Gay Erotic Stories

The Sting

by Alan Katz
03 Jul 1998


I was heading out of town. About a half-hour north I got routed around an incredible chain-reaction pile-up: cars, trucks, vans, from just dented to shreds of tiny metal; police cars, fire trucks, ambulances, tow-trucks were everywhere. I was sorry for anyone who got hurt, but I was getting antsy, and with all the cops tied up in the accident, I didn't think I'd have to worry about someone nailing me. So, I slammed my foot down and started going 80 mph. A few minutes later I barely made the turnoff to the highway up into the hills when I heard the siren. Shit. I screamed out loud. I slowed down, of course. But on this road I couldn't just stop. Not with all these curves, and the possibility that some other idiot with the same idea as me might come around one unexpectedly. I lifted one hand off the wheel, and wig-wagged a sort of "what now?" gesture. The cop used the loudspeaker to tell me there was a roadside park a half mile ahead, and to tell me, "Don't even think about trying to get away." I drove very carefully and found the turn-off. The road continued to hug the mountainside, but there was a huge outcropping on the right that the state had converted into a remarkably beautiful park. A couple of picnic tables, of course, and a lot of trees, and an absolutely incredible view of the valley. I came to a very careful stop. The Highway Patrol car stopped a car length behind me. We just sat there for a moment or two. I didn't get out of the car. I knew better. Although, I did keep an eye on the rearview mirror. The motor was still running, I guess to keep the air conditioning going, and they were obviously running my plates through the DMV. They wouldn't find anything, and it was a corporate car, so he wouldn't get my name. I heard the engine go off, and one of the doors open. I looked in the mirror at the cop getting out, all decked out in his uniform, shined black boots, crisp short-sleeved shirt. And that was just the beginning. He was younger than me, but not much younger. Tall, a bit on the slender side, but nicely muscled. Hair the color of ripe golden wheat, cut real short...not Marine buzz cut, but close...more hair, thick and curly and darker gold, peeking over the throat of his white tee, and shining down his arms. Thin nose, square jaw, an honest-to-God cleft, narrow lips that weren't smiling at all right now. A nice package between his legs it looked like, though I couldn't be sure, since his pants weren't tight enough to have that sprayed-on look. He just stood there, legs spread, back straight, adjusting his mirrored shades. I then heard the cop car's passenger door open, shifted my eyes in the rearview mirror sideways to see a second cop got out. The second cop adjusted his cap as he shut the door. Now this was a fucking Marine buzz cut. Black hair flecked with silver, actually a lot of silver. Wide face, full lips, stocky build. Dressed like the young one, and lots hairier. No tee-shirt, and the gray-and-black chest hair looked like a damned jungle. He's a beefy stud and nice looking. I knew this cop and I knew exactly what was going to happen. The young stud wasn't going to get anywhere near me. The older cop would give me a fifteen minute lecture on about driving without identification, much less with a license. Did I mention my wallet was still on the kitchen table? And the gross irresponsibility and the sheer goddamned stupidity of driving up this mountain with this kind of road and these kind of cliffs at that kind of speed. I couldn't see his eyes behind those shades they all wear, but I swear to God they were looking right at me in the rearview mirror. He paused at the rear of the car, with his partner standing back and to the side. His head was tilted like he was really paying attention to the license plate on the car, but I knew his eyes were locked on mine in the mirror. He adjusted his belt slightly, and unsnapped his holster. What the fuck? He came up beside the door. I still hadn't moved. I also didn't turn my head. I decided to just stare patiently ahead until he got through with the lecture and then I could go. "License and registration, sir." His voice was low, cold and carrying. I glanced in the mirror. The young one was directly behind the car now, a few feet back, standing with his legs slightly spread. Now he was showing off for his new partner. "I'm sorry, but I left my wallet at home...officer." "Get out of the car, sir." Now that got my attention. I looked up at his face. He was serious. I wasn't sure whether to be nervous or pissed. My temper was leaning toward pissed, royally pissed. I opened the door of the car. He had of course gotten out of the way so I couldn't try something funny with it. I unfolded myself and stood in the open door. He tilted his head slightly to look up at me. I'm six five. I looked down at him. And when I look down at someone, even if they're the same height I am, they tend to cringe, inside if not outwardly. He didn't. Inside or out. Instead, his lips just tightened a little. "Step to the back of the car, sir." As I "turned the corner" to the trunk, he spoke again. "Place your