Gay Erotic Stories

Je’ro’s Chosen, Part 4

by Latrix
11 Oct 2003

Fantasy Sci-Fi Fantasy

Before you started reading this concluding installment, I just want to remind you it’s a long, erotic sci-fi story as well as a sci-fi themed erotic story. You have to go deep for the explicit, if that all you want. This is the longest installment. You’ve been warned, again!

Je’ro’s Chosen, part 4-The conclusion!

This new translation of the Book of Gimbe, from the ancient Beruutite text translated into modern Felroni, comes from the monks of Kil Japthon: English speaking readers please note that certain words have no direct translation and the original Beruutite, or its modern Felroni equivalent when applicable, has been left intact when necessary--courtesy of the Planetary Consortium of Ancient texts and Libraries.

This text is an accounting of words from the first Sachim, Sachim‘Roth, as transcribed by his faithful attendant Be’stol’ricknas.

“The depth of the oceans shall spill from the sea and crash upon the walls of the holiest of cities, Cherunt. And it shall be the sign that the Osrack is upon us. The assassin shall have possession of the bride for a time, but when the 1st reckoning shall come to pass the bride will be freed. Should the Sachim prove victorious, he shall be anointed with the rays of the shadow moon and become mighty again, but should the assassin prove victorious he shall receive the anointing and he shall rule.

The bride will come from the ancestors, wu-manytae, and shall carry the key to the heavens. Should the assassin unlock the door, he shall claim the bride and all of ‘Dalvius’; all hope for peace will be lost for aeons. Should the Sachim unlock the heavens, we must await the next reckoning before the future is known…’


Today was to be my wedding day, but I found myself locked inside a strange chamber; the room had no roof. It rained yesterday and I was left to cower in a corner, hungry and alone. Kilkata’roth stares at me from time to time thru the barred windows, lapping at the bars like a wolf locked away from a carcass. He has not defiled me, though from time to time there has been molestation: his fingers inside me; his tongue burrowing into my mouth; his hard cock pressed against my flesh. I do nothing but cry against the rocky walls of my confines. He does not love me, but I find myself drawn to him and I am ashamed.


“ Sir, we have no leads beside the dead Telro assassin found in the courtyard. The room looks as if it were a professional quality cleaning, except for the pile of clothing and sheets left in the corner. Peter’s body was not found. This would suggest that the assassin had help from a companion. The locks were not forced. We also found some rather disturbing, would you like for me to carry on…?”

“Carry on!”

“Well the sheets had blood stains traced to Peter, as well as semen from the dead assassin. It is highly probable that the assassin raped Peter, and his accomplice carried Peter away. We also found traces of pre-ejaculate in the corner and we are currently trying to find the issuers DNA file. There was also the evidence that the neck of the assassin was partially severed.”

“Where is Gilbrath?”

“We are currently sending the guards to question the staff as to his whereabouts. He apparently went home sick last night.”

“Well it’s plainly obvious the he was in on the kidnapping. He vanishes suddenly while he is personally responsible for watching that bedchamber! Find Him!” “But sir, he has such a high reputation…”

“The better to conceal his intentions. I want his head on a platter. I will not rest until Peter is found. I want every Telro prisoner questioned and then put to death!”

“I am sorry to report that you no longer have that power as Sachim. After the council heard of Sachim’ Ok little massacre they stripped the future Sachim’s of the power to order executions. It is believed that he may have been responsible for the deaths of over 2,000 innocent people along with the 96,987 members of the cult.”


“Yes Sir, I will do my best!”


“Today is a very special day, my pet. Today brings the highest tide of the year, as well as the last century. The gravitation pull of the two moons shall pull a surge from the ocean as high as 40 feet, as well as sever radio and satellite communications. The waters shall surround Cherunt with waves 20 feet high and the city will be cut off from the rest of the country for a couple of hours; cut off from reinforcements that is. And that, my good friend, is where the 60,000 troops I smuggled into the city will come in handy.” Kilkata’roth had me in a muzzle, on a leash, parading through his compound somewhere in the eastern section of the city. I could see the outer buildings of the city perimeter; most obvious being the Central Space Authority’s vertical accelerator, used for the deployment of long-range sensory equipment. It pointed toward the heavens with a pulsing red beacon at its apex. It was one of the sensors that had discovered earth.

