Gay Erotic Stories


by Jay Cruz
23 Oct 2001

Cops Gay Erotic Stories Gay Erotic Stories

When he saw the flashing lights behind them, Jimmy caught Tony's eye in the rearview mirror. Tony frowned when he saw the mischievous grin on his friend's face. "It's my Uncle Tuck, I betcha," Jimmy said. "He's on patrol tonight." "So?" That was Kirk, in the passenger seat. "So, let's have some fun with him." He was pulling over now. Tony heard the gravel on the side of the road crunching under the tires. "Like what?" Tony asked, dreading the answer. "I don't know," Jimmy said. He put the car in park. "Wait! Take off your pants." "What?" But Kirk was already seconding the motion. He shucked his pants down to his ankles. From behind the driver's seat, Tony could see the tanned skin of the side of his leg. "C'mon, Tone," Jimmy said. "Uncle Tuck won't tell your folks. He'll know it's just a joke." So, Tony followed suit. With blue and red lights flickering across the backs of the bucket seats, he undid his belt and buttonfly. The cheap felt material on the seats tickled his bare skin. Tony leaned forward slightly, as if to hide his crotch. With his legs spread, the tip of his cock brushed against the seat. The contact was gentle and slightly arousing. At 18, any contact was arousing; Tony felt his dick twitching. They waited for Jimmy's uncle to poke his head into the car. Tony had met Jimmy's uncle on a number of occasions, and the uniform that stood outside the car's open window was definitely not his Uncle Tuck's. This man was trim, no pot belly. And his voice was higher. When he spoke, Jimmy's round face in the rearview mirror went from joking cheer to fearful dread. The cop said, "Do you boys know how fast you were going?" He paused, presumably noticing three teenage dicks hanging loose in the night air. "Out for a little fun, eh, boys?" Jimmy covered his privates with both hands. "Is this your car, young man?" The cop poked his head into the car. He was a young black man with very dark skin and a well-groomed goatee. For a second, his black eyes locked on Tony's. "Yes, sir," Jimmy said. "We thought--" "Please step out of the car. All of you." Tony leaned down to pull up his pants, but the cop's voice stopped him. "As you are, blondie." Tony thought this was a little strange. But could three teenagers with their pants around their ankles file a complaint with the police oversight board? The road, at this hour, was dark and deserted. Tony opened his door. He swung his feet out, pants bunched around his ankles like manacles. The chill night air swept across his bare legs and kissed the tip of his swinging penis like a lover. By the time he shut the door, his dick stood at half-mast. Tony hoped his friends wouldn't see it. Kirk and Jimmy had shuffled to the curb. The cop stood by the trunk of Jimmy's car, his big hands on his narrow hips. His wide shoulders pushed against the brown uniform. He glared at Tony and motioned with his head for the young man to move toward him. Jimmy had his hands on the roof of the car; Kirk leaned over the engine hood. Both looked down, so they could not see Tony. But the cop did. His eyes, dark as midnight, seemed to be looking down at Tony's half-aroused dick. Tony could see a sliver of white teeth shine as the police officer began to sneer. Tony moved his hands to cover his groin. That's when the cop told him to put his hands on the trunk. His tone was business, and Tony followed his order even though he was still behind the car and not beside it as his two friends were. The cop took two big steps, his police gear jangling like a seaman's dog tags. He grasped Tony at the boy's narrow hips and lifted the 5-foot-7 track star as if he were an infant. His gloves scratched Tony's smooth skin. He shivered. The cop placed Tony on the curb, beside Jimmy. All three looked straight down. Tony kept on shivering, wondering what the penalty was for indecent exposure. The cop took a step backward and surveyed the parade of teen flesh before him. He said, "So, you boys like joyriding around town with no pants on, huh? You boys queer, are you?" No one spoke. He yelled at the young men to answer. They all said, no, they weren't gay. Jimmy kept going, blubbering an explanation of the trick they were playing on his uncle. Tony heard a sharp crack, and he turned his head to see the large red mark on Jimmy's ass. Jimmy shut up. "You boys could be in a lot of trouble, so shut up." The cop moved in the shadows of Tony's peripheral vision. The big black man stood behind Kirk, up at the front of the car. He spoke in Kirk's ear. "What would Mommy and Daddy say?" Kirk didn't answer. Tony heard him moaning softly. Was he crying? The moaning continued. Tony risked looking over. The