Gay Erotic Stories

Pumping For The Man

by Sam Johnson
04 Nov 2000

Chance Encounters

Pumping For The Man By Sam Johnson (I) I was working the night shift in an off-the-road service station when a young bloke on a motorbike rode in. He looked good, sitting astride the bike, dressed in his favorite jeans and new leather jacket. When he unzipped the jacket and removed his helmet I sat up behind the console. Jesus. He was young, built and beautiful. A lone, straight boy out after dark. It was time to go to work. While still straddling the bike he reached the pump nozzle across and placed it carefully in his opened tank. But what was this! No fuel would pump out. The young man gave it a shake and redoubled his squeeze on the nozzle trigger. Still nothing! Then, just as he withdrew the nozzle to check what was wrong, I hit the pump-authorize button behind the console. It's a little power play every service station worker knows well. The effect in this case was a sudden flood of petrol all over the tank and seat of the young man's bike - it saturated his jeans from knee to crotch. The young man raced into the shop, plucking at his inside thighs, trying to put some distance between the stinging chemical and his most sensitive skin. "I'm soaked in petrol!" he yelled. "It wasn't working then all of a sudden it poured out everywhere!" "You're not meaning to sit on your bike while filling up, mate," I said evenly. "What? But I..." "We won't be liable for your medical costs. The sign on the pump clearly says -" "Medical costs!" He stared at me in alarm. Petrol can sting a bit and this young man was starting to imagine that sting to be the beginning of some awful damage. I told him I was prepared to break the rules and help him out. Unlocking the console door, I invited him through and directed him into the small staff room off to one side. I hit the button to lock the shop's front door and flicked the "Open 24hrs" sign off. Behind the console, the operator controls all. I had to move fast, keep him off-balance. He was a big and young and strong. If he regained his bearings I'd have a real fight on my hands. Not an entirely unattractive proposition, but nothing quite beats the pleasure of dominance through sheer force of will. "Get those pants off," I said. He took a deep breath and nodded - he couldn't argue, that's what he'd come through for. It was a small room we were in, lined with shelves of stock and a low bench at the far end with an inset sink. While he unbuttoned his wet jeans, I went to the sink and turned on the taps. I spent plenty of time getting the water temperature just right, but when I turned around he was standing up straight, still dressed in T-shirt and underpants. His cheeks had flushed red. Like many straight men of great beauty, he was not comfortable undressing in front of his fellow man. And all of a sudden in this close, windowless room, he sensed a greater danger than the petrol-soaked cotton clinging to his impressively outlined manhood. "I'll be alright," he said, trying to sound casual. "You can go back out to the shop if you like." I stood where I was, unimpressed. "Look, mate, now that I've let you in here, I'm responsible for your welfare. So either fuck off out of here right now and take your chances, or get your jocks off and come over here." He paused, not moving, and then decided he had no choice. He quickly lowered his briefs, kicked them aside and stood back up. His un-cut cock hung lazily over a heavy but tightening ball-sack, while his neat patch of pubic hair frizzed like a small fire under the hem of his T-shirt. "Now take off your T-shirt," I commanded, staring straight at his cock, increasing his discomfort. "Why?" he said, defensively. "There's no petrol on that." "Just take the fucking T-shirt off!" My voice boomed in the small room. To my immense satisfaction, he did. And then, my God, what a body. A gloriously perfect build: slim hips, broad athletic shoulders, and all over the smooth golden skin looked pure and untouched. His pert little nipples and pouting bottom lip made my teeth grind. "Jesus," I said, staring straight at his cock and improvising. "Does it always look like that?" He looked quickly down at himself. "What?" "The end of your foreskin, is that normal?" He bent forward to look closer, but kept his arms by his sides. He was in no mood to touch himself, that's for sure. I walked quickly toward him. He backed away, blocking his manhood in a casual sort of way, trying not to look too prissy. I picked up his pile of clothes and forced them into a mop bucket full of scummy water. "What are you doing?" he cried, involuntarily clasping his hands to his