Gay Erotic Stories

Too Much To Handle

by Frans
04 Aug 2000

Fantasy Sci-Fi Fantasy

Too much to handle, part 1 After The Hero-destroyer had barely managed to escape from the gaz-attack from Captain Invulnerable the villain swore ultimate revenge. From that time on it became his sole purpose in life to eliminate all superheroes in the country. With the indispensable help of his Dr Skeleton the Destroyer was sure he would succeed in the end. Skeleton was specialized in the world of drugs and chemicals. He already had prepared drugs, which caused a huge increase in strength. He also had invented several drugs with many different effects on the victims it was used upon. In the last several weeks two of his henchmen had died already while being forced to act as a guinea pig, a third one went mad and is still missing. The drug the Destroyer himself used had no known side effects. It could be used at all times and started working within seconds after injection. That however was the only problem with it. It had to be injected with a needle. To overcome this problem Skeleton had constructed a small reservoir, which the Destroyer carried in his own belt together with his collection of drugs and poisons. A small remote control would cause a small injection of the drug into the destroyer's side. With all these chemicals the Destroyer knew he was able to battle it out with all superheroes and even become the one who sits on top. The Destroyer had so much confidence that he even sent out a message on the Internet challenging all superheroes to try and attack him. He knew there wasn't a living superhero in the world who could decline a challenge like this. These phony heroes in their spandex outfits were all too predictable. The Destroyer only did not hope all superheroes would accept the challenge at the same time. Because then it could become a bit more complicated. What he had feared happened. Within 24 hours after his message three superheroes already had responded and promised to take him in. The first one was Superboy who stated that he wouldn't be overpowered like Kid Liberty and Captain Invulnerable. "Your sinister days are numbered ! ", he proclaimed. The Hero-destroyer could only smile. Poor Superboy ! If only he knew that in his belt, the Hero-destroyer carried a small can with gazeous Kryptonite. Not much later a message from The Tempest/Aqualad appeared on his screen. It said something like "Stay out of my waters because I can easily defeat the likes of you in battle - I was trained by the best." "He was trained by the best .............. "the Destroyer laughed out loud. If you have to be trained to become a superhero you're no superhero in the first place. He should cause me no problem ! " And if it were not enough even a third superhero found it his duty to respond to the challenge. He called himself The Hunter. This unknown superhero to the Destroyer dared to compare himself with Nightwing or Daredevil. At the end of his message he stated : "Take care, Hero-destroyer, for though I am but young, hunting down sick madmen like yourself is my business. " "Two boys and some scum form out of the water", the Destroyer concluded. "I guess, Partytime is on !! ". Too much to handle, part 2 "What you got for me ? ", Scrumm asked Skeleton when he re-entered the room. "I did some investigations and I found a lot of interesting news". "Did you also find the things I wanted to know ?" "You bet I did " "The best information I got is about Superboy. Did you know you can find just about anything about that boy on the Internet. " "Come on, don't let me wait " "I found a comprehensive page about Superboy. There even was a part about his weaknesses. Let me read it out for you : Superboy is vulnerable to Kryptonite, for the same reason as his namesake Superman who died tragically in battle against Doomsday. His body absorbs radiant energy from the sun to fuel his powers and as such Kryptonite is a deadly radioactive material that displaces solar energy in his body, and poisons him by being held within his cells in the place of normal solar energy. Superboy is not invulnerable to gases or energy based attacks. If his concentration can be effected, he will loose or reduce the effectiveness for the use of his real power. His tectile telekinesis makes him able to lift any object he touches with ease and even allows him to fly. Strength, flight and damage resistance almost function as intuitive powers but any weapon that attacks his mind could reduce him to being relatively defenseless." "Wow! I think we've got enough information here I can defeat Superboy a dozen times without him even knowing why he was beaten. There's only one thing I don't understand : damage resistance ... ? ! ? ." " Well. By creating a field around his body, Superboy is able to resist or reduce injury from non-energy based attacks by causing the object to be deflected from his personal force field. Bullets and shrapnel are easily deflected. This field does not repel gases or