Gay Erotic Stories

Skater's Streets, Chapter 2

09 Mar 2001

Coming Out

Chapter 2 Morning After By: It took me most of the next day to get back over to Grossmont. I started half a dozen times, thinking I couldn't wait to get up there to see the guys, and then my dick would get so hard I couldn't stand myself, and that was reason enough not to go. Then I'd lay in my bed for a while after I’d let off some steam and think about Dart. Thinking of Dart made the tension built back up pretty fast. I now feared facing the boys I skated with. I felt like I didn't know them all that well and after the night before I realized just how little I knew about myself. Many times you don't think about the consequences you are creating for yourself until after the deed is done, a deed I couldn't wait to do again. The feel, smell, texture, taste, his hardness, kept running through my mind in replay after replay. More than anything I wish I could forget what I had done, erasing it from my memory, but it had become the most vivid part of my memory. Unfortunately it had made for a hard night, keeping me up for most of it, reliving it, wanting to find Dart. There was no way I was going to make it into anything but what it was. I was a cocksucker now. As curious as I was about other boys, I'd never once thought I'd suck a dick. Finally, when it was growing near to the time my parents would come home, I figured I wanted to face them even less than I wanted to face Dart and the guys. I took my board along the surface streets, avoiding the trolley. It wouldn't take long for me to know if I was still welcome there or if I'd need to find other boys to hang with. I was surprised that only Tiny and String Bean were at the tube. Then I saw Dart lying on his stomach on the grass with his in-lines bent into the air as he rested up near the corner of the mall. I skated to the curb within ten feet of him and dropped my butt down on the cold hard concrete. I didn't know what to say to him and to make matters worse he didn't look at me or acknowledge my noisy arrival. Tiny and String Bean ignored me as well, skating past on their way into the mall, arguing about something as they usually did. Dart was the only way to know for sure but who had he told? "Hey," I finally said, looking around my elbow at the disinterested boy. He looked young today. He rolled over on his back and looked at me without an expression I could read. "Hey, yourself. Running late aren't we? You're usually here when I get here. Where the fuck you been?" "Where is everyone?" I asked, sensing some hostility that hadn’t been there last night. "Hard to say. All worn out or something," he said, cutting right to the bone. And there it was. I waited for him to make some comment or to tell me what he thought of someone that would do what I did to him. I wanted to hear it so I could get out of there and finally forget about him. "You made it," I said. "I wanted to say hello to you. I came up after noon. It's almost six. I figured we’d talk, go get a Coke. I don’t know." "Why?" I asked. "Why say hello to you? I don't know. I figured it's what you do after. I'm not good with this shit, Z. Some times I think I know but then I realize I don't. Everyone is so strange about it," he said. "Guys are the worst. Young guys. You seemed like you’d need me to let you know its okay, that’s all." "About what?" "You really want to talk about it?" He said, sitting up beside me. "Hello Z. Good seeing yeah, huh? Glad we can still be friends, you know. I mean that. I always wanted us to be friends. It just all happened at once last night." "Where's Ace?" I asked. "Ace? Ace? Ace is where Ace is. Why do you ask me that?" "You and Freebee hang with him," I said. "He was in the middle of everything last night. He can't be friends today?" "I actually hang with Freebee who hangs with Ace," he said. "If you care about having your facts straight that's how it works." "What's Freebee's story?" I asked. "What's your fucking story?" He asked, wrapping his arms around his knees and leaning his head forward to look at me in a most curious way as his face rested on his knees. "Me? I don't have a story," I said. "I'm a kid. I moved from Phoenix. I skate." "Bet me. You have a story. It's in your eyes. I can see it. You might not want to talk to me about it, but there is a story," he said. “You can act like it ain’t on your mind. It’s on your mind, Z.” "I don't bet any more, but I do want to talk to you," I said. "Lucky for you. Here I am," he said, smiling. "So talk to me already. I've been here all day waiting to talk to you, and you want to know about Ace. I wasn’t with Ace last night. I was with you." "How'd you know I'd do it?" I asked. "That's what I want to know. I can’t figure that out." "It, as in... IT," he said, studying me from knee level. "You sure you want to go there? It's usually better to just let it go. I still like you. Nothing has changed here and that’s what you need to know. That’s what I wanted to make sure you knew. That’s why I came up here anyway." "Better for who? I don't know how you knew I'd do it. I didn't know I would. How'd you know? I've never done it before," I said. "I've never thought about doing it." "Z, you wanted to suck my cock. It was obvious." "Wanted to? I never gave it any thought at all," I defended. "You wanted it. You wanted me to do it to you. I don't know how you knew I would. That’s my