Gay Erotic Stories

Everything I Own, part 2

by Christopher Bass
28 Sep 1999


"Everything I Own" By DISCLAIMER: Same Disclaimer as last time. If you are underage from wherever country you are in right now, please leave. Also, if you don't like homosexual romance and (eventually) sex, then also please leave. Most of what are in these stories are not real, although I wish a lot of it would happen to me in real life. If James Lance Bass reads this, then please e-mail me. I would love to get to know you REAL well. I love you, James Lance Bass! Before I start the next part of my story, I just wanted to thank all of the people who e-mailed me with compliments about part one of my story, even though the main character (me with a different last name) and Lance haven't met yet. Don't worry, it will happen this part. All of your words meant a lot to me. If anyone who reads my story wants to give me some constructive criticism or just compliment me, e-mail me at Also, if you have any story ideas, e-mail me at that address also. Thanks! I also want to apologize for one thing. The first part got confusing between the story being in first person and third person. I will continue the story in 3rd person. If anyone thinks first person would be better, e-mail me. Also, I found out the hard way that having two people named Chris was a little confusing for me, so I will be changing the name to Mark. Thanks for all of the support! CHAPTER TWO The audience could not believe how great Mark sounded. They applauded and cheered louder than Rosie's audience usually does. They were shocked. However, they were not as shocked as Mark was. He could not believe he made it through the whole song and not throw up. He was floored that he sounded so good. He was not the only person who was shocked. Joey, JC, and Chris sat down, looking at the television with their mouths open widely. Justin smiled broadly. Lance's business side came through immediately. "Guys, I know what to do about Justin's illness." The rest of the guys were intrigued by what Lance said, with the exception of Justin, who had fallen fast asleep on one of the couches in the dressing room. JC spoke first. "What?" Lance was very vague and would not answer Josh's question right away. He was a man of detail, sometimes a little too much detail. He reminded the group of several things. "We all have to agree on this or we don't do it." Chris was already getting restless and wanted to know what the idea was. "What's your plan, Lance?" Of course, Lance still didn't reveal his idea. "Remember, however, that it's just for this performance only...just these two songs." JC had gone past restless like Chris was and went to very irritated at Lance. "James Lance Bass, just tell us what the fucking plan is!" Lance grew sad right away and looked towards the ground, frowning. He hated being yelled at by JC, who was his best friend. JC didn't like yelling at Lance either. He was immediately sorry. "I'm sorry, Lance. You just have the tendency to beat around the bush on occasion." Lance looked up at JC and smiled again. "I'm sorry, too. I know I do that. I really should work on breaking that. I think to solve the problem about us being without Justin today is get a guest singer." Joey liked the idea, but he saw a problem. "I like the idea, but there is a problem. Who do we get? Someone from John's band? If you are thinking that, then we have another problem. We haven't heard any of them sing." "No, Joe, " Lance replied. "It's not any of them. I was thinking of someone who probably knows all of our songs and maybe even some of our moves." Joey was still concerned. "Can he sing? OK, so he knows our songs and maybe our moves. We still need someone who can sing. That is most important." Lance knew where Joey was going. "Of course it's most important. I know the perfect person. We have already heard him sing." Chris realized whom Lance was talking about. "Him, Lance? Are you sure about that?" Lance had no doubts in his mind. "Chris, I am totally sure. I haven't been so sure about anything in my life." Chris couldn't believe Lance was this serious about having a total stranger singing with them. He thinks he knows why Lance is so adamant. "Could the reason you want him to sing with us this bad be that you are very attracted to him and would love to get to know him a lot better?" Joey finally figured out who Chris and Lance were talking about. "Come on, Lance! Do you think that's safe? What if he is some deranged fan?" Lance was angry at that comment. "Joey, I don't know how I know this, but I feel I can trust him." Without thinking, Joey replied, "Lance, I know he is cute, but we have to be safe. Better safe than sorry." The rest of the guys were in shock; Chris' mouth was agape. "Uh, Joey..." he said nervously, "Is there something you need to tell us?" Joey thought about what he just said and started to cry. "I guess I don't have to say anything anymore. You've probably guessed what I have been hiding for so long. I'm bisexual." Of course, the guys were accepting of Joey's bisexuality, considering there was no problem with Lance being gay. "Joey, why didn't you ever tell us?" JC asked. Joey had calmed down a little bit and felt like a great weight had been lifted off his chest. "I don't know. I guess I was scared at what your reactions would be. I know