cock. He was naked and trapped and he knew it. "They stunk of petrol," I said. "I've got five more hours to work here, pal. I don't want your fumes making me sick." "But what am I going to wear?!" "I'll find something later. Now come on, get over here," I said as I moved back at the sink. He tried not to appear too worried as he walked nervously over. I dropped a cake of soap into the sink and said, "Now, get washing -- you reek." He was right beside me, and sure, there was a faint smell of petrol, but much stronger was the young man's funk, suddenly freed into this small space. He grabbed up the slippery cake and soaped his hands under the running water. He made an effort not to bump against me as he did so, but I was hard to avoid. He was trying to act with manly bravado, but his hands were clearly shaking. "Come on, hurry up. Time is everything with petrol. If we don't get you cleaned up straight away you'll wake up a girl tomorrow morning." And so he began soaping his thighs and lower abdomen and the front of his legs...but oh, he was a coy one. I was tempted to just attack him, to tear him limb from limb. But patience has its own rewards. "Stop carrying on like a girl!" I said. He looked up at me as if I'd struck him. "I'm not. It's just... Why don't you..." I waited for him to finish but he couldn't. He dropped his gaze. "Give me the soap," I breathed, just loud enough for him to hear. "No, it's all right, I'll -" "Give me the goddamned soap or I'll bend you over right now and fuck the living shit out of you." He stared at me, unable to speak, unable to cope with his rapid fall into such terrifying territory. His next move was crucial. I continued to hold his gaze with a look of complete authority. And then, with cheeks burning red, he pushed the soap at me. That should just about do it, I thought. I quickly soaped my hands then knelt down and placed them either side of his waist and moved down over his outer thighs. Now at last I could feel and breathe in the heat and power of this fine young man. I began a gentle, rhythmical soaping of his thighs and lower abdomen, circling in closer and closer to his still untouched cock. Finally it began to stir. His cock started to swell and lengthen, the foreskin pulling back to reveal the first tip of pink. This was too much for him. He leapt back out of my reach and said, "No, no, stop." "What's wrong now?" "You're making me... It's not... you've got to stop..." I stood up fully angry. "Jesus Christ! I'm risking my job to help you, mate. I haven't got time for your faggot problems -" "But I'm not!" "Good. So stand fucking still. If you get a hard-on, think about your mother." Squatting back down, I continued to fix him with a stare as I slid one soapy hand slowly up his inside leg. He shivered. When I cupped his balls, his entire body started to tremble, and continued as I ever so gently began to stroke his quickly hardening cock. "Please don't," he said. I let him go. "Alright. You do it." "What?" There was even a note of hope in his voice - could his ordeal be nearly over? "Wash your cock. If you don't want me to do it, you do it." He took himself in his right hand and performed one or two perfunctory strokes, then let go and used the back of his hand to push his cock downwards, trying to make it go away. I smacked his hand away, grabbed his cock and squeezed as hard as I could. He cried out, staggering back, then, when I didn't let go, he made a couple of tortured thrusting motions, as if his cock could fuck its way out of trouble. He begged me to let him go. "Will you do what you're told?" With a look of exquisite torture on his beautiful face, he nodded yes. I let him go. He slumped back against the shelves of shop produce; his hips still thrust forward, his semi-erect cock held out in front of him like you would a sore finger. "Now wash your cock." He swallowed, stood up straight and this time took himself in his left hand, his natural hand. He began to masturbate himself properly with a well practiced, albeit very self-conscious, stroke. It was a glorious sight. A perfect physical specimen of youthful manhood, making himself harder and harder, making himself flinch and jerk with pleasure, but doing it all against his will. Doing it because I'd made him do it and he had no way out. And as his pleasure increased so too did his humiliation; and his increased humiliation only further sharpened his pleasure. His breathing became erratic and shallow; he was even powerless to stifle a succession of small moans as this humiliating wank reached heights way above the ordinary. His swollen balls pulled up tight and hard. His stomach muscles tensed and he