Gay Erotic Stories

Nick and Noah, Part 7

by Iainleather
24 Nov 2002

Gay Erotic Stories Novellas

Nick, Noah and Michael made their way back to Michael's house after leaving the Police Centre, still baffled by the attitude of the police.

"Maybe we should just leave it?" Nick asked, almost to himself. "The cops seem to have identified the killer, and they just aren't interested in anything else."

Noah was silent for a moment before replying, "I would agree with you, and just let it ride, if it wasn't for the question of just how Lena is involved. Geoff may well have been murdered because he owed money, and maybe Lena didn't have anything to do with it, but it seems to me like too big a 'loose end', which needs tidying up!"

"But the only one who can do that is Lena, and she's not going to say or do anything but deny any involvement!" said Nick.

"We need to find a way to get her to 'open up', let her guard down and talk," was Noah's response. "Find someone she trusts …?" With that both he and Nick turned to look at Michael.

"Oh, no!" he said, with absolute certainty. "She won't say a word to me. I doubt if she'd even take my call. She made that quite clear. But if you really want to try to get her to talk, I can think of a possibility, although you may not like it!"

"What possibility?" asked Nick.

"Lena likes to talk," began Michael. "She likes to brag, to tell you about how she's never the one who loses when a relationship goes sour. She likes to make sure that you know she's in control when it comes to 'attachment', and she likes to think she's pretty smart."

"So how does that help?" asked Nick. "We still need someone that she can brag to, someone she'll tell her story to."

Michael hesitated a minute, and went on. "She likes telling all of this to her 'trade', to whomever she happens to be sleeping with at the time. I found that out the hard way!" he said, wincing at the memory. "It's one of her favourite topics, especially with one-night-stands."

"So what are you suggesting? That we somehow get her talking to some pick-up, and then get the information from him? I can't see that working," Nick thought out loud.

"Not quite," said Michael, a grin beginning on his face. "Pick her up yourself! And get her to talk to you…"

Nick looked shocked, and Noah surprised at the suggestion. "But Michael, do you know what you're suggesting?"

Their friend's smile faded to a look of sadness. "Yeah, I know, but I also know there's no way I'll ever have her back. I still have feelings for her, but she's not the person I thought she was."

"How on earth would I 'pick her up'?" asked Nick. "How would I know what to say to her, what she likes? You have to have some kind of contact for that first interest!"

"Not you, but Noah!" Michael said quickly.

"Me?" Noah's face was now the shocked one. "Why me?"

"Because, you're her type. You and Geoff are similar enough to attract her: tall, blond, strong. She'll be plenty interested, trust me."

Nick began to chuckle. "But what if she changes her mind once Noah talks to her?" he said. "What if she and Noah can't find any common interests?"

"That part's easy," said Michael. He looked squarely at Nick, then at Noah, before going on. "She likes it rough! Leather and chains and whips! She's into bondage and control and all that kinky scene!"

Nick began to laugh then quieted at the glance he received from Noah. Michael went on in a tone of veiled disgust. "If you can borrow some leather gear, I don't know, say chaps and a harness, from someone, and just be in the same place she is, I can guarantee you she'll be the one who makes the approach, and she'll stay interested as long as you want!" His face showed his distaste and his upset at describing the things about his former lover that had driven them apart.

"So Noah gets dressed up in leather, and then pretends to want her to whip him and beat him?" Nick said, barely able to conceal his amusement, despite Noah's disapproving stares.

"Oh, no!" said Michael. "The other way around. Nick stands back and plays it cool, and she'll come to him. She'll want him to be the 'Master', and dominate her!"

Noah's eyes opened wide, and despite all the warnings and furious glances he had received, Nick broke into a fit of laughter, barely able to stand upright as he shook with mirth at the thought of Noah playing the completely opposite role from that he usually enjoyed. Michael looked helplessly at Nick's giggling face and Noah's stern countenance, not quite comprehending the reason for the differing reactions.

"I know it's kinky, but it's the best way to attract her!" he said resignedly, thinking the attitude of both Noah and Nick was because they were so repulsed by the idea of the leather and domination he was suggesting. "So will you do it?"

Noah nodded, thinking deeply about what he was agreeing to. Nick was still grinning, but also concerned that Noah may be placing himself in danger. "Be careful!" he warned quietly.

"I have no idea where you could get the kind of gear you'll need to impress her," Michael said dejectedly.

"I'm sure we can manage something," Nick replied with a smile.


