Gay Erotic Stories

The Underground, Part 1

by Anthony Samhain
23 Jan 1998

Men's Clubs

The Ungerground, Part I Author's note: I thought it might be interesting if a club like the one depicted in this story existed. It's certainly plausible. I can't mention the name of the theme park where this scenario takes place, for they certainly wouldn't be pleased ... so, I'm hoping that from subtle clues, you'll know the place I'm talking about (wink, wink, wink!!) This can be copied, transmitted, Xeroxed, etc., just as long as all the text is retained and the author's name and the title appear in it. WARNING!!!!: This story contains explicit sexual acts between men ... if this type of stuff offends you, makes you physically or mentally ill, is against your religion or causes a negative reaction from you, etc., THEN PLEASE DON'T READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHANGE THE CHANNEL!!! (Just like I do when "Newsradio" or "George & Leo" comes on ...) This is a work of fiction. All of the events, locations, and people named here are purely fictional, though the setting is ... well ... inspired. E-mail me if you like it, don't like it, have any kind of feedback, etc ( Happy reading!! "The Underground" by Anthony Samhain I couldn't believe it!! I finally got to work for my favorite theme park! I'd been wanting to do so ever since I was a child. I'd watch as the employees tended to rides, performed little spiels, etc., and I couldn't stop thinking how much fun it would be to work there! When I moved to my new apartment in Bridgewood, the park was only fifteen minutes away driving, so on a whim, I stopped by the human resources office and put in an application. After a week and a half of training, I had my first day in the park tending to one of the boat rides. There I was, in full costume, directing people onto the boats as they went into the ride. Little did I know that when that day was done, I would be absolutely exhausted! At the end of my shift that day, I went underground and into the corridors that made up the vast network which allowed people to go from one end of the park to another in costume, so that employees who were dressed in the bulkier character costumes wouldn't have to plod through the park and past tourists. I headed towards the men's locker room and began to change clothes. I felt a hand gently clapping me on the back. I looked up and saw my pal, Dave, smiling at me. "Hi there!" he said. "How was your first day?" "Not bad, though I think I'd prefer not to do boat rides too often." He laughed. "You get used to it." I had just removed my vest and when I looked up I saw a gorgeous, dark-haired man wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, heading for the showers. His chest was covered in thick, curly black hair that hid every inch of skin. I stared for a moment, watching him step into one of the shower stalls. He was a real babe! "You dropped something," Dave said. It took a moment for me to come out of my reverie. "Huh? What did I drop?" "Your tongue," Dave said, grinning. "I think it's somewhere on the floor." "Did you see that guy? What a hunk!" "Yeah, a hunk, and straight as a board." Damn. Well, I could always admire him. I went back to changing my clothes, and I was down to my underwear when I spotted another guy, also towel-clad, heading for the showers. This one was blond, had deep cobalt eyes, and a well-developed chest with light blond fur all over it. I could feel my dick starting to harden, then realized that I was in my BVD's. I held my T-shirt over my front to cover it. "That's Steven," Dave remarked. "And he's definitely one of us." "He's yummy," I murmured. "Do you have a thing for hairy guys or something, Jeff?" "My thing, as you call it, goes into motion if I even think about a hairy guy." Dave was now half-dressed in his street clothes. I went back to getting into my own non-work apparel, when I saw another guy, this one wearing shorts and not a towel, heading towards the showers. He was balding (which I find incredibly sexy) and his hair was reddish-brown, on both his head and his chest. He had a really beautiful face. I checked my lips for drool. "I think I'm gonna like working here!" *** The next day, I was done with my shift and I went into the locker room to change clothes. When I pulled my door open, I was startled to see a white envelope taped to the inside. It was the size that greeting cards usually came in. I looked to either side of me, then surreptitiously opened it. It was a card, much like a greeting card, and on the front was a design. It was a circle, and inside it was a silhouette of