Gay Erotic Stories

Army Buds, Chapter 1

by Mr Arousal
08 Mar 2004

Bisexual College Days Crush First Time Frottage Gay Erotic Stories Man Meets His Man Masturbation Military

Author: Mr. Arousal

Chapter 1: A Weekend Together

The acting Platoon Sergeant called the platoon to attention, did a smart about face, rendering a hand salute, and gave the morning report, “All present or accounted for, Sir!” That’s how the first day of training started for Class 119-A at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, on that mild Monday morning, April Fool’s Day, 1968. All the trainees assembled that morning would soon realize that the training at Fort Sam was not a subject of jest, but truly a question of life over death for fellow soldiers. The primary mission at Fort Sam is to provide education and training to Army medical corps officers and enlisted personnel. That was the reason why we were all at Fort Sam; our platoon of trainees would make-up, in part, a new Medical Training Command (MTC) company.

All the trainees in Class 119-A had previously completed eight grueling weeks of Army Basic Combat Training (BCT) at other Army posts throughout the United States. We all were assembled that morning at Fort Sam to begin the second phase of our training: Advanced Individual Training (AIT). AIT at Fort Sam meant ten more arduous weeks of training at Fort Sam Houston, Brooke Army Hospital, and Camp Bullis, Texas. After rendering the morning report the formation was again called to attention, given a left face and forward march order.

So went Company B, Second Student Battalion, USAMTC, marching off for its first day of training: Orientation Day. Each new training cycle is kicked off with an orientation day. This is the day when all new trainees are welcomed to the post and training command; it’s the introduction and indoctrination day for what lies ahead. Once the company arrived at the orientation site all the medical corps candidates filed in and stood at attention until given the order to be seated. That’s the way it was and still is in the Army: before every movement in a soldier’s life that movement is precipitated by a command.

Once the new MTC classes were seated in a proper military manner all were greeted and welcomed by the Commanding General of Fort Sam Houston and CO of US ARMY Medical Training Command (USAMTC). After the warm welcome by the two commanders other officers greeted us, too. After they finished, it seemed as though an endless line of Training NCOs, who were charged with our training for the next ten weeks, addressed us on different topics. They presented subjects that would guide our lives and training for the next ten weeks, and on into our future Army assignments. Some of it was a rehash of material already presented in BCT, but much of the information was new to us and more pertinent to MTC, Brooke Army Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, and the San Antonio area. The first speaker that morning had reminded all of us how we had successfully and honorably completed BCT and were now representing the highest standards of the United States Army. We were told how we had been carefully screened and selected to become Combat Medics; therefore, we needed dedicate ourselves to maintaining those high military standards and values learned in BCT throughout the AIT phase of our training and into later Army life. The speaker told us that once we successfully completed the medical AIT program we would be awarded the Army’s Combat Medic Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) code 91A. Finally, we were informed that those of us who went onto Vietnam as combat medics would be awarded the prestigious Combat Medical Badge (CMB) after thirty consecutive days in combat, or sooner if we were wounded and received the Purple Heart.

All of the Senior Training NCOs that spoke that day wore either the CMB or EMB, unit combat patches, and an array of other advanced military skill patches sewn onto their fatigue uniforms. One senior NCO advised us that some, the RA types, would possibly be selected to stay on at Fort Sam for more advanced medical training, whereby the “A” identifier in the MOS would be upgraded to another more advanced upper case letter, indicating a higher medical skill level. Others would go onto other specialty schools in the Army, whereby the last two digits would be upgraded identifying a new pay grade and or higher skill qualification identifiers. But most would go onto Army units to serve as Combat Medics in Vietnam.

The bad news of the day was that the draftees would go to Vietnam after AIT and immediately begin practicing those newly acquired skills in a combat environment. Me, I was supposed to go onto Fort Benning after completion of AIT, thanks to some help from my friend Chuck. The two of us, along with about a dozen or so others that had volunteered for airborne training, would head to Fort Benning after the training cycle at Fort Sam to attend jump school. If, one completed jump school one would be awarded the coveted silver jump wings that distinguish paratroopers from straight leg soldiers. The silver paratroop jump wings badge is one of the most prestigious skill badges in any of the armed forces, and all armed forces personnel attended jump school at Fort Benning, Georgia.

