Gay Erotic Stories

Seal of Approval

by Cicero
29 Aug 2000


This is a work of fiction--the author believes all sex should be safe and consensual--all rights reserved -- let me know how you like it and my others in this section SEAL OF APPROVAL*>) by Cicero It was a dangerous mission alright but Navy seal LT. Troy Adams was ready . Standing at 6’2’’ of sculpted hard marine trained muscle he was ready. He gazed in the mirror on the wall of the ship’s bunk as he applied camouflage to his 22year old face. His green eyes reflected his intense arrogant confidence. A smile crossed his face as he covered his close cropped blonde hair. He gazed at his reflection as he adjusted his deep sea rubber suit. It showed every curve of his tight body. He knew he was built alright. He was ready! The mission was simple. Get into the Arab base. Set the charges and slip out. Hell he thought , a piece of cake , no problem. after all he was a marine navy seal going up against some stupid Arabs. Shit, he grinned to himself , they would probably piss in their pants if they came up against him! Fuck , he thought, from what he heard about them and their hand holding with other guys, they’d probably pass out if they ever got a glimpse of his uncut 9’’ woman buster! Later that night he slipped onto the shore. As he silently entered the base he was surprised to find it deserted. He was about to set his charges when he heard a sound. From the corner of his vision he saw a guard pass by. Troy swiftly grabbed the man and spun him around so that they were facing each other with Troy holding a knife to the man’s throat. “Make a sound and your dead”, Troy whispered. He quickly gazed at the guard who was a pudgy small middle-aged man . “Where is everyone?” The man stammered, “ everyone is in the village for the festival.” “And you got stuck here”, Troy laughed . This guy was pathetic Troy thought. He relaxed, after all he could wipe the floor with this punk . The man gazed at Troy with wide eyes. “What the fuck you staring at you bastard,” he barked. “You look funny,” the man whispered as he stared deeper into Troy’s eyes. “What the fuck .” Troy said as he returned the guards stare. At first Troy stared back to show the fat bastard who was the boss but then Troy started to feel weird. “Oh yes ,” the guard replied confidently as he widened his eyes to fill Troy’s vision. “I think you are feeling quite funny correct.” “Yea.... no ...what the fuck are you trying to do,” Troy felt confused and yet, try as he might, he couldn’t look away from the guard. “I ... if your...trying...” but Troy found he couldn’t think clearly enough to finish his thought. “Don’t struggle ... you must submit...” the guard said in a quiet steady voice. “ I mean...shiiiiitt,” Troy’s mind was spinning now. Apart of him was losing it. but, another part was amazed that some short pudgy Arab was taking him down. How could it be, Troy was a macho fighting stud and this guy was ..... but as his mind fought within itself it only made it easier for the guard to work on him. “ You must find that knife too heavy I think.” “Heavy.... yea... I mean.... fuuuuuccckkkk,” moaned Troy as his hand dropped the knife. By now the macho seal felt weak. His mind reeled under the eyes and voice of his “captive”! “Good boy..” whispered the guard as he smiled. “Don’t resist ....submit to me. I want you to breathe deeply and concentrate on my voice.” “Submit....ohhh shhhiiitt what’s happening”, Troy sighed as he gulped in air steadily causing his mind to flood with oxygen. The effect was intoxicating ... his eyes fluttered and his pupils rolled back in his sockets. “That’s right deep breathes,” the guard insisted knowing its weakening effects on his opponents mental defenses. Troy filled his lungs as commanded , as his chest expanded he was too far gone to observe his guards reaction to seeing the seal’s young muscled body pressing tight against his rubber suit. “Yield to this American ...” , the guard insisted now. “You know it’s an order.” “Yeth thir.,” Troy was losing it as his intense marine training to obey orders now worked against his will. The guard looked as Troy’s eyes glazed and his body swayed under the mental assault. “You are tired ,” he cooed to his “captor”, you must obey your master.” “Mastheer..., “ moaned Troy as his last defense was breached by the guard. “So tired,” the guard assured the young seal. “Thleepy...shiiittt....tthiirrr,” groaned Troy. “You are mine you hotshot American bastard,” the man laughed as he savored his victory over one of America’s finest specimens of manhood. A tough Navy seal in prime physical condition had been taken down by a potbellied middle aged Arab nightwatchman! “You have lost to me I have defeated you correct” “Yeth thir......, “ whispered Troy as his world went dark. The guard gazed at the now hypnozonked macho marine navy seal who was at his mercy. Abdul had been the best magician in the country before he was drafted. Now his