Several hours later, Nick and Noah were at home again, as Noah dressed and prepared to go out in the hope of meeting up with Lena. Nick was wearing ordinary jeans and a t-shirt, but Noah was decked out in shining black chaps over polished boots, denim shorts beneath the legwear. Draped over his torso was a harness of dark hide and silver studs, which emphasized his abdomen and highlighted the rings through his nipples. From his shoulders hung a soft bike jacket and on his face he wore mirrored sunglasses, almost hidden by the low visor of a police-style cap atop his head.

"Mmmm!" Nick breathed as he surveyed his mate's appearance. "You look great - far too good to be going out. We should be heading downstairs instead!"

Noah grimaced. "I don't particularly want to do this, you know! And especially when I'm all geared up. You will be nearby, won't you?"

"Of course I will," Nick reassured him. "I'll stay out of sight, but be there if you need me, and I'll trail you back to her place if you get that far."

"Nick …" Noah stopped and looked into his lover's eyes. " …you know I wouldn't actually do anything, don't you?"

The shorter, dark man smiled widely. "Of course I do. And if you feel you need to kiss her, or grope her, to keep up the charade, I'll know what's happening. I trust you completely, my love."

"Damn, I feel so out-of-place," Nick muttered. "All geared up like this, but here in the living room, instead of downstairs. It just doesn't feel right! And now I'm supposed to go out in public?"

"You'll be fine. Just keep telling yourself it's important. We need to find out what Lena's story is."

"I just hope she doesn't recognise me from the other night!"

"If she does, play along with it. I know you can think fast, so go with the flow. The worst that can happen is that she doesn't take the bait, but I'm sure she will. I know I would!" With that he leaned into his man and kissed Noah long and tenderly. "Now let's go!" he said, landing a none-too-gentle slap on Noah's denim clad rump as he did, grinning a reassurance at his mate that he didn't really feel.


Being a weekend, the 'Shift' was packed when the boys arrived. As agreed, Noah went in first, making his way up the stairs and fighting through the crowd, fielding more than a few gropes and offers as he did, to stand at one end of the bar. From there, he could see Lena with several other drag queens holding court at one of the few tables in the place, sipping at cocktails in huge glasses. He settled back to wait and see whether she noticed him, ordering a beer, but holding and sipping very slowly at it rather than drinking.

Nick followed Noah a few minutes later, and found himself a position near the exit where he could see both Noah at the bar, and Lena with her friends at the table. Once more he cast an admiring glance over Noah's body, bedecked in leather, and studied the room. He quickly became aware that more than a few of the patrons were undressing his husband with their eyes, yet instead of being jealous he felt quite proud. 'I wonder what it would be like to have an audience?' he thought to himself before shaking his head and admonishing himself for getting just a little too kinky.

It wasn't long at all before Nick realised that Lena had spotted Noah at the bar. She continually looked him up and down, being drawn back into the conversation with her friends only when one of them would physically tug at her for attention. Noah remained aloof, barely even facing her direction, and pretended to focus his attention on the dance floor as he continued to clutch at his drink. Unable to catch his eye, Lena became agitated, practically drooling, and she excused herself from the gaggle of girls and headed for the bar, forcing her way into a spot right beside Noah's leathered frame.

"Hello there!" she said enthusiastically to him as she waved a twenty vaguely in the direction of the bartender.

Noah barely offered her a glance before looking away again with a muttered acknowledgement of her greeting. That served to only heighten her interest.

"Looking good, handsome," she hissed at him. "Want some company?"

He turned and looked her up and down more completely this time. "If I wanted a woman, I wouldn't be in this place now, would I?" he stated dismissively before facing back to the crowd.

"Oh, honey!" Her voice deepened even more than usual. "Don't let the dress and face put you off. Underneath all of this I've got exactly what you're looking for! What's your name, stud?"

Noah looked back at her, feigning some interest now. "Sir!" was his one word response.

"Ooooh," she squealed, batting her eyes and grinning from ear to ear. One hand crept up and tugged lightly at Noah's left nipple, pulling at the ring of silver. He brushed it away with a swipe.

"I don't think you're my type!" he said.

"Yes, Sir, I am," she whispered, her voice taking on a supplicant tone. "You want someone to worship you, Sir. Someone to do as you order, call you their Master and let you have complete control. That's me! A nice shaved body, just waiting for you to dominate, all man-pussy, and eager to please!"

"I don't think so," muttered Noah to the air.

"Please, Sir!" she begged now. "I have my own place, close by, and all the equipment you could need: sling, ropes, chains, gags and hoods. And plenty of toys; all it needs is you to come and use me!"