you're accepting of Lance being gay, but I have had these horrendous dreams for the longest time that you kicked me out of the band and out of your lives. I really need you in my life." JC walked over to Joey and gave him a tight hug. "Joey, we all are best friends. That includes you. We love you and will always love you." Joey sniffed a little bit. "Thanks, JC. I love you guys, too. I don't know why I was so scared to tell you guys. I hope you can forgive me." JC replied, "There is nothing we need to forgive. We remember what it was like when Lance came out to us. It has to be one of the hardest things to do. There is always the fear that those you love the most will reject you. Just remember that that will never happen to you, Joey. Buddy, you are stuck with us forever." Lance stopped the emotional overplay before it got too much. "Guys, as much as I love conversations like this, we really need to get down to business." The rest of the guys were used to Lance acting business-like, sometimes at the most awkward times. "Yes, father, " Chris replied. "I'm serious, guys." Lance continued, "What do we do about Mark? Do we ask him or what?" Chris, Joey, and JC all agreed that Mark should be asked. JC did have a concern about asking Mark to sing with them. "Lance, just don't make a pass at him. That could be dangerous." Lance was embarrassed that JC noticed that he was attracted to Mark. "What, JC? You are so wrong! I'm not attracted to him. He's a wonderful singer and I think he would blend well with the rest of us. We would be doing something really nice for a big fan. That's it." JC didn't believe Lance, but didn't want to get into it now. He just wanted him to be happy. Lance hadn't been in a relationship in over a year. He had met a guy while they were in Europe, before they hit it big in the United States. They had a long-distance relationship, but things ended badly. Lance flew home to Orlando, wanting to surprise his boyfriend. However, he is the one who got the surprise when he saw his love in bed with another man. The guy told him that he had been sleeping around ever since the beginning of the relationship. Lance threw the two men out of his house and broke down and cried. He couldn't go back on tour for weeks. The rest of the guys tried to help Lance through it and tried to get him to be happy again. It has taken months to get Lance to even look at another guy. Now he is looking at Mark. JC, being Lance's best friend, doesn't know how to feel about Lance's attraction to Mark. Is it genuine? Could the target of his attraction be gay also, or at least bisexual? JC just didn't want Lance to get hurt again. He would do anything he had to to protect him. He is barely older than Lance. Chris is the oldest of the five. However, JC is almost like the father of the group. It's a role he treasures. Chris appreciates how JC takes care of everyone, but knows that sometimes he can be smothering. "JC, don't smother Lance. If he's ready to date again, then it's great and he should." JC didn't ever see that he could be smothering. "Chris, I just don't want him getting hurt." He also couldn't see that being protected too much denies that person from having happiness. Lance finally spoke up again. He was denying to himself that he found Mark attractive. "Hello, guys? I never said I was attracted to Mark. I thought we had dropped that subject for now. We need to go out there and talk to him and see if he would help us out." "Lance is right," Joey replied. "I think he should go out there and ask him. After all, he is the one who came up with the idea." JC agreed with Joey, adding, "I don't think the audience would mind waiting a little bit longer. I'm just glad that this week's shows are not live. We would have had to postpone the appearance for a day, and that's if we could get Mark to help." Lance was initially adamant against going out there himself, but came up with an idea that would give him the courage to ask Mark. "What if we all went out there and I ask him? It would show him that we all want him to sing with us." All three guys readily agreed and were about to go out when Rosie came into their dressing room. She was her usual energetic, bubbly self. "Hey, guys! How's it going? You about ready to come out?" Rosie didn't know that Justin was sick and wouldn't be able to sing with them or even go out for the interview. JC was the person who would break the news to her. "We're doing good on the most part, but we do have a pretty big problem. Justin is sick and won't be up to performing with us. He really did want to go out there, which is why we never told you or any of your people. We're really sorry we didn't notify you before." Rosie, having a heart of gold, understood. "It's OK, JC. The most important thing is that Justin gets healthy. Will the four of you still be able to perform without him?" Lance answered that question for her. "We were debating on what to do. We knew we wouldn't cancel totally because we owe so much to you. We only had two options. One of them was to sing without him. When I was really sick, they did seven shows without me. However, it was a harder decision this time because Justin is one of the lead singers." Rosie jokes, "Plus the fact that you just lip synch and don't really sing at all." Lance was jokingly hurt. "I do so sing! OK, it's not