Gay Erotic Stories

Cocktails, Part 2

by Manny
02 Oct 1997

First Time

Cocktails, Part II AUTHOR'S NOTE: After the posting of COCKTAILS on the Net I have received some feedback which has made it necessary that I continue the story. The one question that was often asked was about how authentic the incidents were. Frankly, they have been modified to suit a more manageable time frame but the essence of the story remains true. Another impression that was created, and falsely so, that this was an uninterrupted story of love with a fairy tale ending. This was not to be, as life does not deal out cards with all the trumps in one hand. Like any other relationship, there have been, both major and minor hiccups, and it is only compromise that has carried the relationship so far. It has been hard to handle these past few years in our conservative society, and I will relate the tale in smaller doses so as not to gloss over things that matter in my hurry to get things done. So let me begin... I slowly trudged the hallways of my dad's office building. He had managed to fix me up as one of the night watch during my summer vacations. It was a dreary job, but it was the best available, and at least gave me the daytime free to do what I wanted. I slept most days but occasionally went to the local swimming pool. The pool abutted the public tennis courts where nubile young boys earnestly hit tennis balls to try and make it to the big leagues. I often lay poolside watching them and daydreaming of Brooks. Brooks had a job as a library assistant during the day and only had the weekends free. We would try and get away alone and then make it, in any possible way we could. What bothered me was that it was only on his terms, that he got any satisfaction out of our relationship. My feelings were incidental, and I should be pleased that I was getting any attention at all. The gang was still unsuspecting of our relationship, and that suited us fine, because the town we lived in was small, conservative, and very unforgiving of those who did not tow the line. I was always considered a good son, and did not want to embarrass my parents or younger siblings and dreaded the day the truth came out. My days and nights away from Brooks were filled with lies and posturing, but what else could I do? College loomed ahead invitingly and I was loathe let anything wreck the idyllic future that I had planned for myself. The guys at work were typical rednecks--like me at the beginning of summer before my involvement with Brooks. They brought smutty magazines to work and spent most of the time thumbing through the dog eared pages and cracking raunchy jokes. To maintain the facade, I played along and demonstrated my titillation at pictures of women with large boobs hanging out all over the pages. At times I would get aroused and I would excuse myself to the rest rooms where I would jack off to images of Brooks and I during our last encounter. The routine was more or less the same--I would say that I had to check out my dad's office on the fourteenth floor, get up there, and hurry to the rest rooms and get relief by pumping my fist. Brooks was quite amused by the idea of my walking the hallways in a uniform. While fucking me, he would always say that one of his ambitions was to fuck a guy in uniform. I was more into getting my release and all these fantasies did not excite me in the least. I was hurried in my demands and had no time for Brooks and his uniforms. At times when he teased me about my job, I told him that it was not that bad, the money was good, and you had enough time to relax and while your time away. One day, unexpectedly, he said that he was going to visit me on the job. Love him as I might, I did not want the guys at work to see him. I tried my best to dissuade him, but he started getting testy, and said that if I was ashamed of him, then it was better that we stop seeing each other right now! I introduced Brooks to the other guys saying that he was a casual acquaintance who wanted to have a look around. Since it was not too late at night, the guys assumed that he had stopped on his way to somewhere else. They joked around with me and asked if Brooks was as naive and raw about sex as I was--turning to Brooks and saying that he ought to wisen me up. Little did they know! We hung around for a while and then I said I was going to show Brooks around dad's office. Up to the fourteenth floor we went silent in our thoughts. Although I was pleased to see Brooks, I was too scared to contemplate any action as one of the guys could come up to check on me. I was uncomfortable in his presence as I did not really know what we should do. The elevator stopped and we alit in the bright foyer. I had the bunch of keys tot the floor and I used them to unlock the main door and enter the lobby to my dad's section. My dad was a self made man. His family was from the Midwest of European stock, and were basically farmers. My granddad had come over from Malmo at the turn of the century and bought a farm in a small town near Minneapolis. He had worked hard to make a new life for himself and diligently saved his money, but a season of poor crops and the stock market crash had wiped out all he had, and his family of six were on their way to the poorhouse. Thanks to granddad's fortitude they pulled through those hard times and dad remembered quite clearly the courage that granddad showed in the face of adversity. Dad was most reticent to talk of those days, but it would come out when he was particularly exasperated with one of his kids. He had been a bright kid and excelled at school and on the playing fields. Eventually he received a full