Gay Erotic Stories

No More Teasing

by Eric King
26 Dec 2001

Sex On The Beach

“Fuck this, Ryan! I’m too fuckin’ cold! I’m going in!” I looked over at him. Even his sharkskin smooth wetsuit didn’t give sufficient need to be staying out in this cold water. There would be another chance for surf tomorrow. Ryan looked at me, a little forlornly but I guess he considered his options and agreed. “Ok. I’m with you. It is getting cold, isn’t it!” he replied. “Getting cold?” I thought. “My God… I’m blue with numbness, now!” Surfing is one sport that I really enjoy. Just think about it: beautiful blue, cloudless skies, windless conditions, and a rolling four-foot surf with no crowds to hassle with. It seems ideal, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, the reality is a very cold day, chilly wintry conditions, cold water and the confused waves not performing to their task. Normally I wouldn’t allow a notion of a watery afternoon to enter my mind but when Ryan rang and asked if I wanted to join him in an afternoon of aquatic adventure, an overnight stay and an early morning surf, my heart pounded to the fantasy of what might eventuate, so I agreed. As usual, we stayed at the Pacific Hostel, a quaint boarding house that overlooked one of the best surfing spots of our area. Pacific Hostel wasn’t flash. The outside paint was flaky and the stairs, rickety. The rooms were dormitory style with individual lockers at the end of the room. The shower room could do with a decent disinfecting but the showers were hot and plenty of water streamed through the old roses. One of the charming aspects of the showers was that they were in line – five of them in a row – with no walls for privacy – just five showers in a block. Heavenly bliss – if you know what I mean. The kitchen was get-it-yourself style but everything was there. The main problem was having your milk pilfered by another boarder. Thankfully this is rarely a problem during the cooler winter months because boarders are usually non-existent. Summer – now that’s another story. The old hostel could house up to thirty guests during peak periods. This weekend there was just Ryan and I. As we hit the shore together, I looked at Ryan. His lips were blue and his cheeks reddened. He smiled between shivers as we carried our surfboards hurriedly towards the dunes. Past the sole row of trees we felt the full gusts of southwesterly breeze that must have been coming directly off the snowy highlands. Well maybe they weren’t snowy usually but I’ll bet there was snow somewhere. By golly, it was cold! We dumped the surfboards under the stairwell and scrambled up the old staircase toward the shower block. It was so cold I had barely enough time to look at Ryan in the ways only I can appreciate sheer beauty. Ryan – my best friend. Six-foot two, white sun-bleached straggly shoulder-length hair that glistened in the sunshine. Broad shoulders with a very expansive chest narrowing to a slim 29-inch waist. White body hair transformed on his arms and legs and only a light puff of golden brown hair escaped from his pubic area toward his navel. His butt was pure perfection as was the bulge in his groin. He was my Adonis. Still shivering, we stood motionless under the gushing warmth of the surging water. Still wearing our wetsuits I knew that it was only a matter of time before I could relish the sight of my beautiful man showing his body and manhood. I made sure that I didn’t rush in to the discarding of my aquatic garment but slowed to an erotic striptease – or at least it was in my mind. I figured that Ryan would probably copy the removal of my wetsuit. Even so, he looked a picture. His long legs covered by the smooth rubber gathering so tightly around the log hidden underneath. From my vantage point I could see it lying downward with its impression riding over his left leg. “Can you unzip me please mate?” a soft voice spoke. It scared the shit out of me. I was in la-la land fantasizing over my lust for him. He turned away from me and gathered his hair in one hand revealing the top of his zipper. I took another handful of his hair and slowly brushed his neck as I gradually undid the Velcro strap and took hold of the zip opener, carefully drawing it downward revealing a golden hunk of flesh. I stood in amazement as I watched the water start filling the void between his suit and body. He pulled his arms free of the sleeves, which allowed the top half of his suit to hang from his hips. From the rear I could see the start of his cleavage, which was opening, hopefully for a later inspection. The draping suit covered the front but it still drew my eyes to his luscious lower belly getting closer and closer to being clear of his treasured prize. Lucky for me I was still wearing my wetsuit because already I had barred up mesmerized by the living doll that stood next to me. “Do you want me to unzip you?” Ryan politely asked. “Huh? Oh yeah. Sure!” I said. “Hmmm. Do you want me to stop at the top?” he said in a devilish manner. He knew the effect that he had on me and he loved stirring me about the fact that I could never remain flaccid once his flesh rubbed against any part of me. In a boyish way he stood behind and started undressing me but not before he pushed his groin against my butt in a fucking