the head and shoulders of a hooded figure, what I guessed to be a monk. I opened the card and read what was written inside: "So you like hairy men, eh? You are invited to a special gathering on the 13th at 9PM sharp. Only you, no one else. If you are interested, then take the sticker on the back of the card and place it onto the outside of your locker in the upper left-hand corner of the door. That will be your R.S.V.P. Further instructions on where the gathering will be held will be given to you. We hope to see you." The 13th. Two days from today. I turned the card over and there was a small sticker on the back, decorated with the same symbol from the front. At first, I was a bit disturbed that someone apparently knew my locker combination. Then, I figured that it might be a prank, probably one from Dave. Ha ha, I thought, I'll go along with it, Dave, just to see what you've got in mind. He was somewhat notorious for going to great, yet subtle, lengths just to get a laugh. I placed the sticker onto my locker as instructed and then changed my clothes. When I came in the next morning, the sticker was gone. I looked around me, at the three men scattered about the room, who were clearly not paying even the slightest bit of attention to me. I slowly turned the dial on my lock, wondering what might pop out at me when I opened the door. When all the tumblers were in place, I slowly and gently pulled my door open, turning from it as I did so. When a moment passed and no shaving cream or rubber snakes flew out, I peered inside. In almost the same place was a note, folded over and taped in almost the same spot as the invitation. I hastily opened it and eagerly read it. "We see that you're interested in coming to our gathering. Tomorrow, on the 13th, at 9PM, go to the supply room beside the wardrobe department in Section B. Inside it is a phone which no one uses. Dial the extension 372 and then say the word 'hirsute.' From there, you will be instructed on where to go. Be certain that NO ONE FOLLOWS YOU! Our organization is secret and it must remain that way. We trust you not to tell about us and look forward to your presence tomorrow evening. Wear casual clothing." This certainly wasn't one of Dave's pranks. Or was it? He was the only one I'd spoken with about liking hairy men, so he had to be involved somehow. What the hell, I thought, if it is one of his pranks, I may as well contribute to it and give him his laugh. Hey, what he's planned might even be pretty funny, and I'd get a laugh out of it, too! I folded the note and placed it into a corner of my locker and proceeded to dress. When Friday (yes, the 13th!) came, all I could think about was 9PM. I was off on the 14th and 15th and if this were a prank, I'd have plenty of time to plan a counter-prank. I wasn't on boat duty that day, but at a "dark ride." When I went on my break, I passed a short, cute guy with his shirt unbuttoned, dark chest hair peeking out. He winked at me as I passed him. I turned and watched as he walked away. Could he be the one who put the note in my locker? That was all I needed, a red herring. When eight-thirty came, I was off-duty and made my way down to the locker room. I stripped and got into the shower and turned the water on as hot as I could stand it. A few moments later, I was joined in my stall (there was only room for two, but with a curtain for privacy) by a cute, but smooth-bodied blond guy. I gave him a nod, but ignored him, thinking about the hairy gods I'd seen over the past few days. After I was completely dressed in my jeans and Enigma T-shirt, I glanced at my watch. 8:53. I would have just enough time to make it to Section B. I felt for the note in my pocket, the one with my password on it and gently clasped it. I took one more look around me, then left, making sure that once I was out in the hallway, I was not followed. I swear I could feel nearly every blood vessel in my body pulsing in rhythm. I walked down the hall toward my destination, trying not to look anxious as I met various glances from men and women I passed. I found the supply closet and quickly slipped inside. Lots of dust clung to stuff here and there, the room being hardly larger than an airplane lavatory. I frantically searched for the phone and finally found it tucked away in one of the corners. I picked it up and entered the numbers 3-7-2. I never breathed so hard in my entire life! A voice on the other end said, "Yes?" "Hirsute," I said, surprisingly steadily. A moment passed. "Good. You found it. No one followed you, right?" I nodded. Then responded, "Right." "Good. Jeff, it's very important that you follow