really heard too much, except for a few parts. Any ways, we had another option and that was to sing without him, but to temporarily replace him for the two songs we will do here. There were more concerns about this option because where would we find someone who could sing, know our moves, and who blends well vocally with the four of us." Rosie was getting a little miffed at Lance for going on and on. "Lance, we really don't have much time. What did you guys decide?" Lance laughed, saying, "Was I going on and on again?" Everyone laughed. "Sorry. We decided to get someone to sing with us. Actually the decision on whom we would get would be pretty easy. There is someone pretty close by." Rosie didn't know whom he was talking about. "Who, Lance? Do you have AJ McLean hidden in the closet somewhere?" Rosie said. "No, Rosie. AJ came out of the closet a long time ago." It was a joke in reference to the fact that AJ also was gay. He had slept with many women for years, but it was only because he wasn't yet able to accept his sexuality yet. He eventually was able to. He has been involved in a very hot passionate affair with Kevin Richardson for about a month now. Everyone laughed hard at Lance's joke. "Seriously, there is someone we think would be perfect. What makes it even better is the fact that he's not a recorded singer, but a fan of his. And despite what the guys think, the reason I thought of him was not because of any attraction they think I have to him. It's the guy who did the intro for you...Mark. Can we go out and ask him on the air?" Rosie loved the idea. "Sure! We're about to start the show again, so let's go do it now. Do you need more time to get Mark rehearsed? That is, if he says yes." Lance was glad that she liked the idea and that he could go out and ask Mark. "If we can, Rosie. It all depends on him. If we can get an hour, that would be great." Rosie agreed to an extra hour. "I can do that. It's possible with this week not airing live, but on a tape delay. I don't think the audience minds, as much as they love you guys." JC adds, "We love our fans, too. We have the best fans in the world!" Rosie says, "Just give me a few minutes and I will introduce you guys. You guys will sit down, speak for a couple of minutes and then I will ask Mark to come on stage and over to you guys where Lance will ask him. Sound like a good plan?" Everyone agrees. Rosie goes back on stage. A few minutes later, the stage manager comes into their dressing room and asked if they were ready. They were. The manager directed them to a space just off of the set. Rosie is ready to introduce four of the five members of 'N Sync. "You might have heard of my next guests. I would definitely say at least one person in the audience is a big fan of theirs." She looks at Mark, who blushes deeply. "They have a very important favor to ask someone. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome 'N Sync." The audience screams loudly as the group, minus Justin, comes on the stage and over to the sofa by Rosie. JC spoke first. "Thank you for having us back, Rosie! It's always great to see you." "You are such a gentleman, JC." Rosie replied, after which the audience again screamed loudly. "I'm so glad you are back. Those Orlando shows were so much fun! So I hear you have a special request to make?" Lance replied to that question. "Yes we do, Rosie. As you can see, we are without Justin. He's actually backstage, but pretty sick. He caught the flu that's going around." Many members of the audience scream, "No!" at the possibility of one Justin Randall Timberlake sick. Rosie asked the question the audience was thinking, "Are you going to be singing without him?" JC answered that. "We were deciding what to do. We wouldn't cancel on you, especially on such short notice. We ended up having two alternatives. One was the four of us would sing without him and we would divide Justin's solos. The other was that we would find someone to take his place." "Which one did you decide on, " Rosie asked. "We ended up deciding to find someone to sing with us. Well, actually, we would ask someone to sing with us. Can I go into the audience?" Lance replied. Rosie agreed, and the audience screamed loud enough to rock the house. Lance got up and walked towards the audience. "We heard a most excellent singer today that we all believe will blend in well with the rest of us." Mark was shocked. "There is no way in hell he means me! I am nowhere near as good enough to sing with 'N Sync, if only for two songs on one show!" He says to himself. Lance keeps walking towards the audience. "It's also a great thing to do for such a dedicated fan of ours. I have to agree with something JC said backstage. We really do have the best fans in the world!" There is another scream from the audience. Lance is starting to wonder if the audience will scream at anything that he says. "We were all very impressed at how good he sang 'Everything I Own'. It's always been one of my favorite songs on our album." Mark gets so shocked at that comment that he almost hyperventilates. "Oh my God! He does mean me! Lance wants me to sing with them! I cannot believe this is happening!" Mark gets more and more shocked as Lance came towards him. When Lance got to him and sat down on the aisle next to him, Mark started to cry. Lance started to speak, but