cop had one hand on the back of Kirk's head, pushing him almost face down on the hood of the car. His other hand was down near Kirk's butt. His hand seemed to be turning in little semi-circles. Tony wasn't sure what he was looking at because of the darkness and the shadows. He kept watching, trying to figure out what the cop was doing to his muscular friend. Kirk's moaning grew louder and sharper, like little grunts. The cop glanced up and saw Tony staring. The dark man's eyes glowed like jewels. Tony turned away buy too late. With Kirk saying, "Ow!" the cop left him and came to stand behind Tony. Tony shivered more. The cold air had done its job on his young dick, dousing his arousal and pulling his balls up against his body. The cop leaned into Tony's ear and whispered wetly, "Did you like watching me finger your friend's asshole, little man?" It didn't sound like the officer was threatening him, and Tony liked the way the black man had called him "little man." Tony didn't answer. The cop murmured, "Mm-hm." Tony felt a tugging at his pants down near his feet. He looked down. The cop had his big foot on top of the clothing, between Tony's own feet. He told Tony to step out of his pants. Tony hesitated. Was this guy really a cop? he thought. The man behind him repeated his order. "I'll take you to the station like this, if you want." Meekly, Tony said, "No." "Good. Then, let's do it my way, little man." Tony pulled his left shoe through his pant leg. The right one got caught. The policeman leaned down and yanked the pants and boxers off, throwing them into the shadows like a used candy wrapper. Tony felt one warm breath on the skin of his back as the cop stood again. The cop told Tony to spread his legs. Tony did. Then he felt something hard and cold, very cold, running up and down his thighs. The cop's gun? he wondered. No, his nightstick. The cold tool tickled his balls, pressing against them from behind and then sliding underneath them. The nightstick slid back and forth, back and forth, and the coldness tightened his sac even more. With each forward thrust, the hard plastic stick pushed the tip of Tony's cock out of the way. Soon, the stick ignored his balls completely, concentrating on tickling the tingling underside of his teenage dick. His dick had grown to four inches when the stick pulled away. The cop began running the tip of his nightstick up and down the tight crack of Tony's butt. Tony's youth and slenderness made this a fruitless pursuit; the two tiny globes of Tony's ass could be separated only by the strongest of forces. The tip of the stick came to rest around Tony's butt hole. Tony felt the pressure there, and he sucked in his stomach with anxiety. The cop moved closer and blew in Tony's ear, "Lean forward. And stop shivering." Scared by the mocking tone of the cop, Tony hesitated again. A strong hand pushed on his shoulders. In a second the cop had the boy's face pressed against the cold metal of the trunk. Tony's head faced his two friends. Jimmy and Kirk stared at what was happening, their eyes glowing blue and red as the cop car's lights flashed danger into the deserted road. The police officer's rough treatment had failed to ease Tony's state of semi-arousal; same for the cold steel of Jimmy's car pushing at his chest. Tony's nipples grew hard, painful. The tip of the nightstick, about an inch and a half in diameter, wiggled against Tony's asshole. It pulled his skin, pinching. Tony began breathing faster. He wondered how exposed he really was in this position. The cold plastic pressed harder. When the truncheon entered him, just a little bit, Tony held his breath. He saw Jimmy lick his lips. The moment held for an eternity, with Tony wondering what would happen next. Then the moment broke, and the stick tore and pushed its way inside Tony's small, teenage body. Tony screamed. It was if the three people around him hadn't heard. With a twist and a forceful thrust, the stick pushed another inch into Tony's canal. His eyes closed, Tony wondered how something so big could fit in such a little hole. His screaming subsided into a small whimper. The plastic baton had four inches inside of the young man now, and every second more of it wrenched its way in. Tony opened his eyes, imploring his friends to help, to stop the agony, but Jimmy and Kirk didn't move. In fact, Jimmy had a boner. The pain grew even more intense. The cop was laughing now as Tony began to cry. With a vicious stab, the cop thrust the nightstick in as far as it would go. Tony felt sure something inside him had torn. He waited to feel blood running down his leg. Nothing. Just the immense presence of plastic resting against his prostate. The cop turned the handle of the baton, spinning