Gay Erotic Stories

Chinese POW, Part 5

by Sha
24 Nov 1999

Asian Delights

This is a work in progress, I hope you like it so far. Please feel free to contact the author at This story contains material depicting sexual activity between adult males. If that offends you, or if you are too young to read such material please stop now. CHINESE P.O.W. (Part 5) VIII. A dream came. My soul reached out for something warm, safe and familiar. I was eight years old, again, and I was with my father at the soccer he loved so much. Every Sunday in the winter months he took me to watch our neighbourhood team play. That was before the Japanese came to Hong Kong. He would raise me, rugged up against the cold, onto his shoulders and shout encouragement to our side until he was hoarse. I felt like an emperor. I could see everything from a dizzying height, and my father bounced me up and down as I sat clutching his forehead. Sometimes we won, and sometimes we lost; but I was always indescribably happy whatever the result. Our local playing ground belonged to the Royal Hong Kong Police who lent it to us on Sundays. This meant that our little club had the best field in Hong Kong. It also meant we had the use of some other facilities. After the game, our side used the RHKP showers. These were located in a concrete block near the playing field - and they had hot water! After the game, my father took me into the shower block as our team cleaned up. The showers had no partitions or doors, and the place quickly filled with joking, teasing, singing, game analysis, steam and joy. We had no running hot water at home, and so my father and I would also shower after the team had finished. At this age I took no particular interest in the nakedness of the men. To me they were all gods, in or out of their clothes, who had made my father and me happy for an hour; and an hour is an epoch for an eight year old. All adults, even adolescents, were vastly ancient and unbelievably wise. I well knew, however what a Chinese man looked like without his clothes. In my dream I was eventually sitting on an overturned bucket enjoying the laughter and singing, and the warm steam on my skin and in my nostrils. All the team members, tall and strong as pine trees, were under the shower with their backs to me. They joked and laughed as usual above the noise of the hot rushing water. But something was suddenly odd. I felt cold and fearful. I looked around for my father, but he had gone. I called out for him, and all the showering men turned around simultaneously. They loudly chorused “what’s wrong, Sha?” in an ugly foreign accent. I screamed - the men’s private parts were strangely large and brightly pink, without foreskins and with large hanging balls, and surrounded by striking blond pubic hair. They didn’t belong to the bodies to which they were attached. The gods had become frightening monsters. I fell backwards off my bucket, jumped to my feet and ran. I ran and ran towards the shower block’s door. In my dream, I ran for an eternity, but the door wouldn’t get any closer. Instead, the faster I ran towards it, the farther away it moved. Finally the door receded from sight, and many wet hands grabbed my arms and legs. The hands lifted me into the air and placed me under one of the hot showers among the terrifying bathers, their sexual deformities at my eye level. My clothes melted away under the shower. A bather next to me looked down from his great height and touched my face. He said something I couldn’t quite hear over the noise of the shower, but I was no longer terrified. I opened my mouth to ask him what he’d said, but it filled with water causing me to cough and splutter. IX. Coughing and spluttering I regained consciousness. I was laying flat on my back on a bunk, and someone had been trying to pour water into my mouth. As the world came back to me, I realised I was in a wooden hut with tiny barred windows on three sides, through which bright sunlight streamed. Sim had tried to get me to drink some water from a metal mug. I sat up slowly, all my muscles screaming and my head throbbing. And then came the dull pain in my arse when I swung my legs over the side of the bunk. As my eyes focused, I saw Sim kneeling and peering at me with a look of deep concern etched on his young features. Glancing down, I saw that I was naked. Sim, on the other hand, was attired in the same sort of baggy black pyjama uniform I had worn for part of the previous evening. Standing behind Sim, with similar intense expressions, were Ming and Cha. They, too, were dressed in the black uniforms. “Lieutenant Ma, are you alright?”, whispered Sim, anxiously. “Yes, I think so”, I stammered. “Where am I?” “Please sir, lower your voice - there’s a guard just outside the door”, Sim replied. “We’re in a hut near the place we were last night. We were brought here by Corporal Yang and locked in. Yang gave us these clothes and told us to wear them until we’d decided whether to remain with the SRU. You were brought in some time very early this morning by two other guards. We were really worried about you. Are you sure you’re alright? You’ve been unconscious a long time. What happened to you, and what’s that on your face?” I touched my face and felt the cum, now dried and cracked, that had stuck there earlier. “I was taken to the gwei-lo Captain’s quarters”. “Did they torture you, Lieutenant?” asked Cha in his strong Shanghai accent. “No, not exactly” I replied, feeling the need to stand so as to relieve the pain in my arse. I noticed that Cha and Ming glanced meaningfully at each other. “Were you ..... raped?” Cha whispered, even more softly than before. “No, not raped”, I said struggling to my feet with Sim’s help. “But I think I did get a first taste of the SRU”. The three of them stared at me with a silent plea for more information. “I was made to cum in front of three foreigners .... and then one of them fucked me”, I said not looking at them. After a short pause Cha whispered, “What’re your plans sir. Will you stay here after that. Or will you choose the regular POW camp?” “I’ve already chosen to stay here”, I replied. “I wasn’t actually raped, and my life wasn’t threatened. I passed out through exhaustion, that’s all. It was very humiliating, but I’m pretty sure we’ll survive here.” The hut was large, with a proper bunk in each corner complete with pillow and blanket. Each bunk was equipped with a bucket for a toilet, and two other buckets contained water for drinking and washing. As I cleaned myself up from the washing bucket with a sponge, the three of them sat on their own bunks and continued a hushed discussion they were having among themselves before I came to. Ming said simply that he could put up with the sex if that meant he could have a life after the war. Cha spoke of Sergeant Bo’s assurances the previous evening about the health of comfort boys. He argued that the conditions in the cell were vastly better than what we could expect at a PLA labour camp. The food they had received for dinner and breakfast was ample, and they had been kept warm with proper bunks to in