stopped once he saw that Mark was indeed crying. Mark had his head down on his hands. Lance has seen many fans freak out, screaming and crying pretty badly. Sometimes he had a hard time believing that people could be that excited to see him. Those times, he always said something like, "Lance, you know it's not for you. They are screaming for the rest of the guys." He looked back at Mark and felt bad for him. "Mark, are you OK?" he said to Mark. Mark stops crying and looks up at Lance. He sees him smile and he smiles back. However, he still cannot believe what is happening. He asks, "You really want me to sing with you? All of you?" Chris replies, "Mark, you are a wonderful singer!" Joey adds, "We were blown away when you did our song. It was incredible." JC continued, "I'm surprised you aren't recording already. You should be." Mark asked the guys, "What songs are you doing?" JC replied, " 'Music of My Heart' and ' Drive Myself Crazy'." Mark asked, "I really am that good?" One thing that Mark and Lance had in common was bouts of self-doubt. Lance replies, "Yes, Mark. You are that good. So, will you do it? Please?" Mark looks at Lance with incredible passion. "For you, anything!" He realizes what he said and gets nervous. "For you all, I mean." He is upset that he said what he did. He berates himself inside. "God, why did I have to say that? I did exactly that I thought I would! I might as well have outed myself on national TV and told Lance how much I liked him!" Lance became happier because what Mark said. "Is it possible that Mark could really like me?" he said to himself. Immediately, his negativity came to the surface. "No. It's probably Joey he likes. He's much better looking than I am. Hell, all of the guys are much better looking than I am. Joey always gets what he wants and of course he wants Mark too." He grows sad after thinking that. Chris notices Lance's sadness. "Why is he so sad? Mark is practically in love with him. It's so easy to see that on his face. Lansten, you are smarter than that!" he says to himself. Seeing that Lance was still quiet, he continues what was said. "Rosie, can we have that extra time to get Mark prepared?" Rosie readily agrees. "No problem, as long as it's OK with the audience." She looks at the audience, who applauds their approval. "There is your answer, guys." Lance finally regains his composure after hearing the audience's approval. "Thank you, everyone! This means a lot to us!" The music starts, signaling an upcoming break. As Lance stands up and gets Mark to also stand, Rosie speaks. "Please stay tuned for Justin Kirk for the new show, 'Jack & Jill', right after this. As Rosie goes into the break, the guys of 'N Sync and Mark go backstage to rehearse the songs. Mark is very scared. He is starting to have second thoughts. He doesn't voice them, however. JC notices Mark's fear. "Are you all right, Mark?" He asks him. Mark doesn't know whether to tell the truth. He finally decides to, only because of what they have already done for him. "I think I am. I am very petrified, but I know I can face my fears." Joey tries to calm Mark down. "Don't even think about the cameras and you will be OK." Mark replies, "Actually, this may sound strange, but the cameras aren't bothering me." Joey asks, "Why are you scared then?" Mark was feeling more at ease with the guys already. It seemed like he had known them forever, not just a very brief time. "You guys have given me a tremendous gift of singing with you." he started to say, but began to cry again. "I am just so scared that I will screw up so badly that you will regret asking me in the first place." Lance was very concerned for Mark. "Oh, Mark! You are going to do great!" He hugged him tight. Mark's insecurities stayed strong. "How do you know that for sure?" he asked them. Lance replied, "I have total faith in you. I knew that from the first note I heard you sing that you would be great with us." Chris thought to himself, "Of course there is also the reason that he wants to sleep with you, Mark." He knew that Joey and maybe even JC were also thinking that. Mark says to himself, "No wonder I love you, Lance!" He realized what he was thinking and continued, "What did I just say to myself? I love Lance? How is that possible? I have known him all of maybe ten minutes. Yes, I have read all about him that I could, but a lot of it probably is made up and definitely is just a small part of what he is. I just feel some sort of connection with him. It's like I have known him all of my life. Of course, that will end if I ever tell him that I like him. There have been rumors for a long time that he was gay, but I never believed them. I wanted to, but I doubt they are true. Even if they were true, even if James Lance Bass was gay, he would never be interested in someone as ugly as I am." He think back at what he heard from a friend of his. "What has happened to me? I thought Andy got me to love myself. I know I do love myself, but how can I if I keep bashing myself?" He sees that everyone, especially Lance, are looking at him with strange looks in their eyes. "I'm sorry." he says aloud, "I must have spaced out for a second. Thank you for your faith in me, Mr. Bass. I won't let you down...ever." "I know you won't, Mark." he started to reply. "Also, my name is not Mr. Bass. That is my father. I am