Noah turned to face her squarely now. "You sure, bitch?" he growled at her. "I like my pussy whipped and tied, begging for more. Think you're up to it?"

"Oh, yes, Sir! I'll satisfy every desire you've ever had!" Lena's voice was nothing more than a hiss of air by now.

"Okay, let's go!" Noah stated, almost as if he could care less.

"I'll just tell my friends I'm leaving," she said.

"Listen, slut!" Noah rounded on her, his voice deep and harsh. "You think you can make me happy? Then do as I say: forget your 'girlfriends' and follow me out of this place!"

"Uhhh, y, yes, Sir!" the drag stammered, almost dropping her drink with excitement as she trailed Noah's imposing form through the night-club and down to the street. "This way, please Sir," she begged as she led him toward her flat.

Nick watched them go, and followed at a safe distance as they weaved their way along the still busy street. He swore Lena looked for all the world like a puppy dog, desperate to please its owner, as she guided this new man homeward. Nick decided to leave the car where it was parked and follow on foot, just to be sure he didn't lose the pair in the crowds.

It was no more than a few minutes’ walk from the club to Lena's building, and as the drag queen and her potential new Master disappeared inside, Nick found himself looking around for somewhere to take up a position that would allow him to keep an eye on the door with some degree of comfort. He had no idea how long Noah would be with Lena, but wanted to be prepared. The street itself was dark and without any real shelter, and Nick began to despair of finding a good spot, when a thought occurred to him. Noah could possibly need to get away quickly if things went badly, so he flagged down a taxi, and hopped in, telling the driver to turn off the motor and wait, but to be ready to move quickly if needed. He then settled himself in the rear seat and began his vigil outside Lena's building.

Inside, Lena continued to fawn over Noah as she led him upstairs and into her apartment. The pleading and begging was beginning to grate on Noah's nerves, but he did his best to hide his frustration and his annoyance. Once they were safely inside her flat, Noah began once more to play his role.

"So what makes you think you can satisfy me?" he demanded of the eager supplicant before him.

"Look in here, Sir," Lena enthused, opening a door to what would have been a bedroom and ushering him inside. The room in many ways resembled Nick and Noah's own basement, painted black and furnished with a sling hanging in the centre of the room, and shelves loaded with dildoes, whips and other toys along one wall.

"Impressive," he stated in a non-committal voice. "But I'm still not impressed with what you're wearing!"

"Yes, Sir, I'll fix that right away, Sir," she whined. "Make yourself comfortable, Sir!"

With that Lena backed out of the room, and Noah could hear the frenzied motions as the drag queen quickly undressed and removed her face and wig. In the meantime, he felt he should try to remain 'in part', and he smoothly unzipped his chaps, removing the denim jeans beneath to reveal a tight black-leather posing strap cradling his cock and balls. Replacing the chaps, he laid the jeans to one side and waited.

After a minute or so, there was a timid knock at the door, and a deep voice almost whispered, “May I come in now, Sir?"

"Yes," he stated flatly.

A man he had never seen before entered the room. If Noah had not known that nobody else was there, he would never have guessed that the figure that now presented himself was one and the same as Lena. Gone was the bitchy drag queen, replaced by a compliant, obedient man. Without the wig, dress and make-up, 'Lena' looked much shorter, and much less bulky than Noah would have guessed. The sequins and glitter were replaced by a simple leather harness and a black hide cockring snapped around the base of a surprisingly large penis. The man's body was completely hairless, having been shaved from neck to toes, and he knelt at Noah's feet, one hand reaching tentatively toward the inviting bulge at Noah's groin.

"Who gave you permission to touch me?" Noah thundered at the 'boy'.

"Sorry, Sir," he mumbled, as he doubled over at Noah's feet. "Would Sir have any preference for toys? Would you prefer to cuff or tie your slave, Master?"

Noah looked long at the supine figure below him. He wondered how much longer he could keep this up. The man was not unattractive he supposed, but he compared the smooth thin frame to Nick's hirsute and muscled body, and knew this was wrong. The begging and pleading continued, and Noah felt absolutely no arousal or excitement at all. If anything, he wanted to be the submissive one, and he wanted his own master, Nick, to be standing before him, dominant and strong. He knew he had to leave, now!

Stepping around Lena's crumpled form, Noah bent to collect his jeans. "Sorry," he said quietly, "but I'm just not interested."

The change that came over the man at his feet was remarkable. Instantly, he was on his feet, all signs of submission vapourising in a millisecond. He stood up before Noah, and actually became menacing.