All military personnel know that airborne training is some of the toughest physical training in the military; moreover, that though training would be conducted during the hottest days of the summer. But all of us knew graduation from jump school would be worth it. We knew that earning those prestigious silver jump wings meant changes in our lives and the way we wore our uniforms, too. Paratroopers not only wore silver wings above the left breast pocket, but also were allowed to wear the trouser legs of the dress uniforms bloused over highly spit shined jump boots. Airborne troopers also wore the overseas headgear with glider patch sewing on the front. More importantly, it would buy us another month of stateside duty; plus, an extra fifty-five dollars a month hazardous duty pay.

I didn’t know whether to thank my friend for talking me into volunteering for the tough training program ahead at Fort Benning or kill him. Chuck Campbell and I had met a couple of years earlier as students at Illinois State University and were casual chums during those college days. Now, we were reunited as privates in the Army at Fort Sam Houston. Neither of us was aware that the other was in the Army until we met up a few days earlier, during what is called zero week; zero week is the week prior to the start of a new training cycle. Soldiers show up after graduation from basic and during zero week they are used as duty soldiers to satisfy the menial detail requirements around the MTC area, so most soldier’s hated zero by its very nature. Once enough soldiers were present a new training company was formed.

Chuck and I had gotten reacquainted during zero week. When not on duty we explored the post and got acclimated to the new surroundings at Fort Sam. We were again counseled about taking advantage of the more advanced opportunities in the Army. I was surprised to find out that Chuck had enlisted which meant he was Regular Army (RA); whereas, I was a US that meant I had been drafted. The two upper case letters preceding a soldier’s service number indicated whether a soldier was RA, US, NG, or ER. NG and ER were National Guard and Enlisted Reservists: these soldiers got to go home after they finished AIT, RA and US types stay on for the duration of conscription or enlistment.

Both of us had entered the Army during mid January 1968 and taken BCT during the same time periods, but at separate Army posts. Chuck was in the Army for three years and I was in for two years. Chuck had signed up for the Airborne Infantry option and was supposed to attend Infantry AIT then jump school. He had been recommended, due to test scores and leadership ability, during basic and was supposed to attend a new enlisted leadership school in the Army: Non Commissioned Officers Candidate Course (N.C.O.C.C.). Somehow he had ended up at Fort Sam with me to undergo medic training. I don’t think that Chuck was all that happy to be at Fort Sam, but he didn’t complain. As a draftee I didn’t have any options.

At the Reception Station prior to BCT we had been tested and both of us had scored extremely high on the Armed Forces Qualification Test, and also scored high on the other tests for more advanced schools. Both of us had been counseled in the Reception Station, during BCT, and again during zero week at Fort Sam about the possibility of going to OCS, flight school, or other advanced schools, but we both declined the invitations. We had both learned in BCT that an infantry second lieutenant and helicopter pilot’s life expectancy was shorter than a combat medic. Chuck apparently had thought about OCS or Warrant Officer Flight School earlier, but reconsidered after talking to others with more experience in the Army. Besides, we would have had to extend our time in service to go to the advanced schools, something I did not care to do at the time.

Orientation Day at Fort Sam droned on for us with short stretch sessions and smoke breaks for those so inclined at the end of every fifty minutes presentations. The training NCOs had been quick to point out many times thus far that most of us in the training company would be sent directly to Vietnam once the AIT phase of our training was completed, so not to make any plans for the future. A Senior NCO told us that there was a severe shortage of combat medics in Vietnam. He went on to tell us that we all would probably be severely wounded or killed within a very short time after arrival in Nam. The sergeant boldly told us that it would not be wise for any of us to get married before going to Vietnam. He said that if we did get married chances were slim that the marriage would survive because Jody would be bedding all the lonely brides while we were all off fighting and dying for our country in the Nam.