energy based attacks. A side effect of this deflecting quality is his super-healing factor, which allows him to recover from injury a lot faster then a normal human being, would. " "Is this all true ? ", an eager and excited Scrumm wanted to know from Skeleton. "YES! YES! Why did you think Superboy could survive nuclear annihilation, recovering from diseases that would kill normal human, and have the ability to get up after having fought against powerful metahumans such as Knockout, the Shark or Valor. " "This quality in Superboy could become a serious problem", Scrumm remarked. "But I think I already know how Superboy can be overpowered." "Do you have anything else for me ! " "I found something about the Tempest. You know he formerly called himself Aqualad, the sidekick of Aquaman. He's an exiled prince from Shayeris. His powers are sorcery-based. This means he may cause great trouble for us. Don't know the strength of his powers yet. I advice to leave him alone for now. Only if he makes the first move we have to counter-act. I'm still working on him !!!" "And that Hunter-guy ...... ? " "That's become a real problem. I searched the Internet for hours. There was absolutely nothing I could find about a superhero named Hunter. I think this guy must be an impostor. That's the problem with the Internet. People can pretend being anything they like. This child risks his life messing in our affairs." **************************** When also Superboy had been an unwilling witness to the humiliation of both Kid Liberty and Captain Invulnerable, the young superhero got wild as hell. No one would treat a superhero like this and not pay for it dearly. He sent an angry message to the Hero-destroyer : "I am Superboy & won't be overpowered like the other two heroes. Your sinister days are numbered ! ". He had to find out were this Hero-destroyer could be found. The city was big but with his determination he should be able to track him down soon enough. Too much to handle, part 3 Superboy had taken on a private assignment of finding out as soon as possible where this Hero-destroyer could be found. Kid Liberty was very close to him for a long time already. The city was huge but with his determination he should be able to track the villain down soon enough. If it were not for that other job he had to attend to first he would have found him a few days ago. But now he knew where that overconfident Hero-destroyer had established his new hiding place. It was well hidden in the outskirts of town, but for Superboy it was no problem tracking it down. Swift as the wind Superboy landed close to one of the emergency-exits in the back of the tall building. He decided to lay low for a while trying to catch the Destroyer red-handed tight up in one of his villainous plans. Cautious he entered the building. It was dark. He had to get used to the dark first before he could proceed. He thought it to be a bit strange not to see any person around. It looked like the whole building was deserted. Just then when he decided to leave and return some time later, three men blocked his way out. They really looked muscular and fearsome. "Did you have a warrant to enter this building ?, one of the men bit towards the superhero. "I don't need a permit for clearing away scum like you ", Superboy replied. At the same time, far away in another hide-out from the Hero-destroyer Scrumm stood up, spread his arms wide out and asked his all time friend; "What do you see ! ". Skeleton, working on again another weapon looked up, but could not understand the reason of this strange question. " "Well, what do you see ? " "Nothing special, I guess. ", he replied. "I see you, Scumm, a well built man with one sole purpose we all know about." "You're right. Nothing special. I, whose destiny it is to beat up all superheroes ain't something special. Look at me: torn up jeans and shabby shirt. I look like a schoolboy. " "What do you want to do about that ? " " Ï WANT MY OWN SPANDEX-COSTUME !!!!! " "This statement came totally unexpected even for Dr Skeleton because Scumm had always made fun with the dress code for superheroes. He even stated once they were whimps in their girly-like spandex outfits with the only purpose to adore themselves in man-high mirrors. " Superboy decided to wait for them to make their first move. He was supposed to be the GOOD guy. He couldn't start an attack himself. That would be considered an aggressive action. But when THEY would first hit him, he was allowed to defend himself. While Superboy thought this over carefully observing all the moves of the three studs, one of them approached Superboy, apparently the first one to dare attack the powerful boy. A few seconds later Superboy realized he was lying on the floor quite a distance away from his attacker. He was dazed and didn't know what really had happened. He was about to be filled in soon ! "Alright! If you really want your "spandex" I will go and work on it. It will cost me some time however and you need to fill