathing suit here in November?" "Oh, we have a hot tub out back. We don't really use it know, the novelty has worn off. It's still a kick once in a while, tho'. But I have to take that suit back," "Why?" she asked. "June says it makes her look fat. I think it's sexy as hell, but she told me she'll never wear it again," I explained. "Sorry to break the news, but stores don't take back bathing suits after they've been worn, even once. It's uh, personal clothing, like lingerie and underwear..." her voice trailed off. "Oh great," I groaned. "Now I'm out $90." "Well maybe not. I'm about June's size. Maybe I'll buy it from you," she said. "Are you serious? half-price, how's that for an offer?" I said. "That way you get a deal, and I'm not totally shafted. Go ahead, give it a try." This particular suit was a gift for June for use in the hot tub - I knew she would never wear it at the beach. It was such thin material, and while not quite a thong, had just a 2 inch wide strip of cloth that went up the crack of the ass. It was a one-piece that was really two pieces, a top and a bottom, which just fastened together with a couple of strips of cloth, kind of like suspenders. I didn't think Tina knew what she was in for. Still, I hoped to salvage at least some of the dough. From the bathroom down the hall, I heard her exclaim, "Oh my god." Then she laughed aloud. "Jeez, I'm not even sure which part of me goes into which hole!" "You're a bright girl, you'll figure it out," I called back. I already had. When she finally came out, she had a towel wrapped around her hips. The top of the suit covered her tits, though just barely, with the low neckline squared off at the bust. A diamond sort of shape was cut in below her breasts, and at the right angle you could see a sliver of flesh beneath them. I laughed. "The, ah, bottom...not enough bottom?" I said. "Oh I have enough bottom," she giggled. "It's sticking out all over the place. I didn't realize there wasn't any material down there." "Well that's the fashion these days, you know. Maybe you'd be comfortable with it if you just uh, got comfortable with it. "I'll keep my towel, thanks," she replied, cocking an eyebrow as she watched my reaction. The suit was also uniquely constructed in that there were no cups inside the top. It was just a piece of fabric, cut to act as a combination bra and top. It certainly did the job, and I could see the faint outline of her nipples pressing against the other side of the cloth. She had small pointers, but I stared at the hard tips as they became clearly defined through the thin material. I looked up and realized she had been watching me eye her tits; perhaps that's what caused her nipples to grow. I said, "Before you decide, you really ought to try it in the water. The hot tub is right out back and it's fired up." I didn't say that I'd noticed that water had a very special effect on the suit. That's one of the reasons I wanted June to keep it, because my eyes had practically fallen from their sockets when she got wet and then rose from the water. I'd have to have been dead not to notice. "OK, if you really think so." She looked at me. "Where is this hot tub?" "Right out back. Here, I'll show you. I have to take off the cover, but other than that it's ready to go," I told her. "Are you going to join me?" she asked innocently. "Absolutely," I said. I rubbed my hands together for effect."You grab some more beers from the fridge, and then come meet me out back. It's just down this hall and to the left. Back porch." I fairly ran out back and wrestled the top off the tub, then ran back to get my bathing suit. I had a choice, either my floppy trunks or the blue speedos. I chose the tighter fit. I got back to the hot tub just as she was climbing in. She dropped the towel only at the last minute while she was facing me. "Really don't want me to see your butt, huh?", I joked. She blushed. "That's OK, I understand. It is a little revealing, but of course that's why I bought it Do you think you would ever wear it out at the beach?" I asked. "Sure, I don't mind having people look at me on the beach, as long as they're people I don't know and won't see again," she replied. "In fact, I kind of like it. I work very hard to keep myself in shape." "And a great shape it is, too," I noted. "Thanks," she said. Suddenly she cried out. "OUCH. Oww." "What's wrong?" I asked. "Something just pinched me in the ass," she said. It couldn't have been me; I was way too far away. "Right about here." Her hand ducked under the surface of the water and she fumbled around. "Got it?" I asked. "No," she replied. "And it's still there, all of a sudden. Ow! There it is again! Would you take a look?" She stood up and faced away, and I looked at her cute ass cheeks sticking out of the bottom of the suit. She twisted part way around and pointing to the strip of material between the globes of her bottom, said "It's somewhere right in here." I reached for her, and took the strip of material between my thumb and forefinger. As I tugged first up, then down on the material, I realized that I was only an inch or so from her anus as my finger was scraping along on her butt. I moved my hand further up, then further down, until my finger was nearly touching her pussy, then moved it back again. I thought I detected a sigh as she bent over to give me a better angle. Suddenly I felt it, and my fingers dug in. "I've got it," I cried. "I think it's the other half of the little plastic tab that holds on the price tag. June