Gay Erotic Stories

The Basketball Star And His Tutor!

by T J Love
18 Mar 1999


We hope that you like the story you are about to read. In it a gay tutor of a star basketball player gets his craving reward as you will discover! If you would like to read more free stories, of similar length and style to this story, we hope that you will visit us at our TOP 25 Internet Gay Sex Pictures Site where there are several more free stories like this and hundreds of hot pictures of men! Please enjoy this story, and we hope that it gets you off in many ways and many times! To Visit us: And now the story…. Rocky Marcini was a star Freshman basketball point guard for West Fork University. He would have been recruited by a number of major universities except for the fact that his grades were not very good, especially in math and the sciences. Accordingly, he had decided to attend West Fork for a couple of years and see if he could get into the NBA, or maybe in the alternative, to bring his grades up so that he could get into a major university where the scouts would notice him. Rocky's basketball skills were unquestioned. He was an excellent ball handler and playmaker, and he had an uncanny eye for making long, three point baskets - he made almost 40% of those he shot during the first part of his freshman year at West Fork, one of the highest in the country. In addition to his basketball talents, Rocky was incredibly good looking and a big favorite of the girls, and gay boys, all of whom had wild fantasies about having sex with him. He was 6 foot 4 inches tall, and weighed 175 pounds. He had curly brown, almost black, medium long hair with sideburns down to the middle of his ear. He had beautiful eyebrows and eyelashes that matched the color of his hair. He had deep brown, sexy, bedroom eyes, that almost begged you to go to bed with him. He had a trim, lithe, body, though it was muscular, with defined pecs, chest, and abdomen. Above the waist he was hairless except at the armpits and on the head, and below the waist, he had a black pubic hairs and soft, short wisps of black hair on his legs. He had nicely defined buttocks and legs. Though Rocky did not date anyone steady, he did date some of the most beautiful girls on campus, and had had sexual intercourse with several of them. It got around campus that while his penis was only average, or slightly above average, in size, he was really a sensation in bed, with both pleasing and staying powers, and a great kisser. Because of his near Casanova reputation on campus, virtually everyone naturally considered Rocky to be heterosexual, though actually Rocky was bisexual. He simply like to have sex, and gender was not necessarily an impediment to that. In high school, he had fucked a lot of the good looking girls; but, he also had sex, mutual masturbation and oral, with two of his friends, including regularly, about twice a week, with his best friend, Thomas Pope. The reputation about Rocky's penis size was essentially correct in that is penis was just over six and three quarters inches long, and just over six inches around, but he sure knew how to use what he had. His penis was circumcised, though the cut had been shorter than most and also the cut had left a scar that was slightly noticeable when one gave him oral sex, which he absolutely adored. His testicles were drawn up tight against his penis and almost hairless; and his thin bush was the same, almost black, the color of his hair, but sparse. His handsome face showed almost a constant smile, that made girls, and boys so inclined, almost swoon in sexual excitement. Girls claimed that he made them itch, or wet, in very private places and gay boys on campus, and around town, were constantly fantasizing about having sex with him. By Thanksgiving, he had become the star of the West Fork Coyotes. He was shooting 40% of his three point shots, averaging over 23 points per game, and over 14 assists per game. He was pleased with his performance on court, as well he should be. But alas, his grades were not improving and Coach Dan Harker, was concerned about him even flunking out, especially in Biology and even more so in College Algebra - there was a strong possibility that he would make an 'F' in both of those courses, as well as Ds and Cs in his other classes. The Saturday after Thanksgiving, Coach Harker, decided that something had to be done to keep Rocky from flunking out and missing the last half of the season, the critical time for the team. Coach Harker considered the possibilities. He thought that Rocky was not dumb, but rather he was just not studying and applying himself. There were too many distractions, all the girls wanting to fuck him, his popularity at the athletic dorm, and other things essentially made it impossible for Rocky to study and bring up his grades. After contemplating that subject, Coach Harker, came up with a plan. The Basketball team manager, Jason Hill, was a straight A student, a freshman like Rocky, though a year younger at eighteen. Jason was a real whiz at the math and sciences, Rocky's weakest subjects. Accordingly, Coach Harker decided to have Jason tutor Rocky three evenings a week, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, for 3 hours per night. Coach Harker called Jason in that Saturday afternoon, and talked it over with him, and the two of them decided that trying to do it in the athletic dorm would be an impossibility because of outside interferences, people, girls and guys, dropping by to shoot the bull and trying to set up Rocky, would simply be too big of a distraction to contend with. Accordingly, Jason and Coach Harker came up with a plan to use the team meeting room, and Gym facilities, as the place to conduct Jason's tutoring sessions with Rocky. It was secluded, and they could lock the door and keep unwanted company out. A further complication in both Coach Harker and Jason's eyes was the fact that Rocky might find convenient excuses to skip, or leave the sessions, early - as a result, it was decided that Coach Harker would call the Gym, on his private number, at the start, and at the end of each tutoring session, and possibly in between, in order to speak to Rocky, make sure that he was there and that he was studying with Jason. Having formulated their plans, Coach Harker called Rocky in late that Saturday evening, and explained the plan to him, and made it crystal clear that he expected Rocky to abide by the rules and study hard with Jason in order to keep from flunking out. Rocky understood the ramifications of his flunking out, at that critical juncture in his young basketball career, so he eagerly agreed to the plan and realized that it would still leave him plenty of time for his other social and sex activities. He knew that Jason had the reputation of being the smartest young guy in school and realized that Jason could really help him out with his studies. There was an unknown, very wild card in the plan though. That was the fact that Jason Hill was gay, though somewhat closeted to the point that only his closest friends, at home and in school, knew that he was gay. He acted straight, though he seldom dated, and then only for social appearance purposes. Secretly, he had an absolute crush on Rocky, and many of his sexual fantasies were about sucking Rocky off and or letting Rocky fuck him. Jason was 5 foot 11 inches tall, and weighed 150 pounds. Jason was a fair basketball player, which he loved, and would have been a player had he been taller and good enough - unfortunately, he was not, so he had went out for, and became the team manager, water and supplies etal, Coach Harker selected Jason based upon what he considered to be Jason's most important quality, which was his academic skills. Jason had curly, light sandy brownish blonde hair, with hazel eyes. He had a more rounded face than Rocky, a sort of cute boyish face with thick kissable lips. His body was not muscular in the sense of having well defined abs and the like, but it was nicely proportioned and attractive, and athletic. Jason's penis was almost exactly the same size as Rocky's though neither he, nor Rocky knew it at the time. Like Rocky's, Jason was circumcised, though further down and without the rough scar. Jason's testicles hung down slightly lower than Rocky's though they were also drawn up near the penis. Of course Jason's sparse pubic hairs, light sandy colored, were much lighter in color than those on Rocky. When Coach Harker had called Jason in and asked him to tutor Rocky, it was almost like a dream come true for Jason. He knew that it would mean that he would have a lot of time alone with Rocky, and if he played his cards right, and really helped Rocky out, there might even be a chance to have sex with Rocky, to fulfill his fantasies. The thought of sucking Rocky off, or Rocky fucking him, caused Jason to tingle all over, and his penis to get either turgid or hard. After talking it over with the two boys, it was decided that the tutoring sessions would begin that next Monday, the Monday after Thanksgiving, starting at 6:45 PM, after dinner, and that the sessions would be long sessions, three or four hours until Rocky's grades were improved Coach Harker gave both boys a key to the closed Gym and the team meeting room, with instructions that they were not to allow anyone in during the time that they were studying, and ramifications for breaking the rules would be serious. Rocky and Jason, willingly agreed to Coach Harker's rules and promised to abide by them, which in particular suited Jason just fine, because it would give him more opportunity to try to develop some sort of sexual relationship with Rocky. That night and the next day, Jason couldn't keep his mind off the fact that he was going to be alone with Rocky, three evenings a week, about 10 or 12 hours a week, if things worked out right. Jason thinking about having sex with Rocky was so exciting that he masturbated twice on Saturday night, and three times on Sunday. All day Monday in class, all he could think about was that night, and tutoring Rocky, and