"WHAT?" he screamed. "No one walks out on me!"

Covering his amazement at the difference in the 'boy', Noah stood his ground. "And who says? If I don't want you, I don't want you!" he stated, trying to sound as commanding as possible.

"Just you listen to me," 'Lena' began, his voice low and filled with ice and steel. "I may have been begging to be your slave, and there's no arguing that you look fucking hot, but nobody fucks with me! The willing little slave act is just fine for sex, but I'm not in the habit of being used and dropped like a piece of shit."

"Are you trying to scare me?" Noah asked, a forced grin on his face. "I'm not interested, don't you get it? I don't want you! What are you going to do about it? Hit me with your handbag?"

"Don't try to be a smart-arse," hissed the other man. "You don't think I have some influence? The last guy who pissed me off came to regret it, big time!"

Noah grimaced inwardly. This is what he was hoping to hear, but he had to play his hand carefully. "Oh yeah, what did you do to him? Stab him with your stiletto?"

"Hah!" mocked Lena, "You're just like all the others, hung and dumb! If you didn't have your looks, you'd be completely fucked! You don't realise it, but people like you actually need people like me to look out for you."

"So what happened to him, your last man?" Noah pressed, trying to get him to spill the story.

"The fool tried to cheat on me," he muttered bitterly. "But he won't cheat on anyone ever again now!"

"Why not?"

“WHY NOT? Well you should ask! All I’ll say is that that two-timing bastard will never and can never play that game on me again. Not ever again!”

“So…” Noah coaxed, “…are you saying you killed the guy?”

“Me? Kill him?? Don’t be absurd!” Noah’s heart sank. “I had the son of a bitch killed!”

After recovering his momentary shock at hearing precisely what he had hoped to hear, Noah reasoned that it was best to play the role of dumb oaf at this point, and try to convince the evil man before him that Noah had in fact had a change of heart. He sat down on a sofa and looked with admiring eyes at the gloating, slightly built man still dressed only in a harness.

"No shit!" whistled Noah. "How did you do that?"

"I have friends. Powerful friends. Friends in high places," Lena bragged. Noah began to sweat, wondering how this would end. "I called in some favours, and had him 'taken care of', just like that!" He/she snapped his fingers.

With the perspiration running down his face, Noah removed the sunglasses from his eyes and wiped his brow. As he did, he knocked the cap from his head. Almost simultaneously, he looked at Lena, and Lena looked closely at him. Recognition spread over the other man's face.

"I know you!" he declared. "You and the Greek boy. You came asking about him, about Geoff. I sent you off to look for him, hoping you'd find him and get the cops involved, teach Geoff's new fuck a lesson! Why you bastard, you've been spying on me …!" With that, he lunged at Noah, his hand balling into a fist as it swung wide and toward Noah's face.

Noah ducked the punch, grabbed Lena's forearm and twisted, then pushed the smaller man backwards with some force, before turning and fleeing through the door of the flat as fast as he could. Down the stairs he raced, and out onto the street.

Nick saw his mate cannon from the building, and yelled Noah's name loudly, at the same time telling the cabbie to start his car. Noah looked around and spotted his man, racing to the taxi as Nick threw open the door. In seconds they were speeding away from the place, their hearts beating wildly. They sat together in grim silence for the ride to their home, Noah holding tightly to Nick's hand and softly promising him he would tell all once they were in private.

Inside the house, Noah collapsed onto a lounge as Nick poured them both a large drink. As Noah let out a long deep breath of relief, Nick looked at him expectantly.

"Well?" he asked.

"I didn't get much," Noah began. "But I did get him to admit that he arranged to have Geoff killed!"

As Nick sat and listened, Noah related everything that happened, repeated every word as best he could remember, told his partner everything that he felt as the scene progressed. Nick smiled ruefully as Noah told him how he felt nothing, how he wished that he were at home with Nick, having Nick be the dominant one again.

"Whew!" stated Nick when the story was done. "The cops will have to listen to us now!" he added.

"Yes, but not tonight! Let's leave it until the morning," said Noah.

"I'm with you!" Nick responded, pulling his man into his arms and holding him tightly. An unmistakable stirring in Nick's groin began to nudge at Noah's leg.

"Mmmmm?" murmured Noah.

"Well, since you're all geared up like that …" whispered Nick, "would you like to go downstairs?"

Noah grinned widely, and started for the entrance to their cellar, when the doorbell rang out.

"Shit!" said both of them at once. Noah backed off a little into the shadows as Nick went to answer the door. He almost yanked it open, to find Jim standing there, looking sheepish and worried.