it 180 degrees inside the boy's bowels. Tony howled again, but with less energy this time. His body slumped against the trunk of the car. The cop laughed some more. He leaned over Tony's body, pressing his weight onto the 18-year-old. He whispered, "Isn't this what naked boys do together?" "No, you asshole." "Tut-tut." The officer ran his hands up Tony's shirt, feeling the boy's fat-free, track star body. Every muscle was taut. "We're talking about YOUR asshole here." Tony's hole was, at that moment, burning. The nightstick had lost its coldness as the tight tube of Tony's innards clenched it and warmed it. "I think your friends like seeing you like this, little man." Tony saw, through the car's windows, that both his friends sported throbbing erections. Tony had never seen his friends' dicks before. Jimmy, beside Tony, had precum dripping down the length of his six inches. Kirk had eight inches pulsating above a big sac of balls. The cop had pushed the material of Tony's shirt up to his neck, exposing the creamy skin of his back. Using his weight to press Tony down onto the car, the cop pulled a knife from his pocket. With the knife he sliced Tony's shirt. In seconds it was gone. Tony had only his shoes and socks on--and over two hundred pounds of African-American cop pressing down on him. Then the cop stood, keeping one hand on the small of Tony's back. "You boys look like you're ready for some fun." Tony craned his neck to look up, wondering if he'd heard the cop correctly. The cop was indeed speaking to Kirk and Jimmy. His friends stood there dumbly. "Well, boys," the cop said in his mean, high-pitched voice. "You-all were looking for fun tonight. Looks like you've found something you like." He motioned to their throbbing young dicks and patted Tony's ass twice, right above where the nightstick still hung embedded in the boy's ass. The cop grabbed the handle of the truncheon and shook it violently. The 18-year-old's entire body convulsed. Shots of fire sprang from his loins. His slender back arched. His runner's legs clenched, and he rose to his tiptoes for a second. He was unaware that, in that second, he resembled a two-bit whore getting fucked in a dark alley. Then the cop began pulling the stick out. Slowly, he turned the handle and drew it out an inch at a time. Tony saw Kirk, across the car, watching every motion and dripping saliva onto the hood of the car. Was he really enjoying this, him and Jimmy? Their best friend, raped by a policeman's truncheon, and both of them with big, wet hard-ons. Tony noticed his own dick was just as hard. With his body pressed into metal, and a cold night surrounding his naked body, Tony's cock was the warmest part of him. Had anyone else noticed? And was he really enjoying having that big stick up his ass? The stick finally came free with a loud sucking noise. It sounded as if Tony's asshole were trying to pull the thing back in. So, the answer to Tony's question was, Yes, he DID like it. And he wanted the cop to put it back. "Well, boys," the cop said to Kirk and Jimmy. "More than that will fit in there. Go ahead. You first, small fry." Tony watched as Jimmy (whose smaller dick made him the "small fry") moved slowly toward him. With his pants still around his ankles, Jimmy shuffled as if a prisoner. His six inches pulled him forward, bobbing with each step. Jimmy's teenage cock seemed to glow red in the dark night. The cop's hands held Tony's body in place, prone over the hood of the trunk. Not a car had passed by the entire time. "I won't need to handcuff you, will I, little man?" The nasal voice in Tony's ear, while still threatening, sounded now stimulating, and slightly mocking. Tony didn't care; he just wanted the nightstick--or something--back inside of him. He said no. "Good, little man." The cop stood beside Tony's small, wiry, bent-over body, running his left hand up and down the trail of the boy's spine. "Time to teach you boys to finish what you start." Jimmy was behind Tony now. Kirk stayed where he was; Tony watched Kirk watching him as Jimmy tentatively placed the tip of his dick against Tony's crack. Kirk's dick looked wider than Jimmy's. The nightstick had left Tony's virgin hole gaping open. A cold wind broke then, sending a shiver into the boy's anus and all over his body. He couldn't breathe as he waited, his arms stretched across the car. Tony's stretched hole easily swallowed his friend's six inches. It seemed so much smaller than the nightstick that Tony didn't realize at first that that was all there was to Jimmy until he felt the cold skin of his buddy against his thighs. Jimmy moaned as he began thrusting. With each push, he moaned once. Jimmy was young, sexually inexperienced, and it was soon