hands flat on the trunk of the car, sir, and spread your legs." His voice was quiet, powerful, overriding the lifted eyebrows from his partner that I could see out of the corner of my eyes. I did as he said, feeling very stupid and very embarrassed and very angry. I'm wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. What the fuck was he going to do, search me? Yep. He stood almost completely between me and his partner when he did it. "You may stand up and turn around now, sir." I stood up fast. And on the way up I planted an elbow in the pit of his stomach, hard enough for him to whuff! the air out, pivoted, yanked his gun out of his holster with my left hand, tossed it to my right and had it pointed at the two of them before his ass hit the ground. The kid just stood there, his mouth dropping open, when he saw me thumb off the safety. "Stand up...officer." Picture a muscular, six-two guy, his hair all wild, a loaded gun in his hand, a look of uncontrollable rage on his face...about to go postal on two cops. Only now what the fuck was I going to do? Add a sadistic smile to the look, for one thing. That gave me a couple minutes to think, and to decide. I motioned the older cop to back up, but not too close to his partner. I looked at the blond and said, "Take the gun out of the holster, drop it, kick it away. And do it fucking now!" My voice was so cold and my face so intense his hand even started to move, and then he stopped. "You sure you want to accept the consequences, cop?" He looked over at his partner and I guess some sort of signal passed between them, since I couldn't see their eyes behind the shades, and the blond did what I told him. Of course, he didn't do it very well. Kind of a sullen, little-boy kick that moved the gun just a few inches. I shifted the gun slightly so it was pointing toward the older one. "You want to re-think what you just did, kid...and maybe do it right this time?" He nodded, and then a bit off-balance reached out and kicked the gun to me. I kicked it back under my car without taking my eyes off either one. "Shades. Off." There was just the faintest look of surprise on their faces before they took the sunglasses off. "Cuffs." Christ, at this rate they were going to start thinking I hardly knew anything except short sentences. Well, that would change. "You--cuff the kid and then pitch the keys on the other side of those picnic tables." There was the merest glint of anger...or his eyes, but he did what he was told. I made the kid do the same thing. Now there were two cops in front of me, with their hands cuffed in front of them, and I still wasn't quite sure what to do with them. And then I figured it out. Once again I used the gun to move them, away from the car, and over toward the tables. "I'm just as good with my left hand as I am with my right, so don't do anything stupid," I told them as I shifted the gun to my left hand and used my right to open the driver's door, and grope inside to turn the engine off and get the car keys. I guess they were thinking maybe I'd be distracted or something when they realized what I was about to do, `cause their muscles started to tense like they were going to rush me. But I'd had to do this stunt once, and I'd rehearsed it until I had it down cold. My eyes didn't move away from theirs and neither did my concentration. I walked back to my car and dropped the keys onto the front seat. "Kid." Damn, but that got his goat. He got real tight-lipped every time I called him that. "Call in and tell them you've just stopped a speeder up in the mountains, and as soon as you give him his ticket you're taking a break. And don't make the mistake of trying to use any of the codes to warn them. All that is gonna do is really piss me off." Once again he glanced at his partner, who nodded with about a 1/32nd of an inch tilt of his head. I'd rolled down the window so all he had to do was reach in for the mike. He opened his mouth as he brought his hand up and I said, "And don't try the double-cough, or throat-clearing crap either." Man, I was really getting off on this power trip. He tried to be so cool about it, but he was real disappointed he wasn't going to get to be a hero by warning dispatch that something was wrong with a precisely-placed pair of coughs or throat-clearings. He did what he was told, and then moved back beside his partner. "Now, Kid, drop your pants." Christ, but the expression on his face was priceless. Too bad I didn't have the camcorder going right then. Oh well, my memory will have to do for that one. All I had to do was shift the gun toward his partner, and real quick the kid started struggling with his belt, and zipper, and then with trying to peel his pants and boxers down. Amazing how much harder it is when you can't put one hand on each of your hips and shove the damned things down. But he managed. He had a lot of incentive. The package was as nice as I thought it would be. Kind of shriveled up, but that was understandable, considering the circumstances. His balls were the kind that tended to stay up close to his cock, it looked like, in kind of an orange-sized bag. He was cut, nicely-shaped, had a thick set of