me in on the details. " "Now we need to make a few new plans, Skeleton. I need some action. " "Have I told you I got a message from the Hunter, the one we could found nothing about. " "No, you didn't ! Tell me ! " "He appears to be new in the superhero scene, so it's not strange I could not find anything about him. " "So it's a rookie we are up against ? " "Yes and he even wrote me he only had fought evil on a small scale like battling crime lords and run-of-the-mill thugs. " "In short, no problem ! " "Not sure. He has superhuman agility, balance, and speed, as well as supernaturally acute senses. He's also a skilled tracker and accomplished hand-to-hand combatant." "GREAT ! I too like a good fight from man to man. " "Come on, Superboy. Give us a bit more opposition ! " "How did you ............... knock me down so easily. I am superpowered " . Superboy was astonished. He never expected to be knocked senseless. "Our boss, the Hero-defender has permitted us to tell you how we can beat the shit out of you." Superboy got onto his feet again twitching his neck comforting it a bit. " We all have some drugs in tablet-form, invented by Dr Skeleton. Within seconds after being swallowed we gain superpowers for a short time. " "For how long ? " "Haha, you think we're that stupid ..... ! " All three men now moved towards Superboy closing him in. The young superhero constantly turned around and around to be able to watch all of the three possible attackers. "Do you know where I can find the Hunter" "No, not yet but I have a plan. I think that guy likes to use computers very much. He responded to our message so quickly that I'm sure he will respond again very soon when we send out another message. " "What kind of message ? ", the Destroyer asked. "A CHALLENGE ! We let him pick out a place where you and he can meet to battle. When he responds I now can track him down easily . I've already installed the right software for it. If he's a real superhero he won't refuse it. Before the time for this duel has come we already will have attacked him at his home. He won't know what hit him ? " " Skeleton ! Where would I be without you ? Do your thing ! " "Oh, yeh. Something else", Skeleton started. "That third superhero The Tempest. We can't fight him in the waters. We have to lure him onto land. I think some toxic waste in strategic waterplaces should stir things up " Too much to handle, part 4 While Superboy observed all the moves of the three studs, one of them approached the well built boy, apparently the first one to dare attack the boy. A few seconds later however Superboy realized he was lying on a floor quite a distance away from his attacker. He was dazed and didn't know what really had happened. "Be prepared to get stuffed, boy ! " All three men now moved towards Superboy closing him in. The young superhero constantly turned around and around making it somewhat able to watch all three possible attackers. This situation he got himself into was a bit different than he had expected before entering the darkened building. He now was up against three muscular men with their own superpowers. Despite his preparedness for the next attack Superboy was kicked in the lower back . With force, he fell forward straight into the arms of a second henchman. This one grabbed the boy between his legs and at the throat, lifting him up and throwing him across towards the third henchman. This one only kicked him straight into his face. "Aaaaiiieeee " Superboy cried out from pain. He had to get up on his feet quickly to be able to stand up against these three men. He tried but was knocked off his feet again with a hit to his legs from a huge wooden pole. The piece of wood was shattered into several of pieces and Superboy lay spread out on the floor again. Two of the henchmen each grabbed an arm of the superhero. With their superpowers they were able to keep the boy of steel in place. The third henchman now had every chance to beat up his victim everywhere he wanted. While hitting this Superboy into the stomach, onto his head and even right in between his legs, Superboy screamed again from pain and anger. He however did notice the strength of the inflicted hits decreased. Was the man growing tired or could it be their superpower-drug wore off ? "Hero-Destroyer, quick, he took the bate" "What, so soon ! " "Yes ! Even I didn't expect the Hunter to react at such speed. Is that man living behind his computer", Dr Skeleton reacted a bit annoyed. "This means exit for our first plan. There is no time for it. I guess the Hunter is even cleverer then we ever expected. Listen to what he wrote ..." " He accepts the challenge for tonight : Central Park at midnight " "What the ........... !." the Hero-destroyer shouted out. "That damned Hunter. What can we do ? " "I think this time it's up to you alone Scrumm. I can't help you on such a short notice. If you except this Hunter's proposition it may turn out to be too much to handle for us now. On the other hand, when you decline, I