Gay Erotic Stories

Wrestler's Revenge

by Alan
06 Oct 2001


Tom Worthington was 18, the top wrestler at Brenton High School, and was almost certainly headed to win the state finals. He was fast, and he was good. He had one of those hard bodies some guys are blessed with, with ripped abs and strong, powerful arms that had pinned so many opponents that most guys almost died when they saw they were matched up against him. He was the pride of his school, and the girls were lined up ten deep in hopes he would ask them out. To say he was one of the most popular guys in his school would have been an understatement. Funny thing, he knew it too. He walked the halls of his school with his head held high, and except for his circle of jock friends most guys tried to avoid him, as any confrontation with the senior was sure to end with him on top--and not just in the wrestling ring. He loved to take out the girls, and he loved bragging about his abilities, both in the ring and also out. He was on top of his world, until he ran into Rick Menendez. Rick was a new kid who had just arrived in the school, and suddenly for the first time Tom had a challenger that wasn't really afraid of him. Rick Menendez was new to the school, his parents having moved up from Texas when his dad got a job transfer. He had one of those Latino bodies, deep brown eyes, jet-black hair, and rigid features that were projected onto a non-compromising 17-year-old body. He too was a wrestler, and he was good and that was saying something, as it was only his junior year. He was also fast. And in a little practice match in gym last week the two of them had been paired off--he against the hot high school senior. Things had really happened then---usually Tom was used to pinning guys so quickly that it had become almost a joke. He usually pinned underclassmen in less than a minute. They had even nicknamed him the "Terminator." This time, the match hadn't taken the usual turn of events. What made it even worse was that during the gym period the girl’s volleyball practice was happening on the other side of the gym, and unfortunately for Tom Worthinton, they had been watching the boys' practice. When they noticed the schools star athlete taking the mat, they had paused in the volleyball practice and decided to take a minute to watch. When Rick and been paired off with the new underclassman, most of the gym class figured it would be another quick pin session with Tom on top as always. Instead, the two had gone around and around and the coach looked on in astonishment Rick Menendez had almost pinned Tom Worthington and he had even made it look easy. His fellow students were amazed too at the way he had shoved their schools top wrestler over on his back, forcing him to arch his back in a desperate attempt to keep his shoulders off the mat. Everyone could remember that look too---as Tom's eyes had felt fear, his muscles straining like they had never strained, and his feet on the mat and his entire body arching up towards the ceiling, jutting his manhood as high as it could go. It was the classic position of a wrestler's desperation, and it was a new position for him to be in, and it had shocked him and embarrassed him to the core. What had made it especially memorable was that Rick Menendez's hand had caught the clothing of his opponent, and that had in turn caused Tom Worthington's pants to slide down almost to mid thigh as he had fought not to lose. Thus, for a full minute, as the two of them had been locked into the last chance hold, everyone had stared at Tom Worthington, who had been covered in nothing more than a jockstrap as the seconds had ticked slowly away. The girls of course had giggled throughout that minute, and hadn't stopped talking about it since. Talk about an embarrassing situation--it had been horrible! And oh how Tom had struggled...straining to keep his shoulder blades from touching the mat. The girls eyes had stared at his midsection, clad only in his jockstrap, jutting up towards the ceiling, his powerful thigh muscles thrusting upwards, straining to prevent the pin that looked inevitable. The match had been real close, way too close as far as Worthington was concerned...the two teenagers, one a senior, one a junior, locked in combat, the Latino having the upper hand most of the match and then, right before the pin---right before it had all been over for Tom Worthington, he had managed to slide out of the circle and off the mat, ending the first round with a blast from the coach's whistle---it sounding just in time. It had been way too close, and thanks to the coach he had been saved from the certain loss. During the break that followed he had been able to pull back up his wrestling sweats before round two, to the giggles from the girls that had been watching him. The second round had been a lot more even, but the girl's team had by then resumed their practice, and so missed the better performance Tom had shown. In the end, their little sparring had ended and nobody had been declared a winner. The coach had been smiling---with two guys