hypnotic talents had been helpful. “Kneel before me and beg you dog”. He commanded. Troy instantly dropped to his knees and assumed a ‘doggie’ begging position. Abdul chuckled to himself. He had not thought the seal would take his word so literally. He looked at the tall stud before him and felt a rush of power and lust. Hmmmm, he thought. His house was nearby; why turn the American in --after all--he could have a better use for him. Yes, Abdul had been looked down upon all his life and now fate had given him a young arrogant marine to enjoy! “Come you dog,” he commanded as he walked toward his house. Troy followed his lord and master barking in pleasure with a goofy smile on his young face. Little did he know the new experiences that awaited him! Part 2 Abdul looked over his “prize” in the quiet of his home. The navy seal stood at attention with a slightly dumb smile and eyes totally vacant. Abdul rubbed his swelling manhood in lust. It was time to see his slave in all his natural beauty he thought. But first, a little show was in order. “Lt. Troy, ( for Troy had given up all the information Abdul requested of him with barely a whimper despite his orders to only reveal name , rank, etc.) I want you to take off your wet suit but I want you to dance while you do it as if you were a female stripper in some cheap bar. Understand”, he commanded. “Yeath sir..”, slurred Troy as he slowly began revolving his hips to an inner music. Abdul watched as the hot straight stud sensuously rotated his pelvis lewdly for his new master even as one hand unzipped the suit from the front. Abdul was treated to the sight of the young marines bubble butt clenching and flexing under the rubber suit even as his muscular chest was unveiled from its rubber tight prison. “Play with your nipples marine,” barked Abdul. Troy hands stopped unzipping and went under the front of the suit as he rubbed his “imaginary breasts” for the guard. A sigh of pleasure escaped from his mouth and Abdul noticed , to his immense amusement , that Troy’s crotch began to swell! “OHHHH... ,” moaned Troy as he explored an unfamiliar erogenous zone . Abdul could see the young seal’s nipples swell and harden under the stimulation’s they were receiving. “Continue stripping and dancing my ‘girl’. Howled Abdul mirthfully, “ but faster!” Troy’s hands went to each shoulder , he slowly slipped the suit off them and down to his waist. While he did , he increased his rhythmic movements in an even more erotic fashion. Troy’s firm 6 pack was revealed as the rubber suit fell to his slim hips . Then Troy slipped his hands under the suit and down his front . As he began massaging his growing cock under the tight rubber Abdul could see the marine’s firm tool straining to be free. Troy turned and slipped the skin tight body suit over his ass and Abdul was treated to the total unveiling of the macho marine’s glorious butt. Troy turned again in time for Abdul to see the young macho American’s impressive semi hard dick pop out of the suit as the hypnozonked stud pushed the rest of the suit to the floor. Abdul gazed over the muscular marine whose hard body shone with perspiration from the heat of the room. Troy’s hard cock swayed as the marine undulated to unheard music. “Play with yourself you American slut,” growled an aroused Abdul! “Yes master,” Troy replied as he increased the tempo of his movements while slipping one of his hands down the crack of his cherry ass for the amusement of his Arab captor. Abdul was mesmerized by the site of this finely sculpted stud performing like a cheap dancer for his fun. The American was not so proud now he chuckled as Troy , his body glistening with sweat from the dance and the desert heat, placed his other hand on his ‘ manhood’ to pump his cock while the other drove deeper down his butt crack and massaged his asshole as ordered. “OHHHH... shiiitttt,” Troy moaned through chattering teeth as his thumb rubbed the sensitive muscles around his chute entrance. Troy’s moans filled the room as the humpy seal played with his hole for his captor. The Arab could see that his captive’s rock hard American dick leaking like a tapped faucet. Abdul began to fear his American toy might cum and that would not do so early in the fun. “Stop the dance,” he said causing Troy to end at once and to stand at attention. Abdul went up to Troy who was sweating rivers of water and breathing rapidly. “You must be thirsty,” he smirked as he placed his hands on Troy’s shoulders and pushed the young seal to his knees. “Here is a flask to drink from, “ he laughed as Abdul pulled out his hairy uncut cock and offered it to Troy. The young hypnotized marine’s eyes widened as he opened his mouth to drink from the flask’s nozzle. Abdul hooted with delight as Troy ‘s mouth sucked down his first cock. “Yes that is right drink deeply” , he stated as Troy’s muffled gurgling mouth took Abdul’s cock down his virgin throat. Abdul stiffened as he faced fucked his