scholarship to one of the top universities here in the east, and he never looked back. He was picked up straight out of college by a multinational and went on to work for their international trading division. He married his college sweetheart-my mother- and raised his family in this small town in a large four bedroomed house with no mortgage. Dad never trusted banks enough to handle his personal money. Amongst his family there was bit of envy at his good fortune, nothing overt, yet palpable, and for this reason he rarely went back home. Mom on the other hand was gregarious and was considered a great asset to him in his current job as president of the international division. I opened the door to dad's office and let ourselves in. The lights were on dim and I let them be as I locked the door behind us. The room had a large desk at one end and a suite of sofas at the other. The large plate glass window overlooked the town and we could see all the way to the power plant at its edge as they drapes had not been drawn. My reticence had now disappeared and I turned toward Brooks and stepped forward expecting one of his wet kisses. I adored it when he tried to fuck my throat with his tongue and grab my crotch hard, all at the same time. His sensuous lips would smother my face while his tongue darted in and out of every conceivable orifice, but now he moved away. "Manny, I'm going to fuck you." Brooks could be quite unromantic at times. I looked at him with askance; "he didn't really want to do it here, did he?". I thought that, may be, we could have a quick suck off and get back down fast enough to allay any suspicions the others might have. As it is they viewed me as the big honcho's kid with summer job as a sinecure. I told Brooks that I did not think this was a good idea and why didn't we just suck each other off. He obviously had some other ideas. "I'm going to fuck your ass across your dad's desk." He was already fumbling with the buttons of his pants and pulled his pants and briefs down to his knees. The fever started rising in me as I saw his cockstand. The head, an inflamed red, waved about in the dimly lit room as he advanced toward me. I had wanted to avoid this scene, but I still dropped my clothes to my ankles. My cock was rigid now and the pounding had started in my head. "Lean over the desk with your hands on the end and stick your ass out." I wanted to kiss but hobbled across and did as he said. I could hear his breathing and as his breath caressed my back and I knew he was behind me. I felt him roughly grip my waist, and he pulled me hard towards him. I felt the his cockhead enter my asshole, push past the tight ring, and lunge for home. The pain came as a shock. I yelped to prove it. It hurt like hell. He bit down hard on my shoulder as he slammed his cock all the way in to bore deep into my very soul. I wanted to wriggle free but his grip on my waist was unrelenting. I whimpered in pain as he mercilessly powered his way in and out of me. All thoughts of romance were quickly dispelled as I held on to the desk for dear life as he hammered away. He was breathing hard down the back of my neck as he stroked his cock powerfully in and out of my asshole. I was being raped in my dad's office and there was really nothing I could do about it. Slowly the pain went away and the familiar sensation being fucked were back. He was gasping now as I arched my back to meet his demands as I pushed back on his ramming cock. My asshole started clamping down on the rigid pole which would soon transport me to the promised land. I moaned in pleasure as my head fell forward on to the desk. I was intent on swallowing that cock, to squeeze every drop of fuckjuice out of it. I felt him reach forward for my cock. His hand gripped it tightly and moved the skin up and down. It was slippery and I realized that my precum had been oozing all the while. His movements became more urgent and I swayed from side to side to get some action in the proceedings. With a groan he thrust so powerfully that I almost slid across the desk. He let go of my cock and abruptly pulled out of my ass. I turned around in astonishment and saw that he was jacking off in front of me about to reach his climax. With a shout of "I'm coming," he started spending all over the room. I hopped out of the way as I did not want any of his cum on my uniform. His spunk shot out in small spurts and landed on the carpet with a few blobs on the desktop. My hardon was rampant but I was to busy watching Brooks to do anything about it. Brooks' chest was heaving and beads of sweat covered his brows. He looked at me with those limpid eyes and broke into a shit eating grin. "You'd better clean up the mess. Lick it, don't waste it." I looked at him stonily as I thought that the son of a bitch was selfish enough to ask me to clean up his mess and he hadn't even bothered to take care of me. But I did. I licked up the cum on the leather top, the inkstand and the blotter, and wiped it dry with a tissue from the box lying on the side. I thought we still had time for a quick suckoff; I badly needed for him to make me come. When I looked up, Brooks had already zipped-up and ready to trot. "Brooks jack me off, I've got blue balls", but he was already at the door ready to leave. "Please..." "Manny you'd better get down quick or the guys will wonder what we've been up to." I knew the that that was that. I hurriedly stuffed a few tissues up the crack of my ass to stanch Brooks' cum and avoid staining my briefs. I pulled up, zipped and was ready to leave. I locked up and we made our way to the bank of elevators. The floor was silent except for our footsteps as