Gay Erotic Stories

Superman: Red, White and Blew, Part 4

by JohnanymousDoe
29 May 2002

Super Heroes

The Man of Steel had been cleansed thoroughly again with plenty of the aphrodisiac-laced soap and his glowing skin tingled gloriously from the fondling, groping caresses of his ten captors. His beautiful body pulsed with enhanced sensation, making him drunk with pleasure and full of longing for more stimulation. The desire for erotic pleasure now overpowered every other thought and his loins pulsed and throbbed with incessant anticipation of his next encounter. His every cell was completely saturated with the drug. His brain, which had once cried out in resistance, was now traitorously attuned solely to the desires of his body. The Kryptonian's whole world existed within the walls of this red-glowing room. All but forgotten was his mission to serve Earth for purposes of good. Superman was truly his captors' sex toy and he loved it! He still stood shackled over the grate, listening to the musical sound of the shower water gurgling down the drain. Some of the men were busy drying him off with big thirsty towels and the feel of the nap against his skin was heavenly. The sound of the trickling water thankfully reminded him of another pressing need. "I need to pee!” Superman whispered to Five who immediately repeated his words excitedly to the others. Four, Seven and Eleven quickly stepped before the Man of Steel, while Twelve grabbed his piss-hardened cock to guide the stream and urged the hero to let loose. Superman looked around questioningly and then relaxed and began his flow. The fluid jumped from the tip and all were amazed that the liquid was clear, not yellow, as it gushed from the hole in his penis-head. The Kryptonian moaned with pleasure as his super, alien bladder rained its' pure, concentrated essence on the obviously excited, waiting men. The three muscular men danced and squealed as the hot urine splashed on them, soaking their skin and spandex thongs. Twelve playfully guided the stream at their faces and Seven got a mouthful and sputtered as he swallowed. "Hey!” he grumbled angrily, then quickly changed his demeanor as he smacked his lips. "This tastes sweet, like cotton candy or something!” "Yeah!” said Four, "It even smells good! My piss stinks like rotten broccoli!” he said, also licking his lips and dripping fingers. "Give me another shot of that, Twelve!” "Ooh, me too!” came a chorus of voices. Soon all had sampled and swallowed the Man of Steel's sweet essence. Superman smiled with delight at the men's antics as his stream was loosed upon them. They were all so beautiful in their spandex thongs, wide leather belts and black boots. Even Eleven, who was large and bear-like, with his protruding paunch and extremely hairy body, was graceful and eloquent in movement. They were each so different in their coloring, size and muscularity and their melodic voices ran the scale between high tenor and basso profundo. Though, in particular, the Man of Steel couldn't take his eyes off Twelve's large, athletic frame. The big, handsome man exuded a powerful aura of sexy virility and probably had to work very hard to maintain such a fabulous physique. The hero shuddered. His muscles quivered with passion and his cock steeled and leapt in Twelve's hot, strong hand. Twelve turned and saw the Kryptonian's intense look and he tightened his grip on the still-dripping cock of the shackled captive. He moved to his face and kissed the hero deeply, holding his head and forcing his tongue through Superman's quivering lips. They swapped spit as their hungry mouths devoured one another, their hot, throbbing bodies slapping together in mutual admiration and lustful desire. Superman loved the feeling of his naked skin against Twelve's brawny, hairless chest and thighs and he thrust his hips forward for more contact against his swelling meat. Twelve stepped back, breathless and flushed, self-consciously aware that the others were watching. "So smooth. You're so beautiful! You're all so beautiful! How is it that until now I never noticed how fabulous the male body can be? I've always been attracted to women before, but being here with you men has…” Apparently, choked with emotion, the Man of Steel could not complete his thought. His words were so passionate, albeit slurred, and he seemed so human, so vulnerable. "I want to touch you, to feel your skin with my hands!” Superman croaked, his voice hoarse with desire. Twelve started to reach towards the manacled wrists but Two stepped forward and pulled Twelve out of his way, even though the other man towered over him. "It's my turn now!” he said and produced a ball gag, roughly shoving it into the Man of Steel's mouth, which was still tingling from Twelve's delicious kisses. "What are you doing, Two?!” "What's it look like I'm doing? I'm gonna torture him!” "No you're not!” "Bullshit I'm not! You bunch of fucking pansies can do what you want, but I paid a lot of money to be able to do what I want and it's my fucking turn! What's the matter with you guys anyway?” "I feel differently now,” Twelve replied. "I think I'm in love with him. I want to pleasure him, not hurt him.” "Oh please!” Two snorted. "That was the deal, Twelve. Shit, you're letting him get to your cock. That's the head you're thinking with right now. You're one