Gay Erotic Stories

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 7

by Rusty
28 Mar 2003

Interracial Older/younger Straight Men, Gay Sex

It was chilly in the early morning and Tommy and I were cuddled in the spoon position, his naked back against my naked front, my hand on his smooth, flat stomach. I love cuddling, probably more than sex, especially with a cute boy like Tommy. I felt a dull throbbing in my butt and remembered the fucking that I had gotten the night before. I felt behind me -- my rectum was swollen and puckered out a little, but I would be all right. Thinking about it made my penis get hard. It was nestled in the crack of Tommy's ass. I felt like fucking him.

Tommy started talking in his sleep, "Unnh! Agub! No! NO!!!"

His heart was beating furiously. Suddenly he grunted, and I felt his hot semen splashing on my hand. He awoke.

"It's okay," I soothed him. “It was only a dream, Tommy.”

"I thought he killed me!"

"Who killed you?"

"Raul did. I was swimming in the river. The water was nice and warm. There was a whole bunch of people watching me. All of a sudden I realized that I was naked, and I got real embarrassed. I started drowning. Raul dived in to save me. But when he got close, he started pushing me under water! He was naked too. We fought. He had a knife and was trying to stab me. I held him off for a while, but he overpowered me and stabbed his knife all the way into my stomach. That's when I woke up."

"Well, its over now, and you are still alive." I got up to go to the bathroom, licking the sweet boy-cum off my hand.

"Oh, shit! Not again!" he said.


"I had a wet dream! I hate it when I do that!"

"More like a wet nightmare," I said, passing him a towel.

Tommy was asleep again by the time I was dressed. I headed out for my morning coffee.

As I walked toward the market, I passed many nice-looking young men. The throbbing in my butt was erotic, as if the banana man's dick was still lodged in it. I couldn't help but look at the bulges in the boys' shorts and wonder how their dicks would taste, how they would feel in my ass.

I drank my coffee in a stall in the market. A totally different scene from the night before: all was now awake and bustling with activity. Ladies were haggling over the price of produce. A man went by with a grotesque, bloody, cow's head on his shoulders. A lady tried to sell me some flowers for my wife. Jaime, the Indian boy, was unloading a big truck of corn with some other men and boys. Jaime staggered by with a big burlap bag on his back, giving me a grin. I marveled at the strength of this skinny little guy. Those bags weigh 50 kilos (110 lbs), a lot more than him. A solidly built young man with hairy legs was on their crew. He carried his bag as if it were a pillow. I wondered if he was one of the muchachos that I had sucked off in the dark. I hoped that he was and that I would get another chance.

As I was leaving the market, I saw Raul on his delivery trike. He stopped to chat. I asked him if he wanted to stop by the hotel after work to get his dick sucked. He did, of course. I gave him 100 pesos (about 10 dollars) to get an AIDS test, like I do every year, even though he always claims to be playing safe. I try to make sure that I am getting Grade A cream out of my boys.

When I opened the door to our room what I saw was so funny, I couldn't help but laugh! Tommy was standing in front of the mirror, dressed in Raul's clothes. He had Raul's dirty bikini pulled over his head, and was peering out through a leg hole at himself as he jacked off. Tommy's nose was in the part of the bikini that had held Raul's brown dick. Tommy quickly took the bikini off his head, threw it on the floor, and yanked Raul's shorts up over his hard dick.

Tommy was red with embarrassment. "You could have knocked first," he said.

"Sorry. I'm not used to having to knock before entering my own room." I picked up Raul's bikini, held it to my face and took in the heady aroma of raw Mexican dick. "Do you like this smell?" I asked him.

He returned the question, "How about you, do you like it?" Tommy looked a little angry and defensive.

I took another whiff of the smelly bikini. "Sure do! Makes me wish I had Raul's dick in my mouth right now."

"How many times have you sucked Raul?"

"Oh, I don't know. Fifty times, maybe."

"Does he cum a lot?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"What does it taste like?"

"Well, that's hard to describe. Why don't you try it yourself?"

"I can't do that."

"Why not? You sucked Jose's dick, didn't you?"

"That's different. Jose lives on the other side of the river and doesn't run around with my friends. I shouldn't have sucked him, though. I was just too horny. You know what guys say when they want to insult another guy. They call him a 'puto', a fag. I don't want my friends to think I'm a fag. I'm not going to do that shit any more -- I don't want to turn gay like you."