In the beginning Kil’ exhibited only small signs of insanity, now he was a madman at least 10 hours a day. Screaming in the night, chanting archaic Beruutite (I could make out a couple of the words every now and then, ‘assassin, sachim, shadow’). His hair was lightening to a softer shade of blue by the day; I had once thought his hair was jet black. His eyes were turning from orange to a deep red. His once handsome features turned more sinister and foul by the second. He once smiled, now he only sneers. “So will you call me daddy when we’re married in the sacred chapel?” “You’re disgusting, I’ll never marry you! NEVER!”

“Don’t be so crass, of course you will, and voluntarily I might add. I’ve been using subliminal and hypnotic suggestions on you for weeks. For example, who put your leash on?

“Fuck you!”

“Who left the palace without some much as a whimper? I’ve never had to ‘force’ you to do anything. And most importantly, who’s going to provide me with a little oral ministration right now?”

I was on my knees in seconds, confused and drooling like Pavlov’s dog. It was all flashing before my eyes as I undid his belt. I had, in fact, simply lain upon the bed, unrestrained as he fingered me. I had started sliding my body against his erection. I had eagerly kissed him on more than one occasion.

“Bastard,” I said as his pants fell to the floor. No matter how I felt about his personality, by body lusted for his. He and Je’ro could easily pass for sibling, even fraternal twins. He also stood around 7’8”, with almost identical musculature. His tiny quarter sized nipples pointed out just like Je’ro. He had the same high cheekbones, the same strong jaw line. Only three things really distinguished him from Je’ro; his hair, his Telro scar just below hairline on back of his neck, and the shape and size of his penis, which swung before lips like a caveman’s club until it began to rise upwards.

His penis was larger than Be’roth’s: at least 15 inches hard, 4 inches in diameter at it’s thickest, right behind the head, and 3 inches in diameter at the root. I began to lap at his large balls as I noted that he even smelled like Je’ro…


“Sir, we’ve received a message from Kilkata’roth, it appears to be written in blood.” “Well what does it say?”

“You and your entourage are cordially invited to the wedding of Kilkata’roth, formerly known as Gilbrath, and Peter Jacobson. The wedding will be held promptly at the exact moment of the first, recorded full-dilunar eclipse, at the sacred Temple of Sachim’Roth. No military personnel will be admitted unless unarmed. Please do bring wedding gifts... “Sir, Your hair! It’s turning blue!


The Temple of Sachim’Roth is located along the northern perimeter wall, above the cloud line. It was strange to look down on the scant, low flying cloud without being in motion myself. The city, surrounded by the dark waters of the Gibranion Sea, became a luminous island, thrust towards the sky.

Shiltis, the shadow moon, had yet to appear, though Shaltis hung large against a panorama of stars. From my own limited understanding of the astronomy of Dalvar’s heavens, Shaltis would be the first to rise into position, and Shiltis would come quickly in a high arc from the lower, eastern horizon. The moons would meet, with full coverage, for about 1 minute easy.

The Temple was built to very exact specification; the eclipse would be seen thru a very large, round window directly behind the two large thrones; upon the dais where the wedding would take place. The altar stood before the dais. Above it all was a great glass dome that seemed to magnify the stars and Shaltis, You could see its plains, mountains, and craters. There were large colonnade outside the front entrance; they eventually became lampposts for the wide Avenue of the Heavens.

Kil was dressed in a large, green silky robe while I was dressed in red, Blood Red, robes. I knew that this was to be no ordinary wedding when I discovered the very large slit in the robe, directly over my ass. This wedding would be consummated on the spot, possibly before a crowd of thousands.

Kil held my nose close as he tried to force some kind of foul smell fluid into my mouth. I could feel it oozing down my chin and dripping down onto my naked flesh beneath the loose robes.

