Gay Erotic Stories

Cumming Out to Myself

by Crowsvelt
29 Aug 2003

College Days Coming Out First Time Friends Outdoor Sex Sexual Identity Discovery True Stories

Disclaimer: This is a true story about my coming out to myself and to a couple of friends. There is gay sex (oral and anal), rimming, spanking, nipple and ball play, shaving and humiliation. If any of this bothers you don't read my story. If you are underage you ought to be ashamed of yourself for entering an adult site--go visit your Aunt Helen or your best friend anything legal, mainly stay away from here until you are of legal age the site will still be here and the wait will not kill you. This story is posted on a non-pay site. It is posted for your enjoyment. If you want to share it...great, but don't try to sell it. It is my story not yours--do not try to steal it!!!

I think that I covered everything in the disclaimer that needs to be covered and I hope that I did not bore you in the process. Have fun.

In response to a question, I wrote this. Friends (gay, bi and straight) encouraged me to post it and after talking with a few Internet buddies. Like every other guy I've met my first time has stayed in my memory, and while I no longer remember every detail...Since I don't remember exact dialogue, I haven't used quotation marks. I am not a great writer, but I hope that you enjoy my story. Here it is:

In my freshman year (1980), I was living in a dorm. I had pledged a fraternity and spent most of my free time there. A guy named Darren also lived on the same floor and although he was a junior we had a couple of classes together. One Friday night in early September he invited me to go drinking as neither of us had planned to go anywhere that weekend because of the heat (yes, in 1980 an 18yo could drink beer). At this point I was still very much in denial about being gay--basically I hadn't even been able to admit to myself that I was gay, much less anyone else. So we were just two guys going out to drink beer. At the bar we ran into an old friend of Darren's, Buck. After a couple more pitchers of beer (we each had bought one) we were feeling no pain and were bitching about the heat and Buck said he knew how to cool off--that sounded good so we all took off in Buck's car.

He took us to his parents’ house (both he and Darren had grown up in this town). Their next-door neighbor, the Woods, had a pool and had asked Buck to watch the house while they were out of town. Their back yard was enclosed by a high fence for privacy and security. Since it was just us guys, we stripped and dove in. After a few minutes of swimming around to cool off I started floating on my back. Darren came up behind me and grabbed me putting me in a head grip, that I learned is called a "FULL NELSON" (his arms holding mine at the armpit and his hands entwined at the back of my neck), I started to yell and to struggle to get away when Buck came over and grabbed my balls and told me to keep quiet. I did. He said that they were not trying to hurt me but wanted to show me a good time. That from what he understood I badly needed a blowjob and he was just the guy to do it.

Now one of the thing that was causing me problems was that if a guy touched me I would get hard as a rock--so when Darren grabbed me, I got real hard real fast and Buck's hand on my balls didn't help my efforts to lose that hard-on and so I couldn't deny the need to get off. Buck started to kiss and lick my dick. He said that it was one of the largest he had seen and asked how long it was. I lied and told him I didn't know, that only queers and insecure guys with pencil stubs instead of dicks needed to measure their stuff. Buck replied that since we were all queers I needed to measure my dick. He got out of the pool and went to find a tape measure. While he was gone, Darren carried me over to the steps, out of the pool and over to a lounge chair. When Buck came back we were seated on the lounge chair, Darren behind me and me still in the headlock. Buck laid the tape measure along the top of my dick and read out 9 1/4 inches. He dropped the tape measure and started to swallow my dick.

Darren said that he would release me if I promised I would not fight them, I agreed and he let me go. Darren moved his hands down to my nipples and started rubbing them and whispering in my ear that I was enjoying the attention to my dick and that I should just relax and enjoy the feeling. In between the whisperings, he would nibble down the side of my neck and lick back to the top. Buck was still on his knees giving my dick sensations it had never felt and rolling my balls around in their sack...the sensations were indescribable, I had never had anyone touch me like these two guys and the feelings they created were overpowering. They knew what they were doing and played my body to just the point of cumming and then stop and start up again when the urgency passed. They kept me going for quite a while and I begged for the chance to cum. Darren told me that if I promised to sit down for a frank discussion after, then they would get me off. Darren knew that I considered my word my bond and that if I promised that I would keep my word. I agreed and Darren started kissing me directly on the mouth and getting more aggressive with my nipples and Buck went to work on my dick and balls and between them brought me to the most intense orgasm I had ever had.

When I calmed down a bit they started talking. Mostly about how I was being dishonest with myself and with the girls I dated and with everyone I came in contact, because I could not be honest about being gay--that night, with their help, I came out to myself. I asked them to please allow me to decide who and when to tell and they agreed saying that that was my right but that they felt they had to do something about me because I was so honest in everything else. Darren said that I had shot a load and that they wanted to get off as well and that they wanted to fuck my ass. I agreed but asked that they be gentle and that they stop if it was too much for me to handle (How naive can a guy be?).