"What was your fantasy when you were jacking off just now."

"Well, that's kinda private."

"Come on, tell me. It couldn't be worse than my fantasies."

"Well, okay. It's kinda embarrassing. I was imagining that I was Raul and that you were giving me a blowjob. Then I put Raul's bikini over my head so I could smell what you would be smelling."

"How often do you masturbate, Tommy?"

"Not too much, about once a day. Three times when I'm horny."

"Sounds like a waste of a lot of good cum, to me. I have an idea: How about when you feel the urge to jack-off, you let me do it for you? With my mouth! You can share your fantasy with me and we can act it out."

"Well, I don't know."

I got up close to Tommy and felt his crotch. His dick was still swollen. "Come on, Raul, let me suck your big Mexican dick."

"No! This verga is for my girlfriend's pussy only!"

"Come on, let me suck it. I'll make you feel real good! Please?" I felt Tommy's dick getting hard in my hand.

"You really want it bad, don't you?"

"Yes! Please let me suck it! I can do it better than she can."

"I bet you can't. She does it real good."

"Please let me try. I want to suck your beautiful Mexican dick so bad!"

"Well, okay, I'll let you have a little. But it better be good."

I got down on my knees in front of Tommy and pulled Raul's shorts down. Tommy's cute little white dick sprung out at full attention. I picked up Raul's dirty bikini and draped it over Tommy's dick. Tommy was drooling pre-cum. I approached it with my mouth and breathed in the combined odors of young Gringo and Mexican dick. I felt my own dick stiffening in my pants. This was fun!

I reached out with my tongue and touched the end of Tommy's dick. He trembled when I did that, and his dick twitched in anticipation of the sucking I was going to give it. I started licking it, following the veins down to the base, mashing my nose into Raul's deliciously smelly bikini, then back to the tip, back and forth, each time taking more of Tommy's lubricant which was oozing from the tip, and spreading it with my tongue until I had his whole dick wet and slippery.

I looked up at Tommy's face. He was staring, mouth hung open, at the action in the mirror. I handed him Raul's bikini, and he held it to his nose.

Tommy didn't really need any more warming up, but I decided to torture him with pleasure. I licked his smooth, hairless balls, sucked each of them into my mouth, tugged them with my lips, and rolled them around with my tongue.

Tommy couldn't stand it any more. "Come on, Gringo, suck my Mexican dick!"

I got back onto the boy's dick with my lips and sucked some more lube from his piss slit, getting my lips good and slippery. I reached behind him and with a hand on each of his smooth, muscular, ass cheeks, pulled the boy into me. Tommy sighed, and I knew it felt wonderful to him.

"You like my big Mexican dick in your mouth, Gringo? Does it taste good?"

Unable to answer with a dick in my mouth, I nodded yes. Tommy does not have a big dick, but I have a good imagination too, so as I sucked, and went deeper into my hypnotic trance, I was indeed sucking a big, brown Mexican dick! And I was loving it!

I looked up at Tommy's face as I went up and down on his dick. He had a hand under Raul's T-shirt feeling and rubbing his chest and stomach. He was staring in the mirror, sometimes looking down at his dick sliding in and out of my mouth, and into my eyes. I like to look into a boy's eyes while I am sucking him.

Tommy, who is circumcised, needs a different technique from the one I use on my Mexican boys. Lacking a foreskin, the skin covering the glans is thicker and less sensitive so I must be more aggressive with my tongue. I could see the pleasurable reaction in Tommy's face as I sucked him.

My mouth was watering profusely as it always does when I suck dick. A black man, whom I used to suck, once told me that in the joint that's how they can tell the straight punks from the gays -- the gays' mouths water.

Tommy was really getting into his fantasy, "Mamamela, Gringo. Mamame la verga!"

He started rotating his hips, sliding his dick deeper and deeper into me with each thrust. "Tomamela, Gringo. Toma toda!"

I started gagging as the head of "Raul's" dick plunged into the opening of my throat. I looked up at Tommy and was surprised to see a mean, wild animal expression on his face. I pulled off of him, lay down on the bed on my back with my head hanging over the edge. Tommy, right away, stuck his dick in my mouth and slid it into my throat.

"Now, I'm going to fuck your face, Gringo!"