“You must drink this or you will not survive the wedding!”


“Do you want to die, astride my penis?”



The viscous fluid burned as it ran down the back of my throat and tasted very oddly, like chicken. As soon as it hit my stomach the cramps began. It felt as though some was using me as a pincushion. I began heaving, but Kil’ Kept his hand firmly over my mouth. I fell to the floor, unable to support myself any longer. “The drink will numb all of your internal pain receptors. Your muscles will also swell and firm a bit. It will also strengthen the lining and membranes of your gastro-intestinal tract, which will allow it to expand somewhat more easily. Your sphincter will become more elastic, but will retain all its feeling. It will never truly wear off, testing on domesticated ‘cattle’ have shown the effects last even after death. It was strange, just bones, stomachs, and colons left.

“Oh, before we begin I should tell you that I’ve been taking my own supplements. I’ve put on at least an additional two inches in length and an inch in girth. This will be on fucking you never forget.”

Suddenly came screams and groans from below, and I could see the dark shapes circling above glass dome of the temple; shivers ran through my body. The elite palace guards had arrived, perched upon the temple’s great pillars. The sky began to glow flame red, and I could discern the faces of the soldiers marching up the avenue of the heavens. They column seemed to run back into eternity.

I felt Kil’s hands wrap around my waist, pulling me closer.

“Don’t worry my love, I will protect you.”

“Yes my love, do protect me.”

The column of soldiers ground to a halt just feet away from the temple’s archway entrance. I noticed a cleavage beginning in the host, and out of the masses strode Be’roth “Kilkata’roth, Come to the gates!”

Kil’ stood his ground, his hands slipping beneath my robes, his fingers grazing over my nipples and my chest.

“Why should I, so you can kill me,” with mock chagrin written across his face, “What kind of assassin do you take me for Be’roth?”

“A foolish one,” boomed Be’roth voice over the din of anxious troops, commanded all to come to attention, “You can not proceed with any wedding with The Bride with troops inside the sacred temple nor shall it be ordained by the heavens, lest it be presided over by a Rothite monk, and I would say that you currently have none in your employee, is that correct?”

With ease Kil’ snatched my robe off exposing me for all the thronging Dalvars to see. I now only wore a hybrid undergarment, between a jockstrap and bikini briefs. Even I was in awe of the almost instantaneous changes in my musculature. Leaving me standing practically naked upon the dais, Kil’ approached Be’roth with a swaying stagger. “Will you then preside over my wedding, or will you continue with your subterfuge?” “I know my destiny, I’m must preside over a wedding but whose wedding it shall be is yet undecided.”

“So where is the ever so boorish…sorry charming Sachim’Ro.”

“I am Here!” came a booming voice from within the column, though he tried to hide it I saw Kil’ shiver for a second, “I have come to reclaim what has been stolen! Send those soldiers out of the Sacred Temple to meet their imminent destruction, and greet me as you would greet your own doom.”

It was a very tall Dalvar with long, slightly curly locs of electric blue hair that stepped forth. He wore nothing more than a leather kilt and a large scabbard across his back. His eyes gleamed with familiarity, and as his eyes moved from Kil’s to my own, I saw a single tear drip down his cheek. It was could not be, but it was Je’ro!


I ran down from the dais, down the wide center aisle. As I reached to the archway I jumped, hoping to land in his arms. Instead I heard a sick, thwarting slap and I was hurled into the hard walls of the temple.

“Get back on the dais you slut!”

Je’ro eyes swelled and he began to charge the entrance, only to be stopped by Be’roth’s giant left arm.

“No, You must not enter the temple while the soldiers are still fortified! Kilkata’roth, send those men out of the temple! Do not dally with you’re amusements, see even now Shiltis rises to it’s appointed place!”

Kil released a horrific roar, as his eyes watch Shiltis rising across the heavens. There was a rumble, and then a fountain of warriors poured from the back hallways of the temple into the altar room.

