Gay Erotic Stories

A Beautiful Japanese Lover 1946 - 1947, Part 3

by Jimmy
10 Nov 2002


In l952 I stepped off the plane that had just taken me from Korea to Tokyo. I was back in Japan! I found the city had not changed much during the 5 years I had been gone. It was still a very crowded and busy place.

I was taken from the airport to the American Hotel where I had reservations. I would be in Japan for R and R (Rest and Relaxation) and would be there for 7 or 10 days (I forget which). I could take my R and R in Japan or I could have gone to Thailand. Of course I chose Japan because I wanted to locate my little Japanese lover, Toshi. He was a very beautiful guy and we were so much in love back in l947.

When I left Japan in l947, it was very hard for me to say goodbye to Toshi. We both cried that last night we were together. Please read about Toshi and me and our love affair in 2 other stories I have written here. That way you can understand this story better.

The first night I was in the hotel, I was so damn horny. The hotel was filled with beautiful straight soldiers from Korea who were in Japan for R and R. The army rotated the soldiers in Korea so they could have a short vacation and find girls to fuck. We soldiers had a choice: we could stay at the American hotel (military) or go to a Japanese hotel that was run by the Japanese Mafia. The soldiers could get a room, food and a girl at the Japanese hotel for one price.

The next morning, after a hot shower and breakfast, I walked through the city. A very beautiful Japanese girl said "Hello" to me and asked me if I wanted a "date.” I asked her "how much" and she told me $20.00. I had to laugh: when I left Japan in l947, a piece of ass would cost me 2 cigarettes and 1 cigarette for Momma-San. Guess inflation had raised the price of pussy. I told the girl that it was only 2 cigarettes when I left Japan in l947 and she told me, in excellent English, "That was my mother; but I want $20.00.” I went on my way.

I was on my way to the store where Toshi and his mother had worked and lived. I located the store and from the outside it had not changed any. I opened the door of the gift shop and walked in. There was Toshi! He was stocking some shelves and had his back to me. I waited until he turned around. Then all hell broke loose. Toshi was so excited to see me again after 5 years. The Japanese people do not show much emotion. Guess nobody told Toshi this, because he ran to me and put his arms around me and gave me a big loving kiss. It was so great to hold this beautiful lad in my arms again and kiss his beautiful lips and face.

Then Toshi jumped back and motioned to the rear of the store. Just then his mother entered from their living quarters that was located in the rear of the store, followed by a beautiful young lady who turned out to be Toshi's wife. They were married and had one son at this time. (They ended up having two sons and one daughter.) After introductions, we all went to the rear of the store and once again we had hot green tea and began talking about what had happened during the 5 years I had been gone. I told them I had been in Germany and Austria, then in Fort Knox, Kentucky and was now stationed in Korea. Toshi filled me in on his family and very proudly carried his son to where I was sitting and placed him in my arms.

When Toshi and I had a moment alone, he told me he still loved me and missed me very much. I was able to hold him in my arms and kiss his beautiful lips again and tell him how much I loved him. I asked him if we could get together and visit the old inn one more time. He said he would enjoy doing that again. He made a phone call and we had reservations for one night.

I met Toshi at the railroad station and we boarded a train that took us into the mountains. After a 2 hour train ride, we got off of the train and found the road that took us to the inn that we had used so many times before back in l946 and l947. I was able to have the American hotel's dining room to fix two lunches for us. In my bag was the lunches, some Cokes, candy, and lots of other goodies for us to enjoy. We found the same spot where we used to stop for our lunch. We loved this beautiful spot; it was off of the road, but still a little private. I gave Toshi his lunch that was in a paper bag. Hey, it was like a kid in a candy store!

Toshi opened his lunch bag and examined each item in it. We each had a sandwich, a salad, something to drink, and desert. We sat beside the road and ignored the people as they passed and we devoured our lunch.

When we arrived at the inn, the owner remembered us, and he welcomed us back. We had our shoes taken off then we followed the owner down the hall to our room. Toshi had asked for the same room we had used 5 years before.

Once inside the room, I was able to at last hold Toshi and kiss his beautiful face as I told him how much I still loved him. He had tears in his eyes as he told me that he had never forgotten me and had always loved me also. I felt so good to have this cute stud in my arms again and to hold someone in my arms that I loved so very much.