Lance. Please call me that." Mark was grateful, even for that small thing. "Thanks, Mr. .... Lance." Lance laughed at that, even though Mark did not mean for it to be funny. "Mr. Lance....I like it!" Chris joked, "Oh, God. That is the last thing we need...for Lance to get a bigger head." Joey added, "How do you know how big his head is? When did you ever see it?" Joey did not mean the head that Chris meant. Nobody laughed at that joke. Joey's face reddened and he sulked. JC knew that they didn't have much time to shoot the breeze with Mark, though he wished he could. Like the connection Mark felt towards Lance, JC felt one with Mark. He knew that Lance was gay and that Joey just came out as bisexual, but he was still fighting with his sexuality. For the last few weeks, he had been having feelings towards Joey that went far past friendship. He had been having very graphic and erotic dreams lately, but still didn't want to admit that three fifths of a band that teenage girls just loved tremendously and had major crushes on was either gay or bisexual. He asked if they are ready. They were, so they rehearsed. The first song they rehearsed was "Music Of My Heart", the duet they had with Gloria Estefan. It was one of Mark's favorite songs, although he wished that Lance would sing more. He hoped that on their next CD he would be heard more, which isn't hard, considering it's hard to hear him through most of their current, smash CD. Mark wondered how they would change the song, as Gloria was obviously not there and Justin was too sick to sing. "How are you going to change this song?" he asked. JC replied, "We were thinking of having you do Justin's parts and either Joey or Chris would do Gloria's. What do you think?" Mark could not believe JC was asking for his advice, but gave it anyway. "I was thinking that Joey could do Justin's part and Lance and I could duet on Gloria's parts. However, whatever you want is fine with me. I don't want to rock the boat." JC liked Mark's idea. "I love your idea, Mark. In fact, I was thinking of just that. We'll do just that. Anything else?" Mark was gaining more and more confidence. "Well, only one thing. I think where you have the key change towards the end of the song, you should have two, almost right on top of each other." Chris asked, "Where would the second one be?" Mark replied, "I was thinking that you do the first key change, do the chorus once the hit another change right away." To show what he was describing, he sings that part of the song. Joey was simply amazed at Mark's talent. "Lansten, I have to say thank you so much for coming up with the idea! This guy is incredible!" JC agreed. "Like I said before, Mark, I am surprised some record label hasn't signed you yet." Mark was grateful for the support for everyone. "You guys are so wonderful! The only way I could ever thank you is to kick ass on stage!" Chris said, "Guys, we will have time afterwards to get to know Mark. We don't have much time left to get him ready. Let's get kicking!" The guys spend the next 45 minutes rehearsing. They walk to a point right before the stage. The director comes up to them and asks if they are ready. They reply that they are ready. The director goes over to Rosie to let her know that the guys are ready. She comes over to the guys. "So, I hear you guys are ready?" She asks the guys. Mark is still very nervous, but he hopes that once he is on stage, the nervousness ends. "I'm as ready as I ever will be. Let's do it!" Rosie replies, "You will be fine, Mark. There is one thing, though. We ended up running short on time, so you can either do both songs and no interview, or one song plus the interview. What do you decide? I'm sorry for the short notice." Lance replies, "I think we should do just one song. I know we put Mark through rehearsing both songs, but I think we should do the interview so we can all praise Mark for being great in the song." JC adds, "I agree with Lance. So, what song do you think we should do, Mark?" Mark replies, "I would say 'Music of My Heart'. It will be your next single." Everyone else agrees. Rosie goes on stage and apologizes yet again to the audience. After a couple of minutes of talking with the audience, she goes to her desk and sits. When the tape starts rolling again, she is about ready to introduce the guys. "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome 'N Sync with special guest vocalist Mark Johnson!" The audience cheers extremely loud as the music for "Music of My Heart" starts. Joey starts singing the first verse. "You'll never know what you've done for me, put your faith in me." He continues the first verse until JC takes over right before the chorus. Lance, Chris, and Mark join in for the chorus. "You taught me to run, you taught me to fly, helped me free the me inside Helped me hear the music of my heart, helped me hear the music of my heart You opened my eyes, you opened the door to something I've never known before And your love (your love) is the music of my heart." Mark and Lance sing the second verse. "You were the one always on my side (always on my side) Always standing by (always standing by), seeing me through You were the song that always made me sing (made me sing) I'm singing this for you (singing this for you) Everywhere I go I think of where I've been (think of where I've been) and