Gay Erotic Stories

But I'm Too Old For a Spanking, Dad!

by Jackson Collins
01 Feb 2001


My name is Jack. I’m 19, I go to college and I still live at home with my folks. My brother moved out when he was 18 and I was 12 so it’s been just dad, mom and me here for several years. I am gay and have always known it but my family doesn’t. Well, my brother does but that’s a long story that maybe I will type up for the brother section. But my mom and certainly not my dad knew that I like dudes. My mom, Gloria, works for a food supply company. Three years ago, she was promoted to marketing rep for this section of the country or something like that and now she travels a lot going to conventions, trade shows and meetings. She’s gone almost all the time so it’s usually just dad and me. His name is Jack too. Well, actually, it’s Jackson, just like me. (You see, I am a junior.) My dad is a pretty big guy, about 6’ 5”, maybe 220. It’s mostly muscle because he still works out at the gym every morning before he goes to work. He’s really handsome, has black hair, dark skin (we’re Italian), a moustache and a constant blue shadow on his face, even when he has just shaved. And he’s really hairy all over. I used to have sexual fantasies about him when I was younger because he was so big and strong. Anyhow, over the last few years with mom being gone so much, dad and I fell into a strange relationship where neither of us really spoke to each other. My dad is very strict and I remember many hard spankings for my brother and me when we were young. But after I turned 16, he didn’t spank me anymore—instead, his punishment of choice was grounding me which, when you are 16, sometimes hurts more than a spanking. I hadn’t had a spanking from him in many years—that is until recently. And it has changed our relationship forever. I have a small computer in my room for schoolwork, but I can’t get on the Internet because dad won’t let me have a phone line in my room. Well, about 4 months ago, dad bought a computer for himself and set it up in the den, off the family room and he got himself a phone line so HE could go on the net. I was a little pissed, but I realized that now I could get on the net too. Maybe he’d le me use it. Well, no go. What was I thinking? MY dad, let ME use his computer? HAH. He basically told me to keep my hands off of it. So I did what any normal son would do: I snuck into the den and used it when he wasn’t home! And fuck, what a blast. I found all these great porn sites that you guys have probably been looking at for years. But for me, it was totally new. So I sat there with my jeans and boxers bunched around my ankles, pounding my hard cock while I looked at all these fuckin’ amateur dudes showin’ off their huge fuckin’ bones. Dudes, I was in heaven. And dad was having a good time too. Late one night, I came down to get a drink of water and saw the light from the den on. I walked over quietly to the door and peeked through the crack, sort of half joking to myself that I hoped my dad was looking at porn and spankin’ it, just like I do. And fuck, he WAS. My eyes widened as I saw through the narrow slit of the half closed door that he was buck ass naked, sitting in the office chair with one leg propped up on the desk. He had his enormous bone in his hand and he was pounding it really hard. I had never seen my dad’s hard-on but I had seen his dick once when I was little and he was getting out of the shower. I remember it looking pretty huge then, but he covered himself up fast and yelled at me to get out. So here I was, gazing at my dad’s fat, beautiful hog. It was fuckin’ huge, just like I remembered it from when I was little. Probably about 9 inches long, big throbbing veins all over it, and a fuckin’ HUGE purple head that flared out really wide. He was staring at the screen, breathing heavy. He looked like he was in a trance. His mouth hung open and every few seconds, he’d say things but he was whispering to himself so I couldn’t hear. I tried to read his lips but all I could make out was “fuck.” His cock was glistening and covered with precum, which he was leaking like crazy. I watched a huge glob ooze out his piss slit and down the shaft. He didn’t even notice…just kept pounding and incorporated the new drip in with the lube already coating his dong. This was so fuckin’ hot. I’d thrown a major bone staring at my dad pounding his meat. Even though I had sexual thoughts about my dad years ago, I felt so weird actually seeing him like this. But I couldn’t help myself. I HAD to take it out and stroke it with