these instructions precisely. Now, go to the bathroom beside the commissary. On the wall is another phone, but this one is in a much more public place, so be careful. Once you're there, dial 371, and say the same password. If anyone has started to follow you, say the word "tracked" and we'll give you instructions for an alternate route." The phone clicked and I heard a dial tone. Would've been easier if they'd just left me a damn map? I thought. I quickly left the closet, careful to make sure no one saw me, and headed toward the commissary. Once I was there, I was virtually alone. I grabbed the phone and punched in 3-7-1 and muttered, "Hirsute." A different voice, but a really sexy one, greeted my ear this time. "Excellent! No one followed you, right?" "Right." I wanted to get to the next spot ASAP! "Go to the end of the hallway to your left. On the right, there's a stairwell. Go all the way down to the bottom. There's another phone there. Call 370 and you'll be given an access code, since you'll be passing through a restricted area. Go safely." I replaced the receiver and made my way to the stairwell. Once at the bottom, my heart was racing at what I guessed to be the fastest humanly possible. I was becoming afraid that I'd fall apart, like one of those ships on Star Trek that flies into pieces when the warp core breaches. Next to the phone was what looked like a thermostat panel, which I had seen before all over the underground. I picked up the phone and dialed (punched, whatever) 3-7-0. "Hirsute," I said. There was a sigh of relief on the other end. The voice was different. "You made it!" This guy sounded younger, like not quite 20. "Okay, Jeff, open the panel beside the phone." I did so. Inside was a small keyboard with letters, numbers, and symbols. "Type in 2-O-2-B-E-1-O-B-4-7." I did so, but the words "access denied" scrolled across the small LED screen above the keys. "Didn't work!" The guy I was speaking two was whispering to somebody, and I could hear two others whispering. "Oh, okay. Jeff, I wasn't clear enough, sorry. Enter this: two-zero-two-B-E-one-zero-B-four-seven." He'd said "O" instead of "zero." I entered the new code. I heard a click and the door slid open an inch. "It worked!" "Good. You need to run straight across the room to the other door at the end as quickly as you can. Once there, enter the same code in the access panel, then dial 370 on the phone there. Do this quickly. You have sixty seconds." The line went dead. I rolled my eyes. I grabbed the door and pulled it closed as I took off running through a long, dimly-lit deserted hallway. What would happen if I didn't make it?! I felt like I was in an episode of one of the "Bionic" shows or something! I imagined that I had bionic legs and sped my way towards the other door. I yanked it open and slammed it. I thought frantically to remember the code. A second later, it came to me and I punched it in as fast as I could. The panel's LED read "secured." I picked up the phone and called 370. "Hirsute!" It was the guy I'd just spoken to. "Cool! Sorry about sending you through there, Jeff, but the only other way here would've taken too long. One last thing and you'll be here. Go down the hall behind you and take the third door on the right. You'll know what to do from there." I hung up the phone and went to the room. Inside it was very dark. "Hello?" I said, and from the slight echo, I got the feeling that I was in a warehouse. Slowly, a light from above allowed me to see a chair beside me. I took a seat. "I was wondering when I'd see you again," came a voice from behind me. I turned and saw the cute guy who winked at me in the hall earlier in the day. He was wearing a tank top and a pair of BVD's. I could see both nipples underneath the tank, and I felt my cock begin to react. "You're beautiful," I muttered. God, that was stupid! He smiled. "Thanks, Jeff. By the way, my name is Eric." He extended his hand, which I clasped. He sat down on my lap, his face in front of mine. I couldn't hold back any longer. I ran my hand through the soft, curly hair on his chest. I touched and gently pinched each nipple, finding that the left one was pierced, with a small silver ring. Eric removed his shirt and smiled. My mouth went to his left nipple and I licked it. He shivered. "I'm still getting used to it, sorry." "Don't be," I said, then gently rubbed my face in his chest hair. Then, like a newborn, I started sucking on his pierced appendage. "Ooh, Baby," he whispered. I was fully hard now, and started to unbutton my pants. I kept my mouth on Eric's nipple while I pulled my jeans to my knees. Eric placed