Gay Erotic Stories

Superman vs TriDeathStar, Part 1

by Davidcirce
08 Oct 2003

Super Heroes

Superman leaves his Fortress of Solitude and flies South heading towards the Middle East. He wants to soak up some sun. And there’s a certain place in the desert that gives him a natural high. On the way he stops in Florence, Italy to look at the statues and the soak in the beauty of the city.

He doesn't want to attract any attention, so he lands high on top of an ancient looking building in the middle of the town square. He looks down at the statues and all the people. He's been upset with himself for being mad at WonderWoman he and her had a big argument over her golden lasso.

WonderWoman was in a playful mood and she walks up to Superman and asks if she can put her magic lasso around him and ask a question she just has to know the answer to. Superman with a grin of his face says, "If you can catch me."

Superman starts running at lighting speed down the circular JLA Headquarters hall and is out of site in no time. WonderWoman smiles watching Superman take off and runs at lighting speed the other way then stops and stands up close to a wall. Superman is coming her way and is looking behind his shoulder. WonderWoman sticks her leg out and Superman stumbles and falls to the floor.

WonderWoman races to him and grabs his cape and tugs on it and says, "I caught you Superstud!" And laughs.

Superman is not laughing and his face starts turning red blushing. Then he says, "You cheated you went the other way instead of following me."

WonderWoman says, "As I recall there was no mention of how to catch you."

Superman says, "Well let’s do it again; this time you follow me and not go the other way!"

WonderWoman protests, "I caught you fair and square I won! Now the lasso Superman."

Superman says, "All right, but just one question!"

WonderWoman tells Superman to hold his arms straight out before him and he does. She puts the lasso over his arms then over his head then lets it rest just beneath his pumped muscled pecs, then tightens it. Superman at once gets this dreamy look on his face. WonderWoman says, "Superman when I ask you a question you will have to tell the truth."

Superman nods his head up and down. Then WonderWoman asks Superman, "Superman if some strange event that happened here on earth that caused all the women to perish and there were only men left, which man would you pick to be as your lover and partner?"

Superman answers, "Aquaman."

WonderWoman smiles and thinks to herself--good choice--I wonder why he picked Aquaman?” WonderWoman then asks, "Why would you pick Aquaman Superman?"

Superman answers, "Aquaman is one of my oldest friend and he is the king of the seven sea's. He could protect the water areas of the world and I could watch over the land areas. And I have always had a strong affection for him." WonderWoman smiles and says, "That’s a very good answer Superman! I think that if something like that did happen you and Aquaman would make a great partnership and be very good to each other." WonderWoman removes her golden lasso from Superman the dreamy look fades fast.

He looks at WonderWoman with a grimace on his face and says, "Why did you ask me that Diana why?!"

WonderWoman confesses, "Well because MartianManHunter told me a while ago a story about a planet that lost all their females and there were only males left and I kept thinking about it and it was on my mind when I ran into you."

Superman interrupts with anger in his voice, "I can't believe you’d ask me that Diana and I told you only one question!"

WonderWoman says, "Calm down Superman I thought it was sweet what you told me."

Superman says, "You know how Aquaman is, always at the monitoring station; what if he heard what I said? I couldn't look him in the face anymore! And I can only imagine what he would say about it!"

WonderWoman says, "Author is in his pool Superman MartianManHunter is at the monitoring station calm down!"

Superman says, "I should of just told you no and went on. You and your mind control lasso--making a fool out of me! Now I guess you’re going to go tell everyone what you asked me and what I said?!"

Now, WonderWoman's face turns deep red and a grimace appears on her face and says, "For your information Superman, my lasso is not a mind control device! It only makes a person tell the truth! And further more--I would never tell any of the other members what you just told me! And last of all like I told you I thought your answers were sweet and I'm your friend and would never do anything to humiliate you or hurt you in any way type or form!" WonderWoman walks away and heads for her private room.

Superman still a little bit mad, but more embarrassed flies out of the JLA headquarters and heads for his own Fortress Of Solitude. Superman looks down at the statue of a naked Neptune or Poseidon and remembers back a long time ago when he first met Aquaman, how he had lifted a tree off of a handsome blonde muscular man with blood running down from his forehead and asked, "Aren't you Aquaman?" And how he tried to stop the storm that had been caused by the great God of water and how he had been attacked by Poseidon and saved by Aquaman, and then to get as far away from the angry God, he flew Aquaman and himself to a desert oasis area.

He thought about how Aquaman stripped down naked before him and laid in the water and told him to do the same thing and come talk to him saying, "Don't be shy Superman, this desert place you brought us to is beautiful! And thanks for the water! Remove your costume and come into the water and let’s get better acquainted."

Superman looking at the handsome muscled out man before him couldn't refuse, he stripped naked by spinning around lighting fast. When he stopped and looked at Aquaman. Aquaman was eagerly eyeing Superman's penis swaying from side to side. Then Aquaman looked up at him, smiling from ear to ear, and said, "Come get in, the water’s great!"

Superman’s eyes fixed on Aquaman and he walked to the water and getting in. It was a small pool of water so he was very close to Aquaman. Aquaman taking Superman by the hand and pulling says, "Come sit by me."

Superman lowering himself into the water stated it did indeed fill good and refreshing. Neither one of them knowing that Eros had arrowed them both and was smiling down at them. Aquaman's hands going to Superman's shoulders and looking into his eyes with growing lust and Superman feeling the same way. Soon their lips touch and passion consumes them both their cocks going rock hard. Superman wrapping his hand around both their cocks and going up and down slowly but the more Aquaman moans and juts his muscled ass forward the faster Superman strokes their rock hard cocks. Aquaman pulls his lips off of Superman's and goes to his neck and sucks and goes up to his ear. And whispers, "Oh yes Superman. Don’t stop oh, oh yes please don't stop! I’ve never felt like this before. It’s, it's so good!"

