Gay Erotic Stories

Skater's Streets, Chapter 1

09 Mar 2001

Coming Out Chapter 1 El Cajon Streets I didn't know anything about El Cajon. I didn't so much move there as I was thrust into it. My old man got stationed at North Island and it was goodbye Paradise Valley, hello El Cajon. I hated leaving my friends near Phoenix. I was exactly the age you are when you hate being torn away from the friends it's taken years to carefully surround yourself with. I knew nothing about my new environment and I didn't think I'd ever meet anyone at first. I missed hanging with the skaters and punks at home. John didn't have a home. I'd been in El Cajon for three days when I met him. I was on my board and he was on his when we passed on a corner. He was heading away from Broadway and the mall and I was heading towards it. "Where do you skate around here, dude?" I asked, tiring of the streets and intersections and the hurried commuters. "Some of us skate up behind the mall," he said. "Grossmont Station is where it's happening. Up at the tubes. Just ask anyone with a board." John DeSantine was Italian, what else. Six one with jet black hair and sleepy blue eyes that drew you toward him. Mostly he was long and lean. Living on the street did that he told me. He eyeballed me carefully before telling me, he was going to do some smoke with a lady friend. After that he was going to go skate up behind Grossmont Center. If I wanted to go with, he'd show me where the skaters and the street punks hung. There was a lean-to in the woods where two other guys and a chick were already giggling and smoking. I took a few small tokes and said I'd had enough. The rest of them continued on with the party as I tried to fit in without getting in anyone's way. No one seemed to notice me much at all and I stayed behind and to the side of John, leaning on my elbow, waiting. Tina was a blond and more mature than I was but I’d learned girls did seem to fill out faster than boys. I doubted she was a real blonde but I had nothing to go on. The smaller guy started to make out with her as his taller buddy sat on the opposite side of the girl with one of his arms missing up to his elbow where it disappeared inside her white T. He felt her tits while watching the kissers up close. I'd never seen two guys on one chick before, but John acted like it was cool in El Cajon. He was more interested in keeping the pipe lit. I was just trying for invisibility, waiting to skate where the other boys skated, yawning from the smoke that kept blowing my way, just saying no when the pipe came round. Kisser boy sat up and took three long tokes and tit boy kissed Tina with more urgency than little boy. Tina then took her tokes, tit boy got his, and the pipe was handed to me and I handed it to John as the three went back to their mission. I tried not to watch the two guys as they picked up the action but with my level of curiosity about that sort of thing, it wasn’t easy. With her pants unzipped they took turns with their hands inside her jeans, one still kissing her as the other fondled and licked on what looked like one big tit to me. With kiss boy’s hand in her jeans tit boy’s hand was on top of kiss boys hand, waiting in line, I crazily thought, shaking the smoke out of my brain. This was all way new to me and quite exciting. At home guys guarded their chicks with the intensity of a Pitbull after being given a sirloin bone. I'd seen couples making out but any more than that was done in private. There had been some games at parties in the last year where I had lost all my clothes. It was usually when I had too much to drink and we all woke up naked in a pile in someone's bed. No one mentioned I had done anything that wasn't acceptable, but I'm not sure if I should have been happy or sad about that. Unfortunately it had always been just us guys because the girls avoided the younger skaters like we were diseased. My curiosity had only started to grow in the last year while I tried to remember what I might have done at those parties. It was never discussed and I felt like I was missing out on something. I had become very curious about my closest friends. One night before I left Phoenix, I woke up in the middle of the night after being half bombed at a party and I found myself watching one of my friends feeling the dick of another friend. I knew the two guys well and I was surprised that either of them would be involved with that kind of thing. It was then, I became positive I was missing out on the best part of our parties, but it was too late for me. Just as I was learning something I was dying to know about, I had to start over in another state, town, and school. I’d spent