Toshi and I put on our kimonos and walked down the hall to the bath. The maid had the thick towels out and ready for us. The bath had this large tub in the middle of the floor; it was filled with hot mineral water that ran in the tub all the time, right out of the mountain. I took Toshi's kimono off and told Toshi to have a seat on the wood stool. Then I dipped the wood bucket into the tub and filled it with the hot mineral water. I took a washcloth and washed Toshi's body. I took great pleasure in washing his armpits, arms, chest and body. My greatest thrill came when I had him stand up, and I washed each cheek of his perfect little ass. I sat on the stool as he bent over with cute butt in my face and I washed between the crack of his ass. His little ass hole looked like a jewel. Then I took the bucket and emptied it over Toshi's head!

After we each had washed our bodies off, we got into the tub of hot mineral water and soaked. Toshi was in my arms again, with his head resting on my shoulder. We did not talk, just enjoyed the moment and being together. I looked at him and he was crying. When I asked why, he told me that he was so glad that I had returned to him. We both knew it was only for a short while, but we tried to enjoy the time we had together.

A person is told not to stay in the tub too long, since the hot mineral water will sap your strength and weaken you. I do not know if this is true or not, maybe it is a way to keep people from soaking in the tub for hours on end. We were there for about 30 minutes. Then we climbed out of the tub, and I once again was able to take a towel and dry this lovely young stud's body.

We returned to our room and put on kimonos and ordered hot water for tea. Toshi made the tea and we sat in the garden, enjoying the afternoon and what little time we had left. Toshi told me about his life since we had parted and I tried to bring him up to date on everything I had been doing (well, maybe I did not tell him everything). We both enjoyed our long conversation.

This was a beautiful day and we both wanted to take another walk around the village. I am sure that some of the people in the village remembered us from our visit there 5 years earlier. We went into the shops, talked to the people, and looked around this beautiful old village. Houses in this village were several hundred years old. One nice gentleman saw that I was trying to see inside of one of the houses. Guess I was curious. He talked to the lady in the house and she invited us into the house so we could look at it. It was beautiful! The wood in that house was so old that it had turned black from smoke and age. Nice thick mats were on the floor and a fireplace pit was in the middle of the floor. From this pit, all of the cooking was done. I just loved that house.

Then it was on to the temple. Toshi and I again made a donation to the temple and promised that we would try to visit the temple again. The monk from the temple could speak English and he took the time to show us around and explain their religion and the temple to me.

We left the temple and slowly walked back to the inn. We had told the owner what we wanted for dinner that night and he told us that our dinner would be ready as we requested. Again we went to the baths and soaked in the hot mineral water. When we returned to our room, the maids began bringing our dinner to us in the room. Our dinner was served in several beautiful wood boxes that were painted bright colors. I loved our dinner but really did not know what I was eating half of the time, but I enjoyed the dinner.

After dinner Toshi and I sat in the garden. I had a bottle of sake, so we would sip as we talked about our lives after we parted. He told me he loved his wife and son but something was empty in his life and it was I. I had to tell him that my life was not complete without him also. I guess we both got a little teary eyed as we talked so openly and honest to each other. We both loved each other, but knew that we could not change anything.

The wind came up and blew through the trees and it became a little chilly, so we went back into our room. The maid had made two beds on the floor. I went to Toshi and gently took his kimono off, picked him up, and put him on top of one of the beds. Then I got beside of him and put my arm around him and pulled him close to me. I looked into his beautiful face and told him how much I loved him. He asked me to do two things. When I asked what the two things were, he said he wanted me to kiss him and to fuck him.

I was hoping to fuck him again but did not know how he would feel about it, so when he told me he wanted me to screw him again, my dick got hard. I began kissing his beautiful hard body and easing down toward his cock. When I had his dick in my mouth and my tongue was going around and around the head of his cock, he told me that he would always love me and want to have sex with me. I told Toshi that I felt the same way.

Then I began playing with his cute little buns. They were small and beautiful. I began kissing each cheek of his ass and as I did, I let a finger find it's way to his little hole. I used spit and just let the finger rotate around his anus. This was a great turn on for Toshi, so I added some cream and began trying to get his butt to open up for me. It took some time, but I was gentle. I slowly got one finger up his ass, then added more cream and got two fingers up his ass. This was all that he could take, so I would just fuck his butt with my two fingers. I had him on his stomach and my two fingers up his ass. What a view I had: This beautiful stud with my two fingers up his cute little ass hole.

When I had two fingers up his little ass, I would spread the fingers apart, wanting to open up his anus as much as possible. I was not the most experience guy when I fucked Toshi's little butt back in l947, but now I had been in Europe and was used to fucking tight asses. I knew that this would be the last time I would fuck Toshi and I wanted it to be the best of all.