starting to develop a personal relationship with him, which would hopefully result in a sexual relationship, with Jason being the bottom or passive sex partner. It seemed like forever to Jason, but Monday evening finally rolled around and Jason was there waiting at 6:35 for Rocky. Rocky showed up five minutes later, and they went in and walked back to the team meeting room, which was outfitted with some comfortable student seats and a well lighted chalk board. Rocky had brought along his College Algebra book and assignments, as well as his Biology book, and his Wednesday assignments for both as well. Jason looked over Rocky's assignment, he was not taking any of Rocky's classes because he was in more advanced Calculus and wasn't even taking Biology, though he had aced it in high school. After quickly going over Rocky's assignments, home work, Rocky sat down in the seat directly in front of the chalk board and Jason started diagramming out Rocky's College Algebra homework, assignments, which was primarily the factoring out of quadratic equations. Jason went over the entire home work assignment, making Rocky do as much of the work as possible and pointing out Rocky's mistakes as appropriate. Rocky seemed to show immediate improvement because Jason carefully pointed out where Rocky went wrong. They had been at it only a few minutes when the phone rang, and it was Coach Barker, who talked briefly to both boys and reminded them of his rules. Jason and Rocky continued their studies of College Algebra, a for another two and a half hours. At 9:30, Coach Harker, called again and checked up on them. Jason could not help but notice the pleasing bulge in Rocky's Levi’s where is penis and testicles bulged out slightly. He sensed that Rocky knew that he was watching, but neither boy said anything. The two boys continued studying for another half an hour, Jason carefully reviewing what they had gone over that evening. At shortly, after 10 PM they called it a night.. That night laying in bed at his family's home, where he lived, Jason had to jack off twice before he could go to sleep, fantasizing each time about sucking off Rocky, and Rocky ejaculating into his mouth. The two boys met again the next night and this time the emphasis was on human biology, specifically the human skeletal system. Again, Jason carefully reviewed Rocky's reading assignment and what he thought the important points were. As he had the night before, Coach Harker called twice and checked up on the boys. Again Jason noted the bulge in Rocky's jeans, and sensed that Rocky realized that he was looking at it with interest, but as before, neither boy did anything, or said anything about it. At home, Jason had to masturbate twice again, just thinking about doing Rocky was driving him wild and he had to relieve the sexual tension, for the time being, by masturbating. On Wednesday, Rocky got a 100 on his Algebra homework assignment, and answered some of the questions in his biology class. He was really pleased with his progress and reported it to both Coach Harker and to Jason, nboth of whomw were tickled pink that Rocky was improving, which also meant that Jason was improving his chances of having sex with Rocky. Jason again masturbated twice that Wednesday night, thinking about sucking Rocky off and about Rocky fucking him, and kissing him, and shooting off in him. If anything, his nearness to Rocky, was increasing his desire to sexually service Rocky. On Thursday night, at 6:45 PM, the two boys met at the Gym, and Jason again guided Rocky through his homework assignments, making Rocky do all the work, and pointing out Rocky's mistakes when he made them. It was obvious that Rocky was improving, but the test would actually come not from the homework and reading assignments where Jason was holding Rocky's hand and working his way through them, but from tests which would be upcoming at mid term, in about ten days. During the following week, the two boys stuck to their rigorous schedule and Rocky showed steady improvement, though the proof of the pudding was going to be in the upcoming tests. They studied hard and long, and Rocky knew that he was learning a lot from Jason, and was very appreciative. Each night the two boys were taking a short break around 8:30 for about ten minutes and shooting hoops, playing horse and the like. They also went to the urinal together a couple of times, and for the first time, Jason got to see Rocky's penis, which was in a slightly turgid state. Jason stared at the penis in Rocky's hand and wished that his hand was around it, instead of Rocky's. Unbeknownst to Jason, Rocky also looked at Jason's cock, which was much nearer to a hard on than his own, and he sensed that Jason had more than just a passing interest in his dick. Each night now, Jason was masturbating twice at night thinking about having sex with Rocky and Rocky kissing him, and fucking him, and Jason sucking off Rocky, and Rocky shooting off in his body. Now that he was spending so much time with Rocky, his fantasies almost took on a life of their own, and he would think about them several times a day, often masturbating himself while he was doing his own studying, or taking a shower, and especially at night in bed. Since he had started tutoring Rocky, his sexual activity--masturbation, had picked up from ten times a week, to over twenty times a week, and he was almost obsessed about it. That second Thursday, the two boys spent the entire evening reviewing everything and Jason carefully going over what he thought the upcoming algebra and biology exams on Monday would cover. As an added way to try to bring up Rocky's grades, Jason suggested another study session Sunday evening, which Rocky readily agreed to. At the usual 6:45 PM start time, the two boys met that Sunday and studied together until after 10:30, again carefully reviewing everything that Rocky had learned and what would probably be brought up on the exams. Afterward, they used the urinals again before they left. Jason pulled out his penis, which was essentially on hard and watched Rocky reached in and extracted both his dick and testicles. Rocky too had a much more turgid cock, than he had previously, partially in recognition of the fact that Jason was obviously interested in some sort of sexual activity with him. Jason looked at Rocky's dick, and said, "How do you think you will do tomorrow?" "Pretty good, I hope," Rocky said as he sneaked a furtive glance at what was obviously Jason's hard on. "I think so too, better than you think even, you know the stuff pretty good. You're not dumb, you've just haven't been applying yourself," Jason said. "You think so?" Rocky replied. "Sure. Just stay calm and remember the stuff that we have learned. You have to be smart to be a good point guard, and run the team and you do a real good job of it. You're going to do just fine in those exam's tomorrow," Jason said as neither boy made a move yet to shake off their dicks and stick them back in their pants, even though both had obviously stopped urinating. "I sure hope so," Rocky said. "If you do real good, do I get a reward?" Jason asked as he looked down at Rocky's penis which was now almost as hard as his own "Maybe. What do you have in mind?" Rocky said as he looked up at Jason's face which was obviously staring down at Rocky's penis and testicles. "Let's see how you do, and then I'll tell you," Jason said as he decided that he had best wait and see how Rocky did before he put any move on Rocky. If they did something and Rocky made poor grades, he, and perhaps Rocky might feel bad. "Okay, let's see how I do, and then tell me tomorrow night," Rocky said as he watched Jason shake off his hard penis and insert it back in his pants. "Okay, I'll do that," Jason said as he put his penis back in his pants and watched Rocky shake a drop of urine off his almost hard penis and put it back in his pants as well. Afterward the two boys called it a night, and went their separate ways. At home, Jason had to masturbate three times before he could go to sleep. Just thinking about having sex to orgasm with Rocky caused his body to tingle and he couldn't even go to sleep, because he thought that if Rocky did good, as he expected him to do, he would get to realize his dream the next night and have sex with Rocky. The next morning dragged along agonizingly slow for Jason, as he took his advanced Calculus Exam and Physics tests. He knew he had made high marks on both of them, but his concern was more on how Rocky was faring on his tests, because that involved his real hopes for having sex with Rocky, that night or in the near future. At lunch, Jason hurried over to the Student Union to see if he could find Rocky, and see how he had done. He looked all over for Rocky, then remembered that Rocky was still taking the biology test and wouldn't be out until 12:30. Jason fooled around the Student Union Center until 12:40, when Rocky showed up. Rocky walked up to Jason with a big smile on his face, and said, "Well, how do you think I did?" "I don't know, but don't keep me in suspense. How did you do?" Jason asked. "I will have to wait until Wednesday for my biology results, but I made 85 on my Algebra test, I got 17 out of twenty questions right. I should have made a ninety, but I goofed up and forgot what you told me, and I screwed up one of my answers," Rocky replied. "Wow, that is terrific, wait until we tell Coach Harker," Jason almost yelled as he and Rocky exchanged high fives and low fives. "Well first of all I want to thank for all the help, I would have never been able to do it without you," Rocky said happily. "You're welcome, you know that. I'm glad to help," Jason said. "Thanks a lot," Rocky said. "You're welcome again. Do you want to see if we can find the Coach and tell him the good news," Jason said. "Definitely, come on. Let's see if we can find him, he's probably in the cafeteria," Rocky said gleefully. "Okay, come on," Jason said as the boys walked down to the cafeteria and started looking around for Coach Harker. They spotted him in a far corner