think your career is over .................. " Scrumm new he had a difficult choice to make. Five, ten minutes went by. In the end he thought he had made the right decision. " I'M GOING TO CENTRAL PARK THIS NIGHT. THE HUNTER BECOMES THE HUNTED !!!! " "Hooray for the Destroyer ", an excited Skeleton yelled out. "Skeleton, before I go I need to ask you something. I will show up before the Hunter alone. I want you to hide in the bushes and in the event the Hunter gets the overhand and turns out more than we bargained for , use one of your technical devices on that guy. I can't afford to be beaten " "With all pleasure, Scrumm. I exactly know what could be used against Hunter in that specific situation" Both men left their hideout into a special arms-room. Half an hour later the Hero-Destroyer left the building. It was dark already and he was on his way to Central Park. Dr Skeleton left ten minutes later in a small van. Before they left for the Hunter to be defeated, a message from the other side of town came telling Superboy had arrested three of the Hero-destroyers henchmen and had handed them over to the police. Too much to handle, part 5 Both men left the hideout and went into a special arms-room, which was surrounded with lead-plates as to make sure some specific superheroes couldn't find it so quickly. In here Skeleton showed the Destroyer the weaponry that might help overpower the Hunter. "I guess you are right", Scrumm admitted. "If all goes well tonight tomorrow morning the Hunter will be tied up here in our torture room. It's time it's going to be used again. " Before they planned on leaving for Central Park Dr Skeleton received yet another message. It was from Tempest. "He has reacted on your little vexed e-mail. ", Skeleton reported. "He wrote to you he thinks you surely must be delusional because of your life in crime. You'd better get some counseling once you are behind bars" "This Tempest will be living in an elderly home for the abused before I get behind bars. No one is capable of defeating the Hero-destroyer and his sidekick Dr Skeleton, the chemist most feared by any superhero. " "Thank you, Scrumm. I'm honored." Both man had a great laugh while leaving the arms-room again." Half an hour later the Hero-Destroyer left the building. It was dark already and he was on his way to Central Park. Dr Skeleton left ten minutes later in a small van loaded with some of his equipment. It was about eleven-thirty when Skeleton arrived at the north gate of Central Park. He positioned the small van just inside the gates. Then he got into the back of the car and started tuning his equipment. One of these could create a electromagnetic field around the van. By this it could reflect the waves coming from the surroundings This way the van could not be seen even at close distance. One little drawback was the fact it could be felt. Skeleton was still working on it but until now he had not succeeded yet. The Hero-destroyer stayed low in the undergrowth. He wanted to catch the Hunter unaware. A surprise attack from his side would make victory ever so easy. Time went by The Destroyer got impatient. Then at last he saw a dark figure walk up his way. At first he couldn't distinct if it was the one he was after. It was too dark to see. The half-lid moon couldn't illuminate the surroundings but for to be able to see for about twenty feet. The dark figure however proceeded with clear precaution. It had to be the Hunter. " Come on out of the bushes, Destroyer. I know you've been hiding yourself. ", the Hunter spoke out, looking towards exactly the place where Scrumm was hiding. Although he was surprised the Destroyer didn't show it and he came forward. There in a dark Central Park, with no living soul around, there they stood face to face. The Destroyer couldn't deny the Hunter to be great looking although a he was a bit smaller then he expected. This superhero was clothed in a green full-body lycra suit, with black boots, a black belt and black leather gloves. He also wore a black mask over his eyes and a long green-hooded cloak. "So this is the so called Hero-destroyer ! ", the Hunter started. "Yes and you meeting me is gonna be a frightful experience for you. ", Scrumm answered in a low voice. "I've seen you on television that night in battle against Invulnerable. I don't think you have any potential to stand up against me. " "Tough luck then, for me ! " "You arrogant villainous scum .... " "Hey! I thought superheroes were always polite ! " "Not when it concerns men who, like you, fuck with law and obedience. " "LAW AND OBEDIENCE ........... ! , The Destroyer laughed out. "I guess you read too many superhero comics before you decided to buy yourself a Halloween costume, which by the way is a bit too small for you, pointing the unmistakable bulge between the Hunters legs. Child's department, I guess ? " These humiliating remarks aroused anger inside the Hunter. He wouldn't give the Destroyer this satisfaction. He knew an angered man in battle