Gay Erotic Stories

The Stallion Club, Part 1 'The New Recruit'

02 Jun 1998

Men's Clubs

THE STALLION CLUB Part One - The New Recruit This story is the property of Please do not post to the net without my e-mail reference. 'The Stallion Club' comes from the June 98 edition of "Sinbad's House" (My free site with something new every month). CHAPTER ONE Tom had been successful in his interview. He was off to join the Stable of Studs who worked for The Stallion Ranch, a club that fulfilled the sexual fantasies of gay men. He was uncertain of why he had been chosen ahead of the other 300 hard-bodied applicants but he was ecstatic. The club would be his new home and his chance at fame, fortune and more importantly, as much male sex as his body desired. It had been arranged that he would take up his position on October 23 and after 3 weeks of nervous waiting, the day had finally arrived. The Resort had provided him with a one way ticket to Las Vegas and at the airport it was arranged that the resort's Chauffeur would collect him. He was a tall, muscular guy who continually called him Sir. Once his luggage had been safely stored in the boot of the Resort's black limousine, the car pulled away from the V.I.P Parking Area and sped towards its destination. Over the intercom system, Tom heard the deep voice of the chauffeur. "Mr Hynd, there are refreshments in the bar fridge, if you'd care to help yourself". "Stallion's is approximately 30 minutes away". Tom opened the small fridge and helped himself to a whisky and ice before pushing himself into the soft leather seat. It was mid afternoon and the 'city of dreams' was slowly beginning to wake from its daytime slumber. Tom closed his eyes and drifted off into a daydream. He thought about Stallion's and his new career in the male sex industry. Stallion's was one of the best known Gay Companies in America. Besides the resort, the company ran a male escort business, a production house which produced some of the best all male video's available as well as, marketing both a line of male clothing (mainly underwear) and a line of male cosmetics. The Stallion Logo had become famous, as had many of the stable's studs. Tom thought about the chauffeur and wondered if the hunk was also a member of the Stud Stable, he certainly had the looks and the body for the part. As he opened his eyes once more, Tom noticed that the chauffeur had been watching him in the rear vision mirror. He gave the stud a smile and asked him his name. "It's Robert, Sir", said the driver. "Well Robert, how long until we arrive at my new home", asked Tom. "Not long now Sir, it's only a short distance further". "Those buildings in the distance are part of The Stallion Ranch", said Robert. The limousine turned off the main highway and onto a private road. The gates to the Ranch were open and the car sped through. On both sides of the road were lined by tall, strong willows trees and two identical lakes of water. The car came to a stop at the front entrance to the Resort and as Tom's stared at the imposing edifies, Robert came to his door and opened it for him. "Mr. Hynd, please go through these door's to the front desk, the staff are expecting you". "I will arrange for your luggage to be taken to your room". CHAPTER TWO Tom made his way up the stone staircase to the front doors. As he stepped inside, he noticed a distinct coolness in the air. The reception area was a large, open room filled to overflowing with plants of every description. A young man moved from behind the front counter and walked towards him. He was dressed in a white unbuttoned shirt, which revealed his muscular chest and a pair of tight blue briefs that left nothing to the imagination. "Welcome Mr. Hynd, my name is Andrew". "I hope your stay with us will be rewarding". Tom shook his hand and said thanks. "Mr. Michaels is expecting you". "Please follow me and I will take you to his office". As the attendant walked ahead of Tom, he couldn't help notice the attendant's thick muscular legs. Every step would cause the muscles to contract and then relax, the sight was very appealing and made Tom's cock stiffen slightly. They halted at an oak-panelled door and the attendant knocked. A voice from within said enter. "Mr. Michaels, Mr. Hynd has arrived", said the attendant. "Ah, yes, show him in". Andrew indicated to Tom that he should enter. "Hello Tom", it's nice to see you again", said Peter. He shook Tom's hand and told him to take a seat. "Andrew, please bring us something cool to drink". Peter turned once more to Tom and sat opposite him around the small coffee table. "I hope you had a pleasant journey", said Peter. "Oh yes thank-you, Mr. Michaels". "The flight from San Francisco was very