started to bend at the middle as he fucked hard into his own fast-pumping hand. In the last seconds he started to whimper; he spread his legs for better balance, and with a small cry, shot his heavy load arcing out in front of him. And he continued to cum. He staggered forward a few steps, fucking the air in front of him and spilling more and more cum down onto the floor, while all the time pulling at his cock with fierce spasmodic strokes. (II) After he'd finished I let him stand there a moment, swallowing hard, taking deep breaths. Then I quietly said, "What the hell did you do that for? I only said to wash it, not jerk yourself off." He looked at me in despair. His cock was softening in his hand, but he still held it: he wasn't sure what to do. I added: "You don't have much control, do you?" He said nothing. I pushed him roughly back to the sink and turned the taps back on. "Show me your cock," I said. Without argument he picked up his now flaccid cock and pointed it up at me. No question, he was mine now. I grabbed it roughly; it was still far too sensitive and he flinched away, trying to double over as he cried out, "Ow, careful!" But I didn't let go and his cock stretched painfully out in front of him. Grimacing with pain he stood back in position. I milked his soft cock for the last of its semen and then began wiping my sticky hand across the beautiful golden skin of his chest. "Do you always make noises like that when you wank?" It was good to see he could still raise a blush. "No," he mumbled. "You should have seen yourself. You were like an animal toward the end." A small angry quiver of his bottom lip, and for a moment I thought he might be going to cry. But he took a manfully deep breath and stared silently down at the floor. "Well, before you leave, you'll have to clean that up," I said, indicating his cum, spattered across the floor, shining brightly under the fluorescent lights. Talk of leaving sparked a small glimmer of hope. He looked around the little room until he spotted the mop. He cleared his throat and said: "I'll get the mop?" "You're not covering our mop with your cum. Use your hands. That's how it got there." Unhappily, he got down on his hands and knees. He scooped and wiped at the his little puddles of cum. To get it all up he was forced to periodically wipe his hands along his own flanks. The soft skin of his waist and thighs soon glistened with it. While he worked I moved behind him, watching the supple workings of his lithe, elegantly muscled body. At one point, when he rocked back to wipe up a little spot he'd missed between his knees, his firm mounds of buttocks parted just enough to give me the first glimpse of his tight little rosebud. But no sooner had it appeared than he must have sensed his exposure and moved quickly forward to make himself decent. "All right, that's enough," I said when I was ready to move on. As he stood back up, he said hopefully, "Okay, so is there some clothes I can borrow?" "Yes of course. We'll just wash your arse and then we're out of here." He face fell. "The petrol could be seeping inside you as we speak." We were now arriving at the point that this young man feared more than any other. "No, please, I'm fine, I can't feel a thing. I really have to go..." I ignored his pleas and firmly guided him to the sink once more. "A quick wash then you're out of here." "All right, but I'll do it, okay?" "Of course." Reaching into the sink, he quickly soaped his hands and began lathering his buttocks. He tried to follow my movements as I moved behind to watch. "Do it properly," I said. "I am." He massaged himself harder, his firm buttocks jostling and occasionally pulling apart. "Okay, good, now bend over and pull one buttock aside so you can wash your crack." He muttered something I didn't quite catch. But he began to obey. His smooth, firm arse-cheeks were so slippery and soapy that it took a couple of goes to get a grip. But finally he pulled one buttock aside and at the same time he bent over enough to open himself up. He was being very good now. And there it was, appearing amidst the soapsuds, such a delicate pink little bud, so clean and tightly closed. He ran his right hand up and down his arse-crack a few times, even pausing once to finger the outer rim of his opening - obviously hoping to buy me off with cheap gratuities. The soapsuds slid down between his legs, gathering and dripping from his tight ball-sack. "Is that enough?" he asked in a strained voice. "Wash inside yourself." He paused. "I...I can't do that..." "Well I'll have to do it then." "No! All right...I'll do it." To my delight he chose to use his middle finger. He even bent