There wasn't much I could do except concentrate on my breathing, keep my teeth out of the way, and keep my lips tight around the shaft. Tommy, in the driver's seat now, was plunging his dick in and out of my throat with abandon, picking up speed all the time, and panting as he approached orgasm.

I am not very good at deep-throating, although I would like to get more practice and become an expert someday. I read about guys who can take ten or twelve inches down their throats. Bullshit, I think. But maybe it’s true. Actually, I have never even seen a ten-inch dick. Nice fantasy, though.

Tommy, totally out of control now, was slamming against my mouth so hard, that I had to hold my hands against his thighs to keep him from hurting my lips with his pelvic bone. He started groaning and panting and gasping, and then with one final lunge, stopped his fucking. All was quiet as he held his dick as deeply as he could shove it into me. At last, I felt the spasms with my lips as his hot boy-semen was pumped down my throat. He held me there a long time, me unable to breathe, but I was happy.

Finally, he pulled out of me and got in the bed. It was quite a while before his breathing slowed down and he spoke to me.

"Sorry, Rusty. I kinda got carried away."

"Its okay, Tommy: guys get that way when they are real horny. It’s hard for them to stick only half a dick in."

I felt a little deprived in that I didn't get to savor Tommy's cum in my mouth before he shot it down my throat. I leaned over him and milked a few remaining drops of cum out of his urethra and licked it up. Then I lay down beside him.

"Wow, Rusty! That was good! That was a lot better than jacking off!"

"That's what I wanted you to say. Now, whenever you feel the urge to masturbate, will you let me suck you off instead?"

"Well, I don't know. I would feel pretty bad about that."

"Why? Why would you feel bad?"

"Rusty, you are always sucking my dick but I never suck yours. You suck the muchachos’ dicks too, but they never do anything for you. That makes me feel guilty."

"Hey, man! Get over it! I love sucking your dick! You can't imagine how much pleasure it gives me to have your dick in my mouth. And, to tell you the truth, sixty-year-old men don't turn me on either. You want to do something for me? I'll show you what you can do; it's easy. First, let's get these clothes off."

I stripped off Raul's clothes, leaving Tommy completely naked. Then, I took off my own clothes and lay down on my side beside him. I rolled him over onto his side, facing me, and I scooted down until I had his dick aligned with my mouth.

"All you have to do is let me suck on your dick while I jack off."

"I don't think it will get hard right now, Rusty."

"I know. I just want to feel it in my mouth while I jack off. Besides, I like sucking on soft dicks."

I reached up and got a pillow to put under my head. I squirted some lube into my hand and applied it to my stiff penis. I leaned forward and took Tommy's soft little dick into my mouth. It felt good in there. I laved it around with my tongue. It was soft and flexible. Now that he had cum, I could concentrate on my own pleasure. Something can be said for small dicks: They sure fit comfortably in the mouth. The big dicks get all the glory in erotic stories, the ten, twelve, and even fourteen-inch ones; six, eight or ten inches around! Sure. But for me, in reality, I will take a small or regular-sized dick over a monster. They are so much more practical. Besides, when I suck a dick, I am really sucking the boy that it is attached to -- and he is more important than the attributes of his penis.

Enough philosophy -- back to the subject in hand.

With Tommy's soft dick in my mouth, and my own stiff dick in my hand, I was slipping back into my dreamy hypnotic state when Tommy spoke up.

"I have to pee."

I was too far gone to respond. I kept sucking gently while stroking my dick. I was in the clouds.

"Rusty, I have to go pee."

I don't know why I like to suck dick so much. I just do, that's all. It's so fine to jack off with a boy's dick in your mouth. I felt myself approaching orgasm.

"Rusty, if you don't let me go, I'm going to pee in your mouth!"

I kept sucking. A salty, warm fluid started filling my mouth. I swallowed it. Again, my mouth filled and I swallowed again. I continued to stroke my dick. It felt so good. The piss kept coming and coming, until I was swallowing continuously.

I was drinking the boy's piss, directly from his dick. Drinking and drinking the boy's piss from his dick.

I was in another world, a dreamy heavenly world. I was getting higher and higher, drinking boy-piss. Until ...

"Ahhh!" It feels so good! My own man juice shot out in copious globs.

Funny how you never get tired of orgasms. They always feel so damn good!