“The first soldier to spill blood upon the consecrated ground will be cursed for all eternity! But fight truly my lads, and we shall rule this city, this world once again.” I managed to finally stand again, just as the huge gates of the temple swung shut, and an epic battle began on the Avenue of the Heavens. There were only 5 people present now: Kil stood upon the dais beckoning me, Be’roth stood behind the altar, Je’ro stood in the center of the circular chamber; and some unknown figure, dressed in heavy black cowl. Though I tried to run to Je’ro I felt my legs carry me over to Kil’ who wore his signature sneer.

“Prepare the altar and the bride,” Be’roth instructed the cloaked figure he began to chant in archaic Beruutite. Kil raised his hand to strike at the figure approaching the dais, but as the figure raised on very oddly shaped hand into the air, Kil’s hand began to smoke and he screamed in agony.

“Do not try to interrupt the necessary preparations, either of you. Your appointed time is nearly upon you. Who ever should strike too early shall forfeit his uncertain destiny for an eternity of desolate certainty. Prepare the pit Be’stol’ricknas!”

The figure turned a large wheel and the center of the room began sliding from under Je’ro’s feet. Je’ro leap to the side, but this ultimately proved unnecessary, as the pit was only about 4 feet deep, not very deep considering Dalvar proportions.

It was at that moment that I really began to take notice of changes in Je’ro. He now stood somewhere around 8’6” taller even than Be’roth. His hair shone, as if it had soaked in the radiance of Shaltis. His eyes were bright orange and his appeared several shades darker than its original café au lait complexion.

Jer’ro threw down his sword and hopped down into the pit, as he glanced from Be’roth to me, and finally glared deep into Kil’s eyes. Kil growled once more and jumped into the pit. Amidst all the action he had removed his robe and stood naked, except for two thick, studded leather straps: each wrapped around one of his massive thighs. Je’ro seemed to take this as a challenge and with one easy rip; he rent his kilt in twain, leaving only a small strip hanging loosely around his waist. As the two massive warriors stood face to face, I realized that I could no longer tell them apart; each was the reflection of the others, save for their leather accessories. It was like a seen from ancient Greek mythology, Zeus versus a Titan, I prayed that Je’ro would be my Zeus.

The resounding of a large gong cracked the air; the contest had begun, as had the eclipse. The Kil stuck first with a kick into Je’ro side, which sent Je’ro tumbling. Je’ro rolled quickly a retaliated with a two-handed, over-handed strike to Kil’s collarbone. The both grabbed the other’s shoulders and tried to wrest their opponent down. Kil scored a direct hit into Je’ro groin with the studded, strapped thigh. They both were covered in sweat, and the smell of their battle began to fill the air.

I felt two hands upon me, directing me towards the strange altar. Again something about the hands and their owner struck me as odd, but I could not take my eyes off the unfolding battle. Kil used whatever means necessary, while Je’ro used powerful, strategic moves to try to incapacitate his rival.

The next thing I knew I had been strapped down to the table; my legs spread toward the heavens, strapped down in stir-ups. My hands were left unfettered, and my view of the battle was now lost. I could only hear the grunts and moans, as I gazed at the moons of Dalvius.

The scream that came from the pit tore the very fabric of my soul. Someone was down for the count and I was clueless.

“And so destiny has been decided,” intoned Be’roth, “take your rightful position with the bride and let the ceremony begin!”

The strange figure of Be’stol’ stood between my thighs and I felt him applying some kind of lubricant to my anus, slipping his fingers in and out of my highly sensitized hole. His hood and cape fell to the floor and he stood next to my head, stroking my hair with a knowing smile upon his lips. Suddenly it dawned on me; glaringly obvious, his oddity. He was not only divinely beautiful; he was human.

“Gip lore tilpo Krunti bel fas. Jeekla bel fonsai til chicklor brum das.” A tall figure stood posed above me silhouetted against the light of Shaltis. There was no preparation, no communication, no love, and as he began forcing his impossibly huge cock inside of me, I knew that it was Kil’ who was consummating our marriage. I could not find a voice, for the scream of terror the welled within my soul.