pubes that looked real soft, that same kind of bronze-gold color as his tan. He looked kind of cute with his pants around his thighs, cuffed and blushing. "Okay, your turn, old man." The sneer on the last two words earned me a glare, but he did what I said. Same shriveled effect on his cock as with the kid, but you could tell it was thick and powerful. Uncut. Large balls that hung down real loose in the sack, and a fucking jungle of black-and-silver crotch hair. "Here's the deal. Kid, your partner is gonna give you a blow job. Your job is gonna be to keep from gettin' hard while he sucks your prick, and if you can't manage that, then to keep from blowin' a wad. You understand?" Rage, and pain, and humiliation battled in his face...shit, this kid probably couldn't tell a lie with a straight face...with the anger winning out for just a moment. He was clearly going to rush me, no matter how stupid that was with his hands cuffed and his cock and balls flopping in the breeze, and his legs hobbled with his pants and boxers. But he was going to try...until his partner said, "Bobby, don't be stupid." The kid's muscles slowly unwound while something like despair crossed his face. I almost broke...but didn't. "But I...he...I can'" He was incoherent, but his partner apparently understood. "Look, he's got a gun...yeah, I know it's my goddamn fault we're in this mess...but if putting my mouth on your dick is going to keep you or both of us from getting shot, then that's the fucking way it is. Just think of...fuck...the multiplication tables...or how disgusting it is for me to suck your cock...or whatever...and you don't get hard, and he doesn't get his jollies. Okay?" The young cop nodded, but wouldn't meet his partner's eyes. The older one looked at me. "You got a preference?" Now that threw me. The fucker knew it, too, because he proceeded to explain very carefully as if talking to a deliberately stupid child, with the words evenly spaced: "Do you want me to suck him standing up or on my knees?" "Knees." He just nodded and got in front of Bobby and carefully got down until his face was right at his partner's crotch. I could see him take a big breath, and then he bent his head forward. Bobby was looking everywhere but at his partner kneeling in front of him, and finally settled on squeezing his eyes shut. He gasped a little, which told me his cock was at least partially inside a hot stud cop mouth. Since they were...occupied...I felt I could take the risk of backing up and getting into the large leather bag on the passenger front seat. The bag that held the camcorder. It was a little difficult to get it out one-handed, but I managed, although with frequent glances to the blow-job pair to be sure I didn't get surprised. But they weren't paying any attention to me. My own cock was drooling from the sight of the older cop bobbing his head in Bobby's crotch. My camcorder is real easy to operate one-handed, and the battery was fully charged. This was going to be fun. I started it and then circled around until I was looking at them from the side, being very sure to get plenty of footage with their faces. I didn't want there to be any question about who was sucking and getting sucked. What a fucking trip. I was getting to direct my own live porn video. Whatever the kid was thinking about it was pretty much working. His cock had gotten a bit longer, and it was certainly slimy with spit, but it was nowhere near hard. I decided he needed some help. "Play with yourself, old man, and then play with Bobby's balls." The voice coming from his right startled him a little and without taking his mouth off the kid's prick he glanced my way, and really glared when he saw the camera. But he also saw the gun which was still under easy control. He grabbed his own meat with his left hand...and it was already more than half hard. A couple of strokes completed the hard on. Well, well, well, well, well. I grinned my biggest shit-eating grin. I liked what I saw. The foreskin pulled back to show a shiny reddish-purple head, kind of missile-pointed, and then widening out to a very thick shaft. A single drop of precum oozed out the hole, and I caught it on the tape. Then I zoomed in on the sight of the older cop's heavy, hairy hands playing gently with the kid's balls, rolling them around, kind of tugging a little on them. And the kid started to get hard. "Suck his balls, cop. The kid obviously likes to have them worked on." "No, please...." Bobby half-moaned. "I don't...please don't do this to me." The older cop bent his head, and used his cuffed hands to hold the kid's balls up, and lick them one by one, and then take them in his mouth. He even managed to get both of them in his mouth at once and this time the kid moaned for real and his dick got all the way hard. It jutted straight out from his body, longer than I thought it would be, and nice and fat. Without the director calling the shots, the older cop moved up and took the hard prick into his mouth...just the head at first, and I could tell he was swirling his tongue around it, and around the piss slit. And then real, real slow he started moving his head forward, his mouth a wide oval as