motion. “Ooh that feels good!” he said. “How’d you like a quick fuck in the shower?” “Shit Ryan. Don’t tempt me. You know what you do to me!” “Well I’ve got a semi. We shouldn’t let it go to waste!” He continued play-acting with me. At one time he wrapped his arms around my waist and rubbed my hard-on. I’m not sure who was more surprised but I’m sure I felt his cock get harder under his wetsuit too. Little acts like those cause me great concern about Ryan. He knows that he turns me on. And I know that he’s probably mucking about. Sure we’ve had sex before – once – given and taken but that was a one off. I think he just wanted to try it out. Nothing has happened since – until today. We continued showering. I stripped to my Speedos after my hard-on had subsided and stood with my back to him and my eyes shut, letting the water gush over the top of my head. When I opened my eyes, Ryan had copied me. His wetsuit was alone in a heap on the shower floor. He stood tall, wearing only his Speedos. I could see the outline of his cock inside them. It wasn’t totally soft but it wasn’t hard either. As he opened his eyes I immediately shut mine. He was also checking mine out, except I was hard again. When we finally stopped playing that game we both stood and enjoyed the heat and steam. Ryan pulled the front of his swimmers out and faced the shower. It seemed he was washing the front of himself but allowing me the splendid vision of his elongated log and scantily covered crop of pubes. As he covered his groin again, it was obvious that the tight fitting nylon wouldn’t cover the extra length of his cock. Perhaps he was slightly embarrassed or perhaps he was proud. Whatever: I was hard from watching the show he put on and Ryan would have to be blind not to see my bulge. After his wash he turned with his back to the wall and together we kept that pose. Upon spotting another of his glances we simply smiled at each other. I could feel this weekend was going to be positive. We left the pleasure zone of the showers and returned to the dormitory. After a liberal dousing of talc we changed into some casual clothing. I always thought Ryan wore boxers but tonight he was in briefs and brief they were. He looked stunning. It was only a simple pair of baggy long pants and a loose fitting baseball style shirt over a t-shirt but he looked stunning. I could have kissed and cuddled him right there and then but I held my feelings for him under wraps. Leaving the room heater on high we left Pacific Hostel and took an excursion to the local pub. Although it was a holiday destination that relied on tourists for the extra dollar, the local eyes watched us like hawks as we entered the social establishment. We felt like prey. But it was a good feed there and a band was playing later so we didn’t feel too harshly treated. The night was enjoyable and although we didn’t stay until stumps we did manage to consume plenty of beer and many rum and Cokes. Two young chicks tried picking us up at one stage. I assured Ryan to go for it, if he wanted. I was content with just talking to them. To my delight Ryan chose me as his going home partner although one girl made it very clear to him that she could be on his menu. Both moderately drunk, we returned to the hostel. Entering the dormitory, a rush of hot air engulfed us. The formerly cold room was now like a summer’s night inside. Neither of us adjusted the heating so it remained on until the thermostat would cause a cut out. Ryan slipped out of his attire and hung them over his locker door. Only wearing his briefs, I watched as he made his bed, which consisted of a sheet, a doona and a pillow. By experience, we both knew about using a sleeping bag. In summer they’re too hot, in winter they’re not warm enough and my strategy is it’s just too damn difficult to get someone into bed with you. Ryan gave his goodnights and assured me that he’d be up and at ’em for an early surf. Still only wearing his jocks he lay face down on his bunk with the doona outstretched over him. I watched as he squirmed in his bunk trying to develop that perfect position for the night’s sleep. He wrestled with his pillow for a while until he found his site and seemed contented for rest. I sat on the edge of my unmade bed and watched my Adonis sleep. I was tired and light-headed but still very horny. I listened to his regulated breathing, which appeared very comfortable for him. As I watched I saw a leg slide the doona from his body, pushing it to lie between the wall and him. He now laid semi-naked, one leg straight, the other cocked. Was this an invitation to join him? I moved from my bed and sat on the edge of his, my heart pounding with the thought of caressing his athletic body. Slowly I edged my hand to stroke his arm that was fixed under his pillow. With an unchanged breathing pattern, it appeared that Ryan wasn’t opposing my touch. He may have still been asleep. My eyes followed his back down to his butt. Enough of it was exposed to steal my breath. It disappeared as soon as his tender crack slid into view. The flesh on either side was smooth, utterly flawless. I longed to send a probing finger but didn’t. The world’s most perfect body rested and I didn’t dare disturb it. Too soon he rolled over and stretched. His eyelids