a hand onto my fully-hardened tool and sighed. "I want that inside me," he whispered. "You got it." I gently, reluctantly, released Eric's nipple, and threw my jeans off. I hurled my shirt off and saw it disappear into the darkness of the rest of the room. My undies slid off, thanks to Eric. We re-positioned ourselves as we were before and I continued my "nursing." "I want you to do that while you're inside me, okay?" I nodded. I stopped sucking and rubbed my face across his chest a few more times. Eric slid down off my lap and slipped his mouth around my cock. Nice and warm and wet. I could easily come in his mouth very soon. I decided to see if Eric was on the same wavelength. "You'd like to swallow my hot load, wouldn't you?" "Mm-hmmm," he replied. He removed his mouth and kissed me. "I'd also like to feel you spray your stuff inside me, but you can't do it. Not tonight." I was puzzled. "I don't get it." "Jeff, you can't cum until the finale. This is just the first act." He smeared a clear gel onto my rock-hard penis and then carefully guided it into him. "Ooh." "I still don't get it." "Trust me, once you do cum, you'll thank me! It'll be like nothing you've ever experienced!" Eric's ass was tight. I mean tight! And hot! I was sure I could measure his temperature with my "thermometer." "My God! Feels like you've got a fever!!" He smiled and went up and down on me, kissing me. I gently rubbed his hairy chest and then began to suck his nipple again. He shuddered and grinned. A few moments later, he let out a small gasp. "I'm gonna cum, Baby!" he whispered in my ear. "Remember, you can't cum until the end. Oh, shit!!" I felt Eric's hot stuff coating my smooth chest and nipples. It took everything in me not to fire away, myself. He slowed down and then kissed me again. I felt myself shudder a bit, a pre-orgasmic twitch. I fought hard to stop it. I was successful. Eric got off of me and took me by the hand. He led me to a nearby wall and flipped a switch. A small shower stall was revealed. How convenient, I thought. He started the water and began to bathe me. I grabbed a shampoo bottle and began to lather up Eric's chest. He sighed and let me do it, as he finished cleaning my dick. We got out and dried off and he handed me a terrycloth bathrobe. "It's time for Act Two," he said. He pointed behind me. "Walk 75 steps in that direction and stop." I turned and looked where he'd pointed and then faced him again. "I can't see a thing!" He leaned against the wall where the switch was, fondling his pierced nipple, and smiled. "There aren't any obstacles. Just walk forward and you'll be all right." And with that, he flipped the switch off and I was in total darkness again. I shrugged and walked where I was directed. My dick was still hard, and it ached a bit. I wanted to cum so bad!! "73, 74, 75." I stopped and looked around. I heard a click and saw a small flame about ten feet away. I heard another, identical click and there was another small flame to my left, about the same distance. When my eyes adjusted, I saw that the flames were coming from candles. Another click, another candle, this one to my right. A final click, and I turned to see a candle behind me. I was in the exact center of a square. Seemingly from nowhere, a tall hooded figure stepped into the square. He took a rolled-up sleeping bag from the darkness, unzipped it all the way, and placed it onto the ground. He smoothed it out. "Hi," I stammered. "Welcome, Jeff," came the figure's deep, resonant voice. Soft music began to play. I recognized it at once as Dead Can Dance. "Kneel and remove your robe." I did so. "Do you enjoy the company of men?" he asked me. I nodded. "Do you like men whose bodies are hairy?" "Yeah." Duh! "And do you solemnly promise and swear to keep the identities and existence of this organization a closely-guarded secret, so long as you shall live?" I nodded emphatically. "Yes." He leaned forward and whispered into my ear, "And will you take my hard, thick cock inside you and let me spray my hot load into your ass?" "Oh, yes!" He removed the hood. It was the balding red-head I saw in the locker room a few days ago. God, he was hot! He shed the robe and placed my face to his chest. The hair was nice and soft, and he smelled so good. Whatever kind of cologne it was, it was like an aphrodisiac! I rubbed my face back and forth for several minutes. The song, "Cantara," began to play. I'd always wanted to make love to that!! I looked down and saw his cock standing at attention. A small drop of pre-cum was oozing out. I dove down and swallowed his hard organ. The pre-cum was kind of sweet, and