must not have pulled it out when she took off the tag." My fingers tugged at the material and I twirled it around in my hand. "By the way, nice, uh, ass," I said. I could barely ignore the beautiful buttocks now staring me right in the face. "Thanks," she said. "But are you sure you got it? You better be sure. Maybe there's another one there, too?" She twisted around and looked at me. Duh. "Let me check," I said. My hand returned to the thin strip of cloth, only this time I let my fingers dig more deeply across it. So as I moved my hand up and down, I was scraping all along her cheeks, including right over the pucker of her pretty little asshole. I moved my hand down, exploring further and further, pushing up between her legs, until my finger was brushing against her cunt lips. She made no movement to stop me, and I pressed my advantage, stroking my eager fingers across the slippery hot flesh. I continued wiggling my fingers beneath the skimpy cloth, and she wiggled her butt in grateful reply. I poked and prodded, my eager digits sliding over the folds of skin and slipping in and out of her in a gentle travelogue of sexual exploration. I could have continued the play for hours, but I felt one of her hands reach back for me and watched as it found my thigh and then moved higher. Without so much as turning her head, her hand found the mark, and she began rubbing me though the elastic shorts that had so recently changed their shape and dimension. "Oh, if that's what you want, help yourself," I said, lifting myself out of the water and sitting on the edge. She moved toward me. Her fingers went to the waistband of the suit, and she ducked one of them inside. Then as I had to her, she moved her hand around, testing the material between her thumb and forefinger. After a minute or so she went for one of the elastics around the leg where my dick was beginning to grow. As her finger dipped under the material, I could feel her nail scrape along my balls, held tightly as they were in the elastic shorts. "Uh oh," she said. "I think I've found something. I don't think it can be left over from a price tag, though, it's too big." With that her hand draped across the front of the suit, her palm squeezing my engorged dick. "Stand up," she said. I did as she asked. "You were nice enough to take that thing out of my suit, so I'm going to take this thing out of yours." And with that she reached up and yanked on the sides of my suit, pulling it down to my knees. My dick popped to attention. "Ah, the advantages of a private hot-tub," she said softly. She moved in. "Ummm. Pretty. Now what can I do with this?" Before I could offer a suggestion, she formed her lips into an "o" and put the head of my cock directly between her lips. "Ymggfh! Gluuuck! Lufft!" She made gurgling noises as she sucked harder and harder on my dick. I bent forward and undid the snaps on the top of her suit. "I just have to see these," I said mindlessly. "You've been teasing me with them for the past half-hour," and I just have to have them. The top half of the suit came off. My hands went down and cupped her full breasts, her pointy nipples making their presence known in my palms. She sucked and slurped up and down my pointed dick, making loud noises with every pass. I was sure she was doing it for effect, because I had never heard another woman make such a racket. "God, it sounds like you're going to inhale me," I said. She answered me with a slurp. I could feel her tongue working like crazy against my stiff rod inside her mouth. More sucking noises. "Some people like to look," she said. "I like to listen. I love the sounds of lovemaking. I like to talk while I'm doing it." She had stopped sucking. "I like to hear you talk, too." "So do I," I replied. "But you're not making much noise at the moment." "Oh I can fix that," she said. "But you have to help in the audio department." I got the message. I began to moan, and loudly. I was rewarded with a deep suck. "I wonder if you can put my dick any further back in your mouth?" I wondered aloud. She pushed her head down further, until I could feel the head of my dick bouncing against the back of her throat. "God if you just push a little harder, I think I could push it right down there." She pushed harder. "But I don't think I want to do that. I think I want to come in your mouth." I was sort of asking permission, or at least giving a warning. Her only response was, "Mfft. Slurp. Glxxox. Flummp." She couldn't get the words out. "Don't try to talk," I said. "I don't want those pretty lips doing anything but sucking on me." I figured if she really didn't want to, she'd let me know. She tried again. This time she pulled her lips back until just the head of my dick remained in her mouth. "I want you to come, too. But I'd like to take a shot at it myself. "Well then turn around," I said. She was already twisting around, the water swirling as she did, even before I made the suggestion. I pulled the flap of the thong out of the way, and positioned my fuck pole at the entrance to her tunnel of delight. She started talking. "Oh you dirty boy. I think you're trying to do something nasty. Why I can feel something pushing against me, and I'll just bet it's your dick, isn't it?" She turned around and looked me in the eye. So that was her game. Fine with me. I pushed forward a little. As the head of my penis entered that slit I said "Oh no, I would never do something like that. Try to push my dick into you? Why that would be a very nasty thing to