him. So I pulled down my sweats and boxers and hooked them under my balls. I grabbed my own cock and matched his stroke, thinking, “I’m feeling what he’s feeling right now.” My dad sped up his pace and I kept up with him. His hand was a blur and his enormous balls were bouncing up and down and smashing into each other from his frenzied pulling and pounding. He lifted his ass off the seat and cried in a forced whisper, “Fuuuuuuck!” Cum flew out of his dick and sprayed straight up. The first volley came back down on his head, in his hair. The rest of it spurted out with less and less force and landed on his chest and stomach. He just sat there, still, with his pulsing meat in his hand, trying to catch his breath. Then something weird happened. He looked right up at the crack in the door where I was watching him. He couldn’t see me because I was in the dark. Or could he? I jumped back quickly and walked as fast and as quietly as I could back to my room. Once there, I threw myself on my bed and pounded my meat even harder than dad had. What I had just seen got me hotter than I had ever been before. I imagined his big monster cock all lubed up with his own slime, slipping in and out of his big fist and that sent me over the edge. I came with a grunt and it splattered all over my chest, just like dad. When I was through squirting, I was laying there in that “just-shot-off-a-round” glow and I half opened my eyes. I saw my door didn’t close all the way when I came into my room and there was an eye looking at me through the crack in the door, but quickly disappeared. Shit! The only other person in the house was my dad! Did my dad really just watch me shoot my spunk? What a weird night. Anyhow, things went along normally for the next few months. I still used his computer when he was at work and he still beat off late at night. I took to standing in the door way of the family room so there was no way he could see me. Then one day I made a mistake. I was sitting there at his computer, looking at this totally hot site that showed nothing but facials—dudes covered with cum. Some of the pictures showed dudes kneeling in front of freshly jizzed dicks, with cum up their noses, dripping down their faces, in their mouths, splattered all over their bodies. This site had me REALLY worked up and I had taken my jeans and boxers completely off and spread my legs wide, so I could really stroke the old bone. Then I came upon this one picture of a dude’s face SO covered with cum slime that he looked like he had white jelly all over him. That did it. Before I could aim or move, a stream of cum shot out of my cock and streaked across the keyboard. I stood up in a panic, still cumming and the next stream got the monitor. I turned and as I did, I got the desk. I finished off on the floor. When I was done, I looked at my juice sliding off everything and sort of laughed. I thought, “Wow, that was one of the best cums ever.” I started to walk out the den to get a towel from the bathroom to wipe my mess up when I heard my dad’s car in the driveway. FUCK! What was he doing home from work so early? I dashed back to the den and heard the key in the door. All I had time to do was grab my clothes and run to my room, my half hard cock bobbing up and down with each step. I closed the door tight behind me and started to look for my boxers to wipe my still dripping dick off with. Okay, jeans, shirt…no boxers. I must have left them in the den. So I thought maybe dad hadn’t made his way to the den yet. I threw my jeans on and tip toed down to the den, thinking that if dad wasn’t there, I’d grab my boxers, do a quick wipe down of the computer and go. But as I approached the door, I saw through the crack that he WAS there. He stood in front of the desk, staring down, his eyes roaming over the spooge that coated his keyboard, monitor and desk. He reached out with his right hand and ran his index finger through the biggest gob on the keyboard. He brought his finger up to his nose and smelled it. Then he did something that nearly made me cum again right there. He stuck it in his mouth and tasted it! My dad ate my jizz! Fuck! He began to frown as I saw him put it all together in his mind and he shook his head side to side in anger and disappointment. Then he noticed my boxers just under the desk. He picked them up and held them out by the waistband. Moving them to his nose, he inhaled deeply at the crotch. I ran back to my room and stayed there all night. When he knocked and asked if I wanted dinner, I said no, that I was too busy studying. I