Jody was the term used in the Army for a guy with some type of draft deferment who got to stay out of service unless the deferment was reclassified or it expired; thus, Jody was the envy or scorn of every GI. We were told after successful completion of the training program we would be given two weeks leave home before shipping out for a year tour of duty as Combat Medics in the Nam. The NCO advised us that all medics going to frontline infantry units in Vietnam would have a life expectancy in combat of about eight seconds; therefore, all of us would be required to fill out wills, sign-up for life insurance, etc., before leaving Fort Sam. This was called POR, Preparation for Overseas Replacements.

By the time Orientation Day was over we were all wondering why the Army would spend the time and money to train us if we were all to be killed as soon as we arrived in Vietnam. We soon came to realize however that the Training NCOs told us these horror stories to encourage us to do the best job possible while we were going through the training cycle. They truly wanted all of us to survive our year tour of combat. After a while we all knew that most of us would come back from Vietnam physically unscathed while others would not – some would die in Vietnam. One thing we didn’t know until much later was the fact that those us who did survive would be changed forever. For the time being we could only hope that all of us would be better individuals if we could survive the training, and then the ordeals of war.

The day after Orientation Day our combat medic training began in earnest. Combat Medics receive much of the same medical training as Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). A Combat Medic is trained to administer lifesaving first aid procedures on the battlefield under extreme circumstances; thereby, stabilizing wounded soldiers for evacuation to a rear location for further advanced medical procedures. Combat Medic training was handled by three branches at Fort Sam: Professional Sciences, Nursing Sciences, and Military Sciences. Classes would be held in various classrooms and outside locations around Fort Sam. The training was broken up into the following areas: (1) basic health care, hygiene, and administrative procedures; (2) combat medical procedures and techniques; (3) hospital nursing duties; (4) practical and field training exercises.

In basic we had been taught immediate first aid procedures: the four-lifesaving steps and how to apply a field dressing. Each soldier is issued a small first aid pouch that basically contains a battlefield dressing and couple of other items; combat medics carry a much larger medical bag. On the battlefield it is the responsibility of the individual solider and other soldiers to do what they can to save themselves and the lives of others. Basic training taught us to stop the bleeding, clear and maintain the airway, protect the wound, and treat for shock. Then, call for the platoon medic with the aid bag to further treat a wound soldier.

The medical training program not only required us to learn many battlefield lifesaving techniques, but basic nursing procedures, too. Some of the hospital and nursing procedures we would learn and put into practice was how to draw blood, give shots, and start an IV. Other nursing duties would be changing bandages, positioning bedpans under patients, giving sponge baths, catheterization, and administering enemas. All of these procedures would be practiced on each other and a few would prove very personal in nature.

I think it was that first week or maybe even during zero week that I began to erotically fantasize about Chuck. I was aware that he aroused me sexually anytime I was around him. I wonder about his sexuality, too. I was curious if he might be interested in me sexually. But I told myself that he was all Army now and into the machismo of it all; therefore, I should dismiss my lustful feelings for him. But I still had the strongest desire to crawl into bed and have sex with him.

I had engaged in and enjoyed both heterosexual and homosexual experiences while in grade school and high school, and considered myself fairly experienced sexually. I had never labeled myself and didn’t want to start the practice. I knew one thing for sure I was fast becoming physically attracted to and lusting for Chuck. However, because homosexuality was totally taboo in the military I knew that I could not let him know about my true feelings for fear of being exposed and losing Chuck’s friendship. Moreover, I was scared of the repercussions if the Army found out about how I felt.

Although I could not act on my sexual feelings about Chuck I spent many nights frustrated, fantasizing about what it would be like to experience sex with him. Maybe, one of my secret desires after being drafted was to see if Army training could straighten my thinking out and make me more of a man. However, the thoughts were still present after weeks in the Army, and after a very long spell without any sex. Seemed as if I was aroused much of the time. I was one horny GI. I found that the two of us were spending much of our off duty time together and had grown somewhat close over the preceding days. We slept in the same barracks, but Chuck was billeted on the top floor in a squad leaders room. Me, I was on the main floor in the large squad bay area. Chuck was one of the acting squad leaders for the training company because of his prior military duties, experience, and training. Chuck was much more militaristic than I was because he had taken Army ROTC in school. Even though Chuck was only twenty years old he projected a powerful sense of military bearing and his presence demanded attention.