question." "Well, I figured it this way. I figured you could get into it with Ace, but then everyone would know your business. You'd have been on the outs except doing that kind of thing to us. I figured if we did it, if you decided you didn't like it, no biggy. Who knows the difference?" "How do you know all this shit?" I asked, not sounding very friendly. "It's in the eyes. It's not how you look it's where you look, Z. String Bean, Paul, and that kid last night, you all have it in your eyes," he said. "It don't mean everything but it means something. I keep my eyes open and remember what I see and how often I see it. One day I know if you will or not. Last night I knew you would. I wanted it to be with me because I like you. I needed it last night. I could have let that new kid do it but I wanted it with you, Z." "Paul? No way. He's too... too... masculine," I said. "String Bean has a thing for Tiny. It don't take no genius to figure that. Stan's a ... you saw what he did with all of them. You know what he is. Paul couldn't be like that and I'm not like Stan. No way Jose. I’m not going to be your fag boy, Dart." "Especially Paul. Who jumped down in the tube first? He eyeballs it every time I skate up. I know about him. I know his brother. Paul eyeballs Ace too. Ace knows it. I've figured him to do it for a long time. Last night was the capper. I can get him on it any time I like. He's more secret. I'd need to get him alone or around someone he liked." "Your saying he's...?" "He acts like he don't want it all the time, but he does. Watch his eyes next time he comes around. Bingo, right to the old package. You’re not as quick to look for it, but you eventually let your eyes get down to it." "I'm like that? You think that's me, don't you? You think I’m a Stan because I sucked your dick once. Not even, Dart." "When I come up, you check me out," he said, smiling confidently. "You wanted to get in my pants, Z. You look every time. How else do you think I knew you’d do it." "I don't,” I said loudly protesting while seeing him smiling at me pleasantly, nodding his head. “...I do don't I? I like looking at you. I like you. So sue me. Liking a guy don't mean you'll...." "But you did." "I do remember it, Dart. I was there "Me too," he said, his hand falling across my back near my belt. "That's how I knew and that's why we're still friends. I like you. What you did for me was pretty neat.” ” So, I like sucking dick. Yours anyway. I ain’t like Stan." “I know and I want you to be careful of Ace. He don't like guys. He uses guys and knowing that about them gives him power to get what he wants." “Freebee too?” “Not so much Freebee. I think he really likes Freebee. Most guys he uses.” "What's Ace's story anyway? Why does everyone like him so much? He's a bully. Getting a lot of little boys to follow you around when you're three or four or five years older an some of ‘em isn't very difficult. The question is, why’s he hangin with us anyway?" "It’s business. Ace is Ace. It's all about Ace," he said. "He had some tough times and now he's king of the mountain. He's been there done that and now he takes pride in getting guys to go there and do that to him. That's Ace's story. It's fairly easy once you know the facts. He don’t know much else. Young guys are easier than older guys." "What's that mean?" "Ace gets his. With Freebee, with Stan, with you if he wants," Dart said. "It don't mean anything to him. I want you to be careful around him." "And with you? Should I be careful around you? Why are you trying to turn me against Ace? I don't have anything to do with him." He turned to look at me, still leaning forward on one knee as we sat on the curb. He kept his arm around me in a friendly informal way. His eyes were a clear dark green that I thought I could lose my soul in. His face was tanned the way we were all tanned by virtue of El Cajon's sun, but his skin was a deeper richer natural brown. I'd never noticed people's eyes much before. I thought his were very nice. It wasn’t that hot but it was hard getting hard to breathe just then. "You don't have to worry about me. I'm not after anything," he said. "Ace is after something?" "You don't know Ace. He was in foster care from the time he was twelve. He was a runt then. The first place they put him they didn't have any room so he ended up in a house with four sixteen-year-old boys. I don’t need to tell you what happens in foster care when older boys have a younger boy in with them." "You mean sex stuff? Like prison?" “Probably worse cause there was no supervision at night. He didn’t dare tell anyone but he learned about power.” “What about power?” "What do you think? He's told Freebee and me some of it. He talks about it when he drinks, to us anyway. We know he does stuff so it’s not that big a deal to know stuff was done to him." "Bummer," I said. "What did he do?" "He got used to it, Z. Once he got older, there were new young guys and he stood in line with the older boys. One day he was king of the hill and he was first in line after that. He's still first in line. He’s on the street but he knows all about guys wanting it." "What about Freebee?" I asked. "Freebee is cool. What you see is what you get. He's harmless. Nice kid. I don’t know anyone don’t like him." "Him and Ace? You say I should be careful around Ace. What about Freebee? You seem to care about Freebee." "Freebee has a thing for