that could wrestle like that, the school was almost certain to win the state, and the championship. Even more important, he had another up and coming star for next year. After that, the talk had rocked the school. Soon, everyone had heard the story of how the little junior from Texas had almost depants their star wrestler right in class--and almost pinned him at the same time! The girls volleyball team had talked about it during lunch, in the locker room, between classes, and to everyone that would listen. Soon, everywhere Tom went he received smirks and laughs from his fellow students, constantly reminded about what had almost happened. Worse, everyone thought it was hysterical that the underclassman had almost ripped his pants off during the match. Needless to say, the two rivals seemed to avoid each other, and Tom went out of his way to put down the underclassman to whoever would listen. By mid-afternoon of the second day after the match, Tom hated Rick, and wished like hell the junior had never transferred into his school. He bad-mouthed him every chance he got, slurred him at every opportunity, and basically bragged that he had been a lucky son-of-a-bitch to get him even down, even for a minute. Then, in the cafeteria, as he was explaining to his jock friends how much of a jerk Rick Menendez was, Rick suddenly walked up to him and said "OK...I'm tired of your bragging, especially since the coach saved your ass. You want to wrestle---how about after school---or are you too afraid you might lose if there isn't any whistle to save that ass of yours?" Tom: "I'm not afraid of anybody---ESPECIALLY YOU" Rick: "'ll wrestle then---and this time I might just take your pants off !" Tom: "Sure jerkwad...just try it. I'll pin you so fast you won't know what happened." Linda Nelson, the hottest girl on campus and at the moment seated right next to the school's star athlete, and then spoke up, with what would later be recognized as a pivoting event in the life of the school. She said "Rick...I heard you are so fast you almost took his pants that true?" As Tom blushed, Rick said: "Yeah, he liked losing them" Linda then said with a devious smile: "Why don't you guys wrestle for your pants then....sorta a match with a consequence?" Rick and Tom looked at her, then at each other, her crazy idea registering in their brains. Neither liked the idea, but to save face, neither was willing to back down either. Soon, it was decided, and the match was set for Wednesday afternoon, in the field behind the school, down by the small pond, which was out of sight from the school buildings. It was to be a match, where the two boys would be fighting for their pride, and their pants. In the end, one of them would be losing more than just a match and of course that possibility had a lot of people at the high school more than a little intrigued. Sure enough, it didn't take long for the word to ripple through the student body. By 4:45pm on Wednesday, almost 70 students were gathered on the hill that sloped down to the pond. It might have been more except most of the kids rode the busses, and if they missed the bus they would have had to do a lot of explaining. Still, 70 students filled up the field, and it was a group that had come to watch their school's ultimate jock get his revenge on the new underclassman from Texas. It was a miracle that none of the facility had got wind of the event, and luckily for the teenagers gathered, there wasn't an adult in sight. There, in the center of the circle, the two boys faced off, each realizing that things had gotten out of hand but neither of them willing to back down either. They were both dressed in blue jeans, Tom wearing a sleeveless jet black t-shirt that bore the logo of their wrestling team and showed off his powerful muscles that rippled underneath the material. Rick was dressed in a Tommy Lee Rugby shirt, looking almost ridiculously overdressed for the pending match. It was then, just before the designated start time, that Linda opened her backpack and pulled out THE PADDLE, holding it up so everyone could see it. And seen it they had! Everyone had just stared, and both boys had looked at it with mixed feelings of trepidation and yet with smugness that seemed to intensify everything. It wasn't a little piece of wood either, and it was way beyond a ping-pong paddle. This was a board shaped in the classic shape of a school paddle, 4 inches across, two feet long, and made out of solid oak. The wooden paddle had eight small holes drilled an inch apart right down its midsection, and it was apparent to everyone that it was meant to do serious business. For many of the students, it was the first real paddle any of them had ever seen. Where she had gotten it she didn't say, and for what was to follow, it didn't matter. She then said, "Hi guys...since this match is to find out who the real man is here, I figured the winner might need a paddle to prove his point!" With that, there was lots of laughter and a tremendous, approving roar. On a role now, she then said, "First guy to lose his pants loses