was just too embarrassed and scared to look at him—but I was also turned on. I mean, what was my father doing tasting my spooge? And smelling my shorts? Dudes, I started to wonder if my dad was gay like me. The next day, after he went to work, I came out of my room. I was gonna be home all day because my only class had been cancelled for the afternoon. So I headed into the den and fired up the computer. I just had to go back to that cum site and see all the dudes slimed from head to toe. I had my pants and boxers around my ankles this time so I could pull them up quickly if need be. Well, I estimate I had been sitting there slowly strokin’ off for about an hour and a half when suddenly I heard my dad clear his throat in the doorway of the den. He stood there with his arms folded, scowling at me. I reached own and grabbed my boxers and jeans but I couldn’t pull them up sitting down so I had to stand. My dad watched me as I rose with my cock pointing straight up. I turned and zipped up. “So that WAS your semen on my computer yesterday wasn’t it?” he asked. “Dad, I am REALLY sorry about that. I was gonna clean it up but you came home so—” “Shut up.” He stared at me for what seemed like an hour and he finally said, “What are you looking at?” I tried to grab the mouse so I could close the window but he bellowed, “DON”T YOU FUCKING TOUCH THAT!” He walked over and roughly shoved me back. Leaning forward on the desk, he looked at the page I had open and he studied each thumbnail carefully. He even opened a few. Through all of this, I stood completely still and quiet. I knew I was in trouble, but I had no idea how he was going to punish me. Finally he turned, looked into my eyes and said, “So is this the kind of stuff you like? Hmmm? You like shit like this? Are you a faggot? Do you want guys to cum on you? Is THAT what you want?” I couldn’t answer. All I could do was hang my head. “ANSWER ME, JACKSON!” He hadn’t called me by my name in a while and it did something to me. It made me feel oddly close to him—which was weird considering what was going on. Through all of this, the swelling in my cock had not gone down. “Ye—yes dad…I’m gay.” He let out a “hrumph” and I looked up to see a smirk on his face. He looked down and saw the bulge in my pants. “Well…you knew you weren’t supposed to play with MY computer but you did it anyway, didn’t you. To look at these faggot pictures of guys with sperm in their mouths…what am I going to do with you? Hmmm? How am I going to punish you for this?” “Dad, I am really sorry. It won’t happen again, I swear. I won’t ever touch—” “SHUT UP!…Now, what do you think your punishment should be, Jackson? Hmmm? I can’t ground you, you’re over 18. Let’s see…” After several minutes of silence, he looked up at me and said, “I know. I think I am going to have to give you a good old-fashioned spanking like I used to do when you and your brother were little. THAT taught you some discipline then. And it should now.” I couldn’t believe I was going to be spanked at 19. “Awww, come on dad. I said I was sorry. Really. I’ll do chores or something. I’ll wash your car for a month or I’ll—” “No, I think a spanking is gonna do you some good.” “Now, look dad—” I said seriously. “You call me sir from now on, you got that Jackson? Now come here and stand in front of the desk, put your hands on it and lean forward.” “Daaaaaaaaaad…” “DO IT!” He grabbed hold of my arm hard and dragged me over to the desk. I knew now that he was totally serious and I was worried. “YES, SIR!” I shouted. I placed my palms on the desk and leaned forward so he could get at my butt. My cock was still swollen and the first swat through my pants made it throb more. He gave me a few more and said, “Naw…I don’t like this.” He spun me around and shoved me toward a chair in the corner of the room that he ordered me to bring to him. I did as I was told. Before he sat down, he took off his tie and shirt, exposing his massive hairy chest. Then he undid his belt and snapped it off his waist. He was just wearing trousers now. He sat down and said, “All right, Jackson, pull down your pants.” I still had my major bone goin’on and I didn’t want my dad to see it. I COULDN’T let him see it. I didn’t even know myself why I had a bone. I mean, I was being punished for fuck’s sake! “I…I….can’t do that dad. I mean sir.” “Why not Jackson? You pull your pants down right now.” “Can’t you just spank me through my pants? Sir? Please?” He narrowed his eyes. “What’s wrong, Jackson? Come here.” He grabbed my by a belt loop and started to yank my pants down