we hurried along. He hadn't said anything more to me and we quietly waited for the elevator. I tried catching his eye but he looked straight ahead at the closed elevator doors. Thoughts of "loveless fuck" buzzed around in my head as we rode down. The silence was getting on my nerves and I had to ask: "Is anything the matter?" "Should there be?" "No, I really want to know?" "No!" " that all?" "What do you want me to do?" "Suck!" The doors slid open and we made our way to the anteroom at the back of the front desk. I hoped we did not look disheveled, but the guy there barely looked up from the magazine that he was reading. An unlit cigarette and a cup of coffee lay at his side. "I guess I'd better be going..." I nodded and walked to the main entrance of the building with Brooks. He nodded in my direction as the automatic doors opened and slipped quietly away into the night. Where had love gone? I just been brutalized in the worst possible way I could imagine. Except for a few perfunctory manipulations of my cock, Brooks had not bothered to do what he knew I wanted. I made my way to the rest rooms to get the wad of tissues out of my ass and to try and wash away this last experience. The whole thing had bee one-sided. He had taken my ass, pleasured himself, and then dumped me to figure out how to get my rocks off. I sat mulling over this in the stall, as my fist rhythmically pumped my hardening cock. For the first time in my life, I thought of Celia, the horny cunt, who had been trying to get into my pants all summer, instead of it being the other way around. I arched as I shot my load in sporadic bursts over the wall and door of the stall. My relationship with Brooks had had a profound effect on me. For the first time in my life, I was giving freely to please myself and not get approval from others. Although he could be insouciant, I thought that he cared for me as a person, and of his lust I was sure. In spite of this, it bothered me that not once had he said those magic words--"I love you"-- though I had professed my love to him over and over again in no uncertain terms. Lately, he had been nagging me about my occasional dates with Celia, and I had explained to him that they were necessary as my parents expected that of me. I assured him that besides the usual necking, during which I thought only of him, nothing much had transpired. I thought he believed me when he did not raise the subject again. My commitment to Brooks that summer had been total. I had even opted for his college even though it was a big rival to my parents' alma mater. They had looked at me quizzically when I had announced my decision, but they let it go at that and never got around to questioning it. After tonight though, I was confused as my life was not panning out the way the movies portrayed intense romance. Perhaps I was reading too much into my affair with Brooks, and I was just an infatuation, a plaything for the summer. When I reached home, dad was leaving for work. He told me that he would be back early as he had some things to talk over with me regarding college. At breakfast I did not make much conversation, and mom was starting to have misgivings about my job and the odd hours it entailed. I got into bed and was fast asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I dreamt of Brooks--his devastating face, his hard body, his fat cock, and his piercing blue eyes. I had a troubled sleep and when I woke up it was late afternoon and dad would be home shortly. I sat in the upright chair adjoining the desk. Dad was fiddling with his pipe and looking distinctly uncomfortable. Suddenly he took a deep breath and looking straight at me said: "I know what's been happening this summer." Shit! My heart sank--did he know something, had someone said something? He pulled out a brown paper envelope from his drawer and pushed it towards me. "Pick it up, but make sure Giles doesn't get a hold of it" They were do-it-yourself sex manuals. "Look, I don't know how to go about this but your mom insisted that I have this talk with you. In my time, nobody had to tell me nothing as I knew and I'm sure you do too, but here goes." He licked his lips and continued: "Mom and I are aware that you have been dating Celia and we also know what you kids are about today. Just be careful and remember we are always there for you. We both love you very much and just want for you to be happy, but just be careful...Read those books and if you've any questions I'll see what I can do..." Would he have been saying the same things if I told him that it was Brooks I was dating and not Celia? He averted his eyes as I stared back at him. He pushed back the chair and stood up, and with a flourish walked into the kitchen. That was my sex education 101. I followed him in and said: "What about college?" "Oh yeah, I talked to Grady at your school and he agrees with the courses you have chosen...Your college is good, but not like mine, ask mom...But I guess Ivy League is Ivy League...I've made arrangements for your local bank account...If you want when we're up there I'll come to the bank with you...In the meantime stay out of trouble. OK?" He winked at me as he got busy making a drink for mom and himself. That lewd wink said it all. They were under the impression at home, that I was fucking Celia! I looked forward to the weekend ahead. I would get some respite from this humdrum existence. Each time I entered Dad's office, the bloody desk brought back memories of Brooks humping away at my ass. It was four days now, but I still felt the stretch. Brooks had called up in between and jocularly asked me how I was keeping my dad's room safe-I steered