which to sleep. “The labour camps for POWs are really death camps”, Cha emphasised. “Let’s give this a try - it’s got to be better than dying of cold and starvation”. Sim urged us all to stay together, if possible, so that we could look out for each other. As he spoke, I saw him stealing glances at me while I cleaned myself from the bucket. He almost stared as I washed my arsehole of the dried cum left by Solokov. They were all influenced to a large extent by my decision to stay, and they all silently nodded their understanding of the consensus to remain in the SRU. Sim got up and came over to wipe my face clean with the sponge, Cha and Ming watching. Suddenly I felt embarrassed at being the focus of attention, naked among my three clothed companions, and I asked Ming to pass me my blanket from the bunk. After the dried cum and grime had been wiped from my face I wrapped the blanket around myself and gingerly sat on my bunk, my arse still tender from the previous night’s fucking. Cha gave me a bowl of rice, vegetables and a boiled egg which had been brought to us before I regained consciousness, and I began devouring it noisily, not having eaten for about 24 hours. Just as I finished my first SRU breakfast, the door to the cell flew open. Sergeant Bo and Corporal Yang entered. Behind them, silhouetted in the open doorway, was another guard with a rifle held at the ready. Sergeant Bo spoke first: “You three [pointing to Sim, Cha and Ming] will come with me. Captain Bartek wishes to know whether you are staying with us or going to a regular prison camp”. My three companions were lined up and marched away by Sergeant Bo and the armed guard, while I was left alone with Corporal Yang. “Stand up!”, barked Corporal Yang. “You will always stand when your master or a keeper appears”. “Yes sir”, I replied. “And who gave you permission to wear anything?”, he shouted. “No-one, sir”. I folded the blanket and placed it back on the bunk. “Later today your training will begin”, Corporal Yang said. “You will learn how to stand when a keeper approaches. But for now, I am here for pleasure rather than business”. I stood still, looking at the floor in front of Corporal Yang’s feet. I could feel his eyes scanning my naked body. I felt my balls shrinking into my abdomen with fear, and I tried consciously to relax the muscles in my arse. “So, officer-boy, you’re no longer a virgin. Captain Bartek has given me a full description of the entertainments you provided last night. Is your arse sore this morning? “Yes sir”, I answered. “Now you’re properly one of our little whores. Your Master is pleased with you, but I’m not. You were disrespectful to Sergeant Bo last night, and we agree you need teaching a lesson. I’m going to fuck you, officer-boy, what do you say about that?” “I ... I ... don’t know sir”. “You’ll learn in your training that you should always express your eagerness to be fucked. You should also ask the patron how he would like to take you - whether there’s any special position you should adopt. .... Do it, officer-boy”. “Please, sir, I’d like you to .... fuck me. .... Where would you like me to lie, sir?” “Who said anything about lying down, boy?” Corporal Yang was clearly angry. “You can make respectful suggestions to a patron who is unsure or hesitant, but you can’t presume to tell him how to use you.” “Yes sir”. “No, boy, I’ll take you standing up”. With that, Corporal Yang stripped out of his clothes, and threw them carelessly onto a bunk. Naked, he was a very muscular and broad-chested figure but only about an inch taller than me. My original estimate of his age, at 25, was about right. He had the rounded face of a peasant, he was smooth except for a very dense pubic patch, and his legs which were thickly covered in black hair. A large tattoo of a snake was on his left forearm and an angry red scar ran almost right across his belly. There was also a small snake tattoo, about the size of a large coin, above his left nipple. He was fully erect at about 6 inches, about standard for our people, but his balls were unusually hairy. Corporal Yang spat into his hand, and began masturbating himself to greater hardness. After a few seconds, he signalled me to approach him. Then he grabbed both my shoulders and forced me onto my knees in front of him, ordering me to suck his cock. I took it into my mouth and tasted for the first time the musky, salty flavours to which I would soon grow so familiar. Grabbing my ears, he began fucking my mouth vigorously. “It’s always great to fuck a pretty new face, but if I feel any of your teeth, boy, you’ll be punished”, he half gasped. He was clearly becoming very excited, but I soon started to gag as my jaw began to ache from his strong thrustings. When I began coughing uncontrollably, Corporal Yang yanked me to my feet by my hair, and swung me around to face the hut’s door. “Put your hands behind your head”, he demanded angrily. As I complied, he positioned himself behind me and applied some more spittle to his erection. Then, grabbing me around the chest with his left arm, he pressed his cock against my still-painful arsehole, and gave one mighty shove penetrating me right up to his balls. I sobbed loudly in pain, but Corporal Yang simply hissed into my ear “See, I told you I could get you to squeal”. With his free hand Corporal Yang grabbed my still-tender balls and gave them a quick but painful squeeze before starting to masturbate my limp cock. After about two minutes of vigorous standing fucking, and once the pain in my arse had started to diminish, my cock grew erect under his persistent masturbation. Within a short while, my muffled cries turned to low moans as the fucking sensation in my arse started to feel moderately pleasurable and I could feel myself building up to an orgasm under Corporal Yang’s hand. As I slowly approached climax, Corporal Yang started roughly twisting my left nipple causing me to squeal with pain. This produced a strange laugh from my keeper. Corporal Yang was also clearly approaching orgasm and starting hissing in my ear: “A nice tight, sweet little arse you’ve got whore-boy - not loosened by a string of patrons yet - mmmm, but you’ve got to learn to use it more skilfully - we’ll train your lovely little arse to play on a cock like fingers on a flute - you’re going to be a popular little whore”. And then Corporal Yang let out a long satisfied moan as I felt a load of hot cum lining the inside of my arse. Just at that moment the hut’s door swung open, and my three startled co-prisoners - all now naked once more - marched in followed by Sergeant Bo. “Yes!” cried Corporal Yang triumphantly as he give my cock two or three very skilful pulls. With that, standing in front of my comrades and Sergeant Bo, with Corporal Yang’s cock hard up my arse and his hand around my cock, I shot my load in a long creamy white arc onto the floor near Cha’s feet. Sim, Cha and Ming were clearly speechless, but Sergeant Bo didn’t miss a beat: “This looks like a good opportunity to commence your training”, he said matter-of-factly to all four of us. TO BE CONTINUED