when I blurted out, “Sir, I still have a bone, sir.” He stopped and said, “A what?” “An erection sir. I’m sorry sir.” “I don’t give a fuck if you have a hard-on. TAKE ‘EM DOWN!” he screamed in my face. “YES, SIR!” I pulled my pants down and my cock strained through the thin cotton of my white boxers and made a nice tent. “Well now, look at that. Is your dick happy Jackson? Does your dick like this Jackson? Pull your boxers down, too.” “Please sir, no...” I almost whispered. “Do it.” I pulled my boxers down and my cock sprang up. A rope of precum hung from the head. The rush of air on my bone felt great and made it swell even more. “Lay across my lap…Now.” As I did, my cock rubbed against the soft, brushed cotton of his trousers, making me squirm a little. He raised his arm and the first smack stung pretty bad. The second wasn’t as bad. By the fifth smack, I realized that each time he hit me, the force of his smack moved my body forward and pushed my bone around on his soft trousers. Shit, it felt good. His pants felt like fuckin’ silk under the head of my meat. I started to grind my pelvis onto his hard, muscled thigh with each swat. I finally lost control and made a noise of pleasure. “Oh, so you like this huh? Let’s see about that…” He hit harder, trying to get a reaction, stinging my ass cheeks with his palm. But it still felt so good. I could feel precum traveling up my tube and squeezing itself out of my slit and I still pushed into him. Dad yelled, “GOD DAMN IT JACKSON, STOP FUCKING MY LEG!” But I couldn’t stop. And I couldn’t believe I was getting off on being spanked by my dad while I rubbed my hard on across his leg. I continued pumping and dad finally said, “OK, that’s it, I’ve had it. Stand up and face me.” I did and he folded his arms over his chest and, without looking at my face, simply stared at my hard-on. It jutted straight at him and bobbed every now and then with my heart beat. It was then that I saw the enormous bulge in HIS trousers. He had thrown a full rod too. My head was spinning. I didn’t know what was happening. Was this serious? Was I really being punished? Or were we actually fucking around? Finally, he uncrossed his arms, spat into his right palm, reached out and grabbed my wood. He lubed me up and started pumping on me. I nearly passed out. My head hung back and I let out a moan that startled even myself. After a few minutes, he stopped. “There, alright? Is that better? Now, back to your punishment.” He looked down at his lap to position me again but spotted the enormous wet circle of precum my cock had drooled on his trousers. “AWWW, FUCK, JACKSON, LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE TO MY PANTS! SHIT! GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES AND TAKE THEM OFF ME…RIGHT NOW!” I knelt and he stepped to within inches of my face. His basket was right there at eye—well, more like mouth—level. I unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers and pulled them down. He stepped out of them. He was wearing white cotton briefs, not boxers, and his hog was tightly encased in them, pushed to the right. “Take these off, too.” Whoa. Yes, my dad and I were fucking around. The full implication finally hit me. I was on my knees looking up at a glorious specimen of manhood: big, solid, hairy and HARD—and it was my dad! I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of his tightie whities and pulled. His erect slab came swinging out at me and grazed my eye and forehead, leaving a snail trail of precum. He sat back down, spread his legs and said “Back on my lap, Jackson. You’re not done being punished.” I leaned forward to lie across his lap and he grabbed me by the back of the neck and pushed me down. I lost my balance and fell, hands out in front of me. I felt his hairy chest rush by and my right hand landed close to his hard cock, which I grabbed instinctively. My fingers were wrapped around it and it twitched in my hand. I didn’t want to let go. Turns out I didn’t have to. “That’s right, Jackson, you grab on to your daddy’s dick. You’re gonna need somethin’ to hold on to, boy ‘cause your spanking isn’t over with. And you keep a hold on ‘til I tell you to let go.” He hauled off and smacked me a good one. It stung like hell. Then he smacked in a fury, his hand rising and falling on my behind, the sound of slapping flesh tearing out through the room. I lost count of how many swats he gave me. I just held on to his cock. He was right: if I hadn’t had it to hold on to, I would’ve fallen off his lap. He stopped and in the ensuing silence, we struggled to catch our breath. In between gulps of air, dad said, “There,…are you…gonna…play with my … computer …again?” I didn’t answer. I just tugged on his cock very slightly. “Huh?