of the meanest, nastiest motherfuckers I've ever had the pleasure of knowing and you know what I mean! What's wrong with you John?” he asked incredulously, momentarily forgetting the forbidden use of names. Then looking around the room he regarded all the others and continued. "You guys are the richest, most sadistic, degenerate, power-perverts I know; all with nasty hard-ons for Big Blue and his goody-goody, Boy Scout ways. We all KNOW that he deserves to suffer for our pleasure. You each signed Luthor's contract and paid a fucking fortune in agreement!” He hesitated, then raised his hand and added, "Now, I'm not saying that I haven't enjoyed the events so far, but I WANT TO MAKE THIS ALIEN FUCKER BLEED!” Two's hands coiled into fists and he looked around for affirmation. His lips curled into a sneer and his nostrils flared as they all looked at him sheepishly. Angry at the lack of response to his rousing war cry, Two lunged for the captive. He pulled a large, serrated hunting knife from his belt and swiped it across the Man of Steel's unprotected abdomen. Superman yelped with pain as the gleaming, sharp tool caused an angry red mark to appear, but the ultra-sharp blade did not penetrate his skin. Frustrated, Two grabbed a handful of the hero's thick, black hair and used the knife to hack it off. He then assessed the grooves in the metal blade caused by the wire-like follicles. He then breathed deeply, turned and calmly addressed the others. "Here's the deal: I want to make this big, holier-than-thou, ET prick scream like a little girl and beg for mercy, but his defenses haven't broken down enough yet. You guys do what you want and I'll go along to get along. Eventually, I'll get what I want. It's only a matter of time.” That said, he turned and left the room. "He's always so intense. He's probably crying to Luthor right now,” Four whispered. "What an asshole!" Eleven said and they all laughed nervously. "You would've been gutted like a fish if that blade had bitten in,” Twelve said as he rubbed the welt along the Man of Steel's well-defined, muscular abdomen, causing the hero to grunt and wince with pain as he hung limply in his chains. Seven leapt in to remove his gag. "You heard him. It's only a matter of time,” whispered the grimacing hero. “Two sure did a number on his hair, didn't he?” said Seven. "It looks terrible. Hmm, I'll bet I could fix it. I made my fortune in Beverly Hills. Super-dude could use a little primping if you ask me. His look is so outdated. That two-day beard has got to go. Do we have any clippers?” The others seemed to brighten a little at Seven's remarks. "Hey, let's shave him!” said Twelve. "You all saw how he liked my smooth, silky feel. What do you think?” "That's not all he liked! Think we can clip his hair?” "We don't know until we try!” They all nodded in agreement and went to find the appropriate tools. Under Seven's direction, Ten clicked on the clippers and ran them over a hairy patch on the Man of Steel's chest. The clippers groaned but they cut the wiry strands. His underarms and chest were then done and they briefly discussed shaving his head but decided he'd look too much like Luthor if they did. They each got a few chuckles out of that. "Let's do his legs and pubes, though.” The vibration of the clippers tickled his skin, especially as they brushed against the hero's cock and balls. It felt so good to be fussed over and the men purposely toyed with his genitals while they shaved him. In Superman's drugged state, Two's display was utterly forgotten. He was completely happy again as Seven tended to his face and head, sculpting the beard growth into a goatee, which outlined his lantern jaw and highlighted his piercing blue eyes. Then he clipped the thick, black hair into a shorter, more contemporary style. They went through six sets of clipper blades, thirty-seven disposable razors and two cans of shave gel but they were finally finished. They stood back and reviewed their work. "I never thought he could be any more beautiful than he was when he came in, but, he is! We made magic!” chirped Seven and gave high fives all around as Two re-entered the room. "Incredible,” he said, clearly admiring the newly shorn Man of Steel. "Let's oil him up!” Superman never before imagined how good it could feel to be rubbed with warm oil by muscular men in thongs. His fabulous body responded with the aching desire to reciprocate. The hero was ecstatic with his clean shave and oiled flesh and begged to see himself in a mirror. "Bring him a mirror,” Seven said. "I always like to see the expression on a man's face when he sees how I reinvented his entire look.” A full-length mirror was placed before him and Superman gasped at his reflection. His bare, hairless body was fabulous. He almost didn't recognize himself. A whole new man seemed to stare back at him. The oil defined every ridge and crease and his swollen prick was huge! Beyond huge! The sight was so overwhelming that Superman could no longer contain himself and he shot his load all over his own image in the mirror. The men jumped to scoop it up and to suck his super dick. Once again, they all shared his creamy sweet man milk. Seven wept happily at the hero's reaction. "Too bad I can't hang pictures of THAT in my salons!” he cried, waving his hand like a fan to cool his face, super-cum