Ace. He's Ace's boy. He'd follow him anywhere and so Ace don't talk about what he does for him, and he'll do anything. I’ve been with him enough to know that." "Anything?" I said, meaning the big anything. "Anything," he said. “Most guys will do anything for people they like.” "Why do you hang with them? I'm confused." "Freebee is a friend. I don't stop being your friend because another friend is using you. Freebee's a big boy and doesn't do anything he doesn't want to do. Ace will move on and Freebee will be looking for another friend." "You,” I said. “You talk about Ace like you don't like him. What's the deal? Why tell me. You don't owe me.” "Don't get the wrong idea. I do like Ace. I just want you to be careful not to let him hang you out there, and he will if you go for his." "You saying Ace is gay?" "No! He has a girlfriend. I have a girl friend. It's not like that, Z. We need it more than some guys, you know. Guys like doing stuff, it's cool with me. It gets me where I need to go. I'm not going to turn it down." "Why me then?" "Because you are you. You're okay. I like you. If you were going to do it I wanted you doing it with me." "What about your girlfriend? Why aren't you off doing it with her. Why are you here waiting for me?" "Girls get pregnant and if you hang around too much they complain a lot. I like girls best but guys are easier to be around. I'm unemployed, horny 24/7, I mean I'm like you, like Freebee, like most of these guys. We all need it more than we get it. You got to be where it is if you want some." "Except for one thing," I said. "What's that?" Dart asked. "I was the one on his knees." It made sense to me even if Dart didn't quite see it the same way. He kept touching me until Paul showed up. He skated directly to the grass strip where we sat at the corner of the mall parking lot. There was no way he missed the arm around my waist because I heard the skates long before I realized someone was closing in on us. "Where's everyone at?" "Who knows," Dart said, leaning back on his elbows. He too realizing Paul couldn't have missed the arm thing. Paul looked directly between Dart's legs. Now I was watching guy's eyes! Mainly I would watch the eyes of the guys Dart told me about, and he was right about Paul. Just as Paul was about to look away, Dart put his hand there, rubbing gently and holding Paul in place an extra few seconds, and even after that he took short glances until he was sure his time was up. "Where you been?" Dart asked, spreading his legs wide to show it off. "Around. I had some stuff to do," Paul said, talking to the bulging. "We were just going down to the tube to piss. I hate to break this up, but when you got to go you got to go," Dart said. "Cool, I got to piss too. I'll go with," Paul said a little too anxious to seem casual. Dart got to his feet and I followed. I figured I knew what he was trying to prove, but I didn't want to know any more than I knew from seeing Paul's eyes going right to Dart's crotch. Paul was maybe five eight or five nine and he was built thick. I didn’t know if he was good looking, having all that freaking hair going in all directions. He wasn't very neat, hiding any most signs of his build inside the baggies he wore. When he skated his arms seemed muscular and his legs were nicely defined, but most skaters were mostly muscled below the waist. He never said much but what he said was loud, hanging with Tiny and String Bean when he was around. Dart hoped the curb, grabbing a tree to keep him from ending up in the tube. He used it to guide himself down to where he could piss into the pipe. He didn't pee through his zipper, he pulled his shorts down onto his thighs. He had hairy legs but his ass with smooth. By the time I got there his cock was standing straight out as he waited for the stream. Paul had his dick out in a jiffy, but then he watched Dart watching his dick. I know that doesn't prove much because I was admiring Dart's erection in the light of day. Paul stood there not peeing while watching Dart’s dick and at the same time his dick stood up and out, turning a dark color as it continued to harden in his hand. Dart was standing so still that Paul kept looking at him, thinking he didn't know where his eyes were, but Dart knew. I knew. Everyone knew. Paul wasn’t too subtle about it, and now the hard-on, not that there was anything to apologize for. "That's a nice one," Dart said, glancing down at Paul's hard-on as the pee started to flow in torrents. "I noticed it last night. You got a thick one. Girls like those." "I guess," Paul said, sounding surprised another guy had mentioned his hard dick. It was a bit late to hide it. It would have made a great hood ornament but as a pisser it was a wuss. "Except for Ace's yours is the thickest, and yours is way wide across the top," Dart said sounding impressed. "The ladies must love hopping up on that package. You do let the ladies hop up on it, don’t you Paul. Be ashamed to waste that one." "You might say that," Paul said. "I didn't see you last night. Boy gave a wicked ass blow. Nice mouth on him." "I was in the other line," Dart said. "You were in front of me. You were hot for it. You didn't take long. Guys with big ones like that don’t take long." "Yeah, I was horny. First time is always fastest. That way I got time to reload for later. I liked those lips on me. He didn't have any trouble taking me," Paul said. "Most