and walked over to where he was sitting with one of the other coaches at the University, Jim Walker, the track coach. "Guess what I made in algebra, Coach?" Rocky said proudly as he looked at Coach Harker with a big smile on his face. "The way that you're smiling, I would guess that you made a 70, or maybe a 75," Coach Harker said. "Guess again, Coach" Rocky said with a beaming smile on his face. "Do tell me that you made an 80 or above," Coach Harker said as he happily smiled at Jason, then at Rocky. "Try 85 Coach, an 85 can you believe that," Rocky said as he smiled at Jason. "I hear it, but I don't believe it," Dan Harker replied. "Me neither," Coach Walker said. "Well check with Prof Edwards, he'll confirm it," Rocky said referring to the Math Professor, Dr. Curtis Edwards. I'll bet that he couldn't believe it either," Dan replied. "He hasn't had a chance to look over everything yet, but he will and Wednesday, he'll confirm it, but I really did do it," Rocky said. You know who we have to thank for this don't you Rocky?" Dan said. "Yes sir, without Jason helping, I would never have been able to pull it off. I've already thanked him privately, but thanks again Jason, without you, I could have never have done it," Rocky said as he smiled at Jason. "Think nothing of it, Rocky. I was glad to help out, but we can't let up now. If we keep after it, we can pull your grade up to at least a C, and maybe even a B! "Don't worry, I've got a lot at stake in this, and I will keep trying, if you'll help me," Rocky said. "I'll be there tonight. I'm glad to help," Jason said. “That's a good attitude boys. Yeah, Rocky don't let up now, we'll need you for February and March, we might even get an invite to the final 64. Think what an exposure, you and the team will get if that happens," Dan said. "Wouldn't that be great, Coach," Jason said almost as happy as Coach Harker and Rocky were. "Really great," Rocky added. "We might even win a couple of games, if we get a good draw," Dan said. "Wow," Rocky replied. "How did you do in biology?" Dan asked. "I won't know until Wednesday, but I think I did pretty good. I bet I made at least 75 or maybe even 80. I knew most of the answers and didn't have to guess at many of them. We'll probably grade the papers in class Wednesday, but I'm sure that I did okay," Rocky said. "Well, Jason's here's ten bucks, buy yourself and Rocky a lunch, we have a little tutoring fund. We're going to have to put you on the payroll for helping Rocky out," Dan said. "It's not necessary, Coach," Jason said almost apologetically. "No, we want to do it. It makes us feel better about it. Please take the money, it's okay," Dan said. "Okay, sir," Jason said as he took the proffered money. Afterwards, Jason and Rocky ate lunch together, and talked about the tests they had taken and everything. They had to go their separate ways, but agreed to meet back at the gym at 6:45 PM, to go over the algebra and biology work assignment. Rocky and Jason met at the Gym at 6:45 and went right to work going over Rocky's algebra assignment. They worked until 8:15, and then decided to take a short break. They went into the locker room, which had urinals, stall toilets, some weight training equipment, with benches, some floor mats, and lockers. "That was really great about my tests, wasn't it," Rocky said, trying to open up a conversation about a subject that he sensed Jason wanted to talk about. "It sure was, that was terrific," Jason said. "You mentioned a reward last night, I owe you. What do you have in mind?" Rocky said, though he was all but positive he knew what Jason had in mind because of the way that Jason had stared at Rocky's penis the night before. “Well, I do have something in mind," Jason said as his body trembled in the excitement of the moment and he looked over at Rocky. "What, do want?" Rocky said as he smiled at Jason "Well, I don't know exactly how to say this, but," Jason said and then stopped in mid sentence as he moved up close to Rocky, and returned the bright smile. Rocky looked at Jason with a sly grin on his happy face, and then said, "You want me as your reward, don't you?" Jason dropped to his knees directly in front of Rocky and said, "Yes, I want you so damn bad that I can taste it. I want to suck you and for you to fuck me! Please Rocky, please!," Jason said as he started repeatedly wet kissing, through Rocky's Levi’s. The inside of Rocky's upper left thigh and soft bulge where Rocky's penis and testicles were making a slight bulge in his pants. "Hey Jason, you don't have to beg me for it. I'd love for you to give me a good blow job, and to give you a good fucking. To tell the truth, I've been hoping that you would ask me," Rocky said as he put his hand affectionately on Jason's shoulder. "Oh my God, you have. You'll let me do it, and fuck me too. God, thanks Rocky, thanks a lot," Jason said as his body trembled in excitement. "Sure, don't mentioned it, you're welcome and it's my pleasure. How do you want to do it?" Rocky said as he smiled at Jason. "Let me take off my clothes real quick, then let me undress you - that's a fantasy of mine, and I would sure like to do it. Then I'll suck you off and make you shoot off. Then after you recuperate, you can fuck my brains out, on one of those workout benches. Does that sound okay?" Jason said as he basically laid out the fantasy that he had been using as he masturbated at home. "Sounds great, but I will have to rest some in between times," Rocky said as he agreed to Jason's suggestion as to how to proceed. "No problem, I'll help you," Jason said excitedly as he relished the thought of realizing the fantasy that he had been having for the last several weeks. "Okay, but what do you suggest we do, if we hear someone coming," Rocky said as he touched on the only possible catch in what Jason was proposing. "I doubt if anyone comes in, but I've thought about that. We'll lay our clothes out, like we're going to take a shower. If we hear someone, we'll jump in separate stalls, and pretend we're taking a shit. We'll stay in until it gets soft, and then come on out and take a shower," Jason said. "That'll work, but someone might still be a little suspicious," Rocky said. "That's all they'll have though, a suspicion. They won't do anything about it, would you?" Jason said. "Of course not. Okay, let's do it. How long will it take you to get undressed?" Rocky said. "About 30 seconds, or less," Jason said as he sat down on a nearby bench and started to take off his Reboks. Rocky seeing what Jason was doing, sat down on the bench and started to take off his Reboks, a school sponsor, too. Seeing what Rocky was about to do, Jason said, "Please. let me take off your shoes too, Rocky. I want to do it all, every stitch that you've got on. I want to strip you buck naked!" "Okay, your game," Rocky said as he stopped unlacing his shoe and tied it back up. "Thanks," Josh said as he hastily took off his shoes and clothes and laid them on a the bench, like he was going to take a shower. After he had stripped naked, Jason said, "Let's get on one of the padded mats, it'll be easier that way." "Is this one okay," Rocky said as he walked over to the nearest weight lifting mat and stood in the center of it, facing where Jason was standing several feet away, with Jason's rigid penis sticking straight out from his groin. "That's great," Jason said as he moved over to the pad where Rocky stood. Jason pulled a small bench over closer to them, so that he could lay Rocky's clothes on it, as he undressed him. Jason also got a large towel and laid it in front of Rocky, between Rocky and the bench, so that he could kneel on it, and when he shot off later, his semen would get on the towel instead of the mat. He intended to dispose of Rocky's semen in his mouth and stomach, so that would not be a problem. Satisfied with his preparations, he walked over and faced Rocky where Rocky was standing, waiting for Jason. Jason looked at Rocky, smiled happily, and then reached down and with trembling, excited hands, undid the top button on Rocky's beltless Levi’s. Jason spread open Rocky's fly slightly, so that he could remove both Rocky's shirt and undershirt. Jason then unbuttoned Rocky's brown sport shirt as he looked happily into Rocky's big brown bedroom eyes, who in turn returned the happy smile and nodded his head. After he had unbuttoned Rocky's shirt, he reached down and gently pulled in out from Rocky's pants at the waist line. He pulled the shirt off of Rocky's shoulders and laid it back on the bench behind him. Then Jason pulled Rocky's T-shirt from beneath his pants as well. Seeing that he needed some help, Jason said, "Raise up your arms and bend over toward me slightly. "Okay," Rocky replied happily, because he too was enjoying being undressed in preparation for sex with Jason. Rocky raised up his arms and bent over toward Jason, who pulled Rocky's T-shirt off and laid it on top of his shirt. "Now, I'm going to take off your Reboks and socks. I've have a mild foot fetish, so I'm going to play with them a little, and kiss them, and lick them some. My main fetish of course, is for something about three foot higher up on your body, and sticks out when it is on hard - it's the one that I will really kiss and lick, but is it okay if I play with your feet?" Jason asked. "Sure, go ahead. It sounds good to me anyway," Rocky said. Jason sat down on the mat, a straddle of Rocky's right foot. Jason unlaced the basketball Rebok shoe, and then pulled the laces loose, and lifted up Rocky's right foot and slipped the shoe off. He then pulled Rocky's right sock off the foot, and stared at the beautiful, highly arched foot. Jason looked up at Rocky and smiled as he used both his hands to gently rub and massage and affectionately knead Rocky's foot. He looked up at Rocky and smiled, and Rocky returned the happy smile. Jason then held Rocky's right foot up a little higher, bent over from the waist and affectionately kissed and licked all over the foot - and heel and finally starting sucking Rocky's toes, one by one, starting