He bent over me and started sucking my cock. My dick was so big that he had a hard time getting the head of it into his mouth. He licked around the head and went down as much as he could. He then started licking my balls, stomach and thighs. He was so horny, he then started licking my arm pits, tits and even kissed both cheeks of my ass. He was trying to do all of the things to me, that I had been doing to him. He was as hot as a firecracker and so was I.

When I again put some cream on my fingers, he bent his ass to me so I could use them up his little butt. Here was this cute stud, on his hands and knees, with my fingers up his ass. From this position, I was able to give him some good fucking with my fingers. To my surprise, his anus began opening up, I knew he could take my dick up his ass right then. With a gob of cream on the head of my cock, I rubbed it around his anus, and then let the head slid inside of Toshi. He was small, but he was taking the head of my cock. I held him by his hips, and just let his ass slide back on the shaft of my prick.

From this position, I could watch as his little butt was taking my big dick. He had me to take it out and add more cream, then put it back in him. I had to do this a couple of times. Then he reared back on my cock and it all slid inside of his little butt. I was in all of the way for the first time. I could not believe it; my dick was all the way inside of his ass hole. Back in l946 - 47 I had fucked him, but could only use half of my dick since he was so small and I was so big. This time he could take it.

After fucking Toshi and getting his ass opened more, I had him change positions. I had him on his back, with his legs on my shoulders, and my cock up his ass. He was open and I started fucking him good and hard. Toshi had to be quite, but he kept moaning. Each time I put it in all the way, he would let out a moan, a moan of joy. I could see how much he was enjoying getting fucked by watching his face. When I knew he was horny and wanted a good fuck, I started pounding his ass. I loved to pound ass and he was ready for it. He whispered to me that he loved getting fucked; he said he never had felt so good inside. I just kept pounding his little ass.

Then, he started moaning louder, and I realized that I was fucking Toshi, "off.” He was not playing with his dick, but just from the fucking, he started cumming. Well, I was ready also, so with a few more strokes, my big old cock could not take it any more, and I started shooting up his ass. It was my time to moan! Then we both collapsed into the bed and into each other’s arms.

I came to the next morning with a bird fight going on out in the trees outside of our room. I looked at Toshi, he was sleeping, but he had a smile on his face, so I wondered what he was dreaming about. I bent over his beautiful face and gave him a kiss on his lips. After the second kiss, I saw one eye open, the other eye and a big smile on his face. Toshi put his arms around me and just asked me to hold him tight and not talk. He just wanted me to hold him.

I must have held him for a long time before he would let me turn him loose. I kissed his lips and whispered that I loved him. He told me that he would always love me and remember that night. I said that I would always think of that night as being one of the greatest nights in my life!

Again we both cried, because we both knew that we had to walk down different roads in our lives. He had to be a son, husband and a father. I had to return to the army and be a soldier.

We both fulfilled our duties.

Thanks guys for letting me tell you my love story and about Toshi.

I would appreciate you guys writing to me and letting me know how you like my true stories.

I have opened my heart in telling you about Toshi so I hope you read all 3 parts of this story. May each of you have a love like Toshi during your lifetime. Write to:

Enjoy your life! Jimmy


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1953 - My Best Straight - Gay Sexual Experience, Part 3

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1953 - The Korean Sergeant! Part 2

Guys, please read Part 1 first. That way you can understand this story better. OK? Thanks. I met this very good-looking stud sergeant that was in the Korean Army. I started by sucking his cock. As you will see, things changed. The sergeant and I became friends. Or, at least, we were sex buddies. We both loved wild sex. We were very careful to ensure that nobody found out that I was

1954 - Austria - Italy -The Ski Train

As I have written before, in l954, I was in the army and stationed in Salzburg, Austria. I had been stationed in Austria before, in l948 - 50. At that time, I was living in the beautiful resort village of Zell am See and I was able to learn how to ski. Over the years, I had been able to learn how to ski very well. I loved to ski, but what I really did love was the cute guys in their tight

1954 - Austria - The Major Gets His Butt Spanked!

