Gay Erotic Stories

Dario 'n Dad, Part 3

by D.B. Reed
10 Jul 1997

Family Fun

Dario 'n Dad (Part III) Author's note----earlier versions of part III have not been posted, perhaps because they contained some pretty hot descriptions of Dario's initiation to man- to-man sex with a high school teacher/coach when Dario was well below the age of eighteen. All of you readers will just have to imagine that hot scenario. Hopefully removing it from this version will allow for part III to finally be published here. At breakfast the next morning (bacon and eggs and toast and coffee and juice and fresh fruit) I asked him about this photo-shoot for the male magazine. I reminded him that he'd somewhat casually mentioned the editor fucking him as part of the "audition" and I asked if that was the first time he'd done it. "Oh God no! It was an okay afternoon, but certainly not memorable. Not like the first time anyway" he said, and I asked him to tell me about that first time. "Okay dad, here goes" he said, giving me all the details: Dario spent a good hour or so telling me about his initiation into male-to-male sex by a hunky coach/teacher named McKay at his school. The details of this introduction can't be related here because my son was considerably under the age of eighteen at that time. The coach was fired at the end of that year, something about a scandal involving a cheerleader, her football captain boyfriend and her older brother. Evidently my son wasn't the only student that this guy was fooling around with. I didn't know whether to be furious that this teacher had seduced my 15-year old son, or to be thankful to him for breaking Dario into the joys of man-sex, things that he could later teach me. Hearing Dario tell me that McKay wasn't so well hung as me was sort of a kick, and I wondered who else had fucked my son enough to open him up so that he could accommodate me as easily as he did. I wanted to hear graphic details about each of the other men who'd pumped his cock up Dario's hairy butt-hole, but had other immediate plans. "C'mon baby bear, go out and put those leather pants on again and bring in my camera with you." We spent the next five hours with me taking shot after shot of every little bit of his body. I used up one entire roll just on Dario's hairy arm-pits, and two more while he bent over and pulled his butt cheeks apart while I took photos of his hairy ass-hole. There's a timer on my camera, one which allowed me to set it up, run across the room and manage to get my hand or my mouth around his cock before the click that preserved the image on film. It would be weeks before I found a discreet developing studio who would not only process the film but also do blow-ups of our favorite shots, namely the ones like Dario's load splattering all over my face, like me almost (but not quite) pulling completely out of his ass before shoving roughly back into him. Dario's little "goodie bag" that he'd packed and brought along included some tit-clamps which we used on both of us, a big double-sided dildo that we shared while hugging and kissing one another, and about three big bags of prime Columbian marijuana. I guess I was a little surprised that this generation was still doing pot, it seemed like a 60's and 70's thing to me, but I'd never done it back then. One of the big jokes of the weekend was after we'd both gotten totally stoned and he sat his furry butt right on my face. I lapped up into the chute and allowed my own saliva to dribble back onto me. As I pulled away and giggled uncontrollably Dario told me that I was "shit faced in more ways that one!" What I discovered that night was how long you can go without coming when stoned on your butt. It was fantastic! The fire in the stone fireplace that night was for more than atmosphere as the storm came through. It got cold (an excuse for the two of us to cuddle closer together) and the thunder and lightening was accompanied by torrents of rain. It rained and rained and rained, and I was glad we'd had the caretaker bring plenty of wood onto the porch to keep it dry. We stayed in bed for two days of constant rain, totally oblivious to the world outside the cabin. On our fourth day at the cabin we finally looked out the window and realized that the dirt road from the blacktop had been washed out completely. A four-wheeler (similar to Dario's GEO Tracker back home) came up what once was the road and stopped just in front of the cabin. A big guy got out, ran up to the porch and pounded on the door. "Hey, anybody in there?" he shouted out, and I looked out the window to see him covered with a transparent rain-shield and a plastic covering over his police-department hat. "Who's there?" I said, and he announced his position as the local constable. "You okay in there mister. I spoke to your caretaker yesterday and he said you were up here. Are you by yourself?" he called in through the door, and I said that we were fine, both my son and I, but I was hesitant to let him in. All of a sudden we saw a blinding flash of lightening, joined almost immediately by a huge clap of thunder. I remember as a kid counting by 1000, 1001, 1002 and determining how far away the strike was. Mentally I got to about one-th.....before I head the clap and just then a tree fell right onto the four-wheeler that the policeman had used to come check on us. "Holy fuckin' shit!" he said from behind the door, and I realized we had to let him in. I grabbed my shorts from the chair and pulled them on, although Dario still lay totally naked on the bed behind us. Deputy Turk Randolph introduced himself to me, and I shook his hand, giving my name to him. "And that's my son Dario" I said, pointing to the naked hunk in the iron bed. "Yeah sure, that's okay mister. I don't care who you say he is so long as he's 18, and from the looks of him he's considerably older than