over a little further as he lined himself up. Then ever so gently he pushed his finger in, but only a little way. "I'll have to stand up, my legs hurt," he said. Bent over like that without support, I wasn't surprised. I told him to rest his head and chest on the bench-top. It's a low bench-top, so it bent him over even further; he needed to spread his legs a little wider to get comfortable. Despite himself, his finger inched in a little bit more. "Okay," I said, "Now push your finger all the way in." His other fingers splayed outward as he eased his middle finger all the way inside himself. "Now push it in and out." And he did. He began to finger fuck himself. First with a rapid, mechanical action; then, eventually, with increasing rhythm as his body reacted unexpectedly to this new groove. His hips began to thrust back slightly on his in strokes. Soon he began to break his pace at the end of the in-strokes as, with little grunts of effort, he tried to force his finger further in. The muscles across his broad young shoulders and back were working with the effort. He even began to arch himself as he tried to answer a sudden rising need. I came up close behind him. "You tell me if you get an erection again." "Uh huh," he grunted, then: "I do, I've got one." "What?" "I've got an erection," he said in a hurried breath. I reached under him to grip his cock. It was rock hard. I moved my fist along its length then slid my finger around the end of its swollen head. It was leaking freely. No wonder the boy was so scared: one misplaced finger and his body went off like a bear trap. "Okay, that's enough," I said, letting him go. Then he surprised me with a quick movement. Keeping his finger working inside himself, he rose up grabbing hold of his cock in the other hand. He pumped it with furious strokes, straight away preparing to cum onto the bench-top. "Stop!" I roared, delivering a stinging, openhanded blow across his thigh and buttock. "Leave it the fuck alone!" He did stop - just - and let both his arse and cock go. Then he stood there with shoulders and head slumped forward, chest rising and falling with deep breaths. Only his cock continued to strain forward with hard, unabated need. I began to unbuckle my belt and pants, finally to release my own hard trapped cock. As I undressed the small room was filled with noise of it, pants sliding down, boots dropped to one side. And all the time he stood there silently but for his breathing. Finally free to take him, I moved up close behind and wrapped him in a strong embrace. His firm young body pressed to mine. My hard cock trapped between us, from his arse-crack up to the small of his back. He shivered slightly but his warmth and strength were palpable. I used the thumb of one hand to rub back and forth across his hard nipples, while with the other I teased his cock and roughly handled his balls. He started to curve his lithe body to fit the shape of me. And all the while I was able to breathe in the smell of his hair, to feel with my lips the delicate skin of his neck. I said, "I'm going to fuck you." I heard him, and felt him, swallow hard. "I don't know," he said. "Ask me to fuck you," I said. "I don't think I can." I backed off a pace and let him twist his head and shoulders around. When he saw the thickness and length of what had been pressing against him, he made a definite decision: "No," he said. I turned him back around to face the wall. "If you resist, I'll force you down and split you open. Do you want that?" He shook his head. And without another word from me he began bending back over the bench. "Okay, now open yourself as wide as you can." He used his hands to spread his cheeks wide. The outer rim of his anus spread open a little, showing me a hint his deeper membranous interior, but he was very tense, his sphincter still tightly closed. I quickly soaped my hands and then cupped my hand to the young man's hot center. I massaged and swirled, pushed and stroked, but made no attempt to enter him. I didn't have to wait long to see his now-familiar movements of arousal: the little thrusts of his hips, the sudden flexing of his shoulders, and the whole-body flinches. After a little more teasing I suddenly, without warning, pushed my middle finger deep inside him. There was a sharp intake of breath. Jesus, he was tight. I thought he might be right; he might not be able to accommodate me. But once my finger was inside, once I'd felt his internal heat, there was no turning back. I worked my finger around and into him until he was writhing with it. "Is that okay?" I asked. "Yes," he breathed. "Do you want me to stop?" "No." "What do you want?" He made a