In l954, I was stationed in Salzburg, Austria and working as an office manager for the U.S. Army. My job was such that I had permission to live off base. So, I rented a small apartment. My apartment was in a building that was isolated. I could make noise and nobody could see or hear me. I received a letter from my good old army buddy, Tommy. When Tommy and I were stationed in Frankfort,

1954 - Returning From Korea - 36 Days On a Troop Ship

After waking up one morning aboard the troop ship, I went on deck to watch as our big troop ship passed through the Panama Canal. It was thrilling for me. Our ship was pulled by "mules" (mechanical) and into the first lock of the canal. It was spooky in a way since all I could see was that our ship was down in a large hole - then they closed the big gate in back of our ship and started pumping

1954 - Returning From Korea - 36 Days On A Troop Ship, Part 4

The troop ship left the pier in Puerto Rico and I knew the next stop would be New York City. I have been aboard other troop ships as they entered the New York Harbor. Each time it gave me a thrill to see the Statue of Liberty as we sail toward it. I was looking forward to another view of this grand old lady of freedom! We always refereed to the troop ship as the "banana boat" since it went

1954 - Returning From Korea - Part 2

I woke up early one morning and it took me a while to find myself. I was aboard a crowded troop ship and was sailing from Korea to New York City. This trip would take 36 days and we were going from country to country, unloading soldiers that had been in Korea. At each port we unloaded some soldiers and this provided more room for the rest of us aboard. None of us soldiers could leave the

1954 - Returning From Korea, Part 1

In l954 I was an Army sergeant and I was stationed in Korea. It was interesting to be in that country and meet the people of Korea. They were good people and I ended up having a few friends that were Korean. I was stationed at an Army Replacement Depot for an Infantry Division in Korea. My duties were to interview the new soldiers and assign them to their new jobs and company. At last

1954 - Those Beautiful Boys in Morocco

I got up early that morning so that I could be on deck when my Army troop ship pulled into the harbor of the beautiful city of Casablanca, Morocco. I was an American soldier and was being assigned to Austria for the second time during my 20-year career in the military service. Our ship was docking so that the servicemen that were assigned to North Africa could disembark. Then the ship would

1955 - A Step Back Into Roman Times, Part 2

During the 20 years I was in the Army, I had many adventures. This is a continuation of one of my greatest adventures. I was visiting my friend, Karl, in his home village, high in the Dolomite Mountains, between Austria and Italy. Please read: 1955 - A Step Back Into Roman Times. The evening before, Karl had introduced me to a couple of super studs. They were mountain men and were very

1955 - A Step Back Into Roman Times - Part 3

I was really out of shape and pissed at Karl. I had just met a friend of his and this dude had insisted on fucking me and told me that Karl told him that I loved to get fucked. (Read: 1955 - Step Back Into Roman Times - Part 2). I kept telling this stud "No" but at the end; I got it in the end. His dick was thick as a beer can and it hurt like hell when he slammed that big pecker up my butt.

1955 - A Step Back Into Roman Times - Part 4

This is the 4th part. Please read this in the proper order in order for you to understand it. After the bar closed, everyone left for their homes, except one guy. He was another hot, great looking straight stud, nice body, about 30 years old, and I found him very sexy. As we chatted he told me he needed to take a leak and I told him I needed to unload also. We walked in back of the garage

1955 - Austria - The Landlady's Grandson

I was stationed in Salzburg, Austria, back in l955. Being in the US Army gave me a good chance to travel and have some sexy adventures. We soldiers had just been notified that all of the foreign armies that occupied Austria at that time, were to leave that beautiful country. Slowly the different army units started leaving and going to Germany or Italy. My orders were the last to come out and

1955 - Austria - The Straight Stud From Kenya, Africa

At last my army unit was notified that we were being transferred from Austria to Italy. This was great for me; I love both countries and looked forward to living in Italy. I still had a few days to go until we moved out. I hated to leave the beautiful city of Salzburg, but knew I would find new adventures in Italy. One night, when I was on my way home from work, I went to a good Austrian

1955 - Innsbruck, Austria - I Luck Out Again

At last, the day came for me to pack my belongings into my car and start my drive from Salzburg, Austria to Italy. I was given only 2 or 3 days to make the trip. Then at the last minute, I put in for leave so I would not need to hurry on my trip. This gave me a few extra days before I had to report to my new duty assignment in Livorno, Italy. Great, this would give me time to visit a friend,

1955 - Italian Men Were Horny

In l955, I was a U.S. Army sergeant, stationed in Salzburg, Austria. Then the word came out that Austria would no longer be occupied by the Russians, French, English and American Armies. I hated to leave my beautiful Austria, but the thrill of moving to Italy with my unit was great. I had traveled in Italy when I was on leave and loved the scenery, food and the cute studs. I had a car, so I

