Gay Erotic Stories

Wet Experimentation, Part 7

by Kinky Is as Kinky Does
16 Mar 2001


The rest of the week went entirely too fast. I wasn’t sure just how to pull off this coming weekend. Part of me eagerly awaited David’s familiar and wonderfully appreciating and welcoming body and intimate kinship, yet I was apprehensive with regard to Chuck. Hey I had to LIVE with this guy for at least the rest of this semester and in close quarters of our dorm room, not to mention the shared classes! Friday arrived all too soon. Both Chuck and I had a full morning’s worth of classes, followed by the infamous 5 hour chemistry lab in the afternoon, so we barely had time to drop off our books and lab notes at the dorm before heading to the Union for a lackluster dinner. At least it was filling, and it saved us a few dollars, which undoubtedly would be spent at the local watering holes. Speaking of bars, my mind was trying to sort out just how I could signal David, sort of waive him off or clue him in on Chuck—and let him know I hadn’t figured him out—at least with regard to his sexual preferences. As Chuck and I were walking towards the front entrance of our dorm, David’s car was pulling into the parking lot. By the time we reached the front walkway, David was already out of the car, had spotted me, and was heading straight for us. A broad smile came across his face and still being about 30 feet away, he called out, “Hey guys, how’s it hangin’?” Chuck turned to me with a quizzical look on his face, “That’s David?” “Yeah. He’s a little early. Didn’t think he’d be here until around 9-10 PM, though.” David was now upon us, his overnight bag in hand! Okay, time for the introductions. “David, this is Chuck, my dorm mate” “Chuck, this is my friend from home, David.” Neither one said anything for a very noticeable few seconds. Then Chuck broke the silence, “ Sssso, you’re the guy...” David interrupted, “Yeah man, sorry. I didn’t mean to screw up your…”. “Hey, no problem. Actually you did me a great favor!” Chuck cut in. Now I was really uneasy. Here we were, essentially blocking the front entrance to the dorm and these two apparently already knew each other? What the hell was happening? Well, whatever the hell was going to spew forth, one thing was for sure, we’d better take it somewhere else. I nervously suggested, “You guys ready to go, or anyone need to clean up or hit the restroom before we head out?” I suddenly had a nervous urge to take a wicked piss, so I make the decision first. “I’ve got to hit the john—too much ice tea!” With that, we headed into the lobby and took the elevator to the 4th floor. As we got off the elevator, I said I had to hit the restroom first, hoping David would take the bait and follow me. He didn’t, but instead, followed Chuck towards our dorm room. Shit. Now what. Well, one thing was certain—I really had to piss now. First things first. When I neared the dorm room, the door was left ajar and David and Chuck were laughing noisily. Well, at least they’re apparently getting on really good, I thought. After a brief pause, I took a deep breath and walked in. “Everything come out all right?” David teased. Chuck laughed at David’s words, and then resumed his laughter again when I announced I’d probably lost 2 lbs, or 32 oz’s—however you want to measure it. I’d left the door ajar, and I was surprised when Chuck walked past me and closed it. Chuck began the conversation. “Well you had one hell of a look on your face” he chided in my direction. “This is the guy that rented the cottage apartment behind our house! Jesus, what a crazy, small world.” I wondered just how well they knew each other, and was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Chuck went on to say that he’d seen David come and go from work a few days before he and his family had left for Europe, but that they’d never got the chance to say anything other than “hi” in their passing. David nodded in agreement, and that was that. “Well” I said. “We gonna just sit around here and talk like a couple of old ladies? Or ya’ll want to head out for some fun?” I needed some more space between the three of us, but as I said this, I realized I didn’t have a clue where we were headed or might end up. There were several local bars near to campus, not to mention the one in the student union. Then, there was the local “man’s bar” as it was gratuitously referred to by those in the know (sort of a lame code) that David and I had had a great time at the during his last visit. This was the only local gay bar, nothing special, but cozy, hometown atmosphere, pool table, darts, and an ever changing assortment of young collegiate types and local wannabees. All in all—quite a meat rack for the taking if you were so inclined. Chuck spoke first, “Let’s hit the Union first, I got some drink coupons to use up. We can get started there.” “Sounds like a plan to me” David chirped in as he turned in my direction for approval. “Yeah, I’ve got a couple left as well.” I reached into my desk drawer and pulled out three chips. “This’ll get us started.” David walked to the door, opened it and the three of us headed for the elevators. It’s really strange—the unwritten code of silence when it comes to elevator etiquette. No one speaks. Just dead silence. No muzak, just the whishhhh of the elevator hydraulics releasing their pressure. We chatted a bit on the way to the Union. I noted that David arrived earlier than expected. David said that due to electrical storm advisories followed by warnings, the project foreman shut down early and he’d been able to shower and get on the road much earlier than he’d intended. Chuck seemed fascinated by David’s construction job and during the course of our sucking down three beers each at the Union, wanted to know all about David’s daily work routine and the progress of the project. I found this a bit strange, but at least I could listen and assess how well they were getting on. I found myself just listening, trying to pick out any trends or inferences. There were none. When we were out of chips, we decided to head somewhere else. I deliberately hesitated long enough for Chuck to make the bar selection. He chose “Curly’s” . Actually it was a great choice, being a neighborhood hangout and always a nice crowd and more like a coffee house type atmosphere—except they served beer and wine. We spent well over an hour there and were having a genuinely good time of it, easy conversation and lots of joking around. The conversation drifted back to each of our pasts and we managed to find an amazing commonality. We were just starting our second pitcher of Michelob when the focus of Chuck’s conversation switched back to David’s construction job, noting