Felroni-“Do you accept this bride as your destiny? For all the universe to see, to know” “Of course you foolish old git. Get on with it.”

With that he just grabbed my waist and lunged forward to the hilt, driving deep into my hole with one thrust. I know my eyes bulged as my mouth opened wide to scream in pain; but the pain never came, only the feeling that I should not still be alive, like he was rearranging my insides. My hole tingled in ecstasy.

The young man, Be’stol’, stood directly over my face, his eyes glued on the distorted face of Kil’; mesmerized feeling is big tool slowly penetrate me. He began piston fucking my ass with his mammoth penis, pounding my ass furiously as he drove deeper and deeper with every thrust. My head rolled back, as I moaned under his onslaught.

Be’stol’ climbed upon the altar, straddling my face. He leaned forward and by the slurping sounds he must have been sucking on Kil’s nipples.

“You want some too! I’ve got enough for all of you little human sluts!” Kil’ exclaimed as he ripped the tie of the stir-ups. “ Put you head here, you filthy little whore, a get a taste of a real man, A Dalvar demigod, soon to be a god!”

Kil’ tore his cock out of my ass with a sick, vacuous pop; I felt that surely he had pulled out a number of my internal organs along with it. He slipped his throbbing manhood between my thighs and began pumping again. He forced Be’stol’s head down upon the head of his monster.

I don’t understand why, but I found my face buried in Be’stol’s crack, lapping at his hole. It tasted of the same drink I had, I wonder if he had used it to lubricate my hole. My tongue slid easily into his warm chute; his hole clutched my tongue. I began thrusting my tongue in and out. I began to push back against it, fucking himself with my tongue. “You little ass has a craving for some fulfillment, does it?” Kil shouted with between his panting breaths. “I have something that can take care of that too.”

Kil picked Be’stol up with ease and laid him on his back, on top of me. With a grunt and a powerful thrust, he was now fucking my thighs as well as fucking Be’stol’s ass; his balls slapping against my cheeks.

“You little men were made for pleasure weren’t you! This one’s a professional. You have to take some lesson little Peter. Feels so good! His ass is flexing around my dick!” I looked up in to the sky and saw it. The eclipse was almost total. Be’stol’s head rolled next to mine and he whispered in my ear, “remember be true to your heart, the wedding is almost complete.”

I could feel Kil orgasm coming to a head, as his body began driving deeper and deeper into Be’stol’s body.

“And who does the bride accept as his husband, for all of eternity?” Be’roth intoned from across the temple. I had forgotten him, forgotten everything… “Ughh, ughh.”


There was a sick thud and suddenly my body was cover in fluid, as I felt Kil’ s testes empty themselves. The fluid was his blood; his head was gone. His dick slid from Be’stol’s hole, and from between my thighs as his body fell to the floor. There stood Je’ro, clutching the hilt of an onyx colored sword.

“Hurry, you must consummate the marriage, now!”

Be’stol was gone; it was only Je’ro and I. He did not heed Be’roth’s plea. He took Be’stol’s cloak and gently wiped the blood and semen off me, taking special care to wipe my ass. He wore a somber smile upon his face.

“I’m sorry it had to be this way.”


His cock pressed against my loosened ring and he pushed gently.

“It’s grown quite a bit sense last time you saw it. I don’t want to hurt you, or kill you.” He had a look of melancholy in his eyes.

“Do it!”

He started gently fucking me, just sliding the first 6 inches or so inside if me. I was lust and love crazed. I reached back and tried pulling his cock inside of me “PLEEEEASE!”

I felt his thighs against the base of my ass as I felt his balls thumping against the cleft of my ass, just beneath his burrowing meat, rubbing against the ridge of skin underneath my hole.

He pulled out the embedded part of his cock and extended more of his swollen shaft in again, as I desperately tried to open my hole further, for Je’ro. I was grunting and panting with uncontrolled raw sounds begging him to drive deeper as it slid in like it was trying to find its way home.