Buck went to get Vaseline and Darren had me lie on my back on the lounge and laid on top of me, his dick at my mouth. He said that I could practice what I had learned from Buck. Darren pulled my legs back and exposed my asshole. He started rimming and fingering my ass--two more new sensations in a night of firsts. While Darren was working at loosening my ass for my first fucking, Buck knelt beside me and started coaching me in sucking cock. He taught me what to do to keep from gagging so badly and how to create certain sensations on a man’s cock. This went on for about 15-20 minutes and Darren got up and said it was time.

He stood and helped Buck to get my legs pulled up to my chest, then before I knew what was happening, Darren climbed to top of my legs, pining them against me chest his ass over my face. He told me that he thought I should be punished for being dishonest and for fighting them when they were trying to help. Out of consideration for the neighbors he would muffle my cries with his ass and that if I wanted to make amends quicker that I should use the opportunity to learn how to rim. He sat down on my face and began spanking my ass. First the left cheek then the right and after several lefts and rights he would slam his hand down on my asshole and on the perineum so that soon my ass and all the area from my balls to my asshole was on fire. During this spanking Buck would coach me on the fine art of rimming and would make sure I could breath. Darren would occasionally ask Buck if he thought my ass was red enough and Buck would move over to where he could feel my ass and then say that he didn't think I was done enough. I don't know how long this went on but finally they decided that my ass had been tenderized enough and Darren started working Vaseline into my hole.

At that point I knew very little about aids except that you got it from anal sex and having had a chance to think was starting to panic. Buck and Darren calmed me down and told me that they were both disease free and so I couldn't get anything from them. Darren raised himself off my face but stayed so that he still had my legs trapped. Darren told Buck to take the first honors because he (Buck) had given me a blowjob. Buck positioned himself at my ass and told me to get ready, that no matter how slowly he went and how carefully they prepared me that the first time would hurt. With that, he reached down and grabbed a nipple in each hand and started twisting and pulling them. Darren grabbed a nut in each hand and started gently squeezing and pulling on them. I decided that I enjoyed my first time at rimming so much that I would continue and raised my head so that I could reach Darren's ass.

Darren must have given Buck a signal because at that point he started to press he dickhead against my virgin asshole. Getting Bucks dick inside me took a long time and I am grateful that he was so patient and kind. Soon the pain lessened and the pleasure begin. Buck rode my ass for a long time, slow gentle strokes alternated with long fast strokes, when he would sense that I was close to cumming he would release my nipples and pinch the head of my dick to stop the sensation. When he could finally hold out no longer, he started short rabbit-like strokes and shot his load deep in my ass--I had not been allowed to cum the second time. Darren got off me and told me to stand. He sat on the lounge chair and told me to face him and lower myself onto his dick. This way I could control the speed.

After a few minutes of this Buck said he didn't want to be left out. Darren told me to wrap my legs around him and then he stood, his arms supporting my weight, my ass impaled on his dick. I was told to lean back and suck Buck. He said that he would rather have me rim him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and moved my head between his legs and started licking his asshole. Darren's fucking was all short rapid strokes and in a very short time he was shooting up my ass. His strokes had worked on my prostate and so I shot without touching my dick. Darren withdrew his dick and lowered me to the concrete slab. Buck told me to keep rimming and shortly I felt his cum hit my chest. We jumped back into the pool to clean off and then went inside and all fell asleep on the master bed.

Several hours later I was awakened by Buck and Darren. They wanted to know how I felt about the evening’s activities. I told them I felt good that I was glad that they had pushed me into acknowledging what I had known for so long. They told me that they liked what we had done very much and that they wanted to fuck me again. I was enthusiastically agreeable to that but said that I would like to try doing the fucking as well as being fucked. They said ok but that they had a problem. They wanted to keep me for themselves for a while and they both jumped me and carried me to the bathroom where they shaved me from my neck down saying that now they knew that I wouldn't go out with other guys. They carried me outside to the pool and we spent the rest of that day naked in the sun and enjoying sexual three-ways always with me as bottom.

Around 10:00 Saturday night Buck said that we needed to finish up and clean up because the Woods would be returning the next afternoon. We cleaned for the next two hours. The master bedroom was all that was left and Buck said that before we changed the sheets it was time to keep their promise to me. Buck lay down on his back and raised his legs and told me that it was now my turn to do the fucking. I tried to go slowly and make it last, but was too excited and shot my load after only a few strokes. They both laughed at my disappointment.