comfortable, as was the drive from the airport", replied Tom. "I'm glad you've come to join us Tom, I think you will make a perfect Stallion's employee". "We will all try to make move here as painless as possible, so please don't feel nervous". "This is your new home and everyone here is your friend". "Thank-you, Mr. Michaels, I hope I can live up to the expectation you have for me", said Tom. Andrew returned and placed a glass of Iced Tea before both Tom and Mr. Michaels before retreating once more. "Here's to a long and prosperous career", said Peter. "I hope that one day in the not to distant future, I can proudly display your image upon these walls". As Tom looked around the office he saw rows of mounted photographs. Each was of a naked male sporting a large erection. They where all personally autographed and accompanied by what could only be a plaster cast of each stud's erect cock and balls. There had to be some 40 images lined up on the wall, as well as numerous plaques and awards. "As your aware Tom, Stallion's is place where fantasies are fulfilled and you will become a part of those fantasies". "You will be groomed, trained and molded for a position in our Stud Stable". "It is not an easy task but with patients and diligence on your part, you will make it". "Your first three months here are probationary, if you make good progress and wish to remain, then you will be initiated as a member of the Stallion Family". "As a member of the family, you will receive not only your weekly wage of $2,500.00 but also a percentage of the profits earned by the Stallion's Empire". "More importantly though, you will also be feed a secret formula which will make various permanent changes to your body". "The formula will make your body grow larger and more muscular, it will lengthen your cock and enable your balls to produce endless quantities of cum". "What do you say Tom, how would you like a bigger, harder body and 11 or 12 inch cock to go with it", said Peter. "Of course I would", said Tom. "But how is it possible". "For the full answer, you will need to talk to the staff doctor but it has something to do with increasing the number of blood cells in your body and cock". "You probably have a hundred questions to ask me about Stallion's and your new job but I'd rather that you didn't just yet". "Here at Stallion's we find the best way to answer all question is to let new employees learn by experience". During your first week here, you will partnered with another employee". "He will act as your guide, chaperone and teacher. He will never leave your side and he will try to answer each of your questions as they arise". "If after a week, you still have any questions which need answers, you can come and ask me". "Does this sound fair", asked Peter. "Yeah, it sounds fine to me", replied Tom. "I just hope I get along with my partner". "I wouldn't worry about that", said Peter. "I think you will get along very well with the partner I've chosen for you". "He's one of Stallion's best employees and an all round good guy". "In fact, you remind me of him a lot, shall we go find him". "Sure, I have to get rid of my nervousness sooner or later", said Tom. CHAPTER THREE Peter rose and Tom followed dutifully beside him. The resort was a mass of corridors, rooms and gardens. As they walked Peter pointed out a few of the important structures within the resort, such as the dinning room, kitchen, the swimming pool, and the staff quarters. Peter pushed open a large wooden door and Tom found himself in the resort's gymnasium. "I'm certain that your partner will be here", said Peter. "He's a fanatic about health and fitness". Peter looked around the room and began to walk towards a very large guy working out on the Bench Press. Tom recognised the face and body immediately, it belonged to Robert Scott possibly Stallion's greatest star. Peter waited until Robert had completed his set and then proceeded to introduce Tom. "Robert, this is Tom Hynd our newest recruit". As we discussed earlier, I want you to take care of Tom and be his mentor for the week". The big man stood up and pushed his hand towards Tom. "It's nice to meet you Tom, it will be my pleasure to take care off you", said Robert. "Thank-you Robert, I'm looking forward to working here and getting to know everyone". "Now Tom, I want you to watch, learn and listen to Robert", said Peter. "He knows virtually everything there is to know about Stallion's and will make both a good teacher and friend". "He may look big and mean but don't let his size fool you, Robert's a real softie inside". "I'll leave you two to get aquatinted and see you again at dinner". Robert told Tom to take a seat. "I've got two more sets to go before I finish