that". "Honest officer, he really is my son!" I said, realizing as soon as I'd said it that he now suspected something more than he'd originally walked in assuming. There were empty beer cans and roach clips and tit-clamps and, oh yes, that big double-headed dildo sitting right there in the middle of the floor. "I'll have to stay here until the storm let's up" he said. "But if you'd like I can go out onto the porch". "Don't even consider it" I said to him, started to offer him a beer than caught myself. "Actually, I'm off duty, just thought I'd drive up here on my way home to check on you. So if the offer's still good I'd love a beer Mr...uh." He'd forgotten my last name and I told him to call me Brad. This deputy reminded me of the image I'd conjured up for Cody McKay whom Dario had earlier told me about. He was big and blond and muscular and.... Well there was one big difference from how Dario had described McKay. Deputy Turk Randolph had arms that were thickly coated with blond/brown hair, liberally flecked with bits of gold mixed in. The top button of his uniform shirt was open and revealed heavy tufts of the same colored hair poking out, and he had a heavy 5:00 o'clock shadow even though it was just mid-morning when he'd arrived. He must've worked the night shift if he was on his way home at this hour. It wasn't until then that I saw him shivering. It suddenly became obvious that the plastic rain coat hadn't done much to protect him on the short run from the 4-wheeler to the cabin. His uniform pants and shirt were soaking beneath the plastic, and I told him to get the wet things off. "Yeah, you're probably right. Looks like it will be a while before anybody can get in to rescue us" he said. He pulled the plastic off his body, put his plastic coated hat onto the kitchen table and started to unbutton his shirt. As he removed it completely and placed it on the back of the chair over by the fire I realized that my earlier appraisal of him had been fairly accurate. Not quite so hairy all over as my son Dario, Deputy Turk Randolph was still really thickly coated with heavy old-flecked brownish/blond hair. Even his back was blanketed with the light-colored fluff and as he removed his matching uniform slacks it was obvious that his legs were likewise covered. Turned on as I was by the fact that I'd not seen Dario wearing underwear all week I was sort of excited by the skimpy bikini shorts that Randolph wore. They were solid black in color, a nice contrast to the thick blond hair on his legs and the part of his butt that showed. The front of them bulged out exceedingly, making it obvious that Turk Randolph had perhaps enough inside his shorts to rival even my hefty endowment. "Whoa!" I heard Dario say from his perch on the bed. He was up in a flash and on his knees before Deputy Randolph before the big man had a chance to object. "Oh shit!" he said as he reached in and unleashed the man's cock. "Oh my GOD!" I said, reacting to the sight of a cock that put mine to shame. He had to have four inches on me, and it hung damned near all the way to his knees. This was truly a cock that would rival that of a stallion. I eyeballed the big double-ended dildo on the floor and realized that Turk's cock was comparable in length (and somewhat thicker than the artificial thing Dario had brought with him on the trip.. I slipped my shorts off and joined Dario down on the floor where we did double-duty on the deputy's dick. We took turns licking the shaft and sucking the huge head and tonguing the angry thick veins that ran just beneath the skin's surface. Occasionally our tongues would touch, creating yet another kind of electric excitement as I french-kissed my own kid while sharing this big cop's dick with him. "Hey Brad, I don't believe for a second that this is your kid" he said to me "but it looks like you've got a thing for really hairy guys". Turning his attention to Dario he said "and you're obviously turned on by big dicks like this guy you're calling your 'daddy' has. Looks like I've got what it takes to keep both you guys happy for a while." "Go on, get around there and fuck his hairy ass while he blows me - or at least while he tries to take all I've got!" the big deputy said, and by the time I positioned myself at Dario's ass at least half of Turk Randolph's cock had disappeared down my son's throat. My big cock (which now seemed oddly inferior) slid easily up his chute and I started fucking Dario's butt while Turk pumped in and out of his mouth. My earlier appraisal of Turk not being quite so hairy as Dario ended up being wrong too. Once I leaned forward and started feeling his furry chest I realized that it was only lighter in color, certainly as thick as Dario's in texture. Damn! This big guy had it all. "Yeah I knew it! You can't take it all can you kid?" Turk said, and I looked down to see Dario make a last supreme effort to swallow the monstor cock entirely. "Jesus that's incredible!" the big guy said, and I leaned up to kiss him on the lips. Considering the length of my cock up his ass and the big deputy buried in his face, I'm surprised we didn't feel ourselves touch inside Dario's body. I felt myself ready to blast and broke off my kiss with Turk. Dario grunted as he felt me explode up his butt and at the same instant Deputy Randolph pulled his incredible organ from my son's mouth. I watched as spurt after spurt of thick white come jettisoned from Turk's cock. It was truly phenomenal the amount of come that this guy had stored up in his huge balls. In all I counted fourteen continuous blasts, each of them (up until numbers thirteen and fourteen) were about as much come as a normal produces in total. Some of it went directly into Dario's mouth, but more splattered all over his face, his hair his chest and shoulders and hairy muscular arms. Big globs of the goo hung from the coarse whiskers