dripping from his chin. "Where the hell is Twelve?” asked Ten after a bit. "I'm here,” Twelve responded entering the room and striking a pose, his hands on his hips, legs spread widely apart. All gasped, wide-eyed with renewed lust and disbelief as they beheld "SUPERMAN”! Twelve had donned Superman's distinctive costume, complete with cape, and he strode into the room. He filled out the micro-thin spandex beautifully. The others beheld him with awe and admiration, which caused his already swollen cock to expand even further in its Lycra prison. "Wow!” the Man of Steel said, his eyes devouring the hot, costumed body before him. "Do I look that good when I'm wearing that outfit?” They all laughed at how the Kryptonian was so unaware of his perfect body. "This fabric is so sensuously tight,” Twelve said as he flexed his biceps and legs in front of his captive. "I would have a hard-on all the time! When I walk the material teases me and presses against my cock. Just knowing that I'm wearing the real thing is just about making me cream!” The outline of his cut, stiff prick bulged and strained against the fabric. Superman's own cock had sprung fully back to attention as he admired Twelve in his costume. The sight of this virile hunk totally aroused him and renewed his need for stimulation. He wanted so desperately to touch him and to run his hands over the slick cloth containing the hot, muscular hardness. He strained at the bar that held his manacled wrists causing it to bend slightly. The metal groaned. "I want to touch you. Please let me touch you,” the Man of Steel begged. His body was tingling deliciously and uncontrollably from the drug saturation. He was enraptured by the costumed vision standing before him and his throbbing cock was swaying heavily at its stalk. Twelve approached him and stroked the Man of Steel's massive shoulders then ran his hands over the quivering upper body, stopping to tweak each hairless nipple. He moved behind the hero and pressed his costumed groin against Superman's muscular ass. Then he leaned in and made full body contact as he reached around to hug his waist. Twelve slowly ground his erect package against the prisoner's backside as he stroked the chiseled abdominal eight-pack. He was really enjoying himself and thought that things could never possibly be better when he caught site of himself and Superman in the full-length mirror. What a sight! This was definitely worth the money he'd paid to be here. He could see himself in Superman's very own personal outfit; his dick straining to never before achieved proportions while the Man of Steel was chained helplessly in front of him, begging for his touch. The realization that he had succeeded in making his ultimate fantasy a reality sent Twelve over the edge and he started to erupt violently in the tights. He quickly liberated his spewing cock and shot rope upon rope of thick sauce onto the rear and then the newly shorn groin and body of his captive. He screamed with pleasure. Superman relished the feeling of having the man spew his hot juice all over his body, his hard prick glistening and dripping with the other man's cum. He renewed his pleas for freedom. "Please release my hands!” he cried. "I want to touch all of you so badly, I can't stand it any more!” He strained mightily at his shackles. There was a loud "POP!” and the steel bar from which he was hanging twisted away from its binding and crashed down. The Man of Steel crumpled to the floor, completely exhausted by his efforts. The men were upon him immediately. They carried him to a large, cushioned table and gently lay him upon it. "Please let me touch you,” was all he kept saying. Three took the lead and climbed atop the prostrate form, trapping the huge throbbing super-cock between their bodies. The Man of Steel's abs and groin were thickly coated with Twelve's cum and Three slid his hairy chest upon the slick skin. Superman smiled and wrapped his huge arms around him; the manacles still attached to his wrists. He explored Three's back and bubble-shaped ass as he kissed him. He was feverish with desire for more stimulation and he tugged and pulled at the thong. Three moaned and ground his groin against the hero's cock harder and harder until he couldn't stand it anymore. As the others cheered him on, he came in his thong, the wetness bubbling through the material to mix with Twelve's on Superman's body. "Let me clean some of that off,” the Kryptonian said as he squeezed Three's oozing cock head gently through the material, collecting a juicy pool in his palm. He put his hand to his lips and devoured the viscous fluid. His body was on fire with the tingling desire for more, more, more! He put on quite a show and they all loved it. "All of you come to me,” he said. They all stripped and lay with the mighty Man of Steel. He took a turn with each and fucked and sucked them throughout the rest of the day and into the night. They all fell asleep in a slick warm heap. Juices soaked their sated bodies. Each man had been sexually gratified beyond belief. The Man of Steel's passionate sexual abilities and insatiable appetite completely and deliriously exhausted all ten. The guy was a fucking machine! To fall asleep in his muscular arms was sheer heaven. To be continued…


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