three days thinking I’d never meet the skaters, and then I had approached John, desperate to find kids like me, and now I was witness to more action than I’d ever seen. Life could go from cruel to very, very good in a short period of time. The longer they made out the hornier I got and the closer I watched. I noticed the hand on little boy’s crotch, it was of more than a little bit of interest to me, and that seemed natural enough to me, kiss boy had his hand in Tina’s pants and she was returning the favor, cool. I understood basic biology. I’d seen all the diagrams, and heard my friends bragging each time one of them got somewhere with a girl, only basic biology was becoming confusing in El Cajon, because the longer I looked the more apparent it became that the hand belonged to tit boy and not Tina. I shook the smoke around yet again, but it wasn’t my imagination, the one guy was feeling the other guy through his jeans. This got my attention big time, not to mention it getting me to attention. She went from kissing the one guy to kissing the other and I got another surprise when her pants were suddenly on her knees. The big guy unzipped his pants and fished out his stubby red bone. The little guy leaned her back so she could spread her legs comfortably for him to get in between. Little boy, mouth engaged, removed his finger from Tina and helped guide tit boy’s dick into place. I thought I’d died and gone to skater heaven. The image of one of my friends jerking off another of my friends visited me each night in my dreams. I never understood it and I didn’t know why it always got me fired up. I knew I wanted to get in on what my friends were doing. I imagined myself being with both of them. Since I had no experience with girls, I didn’t think these thoughts were any weirder than other thoughts I was having. Until I got to El Cajon and watched these guys having sex with Tina, I hadn't seen anything at all, but the thing I remembered most was they had a girl and they were still feeling on each other. While tit boy screwed he played with kiss boy who had removed his somewhat larger dick from his pants. Kiss boy kissed Tina, keeping his hand right where his buddy’s package was at work. Tit boy was jerking kiss boy off as he humped away. It turned my world around in a way I wasn’t sure about. I knew I was far more excited by the two boys then I was about the girl. I must have spaced out watching and John pushed my shoulder as he watched me staring at the show. "You want a toke?" "No," I said, not taking my eyes off the action. "Don't mind them. You want a turn. She's easy," John said. “I would but I have a girl.” “I’ve never, I mean, I don’t know her,” I said. “I’ll introduce you. The guys won’t mind.” “Maybe some other time. I’d like to know them better first,” I said. "As you can see they take care of each other. Don’t get the wrong idea. Those two have been out here on and off for years. You can't take anything too seriously back here,” John said, cleaning the pipe and adding a new screen. “No,” I said as tit boy went into high gear and started making loud sounds. “We live in the tubes out at Santee, near the trolley station, and here in the woods in El Cajon. We all know each other pretty well. Don’t come back here without one of us though. They need to get to know you too. You seem cool, dude." “I wouldn’t less I was asked,” I said. “I’m real cool.” "You learn to adapt when you're on the street," John said. "They're okay. Don’t get the wrong idea." "Yeah," I said. “I don’t.” It was then, I noticed kiss boy had replaced tit boy between Tina’s legs. His pants were down to his knees. He had a round white ass with blond hairs near the brown spot that came into view, each time his dick came out of Tina. Tit boy’s hand was on the smooth balls that swung just below the action. We both watched where his dick disappeared. Mine was raising a major ruckus inside my pants but I didn’t dare do anything about it. Tina and the smaller boy made out as he spent a long time without changing his speed. We all sat watching him perform until he finally picked up the tempo and seemed like he was going for the gusto. John looked up from packing a new pipe and took in little boy’s final thrust. There was no expression on his face. "Come on," John said, standing and handing the pipe to tit boy, "I'll take you to where the skaters hang. This will last awhile because they’re stoned. You can stay and watch if you want.” “You can't take anything you see back here too seriously. You don't want to be talking about it if you want to come back here. Some guys don’t understand fuck buddies," John said as we went down the path we came in on. "His