marine. “Yes take it and remember American that for all your strength and training you have ended up on your knees drinking my Arab jis!! Troy’s strangled noises filled the house as Abdul continued to fuck his face. Relentlessly he assaulted his defeated foe till at last his climax came. “AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH,” Abdul cried as he flooded the seal’s throat with a million Arab seeds. Troy gulped furiously as he tried to swallow the “water” he believed he desired. When Abdul finished he pushed Troy to the floor. A dazed Troy lay before him his mouth wet with Abdul’s man juices. ;his studly body streaked with sweat. Looking at the disheveled soldier gave Abdul an idea. One more humiliation the guard decided . “You seem to have made a mess of yourself ,” suggested Abdul as the spaced out seal nodded in agreement. “Maybe, if you ask nicely , I will let you shower off.” “Please sir,” begged the obedient marine as he rose to his knees clasping his hands together in submission. Abdul howled with pride as he saw the now humble American war stud helplessly entreating him for a favor. “Shall I grant you water from own person,” he suggested, “it is only fit for men you know.” Tears came to Troy’s eyes. “ Please master let me bathe in your waters.” he entreated eyes glazed with submission. “ If kiss my feet scum and I will.” the Arab replied. Troy bent over and kissed the dirty shoes of Abdul who smiled in victory as he watched his former foe kiss and lick his sandals . “I will honor your plea, get up on your knees.” the Arab chuckled and with that, Abdul let loose with a volley of piss drenching the helpless marine who sputtered as he was inundated by in a ‘golden shower’. Troy's eyes shone as his hard marine body was cover in the flow. In his zonked brain it was the elixir of manhood that had been given. A goofy smile came to his face “But this is only the beginning ,” Abdul shouted gazing down at the soaked , degraded and, humiliated marine. “Sleep slave,” he commanded . As Troy slipped off to slumber, Abdul considered his next move! PART 3 Abdul walked up to the sleeping marine stud. “You hear me?” he inquired as he poured warm water over the sleeping hunk to clean him off. “Yes master,” Troy murmured drowsily. “Good,” replied Abdul. “You will awake and rise and remember all that has happened to you but, you will NOT remember that you have been hypnotized. Also, your subconscious mind will stay under my hypnotic control so that your body and will shall be unable to resist anything I say for you to do”. “I will obey sir”, barked the zonked seal who got up at once, snapped to attention and ,saluted his new commander much to the laughter of a delighted Abdul. “Perfect then, “ said the Arab, “awake my lovely toy”. Troy’s eyes cleared as he shook his head to clear the cobwebs in his brain. He looked around confused at first but then, it all came back to him. His green eyes fired with rage as he stared at Abdul recalling the degradations he had suffered from the guard. “You fucking bastard,” he screamed as he moved toward him . “ I’m going to beat the shit out of your rat fat Arab ass!” “Stay still,” Abdul calmly responded. In a flash a dumbstruck Troy found himself rigid. “What the fuck is going on,” he sputtered in amazement as his body stood at attention. He suddenly realized for the first time that he was buck naked as well! “Tsk ,Tsk, such a violent outburst. So like a child.” taunted Abdul. “You even sound like one.” “Fuck you,” yelled Troy , to his shock, however the sound of his voice had come out in a higher pitch than his normal deep sexy drawl. His voice tone was similar to that of some young pre pubescent punk kid! “Yes, just as I thought a mere boy,” Abdul mused in mock seriousness to the shock of the humpy marine. Troy tried to reply but the sound of his teenage voice silenced him in embarrassment and, in that second of his confusion Abdul moved in to the first stage of his plan to totally dominate his captive. “I know you are confused of course but that is due to the fact that when you see yourself in a mirror you see the marks of what you think are manhood on you.” Abdul stated taking a serious tone of concern. Troy looked up at the guard his mind swimming. Abdul continued. “But you see, the inner you has come forth. Admit it, you are a boy after all!” “Go fuck...,” but Troy’s defiance was undercut by his youthful cracking voice. “What the voice,” he squeaked shocked at the almost girlish tones that escaped from his lips! “Let us end this confusion and remove the outer so that it will reflect your true inner youth.” Abdul said as he drew a razor from his pocket. the sharp steel glistened in the light and a look of sheer terror filled Troy’s eyes. Abdul laughed, “no I am not going to cut your flesh.” Troy relaxed but, what followed was almost as bad in his eyes. Abdul went to a table and brought back a jar of olive oil. Quietly he coated the rigid marines