"Hi, Nick," Jim began. "I'm sorry to call so late, but I needed to talk to someone. I've been feeling really down about what happened to Geoff, and since I confessed to you guys about my liking for the leather scene, I was hoping we could chat …?"

Nick nodded. "Sure, Jim, come in." He held the door open.

As Jim made his way into the living room, Noah appeared from the hallway. "Hi, Jim," he said quietly.

Jim looked up and his jaw dropped as he took in the vision of Noah's leathered body. "Fuck!' he gasped. "You look incredible, Noah! Shit, was I disturbing you guys?"

"Not yet, but you would have been in a few minutes!" Noah laughed. "What can we help you with?"

"I'm really sorry, guys, truly. Would you like me to leave?" Jim looked despondent at his intrusion.

"No, honestly, it's okay," Nick reassured him.

"Well, it's just that I've been feeling really upset. I may not have known Geoff for very long, but he was someone I really felt happy with, and I was starting to hope that I might have found the one for me, and now he's gone …" At those words, he began to sob quietly. Noah glanced at Nick then moved to put his arms around Jim, to try to comfort him.

"I made him out to look like some kind of perverted weirdo!" Jim wailed. "Just to protect my own image. He didn't do anything to me that I didn't want him to, that didn't make me so excited and aroused, but the cops will paint him as some kind of freak."

"It's okay, Jim," Noah said soothingly. "Geoff knew the truth, and so do you, and so do Nick and I!"

"I just wish there was some way of doing something," Jim said. "I didn't feel I could explain it to anyone else, because of the whole dom/sub thing. But I hoped you two would understand."

"Of course we do," said Nick with feeling. "And we also understand how it is that you can't tell people. We know what it's like to keep that part of you a secret."

"Jim," Noah began, still holding the other man, "there's something you should know. We've found out that Geoff was killed because he had upset a drag queen called 'Lena'…"

"I know who that is!" Jim said suddenly. "She's a nasty bitch. Geoff had a couple of flings with her just before we met, but didn't want to keep seeing her. He told me she was a control freak!"

"That's only too true!" said Noah with feeling. "I found out tonight that she claims she had arranged for him to be killed. We don't know quite how, but we're going to the police with what we have tomorrow."

Jim smiled wanly. "It might not do much, but I sure would feel better if I knew that someone was made to pay for what they did to Geoff," he said softly.

"They will, they will!" Nick assured him.

Another round of soft sobs escaped Jim, and Noah once again held him tightly, as Nick stood behind the two, his hand on Jim's shoulder and his eyes on his lover's face, wishing there was more they could do to help their friend.

After several minutes, Jim sat up and pulled away from Noah's grasp. He coughed a little and looked away from his friend self-consciously.

"Jim? What's wrong?" asked Noah.

"Nothing …" he said quietly. "It's just you, in that gear, I could feel and smell the leather, and your body heat, and I started getting, you know …"

With an embarrassed grin he indicated his own groin. All three looked at where he pointed and the telltale signs of a growing erection were obvious to all. "Sorry again, guys," Jim said. "Now I really ought to go!"

Noah simply smiled. "I'll take that as a compliment!" he said, trying to put his friend at ease.

Nick began to chuckle, and then suddenly grabbed Noah by the hand and pulled him to one side, whispering quickly into his lover's ear. As he spoke Noah's face showed first surprise, then doubt, and then a wide smile as he agreed to whatever it was Nick had suggested.

When they separated, Noah moved to stand near Jim, his arms crossed and his legs apart, showing off even more his fantastic figure and his beautiful leathered body. It was Nick who came and sat close to Jim this time, placing his hand tentatively on Jim's leg.

"You know, Jim," Nick started uncertainly, "to paraphrase an old saying, 'kinky is as kinky does'! I hope you won't take this the wrong way, but we have a suggestion for you which might help with some physical release."

Jim looked at Nick, then to Noah with questioning eyes, curious at the tone and stance they had assumed. "Go on," he said.

"Earlier tonight, I had a fantasy about having sex with an audience …"

Jim gasped quickly, then began to grin as he guessed where this was leading.

"… and since we've all confessed to each other some fairly heavy secrets, Noah and I were wondering if you'd like to join us in our 'playroom'. We're not asking you to join in a 'three-way'," Nick hurried to clarify, "but if you'd like, you can join us in our special room. I'd find it a real turn-on to know you were watching us, and if we can help 'stimulate' you, you're more than welcome to jerk off, or use any toys we have, to get yourself off!"

Jim looked back to Noah. "Are you okay with that as well?"