buddy?" I asked, sounding like I was eight years old who’d just found his own pee pee. "They fuck?" "And you don’t ask a question like that, kid?” John said sounding a bit put out. “We’re just guys, understand.” “Sorry! I just don’t know about stuff like this. I want to know,” I said sounding like an excited eight year old, and cringing when I heard my own words. “You'll see lots of shit you hang around me," John said. "Carpi Diem, kid.” “Dead Poet’s society!” I said proudly. “Good man. Skater’s motto, stick it this time before you break.” “I never heard that one,” I said. “It fits skaters. Where you from, kid?” “PV,” I said and then added, “Phoenix.” Paradise Valley sounded a bit pretentious. I didn’t see John as pretentious. I don’t know how he saw me but he was giving me the once over as we moved along the path. I imitated his interest, looking down at the front of his shorts at the very last instant. I all the time wondered if what we had been watching didn’t bother him because he had done as much or more. I don’t know why I didn’t hide my curiosity about him better but he hadn’t hidden his. I still felt awkward about looking at him the way I did. We were within sight of the street when he spoke again. “You don’t have much out here except each other. You get to know each other pretty damn good. It can get pretty lonely if you aren't flexible, kid. Girls last a few days, or at most a few weeks. They always got a thing they can use to get themselves off the street. They can pretend they love someone and no one knows the diff. Guys don’t have it that easy. Us guys got each other." I really would have rather hung there and enjoyed the sex show. It was a lot better than a fuck flick, which was as close to sex as we came back home. I was surprised that no one bothered to hide their activities from prying eyes. Where I was from you couldn't show your face if you popped a woody while you were hanging out. I could see things were different in El Cajon. I thought I might like this place after all. My pants were pulsing with excitement as John took me back to the real world. I met a handful of John's friends and we talked about what went on around there. Each time I went up to skate, I'd meet John first. After two weeks I ventured up on my own. I kept my eyes open for the two guys that I'd watched in the woods, but they were never up at Grossmont. The number of skaters was pretty large compared to the dozen or so skaters I knew and ran with at home, but I never knew anybody when I went up to Grossmont alone. Every time I went I met half a dozen to a dozen guys, but the faces constantly changed. I decided to try different times until I met up with someone I knew. I also looked for the place in the woods where John took me, but I never did find it. I didn’t know anything about El Cajon then, and meeting people was hard for me. I thought if I just showed up they’d accept me and include me, but they didn’t. After another week of not making much headway in the friend department, I found a group of young skaters just before noon on a Thursday. I’d been in the mall and bought some ice cream and just before I started to skate home, I decided to go down to the tubes one last time. Some guys were doing some moves while most of them were just hanging out. I nodded and spoke to an innocent looking blond kid. "Where you from?" He asked. "Phoenix," I said. "Just moved here." "Phoenix, cool," he said. "I'm Paul." "I'm Z," I said, happy to talk to another kid. "How do you spell that?" He asked, smiling and putting his hand out for me to slap when I looked to see if he was serious. Paul had wild frizzy hair that made it hard to discover his face. He talked loud and looked very big to me. John and his friends were all older than I was and that made it more difficult for them to accept me. If I saw one of them they ignored me for the most part. The two groups were about as different as you can get. I was odd man out at first, too young for John's group and too old for the younger skaters I'd found on my own. Paul looked older but I couldn’t tell because his hair made him look too weird, but I became the link between older and younger skaters as the summer went on. Persistence does pay off if you stick with it long enough. At least I wasn’t alone any longer. When John was around he always included me like I was one of them and so that’s the only time I hung with them. I liked the older guys because they always talked sex. Their conversations were graphic and that suited me fine. It was best of all when the guys that were wearing spandex really got into it. Ace always seemed to fill his spandex no matter if they were talking girls or not. I