lifted, revealing the sweet blue eyes that I adore. “Watcha doin’?” It’s a tired voice without annoyance. “Watching you sleep. You mind?” He slid closer finding a place to cuddle against me. His body was warm. His arm rested between my thighs and strokes one as I return my stroking of his arm. Reflexively I caressed the blonde bangs that hung into his eyes. He needs a haircut and I told him so and he laughed. “You sound like my Mum,” he whispered. As he lifted his head and parted his hair in the middle I focused on his full lips, recalling the first time I kissed him, sucking them into my mouth. How his mouth resented my tongue’s intrusion! What a difference time has made! My gaze fell to his nipples – miniscule peaks of glory that stand erect when touched. Further down his slender stomach sported a gorgeous belly button. Is there a crevice on this sturdy body that I have not wished to suck, lick and further explore? I think not. I wonder what he’s thinking. His eyes were fixed on my penis, which had risen through my jocks causing a stiffened centre pole. Did it frighten him? His expression said it didn’t. He eyed my erection like it was an old friend he hadn’t seen for some time. Actually it’d been only five hours from our time in the shower. As he abruptly altered his position, his hand slid toward my prick. Now lying on his side I could feel his stiff member pushing into the side of my thigh. His eyes closed once again and his head rested on my leg. His hand has draped over my cock. He allowed me to think he’d fallen back to sleep but I could feel every movement of his stiff cock drilling my side. I continued to gently rub his muscular shoulders. I flexed my cock and could feel his clenched grip tighten over the head and shaft. Too soon the clenched grip fell and my exploration of his flesh came to an end. His butt was still exposed following my investigation under his briefs, which had forced them to roll off his bubbled cheeks. My hand once wrapped around his hooded tool. I smeared the pre-cum from his slit to cover his knob before licking my finger and tasting his seed. As his breathing continued a rhythmical song, I lifted his hand from my leg and placed his head back to the pillow. I covered him with his doona and sweetly kissed him goodnight. That was enough that I needed from Ryan. I did not need sex. I wanted his body, his company, and his mind. I love the things we do, but more than that, I love the time we share together. I love my Ryan. I returned to my bunk, laid the sheet and doona out, flicked the light off and climbed into bed. My cock was still rigid as I slid into unconsciousness listening to my lover sleep. I was awakened by the sound of the sea crashing onto the beach. The sun had not risen but dawn had broken and it was light outside. I looked over to Ryan. He had rolled onto his back but was still sleeping peacefully. My cock was hard, possibly due to an early morning piss-fat or maybe because I was sleeping within Ryan’s aura. Whichever, I sluggishly arose and quietly tiptoed to the bathroom to relieve my full bladder. Returning to the dormitory I paused at Ryan’s bunk and watched him sleep. He looked so angelic; I decided not to wake him, even though I could’ve easily slid in beside him. I crawled back into my own bed under my doona. It didn’t appear to be a nice day weather-wise, so I decided upon further bedtime rather than the other option of a cold wetsuit and a watery start to the day. It wasn’t long before I heard Ryan stir. His head bobbed up and looked over at me. Immediately I closed my eyes hoping he’d think I was still asleep. There’s nothing I enjoy more than watching guys awake from their slumber, usually their cocks are more awake than the rest of their bodies. Ryan drew his legs to the floor still sitting on the edge of the bed with only the doona partially covering his groin. I watched as he looked under the doona and eyed his own cock. He looked back over towards me. Still I feigned sleep. Ryan withdrew his covering and stood. His powerful cock standing erect poking through the top of his briefs, the foreskin rolled back revealing a throbbing reddened knob. As he stood he faced me and gave his muscular frame a complete stretch. His hairless nuts popped out above the elasticized top. Wow! What a sight to behold! Even when we fucked I didn’t remember his cock being so long – it must have been a good solid eight inches. He turned and I watched his smooth, peach-like butt as he trudged towards the lockers. I watched as he stepped out of his jocks, his cock now lowering but poking outward from between his thighs, his nuts dangling underneath. As he fumbled within his bag, his love-hole became exposed, facing me. I could see the trail of hair covering the entrance to his arse. I could taste him as I lay in awe of the magnificent specimen that was before me. He withdrew a pair of dried Speedos and, one foot at a time stepped inside. Pushing his semi-hard cock inside he started walking towards his bed. He passed his bed and I knew he was coming to me to awaken me to go for a surf. I could’ve stayed in bed and watched his naked body parade the dormitory, rather than go for a swim. “C’mon dude! Wake up! C’mon! Time for a surf!” I felt his warm smooth hands shake my shoulder. My eyes were