Gay Erotic Stories

Blackmail For Sex

by Hunkrunker
06 Oct 2003

Orgies Outdoor Sex Parties To Remember True Stories

This is a true story, and happened when I was 20 years old and was a young British army officer, posted to Australia for a 4-month training assignment. I was young and extremely fit and healthy, and I had jumped at the chance to spend 4 months at a large infantry-training depot in the countryside about 6 hours between Sydney and Melbourne.

I had bought an old VW to be able to get around the countryside a bit, and at weekends I used to drive around and explore the outback and the small towns in-between. One weekend I found myself driving along a dirt road, it was Saturday afternoon, and hot as hell. The car had no air-conditioning, so I was stripped down to just a small pair of cut-off jeans. I was tanned and fit, and usually had no problem in picking up the girls. Half an hour along the road, with the dust clinging to my sweat-stained upper body, the car decided to pack it in, and I found myself stranded and looking uselessly into the engine compartment with no idea what was wrong.

The sun was baking hot, and dressed just in trainers and shorts, I waited for some help to come along the road. Most men would be propping up the bars watching the cricket on the TV, so I didn't expect to see a lot of traffic that afternoon. I lounged against the bonnet, and dozed in the sun.

Finally a large Toyota 4x4 passed, with 5 men inside. It went straight passed, and then came to a halt some 300 yards away and slowly backed up to my car. I rushed over, and the passenger window opened and a large full-bellied man leaned over and said, "Problems mate?".

I explained what had happened, and that I was incapable of knowing a spark plug from a whistle. This caused some laughs from the other men, who were between 30 and 50 years old, and who found my English accent funny.

"I'll tell you what, matey, hop in, and we'll give you a ride to my place, and you can call a garage from there. It's only about 10 miles away. You're gonna have a long wait anyhow, as the only garage is about 50 miles away."

I looked despondent at this bit of news, as I had hoped to make it back to the base tonight. One of the men got out, he was tall and good looking, and seemed to be eyeing up my tanned and lithe body, but at this point I really didn't make anything of it. I grabbed my t-shirt from the car, and squeezed into the back of the Toyota, sandwiched between the tall good looking guy and a smaller man who didn't seem to smile or say anything. He actually looked quite evil, and I shuddered involuntary.

During the ride to the man's farm, which was utterly isolated and miles from any kind of civilization, I explained that I was from the army base at Wagga, and was using the weekend to explore the countryside. They introduced themselves, as a group of men, who were all part of a club, and that the three in the back were down from Sydney and visiting Rick and Frank, the two men in the front seat. They had just come from the store where they had stocked up on beers and food for the weekend. At twenty, I was very naive. I had a few girlfriends, but otherwise had gone straight from school into the Army, and led a reasonably secure and protected existence. It never crossed my mind to enquire as to the club they belonged to.

The house was very charming, on one level, but with several rooms, and a huge lawn leading to a very welcoming swimming pool. Rick explained that they did not actually farm, but liked the seclusion. He had mentioned he was an art collector, and had shops in Sydney and Melbourne but at weekends lived on the farm.

He could see me eyeing the pool and suggested that I go and cool down with a swim. He would bring out some beers and everyone could relax. The other four men had disappeared into the house with the supplies. I told Rick I had nothing except what I was wearing. He looked at me a little strangely.

"That's okay matey, only boys around here. I'll get you a towel from the house."

I didn't think anything more of it, and it seemed only natural in that wonderful scenery, with the hills in the background, to drop my shorts and underpants and dive into the deliciously cool water.

My three companions in the back of the car appeared suddenly, carrying a jug of juice and some beers, and incredibly, wearing absolutely nothing as well. The mean looking guy I had been sitting next to, had a short body covered in dark black hair. His whole belly was a thick mat of sweating hair, and my eyes were drawn to a short but very thick penis.

His name was Bill, and he swigged hard on a can of beer, before flopping onto a chaise lounge and looking at me as I swum lazy laps in the pool. George, the tall good-looking guy, was smooth skinned like me, and had powerful legs and arms, like those of a swimmer I thought. I looked at his cock, and was surprised at the length. My own cock measured at most 5 inches when fully aroused, but George's was a good 7 inches deflated. The other man, Al, was plump and balding, and jumped into join me in the pool.

For about a half-an-hour we all just swum and lazed about naked in the sun. I had drunk about 4 glasses of the fruit punch, and was feeling very woozy. The other men seemed to be just drinking beer. I was lying on my front, when Rick came up to me, and slowly started to rub sun-cream onto my back. The sun, the alcohol or something was making me feel completely weird, and I seemed almost paralysed. I think I giggled as his hands stroked my thighs, spreading cream into the crack of my bum, and spontaneously I opened my legs wider, and his fingers lightly touched the tight sac of my balls.