…You still…wanna look at those…faggot pictures, don’t you?” I waited a second and told the truth. “Yes, sir…I…do.” I was tugging on his bone harder now. “You just don’t learn, do you?…Almost makes me think you like havin’ your butt played with. Do ya Jackson? Do you like havin’ your butt played with?” As he started talking, he kneaded my cheeks with both hands, occasionally pulling them apart as far as they would go to expose my pucker. He dipped a finger in and tickled my asshole. I let out a gasp. At this point, I was almost full on jerkin’ him off but he still didn’t say anything. “Did you like that? Huh? I bet you did.” He raised his hand again and brought it down hard on my spread open cheeks, stinging my hole. Fuck, I had never had my asshole itself spanked before and it HURT. I raised my head and shouted but he pushed it down and said to be quiet. He spanked it a few more times then he stuck a finger in his mouth and lubed it up enough to drill it into my anus which he did with force. He twirled it around, clockwise, then counter-clockwise and it drove me wild. I bucked under him. He raised his other hand and brought it down on my left cheek. Then he did it again and this time, landed on my right cheek. He alternated cheeks a few more times, all the while twirling his finger around and moving it gently in and out of me. Suddenly he stopped spanking and I felt his cock expand out. He let out a weird yelp and shouted at me, “LET GO NOW! LET GO OF MY FUCKIN’ COCK, JACKSON!” I let go immediately and smiled to myself ‘cause I had almost made him blow. Yeah, dad was into this, BIG time. After he calmed down, he continued to finger fuck my chute. He said softly, “Does this feel good?” “Yes, sir…” I replied. He slapped my ass, not hard but in a playful way and said with a kind of laugh, “Stand up, walk over to the desk and bend over it.” As I walked, he followed me closely, and didn’t once remove his finger from my ass. When I was bent over the desk, he withdrew his finger slowly, reached around in front of me and stuffed it under my nose. I smelled my own hole. “Smell this. You like it? Sure ya do…I know something else you’re gonna like, you little cum boy.” I heard him spit and heard squishing sounds. I knew exactly what he was doing. He pushed the snout of his big monster against my hole and popped the head in. I had only been fucked once before by a guy I met in my Geology class, so I sort of knew what to expect, but he wasn’t as big as my dad. I gripped the edge of the desk and my knuckles turned white as my father slid himself in. I howled and he stopped for a few seconds before sliding the rest of his hose into my gut. I took deep breaths and tried to relax as he continued to wedge his hog into my hole. When he was buried all the way to his fuckin’ pubes and balls, he pulled all the way out and drove it in again. The he reeled his arm back and smacked my right cheek hard, the hardest yet. My body convulsed from the unexpected blow. “Are you gonna play with my fucking computer again?” I couldn’t answer. I was trying to breathe and not scream from his cock ripping into me. Another hard stinging slap, I jerked, and he began to fuck me slowly. “I said, are you gonna play with my computer again?” “…sir…I…” SLAP. Each time his hand made contact, it stung more. “You wanna see more cock pictures, don’t you—” “Yes, sir.” SLAP. I jerked once more, which caused me to push up onto my tiptoes. He grunted, pushed me down onto the desk and held me in place. “You wanna see men with cum on their faces?” “Yes sir.” SLAP. I was loose now and still rocking his hips back and forth, he reached over to the computer and clicked the mouse on the window I had open. He clicked on a thumbnail. The picture came up and showed a dude in front of a long, veiny dick sticking through a glory hole. The cock had just shot and the dude’s face was fuckin’ PLASTERED. His mouth was open and two thick ropes of jism hung from his bottom lip. “How about that one? You like that one? Huh?