Gay Erotic Stories


by Rick
19 Oct 1999

True Stories

This is a true story - of course the names are different to protect the innocent. I have to tell someone my story. I am in the closet and no one knows how I really feel. This story is about my crush on my best friend, but I am going to start when I was younger. When I first entered puberty I started to jack off continually. I never thought about girls when I jacked off, but boys instead. I thought that was normal, but soon began to realize that is wasn't. I have a friend who is 4 years younger than me. He was very slender and fairly attractive, a little slow though. I decided to try to get him to do some sexual things with me (I was only about 15 at the time). I created this dare thing where we would have to take off our clothes, or touch each other here or there. I found it very stimulating, but although he got hard from it too - he didn't like it. As we got older I knew it would ruin our friendship so I dropped it all, now we are still friends, but not at all in that way. I almost talked him into letting me jack him off once when he was getting a bit older, but then I chickened out at the last minute (I could shoot myself now). I played the whole thing off as boyish curiosity and he doesn't think I am gay. This wasn't my first gay experience, but it was the first worth mentioning. It was during this time that I realized how different I was. I now have a new best friend, let's call him Jean. Jean is 5 years younger than me (I am 21 now). He is beautiful: perfectly sculpted body, svelte, tanned, muscular but some what thin, and he has the cutest freckles. I slowly have fallen completely in love with him. If he asked me to do anything that I possibly could, I wouldn't hesitate to do it. This relationship is total torture for me. I try to spend every minute I can with him by inviting him over, going to every thing he does that I can, and so on. He even often comes over to my house to stay the night, and when he does he sleeps in my bed. He has no idea that I'm gay - I know that he hates - HATES gay people. When he first started coming over for the night and staying in my bed I would wait till he was good and asleep and then reach over and unzip his pants and feel his dick through his boxers. After only a few seconds I was hard enough to jack off quickly and go to sleep. One night he ask if it was OK if he slept in his boxers, and of course I said that I didn't care (meanwhile my heart was racing and I was getting a very hard erection). He striped to his boxers and got into bed, needless to say I couldn't sleep - but I did try (I didn't want him to wake up with me doing anything), After a while I noticed his knee pushing into my butt, and that it was in a regular motion. I guessed that he probably was having a dream, and that he probably had an erection too. I turned over so I could see him and his knee was then in my groin. Now my dick was so hard that it hurt. I reached over to check out my theory. I was right he had a huge boner holding out his boxers. I tested him to see if was going to wake up by shaking him and calling out his name somewhat softly. He was out cold, so I reach over again and release his beautiful dick. I stroked it for a while and he reacted by moving slightly every now and then. I got more bold and leaned over to suck it. I got my mouth around it went down on it once - it was great to have a dick in my mouth, I had dreamed about it many times - but then got afraid that he would wake up with my mouth on his dick and hate me for the rest of his life (and I couldn't live like that). So I moved back and just continued to stroke him. Then he moved and I froze, but he didn't wake up, just slid his hand into my pants over my throbbing dick. I was in heaven. After a while I felt him begin to tense up and as he did his hand closed around my dick. I nearly came right there. As I continued to stroke him every couple of seconds he would tense up and gently squeezed my dick - I wanted it to last forever. Soon I knew he was about ready to cum, so I started to move faster and then he did, squirting cum all over his chest and my hand. I tasted it off my hand, finished jacking off and went to sleep. Later that night he pushed up against me again. When I reach over he again had a boner sticking out of his boxers, so I carefully put it back in and tried to sleep. But he once again slid his hand into my pants, I adjusted it so that it covered my dick, it felt great - then he woke up. He had felt me move his hand. He then called me names, got up, put on his pants, and left the room to sleep somewhere else for the rest of the night. I was devastated, I felt so sick that I didn't sleep anymore the rest of the night. The next morning he didn't seem as mad as the night before but he would still barely talk to me. I was physically sick - I apologized so sincerely that he said he forgave me and would never bring it up again. For several week though he didn't come over and seemed to avoid me - these were the worst weeks of my life. I actually began to consider suicide. Slowly he seemed to forget about it and now things are basically back to normal, but he still has never slept in his boxers with me again. Not too long ago he came over and didn't have anything to sleep in, so I offered him a pair of my silk PJ shorts. He was wearing briefs that day instead of his usual boxers - he left them on and then put on the shorts after. That night he turned over and uncovered a boner sticking straight up in the air - somehow it was sticking through the briefs and was barely covered by the shorts. A quick tug and it was free. I stroked it a minute and then decided that I had better stop so I covered it up well with the shorts. I soon wished I hadn't so I tried to uncover it again, but it wouldn't so I just felt it a little through the shorts and put my mouth on it, jacked off and went to sleep. Things are the same now not really changing much, I take every opportunity to touch him or be with him, and once recently he even changed his boxers in my presence (the 1st time he's ever done that and the first time I have seen his rear end). I hope that we can get even closer, and fantasize about what I could do with a good sedative, but I am sure nothing will ever come of it. I fear I am in for a difficult life ahead, but as long as we are friends I think I can make it. Rick -


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