at the little toe and finishing up on the big toe. After finishing with the big toe, Jason looked up at Rocky and said, "I'll do the left foot next. I won't take too long, I'll get to that other most important thing in a just a little while." "Take your time, I'm enjoying it. I can wait," Rocky said as he smiled at Jason. "Thanks, I appreciate that," Jason said, then he kissed Rocky's right foot several times and ran his tongue over it. After that, he moved to his left so that he could sit a straddle of Rocky's left foot "No problem," Rocky responded. Jason quickly unlaced Rocky's left show, and removed it and Rocky's sock and laid them beside Rocky's right shoe and sock. He raised Rocky's left foot up and gave it a little more thorough kissing, tongue bath, and massaging in that Rocky had indicated that he was in no big hurry to get his cock sucked. Jason carefully licked the instep, the top of the foot, the heel, and then the bottom sole of the foot as intermittently he looked up to Rocky, who would nod his head affirmatively, as indicating that he was enjoying what Jason was doing. Then Jason, sucked each of the toes, as before starting at the little toe and ending up with the big toe. Jason also used his tongue to rub in between, and massage between each of the toes. After sucking the big toe provocatively for a few seconds, Jason kissed the foot lovingly all over and then got up on his knees. Jason's knees were on the mat as he faced Rocky. With his head looking straight toward Rocky, his eyes were looking just below Rocky's navel. Jason's hands were trembling in excitement as he reached up and starting undoing the other buttons on Rocky's fly. He could feel the hardness underneath as he unbuttoned the jeans, and thereby knew that Rocky, like he, had a full raging hard on. Jason's nervous fingers fumbled with the buttons as he tried to undo them, but it didn't take that long. He could feel Rocky's hard on and saw the bulge in Rocky's jeans. He knew that it wasn't that huge, but it was still more than adequate, a really nice cock that he could easily suck good, and later get a good fucking by it. It wasn't the size of the cock, as much as Rocky's stature in the University as a sex symbol, and his extraordinary good looks that excited Jason. After unbuttoning Rocky's fly, Jason preceded to lavish wet kisses of adoration and affection on the underwear at the opening, and the bulge where Rocky's hard penis and testicles were located. Jason could feel his lips and hands on Rocky's dick and his body trembled in excitement, with the knowledge of what was to come, and cum too. He opened up Rocky's fly as wide as he could and then reached back at the hips and started pulling Rocky's jeans over the hips. As soon as they cleared the hips, Jason quickly pulled then down over Rocky's thighs, knees and on down to his feet. Rocky stepped out of them and Jason laid Rocky's pants on the bench behind him with the rest of Rocky's clothes. Jason turned back around to face Rocky. Jason was mesmerized by the beautiful, athletic human male body that confronted him, a gorgeous face, with those big brown eyes, curly black hair, absolutely adorable skin, and those so kissable lips, and the little black mole on Rocky's left cheek, and beautiful pecs, and a ribbed abdomen. Rocky was now naked before him, except for the underwear, which still hid the hard ultimate prize that Jason was seeking. But he would have that too, in a minute or so. Jason looked at Rocky's Versace underwear, which were tenting out almost perpendicular from Rocky's groin. Jason bent forward and started attentively kissing and licking the hard hidden penis. Through the underwear, he pressed his lips against the warm skin and tried to encircle it, but couldn't because of the position that he was in. Nevertheless, he kissed it and licked it repeatedly as Rocky's underwear became wet with Jason's saliva. Interjecting, Rocky said, "What do you want me to do when I get close after while, pull it out of your mouth?" “You had better not, or I'll bite it," Jason said with a chortle as he pulled his lips off for a second and looked up at Rocky. "I'll shoot off in your mouth," Rocky cautioned. "That's exactly what I want you to do. I want to taste you cum, and swallow it too," Jason said eagerly as he looked at Rocky. "There may be quite a bit of it, I haven't shot any since Saturday night," Rocky said. Usually Rocky tried to have one or two orgasms a day by himself, and when he was having sex with someone, maybe even three or four times a day, but on Sunday, because of the tests and everything, he had fallen to sleep and hadn't even masturbated once. "That's super, you sure won't be hearing me complain, not any," Jason said affectionately. "Okay," Rocky said as he was obviously happy that he didn't have to worry about pulling his penis out of Jason's mouth just before orgasm because that tended to make the experience less enjoyable and broke up the action. Having resolved the issue about where Rocky was going to shoot off, Jason resumed the affectionate playing, rubbing, massaging, and kissing of Rocky's penis, mainly with his mouth. lips and tongue, inside Rocky's underwear. After a couple of minutes or so of kissing and playing with Rocky's hard penis through the underwear covering, with his lips, mouth, tongue and fingers, Jason reached up and grasped Rocky's underwear at the waistband on each side, and slid his trembling, nervous, eager fingers underneath against Rocky's silky smooth warm skin. Jason knew that his prize, his reward, was just scant seconds away, as he slowly pulled Rocky's underwear down. As Jason pulled Rocky's underwear down, it started revealing Rocky's pubic hairs, and then slowly Rocky's hard dick started coming into view as Jason gingerly slid the underwear on downward. The way that Jason was sliding Rocky's underwear off caused Rocky's hard penis to be pulled down as well, with the head pointed toward the mat. Jason leaned forwarded and pressed his wet lips against the hard shaft at the base so as to further hold down Rocky's cock, as he slid the underwear off. As more and more of Rocky's dick came into view, Jason also slid his wet, eager lips that was holding Rocky's penis, downward as well. By sliding his lips down, Jason was actually sliding them up Rocky's shaft, that is toward the head. Jason watched as Rocky's testicles came into view below the penis, and then more and more or Rocky's penis came into view as Jason the underwear on down, He pulled them clear of the head on Rocky's cock, which he slid his lips onto. Rocky's underwear dropped to the floor as Jason finished the process by just pulling down gently. Rocky stepped out of his underwear and Rocky picked then up and laid then back on top of Rocky's pants. With his lips resting on the head of Rocky's dick, the prize partially in his mouth, Jason looked up and beamed a happy smile at Rocky. Rocky was watching intently at what Jason was doing, and indulging in the pleasure that Jason was bestowing upon him. He too was trembling slightly in the anticipation of what was at hand, or more precisely at mouth, and he returned Jason's happy smile with an equally happy beaming smile. Jason reached his hand up and grasped Rocky's penis an inch or so below the foreskin, circumcision, cut and jacked it several times with his lips still on the head of Rocky's dick. Jason then held the penis steady and buried his lips and nose in the base of Rocky's penis, at the crevice between the left thigh and the left hip. Jason smelled the earthy, spicy smell of Rocky's groin, penis and testicles, and he wetly kissed the underlying skin. He then proceeded to give Rocky's penis and scrotum, an absolutely thorough licking, lapping, sucking wet tongue and mouth bath, taking three or four minutes in the process. From time to time, Jason would look up at Rocky, who in turn was always smiling down at him, clearly showing awareness and appreciation on his face. After Rocky's pubic hairs, lower abdomen, penis, testicles and scrotum were drenched in Jason's saliva, Jason pulled Rocky's dick up, where his lips and mouth could better proceed to the next step of taking the penis into his mouth, with the intended goal of making Rocky shoot off in his mouth. Jason looked intently at the hard penis in his hand. Rocky's dick was about the same size as his own, six and three quarters or so inches long and probably a little over six inches around. Rocky has been circumcised, but the doctor had not done a precision job, because the cut was too high, and was obviously a little roughed edged. The foreskin area, or where the foreskin had been cut off, was shiny and glossy, but redder than most that Jason had previously seen. Rocky's testicles were about average size, maybe even a little smaller than average, and drawn up close to the underside of the penis. Jason knew that Rocky's dick was almost the perfect size and shape , for Jason to give him a good blow job and Jason was eagerly anticipating doing just that. Jason put his right hand on Rocky's penis, just below the foreskin cut, his left hand on Rocky's right buttock, and then lowered his head, opened his mouth wide, stuck out his tongue and slowly lowered his mouth over the slit in the head of Rocky's penis. The taste of and the feel of Rocky's penis on his tongue and lips caused his whole body to quiver in excitement, and he could feel Rocky trembling and quivering in a like manner. Briefly, Jason rested his lips on the center of the head on Rocky's dick. Then he withdrew his teeth and pressed his lips down as tightly as possible and slid them down to the ridge, rim, at the bottom of the head, that drops off the head onto the foreskin area. Jason paused for just a second, took a deep breath and then pressed his lips down event tighter and slid them all the way over the rim, down along the foreskin to the main shaft, and then along the main shaft all the way down to the base of Rocky's dick. Jason rested his bottom lip on the top of Rocky's testicles and his upper lip, and nose, was buried