over. With one final push, Jimmy grabbed his friend's hips and pumped him full of seed. He growled as he came, bucking his hips five times before pulling his sticky dick out. He wiped himself clean on the smooth skin of Tony's ass and walked away, resuming his position: hands atop the roof of the car, pants still at his ankles, spent dick twitching as it fell. The cop asked Jimmy how it was. Jimmy answered, "Fuckin' awesome, man." The cop slapped Tony's butt. "Good job, little man. You ready for something bigger?" Tony moaned as his response. "Good, little man, ‘cause there's something bigger comin' after this." Tony barely heard him; he was busy watching Kirk approach. The cop must have removed Kirk's pants as well, for he took long, strong strides with his football player's legs. Kirk practically ran to get into position. He even removed his shirt as he approached. The cop said nothing, watching the statuesque jock's muscles ripple as he threw the T-shirt to the ground. Tony was mesmerized as well; he twisted as far as he could to watch his jock friend's hot body. The tan skin flickered in red and blue, reflecting the sweat that ran down the center of the athlete's chest. Kirk noticed his friend twisting to watch him. Kirk patted Tony's back and said, "You ready, bud?" Tony nodded, his mouth parted and his brow suddenly wet with perspiration. Kirk grabbed his thick 8-incher in both hands and guided the slick purple head toward his smaller friend's butt hole. Tony continued to watch as inch after inch of his buddy's jock cock slid into his ass. The cop's baton had not prepared Tony for this: The head of Kirk's prick alone stretched Tony's used hole further. Tony groaned and closed his eyes. Kirk continued to push, using Jimmy's cum as lube, which helped Tony deal with the new pain. Tony couldn't help himself now. With Kirk's big glans sliding by his prostate, he found pleasure in the pain. He arched his back and cried into the night, "Fuck me, Kirk. Fuck me hard, man. Come on, fuck me HARD!" Kirk did. He grasped the smaller, slimmer boy by the hips and slammed his big dick into him. Each movement was half thrusting, with Kirk's muscular legs driving his dick upward, and half impaling, with Kirk's big hands pulling Tony down onto his monster cock. Tony bucked and writhed as the larger boy manhandled him, crying all the while, "Slam me, man. Fuck me good." Kirk responded by holding Tony's hips even tighter and shouting, "You're one fine pussy, Tone. You like that?" One huge thrust into his friend. "You like this jock cock up your ass?" Another manly thrust. Tony groaned and screamed, "Yeah. God, yeah! Cream in my ass." Kirk did. He hoisted Tony off his feet and pulled the thinner boy down onto his dick in one final, fantastic thrust. As Kirk's dick grew even bigger, it convulsed and spewed its steaming load into Tony's well-used bowels. Kirk's entire body shook, wracked with pleasure, yet his strong hands held Tony firmly in place, absorbing his orgasm. As Kirk's climax trailed off, Tony's kicked in. With his football-player friend's balls resting on his ass, Tony's seven inches quivered and quaked. Soon the side of Jimmy's car was covered in nearly a dozen spurts of Tony's cum. Kirk put Tony back on the ground. Tony collapsed onto the trunk; the cold didn't bother him anymore. Kirk stayed in his ass for a minute, caressing Tony's buttcheeks as if they had just shared an intimate moment (as opposed to one observed by two other people). As Kirk finally withdrew his softening penis from his friend's anus, a stream of semen fell out with it, stickily trailing down Tony's legs. The cop stroked Tony's shoulders. "You just calm down now, little man," he said in his half-loving, half-mocking voice. "You rest up for a minute and get ready for what's next." Tony almost feared what was next. Almost. He was coming down from the greatest ecstasy of his young life, and he didn't worry about much at that moment. Tony opened his eyes; facing away from the cop, he saw Kirk, still naked, resume his being-arrested pose at the front of the car. Jimmy stood silently, his dick standing at attention again. Jimmy caught Tony's eye with a hungry look. The black cop had moved to a position behind Tony. The boy was lost in thought, happy that his friends had taken such pleasure in his own body, yet worrying that Jimmy might be offended that Kirk had been the one to make him cum. Tony didn't notice at first the sound of the cop's zipper falling, nor did he comprehend at first what the foot-long slab of meat that was laid upon his back actually was. He froze. His breathing, still fast from Kirk's fuck, became ragged. Suddenly, the metal pressing against his hard nipples was cold again. The cop laughed, 