"Uh huh," Noah nodded with a smile.

"Then I'd be honoured, guys!" Jim said with growing excitement, and a huge grin.


Fifteen minutes later the three men were together in Nick and Noah's dungeon room. Noah had taken the chance to light candles around the room as he was already geared up, while Nick had dressed himself in tight chaps and boots, a harness and cap. Jim had 'borrowed' another harness and a pair of chaps, and Nick had guiltily handed him the ball parachute they had found at his home days before. As he did, Jim began to laugh, and the other two men joined in with him; yet another shared secret they could all smile about.

As their merriment died away, the three became more serious again. A sense of arousal, of lusty sexuality was in the very air, and all could feel it. As Jim found himself a position to one side, where he could see and be seen without interfering, Nick fell into his dominant role, taking a hold of Noah's nipples and tugging at them firmly as he drew his lover to himself, grinding their pelvises together and covering Noah's mouth with his own, joining them in a long and heated kiss. When finally they separated, Nick looked to one side, to see Jim standing there, one hand slowly stroking a rampant erection, the other twisting determinedly at his own nipples as he watched his friends engage in foreplay. Nick attached a length of silver chain, which connected two nipple clamps to the silver rings through Noah's tits, and began to tug at the metal as he reached down and cupped Noah's heaving nuts within their leathery cocoon. The excitement he felt was powerful, and his own swollen tool pushed and stretched at the codpiece he wore.

Jim stared at the two men as they ground together and began their coupling. He snapped the ends of the parachute in place and let the weight fall from his hand, dragging his nuts down and sending a wave of pleasurable pain through his body as his testicles took up the weight of the toy. Still snaking his palm around his hard, throbbing penis, Jim tingled with arousal as he viewed the shimmering black hide and pale skin of his friends, so close by where he stood. The soft glow of the candles was the only illumination in the darkened place, but that warm glimmer only heightened the arousal he felt at the inky atmosphere surrounding the two attractive men, swathed in leather, a few metres from him.

Nick laid his lover slowly back into the floating hide of the sling, lifting Noah's booted feet into the stirrups and moving forward to handcuff his mate, restraining his wrists with glittering metal to the supporting chains of the leather platform. Noah made a token effort at resistance, pulling at the wristlets, and Jim grunted with approval as the steel clinked against itself. In answer to Jim's noise, Nick looked sideways at the harnessed figure now stroking slowly at his lengthening erection.

With a hissed grunt, he said firmly, "Use that butt plug there, boy! Fill that arse of yours while I fill this slave's hole with my cock!"

Jim's prick jumped at the sound, and he quickly sprang to obey, greasing a large black plug with generous handfuls of lube and then squatting over it, slowly allowing the head of the toy to come into contact with and begin to open his hole. As he lowered himself gradually onto the latex wedge, Jim moaned in pleasure as his eyes widened and beheld the sight of Nick freeing his rampant weapon from its dark envelope, slicking that long rod with lube, and nudging it towards Noah's puckering entrance. With each breath, Jim felt the solidity of the anal plug stretch his sphincter and begin to fill him, and his groans increased in frequency and volume.

Noah, lying back in the black cocoon of the sling, could hear the sighs of joy from their audience as he watched his man, wrapped in glistening leather, ready himself for penetration. He could feel the soft, supportive texture of the hide beneath him, and smell the aroma of mansex all around. His cock throbbed with anticipation, and his anus responded, twitching and flexing as he waited for Nick's assault. Unexpectedly, he found the idea of having someone watch them incredibly erotic, and his whole body tingled with anticipation.

For his part, Nick was so aroused his breath was coming in short bursts. He had not one, but two slaves; Noah who lay there invitingly before him, so hot and welcoming, and Jim, whose harnessed body was just within his peripheral vision, slowly descending onto a large black butt plug as the 'boy' stroked his meat sensuously. Surrendering to his base urges, Nick nudged the head of his prong up and into the crack in Noah's arse, finding the soft yielding button of his ring. As his partner toked quickly on a bottle of amyl, Nick gripped the harness around Noah's chest and pulled back, simultaneously plunging his thick, steel hard pole into Noah's compliant arse.

Noah gasped at the suddenness of the invasion, but groaned as the pleasure of his man's meat pounded into his body. "Oh yessss, Sir, fuck me!" he hissed.

A corresponding grunt echoed from Jim, as the plug finally slid into his bowel and his anus closed around the flange just as Nick completed his lunge into Noah. "Yeah, oh fuck yeah!" he whispered as he felt the dark latex toy fill him. He stood upright again, feeling the thick artificial prong lodge within him as the parachute pulled once more at his balls and his cock responded again to the stroking of his slippery palm.