was no good. "You still think you can get away with everything, but mark my words: " Your crime-gang is about to be stopped and you're gonna find yourself behind bars before you know it. Maybe even Arkham !! " "ARKHAM ! " "Yes! I've been in contact with Tempest and he also thinks you must be stopped as soon as possible. " "Oh, did you! You can't make decisions on your own then ! " ""Yes, I can ! " "Let me tell you one thing about Tempest. This night already the waters around town are going to be poisoned with toxic waste ............... " "WHAT ! YOU MADMAN ! " "............. and I hope and do think that Tempest will move in trying to stop this" "And what's your gain with Tempest trying to stop your gang-members to poison the waters. " "MY GAIN ! With just a little bit of luck tomorrow morning the city is liberated from two of it's superheroes who dared to accept the challenge I sent out a few days ago. " "I think tomorrow morning your crime wave is ended and you are imprisoned for a long, long time." The Hero-destroyer now got mad. He didn't want to change words with this hooded hero anymore. He came here for a fight and that is what he was about to start. Without a warning he charged into the Hunter but the attacked one jumped backwards making a salto and landing ten feet away from the Destroyer. Within a second Hunter disappeared between the bushes and trees. The Destroyer couldn't follow him on sight anymore. Scrumm tried to ascertain the place the Hunter could be. "Come on and show yourself, Hunter ! Fight fair ! " "From out of the dark the voice of the Hunter was heard "Fight fair !?, Destroyer. Do you really know what that word means ? I DO know that somewhere in this park your sidekick Dr Skeleton is present. I don't understand why I couldn't find him yet, but I DO feel his presence " The destroyer was even more astonished to find out the Hunter's ability to sense things. This was the second prove of it already. Then suddenly the Hunter jumped out of the undergrowth and hit the Destroyer right into his head. This attack was so powerful Scrumm landed backwards in the bushes. When he got up again the Hunter was nowhere to be seen. "Damned ! ", the Destroyer spit out. Within seconds he again was lying between the unpleasant bushes.. His head dazed while trying to get up. "Skeleton !", he spoke into a small device. "The lights ....... now !!!!! " "Alright", he heard from the other side. Within seconds the Destroyer saw some lightbeams flash up about twenty feet at five o’clock. The Hunter stood there, surprised, in the middle of this sea of light. "WHAT....... ...... ", was all the stunned superhero could say. Quickly the agile superhero jumped out of the lights but at the same time other lights within the Park jumped on. He still was in broad daylight. "How do you do that ?, the Hunter yelled while again jumping out of the light beams only causing other lights to produce their lights. " Very simple, Hunter. You never heard about the lights that turn themselves on when registrating moving objects at close distance. This afternoon I have ordered some of my henchmen to stuff this park with these kind of lights, a bit smaller but powerful enough to ...................... " The Hunter didn't listen anymore. He realized one of his advantages had become useless. His heightened senses , he could throw out. As soon as he realized this he stepped out onto the gravel walkway through the Park and prepared himself for the open fight. He removed his cloak so showing his well-defined muscular body even more. Too much to handle, part 6 The Hunter didn't listen anymore. He realized that because of the absence of darkness his heightened senses , he could now throw out. As soon as he realized this he stepped out onto the gravel walkway and prepared himself for the open fight. He removed his cloak. "You really think you outmaneuvered me by turning night into day ? " The Destroyer didn't answer the question. He focussed on how to attack Hunter. His opponent approached him with care. He didn't know very much about the Destroyer's fighting skills. He guessed, he was about to find out. As the Hunter made his first agile move towards the Destroyer, the man quick as hell stepped aside, grabbed the arm of the superhero and smashed him into a big tree. Scrumm gave the Hunter no time to stand up again. He raised his hand into the air and with a cracking noise he struck into the back of Hunter's neck with the edge of his hand. Hunter saw stars. "You're not the only one who's good in hand-to-hand battle ! ", the destroyer gloated. After this the Hunter's head was slammed against the rockhard tree-trunk. Completely surprised about the strength of the Destroyer he looked up, just in time to see Scrumm's knee dropping into his exposed belly. Even Hunter's eagerly trained midsection collapsed, when the knee struck into his unprotected gut. While Scrumm was moving around the quivering superhero, the Hunter managed to get up again. He reached for the