in Rocky's sparse black pubic hairs. For the very first time, he had Rocky's hard penis completely encased in his soft wet lips and mouth, just like he had so often day dreamed of and he was absolutely thrilled at the feel and thought that he was doing what he wanted to do so much. Jason excitedly wiggle his head back and forth, and tried to push even further down, seemingly as if to engross even more of Rocky's hard dick in his wet mouth, but any progress in that regard was minimal. He could feel Rocky's muscles tensed and realized that Rocky had raised up on his toes and bent forward trying to heighten the intense pleasure that Jason was imparting to his sensitive body. Knowing that he would soon be running out of air, Jason pumped back and forth a half dozen times on the bottom two inches of Rocky's penis, causing it to rub up along his tongue, and back against the back of his throat. The fantastic richness of the pleasure that he felt as Rocky's penis slid back and forth deep within his mouth, sent spine tingling chills of excitement through Jason's body. Running out of air, Jason sucked hard and pulled his pressing, wet lips up Rocky's dick, over the lower shaft, back up over the foreskin area, back up and over the rim onto the head, where he rested his wet lips and breathed deeply. Jason looked up at Rocky and saw Rocky's tensed smiling face, obviously immensely enjoying the pleasure that Jason was giving him. After momentarily catching his breath, Jason reached up and grasped Rocky's hard dick, just below the foreskin cut, and using his left thumb and left index finger, encircled Rocky's penis and slid the loose skin down until it was drawn taut, very tight, which also caused the foreskin area to elongate and become taut as well, and in addition it pulled the skin connecting the foreskin to the rim of the head of Rocky's penis taut too. Jason could feel Rocky becoming more tense and taut like the skin on his penis. With the thumb and forefinger of his left hand around Rocky's dick at the base, to hold the skin taut, and tight, Jason pressed his lips down, and slid them down the head, over the rim, onto the foreskin, down the foreskin and onto the taut bottom skin for another two inches or so, until about five inches of Rocky's dick was inside Jason's mouth. Jason paused, momentarily with Rocky's penis in his mouth and lips and then sucked on the skin of Rocky's penis and slid his wet, velvety, sucking lips back up along the shaft, back up over the bottom taut skin, back up over the taut glossy, red foreskin area, and sucking even harder, Jason pulled his lips back up over the rim of the head on Rocky's penis, to where his lips were about halfway up the head. Then quickly, Jason reversed course again, and pressed his lips back down the head, over the taut rim, down on to the taut foreskin area, back down the taut foreskin, back over the circumcision cut and down another couple of inches, where he sucked again and reversed course, back up the taut skin, back over the circumcision cut, suck and pressing his lips down, Jason pulled them over the taut foreskin, back up over the taut rim on the head of Rocky's penis, and then partway up the head. Without a noticeable pause, Jason repeated that basic maneuver, over and over and over again, as he reached up with his free right hand and started affectionately massaging and kneading Rocky's abdomen and pectoral muscles, trying to further heightened Rocky's enjoyment. "You're really good at this, really good" Rocky moaned affectionately. Jason didn't reply of course, but did nod his head, and Rocky's words of encouragement served to spur Jason on his relentless pursuit of causing Rocky to have the best orgasm that Jason could bring about. Incited even more by Rocky's words, Jason increased the tempo of his action, sliding his wet pressing, sucking, velvety lips back and forth on the top five inches or so of Rocky's penis that was now drenching wet from Jason's saliva. Jason rapidly pushed and pulled his sucking, wet, pressing soft lips back and forth on Rocky's hard dick for three or four minutes as he felt Rocky's body quivering and undulating in intense enjoyment of what was happening. Rocky was approaching an orgasm, and Jason could sense it and he too was approaching one. He pulled his right hand down, grasped his own penis and started pumping it back and forth rapidly, as he felt Tony raise up on the balls of his feet, tense his body even tighter, and lean forward in anticipation of the climax that was almost at hand. As Jason continued to press his pumping lips up and down on the taut skin on Rocky's penis, he felt the head on Rocky's penis mushroom up and become soft and puffy in his lips, and he heard Rocky murmur, "I'm going to shoot." Rocky reached down and grasped Jason's right shoulder with his left hand and gently ran his right hand into Jason's hair and started playing with it. Hearing that Rocky was about to shoot off, triggered Jason's own orgasm, as cum shot out of his penis onto the waiting towel. Jason let go of Rocky's penis with his left hand, and his own penis with his right hand and moved his hands straight up and started massaging and rubbing Rocky's abdomen and chest as he felt the first bolt of voluminous, thick, viscous, cum shoot out of the slit in Rocky's penis, and spurt all the way back against the back of Jason's throat. With his lips, Jason could feel the strong pulses of Rocky's penis as bolt after bolt of thick cum peppered the back of Jason's throat, fell onto his tongue and down his esophagus, and thickly coated the inside of his mouth. Jason continued to push and pull his lips back and forth on Rocky's penis as both of them unloaded their semen, and Rocky shot so much, that some of it started coming out of Jason's mouth, where it clung visibly to Rocky's hard penis. Rocky had eight or nine strong orgasmic pulsations, and then a three or four minor ones as semen continued to pump, and flow out of his penis. Likewise Jason had several strong orgasmic surges, and a few minor ones, as the thought of realizing his fantasy made the orgasm even stronger. Finally both boy's throbbing orgasms tide ebbed and quickly subsided. Both boys were gasping for breath as Jason continued to massage Rocky's abdomen and chest, and ply his wet, velvety lips back and forth on Rocky's still hard, though receding penis. "That was terrific, out of this world. You are really good at that," Rocky gasped softly as he looked down at Jason. Jason nodded his head appreciatively, but didn't take his lips off of Rocky's dick, but rather continued to milk the turgid penis as it started retreating toward becoming flaccid. Jason continued to drain Rocky's penis with his pressing wet lips for another couple of minutes, then he pulled his lips off of Rocky's penis and licked up all of the cum residue that he could find. Then he kissed and licked Rocky's penis and scrotum again in a very loving manner as if to show his appreciation for letting him do what had just happened. "Boy was that ever good, absolutely wonderful," Rocky said as he smiled affectionately down at Jason. "Thanks, I tried to make it feel as good as I could," Jason said as he smiled happily back at Rocky. "You sure did that. For sure you did, I believe that was the best blow job, I've ever had," Rocky said appreciatively. "Really?" Jason asked, wanting reassurance that he had done a good job of giving Rocky head. "I mean it . It was totally awesome, marvelous," Rocky reassured Jason. "Thanks again, next time I'll try to make it last longer," Jason replied. "That sounds great," Rocky agreed. "You were sure right about you carrying a big load. I didn't think you were ever going to stop cumming, you filled up my mouth, my throat and everything," Jason said in what was obviously a pleased manner. "I thought you weren't going to complain," Rocky teased. "I'm not complaining, not at all and you know that, I'm just complementing you about how much you shot off, and how much I enjoyed it, and how good it was," Jason said. “Sure I know," Rocky said in an affecting manner. "I enjoyed it too, I really enjoyed it. It was the best reward that I've ever had for helping someone out," Jason said. "I'm glad that you did, and I remember that you want part two of your reward after while, right, or do you want to wait until another time," Rocky said. "Unless you object, I would like to do it as soon as you're ready to go again. I can go right now, if you want," Jason said. "I'll have to wait a little while, but it shouldn't be that long," Rocky replied. "Whenever you're ready, I'll be ready," Jason said. "Want to take a hot shower together while we're waiting? It'll help refresh me, and we can wash each other off," Rocky said sensing that Jason would enjoy that, and he would too for that matter. "God yes, that sounds so great," Jason said as he started to raise up from the kneeling position where he had sucked off Rocky. "Well come on then, let's hit the shower. Let me help you up," Rocky said as he extended his hand to Jason, and pulled Jason up. "I'm right behind you," Jason said as he stood up and followed Rocky back toward the large basketball team communal showers. Rocky walked into the showers and turned on a couple of adjacent spray nozzles, and said, "Adjust yours the way that you want, I like mine pretty hot." "I do too, real hot," Jason said. "So do I. Do you want to use just nozzle. We'll both stand in front of it, and if we hear someone coming, you can move over to the other one," Rocky said. "I sure would like to do it that way, if it's okay with you," Jason said "Of course it's okay with me, I wouldn't have even suggested it, if I didn't want you to do it. Come on, under this one," Rocky said as he moved to the side to make way for Jason. "Great, that water is perfect, just the way I like it," Jason said as he moved under the spray, his body almost touching Rocky's body. The two boys started lathering up their own body and each other's body as they enjoyed the happy afterglow of just having had sex with each other. Grabbing