didn't think much of it when he asked me to take him with, when I went to meet the young skaters I frequently talked about with John. I introduced Ace around and he did the rest. John and Ace were good friends but Ace was bigger and seemed a bit menacing to me. I mean if John said he was okay he was okay but there was something that seemed dangerous about him. And when he seemed to be there all the time, I knew there was less attention for me because he commanded attention just by his presence. The young kids seemed more than happy to gather around him when he had anything to say. His acceptance was key to their self-esteem. I didn’t understand those dynamics, but I could see it in the eyes of my younger friends. I found it odd when he started skating more with us than he did with his older buddies. I was looking to break in with them, and he was down here trying to get in good with us. Then he brought in Freebee, who no one knew at the time. He’d come from Fresno a week earlier. He was a tall and lean tan boy with a happy-go-lucky style who was my age and an instant hit because he had a way of making us all laugh. His inlines made him glide and flash like a ballet dancer. The boy was good, better than any of us. I became sure he lived to serve Ace because they were always together. He was a far easier fit than Ace was, but he somehow tied Ace even closer to us even after Ace blended back into the woodwork somewhat. He had installed Freebee as the oldest younger boy and one that was completely loyal to him. All the kids loved Freebee and I guess I did too, but I was aware that something was going on besides skating. Then there was the day The Dart arrived. Ace's crew ruled the roost after that. Freebee talked about Dart like he was something special just in from the east. They seemed to know each other in a way that bonded them completely. Dart being a bit older than Freebee but less involved with the group. He was not as big as Ace, not as thin as Freebee, and he laid back a bit not having all that much to say. He wasn't particularly hazardous looking to me, but there was none the less something quite dangerous about him to me. I thought he knew what I was thinking when he looked at me or when he caught me staring at him. I looked at Dart a lot. What I felt when I looked at him I can’t describe. His hair was too long. His face was too intense. He looked too good in his skater’s clothes, and I found myself staring at him whenever he came around me. Freebee spent most of his time with Dart, and most of the kids spent much of their time with Freebee, and so I spent most of my time with them. I followed along hoping for some fun to come of the new mix. Freebee and Dart were always at Ace's beck and call when Ace came around, and I didn’t like any of them when Ace was around. At the end of most days they'd skate off together. This made me curious about what was going on. I suspected the sex thing wasn't as far off as it seemed, but I couldn't catch any references that would prove it. I just kept going up and hanging around like everyone else. Underneath I was hoping for some more action like that day in the woods. I still hadn’t seen those two guys again. It was starting to get dark one evening. We were all hot and sweaty, leaning on our elbows and sucking down super gulps we'd just scored from Quik Stop. The chatter was as fast as the skateboards. All of a sudden there was an unexpected calm as they caught site of an approaching boy who I didn't know. "Your boyfriend is back, Freebee," one of the younger boys said, rolling onto his belly to look. It seems this kid had shown up a few times to watch Freebee skate, or sit, or lay around. It didn't seem to matter much what he did, the boy watched him. I had missed these interactions and so it seems had Ace but we were there for this addition, and at the same time Ace was about to prove what I already thought I knew about him and didn’t know how. "Oh, no. Tell him I'm not here," Freebee said. "Tell him I've passed away. He's weird." "Who's that one?" Ace asked. "Does anyone know who he is?" "Goes to Catholic school in town. Has a thing for Freebee," String Bean said. "There are rumors about him and some of the alter boys at my church. He lives up by me. Watches Freebee skate, huh Freebee? He got a thang for you, boy." "Does not," Freebee said. “He just knows a good thing when he sees one.” "Ask him over," Ace said. "You guys be nice to him. Let's see if he can do us some good. Freebee, you play along and we might all get something out of it." "Hey, Curly, come on over and say hello to Freebee," Paul said very loud. "What's your name?" Ace asked the boy as he came up