he sucked Bobby's dick all the way into his throat. His nose was buried in the kid's crotch and he was breathing deep through his nose, inhaling the hot male scent I knew had to be there. Christ, was I fucking jealous right then. He pulled his head back very, very slowly until his mouth was only holding the cock head again, and the air caressed the wet shaft. I looked down at the older cop's crotch and his prick was leaking a steady stream. But he wasn't playing with himself, he was still playing with the Bobby's balls. "Get your fingers wet." My voice was soft, pitched to carry, but I don't think the kid really heard. He was too far gone in the pleasure, so far gone he'd forgotten there was a maniac holding a gun on him and forcing him to do this. The older cop heard, and quickly soaked his fingers before swallowing Bobby's cock once more. "Spread your legs, kid." Bobby did what he was told. There was something...hesitant...about the way the older cop knelt. I couldn't actually see his shoulder muscles start to move his hand up between Bobby's legs, but I could sense a moment of hesitation, and then the tiniest slump, almost impossible to see, before he did it. I couldn't actually see what was happening, of course, but I could tell from Bobby's actions just what was going on. He really gasped when he felt that finger start to go up his butt hole. Then he almost held his breath, and the older cop's right arm wasn't moving, like he was holding his finger part of the way in and letting Bobby get used to it. And then his arm moved and pretty soon his finger was buried all the way up Bobby's hole. Bobby was fucking loving it. A hot mouth and throat sucking down every inch of his prick, and a fat wet finger up his ass. He'd been holding his cuffed hands up and out of the way, but he brought them slowly down, rested his hands on the back of his partner's head, his fingers unconsciously stroking the short hair. He moaned louder, and I was pretty sure a second finger was now up his hole. Bobby was beginning to lean forward just a little, which thrust his stud ass back onto the fingers that were fucking his hole, and with his hands on his partner's head he had leverage to start his hips thrusting, start face-fucking the older cop. "Oh, Christ, Dan, Jesus, I'm sorry, but I can' got me...oh dear God...." I moved slightly so I could get a clear shot of the three fingers that were ramming in and out of Bobby's butt, and then back to Bobby fucking Dan's face, harder and harder, with long strokes that pulled his cock almost all the way out before Bobby clamped his cuffed hands on the back of the older cop's head and slammed his head down into Bobby's crotch. Bobby's entire body arched backward like a bow being strung and his mouth opened in a scream that would have started an avalanche all the way west in the Rockies if it hadn't been silent. They were frozen there, the young cop with his butt stuffed with fingers, the older one's throat rippling as he swallowed spurt after spurt after spurt of Bobby's juice. I should have stopped there. Should have just let it go. They knew where the handcuff keys were. I could have, should have, just jumped in my car, and dropped their car keys at the edge of the road as I drove off, knowing they wouldn't dare do anything since I had the tape. I couldn't stop. I didn't stop. Dan was gently sucking his partner's softening meat, slowly sliding his fingers out of what had to be a pretty tender hole right about then. Dan relaxed back on his haunches after giving Bobby's dick head a final gentle swipe with his tongue. His prick was standing up hard in all that fur, hard and dripping...just like mine. "Hey, Officer Bobby...." My soft voice drifted across the space separating us, coiled about his head, gently tugged his face toward mine, pulled his eyes open. He was barely conscious, not even aware that his hands were still on his partner's head, one index finger rubbing the short silver-black hair. "On your back." That got him awake. Whatever knowledge he had before he pulled me over, in the last however many minutes it had been he'd learned a lot. And he knew those three words meant he was going to have somebody's dick crammed up his ass, very, very soon. I could see his butt cheeks clench as he tightened his hole. He tried to hide the dismay in his eyes as his look darted to the gun and my cold face and the hard cock stretching my cutoffs, and then back to my face. I used the gun to gesture the young one down, enjoying the view as he laid down where he was, flat on his back, his cuffed hands covering his crotch, his knees tightly together, legs bent, feet flat on the ground...his toes just barely touching his partner's knees. His face was utterly still. "Old man." The glare that earned me should have left just a scorched spot on the ground. It didn't. "We've got a new game going here. It's called fuck your partner." His dick twitched slightly although his expression was as still as the other one's. Still...but with a difference. There was something going on behind those flatly staring eyes, some...calculation. I backed up a step and a tiny, smug grin flickered across his face and