guys can't handle me. I like to make them choke on it. Stan's had bigger I bet. Didn't choke once." “Ace’s. He’s bigger an you by some.” “I thought Ace didn’t know Stan,” Paul said. “Yeah, well, he probably forgot. He was over and blew us a few nights ago. He just wanted to share with you guys without letting on about it. You won’t say anything. I mean I wasn’t supposed to tell,” Dart said. “It’s cool. I wasn’t sure you let guys do that to you. I won’t say anything,” Paul said. "Oh, you let guys have it a lot, huh? Yeah, silky mouth. He was good. I like it when they want it that bad," Dart said, starting to masturbate himself as he talked and that caused the pee to come in spurts. “Yeah, as often as I can,” Paul said. "You don't find a lot of guys that want to eat the pole. Then when you do, you feel those hot lips slipping onto it, oh man, I just want to pound my pork right here in front of you two. Makes me hot thinking of it. Some days I stay hard all the time." "Yeah, that is the best. I wouldn't mind finding him right now," Paul said, staring closely as Dart shook his dick once he was done pissing. When he kept glancing Dart pulled down on it hard, squeezing at the base to make it swell up fat and full. Paul swallowed hard, trying to look away, but he was unable to keep his eyes off it as long as Dart was playing with himself. He felt his own dick in small squeezes while he watched. He worked his fingers up to just below the head and then back into his blond hairs. He never did piss but his dick seemed to get even bigger. "Tell me about it. Maybe he'll come back tonight, but you don't look much like waiting. That puppy needs some help, Paul. Nothing like getting a hand with it," Dart said, surprising even me when he took a step toward Paul. “You must like someone grabbing a hold of that thing. Squeezing it, making you hot, ready to blow a big load.” "Maybe I'll just stay down here and jerk off too. Looks like what you're got in mind," Paul said with a strange sound in his voice. He turned a bit toward Dart, squeezing and holding that fat fucker to imitate what he’d seen Dart do, and now their dicks were an inch apart, and I waited for the tips to touch as they both seemed ready for it. "Sorry, dude, I'm not into public exhibition. Maybe later," Dart said, struggling to get his enraged dick packed away as Paul looked on confused. "If I see Stan I'll tell him you're down here waiting for him. I don't think you'll make it for that long though. You look ready right now. Looking at mine do that to you, Paul?" I felt sorry for Paul. What Dart had done was cruel. He knew something about a guy and then used it to make him feel like a fool. Maybe I was more concerned about myself than Paul. We'd never said more than a few words to one another before that. I looked back feeling sorry for him as I followed Dart back toward the mall. It was his own fault. You couldn’t let another guy see you wanting his dick and not expect to get shut down. Why hadn’t I seen that look in Paul’s eye before? "Boy wants my dick," Dart said. "Couldn't take his eyes off it. He'd have done anything I asked if you hadn't been there. I might have had him blow me if you hadn’t been there." "He's got muscles. Looks like he could play linebacker," I said. "He could kick your ass, Dart. I wouldn't necessarily want to piss him off. Why do you do stuff like that to guys?" "He's horny for dick," Dart said. "You see him watching mine. It's all in the eyes my man. I don’t know. There is something to the power thing. I got Paul any time I want him now. He knows it too. He’ll be scared I blow his cover. One night I’ll say, Paul, remember that day we was pissing by the tube, and he’ll be done on my in a flash." "I don't understand," I said. "Why do you even care about stuff like that? He's harmless. You made a fool out of him by egging him on and then walking away. You did it in front of someone else. I don’t like it." "You're young. You'll figure it out. You're just starting up. You never can tell when you'll need someone like Mr. Paul over there. You work him right, he'll do it all for you. Boy’s hungry for dick. We all need it at times when we can't get it. Paul's one more place to go if that comes up. I'm just trying to educate you. Show you about the eyes." "That's not what I mean. It's not about what he thought he was going to do with you down there. I can do that and it takes care of it--for a while anyway. Last night wasn't about that. It sure wasn't about losing a bet. It was about doing something for you because I wanted to do it to you," I said, analyzing it as I said the words, watching his reaction to them. "Don't say any more, Z," he said, skating faster. I stayed a dozen yards behind him until he finally slowed down and turned, facing me as I rolled up to him. The front of his shorts bulged out for me. Was that why he stopped? "We all feel something. We make the best of it. We just can't like things like this too much," he said. "I'm not like Paul. I won't ever be like Paul." "Like blowing and getting blown. Is that what you can’t like too much," I said. "Yeah, like that," he said, starting to skate away again, uncomfortable with my confusion about why he treated people the way he did. I could tell Dart didn't want to get into it with me. "That why your dick's hard. Because you don't want to like it too much?" I asked. "Paul wasn't the only one with