to the railing that separated us from the stairs that led down and away from the back of the mall. "Stan," the boy said as he looked down at us in our irregular circle. "Come on, Stan. Join the party," Ace said. "We don't bite." The chatter started up slowly. Freebee was challenged to go talk to Stan. Stan blushed, Freebee blushed, Ace kept looking back and forth between the two of them as a few queer jokes were tossed out to filter on the evening air. All of us knew what Ace was talking about and no one left or said it was a bogus idea. "Come on over here and sit a minute," Ace said to Freebee. "What?" Freebee said. “Nah, it ain’t happening, Ace.” "Come on. I want you to do me a favor. Sit over here a minute. I want to tell you something." Freebee struggled to his feet, dragging his skateboard and his T-shirt as Stan's eyes were full of the long tan blond boy. When Freebee sat down, Ace leaned over and whispered something into his ear. Freebee leaned back away to take a long look at Ace. He didn't say anything at first. "You serious? You want me to go with him? He asked, sounding like he thought he was serious and he was now returning Stan’s glances as Ace whispered some more. "Sure, why not? We share, right. I share with you. It's your turn. Take it where you can get it. You know that," Ace said, putting his hand on Freebee's shoulder in a most friendly way. “We can all benefit.” I thought I knew what Ace wanted but the new boy acted like he didn't know they were talking about him and Freebee and sex. Everyone else knew what Ace was getting at. Still no one said anything and no one left. I was already hoping it was about to lead where I had wanted to be led since the day with John. I knew there was a sexual element in our direction every since Ace had started showing up. I'd just never been there to see anything going on. This time it was obvious where Ace was leading his boys. Freebee leaned back on his elbows and met Stan's gaze with a ferocious stare. He seemed to be showing his displeasure with the way Stan continuously worked him over with his eyes. Then it was Ace who became the center of the conversation. He asked questions and challenged guys to do a trick. He ignored Stan, and Freebee's glare eventually mellowed before he spread his legs wide and put his hand on his crotch, feeling himself through his clothes for everyone to see. Stan never took his eyes off the examination Freebee was giving himself. I didn't either for that matter. Everyone’s eyes were on Freebee as he worked himself up into a lather and that’s when he stood up. His baggies bulged from the workout he was giving his bone. It tented his pants as he walked toward Stan, causing youthful giggles as all eyes followed him to the railing. I wasn't sure if he was going to punch him out or ask him out. When he got to the railing he stood just opposite Stan and Freebee's pants became an advertisement for what he was after. Stan’s eyes never left the invitation Freebee took over to him. Freebee leaned with his forearms on the railing next to where Stan's hands held it tightly. He spoke so softly only the mumbles got to my ear. Stan listened intently, leaning toward Freebee as he spoke. Their arms had touched and stayed together as Freebee worked him. That’s when The Dart rolled over onto his stomach, brushing my leg with his as he turned away. He was dark like Ace but far better looking and far friendlier to me. I was sure he was involved in something sexual with Freebee and Ace but I had no idea what that meant. It was just the way they went off together at night. Dart was like a magnet to me. Everything about him drew my attention. Now, wanting to watch Freebee’s bulging shorts and Stan’s budding interest, I could only see Dart. "Want to bet he gets him to go with him?" "Bet what?" I said. "We'll figure it out. I say the boy goes where ever Freebee wants him to go." "I don't know. He seems to know what's going on. How could he not know what's going on with everyone staring at them?" I asked. “He’s not stupid.” "That's what the bet's about. Does he know and if he knows does he go? You see the odds are in my favor, Z. He's here because he wants something and now Freebee is offering it to him. Does he go home empty handed or does he get what he came for even with all of us knowing the truth?" "Nah, he doesn't go," I said. "He's got to know we're sitting here waiting for him to go for it." "You do know what he came after?" Dart asked, penetrating my eyes with his. “I figured you knew. I just wasn’t sure you understood what was going on. You’re difficult to read, Z.” "I'm not sure but it’s got something to do with sex stuff." "So, if you're old