of the one who knew me better than anyone ever will again." JC, Chris, and Joey join in the chorus and the rest of the song. "You taught me to run, you taught me to fly, helped me free the me inside Helped me hear the music of my heart, helped me hear the music of my heart You opened my eyes, you opened the door to something I've never known before And your love (your love) is the music of my heart. "What you taught me only your love could ever teach me You got through where no one could reach me before Cause you always saw in me all the best that I could be, it was you who set me free "You taught me to run, you taught me to fly, helped me free the me inside Helped me hear the music of my heart, helped me hear the music of my heart The guys do the first key change. "You opened my eyes, you opened the door to something I've never known before And your love (your love) is the music of my heart." They do the second key change, the one that Mark suggested and finish the song. The audience claps and cheers wildly for them. The guys look at Mark and smile broadly. Mark's eyes are wide in surprise that things went by that smoothly. Lance is the first to hug him, hugging him very tight and whispering in his ear, "I told you that you could do it! You were incredible! I am so proud of you!" JC, Joey, and Chris also hug him proudly. Mark smiles broadly and thinks to himself. "Oh my God, that was so incredible! I knew I had a good voice, but not that good!" However, he thinks of how he is going to feel in less than an hour. "This is turning out to be the best day of my life. If it was just being on the trip and seeing Rosie' show in person then it still would have been great. However, I got to do the introduction and appeared on camera, got to talk to Rosie and somehow was able to sing my favorite 'N Sync song a cappella. Then I get to meet most of the group and get to sing with them. I cannot believe this all has happened. However, the best part has to be all the times I hugged Lance. I know he's not gay, but I think I am falling in love with him. I never really truly believed in love at first sight. That's just my luck...falling in love with someone I can never have. It was hard enough falling for Andy, but I knew he was in love with someone else before I fell in love. At least with him, he and I are friends and I know he loves me as a friend. After today, I will never see the guys again. This is going to kill me. I know I am going to have to talk to Andy about this and hope that he can help me get over losing the guys, especially Lance." Rosie walks up to the guys and thanks and congratulates them. When she gets to JC, he stops her and whispers something in her ear. She nods her head, hugs him, and moves on. When she gets to Mark, she hugs him and he mouths the words, "Thank You" to her. Music leading up to a commercial break starts and the show goes on a break. Rosie takes Mark over to the interview area, while the rest of the guys walk over there slower. Lance asks the other three, "So, what did you think?" The guys were so happy that Lance came up with the idea. JC says, "Lance, I have got to say that this was one of the best ideas you have ever had. I have an idea now that sounds even crazier than Lance's did at first, but I think this might turn out just as good." Chris asked JC, "What is your idea? And please, do not do what Lance did and keep us waiting forever to tell us what his idea was." Lance gave Chris a dirty look as JC answered, "Well, I do have a couple of questions first. How long will it be until Justin gets better?" Lance replied, "The doctors are saying it could be a few weeks or more. This strain of the flu is pretty wicked. Why did you ask that?" "Because as long as Justin is out, we have the same situation we had today. Do we sing without him, cancel our tour until he gets better, or get someone to sing in his place?" Joey knew where JC was heading. "JC, I don't think we can ask him that now. We should get to know him first then decide what we should do. I think we should just cancel the tour until Justin gets better." Lance started to think about what Mark had thought about earlier. "Then this is it. Within the hour, Mark is going to be out of our lives. I don't want to lose him, though. The guys are right. I do like him a lot. I just can't tell him, however. He's not gay." The interview continues for a few more minutes, then Rosie thanks her guests and the show ends. Once the show ends, the audience files out. A few minutes after the audience leaves, Lance runs off, crying hysterically. JC screamed, "LANCE!! STOP, LANCE!! WHAT'S WRONG?? LANCE!!" TO BE CONTINUED Yes, I know that there was no sex yet again, but I want to develop the characters and story some more. There will be sex soon...I promise. Meanwhile, please send in your comments (but remember that flames will be igored) to


More Gay Erotic Stories from Christopher Bass

Everything I Own, part 2

"Everything I Own" By DISCLAIMER: Same Disclaimer as last time. If you are underage from wherever country you are in right now, please leave. Also, if you don't like homosexual romance and (eventually) sex, then also please leave. Most of what are in these stories are not real, although I wish a lot of it would happen to me in real life. If


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