still firmly closed. My body was pretending to be asleep but after seeing Ryan naked with a hard-on, my cock was well and truly alert. After another shake, I momentarily stirred. “Ooh! What’s going on?” I said in my best-faked, just woken voice. “Come on dude, time for a surf!” “Oh… Good morning, darling!” I smiled at Ryan and he flashed his sweet smile back. “Come to bed with me!” I said, dropping my head back to the pillow. I wrapped my hand around Ryan’s thigh and pulled him in towards me. He slightly slipped and ‘accidentally’ fell into me. I lifted my doona and pulled him closer to me. Ryan was not objecting. He was lying beside me but still his legs were fastened to the floor. Very easily I pulled his face towards me. “Come on… We gotta go for a surf!” Purposefully I lifted my doona and laid it across Ryan’s limp body. He reciprocated by lifting his legs onto my bed and under the doona. Soon we were snuggling our bodies against each other. It wasn’t long before I felt the bulge in his Speedos pressing against my flesh. I shuffled my body allowing my erect member to slide between his thighs. I wrapped my top arm around his shoulders, as Ryan equaled my move. Together we were now embracing, arms wrapped tightly as I felt the firmness of his hand caress my flesh. My hand immediately responded by feeling the way down his back to his smooth butt. I could feel his cock flexing against me. I lifted his Speedos and slid them over his groin. Using my feet, I pushed them off his legs. Ryan gave no notion of objection. We were now totally naked, both with raging hard-ons pressed upwards against the flats of our stomachs. Ryan stole my sight, looking directly into my eyes. “I’ve been waiting for this moment!” he said with a slight quiver in his voice, sliding his bottom arm under mine. I did the same. Grinding bodies, we kissed passionately, his tongue sliding above and below mine. “Ryan, I love you so much!” I said as we took a moment’s rest between mouths. He squeezed me tighter and before I knew what was happening, Ryan had rolled me to my back and was lying on top of me. Bolts of electricity flashed through my entire body – head to toe. Back and forth he squirmed the full weight of his body over mine. Ryan began dry fucking his cock over my groin between us. I’d been fantasizing this moment for years. Now my Ryan appears to be the aggressor. I decided to allow him the privilege. I would have been content to just kiss and cuddle but with him on top it looked like anything could have happened. “Why didn’t you sleep with me last night?” he asked. “Well…” I thought for a moment. “I wanted to, believe me, I wanted to. But you dozed off and I thought you might have needed the sleep.” I convinced myself that was the reason. Without provocation his hand left my shoulder and squeezed between us. His smooth hands took hold of my throbbing tool and began massaging it. “Can I suck your cock?” I didn’t humour him with a reply. He turned around and began feverishly sucking. I manipulated his legs to spread over my face. His cock was pulsating, his butt-hole quivering. I forwent sucking his dick. I went straight for his hole pushing my tongue between the joyous cheeks. A lick on the fur covering the chasm allowed his legs to spread further. I forged my tongue inside, twisting his hole further apart with my fingers. As I licked and dived he went harder on my dick. My free hand was fondling his dangling ball sac. I could hear his groaning as I continued. His mouth swallowed my tool down his neck. I was just about to probe my finger inside with my tongue when his back arched then straightened. Over my chest I felt four or five heat spots. He’d blown without me touching his cock. His mouth left my dick and his legs dismounted from my face. He returned to a lying position beside me. “Oh, fuck! I’m really sorry! I didn’t mean to cum so fast!” he said apologetically. “Just hug me, Ryan!” He did. My cock hadn’t died but I was still eager to drop my load. I was hoping he’d finish me off but I was dismayed. My own hand had to do the deed. “I wanna watch you blow!” he said excitedly. Well, it didn’t take much. Twenty seconds and I was firing too. I aimed it at Ryan’s groin. Three gooey white globules became entwined in his pubes. I lay back exhausted. Ryan lay back over me, our groins squelching my cum between us. I squeezed his chest to mine, spreading his cum over both of us. Well, we didn’t fuck, I didn’t suck, in fact it was quite a speedy orgasmic experience. We looked at each other and laughed then kissed, then laughed again. Together we rolled off the bed. Both chests and groins covered in each other’s seed. We didn’t wash it off but dressed in our wetsuits. Neither of us wore Speedos underneath. Still giggling like little schoolgirls we left the comfort of the dormitory, collected our surfboards from under the stairwell and ran across the road towards the beach. The wind had subsided and the waves looked in good form. The sun had risen not long before we arrived but there was still a chill in the air. After we each caught our initial wave, we agreed we’d return to the hostel around breakfast time and finish what we’d started. Ryan’s devilish smile told it all. I could not wait.


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