Buck said that since I was still hard to continue fucking and he raised his hand and begin to work my nipples. Darren said it was time he got involved and he moved in behind me and when I had my dick fully planted in Buck's ass he placed his dick at my asshole so that I would be fucking Buck and fucking myself on Darren's cock. Darren moved forward just enough so that the first couple of inches of his dick were in my ass and because he was about three inches longer than me (yes he got measured too--exactly 12 inched and Buck had 11) I would be unable to get off his dick unless I pulled completely out of Buck. I felt Darren reach down and grab one of my nuts in each hand--but this time it felt different and I realized that he had one of my nuts and one of Bucks nuts in each hand. I lasted longer this time but with Buck working my nipples and gripping my dick with his ass and Darren working my nuts and fucking my ass I couldn't last very long. After this last cum we settled for the night.

The next morning we helped Buck clean the bedroom and went back to the dorm. Soon after we got back, I got a phone call from my big brother, Mike. He wanted to know where I had been. He had been calling to have me come over and help serve the brothers snacks and drinks while they watched the ball game. I said that I would be over as fast as I could. Darren said he would come along.

We got to the house and Mike welcomed Darren and told me that since I had been so hard to contact I needed to serve the brothers in just my underwear. I thought I was really in for it now. Everyone at the frat house would see that I had been shaved. Darren just stood there watching. Since I really wanted to join this fraternity I decided to bite the bullet and drop my clothes. Mike started laughing when he saw my bare skin. He ordered me to remove my jockeys as well and then made me go into the TV room so that the other guys could see. They asked what kind of kinky shit I was into that I would let a girl shave me like that. Darren piped up with what do you mean a girl. The guys wanted to know what he was talking about so he told them a tale about finding a note on my dorm room door telling me not to return to the house until I had shaved my body and that I could have another guy help with the shaving but my girlfriend was not to be involved.

Darren told them that he was the swim team student manager and that since he helped them shave that he had offered his help to me and hadn't he done a good job. Of course there was confusion all around and the brothers denied putting that note on my door. Mike asked if I hadn't questioned the note. I told him that I had been out all day and thought that since he had not been able to talk to me that he had left the note. Then Mike wanted to know why I hadn't called him to make sure and I assumed my best pledge position (legs spread shoulder width with hands clasped behind the back, head up and shout all answers to the brothers) BROTHER MICHAEL, SIR, A PLEDGE CAN NOT QUESTION AN ORDER FROM A BROTHER. BROTHER MICHAEL, SIR, THE PENALTY FOR QUESTIONING AN ORDER FROM A BROTHER IS TEN SWATS WITH A PADDLE SIR.

The brothers all thought that it was very funny, but told their own pledges that any communications would be on house stationery or in person and worked out code signals if the phone was used. For the rest of the evening I had to serve without any clothes on. When the game was over the brothers thought I should be punished for falling for the trick and each of the 20 brothers present gave me three swats with the paddle. Being around all these college guys--most of them good-looking--I got real hard and stayed that way. The brothers decided that I liked being hairless and naked and so I was told to keep myself shaved, and when in the house I was to be naked at all times unless otherwise instructed by a brother (this only happened once, when the wife of an alum was visiting).

Darren was offered a standing invitation for beer and snacks if he would do the shaving--since he had done such a good job the first time. The brothers made sure that there were always girls around to see me naked and hairless. I was fondled...a lot. One of these girls took a ribbon and turned it into a cock ring and ball separator and used another ribbon to tie up my dick so that it would not get soft. The guys also liked that new humiliation and so I was ordered to tie up my cock and balls with these ribbons every time I entered the house. The ladies all thought that the humiliation games were because I was always horny and the brothers wanted to embarrass me, so they were always touching me and trying to stimulate me enough to cum. They did not know that it was the guys causing the hard dick.

On the bright side I did get to cum a lot that semester, the ladies would get me off 2 or 3 times a day and Darren was always ready to fuck my ass and jack me off when I got back to the dorm. And I did learn what my favorite sex acts are and I learned that I am a total bottom--I love being fucked, rimming, sucking balls and sucking nipples in that order. I love being shaved. I also learned that I am gay and that it is okay to be me, to be gay and to enjoy being fucked.

Today is the tomorrow we waited for yesterday.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Crowsvelt

Cumming Out to Myself

Disclaimer: This is a true story about my coming out to myself and to a couple of friends. There is gay sex (oral and anal), rimming, spanking, nipple and ball play, shaving and humiliation. If any of this bothers you don't read my story. If you are underage you ought to be ashamed of yourself for entering an adult site--go visit your Aunt Helen or your best friend anything legal, mainly stay


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