the match. I've brought this paddle, so the winner can use it on the loser...if he wants." There was lots more applause and laughter, and suddenly Tom yelled "Your ass is MINE" and then he lunged out, spinning Rick to the ground and over on his back almost immediately. It had been a dirty move--a surprise lunge, and had caught Rick totally by surprise and left the 16 year old vulnerable. On the ground and on his back, he had tried to recover with a modified sit out maneuver; spinning his entire body over so fast it had almost been a blur. In doing so, he had rolled himself over on his stomach, with Tom on top of him and working hard and fast. The two teenagers were locked in combat, and Tom was fighting like there was no tomorrow, trying to beat his opponent decisively and quickly. He then grabbed one of Rick's legs, forced it sideways and then backwards and then, with a twisting motion, flipped him again over on his back. Rick did another full roll, then spun around and tried to defend himself---but Tom was faster again and suddenly he had Rick again on his back, for a third time, his feet going into the air and up this time. It looked like things were moving toward the classic pin, except that a pin wasn't the object of this match, and before he could get to Rick's jeans Rick twirled his entire body, pulling his feet down so hard that Tom was caught by surprise and was shoved sideways, his face hitting the mud with a resounding splat. The crowd of students was going wild. This was the hottest match any of them had ever seen, and the noise of the crowd was intense and almost overwhelming. After the fast opening where Tom had been in charge, things started to get a lot more even, and the match seemed to go on and on and on. Most of the students watching were rooting for their star Tom Worthington, yet he wasn't smashing his opponent like he always did during most matches. Tom seemed to be desperate, and that's when he started cheating. When he crossed that line, and suddenly started fighting with a win-it-all-at-any-cost attitude, his fellow students started to abandon him, and began to root for his younger opponent instead. As they watched, Tom fisted the 16-year-old junior hard, punching him deep in the stomach and causing everyone to cringe. Rick and almost buckled under the onslaught. Then, a few minutes later, just as Rick was recovering from the first blow, Tom had again formed his hand into another fist and swung it up under his opponent, moving his arm so fast it was obvious he had literally smashed it into Rick's balls. The boy had reacted to the move, a loud grunt escaping from the junior's mouth as he had recoiled in shock, his entire body going limp with the impact. He shook his head trying to regain some control, but after that blow Tom had held the upper hand, and it looked like he had pretty much won, even if he wasn't winning fairly…Tom reached for Rick's jeans, and started to unbuckle them, while the junior lay almost limp and unmoving, the pain in his groin still radiating through his entire body. Suddenly, Rick Menendez reached inside himself and found some reserve somewhere---then came back to life with a move that took Tom totally by surprise, and one that he failed to anticipate. The kid was just so fast...almost like lightening. Although he had lost a lot of his strength from Tom's punches, he was still fast and he reached out and grabbed the wrist of Tom Worthington that was right in front of him. For the first time in his life Tom knew immediately he was in serious trouble. Rick pulled the wrist down, and then, with a twisting motion, almost folded Tom's entire arm right up his own back, shoving the boy's wrist right between his shoulder blades just below his neck, doubling the wrist over in the process. The pain shot up his arm, and he staggered, wincing from it. It wasn't a legal move exactly, and if the fight had had a referee the whistle would have blown. But this time there was no coach standing by to stop the fight, and nobody in the crowd objected to the move. It was way beyond that now. In a sense, the fight had become a no-rules contest, thanks to the cheating moves Tom had initiated, and Rick's little move was pale in comparison to what Tom had already done. And so, with Rick holding Tom by his wrist, he finally had him in a hold that was unbreakable. Tom was in serious trouble, and in fact, could do nothing to get away. NOTHING. Rick literally owned him. It was a strange hold, and as long as Rick held Tom's wrist he could give him pain or relief by simply varying the pressure---push the wrist higher between his shoulders and the boy would grunt in pain.....let a little off and the relief would almost be overwhelming. Add a twist at the wrist, and he would cry out, release the pressure and he would take a breath of relief. Rick was totally in control of his opponent, and there was truly nothing Tom could do about it. Sure, he tried to get loose, but every time he moved Rick would shove his arm and wrist higher and higher, and whenever he did that Tom was stopped cold----the