1955 - Italy - A Step Back Into Roman Times

I was driving from Austria to my new assignment in Italy. I had a few days leave, so I wanted to make this trip into a vacation also. I had spent the night in Innsbruck, the next morning, I started my drive toward a small village that was located in the Donomite Mountains, south of the Berner Pass This was known as South Tyrol. South Tyrol was taken away from Austria in 1918 and given to Italy

1955 - Straight Gang Banging In Italy

In 1955, my U.S. Army organization was transferred from Austria to Italy. It was a new country for all of us and we were glad to try something new. I loved the city of Liverno, Italy and enjoyed meeting some cute and very willing, horny, Italian studs. Of course, I was gay, but I always had to act straight and do all of the straight things that horny American soldiers do. Because I was

1956 - A Trip To Remember

I retired after serving in the Army for 20 years. I have been writing about my adventures during the time I was in the service. This story is just one of the many hot sexual flings that I had back then. Like all of my stories, this is true. So if you like a sexy stud, sit back and let me tell you about this Marine. Upon my return from overseas, I was assigned to work with the Army

1956 - Italian Soldiers

Being stationed in Italy as a 28 year old American Army Sergeant was great. I was able to travel around Italy and see the beautiful country. I was stationed in Liverno, Italy. Just a few miles south of Pisa. I was able to meet some sexy guys during this time. I loved to check out the very handsome guys there. I have lived all over the world, had sexy men in all of the countries, but I always

1956 - Italy, The Biggest Cock

During the 20 years I was in the U S Army, I was very sexually active! I had good control and had to live the straight life in order to remain in the army, but I always was looking for some stud that was outstanding to fix up. I always wanted only the very best looking guys and that is what I went for. I had found out that the good-looking guys were as horny as the ugly ones. So why not go for

1956 - Police Raids On Gay Bars

Yes, back in the l950’s, the police would raid a gay bar and take everyone they found to the police station. The next day the names and information on the gay guys therein were published in the newspaper. Of course, this was very embarrassing to most of the gays and many were fired from their job because of this. This took place before the famous Stonewall Gay Bar Raid in New York City. This

1956 - Rome, Italy - I Got A Big Surprise

During the time I was stationed in Italy, I was able to have so many sexy adventures. It was all fun and exciting for this gay guy. Weekends I could catch a train and travel to Rome. Once there, I knew where a guest house was that I could afford with my army pay. If I was short of money, I would go to a bakery for fresh rolls, and then to a meat market for the delicious salami, get some

1956 - Two American Sailors Get Screwed!

After being with my soul mate for 42 years, we have no secrets. Please read: " 2003 - How I Found My Soul Mate - 41 years ago". Jerry had never been with a guy until I found him. So the only gay sex he ever had was with me. I used to tell him about my many wild escapades before I met him. This made us both horny, so I would talk, and we would slap at our cocks. Now I have started writing

1957 - A Wild Weekend

In l957 I lived in Southern Illinois and worked as an Army Sergeant in the St. Louis area. Life was good to me. I had many good friends, an exciting job, and I lived on a small farm that was rent free to me as long as I took care of the owner’s farm, house, horse (a old nag), dog and so on. It only had two rooms (a kitchen-living room and a bedroom with bath), but it also had a large wrap

1957 - Another Horny Sailor Needing A Blow Job!

When I think back about the "good old days", many exciting moments comes to my mind. So sit back and let me tell you one true story about meeting this cute straight sailor that was a little tipsy and was so very horny - plus - it was the most exciting sex I had ever had with a straight guy. He was beautiful and different from all of the rest of the straight guys I had been with. I will be

1975 - Prison Life, Part 1

At the age of 75 years old, I have been thinking about the many wonderful sexual affairs I have had during my early life. After they were over, I would think about what happened. So I had a good time jerking off and rethinking about those good old days. That is how I can remember those wonderful sexy times, since I thought of them, over and over again. I have over 50 true stories on

1976 - Prison Life, Part 2

Please read Part one of Prison Life, it will help you understand this part. When I left you in Part one, I was working for a few weeks at a local prison. I was just hired for 12 weeks, and then I would be finished. Let me tell you guys, I got an education when I worked at the prison. I know that I never want to be a prisoner. Life in prison is Hell! Think about that before you get into

2003 - How I Found My Soul Mate - 41 years ago!