enough to figure that much out you're old enough to make bets on it," he said, watching my face. "We betting or what?" "Sure," I said, not knowing just where we were going but willing to find out. After a few minutes Freebee and Stan were walking toward "the tubes." It was a place you didn't stumble onto by accident, and it did furnish some privacy if no one was standing at either end of the twelve-foot high tubes. "Anyone want a blow job," Ace said after five more minutes of talk and joking about Freebee having a boyfriend and the never ending queer jokes. "What?" came the nervous answer. There were eight of us left sitting there and two or three answered Ace’s question. Paul was one I know answered. "Bingo," Dart said, smiling as he looked at the back of his hands. "The sex stuff. You lose Z. Play got to pay. You are old enough to pay." "What?" I asked. “Sure I am. I’m old enough.” "Don't worry, when the time comes, you'll know what to do," he said, smiling with his lips and his eyes. I’d never seen anyone that seemed so attractive to me. I liked everything about Dart and having him right next to me was the thing I liked best. Tiny and String Bean stared at each other, moving their legs apart so they were no longer touching. There was guilt on their faces while they were checking to see who was looking at them. Most of the boys were looking about uncomfortably. The laughter had stopped and no one had anything else to say about Ace's challenge. The sexual tension I'd been hoping for since my first day up there had arrived with the help of Ace. It hung in the air like the darkness that would soon take hold. We all waited, for what we didn’t know. Dart knew what was happening inside my pants as soon as he’d shown an interest in me. I hadn’t been able to afford the baggies that were in style there. I could see they were a definite advantage at a time like this but then again, he was wearing them and I knew he was in a bad way himself. I tried not to stare but eyes settled on every time I didn’t push them away. I'd been waiting there since the day John showed me where to go. While the faces were constantly changing each week, none of the younger boys talked sex to me. There were jokes about it but no girls ever came down to "the tubes" to get the boys thinking about what most boys wanted to do with them. Otherwise, nothing but skating seemed to cross these boy's minds. I had my suspicions about what happened when Ace, Freebee, and Dart skated off into the fading daylight most afternoons. Tiny and String Bean did everything but kiss when they lounged around, but they never mentioned sex. There was something sexual about Ace. He had to be nineteen or maybe twenty where the rest of us were barely eighteen. He certainly was the biggest and the only one exercising control over us. There was something sexual in the way the boys sat around him and listened as he wove his tales. I just didn’t know where it all came from or how you got further on down that road to the action I’d seen in the woods. That’s where I’d been hoping we’d go. This could be how was my only thought about it that night. I knew we were closing to getting back there What I knew about him for sure was that he lived in a culvert near Santee, and John told me that the first day I met Ace. He always seemed to be clean and well groomed, and that was part of his mystery. I was told he had a girlfriend somewhere but I’d never seen him with a girl. The spandex he wore made no secret out of what was packed in there. I didn’t know if the other young skaters thought about it as much as I did or reacted to it the way I did, but really didn’t want to look at it. It made me nervous and it made me think about sex whenever he was around. He didn’t seem to care if everyone knew when he was horny. In fact I figured he liked us knowing how often he popped one because it never failed to happen when we were gathered around him. While I was trying to figure out what was going on with Ace, there was more hard swallowing and uncomfortable glances as each boy assessed to what degree he might be under suspicion. Tiny and String Bean had separated and sat one on each side of the group. How could they not know that Ace was speaking about Stan? What guilt did they share? Did everyone else see them separate as soon as a blowjob was mentioned? I was dumb as a post on the subject and I knew exactly what Ace meant. "If that boy ain't queer I'll suck all your dicks right here," Ace said, clearing things up for those he had confused. "Freebee's going to see what the boy will do. I told you boys I'd take care of you. Your pesky little hard dicks will get sucked tonight if Freebee does his