a hard-on back there. You call it one thing, he calls it something else, but they both looked like hard dicks to me. You may have walked away first, but you were down there with him for the same reason." He stopped before he got very far away, listening and reacting to my words in spite of his resolve not to react. He turned around to wait for me to catch him again. It was like I said something that brought him to his senses, or to mine anyway. He let me get real close this time. "That for Paul?" I asked as I looked down getting angry with him for teasing me and confusing me at the same time. "He's still down there. He'd be glad to see you, but you know that and you're up here with me because... tell me again the difference between Paul and me." "Paul? I have nothing for Paul. He's a big muscular waste. He doesn't know what he wants even when it's in front of him." "But you do," I said, very disrespectfully. "Yeah, that's the trouble, Z. I know exactly what I want, and I know I can't let that happen. It's not fair to you," he said, starting to turn to skate away again, but he didn't skate away. He stood, waiting for me to get closer to him. I ended up right at his chest, looking up at his big green eyes when he turned around to face me. It was bulging in his shorts and pressing against me. His lips were parted and he was starting to breathe heavy, like he'd just been skating the tube. There was a magnification of everything in the evening air. It was all I could do not to kiss him. "Can we go some place to take care of it," I said. "It's okay. I want to do it to you. I thought about it all day." I could see his brain working through his eyes. He wanted to say no, and I let my hand touch the bulge ever so slightly. He blinked and closed his eyes but he didn't move. I let my fingers feel the length of it until they danced around the tip. I used the other hand to squeeze at the base as he had squeezed it for Paul. Once the head swelled, I teased it with my fingers. He blew hot air on my face and a moan eased out from deep inside his chest. "There's a place across the tracks. No one goes there," he said. "You're sure? You've got me needing it now. Don’t be playing with me." "I'm sure I've got you needing it now," I said, my lips a few inches from his as his face moved ever so slightly toward mine. He was about to kiss me but held back. "You know this isn't happening," he said, staring into me as I stared into him. "This can't happen, Z. Don't make it into something it ain't, okay." "I've never been more sure of anything," I said as he pressed the front of his body up against the front of mine. I wanted to put my arms around him, but we were in the middle of mall parking. He leaned against me for a minute or so and then stood up straight and looked down at me. "This is just a one time deal," he said. "Like last night," I said. "One time deal. Nothing happening here, Dart. Nothing at all." I watched the front of his shorts pulsing from the excitement he was feeling. We had to stand still for him to calm down. I was sure he'd start to cum any second. He gulped some air and shook it off as he regained some control once my hand came off his dick. "Right. It doesn't mean anything. I'm just in a bad way here. That's all this is," he said. "Don't expect it every time, you know. You were okay last night. I thought about it on my way up today. But it isn’t an every day thing we’re going to do." "I know," I said, wanting him more than ever even knowing what I knew about his mean streak. I didn't expect anything because I didn't know what to expect. Dart had something I wanted and it was something he wanted me to have. The first time I soiled my knees struggling to accommodate the part of him that connected us, and while I was doing it eight other boys stood twenty feet away, fondling and exciting each other, and I was just out of sight with Dart. He lasted all of two minutes and at the last second he'd pulled it away from me. "Let me finish up here," he'd said, his voice showing the strain of my modest toothy talent as he pounded away with an incredible passion for his own dick until he was squirting long streams of juice down in the bottom of the tube. We then sat together holding hands while watching Stan in his pursuit of excellence. It was almost like going on a date to the drive-in to watch dirty flicks. Each boy encouraging Stan to do for him and his friends what they'd never do so publicly for one another. I'd been hoping to find some sign of sex since I'd met my first skater in El Cajon and I'd ended up on the fringes of an orgy. I wondered what difference it would have made if I had gone into the tube with the other boys rather than staying back with Dart for those two minutes he gave me. It that had never happened and I’d let Stan blow me instead, would my life have been forever changed from the course it was now on?


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Skater's Streets, Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Morning After By: It took me most of the next day to get back over to Grossmont. I started half a dozen times, thinking I couldn't wait to get up there to see the guys, and then my dick would get so hard I couldn't stand myself, and that was reason enough not to go. Then I'd lay in my bed for a while after I’d let off some steam and think


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