do. How could you ever think I would try to do that?" I continued looking her in the eye as I increased the pressure. I reached forward with both hands, and scooped them up under her breasts. She grunted and pushed back a little further. I was now about two inches in, sliding slowly into the warm moist flesh. "Feel it? Do you feel it?" A rhetorical question if there ever was one. "uh," she said. "uh-huh," I grunted. I gave another forward push, and felt the delicious sensations along the length of my dick as my groin slammed into her. She began moving in time with my thrusts, and we kept perfect harmony with our motions. My hands slid across her ass, around her midsection, across her stomach, and finally up and under her hanging breasts, and I held them gently as I continued bouncing against her. She groaned and moaned, and occasionally muttered something like "Oh, that feels so good," and I must have muttered something back, but for all intents the conversation had ended, replaced with the animal noises which are specially reserved for this particular act. There was more sighing and grunting, when I realized that I was getting ready for my climax. I recovered just enough brain power to give fair warning. "I cannot tell a lie," I said. "I'm perilously close. All your teasing, or maybe it was just how delectable you looked in that suit got me here pretty quick. Can I just cum inside you?" "Oh, don't do that," she interrupted. "I don't have any protection in, So let me know when you're ready and I'll finish you off in my own special way." "Well, if that's the way you want it. Get ready." I was on the verge. She quickly turned around and grabbed hold of my cock and began pumping it frantically. She moved to put her mouth around me again, but slipped on the slick surface of the tub and wound up with her face just an inch from my dickhead. Suddenly she seemed engrossed, staring at my tool, pumping it harder and harder. "Here I come," I practically shouted. She continued pumping as my jism shot out, the first spurt catching her just above her left eye on her forehead. She continued the stroke, and the second spurt landed square on her nose. She began to laugh, and continued working on me. She opened her mouth and set it right on my dick as I continued to spasm, coating the inside of her mouth with my spoogee. As the waves subsided, she released me from her mouth and took a big, loud gulp. She giggled. I couldn't help myself, and I did too. Her eyes were shut tight, and she complained "It's sort of stinging. Could you find me a towel or something?" "Oh, uh, sure, right away." I jumped out of the water and looked around. I couldn't find the towel she'd had on earlier, so I picked up my briefs and handed them to her. She used them to push as much of the gooey spunk off her face as she could, then sank back into the water and began to wash herself off. I started to help, but mostly my hands flew to her tits and her pussy, and she really didn't need much help there. She didn't protest, however, and she turned to me and we locked in a passionate embrace, with a deep kiss that lasted for several minutes. She was ready to go again, and luckily so was I. This time I had far more control, and as I lifted her up and sat her on the edge of the tub, I moved between her legs with purpose, and pointed my weapon at her again. As we moved together I entered her for a repeat performance. I looked at her with a cocked eyebrow as she said "Take your time. I don't have anything to do until tomorrow morning." "Oh yes you do," I said, as I pushed myself into her again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you didn't like this story, I understand. I didn't like it much either, except for the part where I blow my load on her face. The first time I was actually involved in something like that I thought it was pretty gross, too, but then I just wiped it off and I could see just fine again. I have a website with a bunch more stories, and you are the lucky recipient of this personal invitation to visit. If you've never been there then you are *really* missing something, because I've recently added a little picture of my wife. It's just a thumbnail, of course, because I didn't have the server space to put a picture of her whole thumb. I'm very proud of the site, being its webmaster and all. Webmasters, now there's an honorable profession! At least I don't charge you to come look at my shit, and trust me, it's worth every penny. The URL is Stop by for a smoke and a story and lots of other entertainment. One of the better things to do there is to keep clicking on the "reload" button and watch the counter change. It's a trip, believe me, I do it all the time! If you liked the story, e-mail me. There may be no hope for you, but I do have a few others to share. Write to Fans and flames to . Note, the 2nd character in M1KE is a "one" (1) not an "eye" (1). This writing is copyright 1997 by me. Like someone else would claim it? That's why I give it away free. You can archive it if you want, but it really isn't necessary since I know the Talmudic Jews (rhymes with Dejanews) are keeping copies of all this crap in the desert in some really big jugs. Ha! And you thought there was going to be a "big jugs" joke here. This story is mostly true, except her name wasn't Tina. But in case my wife gets hold of this, none of it is true, honey. And it wasn't Karen, even though she's the only other 5 footer at the agency.


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