Chuck was the more adventuresome of the two of us, and was more of a natural leader than me. Those leadership skills and traits had scored him acting sergeant stripes, squad leader and platoon sergeant positions, in basic training. Now he was an acting sergeant again, squad leader, for our medical training company. Whenever possible we hung out together, ate together in the mess hall, went to the clubs on post together, and were looking forward to going into San Antonio, if we could wrangle a pass for the weekend.

I had managed to get through the first week of training without any gigs from the Training NCOs; furthermore, our whole platoon ended up with the least amount of demerits in the company. So, as a reward there was no Saturday duty for our platoon, and we all managed to end up with early weekend passes. Chuck and I prepared to sign out on pass that Friday afternoon at the orderly room. We smiled and joked as visions of San Antonio’s fun filled pubs with Texas beer and pussy galore danced in our heads.

The weekend pass meant that we did not have to be back on post until Sunday night for bed check. As we departed the orderly room the Charge of Quarters (CQ), told us to take a handful of rubbers from the bowl and said, “I don’t want you Dickheads coming back in here with the damn clap drippin’ off your pathetic little peckers. And don’t be knockin’ any of them whores up either”

We took a final look in the mirror to make sure our uniforms were squared away before heading out to San Antonio. We both looked handsome in our uniforms with our expert marksmanship badges and National Defense Service Medal ribbons pinned over the left breast pockets. Both of us had been promoted one pay grade out of basic. This was earlier than our peers due the high scores we had achieved on tests when we graduated from BCT. Chuck had made honor graduate in basic and had been promoted to PFC; I had distinguished myself during my BCT cycle too and been promoted to Private E-2. We told the CQ we would be careful in San Antonio as we headed towards the door.

The CQ said, “Private Thomas, Top has some good news and bad news for you when you get back.”

I stopped and turned around asking the Sergeant, “Do you know what kind of news the First Sergeant has for me?”

“Yes, but it’s Top’s job to fill you in on the details on Monday. Don’t fret about it and have a good time in town, you’ve earned it,” he said smiling at us. “Oh,” said the CQ, “Make sure you stop at Tony’s Inferno on Commerce Street, but don’t drink too much and don’t let them whores take advantage of you two.”

I knew from the Sergeant’s smile that the news couldn’t be too bad. Finally, it was off to catch a bus into town to see if we could score with some of the local ladies. There was so much to take in and do in San Antonio that spring 1968. We took the short bus ride into San Antonio and set out on foot in search of some of that good local Lone Star beer to quench our thirst and San Antonio whores to satisfy our sexual desires.

We were somewhat overwhelmed when we arrived in San Antonio that afternoon. The World’s Fair was scheduled to kick off on Saturday, so the town was awash with tourists. And then there was a sea of GIs and Airmen to contend with in our quest for fun and glory that weekend. We were on a crusade for pleasure, but oh we were so naive about the ways of San Antonio. We had no wheels and no civvies yet, so we were limited in our quest for quiff. We didn’t have much money between us, and we were not going to spend all of our money on some prostitute pussy or a bought blowjob.

Once in town we decided to walk around and scope things out. After a few stops for beers and no luck landing any ladies for an evening of pleasure we decided that it was time to secure a place for us to stay the night. After walking along the river walk we stopped at a café and pooled our money to see how much we had between us for meals and for two nights lodging. We sat there calculating our finances and it was decided that a single room at a local hotel for two nights was all we could afford. After the hotel we would just enough money leftover for meals and drinks until we got back to Fort Sam.

We decided that I would get the room because I was twenty-one and had a couple of credit cards. I told Chuck to wait for me and I would come back for him when I got the room. After searching I managed to get a single room on the fifth floor with a double bed, radio and television at the Crockett Hotel. I decided to put the room on one of my credit cards so we would have some extra walking around money for the weekend.