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This is a work in progress, I hope you like it so far. Please feel free to contact the author with any comments or suggestions at Chinese-POW-1 by Sha I. I can still clearly remember the day I was captured, even though it is now more than fifty years ago. I was just 18. The summer rain had been pouring down heavily all

Chinese POW, Part 2

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Chinese POW, Part 3

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This is a work in progress, I hope you like it so far. Please feel free to contact the author at This story contains material depicting sexual activity between adult males. If that offends you, or if you are too young to read such material please stop now. CHINESE P.O.W. (Part 6) X As Corporal Yang withdrew his cock from me and let go his grip, I

Chinese POW, Part 7

This is a work in progress, I hope you like it so far. Please feel free to contact the author at This story contains material depicting sexual activity between adult males. If that offends you, or if you are too young to read such material please stop now. CHINESE P.O.W. (Part 7) XII. Standing at attention next to Ming I could smell the urine

Chinese POW, Part 4

This is a work in progress, I hope you like it so far. Please feel free to contact the author at This story contains material depicting sexual activity between adult males. If that offends you, or if you are too young to read such material please stop now. CHINESE P.O.W. (Part 4) V. Sergeant Bo remained sitting behind the

Chinese POW, Part 5

This is a work in progress, I hope you like it so far. Please feel free to contact the author at This story contains material depicting sexual activity between adult males. If that offends you, or if you are too young to read such material please stop now. CHINESE P.O.W. (Part 5) VIII. A dream came. My


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