his excellent muscle definition, arms and dark tan he still managed to maintain. David had proudly accounted that he didn’t even have to go to the gym, and thanked Chuck for the compliment. David was certainly aware of his physical attributes and was understandably proud, enjoying the attention. David had likewise complimented Chuck on his body as well. It was just after this exchange, that Chuck confessed that for the brief period he was home at the beginning of the summer, he’d been admiring David and had observed him from his temporary bedroom on the third floor of the main house. He confessed he could see into the living room of the cottage. This was getting interesting. I knew from experience, that the most clothes David ever had on was just a pair of jeans, or if he’d been home more than a few minutes, he was in his jockey shorts—or had nothing on at all, lying on the sofa watching TV. I turned to see David’s reaction. “I know. I saw you watching me from up there. I figured you were enjoying the show. Actually, I’m sure of it.” David retorted. This was too much shit happening. I glanced at a now red-faced Chuck. Well now, apparently the proverbial cat was out of the bag, the horse out of the barn—speaking of horses—I glanced down at David’s crotch. Jesus! I felt my crotch twinge in anticipation as well. Then I looked in Chuck’s direction. A definite bulge, but he was managing to control himself pretty well. The beer had taken its toll. We all made a pit stop together, left a tip and decided it was time for a change of venue. To my amazement and semi-horror, David suggested we hit “Ziggy’s” Yep, that was the “man’s” bar alright. Ziggy’s was named for the middle aged bar keep. He was a bit overweight and thinning at the top, but an all around nice guy, always funny and could camp with the best of ‘em. One never knew what to expect from him. I my temporary dread was wiped away within seconds, when Chuck agreed, saying it sounded like a fun place and that he’d heard great things about it. We reached the bar within a few minutes. As we approached the door, I cringed. Shit, Ziggy will probably recognize David and me. After all, Ziggy had both a pornographic and nearly a photographic memory. Shit—he knew most everybody—by NAME! Realizing this, I slowed my pace, letting Chuck and David pull ahead of me. It probably didn’t make any sense, but I wasn’t going to be the first one through the door! It worked. David reached for the bar door, opened it and allowed Chuck to enter first. He motioned for me next, but I grabbed the door and pushed David inside next, following meekly behind his frame. As we approached the bar, Ziggy’s eyes caught the three of us. “Hey Chuckie! How’s it goin’? Ain’t one enough?” Chuck turned around with a thunderstruck look. More like a deer caught in headlights. He shrugged his shoulders and produced a nervous smirk. Well I’ll be dammed, I thought. I was certainly relieved to find out for sure, but at the same time I was kind of irritated that he’d kept this secret from me and apparently had been here on the prowl several times before. Then, realizing I—Mr. Pure—was standing here with David—my best friend—no make that summer sex partner—no lover? Whatever in the hell it was! David broke out laughing, and I couldn’t stop myself either. Then Chuck began laughing too. Okay, confession time, but first a pitcher. From that point on, things got a little blurry. It turned out that David had seen Chuck looking at him from his bedroom window on the third floor. David had been lying naked on the couch watching TV, and decided to give Chuckie a show. Chuck had been in just his jockey shorts, and had decided to stroke along, not aware that David could see him. They had both cum at about the same time. David mentioned that after he opened his eyes from shooting a load on his stomach, he’d caught Chuckie shoot his load, hitting the window and running down the glass. He’d had to get up and run to the bathroom to keep from laughing. The conversation then took another turn. Chuck apparently decided rather than being the brunt of confessions 101, he’d direct the conversation toward my relationship with David. David started to speak first, but I decided I’d better take control of this part of the confession, lest we move right on two confessions 110! I wasn’t sure how forthcoming David would be (he certainly was with me), but we’d take it one step at a time. Besides, the dorm didn’t condone much more than vanilla activities anyway. It wasn’t opposed to what was probably going to happen tonight, but at the same time I didn’t want to push my luck. We talked about how we started things out in the early part of the summer, grew to be intimate sexual maniacs, but conveniently leaving out the kinky stuff. David would chime in from time to time, but if I thought he was going to run the risk of pissing Chuck off (pun intended) I’d take over the conversation. David wasn’t that stupid, and he got the hint on about the third go-round. It wasn’t long before a couple of guys who obviously were Chuck’s friends—or at lease acquaintances stopped by the table and joined us for a while. There were now five of us at the table, and we’d just ordered another round—two pitchers this time, when a guy taps me on the shoulder. I’d caught a look of surprise in Chuck’s face before I tuned around. It was Rickie! He laughed; pulled up another chair and we all made room around the now too small table. Shit what a night. It wasn’t much longer and we were all pretty plowed, shit faced, or just gone. David stared at me with his puppy dog yes, and I knew he was ready to head out. I looked at Chuck. He nodded, then looked at David and smiled. The three of us excused ourselves from the group, after getting a couple telephone numbers, and having agreed to meet again Saturday night, and headed back to the dorm. We’d made it back with some 10 minutes to spare before curfew, got to the 4th floor and headed full speed ahead for the toilets. Man did we have to piss. There we stood, all three of us next to each other, any pee shyness cancelled by the beer. None of us said anything, just listening to the urgent streams of piss hitting the porcelain, eyes checking each other out. Finished, we headed back to the dorm. Chuck was having trouble with the key. David took it from him and got it on the first try. He walked through the door first, and did his normal thing—immediately peeling off his shirt. Chuck followed and followed suit. I just watched them, and then decided to go with the flow. As the shirt cleared my head, my eyes caught them in the darkness of the room, their torsos backlit by the window—they were already kissing. To be continued…