Well, I have been writing about my busy sex life when I was a young man. Now I am 75 years old and I like to look back at my life. I have written over 50 true stories for Men On The Net. If you have read my stories you know that I was a cock-a-holic and you may wonder how I turned out after all of that excitement! In a few of my stories, I have written that I have been with my lover for over

44 Years - How We Met Scott

Jerry and I just finished celebrated being lovers, house mates and soul mates for 44 years. We have shared our lives since July 4, l961. That is a long time for a couple of gay guys, but we made it. When we got together, we agreed to keep to ourselves and not share our self with another person. Well, Jerry was very good at this, but I always wanted to try something new. I was pretty good,

44 Years - How We Met Scott, Part 2

Jerry and I just finished celebrated being lovers, house mates and soul mates for 44 years. We have shared our lives since July 4, l961. That is a long time for a couple of gay guys, but we made it. When we got together, we agreed to keep to ourselves and not share our self with another person. Well, Jerry was very good at this, but I always wanted to try something new. I was pretty good, but

44 Years - Scott Gets Fucked

Jerry and I have shared our lives together for over 44 years now. Along the way, we met this cute, horny, sexy stud. Scott had been visiting our home for almost a year. Always playing hard to get! Telling us that he would like to visit us, but saying "I do not want anything to happen". Jerry and I would not start anything with him since he told us he did not want sex, just friendship. Then at

44 Years - Scott Sucks His First Cock

Jerry and I had been lovers for over 44 years now. At first we did not stray, but with time we both were horny to try another stud. This story is about how Scott entered our lives. He was hot and beautiful - need I say more. Please read: 44 Years - How We Met Scott. This story is the second part of this true adventure. Time went on and Jerry and I were wondering when or if Scott would

A 3-Way, Bruno, Tommy and Jimmy: Germany 1947

I was enjoying my new assignment in Heidelburg. It was the same old stuff where I had worked before, but it was a new city for me. On weekends I was able to travel back to my old place, Frankfurt, and meet up with my old friends. I was 20 at that time, a soldier in the U.S. Army and was very active sexually. I love sex, gay or straight, but I did make sure that whomever I had sex

A Beautiful Japanese Lover 1946 - 1947, Part 3

In l952 I stepped off the plane that had just taken me from Korea to Tokyo. I was back in Japan! I found the city had not changed much during the 5 years I had been gone. It was still a very crowded and busy place. I was taken from the airport to the American Hotel where I had reservations. I would be in Japan for R and R (Rest and Relaxation) and would be there for 7 or 10 days (I forget

A Beautiful Japanese Lover: 1946 - 1947

I have been writing about my true sexual experiences during the time I was stationed in Asia. Because of this, I have received several letters asking me for more stories about my sex life in Asia and they wanted to know more about how I enjoyed the beautiful men there. I was not planning on writing this story, but OK, here it is. This young stud was outstanding! He remained my

A Beautiful Japanese Lover: 1946 - 1947, Part 2

During the time I was stationed in Japan I was fortunate to have found this gorgeous young stud. His name was Toshi; he was a student and lived with his widowed mother in the rear of her gift shop in downtown Tokyo. Please read A Beautiful Japanese Lover: l946 - 1947 before you read this, then you will understand it better. Toshi and I were lovers during those years. The year was l946 and I

A Bottle Of Champagne And A Stud

During the time I was stationed in Frankfurt, Germany I had many sexual adventures. Some were with the ladies there, but a lot of the sex was with the studs. I have found out that studs may not talk like they like a little action with a gay guy, but when they have the chance, they are ready. In l947-48 Headquarters European Command was in a building in the heart of Frankfurt. The

A Cold Winter With A Hot Stud

During the winter of l947 - 48, I was stationed with the U.S. Army in Headquarters European Command in Frankfurt, Germany. On a cold and wet evening I was returning to my army barracks in Frankfurt. Although it was early in the evening, it was already quite dark. I was on a streetcar heading for the barracks, when I saw a terrible accident. Two German cars had crashed on the wet

A Cute And Sexy Houseboy In Japan

When I first arrived in Japan back in l946, I was one of the first soldiers to be there. Duty in Japan was great for me. I was stationed in an old Japanese army camp, located outside of Tokyo. I was a clerk and was told to share a room with another guy. My new roommate wanted to introduce me to the girls in Japan, so we went to town and for 2 cigarettes I soon had a girl with her

A Cute Greek Boy -- ME!