…Do ya?” I didn’t know what to say. If I said yes, I would be spanked and it was REALLY stinging now. If I said no, I’d be lying. But if I said yes, he’d continue to fuck me, which I wanted never to end. I was so confused. “…Yes, I like this picture. I love this picture. I want to be that guy on his knees.” SSSSLLLLAAAAPPPP! My whole body shook in a violent spasm. “Then, that’s what you’re gonna be, cum boy. ON YOUR KNEES.” His cock made a popping sound as he pulled out of me roughly. He turned me around and forced me to kneel in front of him. With his giant hard-on in his hand, he looked down at me with that smirk and shook his head side to side, saying, “You just don’t learn, do you?” He slapped my face with his rod. It made a dull thud against my cheek and I felt it reverberate through my skull. I knew it would leave a bruise. “Are you gonna play with my computer again?” I didn’t answer quickly enough and he slapped the other side of my face. It felt like he sprained my jaw. My mouth hung open and spit dripped down. I was hypnotized by the big dong in my face and wanted a lot more. I decided to see how much he’d give me so I looked up at him and said, “I wanna see more cocks. I wanna see more cum. I wanna see YOU cum dad.” He held the back of my head and rubbed his rod all over my face with the other, mashing his head and smearing precum on my cheeks and lips. He grabbed his meat and started jacking hard, like the night I watched him through the crack in the door. It was totally freaky—he must have read my mind, because he said, “You want this, don’tcha…you’ve wanted it ever since that first night you saw me jackin’ off in here…that’s why you watched me every night…you really want your daddy’s cum, don’tcha...DON’TCHA!” “OH GOD, YES SIR. I WANT YOUR CUM DAD! I WANT YOUR CUM ON MY FACE! PLEASE DAD! FIRE OFF ON MY FACE DAD! PLEEEEEASE!” His hand became a blur and his balls bounced around violently, slapping me under my chin. Through his gritted teeth, he snorted like a bull, laid his cock down the length of my face and yelled, “FUUUUCK!” as his cock shot out a pulse of hot jizz. It squirted up into my hair. His next shot spattered across my forehead and it ran down over my eyes. He just kept pumping that fuck juice out, pressing his cock down hard on my face. I felt his shaft squeeze out each lumpy spurt. His cum dripped down my cheeks, my lips and hung from my chin. Fuck yeah, I was getting’ glazed just like the dudes in the pictures! I was so fuckin’ hot, I thought my cock was gonna burst so I grabbed it and within 10 strokes, I shot off too. My dad pumped out his last gob as I started to cum, shooting streams of jizz through his legs and onto the floor. He let his slimy monster slide off my face and I fired off the biggest round of my life. It felt like I left my body. When I opened my eyes, I was dizzy, but I saw my dad looking down at me. He squatted down and ran his finger through my jizz on the floor. He looked at it then put it in his mouth while he looked directly into my eyes. Then he ran the same finger around my face and scooped up a good amount of his own cum. He brought the finger to my mouth and he wiggled it in, between my lips. I parted and let him put it in, all the way to the back of my throat. He just left it there a few minutes and I closed my eyes and sucked on it like a baby at feeding time. He stood up, crossed his arms and glared down at me. “I think you’ve learned your lesson.” He reached for my boxers and threw them at me, saying, “You have your father’s cum all over your face, Jackson. Clean yourself up and go to your room and wait for me to call you down for dinner.” “Okay, dad.” He turned to leave but when he got to the door, I said, “Oh, and dad? Thank you.” He winked at me and said, “I hope this taught you to obey me and be a good boy from now on.” “Yes, dad. I’m ready to do anything you tell me to.” “Good…good.” I welcome feedback about this story or the subject of spanking. Email me at:


More Gay Erotic Stories from Jackson Collins

But I'm Too Old For a Spanking, Dad!

My name is Jack. I’m 19, I go to college and I still live at home with my folks. My brother moved out when he was 18 and I was 12 so it’s been just dad, mom and me here for several years. I am gay and have always known it but my family doesn’t. Well, my brother does but that’s a long story that maybe I will type up for the brother section. But my mom and certainly not my dad knew

But I'm Too Old For Another Spanking, Dad!

Well, it’s been about a week since my dad “punished” me for hosing his computer down with my jizz (hee hee) by giving me a spanking—and then fucking me and cumming all over my face. We haven’t seen each other much since it happened, with him going to work (he leaves even earlier than usual to workout at the gym) and me going to school. But when we’ve crossed paths, like in the

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