job." "Bingo," The Dart said, pushing his leg against mine. "You like getting blown? Stud like you probably gets more than he needs." "Bet me," I said, forgetting my quiet reserve. “Never get enough of a good thing.” I reveled in his touch. He knew he was exciting me by touching me with more of his body. He was kidding and joking with me but I knew he was serious. "Bingo," he said, looping his leg over mine but looking down at the ground instead of at me. "I'm never wrong about that. I have an instinct." "What? You saying I'm like Stan," I protested too mildly, wanting to pull my leg out from under his but only for an instant. No one had ever touched me in the way Dart was touching me. I didn’t want it to stop. "No! No! I didn't mean that. I mean a guy that needs to do something. There are guys that need it, all these guys for sure, and there are guys that do something to get it. That's you. You know what you want and you're not afraid to do something about it when the times right. I would almost bet you the time is right." "I suppose it is," I said, trying to figure out what he was getting to. I was thinking the word bet was the tip off, but he never bothered to clarify our bet and I decided I'd wait for him to tell me what he wanted from me, but I had a warm feeling about it inside. I was hoping he wanted me to do something sexual to him. I looked around to see if anyone was watching us, but no one was. Most eyes were on the tubes where Freebee had taken Stan. Ace seemed unconcerned. He was leaning back on his elbows chewing on a deep green blade of grass, looking at his toes. I'm not sure what he was waiting for, but all eyes were on him after a time. "Hey, I'm a horny kind of a guy and I ain't bashful. I don't know about you little boys, but if I can get me some action for Petey here, I'm game," Ace said. "We'll give Freebee time to get him warmed up. Then we'll see about getting our dicks sucked." Ace stood and rearranging his hard flesh so that we could all see that he was ready for action. The spandex didn't leave much to the imagination but pushing it around in there got all the boys staring at the way it was perfectly outlined by the elastic material that hugged it. Ace had set his hook. "Come on, I'll see you get a turn," he said, indicating with his head that we were to join him. He walked toward the tubes as we followed close behind. No one stayed behind. He stayed up on the curbing, easing down until he could see in without being noticed. Everyone huddled trying to get a look at the action. It took me a minute for my eyes to adjust to the dark. "Fuck, I knew he'd go for it," Ace said. "He's feeling his dick right now boys. We're about to get lucky. Freebee knows how to get someone down on it." Everyone moved up to see. I felt like I was in a trash compactor, but there was something arousing about a bunch of boys pressing their horny bodies against mine in an effort to see some other boys fooling around. I could see Stan's hand disappearing inside Freebee's zipper. Freebee was leaning back on his hands watching the boy play with his dick, smiling pleasantly from the experience. They were talking much like Freebee talked when he was around us. If he had hostility toward the boy he didn't show it. His hand was on Stan’s arm, touching him lightly as he felt him up. "I'm going to go set this up. You guys stay back here so you don't fuck it up. I'll let you know when to come over. You show me what you can do tonight and I have someone I can introduce you to that will pay you to drop your drawers. You might even get lucky with some chicks if you know what to do with what you got." …And there it was out in the open. Ace had been working us since the first day he’d come down there with me. I wouldn’t be surprised if Stan wasn’t a plant, one of Ace’s boys. When Ace jumped down into the tube and started walking toward the two boys in the dark, everyone closed in on me to fill the vacancy the biggest body left. They nearly knocked me into the pipe but The Dart grabbed my arm just in time to make the save. It was then my thoughts about Dart, Freebee, and Ace became solidified. I had no idea he was so close but he had been right behind me. I had a hot flash when I knew he was so close to me. "Don't break your leg. Not before you get off anyway," he said in a deep easy draw. His hand stayed latched to me as he drew me back out of space, pulling me back until I was up against him. I knew what was there. It was obvious by the way it poked me in the butt while he was peering out over my shoulder to watch Ace strutting toward the action. Neither of us made any attempt to move his protrusion into a more strategic