pain forcing him to give in and to cease his useless struggles. Soon he was yelling "OK ...OK..._f_u_c_k_...the ARM MAN…STOP IT WITH THE ARM---YOU WON----I GIVEEEEEE" The two boys were on their sides, laying prone at the bottom of the hill, Rick behind Tom and for the first real time in the match, in total control of his ever increasingly willing opponent. That's when Tom Worthington had felt his belt buckle being unhooked...his jeans unsnapped. He had tried to reach down to stop it from happening, but as he laid on his side, his face in the mud and his left arm twisted so far up his back and between his shoulders he felt it was being ripped off, he couldn't really interfere. As he started to reach down to stop Rick's hand from reaching his fly, he felt the pressure on his wrist increase to an unbelievable level, and so he quickly said OK OK OK and moved his hand away. Rick whispered in his ear... "On your head...put your _f_u_c_k_ing right hand on your head or I'll rip your left arm right off." Tom begged, he pleaded, but still he gave in; and with no other real option he placed his right arm on top of his own head while he felt Rick fumble at the opening of his pants. He really had no choice, and he knew it. Rick was working on his pants, and in desperation Tom spread his legs, making it next to impossible for Rick to get them off. Rick worked at his fly, and then suddenly, he called out "Hey Linda....I think the hot jock is ready for you to take his pants now!" Linda Nelson, a huge smile on her face and her tits literally bouncing, simply reached down and grabbed them near his ankles, and in a single move, she started to pull them down! Tom freaked...OH GOD...but still, his pants---his _f_u_c_k_ing pants were going down, and down and down...and then, with a quick and final tug Linda forced the 18 year old's pants off with a single motion. Wow! Tom had lost! And he KNEW IT too. He heard the almost thunderous applause, his face blushing crimson with the indignity of losing to the Latino---a kid from Texas! _s_h_i_t_. And an underclassman too! And the worse thing was it felt like whole school was watching as Linda held up her trophy---his pants! _d_a_m_n_! Tom struggled then, clad only in his jockeys, his gray Calvin Cline shorts that contained his manhood visible to everyone. It was so humiliating, and as he struggled and thrust his legs trying to break free, it seemed every eye and every student was staring at the bulge in his shorts. God it was embarrassing. "OK OK OK----NOW LET ME GO!" he yelled! He had lost. And in losing, he had assumed that Rick would let him go...but he didn't. Instead, the boy had reached down with his free hand, and in a sudden and powerful push, he had grabbed Tom's underwear at the waistband and started to push them down too...and then down some more. Tom had gone berserk, struggling to keep them up...but with his hand and wrist jerked up between his shoulders he couldn't do anything to stop what was happening. Down and down and down...then he felt Rick hook his foot over the waistband, and with a single kick Rick pushed them all the way down and completely free, ripping them in the process. Suddenly, Tom was naked from the waist down, his _c_o_c_k_ and balls bouncing to the delight of the crowd. Oh God! The crowd had gone wild----the laughter filling the air and everyone amazed seeing their star player lying on his side with his pants off and his genitals exposed for everyone to see. Tom's thick matt of pubic hair was leaving nothing to the imagination. His dick hung down toward the ground, wiggling like a small snake from the boy's movements, his balls dangling like giant plums exposed to the air. Suddenly, a chant started in the crowd, which grew and grew and grew. "pad-dle...pad-dlE....pad-DLE....paDDLE...pADDLE...PADDLE...PADDLE" As the crowd roared, delighted in the outcome and loss of the cheating jock, Rick looked around and noticed Tom's own backpack a few feet away. He reached out with his right hand and pulled it over, dropping it directly in front of the boy whose arm he held firmly, still twisted up between his shoulder blades. Then, with a little work, he forced Tom to roll over, face down, forcing the boy's genitals to rest on his own school backpack. Never letting go of his arm and wrist, he forced the 18 year old to perch his naked ass up and soon it was jutting into the air. Tom was yelling to let him go, begging actually....but with his arm twisted behind his back and being held between his shoulder blades there wasn't much else he could do. Suddenly, Rick had the paddle, and as Tom begged loudly for mercy, all he could do was squeeze his eyes shut in anticipation. Rick hesitated for a few seconds, listening to the begging senior, savoring the moment of triumph. Then, he raised his arm high in the air and began to swing the paddle into the naked ass below him, all perched up and waiting almost eagerly for the impact. As the board made its first swish through the air, the crowd roared with delight. SMACK! SMACK! As the paddle smacked his ass the second