I imagined him cumming in my mouth and what his cum would taste like. I sucked harder and faster. He turned me around while I worked, and he sucked my cock, same rhythm and speed. But then he stopped and moved slightly. He started tonguing my ass!! His tongue slithered in and swirled around. He went in deeper than I thought possible. I felt him move his hips faster and he plunged his tongue even deeper. I heard him moan slightly, then it got a little louder. He pulled his tongue out. "Unnnnhh!!" Hot liquid entered my mouth and went into my throat, even sweeter than the pre-cum had been. I swallowed it eagerly, wanting as much as he could give. Even when he was spent, I was still sucking, wanting him to come again just so I could taste the stuff. "Oh, man, you gotta stop!" I did, and he sat up so that we were face-to-face. "I want more, you taste so good! You --" He interrupted my plea with a kiss. I rubbed his chest and felt his dick. Not a drop left there, the only wetness being my own saliva. He broke the kiss and hugged me. "You can have as much of it as you want, but not yet. I want to cum in your mouth again, Jeff. Damn, you give good head!" "And you give great tongue!" I hugged him tighter, then we loosened our embrace. I ran my hands over his hairy arms and legs, hornier than ever now. "What's your --" "Sam. And remember, don't cum, not until the finale." "Okay." He ran his hand through my hair and leaned forward until our foreheads touched. "I'm sorry, but you've got to trust us. You'll cum so hard you'll never forget it!" "Where do I go from here?" He pointed. "That way. One hundred and one steps forward. Just walk in a straight line and you won't bump into anything." He gave me another kiss, our tongues wrestling. I grabbed his cock and squeezed it. "Not yet, Jeff. But soon." "I want you," I whispered. "I want you, too. Badly! But not yet! Hang in there." He kissed me again and stood. I took my robe and stood also, putting it on and heading in the direction he had indicated for me to go. I turned to glimpse his gorgeous body once more, but all I could see was him blowing out the last candle. The music was also snuffed out. I counted to the last step and stubbed my toe on something metal. "Owww!!!" I cried out, my voice reverberating around the gargantuan room. I felt around for something to sit on and found what felt like a bed right in front of me, and from what I felt, it seemed that it was a king-sized bed. I guess I'd stubbed my toe on one of the posts. I sat on the bed and relaxed until the pain went away. I looked around, but wasn't able to see anything. I lay down on my back and placed my hand on my now-aching cock. I slowly moved my hand up and down over it, wanting more badly than I ever had before to blow my wad. I waited several minutes and nothing happened. Were they trying to drive me crazy?! I waited another moment and then thought, Fuck it! I gotta cum! I had no sooner started serious motion when I was practically blinded by a flood of light. I stopped what I was doing, and when my eyes adjusted, I was in what looked like a small bedroom, complete with walls. Four of them! How did that happen? I noticed a door at the foot of the bed. The knob slowly turned. In came a handsome, well-built blond guy, dressed in a business suit. "Hi, Son!" he said to me, smiling. "Daddy missed you today. Did you have a good day at work?" Ooh, a Daddy-fantasy! I'd always wondered about those. "Just fine, Daddy," I said, playing along. He gave me a sly grin and took off his jacket. He sat down beside me on the bed and began to take off his shoes and socks. "Good. Like the job?" I nodded. "It's great!" He messed up my hair, the way that you see those dads on TV doing to their sons. I never understood why they did that, but when this guy did it, I got a pleasant feeling. Not really a sexual one, but pleasant. He undid his tie and cast it off. "Daddy's pretty horny. All I could think about all day was my hot Son at home." He unbuttoned his shirt a few buttons. I immediately reached in and felt his chest, running my hand over the soft hair several times. "You like Daddy's hairy body, don't you?" "Yeah." "You want to rub your face in my chest hair, don't you?" He undid another button. "Sure do." "You like staring at Daddy when he's naked, don't you?" "Oh, yes." He removed his shirt and pulled me to him. "That's my boy." He kissed me moved my face to his chest. I wasn't sure if I could keep from cumming during this round. I'd probably wind up coating his furry body with my wad. I removed my robe and we kissed again. "You gotta be a good little boy for Daddy and