Superman is thinking, 'Wow! Aquaman is very strong. I can feel his touch Eros's arrows making him mad with desire. Soon they both climax at the same time the ejaculation roar is very loud and they hold one another close as the two Superheroes revel in pure ecstasy! When they are through they both get into the water and start talking and telling each other about their lives.

After about three hours. Eros appears before them Aquaman and Superman in each other’s embrace and smiling at Eros. Eros says, "I must say that was a high just watching the two of you together but I have to undo the love spell I put on you both." Eros frowns and begins to speak an incantation, "As I put the love into you both and your eyes met with much more then sexual desire and a stare the love between you both must now disappear but this I say to both of you hear me now hear you will always remain the best of friends maybe some day love will reappear."

Superman and Aquaman's dreamy eyes clear and then they move away from each other and look at Eros. Eros says, "Oh I hear my Mother calling! I'm going to be in big trouble I can hear her now! Farewell Aquaman and Superman!" In a blink of an eye Eros is gone.

Superman and Aquaman look at each other and blush. Superman asks Aquaman, "Where would you like for me to take you?" Superman begins to smile.

Aquaman smiles back and says, I would really like to see that Fortress of Solitude of yours, it sounds interesting but I guess not much water there?"

Superman offerss, "I can make a place there with water for you if you really want to see my Fortress, and I would like to see your Kingdom too.”

Aquaman says, "Okay, great! You take me to your place and I'll take you to mine." Aquaman grins really big.

From then on they were the best of friends they both had full memory of what they had did with each other but never spoke not once about it. Superman decides to go to where he and Aquaman became aquatinted and heads towards the Sahara desert. It just gives him a natural high for some reason that place. In no time he is there and lands and spins lighting fast and when he is done his costume falls to the ground in a neat pile. He steps down into the water and relaxes looking up at the bright yellow Sun. He just gets good and relaxed his mind drifting then he hears an unfamiliar voice saying, "Hello Superman we finally meet."

Superman's head jerks fast and looks in front of himself to see a incredibly handsome blond muscle bound man with light blue eyes standing at the edge of the water looking down at him smiling. He is wearing an all red spandex type tights and top, white bikini type briefs with a rather large bulge with light blue gloves and short type light blue boots. A light blue belt with a white circle in the middle with a light blue circle in the middle of it and a good sized white circle in the middle of his pecs with red colored letters TDS each letter lowering it's self from the other.

Superman says with a blush on his face, "Who are you? And how do you know me? I’ve never seen you before."

The handsome blond muscle-bound man says, "I'm called TriDeathStar in my language, from the planet where I'm from.”

Superman says, "You’re from another planet? Where and why are you here?"

TriDeathStar says, "Yes, I'm from another planet—one with two suns--white and blue, with a huge moon that orbits in synchronically. I get my super strength like you from a red sun or radiation and Earth’s yellow sun enhances my powers, and is like a shield that keeps my red solar power intact--and I'm interested in you Superman. I have been watching you for quite sometime now. On my planet you are either a dominant or a submissive. I'm a dominator and I'm going to dominate you Superman."

Superman exhales and grunts and says, "In case you haven't noticed there’s no red sun here and I don't think you can dominate me as easy as you think you can!" Superman lighting fast comes out of the water both fists pointing at TriDeathStar he hits the Villain and knocks him off his feet. TriDeathStar is smiling as he gets back to his feet. Superman starts trying to put his costume back on. TriDeathStar quicker then the speed off light comes up right next to Superman grabs his cape and wraps it around his neck then he starts swinging Superman around and around faster and faster then lets go Superman goes flying into a mound of sand.

His legs and arms spread-eagled and he is still naked. An angry look spreads across his face and stands to his feet. Then he starts flying fast towards TriDeathStar his fists pointing straight out in front of him. This time before Superman reaches the handsome muscled out Villain. TriDeathStar lifts both his fists and wide red colored beams blast into Superman.

Superman moans, "Arrrrrrrr-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" And falls to the ground and starts crawling weakly. TriDeathStar is on him fast and lifts the naked Superman up turns him around facing opposite him and puts his hands to Superman's pecs and pulls him close, then red beams from his hands envelopes Superman's entire body. Superman moans loudly "What-what-are-are-you-you-do-do-doinggggg-Ahhhhhhhhhh- ncoooooooooooo.. get-get-getting-weakkkkkkkkkkk!"

Superman's arms and legs go completely limp and hang down swaying back and forth. The Villain is holding Superman up by his pumped pecs. TriDeathStar says, "Oh yes Superman my red radiation blast is draining your super strength fast.” Superman's head goes down to his pecs. TriDeathStar stops blasting Superman with his red radiation. Then turns him around to look him over. Superman's eyes are drugged like a blank stare. TriDeathStar says, "Oh yes Superman not only did my red radiation blasts, take away your super strength it stunned your super brain you'll like what’s next Superman!"

The handsome villain takes Superman by the hair and holds him up just by his hair. Then looks into Superman's drugged like eyes and from out of his eyes comes blue circles of very bright light going into Superman's eyes.

Superman starts to Moan loud, " noooooooooooooo!" Superman's eye shut--he's out cold.

End of Part 1 David Circe.

Superman, Aquaman, WonderWoman, MartianManHunter and The JLA Headquarters are property of DC Comics, this is work of adult fan art. No Copyright infringement intended. To the best of my knowledge, TriDeathStar is my own creation.


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