time, Tom had almost jerked free, and Rick had had to drop the paddle to regain his control. Realizing that it was going to be extremely difficult to paddle him and still keep his arm under control, he called out "Hey Linda...I think Tommy here wants YOU to paddle him!" There was a tremendous roar of approval from the crowd, and without hesitation she picked up the paddle and moved over to the struggling teenager whose bare ass was jutting into the air. As Rick held his arm and kept him under total control, she swung the paddle high over her head, and with two hands she then brought it down with all the force she could muster. CRACCCCCK!!!!! "NOOOOOOO!" _d_a_m_n_ that hurt! Oh _s_h_i_t_ did it hurt and hurt BAD! Having never been paddled before, he had never felt anything that hurt that much in his entire life. Tom simply could not believed the intensity of the impact that the half inch thick piece of wood had made against his ass. CRACKKKKK! Again!!! And she was swinging it with two hands, and it was hitting a LOT harder than when Nick had been one-handing it. CRACKKKKKK! Oh God--nothing could hurt this bad! Again and again and again Linda swung the board through the air, bringing it down hard and fast on the bare ass that was jutting up, splayed out over his own backpack. Tom grunted with each crack, the pain searing its way into his brain. His head, looking sideways into the students staring back at him, couldn't help but notice the smiling faces as they enjoyed watching his misery. CRACKKKKK! CRACKKKKKK! CRACKKKKKK! How many times did the paddle fall? Linda kept it moving...a rhythm now...and with each blow Tom felt his own ass cooking and cooking and cooking. CRACKKKK! CRACKKKK! His ass was turning a flaming red color as everyone looked on, and somewhere in the process the tears had just started flowing. Oh GOD NO! I haven't cried since I was 12---NO...stop the tears...oh stop...I can't...I can't cry...oh _s_h_i_t_...I can't help it...oh GOD He started struggling again, desperate to stop the tears, to get away, to do ANYTHING...but the pain in his arm was too much, and there was nothing he could really do to defend himself against the onslaught into his ass. He reached back with his free arm to try and cover his flaming ass, but Rick whispered in his ear "No way man...put your _f_u_c_k_ing arm back on your head right now or you're not going to have an arm left." Then, with a shove, he pushed Tom's left arm up even higher, and the pain was so intense he cried out, while at the same time moving his right arm quickly back to the top of his head just as he had been told. What else could he do? CRACKKKK! CRACKKKKK! God it hurt! Oh _f_u_c_k_. OH _f_u_c_k_ OH _f_u_c_k_ OH _f_u_c_k_! And the tears! _s_h_i_t_...why the tears! He hadn't been able to stop them....and oh had he tried! It was just too much...the pain too intense, the hottest girl on campus cracking that wooden paddle against his bare ass again and again and again. He had jerked, and thrusted and struggled, but the onslaught had continued, until finally, his ass a deepening red, his tears flowing like a 10 year olds, the paddle had finally stopped, and Linda had stood up holding it triumphantly over her head, all to a thunderous applause from the crowd. The strangest part of the whole thing for Tom was that although he was face down in the mud, stretched out over his own backpack, he had never felt so humiliated in his entire life. And, even though the paddling had hurt worse than anything he had ever felt before, still he had been turned on by the experience of what had been happening. He didn't understand his feelings, and he sure didn't want to have them right now. But the teenage mind works in strange ways, and a guy's dick is not always something he can control. And so, when Linda had ended the paddling and Rick had decided to pull Tom up and around and force him to look into the faces of the students watching him trying to hide his tears, he could never have imagined what they were all about to see. Not in a million years! Oh GOD! As Tom was spun around and pulled up into a sitting position by his arm, the students watching had suddenly stared, open mouthed, as everyone looked down....down THERE. Rick noticed it at the same time the rest of the students watching had, the defeated senior's dick stuck straight up from its matt of pubic hair as hard as a steel rod. It was thick and solid and jutting like it was begging for a woman, its big purple head exposed and literally dripping with desire, its tip covered with a drop of precum that defied explanation. The students watching could hardly believe it, and as Tom looked down, down at his own dick, jutting up rock hard and bouncing to his own heartbeat, his faced blushed bright red with a color that almost perfectly matched his own cherry red ass. Nothing moved. Everyone stared in shock, and as Tom's dick bounced and twitched to the delight of the crowd Rick considered letting him go. He had won, and the boy had been paddled thoroughly while everyone watched. And, he almost did let him