More Gay Erotic Stories from Kinky Is as Kinky Does

Wet Experimentation, Part 1

Thinking back several years, I’m not exactly sure just how I got interested in getting wet and then getting off. I guess it may have started as a kid peeing in the bathtub water on a Saturday night, or the fun of pissing in my swim trunks while wading waist deep in the lake or at the beach. Just letting it go while looking at the rest of the beachgoers—who had no idea what I was

Wet Experimentation, Part 2

Wet Experimentation, Part 2 After arriving home, I headed into the den and watched some TV with the family, caught the late evening news, and headed off to bed. I couldn’t help thinking about David and the wildly wonderful events of the night. My dick stirred and tingled while I recalled our activities. But soon, probably due to the beers and the sex, I dropped off to sleep. All

Wet Experimentation, Part 3

Wet Experimentation, Part 3 By the time we were ready to head out for some lunch and then take in a movie, the rain and drizzle had stopped and the sun had broken through the clouds here and there, and it was well on its way to being a hot and muggy Midwestern type summer day. David and I hit a local diner and had the local lunch special, which was actually very good and it

Wet Experimentation, Part 4

Saturday morning was a day for running errands, getting a haircut, and hitting the grocery store. It was about 1 PM by the time I drove up the driveway with the backseat filled with bags of groceries, having filled mom’s list successfully. As I walked in with the first armload sundries, mom told me David had called earlier and that he had to work the full day, but he’d probably be

Wet Experimentation, Part 5

Well, there wasn’t much to be said about Saturday night TV programming. We soon found ourselves ignoring the tube and just talking. It started out innocent enough, but soon the subject turned to our expanded ‘friendship’. I wasn’t sure how to read David, whether he was feeling sort of guilty about the past couple of days, or if he was worried about what may be going through my mind.

Wet Experimentation, Part 6

Within just a few days, Chuck and I had become amazingly close friends. Our interests were similar, and we even had an Organic Chemistry class together, and had opted for the same lab as well. We weren’t lab partners, but Chuck’s lab station was only one row away, and I could easily look through the shelving and watch his progress. His lab partner was a real dork. It was kind of a

Wet Experimentation, Part 7

The rest of the week went entirely too fast. I wasn’t sure just how to pull off this coming weekend. Part of me eagerly awaited David’s familiar and wonderfully appreciating and welcoming body and intimate kinship, yet I was apprehensive with regard to Chuck. Hey I had to LIVE with this guy for at least the rest of this semester and in close quarters of our dorm room, not to

Wet Experimentation, Part 8

I took s short step forward and was met by two hands, drawing me inward. The three of us were suddenly exploring each other’s upper bodies, tongues searching, licking, kissing, circling and exploring each other’s mouths, chests, ears, pecs with drunken urgency. The aroma of male sweat mixed with the odor of beer and the scintillating puffs of hot, gulping breaths felt wonderful when


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