on Dario's face. "Okay turn around and bend over" he told me. "I wanna' watch him fuck you now!" I was thankful that he didn't suggest that I take him up my butt like Dario had. I'd been stretched a lot during the last few days, but I didn't think I'd be able to accommodate anything the size of his donkey-dick. No, it was bigger than a donkey, bigger than a horse. I can't imagine what animal one could compare Turk Randolph to. He stood in front of me playing with his own tits buried deep in the gold mat of hair as he watched Dario plow into me. "Come on his back kid, I wanna' watch you shoot your load all over his back!" I felt Dario pull out of me and soon sensed the searing heat of his load as it painted my back and my ass. Turk leaned forward and rubbed the snotty stuff into my skin as Dario came round to offer me his cock to clean off. We all stood there sort of exhausted just as a beeping sound came from the two-way radio that Turk had set on the counter when he came into the cabin. "Yo TURK, come in boy, this here's the chief calling. You okay? Those people from the city okay?" Randolph padded naked across the floor and pushed the button to respond to his chief. He explained how the tree had fallen on his four-wheeler and how the road out was almost impassable when he'd come in. Certainly by now it would be washed out. "You want me to send someone in to get you?" the Chief asked, and Turk said that wouldn't be necessary. "I'll just wait out the storm here with these folks" the well-hung deputy said, adding that we'd figure out some way to pass the time. "Call my wife will you chief. Tell her I don't know when I'll be home". Hearing that the guy was married was a bit of a surprise, and at that point I figured he was maybe one of those types who might openly bash gays but when given the opportunity he would gladly participate. "Damn" he said later on. "You two are a lot better than that hitch-hiker I picked up last week. He managed to work off his ticket without me having to haul him into the station. Course he put up a little bit of a fight and I had to cuff him naked to that tree while I taught him a lesson about respect for an officer of the law!" The rains let up during the night, and by morning the local flooding had eased enough for the police department tow truck to get in and pull Turk's 4 x 4 out from beneath the tree. He'd regaled us all night long with stories of his sexual escapades. I watched as he fucked Dario's ass with his huge base-ball bat of a cock, frightened as I watched that he might split my son's hairy ass right up the middle. It didn't happen though. Dario took the big guy like a trooper (no pun intended) and I felt like I was in "hair heaven" sandwiched between these two furry bears on the big iron-frame bed. We never were able to convince him that I was really Dario's father. He refused to believe that anyone so hairy as my eighteen year old could come from someone like me. Oh by the way, he did take his turn at being fucked as well. Turk Randolph eagerly took my big meat up his butt, told me it was about the biggest one he's ever felt and I no longer felt inferior to him. My only concern was that after feeling Turk Randolph's one-in-a-million dick up his butt that Dario wouldn't ever be satisfied by mine again. It was an unfounded worry, because the instant the big deputy left we were going at it again -- hot and heavy and horny and hairy. We barely beat her home, deciding in a flurry of activity that we'd better get rid of all the evidence of our week of non-stop sex. The first thing I did was change the bed sheets in our room. Besides crusted-over puddles of come there was so fucking much black hair on the white sheets that it looked like the floor of the barber shop. No shit, Dario routinely looses more hair in the act of having sex that most guy even have. The oil-coated mats in the basement cleaned up pretty well with a concentrated amount of Pine-Sol in warm water. The caretaker up at the cabin would be earning his salary that week as we left that place literally a "fucking mess". I reluctantly allowed Dario to shave his week's growth of beard, knowing that it could easily be grown again. Besides, he was the end of a few days it was starting to be soft and thick, rather than the scratchy bristly growth that rubbed my ass raw like sandpaper in the earlier stages. "Well, I hope you two didn't drive one another crazy" she said, and Dario and I both stifled a laugh. If she only knew just how crazy we'd been driving one another. We assured her that we'd gotten along just fine, that it had been a great opportunity for the two of us to spend some time alone. "Well good, I'm delighted to hear that" she said, going on to explain that her bridge team had ended up winning the tournament. "Next week we go on to regionals --- unless you guys have any objection to me being gone for another ten days". I looked Dario in the eye and I'm sure his cock was getting hard too.


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Looking back on it now I realize that we never should've even planned to get married at all. Both of us were on the rebound - she from a second failed marriage and me from the loss of my love of several years. Stacy and I had been together since college, and had decided that we didn't need the benefit of a marriage license to legally join us. We'd just put a bid on a small house

Triple The Pleasure

The minute the new transfer student came into my first period class I thought he looked familiar. There's no way I could've known this Adam Franklin though. Still, just seeing him brought back plenty of memories. Mitch Taylor and I grew up together, he was just a year older than me and the nearness of our houses made us be best buddies whether we wanted to or not. During the summer


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