Once in the room I secured my small shaving kit and headed back to the coffee shop to get my roommate for the weekend. When I arrived back at the coffee shop Chuck was still trying to make time with a waitress, but was not fairing well. So, after about another hour of senseless bantering with the young girl Chuck decided that the two were not going to connect; thus, no pussy that night.

We headed off to the hotel for the night. Chuck for some reason didn’t appear too distraught about not scoring with the waitress. I reminded Chuck of the entry drill: we would enter the hotel a few minutes apart and meet in the room at separate times. The drill was, if a hotel employee stopped him at the desk he was to tell the person stopping him that he was there to meet his Army buddy in room 520, and then they would either let him pass or call me to the lobby.

I entered the hotel and headed upstairs to our room. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and there stood Chuck with a shit-eating grin on his face. I told him to get his ass inside the room.

I pulled Chuck into the room and told him that we had the room for two nights and we had to check out by eleven on Sunday morning. I told Chuck we would have to share the double bed because that was all we could afford. He smiled at me and eagerly agreed, saying that he had shared a bed with his younger brother before going away to college, so it was no big deal. Sleeping arrangements were set; now it was time for our showers and hit the hay. We had a big weekend ahead of us, so it was time to get some much-needed sleep.

I couldn’t believe the hunky heartthrob of my desires was about to become my bedmate for the next two nights. I had dreamed about getting him in bed with me and now the dream was going to become a reality. Chuck was going to be lying in bed next to me for two nights. We stripped out of our uniforms down to our skivvies, got our toiletries items out of the shaving kits, and prepared to shower. We had seen each other nude before so it was no big deal to be nude or partially nude in front of each other.

Chuck was first into the shower, so I decided to brush my teeth while he showered. Once finished he pulled the shower curtain back and climbed out of the shower leaving the water running for me. He stood there behind me with an impish grin on his face and told me the shower was all mine. I couldn’t help but steal a glance, gazing into the mirror at the reflection of his beautiful bronze body. The year he had worked construction had paid off.

Chuck was a boyishly handsome hunk around six feet tall moderately muscled with a well-toned smooth body and short blond flattop haircut. Standing there in front of the mirror my eyes lingered as they drank in the reflection of his slack schlong hanging over a slightly darker wrinkled scrotal sac.

The thing that really caught my eye was that pretty pink circumcised cockhead. I stood there mesmerized by the reflection of the hunk of my dreams standing there naked behind me; his schlong in a semi-erect state of arousal, hanging flaccid about four inches in length. Now, I finally got a good look at the man of my desire completely naked standing there behind me. I broke my stare as I felt my own cock begin to lengthen, turned away, stepped into the shower, and pulled the curtain closed behind me.

I could hear Chuck brushing his teeth and then gargling over the shower water running. I was enjoying just standing under the showerhead letting the warm water pelt down and bead on my body. Forgetting the shampoo I asked Chuck to hand me the little bottle of complimentary hotel shampoo so I could wash my hair. Before I knew it he had stepped back in the shower behind me and was pouring some of the shampoo on my head lathering my scalp up, “You don’t mind if I wash your hair do you? My brother and I used to wash each other’s hair when we lived at home.”

I tilted my head back letting him run his hands over my head massaging my scalp, “Thanks,” I said.

I felt the head of his semi-hard cock brush against my buttocks as my own joystick jumped to attention. Secretly I was scared of what was going on and didn’t know how to react. I wanted Chuck’s sexual advances, but I really didn’t know what all of it meant at that point. I chidingly told Chuck, “You can massage and wash my head all night long if you want.”

Chuck said with a chuckle, “But the shower’ll be cold in a few minutes if I spend all night in here washing your hair.”

Damn, I wanted Chuck so bad that night. My cock had grown hard as a rifle’s barrel. I fantasized about the two of us having sex together, right there in the shower. I wanted to turn around take Chuck into my arms pressing our hard bodies; our swords dueling we each other, while my mouth found his. We would stand there passionately embracing each other, but I found that I was paralyzed with fear. Too scared to do anything except stand there, letting him massage and wash my head.