In the sling, Noah writhed as the thick log of Nick's manhood rammed through his sphincter and filled his gut. He clenched his muscles around the fleshy spear and tingled with arousal as Nick began to move, each thrust massaging Noah's prostate and sparking flashes of pleasure, which raced throughout his body. He pulled again at the steel cuffs binding his wrists and groaned with delight at the sense of total submission to the powerful, swarthy figure encased in dark leather who had complete control over him. As Nick began to tug at the chain connected to his nipples, Noah felt his super-sensitive tits respond and the waves of passionate joy, which flowed through him quickly caused his own prick to become rock hard and leak a stream of slimy pre-cum onto his abdomen.

Nick watched in delight as his partner's cock oozed a copious amount of jizz, and revelled in the sensation of his own prick gripped tightly by Noah's clamping arse-hole, his shaft enveloped in wet heat as it dived into Noah's body and probed the warm innards of his man's gut. As the musky scent of masculine rutting mixed with the tanned aroma of leather, Nick heard the combined grunts of Noah and the muttered hisses from Jim mix with the clinking rattle of the cuffs and the sloppy wet noise as he jammed his cock deeper and deeper into Noah's bowel. To one side he could see Jim, jerking at himself and staring intently, while directly in front of him was Noah's beautiful form, open and embracing, black bands of dark leather criss-crossing his chest as Nick ploughed that wonderful body with his very masculinity.

"Unhhh, yes, fuck yes!" he hissed to no one in particular as he buried his thick prod in Noah's rectum, pulling at his man while he thundered in and out, faster and harder, the friction of Noah's moist gut electrifying his rampaging cock as it pierced his lover's sphincter again and again. Sweating and heaving, Nick humped fiercely at Noah's arse as they fucked each other with abandon, dom and sub, master and slave, each owning and each surrendering to the other.

Noah humphed and swayed in response, trembling as his body was ravaged by his lover's tool, and aching with delight at the pounding he received from his aroused and passionate mate. The plunging solidity of Nick's cock as it filled his body, then pulled back with a wet slurp to dive again, sent shivers through him. He felt the waves of pleasure building up as his very being was electrified by the fucking he and Nick shared. Connected to his man, in a physical sense, his body wrapped around Nick's thundering cock, Noah felt so alive, so aroused, and so in love, that he knew his zenith was approaching fast.

Slightly apart from the coupled, fucking sexual being that was Nick and Noah together, Jim shook with arousal. His entire body trembled as he flailed wildly at his now rampant cock and clenched his butt around the plug buried so completely in his rectum, filling him and caressing his chute with each movement of his hands. Involuntarily, almost subconsciously, he was drawn to the incredible sight of the two men mating in the sling right there in front of him. Slowly, he inched towards them, unable to wrench his eyes from the unbelievable view as the leathered and harnessed bodies united in animalistic lust. He was so close now that he could almost lean over Noah's prostrate form, could clearly see the pistoning length of Nick's shaft as it entered and withdrew from Noah's puckering, ravaged hole. Nick was grunting and sweating as he pounded himself into his mate, and Jim's breathing became short as he felt the cum boiling up within his nuts, ready to explode at any moment.

Suddenly, he felt a piercing stab of pure pleasure rock his body. Noah had hissed up at Nick, "Use him, Sir, touch him!", and Nick had reached over and pinched Jim's left nipple between thumb and forefinger, pulling it firmly and twisting. The unexpected shock and total arousal that contact had triggered pushed Jim over the edge. His arse clamped tightly around the solid core buried inside him, and his balls contracted into his pelvis as his dick exploded, a fountain of white jizz launching itself from his cockhead and splattering over his own hands, across Nick's side and down onto Noah's stomach as his throat issued a strangled "Uuunnnhhhhh."

The sight of Jim's ejaculation, white globules raining down on his legs and Noah's body, was too much for Nick to resist. Without warning his climax was upon him, and as he continued to shove himself at Noah, he felt the wave of release shudder though his being. With a final, punishing thrust he rammed his prick deeply into Noah and shook as his nuts emptied their precious load and he filled Noah's body with his seed, shooting his very essence, thick and hot, as he deposited himself within his lover.