Tommy's piss was tapering off about the time my own squirting was over. I came back gradually out of the fog, Tommy's dick still in my mouth. Not a drop spilled.

That was the first time that I ever did that. Sixty years without ever drinking piss. Life is full of surprises and new adventures!

We stayed that way for a long time, Tommy sleeping with his dick in my mouth.

There was a knock on the door. It would be Raul, here for his blowjob.

To be continued...

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Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 3

It was a beautiful-as-usual Mexican morning and I was sitting on a bench in the town square, enjoying the fresh air, beautiful flowers and cute Mexican boys. Tommy came walking up. "Buenos dias, Rusty." "Buenos dias, Tommy. I thought you were going to show up at the hotel last night." Tommy sat down beside me. "I couldn't go. Had to spend some time with my parents. They are

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Tommy brought his things up to my room that night. I was thrilled that I would have this cute, young man as my roommate. "Here, Tommy, this is your bed. I will pay the main part of the rent -- you just pay the extra that they will charge for your staying here." "Yeah, that's cool. My parents left me a little money for my birthday but I have to be careful with it." "Your

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 5

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Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 6

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Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 7

It was chilly in the early morning and Tommy and I were cuddled in the spoon position, his naked back against my naked front, my hand on his smooth, flat stomach. I love cuddling, probably more than sex, especially with a cute boy like Tommy. I felt a dull throbbing in my butt and remembered the fucking that I had gotten the night before. I felt behind me -- my rectum was swollen and puckered out

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 8

Tommy went to the door, naked, cracked it open a bit, and seeing that it was Raul, let him in. Raul had his soccer ball in his hands. "Quihubole (whassup)?" he said. "Quihubole," we answered. "We have to hurry," Raul said. “We're playing the guys from across the river today." Then, speaking to Tommy, "Did you get sucked yet?" "Yeah," Tommy answered, "once." Raul started stripping

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 9

The muchachos stripped down to their bikinis before getting into the canoes. The small flotilla set off for the opposite bank of the river, to the soccer game at Boca Grande. The current was strong, sweeping us downstream, while the young men paddled furiously. I was sitting in the middle of our canoe watching Raul’s shoulder, arm, and back muscles working under his smooth, brown skin. Behind

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part10

(Author’s note: All of the characters in this series are of legal age.) I was sitting on the bank of the river watching the approaching storm when Tommy emerged from the shack and sat beside me. “Well, did you do it?” I asked. Tommy turned and opened his mouth to show me the big wad of Raul’s cum that was on his tongue. “I had him squirming all over the place – he loved it!” “What about

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part11

Like triplets, wet and naked in the womb, we cuddled on the muddy floor of the hut while the storm raged, at last falling asleep in the comfort of our intimate embrace. I was the first to awaken at dawn, and contented myself with the feel of Tommy’s naked backside against my front. My hand rested on his flat, smooth stomach--I let it slide down to cup his sleeping little member. My own cock,

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part12

Raul and his girlfriend were kissing on a park bench while the girl’s younger sister and aunt kept watch from another bench across the way. It was early evening and the town square was alive with kids running and laughing, and teenage boys and girls checking each other out. I was sipping a cold Margarita in a sidewalk cafe, enjoying the cool air, the scent of tropical flowers and the songs of

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part13

Author’s note: The characters involved in sex in this series are of legal age. Caution: The content of this chapter may disgust even the more perverted readers. Skip this chapter unless you have a strong stomach. ……………………… The two naked boys beside me were still asleep when I awoke. They were cuddled in the spoon position, just like they were when Raul fucked Tommy the night before.

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part14

I awoke in the early morning to the sounds of groaning and panting. I opened my eyes and gazed into the face of the beautiful Mexican boy beside me. His face was contorted in that weird expression that he gets when he is about to cum. Another wet dream, I thought. Then I heard slurping sounds. I looked down and saw Tommy, between Raul’s legs and about to take his orgasm in the mouth.

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part15

I filled the enema bag with warm water and had Tommy get on the floor. “Okay, kneel! Put your elbows on the floor and spread your knees wide. Tilt your butt up a little. So you never had an enema, huh? Well it won’t hurt--trust me. And it will get you nice and clean for Raul.” Marveling at the sight of the boy’s cute white butt, I felt my own penis swelling in my pants. Tommy’s ass

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part16

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