I had never had a homosexual experience, but I was powerless to do anything. My body seemed to be made of lead, although my brain and my eyes seemed to be working. I couldn't do anything to stop him. I tried to speak, but only a giggle and a squeak came out. With an effort, I turned over, and came face to face with the biggest erection of my life--his and mine. He was kneeling beside the chaise lounge and his penis was like a huge flagpole. I stared at it, as he started to spread more sun cream over my smooth chest, and down my belly to my own shaft, which was also extended and erect. I couldn't do or say anything, and with the sun in my eyes, I just shut them, and let my mind drift, until I felt something salty touch my lips, and then press against them urgently.

It was Rick's huge penis, and as I opened my mouth to try to shout at him that I was not gay, the purple head buried itself between my lips. Rick was straddling my chest, his penis pointing downwards, as he forced first the head between my lips, and slowly pressed down until his shaft was semi-buried. I could only gurgle and splutter, helpless as he started to rock forwards and back. In the distance I could hear the other men yelling and laughing as they watched, and I thought I could also hear the sound of a camera shutter working away.

By now Rick had got into a rhythm and I my mouth seemed to have loosened somewhat, as he was able to thrust deep enough for his crinkly pubic hair to cover my nose, and his penis head was banging against the back of my throat. Suddenly I felt a salty taste fill my mouth as Rick's pre-cum streamed out of him, and I could tell he was getting more and more excited as his thrusts became increasingly violent, my nose flattened by his pubic bone and his whole penis seemed to thicken and double in size, I felt I was choking and then suddenly Rick yelled and thrust hard into my mouth and the back of my throat was suddenly on fire as hot spurts of come flooded down my throat. He pulled back and my mouth filled with sperm, he ejaculated for a good two minutes, finally wanking himself over my face then smearing his cock over my eyes, my lips and my nose.

When he was finished he stood up, his limp cock dangling over me. I just lay supine, unable to move, gasping in air, and still trying to swallow the last of his cum. I was still paralysed, unable to move or to speak.

"You are a great cocksucker, mate. I bet you loved that didn't you. Who's next?” he turned to the others, who were now standing around me in a semi-circle, stroking their rigid cocks, all of them very aroused. I was completely blown away by what had happened, and was totally out of it. It was like a nightmare, from which I could not wake up. Looking down at my own body, I could see that my own cock though, for some weird reason, was still erect and twitching, but I could do nothing, as my body was like a lead weight and nothing would do what I said.

It was Bill who suggested arranging me so that I was bent sideways over the chaise lounge, with my arse in the air on one side and my face on the other. Bill chose to take me from behind, and without any foreplay, greased my tight bum with sun cream which he also smeared on his thick cock, and then forced the head between my cheeks and pressed down. I screamed a silent scream, as he ripped into me, widening me forever. Tears streamed down my face as the burning sensation took hold. A hand gripped my hair, and I was confronted by another penis. I let me mouth go slack and once again a thick shaft of muscle started to fuck my mouth, gently at first and then with increasing speed. I could feel the matted hair of Bill's belly as he slapped against my firm buttocks. He was moaning and grabbing my two tight orbs in his hairy hand.

"Oh you little beauty, you fucking beautiful whore, I am gonna fuck you all night, oh sweet Jesus." The pain had lessened somewhat as my skin and muscles had stretched to accommodate his fat cock, but with my own penis squashed against the chaise lounge, I was not getting any pleasure myself.

The excitement of watching Rick fuck my mouth had worked on them both, and it was only about 10 minutes of fucking my mouth before I again received the warning tasted of the pre-cum followed seconds later by a flood of hot salty sperm and again my mouth was filled to brimming with the creamy spunk. Drops ran down my chin as I tried to swallow hard, the cock remained in my mouth, its owner content to let the last drops empty from his balls before he withdrew.

Bill was furiously mounting me from behind, and with a last guttural shout, he rammed his body so hard against me, that I completely swallowed the penis still in my mouth, and felt Bill pumping away deep in my intestines.

Minutes later, it was the turn of George and Al. I was lying on my back on the grass on rug. By now my mind was shut to everything, and I was beyond any point of thinking or reacting. My body was theirs to do and to play with, as they liked.

Al knelt by my head and gently turned my head to the side, so that I could accept his cock in my mouth. Without any instruction, I opened my lips and accepted the third cock into my sticky mouth. George knelt between my legs, pushing them wide apart, and bending them at the knees. My bum lifted for him, and his huge cock was able to enter me without problem. His powerful hands kept my thighs wide apart, and he rocked back and forth inside me. Without warning, my own cock, reacting from the exquisite pain of the cock in my rear, reacted involuntarily and I suddenly found myself being sprayed with my own cum, which landed over my chest. The sight of this was enough to bring Al and George to almost consecutive orgasms of their own, and Al released his sperm into my mouth whilst Al withdrew and came over my own belly and chest.

I lay back, almost comatose, having been fucked by all five men over an hour period. By now the sun was disappearing, but I still found myself unable to move or react. They left me spread-eagled on the rug there on the lawn and disappeared into the house. I slept, as the drug, the alcohol and the fucking took their toll.