After my tour of duty was over in Japan, I was able to get orders to fly back to the States. I was one of the first soldiers to be stationed in Japan after WWII. Japan was fun and if you want to read about my adventures in Japan, check out “Straight Men/Gay Sex” and look for stories by Jimmy! In l947 all planes had to fly from island to island when they were crossing the Pacific

A Cute Japanese Stud

I entered the Army when I was l6 and at the age of l8 I was one of the first American Army soldiers to enter Japan in l946. I have always been gay but gave the butch appearance of being straight. When I was stationed outside of Tokyo in a small village, my new army buddies wanted to initiate me to the girls of Japan, so after a week took me to the village and gave me a taste of sex

A Dangerous Situation Worth The Risk

I spent 20 years in the army. I went in when I was l6 and in l946-47 I was stationed just outside of Tokyo. I always looked and acted very straight, but I am bisexual. So when my buddies were around, we would go out for the girls: they only charged us 2 cigarettes and one for mamma-san, so I made out well. But I always had an eye open for a nice stud and his cock. One weekend I

A Fling In The Imperial Gardens in Tokyo!

My tour of duty was almost over when I got a phone call from a buddy in Tokyo. He said he was cutting orders for my return to the USA and asked me if I wanted to fly back. Since the boat takes a long time to make the trip I said, "Hell yes!" A few days later, I received orders to report to an office in Tokyo for processing. I reported to the office, located in a large building in

A Frenchman In Paris, 1947

In 1948, I was 20 years old and in the Army, stationed with Headquarters European Command. We were in the beautiful university town of Heidelberg, Germany. I had some vacation time saved up and wanted to travel to France for a few days. One of my Army buddies had been in Paris and met a really neat gay guy there. They had a wonderful time together. My buddy told me that he had

A Gay Austrian Stud, 1948

Those of you who have been following my stories know that I was in the U.S. Army and had lived in Japan, Germany and now Austria. In l948 I was transferred to Austria. Austria was beautiful and I loved it. I was 20 years old at that time and loved exploring the world. The U.S. Army had a school in Zell am See, Austria, that was located in two resort hotels. I have always felt that

A Gay Guy In Headquarters European Command, 1947

At last, my traveling was over. I was assigned to the Headquarters of the European Command. My duty as an enlisted man (Corporal) was to be a clerk for an officer. The Headquarters were located in a big building in Frankfurt, Germany. Our barracks was located several blocks away in an ex-German army barracks, so every morning we would line up, the band played and off we went,

A Great Blow Job

In l948 I was in the United States Army and stationed in Heidelberg, Germany. It was a great place to be and I was able to meet a lot of very sexy guys. I had one friend named Hans, (read my story, “A Cold Winter With A Hot Stud”) but we could only get together once in a while. He took a liking to me, and wanted me to finish my time in the Army and then become a civilian and live

A Horny German Stud

If you have been reading my stories, you know that I was in the U.S. Army and stationed in Frankfurt, Germany during the winter of l947 - 48. My social calendar was getting filled and I found myself busy. Every other week I had a German stud that would be in town during the middle of the week and I always spent a couple of nights in his bed with him. His name was Hans and he

A Horny Soldier In Austria, 1948

From the moment I entered Austria I knew I was going to love it. I was in Salzburg for a few days before I had to report to my new Army assignment, so I was able to see this beautiful city. The first day I was there I ended up getting a massage at the big bathhouse. It was a nice building with lots of people there. Most European cities had beautiful bathhouses for its citizens.

A Horny Truck Driver!

My lover and I have been together for over 40 years and we have a wonderful relationship together. We have been able to stay together because of our love and understanding for each other. Jerry had never been with any man before me, so to celebrate our tenth anniversary together we took a trip through southern California. As we traveled down the highway we were talking about sex and

A Latino Stud

In the l960's I was an army sergeant stationed in Austria. Once a year my unit was sent to a firing range in Germany to fire our anti-aircraft weapons. I always looked forward to this because, not only was it fun to fire the big guns, but at night I was free to check out the horny studs there. One night I was on the army bus riding back from the snack bar and was sitting next to

A New Assignment: Heidelburg, Germany 1948

What a big let down I received when we were notified that Headquarters European Command was moving from Frankfurt, Germany. All of my friends were there, both gay and straight, males and females, military and civilian and I was busy going to night school 3 nights a week. Guess the Army did not care what I wanted; we moved. Our headquarters was moved to Heidelburg, Germany. [If you

A Sailor On Johnson Island In The Pacific

The pilot's voice came over the intercom in the 4-engine transport plane of the US Army Air Corps. He said, “Straight ahead is a small dot in this Pacific Ocean and that is Johnson Island.” Then he said, "I am going to try to land this big bird on that small dot!" He had a sense of humor. The year was l947. We had taken off from an airport outside of Tokyo and then landed on Guam,