a bar of soap, Rocky initiated the move and started lathering up Jason's bush, penis and scrotum. The simple pleasure of him doing that sent sublime feeling of joy surging through Jason's body. Not only had Jason had the pleasure of sex with Rocky. but Rocky was returning affection and appreciation which made the experience even more pleasant and enjoyable. Jason in turn lathered up Rocky's groin area and lovingly fondled Rocky's penis, scrotum and the encased testicles. Jason smiled affectionately at Rocky, who returned his warm smile. The two young men proceeded to wash off each other's body in a way that reflected how they felt about had just happened and indeed about each other. Jason really was tickled that Rocky was being so considerate and thoughtful about their relationship. They thoroughly washed off each other's abdomen, chest, arms, and upper thighs in addition to the other's groin. After the front was pretty well washed off, except for the knees and below there, Rocky looked at Jason and said, "Turn around and let me wash off your back." "Great," he said as he hastily turned around where Rocky could wash off his back. Rocky carefully washed off Jason's back, and massaged it gently along with his shoulders and deltoids. Not only did he wash them, but he rubbed them and kneaded them, as though he was trying to make Jason comfortable and relaxed. Jason luxuriated in the subtle pleasure that he was obtaining from the way that Rocky was treating him. After washing Jason's back, Rocky using his hands and soap, moved further down and washed off Jason's buttocks, including a playful washing off of the crease and anal opening, carefully massaging it, and rubbing it, sending even more pleasure rippling through Jason's sensitive body. Feeling Rocky playing with his butt reminded Jason of the other part of his reward which lay ahead, getting a super good fucking from Rocky, and the thought of that started him down the road toward another erection, though he tried to slow that down by thinking of other things. After Rocky washed Jason's anus and played with it some, he moved on down and used his hands and soap to reach between Jason's legs and wash off the back of Jason's balls, that is the scrotum covering them. Rocky fondled them gently in his hands and after a thorough washing, moved on down and washed the back of Jason's thighs. After that, he moved back up to the anus and again washed, massage and played with Jason's anal opening, and then said, "You have a really nice ass." "Thanks you, I believe that I can give you just as good of time down there, as I did with my mouth, maybe even better," Jason said. "I don't know about that, I don't know how anything could be better than what you did with your mouth and lips," Rocky said. "Well, we'll see. Afterward, we will see one you enjoyed the most," Jason said happily. "I can tell you one thing for sure already, I sure enjoyed the blow job and I'm sure that I will enjoy fucking this really nice ass that you have here," Rocky replied as he carefully inserted the front, not the nail side, of his right thumb into Jason's anus. The pleasant feel of Rocky's thumb in his rectum, made Jason even more horny, and his body shuttered slightly in anticipation of what was to come. Checking progress on Rocky's part, Jason asked, "Are we making any progress in that regard, I'm starting to get horny again, with you playing with me there." "Some, it's starting to make me horny too," Rocky replied. "Let me wash off your backside and I'll try to stir you up a little, and see I can do some things to speed up the process," Jason replied referring to the process of getting Rocky to have another hard on. "Good idea, I've done about everything back here anyway, except play with this beautiful ass some more, I could do that all night long," Rocky teased. "And I would let you do it too, except that I had rather you use something quite a bit longer and bigger around than your thumb. That is what I really want in there," Jason said. "You're get it in there in just a few minutes, I'm starting to come around some," Rocky said as he removed his thumb from Jason's anus. Jason turned back around and quickly used his hands to lovingly fondle Rocky's penis and testicles, and then said, "I think you are coming around some, I don't think it will take too long now." "I don't think so either," Rocky agreed with a bright smile on his grinning face. "Turn around and let me wash off your backside, they we'll turn back around and we'll see if we can work up a couple of big hard ons," Jason said cheerfully. "Right," Rocky said as he turned around and faced away from Jason. Jason proceeded to rather quickly, though thoroughly wash off Rocky's back and buttocks and the back of Rocky's thighs. Rocky's feet were spread out, so Jason bent over slightly and reached in between Rocky's legs and from behind, carefully massaged and fondled Rocky's scrotum and penis, using both hands. He rubbed and massaged the hard ball at the very base below Rocky's scrotum, and constantly fondled Rocky's penis, and could start to feel a rising turgidness in Rocky's cock. "That feels good," Rocky said appreciatively. "I'm glad you like it, you're going to have a hard on before long," Jason said. "Yeah, I know it. Thinking about fucking you is sure starting to get the job done," Rocky replied in a chortle. "It already has with me, I've got a woody now," Jason replied. "Good, I'll see it when you get through back there," Rocky said. “It won't be much longer. As soon as I wash off your butt good, I'll be through back here," Jason said. "Okay," Rocky replied. Jason then used the soap and his hands to thoroughly wash off Rocky's buttocks and in between the crease. Jason pulled The buttocks apart and carefully washed off Rocky's anal opening, like Rocky had done to him. He massaged the anal sphincter for a few seconds and like Rocky had done, carefully inserted the blunt end in of his thumb into the opening, and was surprised when Rocky did not say anything, but rather just stood there and let Jason play with his rectum. Jason thought momentarily about potential future possibilities, but quickly put them aside because he was much more interested in the immediate thrill almost at hand, of getting fucked by Rocky. Accordingly, Jason hurriedly finished washing and playing with Rocky's ass, and then said, "That does it, turn back around and let me play with you." "Okay," Rocky said as he turned back around and the two boys faced each other again. Jason looked down at Rocky's penis and could clearly see that the penis was very turgid and moving toward a full hard on. He was also aware that Rocky was looking down and surveying Jason's own hard penis. Jason moved his both his hands over to Rocky's groin and started affectionately fondling Rocky's dick and balls, gently massaging the balls and jacking the penis and playfully moving his hands around trying to stimulate Rocky. Rocky also moved his hands over and started playing with Jason's penis and testicles, and like Jason was doing started affectionately fondling them. Rocky wrapped his hand around Jason's penis and jacked it a half dozen times or so and announced, "Your dick is almost exactly the same size as mine, it feels just like mine." "They are pretty much the same size, I can't tell any significant difference in the length or circumference," Jason agreed pleasantly. "Me neither, it feels just like mine. I bet it's about the same size as mine, a little over 6 and 3/4 inches long, and a little over 6 inches around," Rocky said. "That's about what mine is too, the same as yours," Jason agreed. "You sure do have a woody," Rocky said. "And you're getting one, real quick," Jason teased. I'm thinking about having sex with you again," Rocky agreed as he continued to ply his hand back and forth on Jason's hard dick. Me too, thinking about you fucking me, makes me as horny as hell," Jason said. “Me too, feel it now, it's there I believe," Rocky said happily. "Yeah, it's there, that didn't take too long," Jason replied as he felt Rocky's hard penis in his hand. "Only about ten minutes, maybe not even that," Rocky said. “Somewhere around there, I guess," Jason agreed. "When do you want to do it?" Rocky asked. "If you're ready, I'm ready right now," Jason said excitedly. "Do you want to dry off?" Rocky asked "It's up to you, I'd just as soon do it wet like we are, but whatever you want to do," Jason said. "Wet sounds good to me too," Rocky agreed. "Ready?" Jason asked excitedly, thinking about what was to happen next. "Good and ready," Rocky said. "Okay, let's do it," Jason said as he playfully jacked on Rocky's hard penis, and then turned off the shower nozzle. Both boys shook off the excess water, but still left water on there skin and body hair. They stepped out of the showers and walked over to the weight lifting area. Which one do you want to do it on?" Rocky said with obvious excitement in his voice. "The adjustable one, it's wider so that we can have a place to put our elbows, and we can adjust the height to so that you're real comfortable," Jason said as he pointed toward a wide bench that was used for so that taller players could get it higher off the floor for some of the exercises that they did on them. The Bench had a little matching pillow on it, so that whoever was lying on it, could have his head raised up as desired. "That should work, is that pad okay," Rocky asked referring to the cover on the bench. "It's probably okay, but I'll put a towel over it, to keep it from getting wet, and to keep us from sliding around," Jason said as he walked over to the towel rack and grabbed a towel, walked back and laid it on the bench, and then cranked up the bench slightly, to where he judged Rocky would be comfortable. "Do we need a lubricant?" Rocky asked, in effect stating the obvious, that he had been through this routine before. "Maybe, I have some KY in my jeans, I'll get it," Jason said as he hurried over the few steps to where his clothes laid and extracted a tube of KY jelly from his pants pocket