hard body till it glowed in a thin sheen of lubrication. “What are you doing”, Troy’s now altered teenage voice asked in rising anxiety. “Just turning the man back to the boy,’’ assured Abdul as he ran his hands across Troy’s sculpted pecs feeling the light fur on them. The Arab let his fingers drift through the young seal’s manthach down his hard six pack following the trail of Troy’s fur. “Did you sprout hair early ,” he inquired. “Fucking bet I did ,” retorted Troy who recalled how proud he had been to hit puberty before the other guys in his class and how the ladies cooed as they felt his soft manly chest hairs and later his impressive crotch bush. A smile came across his face as he forgot, just for a moment, where he was. But, Abdul noticed it and knew that the next phase would work even better than he dared to hope! “That was the problem you were too early,” he retorted as he brought the razor to Troy’s chest and began to scrap away the hair there. “NNNNNNOOOOOOOO.......” Troy howled as he felt his skin being cleaned of his man hair. It was as if his very virility was being scraped away! “Ah, but this excites you I see,” Abdul smirked glancing down at Troy’s basket. “See how aroused you are as I deflower you so to speak of your hairs!” Troy’s eyes gazed down. It was true! He had thrown a huge boner even as Abdul continued cleaning the marine of all his body hairs starting from the neck down. “Noooo...this....I can’t be fucking harddddd,” he moaned to the delight of Abdul who , having shorn his American ram of his wool from the neck to the waist , proceeded to cleanse the young stud of his impressive crotch patch of pubic hairs. Troy gasped as the crown jewels of his manhood was easily whisked away leaving his crotch bare as a young punk. Abdul next fondled the young seal’s hairy bull like ballsack lovingly rolling each ball as he scraped them clean as well. The Arab could feel the juices within the pouch, juices that he knew held the seeds of the American’s perceived studhood. “I think that you cannot hold back from spilling your useless seed when you have experience the touch of a real man correct?” he suggested wickedly to the military captive. No sooner had he said this then a strangled cry came from Troy. While Abdul fondled the marines now hairless sack, the young stud’s cock exploded forth with spurts of hot creamy white jis.! Troy came not once, but three successive times until at last his dick deflated in a weak dribble. The young dazed marine was left gasping for air as what had happened seared into his mind. HE HAD SHOT HIS WAD WHILE A MAN WAS FONDLING HIS BALLS. HE HAD SPILLED OUT HIS AMERICAN SPUNK LIKE A TWO BIT BACK ALLEY WHORE FOR AN OVERWEIGHT MIDDLE-AGED CAMEL JOCKEY ARAB! Abdul nodded in glee as the formerly arrogant hotshot navy seal bowed his head and quietly sobbed over this humiliation. The final cleansing of Troy’s muscular long legs went quickly after that. The mindfucked marine did not even utter a single protest when the Arab had him grab each of his magnificent sculpted butt cheeks , bend over and, expose his cherry asshole for it’s shave. Abdul spread more olive oil on that virginal area and slowly started stripping it of hair. “What the fuck am I letting you do to me,” whimpered Troy as he complied with this further degradation. Troy felt a cool breeze hit his newly denuded hole and, a shiver went through his psyche. Abdul gazed at the pink chute which, looked like a rose shyly winking at the viewer. He reached out and massaged the outer lips with an oiled thumb sending a body quake throughout the straight stud. “Nnnnooooo... how can my hole turn me on....,”whimpered Troy. “Good ...very good,” mumbled Abdul, “ but there is more to do first. Abdul stood back and gazed over his shorn seal. “There now we have removed the symbols of this unwarranted manhood.” Troy stood up and caught a glance of himself in a side mirror. He was hairless from the neck down just like before he hit puberty! Abdul saw the look in the young hunks eyes. He had taken another step in breaking his captive. An important layer of his manhood had been destroyed. “Sleep now ....yes and when you awake your voice will resume its normal tone”, the Arab suggested. “Ffffuuuccckkkk.....”, sighed Troy as he slumped to the carpeted floor and drifted off to sleep . Abdul contemplated his next move! PART 4 Troy awoke once more to what he thought had been only a dream but, as he opened his eyes to see a grinning Abdul, he knew that this was more than an illusionary nightmare. Troy’s mind reminded him that he was not some little asswipe but a goddamm United States Marine Seal. One of the military’s proudest symbols of all American manhood! Fuck what happened before , he said to himself, he’d suck it up and redeem his pride by taking out this overweight, middle aged camel jockey! Quickly he rose to his feet to go for the kill but, Abdul was ready as well. As Troy made his move the wily Arab cried out. “Stop