Suddenly, Chuck ceased what he was doing as quickly as he had started and stepped out of the shower. My head was spinning; I was delirious with desire for Chuck, what was happening, and why had he stopped washing my hair? I couldn’t get the thoughts of sex with him out of my mind and didn’t want to. Dumbfounded, I rinsed off and stepped out of the shower to dry off. I could see that Chuck was already relaxing on the bed with nothing but a towel covering his crotch as I finished drying.

I wrapped the towel around my waist, tucking a corner of the towel into the top of the towel securing it in place, and then moved into the bedroom.

As I flopped down on the bed I remarked to Chuck, “Here it is almost midnight on a Friday night and two good-looking Army studs are here in this hotel room without any pussy on the first night of our first weekend pass in San Antonio.” We continued to talk for a few more minutes both of us propped up on our elbows facing each other in the bed, talking about anything and everything. We smelled so fresh. Both of our mid sections were still covered with towels as we talked, but I was tenting under my towel. My eyes were soaking up every bit of Chuck’s great looking upper body, so smooth, tanned, and toned.

I asked him cautiously, “Are you scared of what is ahead of us buddy?”

He asked me, “What do you mean? What is ahead of us tonight or when we get Nam?” Looking into my eyes with self-confidence Chuck said, “We’re going to make it through the Nam okay, but we should live each day from now on as if it were our last.”

He told me with confidence that things would get better for us before we ended our weekend in San Antonio. “Hey,” Chuck said, “Ya want a back massage, yer really tense man.”

“Yeah, I think I would enjoy that,” I replied.

“Lie on the bed face down and I’ll give ya the best damn massage ever, private,” Chuck said confidently.

I rolled over on my stomach positioning my cock in the process. Chuck got up behind me, straddling me with his knees on the outsides of my buttocks and thighs. I could feel a tickle on my ass from the towel still wrapped around his waist as he proceeded to start at my shoulders and neck working the muscles so very tenderly. His hands had a magical touch as they pushed, pressed, and kneaded the tired muscles in my neck, shoulders, and upper back.

“Was I out of line, you know earlier in the shower?” Chuck asked.

I told him reassuringly, “No. I was cool with it; in fact, kinda enjoyed it.” The next question Chuck asked me was a question that was to change our relationship forever.

“Have you ever messed around with another guy before?” Chuck said to me self-assuredly.

I pretended to be a little shocked at what Chuck was saying and answered meekly with, “What do you mean?”

I didn’t know what to say or how to answer his question without giving away my desire for him. “I mean were in the Army, you know were soldiers and all,” I said rather cautiously. Chuck boldly replied, “Either you have or you haven’t had sex with another guy; it’s a simple question man. Fuck all that Army and soldier bullshit. I know what I want tonight. I want you tonight Tyler. Fuck the whores; you are the one I want to have sex with tonight Ty. There I said it.”

With that he easily lay down on my back, I could feel his cock positioned in the crack of my ass. He began tenderly kissing the back of my neck and shoulders. I shuddered with pleasure as my head spun deliriously out of control, thinking was he going to fuck me right then and there. Chuck pushed up off of me, removing the towel from around his waist and went back down again pressing his hot cock into my awaiting ass crack. I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he said; “All I want to do is spend the entire weekend with you babe.”

My heart was pounding out of my chest with lust, and my cock was throbbing against my stomach and the mattress.

Chuck said, “I just want to enjoy the weekend with you and hopefully you will enjoy it with me. Just the two of us having sex together.”

I was flabbergasted as Chuck began kissing my neck again, letting his tongue lick at my earlobes. The smell of sexual desire was permeating the room. I wanted him to press his hard cock into my asshole and take me with gusto. I wanted us to take each other that night. But I thought that I better let him take the lead to see what developed. He was good at taking the lead; he was a natural leader. He pushed up off me and as I rolled over my towel slipped off exposing my raging rifle poised to assault.

“My what an impressive looking mushroom head we have here,” Chuck remarked.