and quickly returned to where Rocky was standing. "Ready for a little action?" Rocky said as he stared at Jason. "God am I ever," Jason said in obvious anticipation of what was about to happen, and then added. "Let me sit on the end of the bench, then I'll spread a some KY on my anus, and some on your Cock, and we'll be ready to go." "Okay," Rocky said obviously as excited as Jason about what was to transpire next. Jason sat down in the end of the bench, his feet just barely touching the floor, and Rocky moved over and stood in front of him. Jason opened the tube of KY and spread a medium layer on Rocky's hard on, then reached down and spread some around the opening to his anus, and a little just inside. Finished he screwed the top back on, dropped the tube to the floor, looked at Rocky and said, "That should do it, adjust the height if you need to.” "Okay," Rocky said. Jason laid down of the bench, pulled the pillow up under his neck, leaned his neck and head back against the pillow and then scooted forward a little to where his buttocks were resting comfortably at the very end of the bench, toward Rocky. Jason then drew his knees up so that his thighs were perpendicular to his hips on the end of the bench, with his knees bent so that his calves and feet were pointing down at an angle toward the bench. He spread his thighs open, rested his elbows on the bench with his forearms up at an angle, and said in obvious excitement, "I'm ready for you to do it." "Okay, you look so fucking great, I hope you enjoy this half as much as I do," Rocky said. "Don't worry. I will, more than that, as much as you do, maybe even more," Jason said cheerfully. Rocky moved over, spread the cheeks of Jason's Buttocks slightly with his hands and pressed the head of his dick up against Jason's anal sphincter. It was almost a perfect height, while Rocky was standing flat footed, but Rocky wanted to be up on his toes more, so he reached down and cranked the bench up an inch and a half or so. Satisfied with the new height, Rocky looked down at Jason's mesmerized eyes, and seductively whispered, "I'm ready to push it in." So am I, go ahead and do it," Jason replied back with a quiver of anticipation in his voice. "Here it goes," Rocky said as he reached down and grasped his hard penis just below the foreskin cut and guided it in toward Jason's anus opening as Rocky moved his hips forward. When the head of his penis came up against the anal sphincter barrier, Rocky raised the head of his penis up slightly, grasped Jason's right thigh tightly with his left hand, and then simultaneously pressed his penis down and push his hips forward. Jason's lubricated anal opening easily slid open and Rocky pressed his dick on down the anal canal as Jason moaned in obvious delight and sucked air as the pleasure spread over his body. Because it was so easy, and felt so incredibly good, Rocky pushed forward forcing his penis to slowly spread apart the wet, warm, velvety skin inside Jason's anus. Exhilarated by the sensational feeling of Jason's wet, soft skin against his penis, Rocky continued to push forward until his balls rested firmly against Jason's warm buttocks. Fully inside Jason, Rocky looked at Jason's obviously delighted face and lovingly said, "It's inside, does it feel okay." "Super, absolutely super," Jason murmured in rapture, and then added, "how about you, does it feel okay?" "Same here, super, terrific, sensational," Rocky said trying to express how it felt with his penis inside Jason's anus. If it was any better, I couldn't stand it," Jason said as his body trembled and quivered in excitement. "You're trembling, are you okay?" Rocky said. "I'm great, I'm just so damn excited that I can't hardly stand it," Jason replied. "Okay, I'm going to pump it back and forth a few times," Rocky said. "Go ahead, it really feels super," Jason said. Rocky pulled his hips back until just the head and a little foreskin was still inside Jason's anus, and then he pushed forward again, parting the wet, war, soft, velvety skin again until his balls were back against Jason's buttocks. He repeated that procedure, a little more rapidly eight or ten times, as Jason moaned softly in obvious enrapture. After ten or so long deep thrusts back and forth, Rocky stopped again with his testicles resting against Jason's buttocks, and leaned his body all the way forward between Jason's spread thighs. Rocky put his forearms down against Jason's upper arms, and almost encircled Jason's neck with both his hands, one on each side, as if he was going to choke Jason, but he certainly did not have choking in mind. Rocky used his hands to pull Jason's head up off the pillow, toward him, and moved his face right up next to Jason's staring face. He looked Jason in the eye, and seductively whispered, "You know what I also like to do when I'm fucking?" "What?" Jason whispered back, as he stared into Rocky's deep brown gleaming eyes, his lips almost touching Rocky's. "I like to kiss my partner, and play with their tongues, like this," Rocky said as he pressed his lower lip down against Jason's lower lip, and his upper lip up on top of Jason's upper lip and stuck his wet satiny tongue inside Jason's wet mouth. “Oh, thank God, that's so fantastic," Jason murmured with his lips, almost inaudibly, in absolute delight at that happiest of news, as he pressed his lips against Rocky's lips and played with Rocky's tongue with his own tongue. They continued to kiss passionately, as Rocky resumed the pumping action with his hips, pushing his penis back and forth in the wet, warm, slippery, silky canal inside Jason's body. Jason wrapped his arms around Rocky and pulled Rocky toward him - in their positions it was impossible for Rocky to respond in kind, but he did press his body down against Jason's, not too tightly, but firm enough to bring the pleasing sensations of feeling his pressing warm skin against Jason's warm soft skin, and vice versa with Jason. Jason also squeezed his lower legs against Rocky's thighs and hips trying to establish more skin to skin contact. Each of them radiated in the luxury and joy of feeling their warm skin pressing against the warm skin of the other. As Jason wildly kissed Rocky, he could feel the splendid pleasure of Rocky's hard, warm, penis being pushed and pulled back and forth in his anus, massaging and manipulating his delicate, sensitive prostate, the anal opening, and the sensuous silky skin inside the anus as well. He bathed in the luxurious tenderness of simultaneously kissing and being kissed by Rocky, as Rocky plied his penis back and forth inside his body, passionately fucking him. Rocky varied his thrusting technique, at times making long fast five inch or more plunges back and forth, or long very slow, almost six inch penetrations back and forth, or real fast short two or three inch ramming bursts back and forth, and all kinds of other permutations, and nuances of those techniques. Using those variations, Rocky was trying to bring even more pleasure to himself and to Jason. Rocky also varied his kissing style, most of the time playing with and sucking on Jason's tongue inside one or the other's mouth or between their mouths, but also pressing his lip against both Jason's upper lip and lower lips, and pulling, and nibbling on them, and sometimes licking and playing with Jason's lips or cheek, or neck, or other facial parts. And at other times, just holding his lips pressed against Jason's, his big brown happy eyes staring into Jason's delighted, gleaming hazel eyes, both sets of eyes enraptured as a result of the pleasure that their owner was giving and receiving, and it showed on the beaming, blissful, smiles on their faces. During the third such pause, Rocky seductively whispered his lips as he pecked Jason's lips with his own, "How are you doing?" "Absolutely fantastic, how about you?" Jason replied in an affectionate whisper as he wet Rocky's lips with his tongue. "Better than that even," Rocky said softly into Jason's lips. "The only thing that could possibly improve it, would be if we in my room, where we could have some super good fuck music playing, like maybe The Enigmas," Jason whispered. "That would make this absolutely the best, even better. Maybe, we could do that sometime, if you are ever there by yourself," Rocky whispered back as he kissed Jason. "I am once in awhile, I'll let you know the next time," Jason whispered through his pursed lips. "Fantastico, if I have other plans, I'll break them so that we can do it," Rocky murmured through his lips. "Great," Jason replied softly as they resumed their kissing and Rocky resumed pushing and pulling his hips back and forth, plunging his hard penis back and forth inside Jason's receptive body. For over ten minutes, Rocky made love to Jason and Jason's body and Jason responded in turn, partially passively by letting Rocky fuck him, but also actively by his passionate kissing and love making. The euphoric sensations of feeling Rocky plunging his penis back and forth in his anus, over and over again in subtle and pleasing variations, rippled through Jason's body in absolute, utterly sublime pleasure. Slowly but perceptibly Rocky started building toward a climax, with more bursts of short fast stroking back and forth inside Jason's anus with his penis, and more impassioned kissing and tongue playing, followed by shorter intervals of long stroking and gentle kissing and licking of each other's face. Both could feel, and almost hear, each other's beating heart, and the pounding, throbbing in their own ears as they started their descent into the ecstasy of orgasm. They tensed their muscles and bodies as tightly as the circumstances allowed in sweet pleasure, both of them turned their feet even further down than they had before, curled their toes into knots and awaited the oncoming delight of sexual orgasm. Knowing that the rhapsody of pleasure was imminent, Rocky raised up on his toes even higher and markedly increased the tempo of his thrusting his dick back and forth in Jason's anus. He was making very fast three inch