at once,” he commanded as Troy ‘s body froze in its tracks once more even as his macho marine mind screamed otherwise. “I don’t know how you are doing this.....but I swear I’ll beat your butt”, sputtered Troy in rage unable to get his finely trained body to respond to his mental dictates “No, I think it is your butt that needs to be punished ,” replied Abdul tauntingly , “ for it is not right for a mere boy to confront a man!” Troy shot a murderous glance at the guard but he could not move a muscle. “Come here and place yourself over my knees right now!” ordered Abdul as he sat down patting his lap for emphasis. To Troy’s amazement ,his body moved quickly forward coming up to the Arab and then draping the hot hunky stud bareass up on Abdul lap. The Arab gently massaged the seal’s muscular bubble butt for a minute enjoying the cool firmness he felt. It was full , dimpled and ,smooth to the touch! “Keep your hands off my ass you bastard!” shouted Troy. “Now the lesson begins my son,” he lectured as he raised his hand and brought it down hard on the firm white cheeks of the marine. WHACK WHACK WHACK “OOOWWWWWEEEEEEEE.....YOU SON OF A ........AAAAAARRRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!” , howled Troy as his marine butt got the spanking of its life! Abdul increased his hits with more vigor as Troy whaled in pain. A lifetime of revenge inspired Abdul as he turned the macho stud’s cheeks a brilliant bright red! “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH,” screamed Troy as his muscular long legs fanned up and down to the Arab’s amusement. WHACK WHACK “ I SWEAR....GGGOOOODDDDD....” Troy sobbed. WHACK “Will you obey...surrender”, asked Abdul. “Marine’s don’t.....surr........AAARRGGHHH ...SSHHIIITTTT!” moaned Troy. WHACK WHACK “I will stop if you admit defeat,” chuckled Abdul as he felt the heat rising from the young seal’s cheeks. The Arab was well aware of the marine ‘s belief in their own superiority and he knew that he had to eliminate that ego driven pride! “FUCK.....AAAAAAAAHHHH,” Troy yelled determined that the bastard would know that marines never surrender! Abdul continued his slaps until Troy, who had NEVER been spanked, finally couldn’t take it anymore! His marine ego dissolved in the searing burn his lovely smooth butt felt. “PLEASE....STOP...OOOOHHH....PLEASE....I SURRENDER!!!!” a blubbering Troy entreated as his mind and body broke under the pain and the degradation! The macho hotshot marine seal had been conquered for the first time in his life and, by an old fashioned bareass whipping! He had been taken down! “You will obey me then like a son to his father,” Abdul inquired as he halted his hand in midair. “Yes,” moaned Troy in shock at his capitulation. He had disgraced his uniform and his seal squad and he knew it! “IS THAT HOW YOU ADDRESS YOUR FATHER!!” Abdul shouted as his slapped Troy’s crimson bubble butt once more! “OOOOHHHH GOD!!!....I...promise to behave....father,” sobbed Troy. “Father sounds so formal,” laughed Abdul as he rubbed the hot butt on his lap. “ be more informal ...unless I should continue my lessons” Troy gulped as the shame of what he was going to say coursed through him until his very core felt the agony of it. “ I will behave...........DADDY!” At that point the ass whipped seal broke down into tears. He had been stripped of any last shred of his self image of military prowess and thus , in his eyes, his manhood! He was a no good whimp punk! “Ah that is the proper respect of a mere child,” said Abdul as he pushed Troy off his lap onto the floor. Troy lay there broken, red assed and, submissive. Abdul contemplated his next step! PART 5 Abdul glanced at the tearstained seal laying on the floor before him. “Is this the great superpower’s warrior.” he taunted. “I cannot see how you could even please a woman!” Troy looked at Abdul and a flicker of his old pride returned. “That’s not true,” he responded as his mind remembered the countless women who spread their legs for his 9’’. Troy had a reputation among his corp buddies as a high babe scorer and his cock was nicknamed “The Hammer” as a testament to the virgins it had smashed into. Abdul nodded in approval for this was just what he wanted Troy to recall . It would make the plans he has all the more humiliating. “Then show me this prowess.” he stated in a firm voice that snapped Troy back from his reveries to the present situation. “Get up on your knees and produce this alleged manhood. I fear that it will not respond”. Troy rose on his knees. His virility in the sack was a source of great pride to him and no fat Arab could deny that he thought as he began to pump his rod. Abdul watched confidently as Troy stroked his cock . The room filled with Troy’s ragged breath and the sound of his foreskin slapping up and down. But, try as he might, Troy’s great warrior remained limp. “A problem,” Abdul innocently asked with a grin. “I can’ won’t..,” sputtered Troy as he redoubled his