It was late morning by the time I woke up. I was in a large bed with satin sheets. It took time to focus, but finally I had feeling back in my limbs. I sat up, and suddenly realised that a slim steel collar was attached to my neck, and a chain was attached to the bed. I looked down at myself. Apart from a slight ache in my backside, I seemed unharmed, and someone had cleaned me up. More than that, I had been shaved all over my body--my pubic hair, my legs, under my arms. I shouted for help, and one of the men appeared.

"Hello, you awake? I expect you are hungry eh?" Al spoke to me as though everything was completely normal. "I'll take you into the living room and you can have some breakfast. Slept well?"

I was totally taken aback. "What is going on? Why am I attached? What did you do to me?" Twenty questions ricocheted out of my mouth as he led me naked by the chain attached to my neck collar, into the dining room.

The others were sitting there. They looked up grinning at me as I stood there. On the table were scattered forty or fifty photos. Of me. Sucking, and being fucked in every possible position.

"I told you I was a collector, didn't I? Yep--pornographic collector. And you, my darling are my latest model. Nice eh?” He pulled me over to the table to look at the photos. The worst of it was that in all of them, it looked like I was an active participant. My hand pumping on one cock after another, even one of me sitting on a fat cock, whist sucking another.

Al was stroking my buttocks as I stared at the photos speechlessly. His hand fondled my cock and balls. I did nothing to stop him. He slid a finger into my crack and I murmured a protest.

"Don't you dare tell me what to do!" Al's voice changed in a second, and a stinging smack brought tears to my eyes as he rebuked me sharply. "On your knees you cock-sucker!" He ordered angrily.

All five men were dressed in shorts and T-shirts and I felt stupid being naked in front of them. I was sobbing as I fell to my knees in front of Al.

"Good girl," he said, as he undid his shorts and extracted his semi-rigid penis. "Go, on, do what you do so well, baby," he encouraged.

"Please, no, please," I implored him to no avail. His hand guided my head forward, and once again, I opened my lips to take his cock in my mouth.

"While you suck, I'll tell you what is going to happen to you."

"You are going to work for us as our model, and appear in one or two movies. You will do exactly as we say, and if you do that, you will be okay." He started to breathe heavily, and his words were cut off as he started to fuck my mouth breathing quicker and quicker.

Rick was sitting at the table finishing his breakfast watching the scene in amusement, and carried on with the explanation.

"During the week, you can go back to your army base. At the weekends you belong to us. The month holiday you got coming, as you told us, you are also going to work for us."

Al was getting near the end, and by now I was eager for him to be finished. To stop him smashing his pubic into my nose, I closed my fist over the base of his cock, and tried to wank him at the same time as sucking. It worked for within seconds it was all over, and he flooded my mouth with his cum. I waited till he had finished and then lifted my head away as he zipped himself up.

Al continued. "Needed that. Anyone else?” He grinned at his accomplices. Bill was already unzipping himself and approached my kneeling figure.

"You can't do this to me." I said stupidly. "This is rape!"

"I don't think so," said Rick as he took a photo and held it in front of my face. It was a photo of me being fucked by George in the missionary position, whilst sucking on Al's cock. In the photo, I was climaxing whilst my legs were wrapped tight around George's waist. It was clear to anyone that I was enjoying it very much. "Imagine this arriving by post to your commander at the base. What do you think he would think about it? I don't think he would say you were being raped. And I seem to recall that homosexuality is a punished by jail in the army?" Rick was grinning wolfishly at me now. He knew he had all the cards.

Bill tugged on the chain and I stood up. I felt small and defenceless, in a foreign country and now in a room full of abusive and very dangerous men. Worse, I was naked, hairless, and chained. I cried shamelessly and begged for them to leave me alone. I sobbed and sobbed, but it was to no avail. In front of the others, Bill leaned me over the table, face downwards, my small tight buttocks white and defenceless, and dropping his own pants he fucked me again. He pounded into me, as I cried tears of humiliation and pain, and the others just watched and laughed.

When it was over, he made my suck him clean, and tuck him back into his shorts. I was truly his slave.

They used me all that day, taking it in turns, and all the time, I was being filmed. It was night on the Sunday, that I was finally able to drive my VW, miraculously repaired, out of the farm and back towards Wagga. By now I was a different person--physically the same but mentally wrecked.

Weekend followed weekend of sex. Sometimes there was only Rick and Frank, and at other times there were others from Sydney and Melbourne. I saw the results of these weekends, when finally I completed my assignment for the army in Wagga, and took my month holiday. As instructed by Rick, I reported to his flat in Melbourne. After I had left my suitcases there, he drove me to a small theatre in the suburbs, which served as a cinema and bookshop for Gays. In the bookshop one whole shelf was dedicated to gay magazines all featuring me having sex with a variety of men and in a variety of ways. But worse still, the film showing at the time, in the half-full cinema, was of me being fucked by a large black man. The screen was enormous, and it was totally weird to see my face on the screen, contorted in pleasure with my legs wrapped tightly around the black body of the stud that had been hired to fuck me.

I was by now a very willing slave, and needed sex with men like a drug addict needs his fix. It was an almost natural extension, when Rick put me to work in a massage parlour he owned. I never went back to the army.


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