small frustrated grunt as I withdrew my finger to tease and prod at his opening again. "Fuck," he said. "What do you want me to do?" "Fuck," he repeated "Do you want me to fuck your arse?" "Yes." "Ask me to," I said. "Yes. Fuck my arse. Please." Then after a moment, under his breath: "Come on." I removed my finger and gripped him by the hips; then stepped forward and pressed my cock-head against his excited, tight virgin hole. "Okay, move your arms away now." He let his arse go and brought his forearms to rest on the bench-top above his head. I felt the outer rim of his anus squeeze shut over the tip of my cock. His hot center was right there for me. I took a moment to run my hands along his sides, from the powerful young hips, over the fluttering ribcage, to his hot armpits now open and filling the air with his excited scent. Then I made one big thrust into him. His forearms crashed into the wall ahead of him. He couldn't hold back a cry of pain. But I wasn't even part of the way in. I gripped his hips and increased the pressure in a long slow attempt to enter him. "Fuck! Stop!" he cried, genuinely in pain. "Bear down on it. Come on, you want to be fucked, now push back onto it." "No. Oh fuck! Stop!" I stopped pressing forward for a moment and reached round for his cock. It had started to soften, so I began stroking it gently, reassuringly, moving the foreskin back and forth across the head. True to form he quickly began to respond. "Come on," I said. "Be a good boy. Push back on to it. You know what to do." And after he took a deep breath I felt it. Bravely he pushed back and I felt his tight virgin hole open slightly around the head of my cock. With a gradual increase in force I managed to open him up properly, to finally push past his resisting sphincter and deep inside him. He emitted a long, low moan, partly of relief but also at the new sickly sweet sensations that were starting to stir. When I'd buried myself to the hilt, I took a moment to savor his virgin heat, the internal stirrings of his blood and life. I leant forward over him and said, "I'm all the way in." "Yes." "Can you feel me all the way inside you?" "Yes." "Do you want me in you?" "Yes." The young man's hot grip had me on a knife-edge between weeping romantic and savage killer. Then the urge to fuck overwhelmed. I started thrusting with small movements, to get him used to it, but when he drew a sharp breath and said it hurt, I could restrain myself no longer. I stood up, gripped his waist, wrenched half way out then fucked into him with all my strength. He let go a piercing cry of "No!" With everything I had I fucked into him again and again and again. I pulled all the way out, nuzzled at his still hurting hole, and then fucked back in with savage thrusts that brutally split him open. At first he could only cry out in pain. "Fuck!" "Jesus!" "Stop!" But these pleas slowly transformed into incoherent noises and grunts. I settled into a good strong rhythm, needing only to fuck him now and nothing else. Then finally I heard another one of those low moans of his. A deep and until now never-experienced pleasure was welling up inside of him. His tight virgin hole was bigger now, still holding me firm and hot, but taking me in, starting to want the cock. I was getting close. I reached under him. Unbelievable. He was rock hard again. His natural state, the state to which he always returned. "Oh fuck," he growled. He was leaking pre-cum. "Are you going to cum?" I tried to ask. I was very close. I fucked faster. His hard cock had leaked all over my hand but I gripped his waist tight and got ready to deliver my final frantic thrusts. Then he cried out. He was cumming. I could feel him from inside, contracting and surging, his wide-stretched hole going into spasms. He let out a anguished cry as he fucked back against me, the new levels of pleasure completely undoing him. I just managed to get my hand back under him to feel the repeated hot surge of his cum. Then I pulled his jerking torso hard back onto me as I strained forward for the last time, pausing for an unbearable moment before shooting a succession of long hot bolts deep into him.


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Pumping For The Man

Pumping For The Man By Sam Johnson (I) I was working the night shift in an off-the-road service station when a young bloke on a motorbike rode in. He looked good, sitting astride the bike, dressed in his favorite jeans and new leather jacket. When he unzipped the jacket and removed his helmet I sat up behind the console. Jesus. He was young, built and beautiful. A lone, straight


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