efforts to no avail. “Tsk ,Tsk, “ mocked the Arab. “A boy still. No woman could be satisfied with that weak lump of dead flesh.” “No... wait.... Troy implored as he feverishly beat his meat in an effort to harden. As the seconds passed he grew desperate. He had never had a problem getting a hardon before . At last he gave up. Troy looked down at his limp manhood. His famed “ Hammer” had melted and with it his pride in his sexual prowess as a stud. Abdul knew now was the moment to strike! “This is a man’s equipment,” he stated as he unzipped his pants to expose his raging hardon. Troy’s humiliation was only increased to see that a fat, over the hill Arab could produce what he a young, once virile military seal could not! “Come taste a real man my child,” Abdul suggested. Troy was about to protest that he was no pussy faggot when, to his shock, his own body shuffled forward on his knees as if it had a life of its own. the stunned marine came up next to the Arab’s stiff rod. He gazed at the pearly prejis that was leaking from the redheaded dick. “Lick it ! You know you desire to. Make love to my manhood,” the guard said. Troy’s mind reeled as his tongue flicked out of his open mouth and licked the Arabs engorged cock. His lungs filled with the scent of an aroused male causing his hot young muscular body to tingle in excitement. Troy’s mind was appalled even as his mouth slobbered and sucked Abdul’s cock and then his hairy balls. “That is it suck them, caress them with your tongue.,” Abdul encouraged the seal knowing that Troy, although mentally repulsed , was powerless to resist his body’s desires. Desires Abdul had hypnotically implanted himself. Troy felt his self image as a straight stud vanish as ,like some twisted dog in heat, he bathed Adul’s crotch sucking a savoring the Arab’s precum like a fine champagne! The image of himself, a marine seal, servicing the guard like a cheap whore seared into his mind. His lungs filled with more manfucking scents and his mind screamed in shame. “Drink then my child,” Abdul encouraged as he felt his climax approaching. As Troy downed the dark meat he felt the Arab’s balls surge with power and, he found himself swallowing the hot salty bitter jis as it spurted out while Abdul whooped in elation in this latest victory of Troy’s abasement. When he was finished, he removed his cock from Troy’s defiled mouth . He smiled as he saw the young seal crumple to the floor struggling to get non male air back into his lungs. “Very good ,” the guard sneered, “ you are a natural borne cocksucker.” Troy closed his eyes and cringed at the words. He never saw it when Abdul , straddling Troy’s prone body, lowered his naked ass onto the young stud face. “ I think your body craves something to eat!” “HHHHHHMMMMMM,” was the only sound a now a muffled Troy could make as once more his body betrayed him and ate out Abdul ‘s hairy crack. The cruel guard rested contentedly on the face of the all-American soldier as he felt the warm moist heat of Troy’s tongue. He had crushed Troy’s self image of heterosexual virility. The Arab rose leaving a degraded marine lying on the ground moaning in strangled tones to no one in particular. “I fucking ate his ass....I fucking ate his ass and swallowed his jiss.” “Sleep.” Abdul instructed as he contemplated his next move!


More Gay Erotic Stories from Cicero

Cop Breaker

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Cop Breaker, Part 2

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Cop Breaker, Part 3

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Dogging The State Trooper

BY CICERO I first saw him again when he came into my bar! I had just brought the local pub in the town . Not a big place but hell, but it suited my plans quite nicely. I was a man with a mission target and, his name was Mike the local state trooper assigned to this rural town by the central state police bureaucracy (with a little prodding from me and my friend "Ben

Gang Bang The Leader!

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Play Ball!!!

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Seal of Approval

This is a work of fiction--the author believes all sex should be safe and consensual--all rights reserved -- let me know how you like it and my others in this section SEAL OF APPROVAL*>) by Cicero It was a dangerous mission alright but Navy seal LT. Troy Adams was ready . Standing at 6’2’’ of sculpted hard marine trained muscle he was ready. He gazed in the mirror on the wall

Seal of Approval--Conclusion

this is a work of fiction//sex should be safe and consensual --all rights reserved PART 6 :CONCLUSION by cicero Troy awoke from his hypnotic sleep with the bitter taste of Abdul’s seed in his throat and the face of his captor before him. “Ah you have slept enough,” Abdul growled at the weakened soldier. “Since your lack of an erection today proves that you are no longer a man


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