100-percent mocking now. "Naked boys have to finish what they start, little man. Now the joke's on you." He laughed some more. "And so is your friends' jizz." The cop slapped the side of Tony's ass. His slender body rocked with the strength of the black cop. The steaming flesh snaking halfway up his back jerked and throbbed like a sinner's serpent. Tony saw Jimmy's eyes grow big, and his dick started spewing again. Just the thought of his friend getting fucked by this big black cock was enough to push him over the edge. His juice hit the window and slid slowly down. Tony said, "No, I can't." He sounded like a scared little kid. The cop laughed, louder. He slapped Tony's ass again, sending an echo down the quiet, deserted street. "Do I have to use the handcuffs, little man?" "No, sir." "Very well." The immense dick was gone. Two gloved, rough hands massaged the lower half of his back, circling like vultures. The contact sent scared tingles along Tony's nervous system. The cop placed the engorged head of his huge member at the swollen entrance to Tony's slick canal. Even stretched as it was, Tony feared he could never get a dickhead as big as a plum inside his 5-foot-7 body. If he had turned to look, he would have seen how mistaken he was: the cop's 12 inches was topped by a glans the size of a peach. The roaming hands fell to Tony's ass. They kneaded the tight muscles there, with the thumbs tugging at the raw anal opening. With fear invading his mind, Tony felt no pleasure at the tugging, just a deep red pain. The cop held Tony's hole open with his thumbs. Tony felt exposed, like his entire rectum could be seen. The cop moaned and said, "I've never had a boy so small take all of me. Think you can do it, little man?" Tony whispered, "No, sir." "Tough shit." With that the dark-skinned cop, holding open the boy's already-stretched asshole, stuck his cock in hard. Tony shrieked and his body bucked forward, squashing his cock against the car. Only half the cop's immense dick made it in. He pulled out, his dark dick slick with the juices of Tony's two friends. He rammed it two-thirds of the way in. The entire car shook with the force of the cop's muscular body. Tony's body lay limp atop the trunk, with no energy now even to scream. The cop grasped the remaining third of his cock and moved it around inside Tony's bowels, loosening the 18-year-old yet further. Tony groaned, his body flopping, his eyes rolling back. The big black dick pulled out again. The cop leaned forward and pressed on the small of the boy's back. He held Tony completely immobile as he drove his monster home. Tony jerked, quietly, like a fish out of water, but the cop held him firmly against the hard steel of the car. When the cop realized his swinging balls were touching smooth boyflesh, he whistled and said, "Damn, white boy. You must have really wanted this. You ready to ride some real cock?" The cop set up a rhythm. He pulled entirely out of Tony's ass, then slowly pushed back in. Although Tony had been fucked by a nightstick and his two friends, his tunnel was nice and tight for the black cop's huge shaft. Tony was warm and slick; his bowels hugged and caressed the cop-cock unlike any pussy the larger man had ever fucked. The cop forced himself to fuck the teen slowly, to make it last. He kept up the slow fuck for fifteen minutes. Tony re-awakened, to a full rectum and the heavy, languid stroking of his prostate. He began to moan each time the cop's balls smacked against his own. Tony's cock grew, but it was pressed painfully against the car. Pointing downward, his young dick flooded the paint with pre-cum. Tony opened his eyes. His friends had moved together and stood side by side, jerking their cocks. Kirk moved his mouth in a silent "Wow!" He was amazed his friend's thin body could swallow such a humongous penis. Then Troy saw headlights, far up the lonely road. Did he WANT to be saved? he wondered. The slow, smooth fuck no longer hurt. A pounding piston of pleasure, the cop's big dick filled every cubic inch of his bowels. The cop saw the car coming too. He snarled and laughed. He leaned over Tony's body, pressing his cold badge into Tony's small shoulder blade. "You boys like showing off your dicks? Well, let's see if this guy likes seeing your white-boy cocks." The black dick embedded itself fully inside Tony. Gloved hands slid beneath the boy's flat stomach and scooped him up. Impaled upon a foot-long cop-cock, Tony felt himself carried, around Kirk's car and into the street. His runner's legs dangled limply. Each step made Tony's dick throb, and the boy breathed in a rhythmic "hnh-hnh." The cop placed Tony's feet on the yellow lines in the center of the road, facing away from the two parked