location. The temperature seemed to be going up near that tube. I was spacing out when his voice broke into my pleasure. "Getting paid to show your package sounds like a job I was made for," he said, feeling his dick and my ass with the same motion, making sure I knew he knew exactly where it was when he was done feeling it. "We can go together if you don't want to go alone. Safety in numbers or something." "Yeah," I said, feeling like we were alone and his hypnotic voice was just for me. "You okay with this?" He asked. "Yeah," I said, feeling a bit dizzy. "I'm cool with it." "Good," he said sounding pleased, and then I leaned back against him to see if I might be dreaming. "Fuck," Paul said, "Look at that boys dick." Ace turned to face Stan while he was peeling down the front of his spandex. It did the talking for him. First Stan slipped off the concrete slab, moving to his knees to look and to touch Ace. Freebee moved to Ace's side feeling his cock as Stan felt his balls. The three were all grouped together touching each other. Almost by magic the lights in the mall parking lot came on. There were enough trees and shrubs to defuse the harsh rays, but it furnished plenty of light to see the details of what the boys were up to. "He's feeling his dick. Let's go," Paul said. “They’re all feeling each other.” "Come on, let's go down there," Tiny said. "My dick's busting my balls. I’m getting blown." "He said, wait," String Bean said, holding Tiny’s arm. "He said to show him what we could do," Paul said, jumping down into the tube. "I want to wait where I can see what they’re doing." "When they go down to the action, stay here with me for a minute, okay," Dart said, his lips exciting me further when he blew the words into my ear. "Yeah," I said weakly. "You okay with this?" He asked. "Yeah," I said, feeling a bit dizzy. "I'm cool with it." "Good," he said sounding pleased, and i leaned back against him to let him know I wasn’t going anywhere. "Fuck," Paul said, "Look at that boys dick." Ace turned to face Stan, peeling down the front of his spandex. It did the talking for him. First Stan slipped off the concrete slab, moving to his knees to look and touch Ace. Freebee moved to Ace's side, reaching for his erect penis, massaging it as Stan felt his ball. Almost by magic the lights in the mall parking lot came on. There were enough trees and shrubs to defuse the harsh rays, but it furnished plenty of light to see the details of what the boys were up to. "Come on, let's go down there," Tiny said. "My dick's busting my balls." "He said, wait," String Bean said. "He said to show him what we could do," Paul said, jumping down into the tube. "When they go down to the action, stay here with me for a minute, okay," he said, his lips excited me further when he blew the words in my ear. "Yeah," I said weakly, letting my face lean on his chest. I felt his hand fumbling for mine until he had guided it back between us. I felt his hot flesh in my fingers. My head was a whirl with thoughts of pleasure and lust. While I tried to adjust to having a hard hot dick in my hand, I felt his hand slipped down into my pocket as the other boys left us, moving as a group into the tube. I'd forgotten about my own hard dick. He found it and squeezed ever so slightly. I’d just started adjusting to hold his dick and now he was holding mine, all be it through my pants pocket. I was dizzy and weak and hot and horny. Dart knew it and he wasn’t about to pass on my passion. Once we were alone he turned me around to face him. I looked up into his dark green eyes seeing Dart different from how I'd seen him or any one else before. He unfastened his pants, He let them go and they dropped to his ankles. His dick stood straight out. It was a dark torpedo, fat at the base, tapering toward the end, flared at the tip, his hair was wiry and dark, his balls were round and tight. I smelled him in a way that stimulated me beyond excitement. "Suck me," he said in a husky voice. "Time to pay up, Z." I knew guys sucked other guys. Having the knowledge never bothered me. I'd never considered doing it myself until Dart. I'd never been that close to a mature dick. I'd never been that hot for anyone. I felt his hands on my shoulders as he let me know that I was to get on my knees in front of him. There didn’t seem to be any resistance in me. What would he think of me? Would he tell anyone? Would I be any good at it? My brain was aflutter with the sight of his erect dick. His smell filtered up my nose and into my brain. I touched his naked flanks and felt his backside while considering my options as he stared down at me.


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