He lunged forward pushing his cock to the hilt, using the whole extent of his cock. He pulled it completely out before ramming back in as far as it would go; the stars of the heavens seemed to beam ever so brightly upon us.

He began to slowly push his cock in and out, with a mystified look in his eye, as he watched his thick dick slide in and out of my hole, as he sped up the tempo until he was going hard and fast. My cock and balls were grinding into his abs with every relentless thrust as he piston fucked my ass, destroying my prostrate as my cock jumped and leaked.

The loud noises of our fucking became louder as my ass opened up, as he continued pulled it almost out before ramming back in as far as it would go. I couldn’t believe my ass could take so much cock without ripping to pieces.

“The Osrack is upon us.”

There was a corona of light surrounding Shaltis, and Je’ro was iridescent. I could fell his body tensing, his balls pulling in. Je’ro let loose a scream as his orgasm detonated in my ass.

The heavens went black; I was falling through the darkness. I could feel my insides burning, tingling.

And then Shiltis moved and it was over. Je’ro lay in a heap upon me. I sat up, and kissed him upon his lips.

And then it hit me. We were the same size. The world seemed human-sized again. “And so it has come to pass again that love has conquered darkness. All hail the Sachim and his bride!”

Be’roth stood beside Be’stol, with his left arm wrapped around his shoulder. As I looked to the side I noticed two busts. Underneath them was carved ‘Sachim’Roth’ and ‘Be’stol’ricknas’; above the words stood the smiling images of Be’roth and Be’stol’ricknas. I had the weirdest sense of déjà vu.

The sky was deepest blue, except for a bright shining speck to the right if Shaltis. It grew brighter and brighter, larger and larger. Little did any of us suspect, that the Semochi had discovered Dalvius, and soon there would be no peace.


I hope you enjoyed this series. I must admit indebtedness to several MOTN authors: seb_big_man aka Sebastian Wallace; Maverick; and BareBearFLA as well as a host of SCI-FI writer (both erotic and non) Please send comments about this series to: Look forward to the forthcoming Semochi Saga if I get a positive response to the series.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Latrix

Je'ro's Chosen, Part 1

Before you started reading this story, I just wanna let you know, it’s a long, erotic sci-fi story, not a sci-fi themed erotic story. You have to go deep for the explicit, if that all you want. You’ve been warned! Je’ro’s Chosen, Part 1 “What’s a pretty boy like you doing on Dalvius?” In an ironic twist of fate, the Dalvars shared 99.98% of the human genetic code. Imagine our surprise

Je’ro’s Chosen, Part 2

Before you started reading this story, the same warning as before. Je’ro’s Chosen, Part 2 Being Je’ro’s Shurunti, or ‘chosen one’, that evening made me into his ‘wife’, for eternity. I’ll admit that the prospect was a lot more interesting than it had been yesterday, but the whole ‘for eternity’ bit was a little bit troubling. I later realized that I had become Je’ro's chosen that day in

Je’ro’s Chosen, Part 3

Before you started reading this story, same warning as before. Je’ro’s Chosen, part 3 The bombardment of the southern perimeter began early one morning; the flames and smoke writhing like heaven bound rivers. The city was a cacophony of alarms, screams, and resounding detonations. The breeze brought a subtle fragrance thru my garden window: sweet blossoms and burning flesh. The palace

Je’ro’s Chosen, Part 4

Before you started reading this concluding installment, I just want to remind you it’s a long, erotic sci-fi story as well as a sci-fi themed erotic story. You have to go deep for the explicit, if that all you want. This is the longest installment. You’ve been warned, again! Je’ro’s Chosen, part 4-The conclusion! This new translation of the Book of Gimbe, from the ancient Beruutite text


DISCLAIMER: This story contains gay sex and drug use. If you are not legally allowed to view such material in your area, or offended by such material please read something else. Otherwise, have fun with this story. Pete All I could do was stare at his crotch. It was a mountainous bulge against the stretching denim. I was so turned on. I had been watching his crotch for thirty minutes:


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