plunges back and forth between the anal opening and the tightness and pressure of Jason's prostate which cause extremely pleasant sensations in the head of his penis as it sped back and forth. Rocky's breath became labored even as he kissed and played with Jason's tongue feverishly. Jason in turn rocked his hips back and forth as much, and as rapidly as he could, trying to assist Rocky's movements and the joint incredible pleasure they were both experiencing. Jason returned Rocky's burning kisses with equal fervor, savoring the feast of their love making. They grasped each other's hands and intertwined their fingers and squeezed each others fingers as tightly as the could as the onrushing climaxes started overtaking their sensuous bodies. After a few fiery more seconds, Rocky passed over the precipice of orgasm and plunged into total ecstasy. His penis head mushroomed up inside Jason's body, and he pushed it as deep inside Jason as he could and held it there as the first bolt of semen shot out of his penis into Jason's anus. Rocky pressed his lips against Jason and played with Jason's tongue. He could feel Jason's rapidly beating heart, and his own heart seemingly racing out of control, as the waves of blissful pleasure rolled over his body. His glazed delighted brown eyes looked directly into Jason's dancing, ecstatic hazel eyes and he knew, and could feel Jason, climaxing as well. The fact that he sensed and could feel Rocky climaxing, triggered Jason's orgasm. He squeezed his fingers as tightly against Rocky's fingers as he could and pressed his forearms against Rocky's forearms. After Rocky plunged into the depths of his anus, Jason quickly wrapped his legs all the way around Rocky's waist and locked them tightly by putting his left toes underneath his right ankle and squeezed Rocky's waist as tightly as he could as the waves of pleasure swept over his body. They weren't having separate orgasms, they were having one monumental mutual orgasm, one to be savored always. Pleasurable pulsation followed pleasurable pulsation as their bodies throbbed and shuddered against each other and they exchanged wild kisses and tongue playing. There was not as much ejaculate as the first time, but that did not diminish the ecstasy that they both experienced, not only from their own pleasure, but enamored and enhanced by the sense of knowing the pleasure that their partner was experiencing. After almost a dozen throbbing pulsations, inexorably the tide of ecstatic orgasms ebbed and receded, but they continued their embracing, skin to skin contact, their squeezing of each other's body, and their passionate kissing and other love making with Rocky's spent penis buried deep inside Jason's body. After a couple minutes of intense after play, Rocky whispered seductively, "Is it okay if I leave it in there for a few more minutes, I think if we continue to kiss and play around, I may be able to do it again after a few more minutes, or so." "Not only can you, if you even try to take it out, I'll squeeze you to death with my scissors hold," Jason said teasingly as he squeezed Rocky's body tightly with his legs. "Okay, I won't even try to," Rocky said mirthfully. "Just don't," Jason said. For another three or four minutes they continued to kiss each other, and squeeze each other's body and play with each other's tongue and lick each other's face. Rocky's penis never became flaccid, but retain a degree of turgidness brought on by their continued love making and the feel of the warm, wet, velvety skin completely surrounding his penis. Slowly his penis started hardened again as their incessant love making continued. Eventually, Rocky pulled his lips off of Jason's and looked into Jason's bright hazel eyes and said, "I'm getting another woody." "Yeah, I can feel, and it feels real good," Jason said as he looked back into Rocky's big deer like, brown glistening eyes. "I'm going to fuck you again, and make love to you," Rocky said with a chortle. "Please be guest," Jason said happily. “You want me to do it again?" Rocky teased. "If you don't, I'll kill you somehow," Jason replied playfully as he squeezed Rocky. "Well you won't have to do that because I'm going to fuck your brains out," Rocky said. "Don't talk about it, just do it," Jason replied mirthfully. Rocky kissed Jason and resumed the slow long stroking of his penis back and forth in Jason's anus as their excited lips joined and they happily resumed their fervent love making. Once again Rocky varied both the speed and length of the plunging of his penis back and forth in Jason's rectum, as both savored the pleasure of their second session of glorious anal intercourse. Rocky took even more time that second go around and was more playful and fun making, trying to enjoy it more himself, and thereby making Jason enjoy it even more. He pleased himself, but he also pleased Jason immensely. They both kissed more lovingly, more tenderly, and took their time as Rocky relentlessly plied his dick and back and forth in Jason's body. They both luxuriated in the pleasure they were feeling, and the warmth of each other's skin, body, and kisses and hugs, and squeezes as their very souls were pleased and gratified by the mutual enjoyment they were having. For almost twenty minutes, with several brief pauses, Rocky fucked Jason, romantically, while he and Jason kissed and used their skin, mouth, lips, and tongue to supplement Jason's warm, wet, clinging, velvety anal canal and Rocky's rock hard penis to bring pleasure to each other and to themselves. Eventually, Rocky started building toward another orgasm with intense short strokes between the anal opening and the back of the pressing prostrate that imparted so much pleasure to his penis, and to Jason as well. They both tensed their bodies, turned their feet down, curled their toes, kissed each in all out, total abandonment as the rush of orgasm rolled ecstatically over their sensuous bodies. Again, Rocky plunged his mushrooming penis head into the bowels of Jason's body, and he held it there, as he and Jason felt their, and each other's hearts beating rapidly, the pulsing in each other's body, the throbbing in their ears and body, as cresting wave after cresting wave of intense pleasure broke over their body and soul. As before they did not experience two orgasms, but joined in the union of their bodies, they shared one incredible, mutual pinnacle orgasm. After the apogee of the orgasm, the pleasure subsided as the pulsing and throbbing in their own and each other's body subsided and all too quickly ceased all together. They continued to kiss, and play with each other's tongue and experience the joy of after play for a few more minutes as Rocky left his penis inside Jason once more, but both he and Jason were spent for the moment. Their shared joy and gratification continued, but it was the joy of what had happened, not what was to happen that gladdened their bodies and soul. Eventually, Rocky looked intently into Jason's eyes and already knowing the answer to the question even before he asked it, nevertheless asked, "Did you enjoy it?" "More than I can ever tell you. You said that I was good at giving head. I wish I was as half as good at giving head as you are at fucking and kissing and making your partner enjoy what is happening," Jason said, as he lovingly kissed Rocky. "You are, believe me, you are, and your kissing is as good it gets too. It's better than with most girls, maybe even all girls, because you don't hold back, you just go balls out, all the time," Rocky said. "Thanks, and you do too, your kissing is out of this world," Jason said. "I'm glad that you enjoyed it. I did too, just as much as you did, if not more," Rocky said romantically. "It's impossible for it to have been more, because I enjoyed it as much as it is possible for it to be enjoyed," Jason said. "Okay, but as much, I promise you," Rocky said. After a couple of more minutes of after play, the two unwound from their love making union and again took a playful shower together and then dressed and reluctantly resumed their studying. They had to stay late to make up for their hour or so of lost time, but they were more happy to do so. In the weeks to follow, with a break over the Christmas Holidays, they continued their studying and love making. Their sessions became sort of a routine, where they would study for an hour or so, and then take a sex break and Jason would give Rocky head, after which they would resume their studying again until about 10:15 after which Rocky would fuck Jason once, or twice, then they would take a shower, dress and call it a night.. This routine kept up over the semester break, until the Valentine weekend, which Rocky spent alone with Jason, at Jason's house. After that, the routine changed slightly as you will see. The events of that Valentine's weekend, will be the subject of another Conquistadores Story, 'Rocky spends a sex filled Valentine's Weekend with Jason,' to be published before long to Subscribers. CAUTION: The anal sex portrayed in the above story occurred prior to 1978. In today's world, such sex should be protected sex. Readers should be aware that they should use condoms when engaged in practices such as that depicted above. As long as AIDS, and the probability that a drug resistant HIV may spread, we should all be cognizant of the inherent dangers and act accordingly, please protect yourself, or better yet as possible, establish a monogamous relationship with your partner, like in No Greater Love, and maintain the fidelity of that relationship! © Copyright All Rights Reserved Top 25 Internet Pictures & T. J. Love 1998 DID YOU LIKE IT? YOU CAN GET JINGLE BELLS, 2 BLUE RIVER STORIES - 12 SIZZLING HOT CHAPTERS of NO GREATER LOVE - ABOUT CODY & SHANE -THEIR LOVE, SEX & ADVENTURES -8 STORIES ABOUT GORGEOUS TONY AND HIS BIG DICK-PLUS 17 OTHER GREAT HOT GAY SEX STORIES ALL BY THE SAME AUTHOR - WITH MORE TO COME EVERY WEEK OR TEN DAYS - ALL ARE ABOUT THIS SAME LENGTH WITH LOADS OF SIZZZLING HOT GAY SEX! 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