Noah sensed the tide of passion flowing up and over his conscious mind as first Jim showered him with ejaculate, and then Nick pumped him full of man-cream. With a soundless cry of surrender, he threw his head back against the supporting leather of the sling as his orgasm washed over him, shockwaves of undiluted pleasure causing his entire body to spasm and twitch as he clamped his sphincter around Nick's glorious pole and white hot fingers of cum spewed from his prick and crashed onto his gut, his chest, even his face as the force of his peak surprised and delighted him.

For several minutes the room was filled the sound of grunting, gasping breaths as the three men raced to their respective crescendos, shuddered and shook with release, and slowly began to ease back to earth as they recovered. Jim was the first to speak.

"Thank you, guys! Thank you, thank you!" he whispered.

"Our pleasure!" responded Nick.

"Incredible! You're welcome," added Noah. "But don't expect it to be a regular invitation!" he smiled.

All of them burst out laughing at that, enjoying the most amazing shared experience. Nick slowly extricated himself from Noah's clinging tunnel, while Jim carefully eased the toy from his own body, grunting and gasping once more with relief as the solid plug exited his arse.

With all of them now standing, albeit unsteadily as a result of their exertions, the three came together in an unspoken moment of bonding, arms around each other's shoulders, embracing tightly in acknowledgment that they had created a special relationship. Jim looked at each of his friends, holding their gaze.

"When I find my 'Mr Right'," he said, "I'd like to share something like this with you two again."

"It's a date," said Nick, as Noah nodded agreement.

"But for now," added Noah, "I think it’s time we cleaned up!"

Helping each other shed the wonderful leather they wore, the three made their way back up into the living room, Nick and Noah pulling on t-shirts and jeans. Jim grabbed his own clothes, and looked at himself again.

"Do you mind if I take a shower?" he asked.

"Be our guest," Noah said. "You know where the bathroom is, and there's a clean towel on the vanity.

As Jim headed away, Nick looked around them. "Where has Indiana gotten himself off to?" he asked the air as he noticed that their pet was not to be seen when usually he would be curled up on a sofa at this time of night.

Noah didn't have a chance to answer as at that moment the doorbell rang. Glancing around at the clock, he wondered out loud, "Who on earth could that be? It's after 3.00 a.m.!"

To be continued …

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More Gay Erotic Stories from Iainleather

Dark Stone, Chapter 1

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk. This

Dark Stone, Chapter 2

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Dark Stone, Chapter 3

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Dark Stone, Chapter 4

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Dark Stone, Chapter 5

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Dark Stone, Chapter 6

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Dark Stone, Chapter 7

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Dark Stone, Chapter 8

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk. This

Dark Stone, Chapter 9

This story is a fantasy, it is not real and only happened in my imagination. YOU MUST REMEMBER that in the real world, you can DIE from having unsafe sex. It is your right and your duty to make sure that condoms are always used, whether you are giving or receiving. It doesn’t matter how good looking or how ugly he is, and it doesn’t matter whether you are top or bottom, USE A CONDOM! Copyright

Family Christmas, Part 1

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Joy To The World, Part 1

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! I would like to acknowledge the inspiration, ideas, and assistance I received for this story from Joy. It's really OUR story - I just had the privilege of putting it down in words. All comments will be passed on to him. This is a work of

Joy To The World, Part 2

[Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to

Joy To The World, Part 3

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to

Joy To The World, Part 4

This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that may inspire new work, please feel free to

Joy To The World, Part 5

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Joy To The World, Part 6

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Joy To The World, Part 7

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk. This

Joy To The World, Part 8

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Joy To The World, Part 9

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Joy To The World, Part10

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk. This

Nick and Noah, Part 5

Nick and Noah were almost home, with Noah driving much more slowly than he had on their trip north, when Indiana suddenly started barking, and scrabbling at the jacket lying on the seat beside him. It was Jim's jacket, and Nick looked puzzled for a few seconds, wondering why the dog had become so agitated, when he heard the muffled tones of a mobile phone. Leaning over and retrieving the

Nick and Noah, Part 6

"This whole 'Mike' question has me really worried!" said Nick as he and Noah drove home after leaving Jim at his flat. "For the life of me, I just can't imagine why Michael would lie to us about Jim being missing. He must have known we would go looking for Jim, even call in the police. Hell, Michael almost invited us to search for Jim. If he was involved in murdering Geoff, then why would he want

Nick and Noah, Part 7

Nick, Noah and Michael made their way back to Michael's house after leaving the Police Centre, still baffled by the attitude of the police. "Maybe we should just leave it?" Nick asked, almost to himself. "The cops seem to have identified the killer, and they just aren't interested in anything else." Noah was silent for a moment before replying, "I would agree with you, and just let it ride,


Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.


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