villain who backed away, tense and alert. Following that Hunter moved in suddenly. He feinted, as if to grab the Destroyer's arms. Then quickly switching targets and seized his waist. The Destroyer gasped for air as Hunter plunged him backward against a brick wall of hard cement. Then the Hunter grabbed the villain round the waist: bearhug like. There was no way the Destroyer could escape the ironlike grip of the Hunter. He was not only fast, but strong as well. His one chance was to faint defeat by letting the Hunter think he beat him. Surrendering to Hunter's overpowering strength, the Destroyer went limb in the muscular grip of the crime fighter. Believing the villain was unconscious from his attack he let go and was caught off guard when suddenly the Destroyed surged forward gaining the upper hand from his position on top of the superhero. Destroyer twisted his body away from him and slid behind his back. The Destroyer's knee crashed into the small of the Hunter's back. His back arched in pain and Scrumm grabbed him around the neck with both hands. A moment later the Hunter's head collided with one of the Destroyer's knees. Scrumm rose to his feet again. "This is going even better than I had ever hoped for", he thought while dragging the groggy, muscular superhero up on his feet again. The Hunter was hurt and groggy, but he felt some of his strength return to him. He pushed himself away from the Destroyer's powerful arms. Giving the Hunter no time to recover completely, the Destroyer jumped again. He kicked the underside of his belly, and knocked him over on his side. The hero rolled away and climbed awkwardly to his feet again. The Hunter stood there rubbing his aching crotch-area, just as the Destroyer's heel smashed into his ear. Then the villain was suddenly behind him. He locked his arms around his neck in a nasty chokehold, and dragged him backwards. In one fluid motion, he grabbed the Hunter's wobbly legs around the ankles and then Scrumm jerked his legs out from under him. The Hunter fell heavily on his face. He lay on his stomach, motionless. Hunter was totally unprepared when the Destroyer's knee landed on his spine. He moaned aloud in agony. Suddenly the Hunter could get a hold of both legs of the Destroyer who was standing close to him. He pulled them with all of his remaining power. The Destroyer lost balance and landed right next to the Hunter. No hurt was done however. "We can stop this anytime you want. ", the Destroyer whispered "All you have to do is promise me the Hunter will never show up again anywhere. " "Go to hell!" the Hunter answered "Being a superhero means I have the responsibility to see criminals like you are punished." "There we have that comics book answer again ". The Destroyer was a bit too over-confident lying there next to the Hunter. It was Hunter who got onto his feet first and quickly threw himself backward with all his might, on top of the Destroyer's body. The Destroyer felt like a house had landed on him. The Destroyer sat up rubbing his stomach. It was sore, and hurt all over. Then again the Hunter hit the villain kicking him in the side of his head. The Destroyer went down. Hunter had taken over completely now. The following explosive hits into his gut left the Hero-destroyer vulnerable. More punches speared deep into his body. The Destroyer was humiliated beyond belief. It was appalling to see that this rookie superhero could ever manage to defeat him The Destroyer was weaker than a kitten by now, but he still resisted with what pitiful strength he'd left in him. The Hunter gave one more mighty squeeze. The Destroyer feared the superhero would break his back. He then lost all control over his limbs. His back arched backward. His arms fell limp at his sides and his legs dangled . His eyes rolled. By now, Dr Skeleton, who had followed the fight from out of his van, realized something had to be done. He had to act quickly or his friend was to be put out of action by this damned rookie superhero. If this Hunter was to be stopped he had to rely on one of his devices. He worked on his lab top for one or two minutes. Then a small flying device came out of the van's rooftop. It seemed like it was not knowing where to go for a while, but then flew straight towards to the two men fighting out their battle. The Destroyer seemed out cold. He didn't move while the Hunter stood there gloating over his victory. "Now I've beaten you ........." the Hunter spoke out to the unconscious villain,


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Too Much To Handle

Too much to handle, part 1 After The Hero-destroyer had barely managed to escape from the gaz-attack from Captain Invulnerable the villain swore ultimate revenge. From that time on it became his sole purpose in life to eliminate all superheroes in the country. With the indispensable help of his Dr Skeleton the Destroyer was sure he would succeed in the end. Skeleton was specialized


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