my work out, then I'll take you on a tour of this place". Tom watched in awe as the stud lay back on the bench and proceeded to pump the heavy barbell off his naked chest. Every muscle in the body builder's body twitched as the weight went up and down. Robert's biceps bulged and pec's hardened with each rep. Tom couldn't believe how awesome the stud appeared in real life, Robert seemed much larger than his video image. Robert's completed his two sets and rose from his reclined position. He clenched his fist and struck a bicep curl pose for Tom. "What do you think", he asked. "It's awesome", responded Tom. "I can't believe how big you are in person, you've truly pumped up since your last video". "Is everyone here your size". Robert smiled and laughed. "No, not all staff member are my size but most have 20 inch biceps and strong V-shaped chests". "We like to make everyone look their best and I'm sure that with a little specialised training we can make you grow a lot larger and harder". "We'll talk more about your training tomorrow, today is for fun and seeing what Stallion's has to offer". "Our first stop is to get you out of those clothes and into a club uniform, please follow me". Tom walked beside Robert as he headed towards the East End of the Resort complex. "This area of the ranch is strictly for staff only". "It's were the staff sleeping quarters are, as well as, the staff recreational and entertainment facilities". "We like to keep this area totally private and removed from the guest areas of the ranch". Robert stopped at the entrance to a large room and beckoned Tom to enter. "This is the supply room and laundry". "It's where you collect fresh clothes and anything else you might need such as towels, sheets, toiletries, after shave, condoms, lube, etc". The walls of the room were stacked from floor to ceiling with shelves and each one contained an assortment of goods. Looking at Tom Robert said, "I guess you're about a 34 inch waist and a size 18 shirt". Tom answered, "The waist size is correct but my shirt size, is usually a 20". Robert moved about the shelf collecting various items, a couple of shirts, some underwear, shorts and a couple of towels before placing them on the bench in the centre of the room. He them collected a few more items, a toothbrush, a large bottle of lube and two 12 packs of condoms. "Has Peter explained that your first week here will be spent sharing my room", asked Robert. "Yes, he has". "Good". "During your first week here you won't need very much, you can share what ever else you might need". "You can come back again and get more supplies when you move into your own room". "As you can see Tom, all the clothing I've chosen for you are white, that's because you're currently a novice". "If after three months you get through the initiation period, then the colour of your clothes will change to blue, like most of the other staff here". "You'll notice that some of the staff like myself, wearing purple shorts or g-strings, this indicates that we hold special responsibilities within the Stallion's organisation, my responsibilities are physical fitness and sexual training". "I wouldn't worry too much about the different colours as it's more for the guests convenience than the staff". "At Stallion's all staff are equal and we try to get along as friends". "Lets go get you washed, shaved and changed". Robert led Tom along the winding corridors to a room with a tiled floor. "This is the entrance to the staff's private bathhouse, there is a larger bathhouse on the West Side of the resort in the guest public area". "Both are great places to go if you want to relax or have a little fun". One wall of the room held some open shelving and a series of wicker baskets with a nametag on each. Robert selected a basket that had Tom's name on the tag and another with the name 'Horse'. "The idea is that you change in this area leaving everything in the basket with your name". Robert began to undress and told Tom to do the same. Suddenly he became very self-conscience and nervous. Robert had already stripped naked as he had only a pair of tight training trunks to remove, Tom couldn't help noticing the size of Robert's cock, it had to be 8 inches long and it wasn't even hard. Robert sensing Tom's uneasiness began to stroke his tool a few times, so that it began to harden and expand. "As you can see, I have a big cock", he said. "Most people here call me by my nickname which is horse". "Please don't be embarrassed, I'm your partner and will look after you no matter what". "By the time your initiation period's over, you'll have a cock just as big as mine". Robert smiled and moved towards Tom, he helped him out of his clothes. Once Tom's jeans were