don't cum until the finale, okay?" I reluctantly nodded. He pulled off his pants and undies and re-positioned us so that I was laying down and he was on top of me. He kissed me again and whispered in my ear, "Daddy's gonna fill your ass up! Would you like that?" I nodded. He sat up and took a bottle of lube out of his pants which lay over the edge of the bed. He wet his finger and stuck it into me. He rubbed it all around. It felt almost as good as Sam's tongue. Almost, but not quite! Then he found my prostate. I almost went into critical mass right there. "Ooh, my boy's got a hot little ass! You're hot for Daddy, aren't you Son?" "Yeah, Daddy. I want you to fuck me hard!" "Oh, I will, Son. I will." He lubed his cock and held it. "Ready, boy?" "Sure am, Daddy!" He lifted my legs up and then asked, "You absolutely sure?" "Do it, Daddy!" He dove into me and I felt waves of both pain and pleasure at the same time. He buried himself all the way up the root. I rubbed his hairy chest and he grinned. "Don't stop, Son, that turns me on!" I kept it up. I leaned up so that I could lick each of his nipples and he started fucking me a little harder. "Nibble a little, Son. Nibble on your Daddy's nipples, boy!" I did this and he fucked me a little faster and harder. I didn't dare touch my own cock, because I knew it'd erupt if I did. What a bummer! Here I was, being fucked by this hot, hairy, horny guy and I wasn't even allowed to cum! His cock rubbed my prostate and it was driving me absolutely mad! Now I knew how Scotty felt when he was trying to keep the Enterprise together at times! Had to hold it together! The finale had to be soon, it just had to be! I ran my hands over 'Daddy's' chest again, loving how it felt on my hands. His thrusting increased and then he cried, "Daddy's gonna cum!! Here I cum, Son!!" Not a moment later, I felt a river of warm cum flooding me. It made me tingle! I was at my wit's end now. I was holding off my orgasm the best that I could. With his cock still in me, 'Daddy' pulled me up to face him. He gave me a caring smile and kissed me. "Whew! You're hot!" "Not so bad yourself, Daddy." I grinned and kissed his nipples. I looked into his eyes. Cobalt-blue. Now I remembered! This was Steven, the guy Dave had told me was "one of us." Had Dave told him about my "thing for hairy guys?" "My name is actually Steven," he said, but instead of sticking out his hand and waiting for me to shake it, he merely reached over and clasped my right hand. I felt another small tremor in my body. Steven sensed it and gently pulled out. That move triggered another tremor. "Steven, I ... I don't ... I don't know how much longer I can hold it! I almost came when you were cumming!" "The finale is next, Jeff. Hold on just a few more minutes. Believe me, you won't regret it. It'll be like nothing you've ever experienced before, trust me." "I don't know if I can," I said, a bit weak. He took my chin between his thumb and forefinger. "Can you do it for 'Daddy'?" I grinned a little and nodded. "Where do I go from here?" "You don't. It'll come to you. Just lay back and relax. Rest for a few minutes." He got up and walked out the door. After that, the lights went out in the room. I lay back on the bed and looked up. I closed my eyes and did my best to keep my hands away from my cock. I wondered how on Earth the finale could top what I'd experienced tonight. I felt a cool breeze blow across my body. My eyes began to finally adjust to the darkness. I could just make two distinct corners in front of me. Either my eyes were adjusting more, or the light was slowly increasing. The size of the room had increased by twice the original size, but instead of walls, there were curtains all around me, now. "Hey, Baby," came a voice to my right. I looked up and saw Eric smiling down at me. He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. "This is the finale. But you must wait until the very end before you cum. I know it's been tough, but you've got to hold back, okay?" I nodded and he went to stand at the foot of the bed. "And you've been really good, Jeff," came Sam's voice from the left. He leaned over and kissed my mouth. His scent wasn't making it easy to hold back much longer. He winked at me and gently pinched my cheek. He went to join Eric at the foot of the bed. Two gorgeous hot men! Steven stepped out from the curtain that was several feet behind the other two men. He walked up to the bed and ran his fingers through my hair. "Oh, 'Son.' Daddy's so proud of you. Keep hanging on. It won't be long now." He leaned down and gently kissed each of my nipples. Continued in Part II