vanished almost instantaneously. "Lift your legs, Bobby," he said quietly. They looked at each other, and I heard the older one say, "I won't hurt you. I'll never hurt you." Except...he didn't say a goddamn fucking word. Not out loud. Bobby spread knees wide, and lifted his legs. With his hands cuffed he couldn't wrap his arms behind his knees to hold them up, so he did it with just the strength of his back and legs. Dan bent over and used his own cuffed hands to raise the kid's butt and then plunged his mouth down on the cop's hole. Bobby gasped; I stifled one. I couldn't see the tongue but I knew what was happening; I eat ass the same way. Enthusiastically. Tongue wasn't as filling as three fingers or a cock, but goddamn it was a turn on. And Bobby was starting to get turned on again, tossing his head back and forth, trying to stifle a little whimper, as Dan's tongue swirled wet and deep. I was so horny I could hardly stand it. I set the camcorder on the ground, pointing it at the rim job. Hopefully it would get the fuck to come as well. Using my free hand I unbuttoned my 501 shorts, dropped them to the ground, stepped out of them. The younger one's legs were trembling, whether from lust or strain, I didn't know, but he kept them up in the air. But I only saw that out of the corner of my eye. What I was really concentrating on was Dan's hairy ass. Which was nicely up in the air while he was tongue-fucking Bobby. The kind of muscled ass, wide, hard looking you figure if you slam your hips against it while plowing his hole, you're gonna break your fucking pelvis. I licked my lips. That's when he raised his head from the rim job and looked to his right, directly at me. His lips were shiny with spit and ass juices, a strand of saliva running down to his chin. He dropped spit on his fingers, blended spit and precum and his cock and positioned himself at Bobby's hole. I'd never though how difficult it might be to fuck in that position if both men are cuffed. How do you hold a man's ankles and spread his legs wide while you thrust your cock deep inside him, if your hands are only a few inches apart? How do you balance yourself if you want to be on top of him, folding him nearly in half as you ram your dick hard and fast, if you can't rest your weight on your palms on either side of him, or grab his shoulders and pull him to you? They were managing. Bobby gasped loudly when Dan's cock head invaded him; moaned even louder when Dan slowly edged his hips forward, burying his pole up that virgin butt inch by wide and careful inch until those heavy hairy balls were resting against the sweat-gleaming ass of his partner. Dan bent forward between Bobby's spread legs, his torso and hips pulling Bobby up until Dan could rest his arms above Bobby's head, elbows touching Bobby's shoulders, his cuffed hands forming a triangle peak. Their faces were very close. Bobby's hands were between them. Dan slid his cock partially out of Bobby's ass, and then in again, adjusting his position slightly. Bobby moaned. Dan began moving his hips, thrusting gently in short strokes up Bobby's butt. I couldn't stand it any longer. I dropped spit on my own dick head, lots of it, smearing it around with my own precum, then added more spit to the shaft. I dropped to my knees behind the older cop, shoving his legs apart. He froze on an out-stroke, his mouth still captured by his partner. My hand guided my cock head to the target and quickly shoved it in. He didn't flinch. I almost exploded then and there. His ass was so fucking hot. I swiped more spit on myself, fairly sure it was going to boil off the second it got inside him. And get inside him I did. Not viciously, not fast, I just started pushing and he...he fucking opened and took me in. It was my turn to moan, to whimper. I'd never felt anything like this. I grabbed Dan's shoulders with both hands, digging into those hard muscles, using them for leverage as I desperately began ramming my cock in and out of his hole, feeling his heat, feeling his moistness, feeling the play of muscles around my meat, feeling his hips rotate, his hole open to allow me in, clamping down as I pulled out, moving my hips ever faster until my body was tingling and I threw back my head and howled "Oh, God, yes!" in a voice that echoed across the canyon, and then I came and came and came. And collapsed in a quivering, sweaty heap over the older cop's back as he then released his juices inside of Bobby. I then slid my soft prick out of him, faintly aware of a long trail of thick cum oozing out, too. I then shut off the camcorder and put it into my car. I then got cleaned up and dressed. As I started my engine, and said my goodbyes, I tossed them the keys to the handcuffs. I still wonder if Bobby ever figured out that Dan was in on it with me. You see, Dan loves to fuck his young partners without the dudes knowing he's a fag. So he lets me help set up the sting. The younger cop is too afraid to tell anyone what happened, especially since its always on tape. Yeah Dan and I have played this sting many times on unsuspecting young cops and there's no end in sight.


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