A Straight, Blue-Eyed Stud

My tour of duty was coming to a close in Japan. I had many great experiences and felt I had made a lot of good friends there. I had loads of sexual experiences in Japan with the girls, but when it came to the guys I had to be very careful and did not have that many chances to get a guy. But I did find a few. I wanted only the very best looking guys with the nicest bodies, and sweet

A Sunday Afternoon In Frankfurt,Germany 1947

I was in the U.S. Army and was assigned to Headquarters European Command in l947. Over 100 of us guys were working as clerks for the officers at the headquarters. A large number of my fellow soldiers were gay and soon I knew who was gay and who was straight. Nobody seemed to pay much attention as to our sexual orientation; the army just wanted our bodies back then. I shared a room

A Taste Of Prime Beef!

The second day of my train trip across the USA was coming to an end. I had finished my tour of duty in Japan and re-enlisted to be stationed in Germany, so I was on my way. As the sun was setting, I washed up and walked through the train, checking out all of the studs as I went, until I arrived at the diner car. It was crowded as always, so I stood in line until the waiter

A Train Ride

I guess there is a lot of "little boy" in me. I have always loved trains. If I heard one at night, I would wonder where it was going and who was riding on it. So as the train clicked down the tracks back in l947, I was aboard and was enjoying my trip. I had just returned from Japan after my tour of duty there. I was traveling across the USA from California to New York, so I had a

A Weekend In New York City

The train arrived at Grand Central Station in the morning and I was in New York City at last. After finishing my tour of duty in Japan, I had re-enlisted in the army and was on my way to Germany. So after a 3-day train ride, I was ready to get off the train. I was able to find the U.S.O. club and check my baggage. I had a weekend to spend in the "Big Apple" and was excited. Then I

An Honor Guard From The Indian Army Gets A BJ

At the age of 19 I was finishing up my tour of duty in Japan for the US Army and would soon be headed back to the USA. It had been a wonderful experience for me. I got to Japan at the right time - l946 - so the war was just over and I got the chance to see the "old" Japan. I was even paid in Japanese Yen the first couple of months I was there. On payday I would receive a big

Annie, Franz And Jimmy Part 1

In l948 I was in the US Army and stationed in Frankfurt, Germany. I have been writing about my sexual adventures during that time. I think I am lucky because I am a true bisexual. If I could not find a girl, then I went for a guy. Then when I could not find a guy, I always had the girls to fall back on. So I had the best of two worlds. I can enjoy both a female and/or a male

Annie, Franz and Jimmy Part 2

I was very horny and excited as the day came for the three of us to have our first sex party. I had a hotel room at a place that catered to renting out rooms by the hour or two, so couples could have sex. I went to the Post Exchange and purchased Ritz Crackers, candy, cheese in a jar, peanuts, peanut butter, and a can of some kind of meat for the crackers. Before I entered the

Austria Here I Cum!

At last my orders are printed and I am about ready to be transferred to Austria from Germany. I am told to have an early lunch and then to report to the orderly room. After lunch and with my bags packed, I report to the orderly room. Only the company clerk was in the office when I reported in. He told me he was the only one there and that I had about one hour to wait for my

Black Gold

At last the ship docked in Germany. We were unloaded and soon were on a troop train headed into Germany. When we got to the replacement depot in Marburg (a quaint university town), again we were loaded into buses and taken to a German army barracks that was now used by the American army as a replacement depot. In Europe many of the military facilities are located in the towns. I

Black Gold III

In l947 I was stationed with the U.S. Army in Frankfurt, Germany. I worked at Headquarters European Command in a nice building called the I. G. Ferbin building. It had about 6 floors and was a large building, sitting in a large garden in the very heart of Frankfurt. One thing I will always remember about that building is the way you went from floor to floor. It did not have

Black Gold Plus

Please read the first part of this story - Black Gold - before you read this second part. You will understand it better then. This story, like all of my stories, is true. We had spent the day interviewing black soldiers at some base in Germany, back in l947. After we had finished interviewing all the soldiers, we were put on an army bus and returned to where we had been spending

Greyhound Bus Ride

Back in my youth the girls did not put out! There were no pills then and so most men were horny and had no place to unload their balls except by playing with themselves. This made it nice for me since I love to suck their cocks. Very late one cold night in St Louis, I boarded a Greyhound Bus and found a seat next to a young soldier. As the bus pulled out of the city this soldier


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