More Gay Erotic Stories from Anthony Samhain

Daddie, Lie Near Me

Compliments, complaints, criticism? You know what to do: And, as always: IF YOU ARE UNDERAGE AND/OR MALE-MALE SEX IS OFFENSIVE TO YOU -- DON'T READ THIS!!! Thanks. "Long have we parted been, laddie my dearie, now we have met again, laddie lie near me." -- "Laddie Lie Near Me," 18th century Scots ballad Thank God for the Internet! It had taken me

Tales Of Sherwood, Part 1

This is a re-telling of Robin Hood (no particular version). I hope that you enjoy my view of what I think should've happened in Sherwood Forest ;) Any feedback would be greatly appreciated ( DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDERAGE OR OFFENDED BY MALE-MALE SEX. "So love's not a simple thing; nor are truths unwavering. Like the moon's pull and the tide, our fingers

Tales Of Sherwood, Part 2

Another installment in my "Robin Hood" series. There's more to come (so to speak). Comments? Complaints? Criticism? You know the drill: And, as always, IF YOU'RE TOO YOUNG TO BE READING THIS, THEN DON'T, AND IF MALE-MALE SEX OFFENDS YOU, DO NOT READ IT. Thank you. "A blacksmith courted me; he fairly won my heart; with his hammer in his hand, he looked

Tales Of Sherwood, Part 3

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated ( DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDERAGE OR OFFENDED BY MALE-MALE SEX. "Look into my eyes, and you will see what you mean to me. Search your heart, search your soul. And when you find me there, you'll search no more." -- Bryan Adams, "Everything I Do (I Do It for You)" Will Scarlet hid in the underbrush of the path

Tales Of Sherwood, Part 4: Sed Diabolus

"Sed Diabolus" [Only the Devil Laughed] by Anthony Samhain You know the drill -- like it, hate it, comments, criticism, etc: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDERAGE OR OFFENDED BY MALE-MALE SEX. "Sed diabolus in invidia sua istud irrisit, qua nullum opus Dei intactum dimisit" [Only the devil laughed honor to scorn; in his envy he left no work of God

The Underground, Part 1

The Ungerground, Part I Author's note: I thought it might be interesting if a club like the one depicted in this story existed. It's certainly plausible. I can't mention the name of the theme park where this scenario takes place, for they certainly wouldn't be pleased ... so, I'm hoping that from subtle clues, you'll know the place I'm talking about (wink, wink,

The Underground, Part 2

The Underground, Part II All of them advanced and got into various positions on the bed. Steven got onto his knees at the foot of the bed, ready to stick his cock back into me, Eric straddled my crotch and got ready for me to stick my cock back into him, and Steven straddled my chest, aiming his cock at my mouth. Eric and Steven shared the lube, readying themselves.


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