off, Robert fell to his knees and began to massage Tom's cock through the fabric of his underwear. He watched the muscle grow. "It looks to me as if you already have a good sized cock without any help from the Ranch Doctor", said Robert. He slowly eased the fabric away from Tom's cock and exposed it to the light. Robert immediately placed his lips around the cock head and began to rise and fall upon the shaft. He sank the rod fully into his mouth and forced the crown deep into his throat. Up, down, up, down he moved, making sure to work the entire length from tip to base. Tom couldn't believe the blow job he was receiving and the easy with which Robert deep throated his cock. After a couple of minutes work, Robert released the shaft from his mouth and began to wank the shaft with his right hand. Robert told Tom to shoot his load onto his chest. The request was all that Tom required, he was soon spraying jets of hot cum directly onto Robert's hard pecs. After the fourth shoot, Robert returned the cock to his mouth and hungrily drank the rest of Tom's load. Robert continued to suck on the rod, long after Tom had ceased to cum but like all things, he eventually stopped. He used Tom's cock to massage the cum which had landed onto his chest into his sore muscle, before rising and kissing Tom on the mouth. "I think I'm going to have great fun whipping you into shape", said Robert. "Let's go and get washed". CHAPTER FOUR Robert led the way into the bath area. The room was filled with steam but he could make out a large pool in the centre of the room, which was filled with a whitish liquid. The bath was huge and could easily hold some 40 or 50 men. Besides the steam, Tom could smell the odour of minerals in the air and began to realise that the bath must be fed by a thermal spring. Tom suddenly realised that he and Robert were not alone, someone else was already relaxing in the bath. He quickly moved to shower stall where Robert's had already begun to wash. Tom lent towards Robert and whispered in his ear that they were not alone. Robert laughed and turned to see who was in the bath. "It looks like Robert the Chauffeur to me, he won't bite and besides, your going to have to get used to being naked around here, otherwise you won't make it". Tom watched a Robert returned to his grooming and followed suit. Both Robert and Tom lathered their bodies well and made certain that they removed all traces of sweet and grim from their bodies. Once Robert had finished, he reached for a flexible hose which hung on the wall and moved it to his arse. He inserted the end into himself and then turned the small valve on the wall so his arse began to fill with water. Robert slowly feed the hose in and out of his hole making sure that he cleaned his love hole well. After a few moments, he removed the spraying jet and washed the end with some soapy water before handing it to Tom. "Make sure you douche yourself well". "Your going to get fucked a lot tonight", said Robert. He left Tom to clean himself out in private and walked directly to the other stud already in the bath. "Hello horse", said the chauffeur. "Hello Robert", said Horse. "How's the new stud seem", asked the chauffeur. "It's too early to tell yet, he's very green and doesn't know quite what to expect from Stallion's as yet". "I'll be better able to tell in a few days once the real work and training starts", said Horse. He called out to Tom and asked him what he was doing, "haven't you finished yet", he asked. Tom responded that he was on his way. He walked towards the pair and sat on Robert's left side away from the chauffeur. Tom noticed that Robert had his arm around the chauffeur holding him tightly against his body, whilst the chauffeur had his left hand wrapped around Robert's hardening cock. "Robert, I'd like to formally introduce you to Tom Hynd, Tom this is Robert Sutton our chauffeur and one of the nicest people who work at Stallion's". "If you ever need help and I'm not around, I want to ask Robert he's a real good friend and he'll take care of you", said Horse. The chauffeur stretched his right hand out towards Tom and shook his hand firmly. "It's nice to meet you again Tom, I truly hope you have a good time with us". "Well thanks, ah....Robert, I only hope I can live up to everyone's expectations", said Tom. Both Robert and Horse laughed. "Now you know why everyone calls me Horse, with both of us having the same name it can sometime get very confusing". "Don't worry you'll get used to calling me Horse". Tom could feel his cock begin to harden, he couldn't help but stare at horse's fully erect cock, which was being wanked by Robert. He instinctively moved his own hand out towards the long shaft and caressed the