go. Then, suddenly, the crowd began to chant, and the words slowly grew louder and louder and louder. Oh God! jerk him....jerk hiM....jerk hIM....jerk HIM....jerK HIM...jeRK HIM....JERK HIM Time stood still. Tom didn't move, couldn't move, sitting there, listening to the crowd, his dick thick and hard and glaring, its huge bulbous head flared out wide and hard, obscenely pointing to the sky with some unknown desire. As the crowd chanted, Rick hesitated, and then, almost with reluctance, he leaned over and whispered in Tom's ear: " it. I'm not going to let you go until you do!" Tom shook his way no way no way. Suddenly, Rick shoved his arm way up between his shoulder blades...then twisted his wrist...then more. Tom screamed out.."OH GOD IT HURTS...PLEASE....PLEASEEEEEE...." he begged. JERK HIM JERK HIM JERK HIM JERK HIM JERK HIM JERK HIM As the chants grew louder and louder Rick whispered "DO IT...go ahead...if you don't grab your dick I'm going to break your arm right OFF!!!", and as he said it, he twisted the senior's wrist some more and the pain shot down Tom's arm like there was no tomorrow. With tremendous reluctance, Tom finally reached out and grabbed his dick...wrapping his fingers around his own shaft as 70 students looked on. It was the single most humiliating thing he had ever done...and the crowd roared their approval. As the touched himself, Rick let up on the pressure of his left arm, and the sudden relaxation of pressure felt so incredibly good it was like a wave of relief that he felt through his entire body. He hesitated, and time stood still, his hand on his dick, his classmates watching, and chanting...the chant changing as he held himself. JERK IT JERK IT JERK IT JERK IT JERK IT JERK IT As he sat with his hand wrapped around his teenage dick...gripping it tightly like it was some kind of toy he just couldn't bring himself to do it. No! He just couldn't do it. Not THAT! No way.... Then, suddenly, he felt the pressure on his arm again....his wrist being twisted, and Rick whispering in his ear "Go ahead....your going to do it...and I've got all night....get it over with....jerk it....jerk it..." Oh GOD his arm hurt so _f_u_c_k_ing bad...and he realized he didn't really have any choice...he had to stop the pain...and what else could he do...and so...then, slowly, very slowly, and very reluctantly as the crowd continued to encourage him, he began to pump his 18 year old dick up and down and up and down. The crowd went wild...laughing at their wrestling star pumping his own dick, the tears of humiliation streaming from his face as his ass and lower legs glowed cherry red. Even as he was sliding his hand up and down his shaft, Tom was begging Rick...begging him to please let him go.... "Please..Oh NO!!!!" Rick would lessened the pressure on Tom's arm as he watched Tom jerk himself, but every time Tom hesitated or started to slow it down, Rick would shove his arm further up between his shoulders, forcing him once again to renew the stroking with earnest. By keeping the pressure on Tom's arm, Rick forced Tom to realized he was really without options, and as he tried to ignore the chants of the students watching, he was literally forced to pump himself faster and faster. It didn't take very long. With a loud grunt, as Tom screamed "NOOOOO!!!" he arched his back and looked to the sky, his eyes and mouth wide open. Suddenly he ejaculated, pumping his teenage wad straight up and out, the first line of semen making a line clear across the front of his black t-shirt, making a mark that literally ran from his chin all the way down his front. As the senior was forced to work his dick, he shot again and again and again, pumping his jism for all the world to see, leaving blobs of white goo scattered across his front and left to soak into his black t-shirt. He just kept cumming, with one of the most violent and intense orgasms of his entire life, his whole body shuddering with the climax as his dick and balls squirted in ecstasy. With each spasm of his dick he grunted from the pleasure, even as his face was flushing bright red from the humiliation of what he was doing. When Tom had pumped himself dry, Rick suddenly let him go...dropping his twisted wrist and arm and freeing the teenager with a push. The boy literally flopped over on his side, spent and exhausted, totally humiliated and embarrassed beyond measure. As Rick stood up, he looked down on the humiliated senior below him, his black t-shirt literally soaked with the juices from his own manhood. Rick looked at him with disgust, and then remarked "Nice wad Tommy, and one hell of a show too!" There was a huge roar of laughter from the crowd, and then an applause that grew and grew and grew until it literally thundered. Then, Rick turned away, shaking his head as he began the walk back towards the school. As the crowd began to break up, there was a lot more laughter, which continued with an intensity that was still ringing in Tom's ears long after it had died away and the silence of the field had returned.


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