cars. Blue and red flashed across the trees in front of him. The car was getting closer, but was still about forty-five seconds away. The policeman had motioned Jimmy and Kirk over. Jimmy had removed his pants but retained his shirt. Tony watched them stand beside him, one on either side. Jimmy caressed Tony's shoulder; Kirk, his entire muscular chest shining with sweat, looked down at Tony and said, "You're doing great, buddy." "Yeah," the cop said in his high-pitched, mocking voice. "You're a good fuck, little man. Now stand up straight." "What?" Impatient, the cop pulled him up from his bent-over position. The cop's boots pushed the boy's feet as far apart as they would go. With his knees slightly bent, Tony felt like he was standing with his back against a wall. Behind him, the black cop crouched down and thrust his dick straight up Tony's asshole. This caused Tony more pain than pleasure at first, and his whole body actually left the ground with the first thrust. He began crying again as he heard the motor of the approaching car. "Christ," the cop swore. His gloves held Tony's straining thighs in place as he began his upward assault. He pummeled the boy's tautly stretched hole, slamming his big dick in and out fast and furious. Tony quickly grew to like this fast pace and the large hands holding him in place. With the pain in his straining thighs and the monstrous shaft working him over, he screamed into the night, "God, I love cock! Give it to me, man! Fuck this bitch!" The car's headlights lit up the whole scene now: One slender white boy with a figure in shadow behind him, big dark dick up the boy's ass. On the far side of that couple, a teenager wearing a shirt, stroking his 6-inch dick. On the near side, a striking teen jock wearing only sneakers pounding his thick meat over the pavement, his other hand stroking the impaled boy's inner thigh and balls, moving up to caress the throbbing shaft of his friend, aching for release. The car grew closer. It was almost upon them now. It had slowed only a little. The driver could probably hear the cop's scream now. "Yeah, bitch. Take this big cock. God, your ass is tight, boy! I. Am. Gonna. BLOW!" They all did. Just as the Camaro was passing, the cop drove deeper into Tony than anything had all night. He called out to the sky like an animal as he filled the boy with his fluid, like a buck marking his territory. With a foot of cock in his ass, Tony felt each quaking ejaculation; with each spurt of seed, Tony's young body heaved like a bell being rung. Cum ran fast down Tony's leg, and still the cop filled him with more. As the cop came, so did Kirk and Jimmy. Their teen bodies shook as they stroked sticky goo onto the asphalt. Tony could hear the splat of semen on the street even over the car passing by. As for Tony, how could he not be pushed over the verge of ecstasy with a foot of black dick up his much-abused ass? His orgasm hit like an earthquake and an accompanying tsunami: His 130 pounds of tight teen flesh convulsed and pitched as wave after wave of boy-cum flew from his body. The cop dick inside him kept him going and going, shooting his whiteness straight up into the starry sky until finally he collapsed and fell back into the enfolding arms of the muscular cop, who held him. After the car drove off, the four remained in the middle of the road for a few minutes. All breathed ragged and wetly. Tony felt the big cock still impaling him slowly, deliciously slowly, shrinking inside him. The cop stroked Tony's tight chest and tiny nipples. Tony was sure he would have fallen, his legs were so weak, if the large man had not been behind to catch him. Sadly he felt the cock remove itself from his slick asshole. A wet slurping sounded up and down the wooded road. A torrent of hot, hot cum rolled down both of Tony's legs, and some simply fell to the ground, loudly forming a pale puddle in the middle of the road. The cop handed Tony to Kirk, who held him with both strong arms. The cop zipped his pants and patted Tony's ass one last time. "Well," he said, "I hope you boys have learned a lesson." "Always finish what you start?" Jimmy asked. "No, shithead. Don't fuck with the law." He drove off with the three teenagers still in the road. Jimmy looked at the other two and said, "Let's go." As he walked back toward the car, his hand brushed Tony's dick. Jimmy gathered up their clothes. Kirk helped his well-fucked friend into the back seat. He whispered to Tony, "Thanks, little man." Tony smiled. "Anytime." "I hope so," Kirk said, then he laughed. "But I wouldn't want to be the guy in that Camaro." "Why not?" "Tony, you came all over his windshield." Comments? Let me know at


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