the conversation away and we never brought that subject up again. I was trying to forget what had transpired in that room that night. Saturday morning dawned and at the breakfast table dad informed me the we were moving an extra bed into my room. I must have looked up sharply because he continued to explain that my room would be used for guests while I was away. I had an attached bath and it would be nice if the could offer this room to their visitors. What visitors? We hardly had any since dad and his family rarely talked to each other. I tried saying that Giles' room was better suited but he had decided and my room had been the master bedroom before they had built the new annex. I helped him move the bed later on but I was less than enthusiastic. They were already writing me off! Four days was a long time. I yearned for Brooks. After all what's a fuck between friends? My reservations and misgivings were out of the window. I hurried to the pool and looked over at our favorite spot but he was not there. I was disappointed and blamed myself for not calling before I left home. I lay basking in the sun looking at nubile young boys through my lidded eyes waiting for him to come. He didn't. Some of the guys wanted to go to the mall to check the scene out there. So we piled into this tin can and made tracks there. The mall was newly built and most of the prestigious New York stores had opened there. It was a novelty and quite fascinating. We prowled the floors checking the merchandise on display, knowing that we didn't have a hope in hell of getting anything at those prices. As I was about to suggest a soda--that was all we could afford--I saw this couple at the far end of the corridor. The gait was familiar, and as I stared, I got the shock of my life. It was Brooks with Celia. They were arm in arm and he had leant over her and appeared to be something in her ear, at the same time the bastard was nuzzling her neck. I was dumbfounded and my jaw dropped open. I got that queasy feeling in my stomach when you know that the shit has hit the fan. I must have been rooted tot he spot as one of the guys had to yank me back to get to the car. I glanced fleetingly over my shoulder and saw that they had turned into a store. I wanted to go back and see, but I had to go with the guys. On the ride back I claimed I wasn't feeling well--which was true--and I got dropped off at home. I rushed up to my room and locking the door flung myself across the bed. I had never felt such torment, such rage, and I buried my head in the pillow. The pain of betrayal had now set in as I bit into the pillow to stifle my sobs. The hot tears flowed as I thought the worst. I had images of Brooks fucking Celia. I almost puked at that. Brook's ass moving up and down as he plowed his fat cock into Celia's wet cunt. Brooks moaning his pleasure and Celia squealing her delight. Pigs! Both of them. All the pent up feelings of inadequacy, despair and hopelessness welled up in me as my body was violently racked by my stifled sobs. Why the fuck was this happening to me? I lay in bed morosely thinking over the summer that had been and swore then that I would never fuck with Brooks again. I stayed locked away in my room till dinner time and came down only after making sure that my parents would not guess at my distress. Dad was not there and mom said that he had to pop over to the office for some urgent overseas work. Mom explained that there was a big project in Turkey which could make or break dad's career. Perhaps he might have to fly there in a couple of days. Dad was excited when he got back. They had bagged the project he told mom. He would probably have to fly across soon. He then gave a meaningful look at mom an asked her if she had spoken to me. Since I had not appeared all day she had not. Dad looked kind of anxious and turning to me said: "My contact in Turkey has a son who is joining college in the Midwest this fall. Before that he has to take a short summer course in English to pass his entrance test. Our local; community college offers this course and the company thought it would be a good idea if we helped him out. I've talked it over with mom already and she agrees that he can stay with us for a while before going west. Mom suggested he could share your room, I hope that's OK with you?" Shit! What the hell was going on? Why did he have to lie to me to move that extra bed in? I was getting paranoid and was about to explode when I saw how anxious dad really looked. I was feeling pretty lonely after my betrayal and in that state of vulnerability I smiled at dad and said that anything that was OK with the folks was OK with me. "Good, that's settled then--I'll fly back with the "boy" over the weekend." Nether Brooks nor Celia bothered to call the following week and I supposed they were exhausted from their incessant bouts of fucking. I should have really nailed that bitch! During my time at work, I spent hours deciding the slowest death possible for those two vipers. Dad had called from Turkey saying that he was definitely bringing the "boy"--that's how he put it--over the weekend. At this juncture of my life. I waited for this to somehow retrieve the summer which looked all but lost. There was a lot of excitement in the house as dad was expected back shortly. Mom had driven down to New York to receive them while the three of waited at home impatiently. The car pulled into the driveway and unloaded its passengers. There were my parents arm in arm, and behind them, carrying a raincoat was a lanky boy. Achmed was exotic!! To be continued... If you have any comments after reading this, please drop me a note at my e-mail:


More Gay Erotic Stories from Manny

BJ visits my University

Oh my God, this guy was so fine. I met him at work after, I came home from college for Thanksgiving break. His name was Bruce, but they called him BJ. He was 5'10, about 170 pounds. He was black, with the lightest complexion. He was probably mixed. BJ had the walk and the talk of a thug who was use to getting by on his good looks. I had the pleasure of working with this guy for a

Cocktails, Part 1

COCKTAILS It never occurred to me that puberty with its cocktail of hormones could be such a compelling situation. Till then, I had considered myself "straight", dating and falling in out of love with girls in various grades along the way. Although I discussed sex with many of my friends, it was all "straight" stuff and occasionally we would

Cocktails, Part 2

Cocktails, Part II AUTHOR'S NOTE: After the posting of COCKTAILS on the Net I have received some feedback which has made it necessary that I continue the story. The one question that was often asked was about how authentic the incidents were. Frankly, they have been modified to suit a more manageable time frame but the essence of the story remains true. Another

Cocktails, Part 3

Cocktails, Part III Achmed was exotic! He was a bit taller than I, with tawny skin, reddish hair, and the greenest pair of cat's eyes I had ever seen. I never new that Turks looked like this. His shoulders were broad and square, tapering to a modest waist and his hips flared out before his long legs joined his trunk. I felt the familiar sensation of

Cocktails, Part 4

Cocktails, Part IV Since it was Sunday, the pool was busy, as I tried looking for the gang. I caught sight of them on the far poolside and Achmed and I made our way over. Brooks was not there. With introductions all around over, I took Achmed to the locker rooms to get changed. His swimsuit was one of those scanty bikini's and left nothing to the imagination. I must

Cocktails, Part 5

Cocktails, Part V by MANNY Achmed did as he was told, and so at about seven, after dinner we went over to Brooks' house. When he opened the door, he was wearing shorts, and I knew that he had no intention of going out that night. He was as charming as could be with everything laid out. I was still a bit wary as I knew that he could be quite a chameleon. I

Cocktails, Part 6

Cocktails, Part VI COCKTAILS VI By MANNY Thursday morning was a hectic rush. My parents insisted that I finish packing for college before I left the house. I kept one ear cocked at the telephone all morning hoping that Brooks would call. The bastard was probably sleeping in so I gave up by lunchtime. Actually, deep down I had expected this, so I was not

Cocktails, Part 7

Cocktails, Part VII COCKTAILS VII By Manny As the term progressed, the workload had increased dramatically. The subject that needed a lot of working on was turning out to be math. High school math was a cinch compared to what we had covered till now. Charlie found it a breeze, but I knew that if I did not concentrate, I would soon be in trouble.

Cocktails, Part 8

Cocktails, Part VIII COCKTAILS VIII By Manny Spring break had come and gone. Brooks had spent the entire break with his grandparents in the City. Although I felt bereft without him, I was growing quite used to his being away from home during the vacations. The only thing that bothered me, was that he never mentioned his plans to me in advance. My parents

Cocktails, Part 9

Cocktails, Part IX I had decided that the best course of action would be to avoid meeting Brooks alone. He was bound to ask me about pledge night, and sure to discuss my story with Lloyd. Given enough time, his curiosity would wear off and my secret would be safe-I hoped! For the next month or so, before initiation, I avoided Lloyd--ike he had the plague. In

Cocktails, Part 10

Cocktails, Part X COCKTAILS X By MANNY The meeting was the next day--just two days before the finals started. The vote would be taken, results announced and the initiation ceremony would be a day before we broke up for the summer vacation. I was sure that because of Lloyd, I would not be attending any of the ceremonies. The stand off the other night in

Cocktails, Part 11

Cocktails , Part XI (Conclusion) The finals were over and I had done well in spite of all my trepidation. We had to play our inter-team match to finalize the rankings in the team for the year. I was playing, as I was going to try out for the tennis team the next year. The match got over at about seven in the evening, but I had pulled the short straw to put the


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