crown with his fingers. "This is one mighty amazing dick you have here", said Tom. "It's got to be at least a foot long". "How can anyone have a dick so long, I don't remember it appearing so large in any of your movies". "Well I expect it all depends on when the movie was made", said Horse. "The size of my cock is directly related to the number of years I've been taking Doctor Menzies secret formula". "For the first 4 years, my cock stayed around the 10 inch mark but in the last year it seems to have started growing again". Horse reached out towards Robert's crotch and pulled his semi erect cock above the water. "You see Tom, we all have big cocks here". "It's one of the perks of becoming a Stallion's stud, Doctor Menzies helps you grow a big, thick dick", said Horse. Rather than release Robert's cock from his hand, Horse continued to stroke the rod so that it hardened and grew. Tom watched both studs as they beat each other's meat getting themselves hot and hard. Tom not wanting to be left out of the action, lent forward circled the head of Horse's cock with his lips. Over and over again he licked at the surface, cleaning every inch of the fat head. Both Robert and Horse watched Tom work the huge cock inching more and more of monster into his tight mouth. "Yeah, that's it", said Horse. "Show me and Robert how good a cock sucker you are". Tom tried desperately to fit more and more of Horse's cock into his mouth but could only manage about eight inches before he began to gag. Horse quickly removed his cock from Tom's throat and brought the young novices mouth to his own. "Hey, slow down", said Horse. "You can't expect to deep throat 12 inches on your first go". "It's going to take time for your throat to get used to my big dick". Horse kissed Tom passionately and thrust his tongue deep into his open mouth. "Here, I think it's better you start off on a smaller cock", said Horse. He pushed Tom towards Robert and his crotch and told him to practice on the chauffeur's dick. Tom followed orders and immediately engulfed half the chauffeur's shaft into his waiting mouth. In and out he worked the cock, slowly forcing it further and further into his mouth and throat. Whilst Tom attempted to deep-throat Robert's 10 inch cock, Horse stood up and moved his crotch to Robert's face. It was obvious, that the chauffeur had had lots of practice in suck Horse's massive tool because he allowed Horse to sink his full shaft into his mouth. Tom couldn't help himself, he had to stop for a few moments and watch Horse pound Robert's mouth. He could see the thick cock head slide deep into Robert's throat and cause Robert's Adam's apple to move up and down in time with the thrusts. The vision was both exciting and inspirational. Tom returned his mouth to Robert's cock and tried to copy the studs' form. Both Horse and Robert were in total control of their bodies. Neither of them was even close to shooting his load. In and out, in and out, Horse pounded, fucking Robert's throat as though there was no tomorrow. Tom wondered if he would ever be as good as the two studs. After a while, Horse pulled out of Robert's throat and walked to the low cabinet set against the wall. He removed a large bottle of lube from the shelf and returned to the edge of the pool. He stroked his hard cock as he watched the young studs at play. Seeing Horse wank his own tool, made Tom feel guilty. His hand reached out to the monster cock and he attempted wank Horse off whilst at the same time continuing to deep throat Robert. Unfortunately, working both studs over became more and more difficult for Tom, he knew he'd have to concentrate on one or the other. He slowly, released Robert's cock from his mouth and moved between Horse's open legs. Leaning forward he encased the head of Horse's cock within his lips and proceeded to work up and down upon the shaft. Robert watched for a while but soon lifted himself from the water and fed his eager cock directly into Horse's open mouth. He pounded the velvety throat hard and deep, knowing that Horse could handle the heavy action. Once he'd been well serviced, he turned and began to feed Horse his arse. Over and over again, Horse probed the rosy bud with his hard tongue, causing spasms of pleasure to rise through Robert's body. "Oh that's it man, fuck my arse with your tongue", shouted Robert. "Get me nice and wet for that big fat dick of your's". Robert pushed harder onto the tongue, endeavouring to have it invade him further. Horse did the best he could and then brought his fingers to the hole. He began to finger fuck Robert, stretching the opening wider and wider, with one finger, then two and finally three. Robert moaned in ecstasy at the attention and Horse knew that he was ready to be fucked. Horse ordered Tom off his cock and told him to feed Robert's throat some dick. Tom stepped from the water and walked to Robert's side. Robert immediately fell to his knees and took Tom's cock fully into his mouth. "Yeah that's it", said Horse. "Show Tom how we suck dick at Stallions". As Robert deep throated Tom's eight-inch cock, Horse covered his cock in a thin film of lube. He positioned himself behind Robert's waiting arse and placed the head of his cock directly upon Robert's twitching hole. It opened instantaneously to let Horse within. Even though, Horse had fucked Robert a hundred times before, he still knew that he had to take it slow, if Robert was to enjoy the pounding he was about to receive. Gradually, he inched his dick into Robert's love tunnel, sliding the shaft in and out repeatedly, so that his thick dick stretched the tunnel whilst coating it in a thin film of lube. In, out, in, out he moved, sliding deeper and deeper with each inward thrust. Robert cried out in agony as Horse buried his full 13 inches deep into his hole but knew that the pain would soon be replaced by pleasure. "Yeah that's it big boy", said Robert. "Feed me with your thick, long dick, make me know I'm being fucked by the biggest and the best". Tom watched in complete amazement, he wondered how anyone could handle the full rod. He simply had to have a closer look. Tom slid under Robert's arched body and positioned his face immediately beneath the centre of action at Robert's arse. He watched as Horse slowly fucked Robert, thrusting his thick cock in and out of the tiny hole. The monster cock would slide out of Robert as far as the head and then drill it's way back until it was buried to the hilt. Over and over again the process was repeated, gradually forcing the tunnel to become accustomed to the thick rod. Tom tongue reached out and licked at Robert's hard balls before moving to the head of Robert's cock. The moment Tom's lips encircled the crown, Robert pushed himself fully inside Tom's mouth and began to fuck his throat. In and out he pounded in time with Horse's inward strokes. Tom wrapped his arms around Robert's waist and pulled the studs body towards him so that his full weight was upon him. Tom's dick was only inches from Robert's mouth and he quickly plunged the cock deep into his throat. As he watched the two studs 69 each other, Horse began to step up the pace of his fucking. Each inward stroke of his cock would cause the two studs to bury themselves deeper with each other's cock. "Yeah that's it", said Robert. "Go on Horse, fuck me harder". "Push my dick deep into Tom's throat". For Tom, the excitement was too great and he began to loose his load. He flooded Robert's mouth with his hot cum and the stud hungrily drank up every drop. Robert waited until Tom's ejaculations had subsided and then lifted himself onto all fours so that Horse was better able to penetrate him fully. It was all the encouragement Horse needed, he picked up the pace of his thrusts and began to fuck Robert harder, deeper and faster. As Tom watched, he knew that Robert would have to loose his load soon and positioned his mouth around the head of Robert's cock. He sucked hard on the rod urging the sweet cum to rise up the shaft. Robert tried to hold off but the constant pound made his balls churn to release their precious load. Tom eagerly drank from the erupting fountain and made certain that every drop travelled to his stomach. "God that tastes good", said Tom. "It has a sweet taste, unlike any cum I've tasted before". Robert just smiled and them focused his full attention upon Horse who had continued to fuck him through his ejaculation. He pushed backwards onto Horse's forward thrusting cock and embedded the shaft fully within himself. "Go for it Horse", said Robert. "I know you like to fuck me deeply". Over and over again Horse pounded Robert's arse, working the head of his cock within the tight tunnel so that his balls gave up their precious load. The force of his hot spurts made Robert twitch involuntarily and he was soon filled to overflowing with hot cum. Not wanting to waste any of the white liquid, Horse quickly pulled out of Robert and fed his spurting cock to Tom. The new arrival quickly drank the never-ending ejaculations as best he could, but small rivulets of cum oozed from the corners of his mouth. All three studs collapsed in a twisted heap of flesh on the floor and rested as they came down from their sexual highs. "Well Tom, what do you think of Stallion's", said Horse. "I love it", said Tom. "I'm glad", said Horse. "You can expect more of the same over the coming, days, weeks and years". "At Stallion's we have a motto, If your friend's can't satisfy you, then no one else will". CHAPTER FIVE Horse and Tom quickly showered once more and then went to Horse's room to drop off their used clothes. "Welcome to my room", said Horse. "I hope you like it". "It looks fine to me", said Tom. "Good", said Horse. " "Put your things down over there, we'll get you unpacked latter on". "I want to take you on a little tour of the Ranch before dinner". The first stop was the staff recreation area. It was a large room with a number of oversized arm chairs and couches, a pool table, bar, large screen television and a couple of pinball machines. "When there's no client's around, most of the staff tend to congregate either here or in the bathhouse", said Horse. "It's a good place to be in the evening if you want to talk and relax with the other guys". As they walked along the passage Horse pointed out the Doctor's Surgery. "This is Doctor Menzie's Surgery, you'll meet him later this evening". "If you have any aches or pains, he's the man to see, he's a good doctor and a really nice guy". Horse next directed Tom to the Southern end of the Resort, towards the video production centre. It was like a giant television studio with lights, cameras and electronic equipment everywhere. "This is where we shoot many of the Stallion Video". "This month we have a title called 'Biker's Alley' in production, hence all the black leather and metal". "We make approximately 4 or 5 video titles per year any more and the resort starts to suffer because we all get overtired". "You probably know our current in-house video director because he was one of the first Stallion Studs, he's names Blade Thompson". "Sure, I know Blade Thompson", said Tom. "He was one of my early idols". "Unlike so many big stars, he wasn't afraid to be on the receiving end of a big cock". "God he made me hot and horny". "In fact one of my favourite porn movies was a video called 'Dominator', it stared both you and Blade." "Do you remember it", asked Tom. "Sure I do", said Horse. "It was the first movie in which I ever got fucked by another guy". "Previously, I'd always been a top". "I know", said Tom. "That's why I liked it so much". "Seeing Blade fuck you with his big, hard cock, really turned me on, it showed that muscle gods enjoy being fucked just as much as the next guy". Tom stepped closer to Horse and placed his hand directly over the purple pouch that held his big cock and heavy balls. "Do you ever get fucked these days", asked Tom. "Occasionally", said Horse. "It depends on who and for what reasons". Horse lent down and kissed Tom passionately on the lips. "If you're a good boy", said Horse. "I'll let you fuck me later on this evening". Horse escorted Tom around the rest of the complex before returning to his room to get ready for dinner. This Story is owned by Please do not post to the net without my e-mail reference.


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The Stallion Club, Part 1 'The New Recruit'

THE STALLION CLUB Part One - The New Recruit This story is the property of Please do not post to the net without my e-mail reference. 'The Stallion Club' comes from the June 98 edition of "Sinbad's House" (My free site with something new every month). CHAPTER ONE Tom had been successful in

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Part Three - 'Basic Training' This story is the property of Please do not post to the net without my e-mail and web site reference. 'Basic Training' comes from the September 98 edition of "Sinbad's House" (My free site dedicated to hard muscular men, with something new every month). Chapter Ten

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This story is the property of Please do not post to the net without my e-mail and web site reference. 'Basic Training Continues' comes from the September 98 edition of "Sinbad's House" (My free site dedicated to hard muscular men, with something new every month). Chapter Thirteen The gym was a

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This story is the property of Please do not redistribute this story without my e-mail reference and website address. SINBAD'S HOUSE - Tom had just finished his morning workout with Doctor Menzies and been told that his progress had been better than expected. Each passing day had morphed his body, larger and

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This story is the property of Please do not redistribute this story without my e-mail reference and website address. SINBAD'S HOUSE - Chapter Twenty-Four Tom awoke the next morning to find himself sandwiched between Cory on his left and Robert on his right. His head was filled with images of last night and


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