“Thanks,” I said, “Glad you like it.”

Chuck then looked at me longingly with those beautiful blue eyes. His hands on his hips with his cock almost touching mine, he said, “It’s about time these two fellows met.”

He leaned forward and as our members touched it was like electricity flowing between us. He reached out putting his hand behind my head and neck pulling me close to his face. Our lips touched, our mouths opened accepting each other’s tongues. This was the first time I had ever kissed another guy with any passion. We rolled around on the bed our bodies intertwined sexually, kissing passionately. We broke apart and smiled at each other still holding each other. Both of us were very much sexually aroused and our cockheads glistened with a little precum.

“Chuck, that’s the first time I’ve ever kissed another guy with any meaning attached to it. I mean when I was younger it was all about getting off. You know, just getting a nut,” I said.

“I guess that pretty much answers my question,” Chuck said smiling. “So, why didn’t you turn around and react this passionately when we were in the shower together a few minutes ago?”

“I guess I was scared. I really wanted to turn around. Hell, I wanted to turn around and have sex with you right there in the shower, but I was too scared to turn around and do anything.”

“Damn man, you scared the shit outa me when you didn’t turn around and reciprocate to my gestures and touching,” Chuck said with a frown and then broke into that impish grin of forgiveness.

We continued to hold each other and talk for a few more minutes. Chuck freely told me that he had done some sexual things with guys when he was younger in the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades, but he became involved with a girl at the beginning of their sophomore year. He told me they had dated steadily through high school then they split up after graduation when he went off to college. He told me that he and his brother had experimented sexually. He confided to me that he had wanted to have sex with me when we were in college a couple of years earlier. Wow, what a shock that was to me. Here I thought that it was just me that was lusting after him.

I asked him, “Have you ever had intercourse with a girl yet?” And what have you done with guys?”

Chuck revealed that he had participated in oral sex and intercourse a few times with a couple of girls, and that he had participated in mutual masturbation with other boys and his brother. He also told me that he had engaged in some oral sex activities with both guys, too.

“I guess I really enjoy a good blowjob more than intercourse,” Chuck said smiling, “but girls just don’t know how to give good head, and you know that’s what a guy really wants most of the time. Plus, girls want all that commitment shit, too. Guys just want to get off.”

I agreed with that and told Chuck I really enjoyed good oral sex too and had done pretty much the same types of things he had when I was younger. I didn’t tell him that I had experimented with anal sex. I told him that I had started a little earlier in life with my sexual exploits. He was eager to hear how young I was, what all I had experienced, and with whom.

The next few minutes we continued to fill each other in on our sexual escapades to date. After I finished my little dissertation on my youthful sexual endeavors the two of us then lay back on the bed holding hands with fingers intertwined. There were a few minutes of long silence as the two of us digested what had just happened and been said between us.

Suddenly, Chuck rolled over on his right side gently placing his leg inside mine with his hand on my chest whereby he began tweaking my right nipple. I could feel my cock jump against Chuck’s leg as he said, “So, I see these little nubs are sensitive, too.”

I moaned softly as he continued to play with my nipple as he looked longingly into my eyes with a wry smile on his face. My nipples are so very sensitive and I react very quickly to tactile arousal. I rolled closer to Chuck, gazing into his beautiful blue eyes and said to him with a slight giggle, “I’ll give you an hour or so to stop playing with my nipples big boy.”

I reached over and took Chuck’s perky little nipple between my thumb and forefinger, rolling it around and feeling that hard little nub. His nipples seemed to be equally sensitive to touch. I looked at his well-defined chest and could see that both of his nipples were erect, too. Chuck pushed me back on the bed and began lightly flicking my hard left nipple with his tongue, and then he began subtly sucking on it. I was moaning, on the edge of an orgasm. We were both hard: top and bottom. I wanted to kiss him again so badly; maybe he sensed my feelings as he moved away from my nipple up to my mouth, smothering my lips with his. His face was so smooth, his breath smelled so fresh, the scent from the aftershave he had put on his body after showering, and the perfume of our pheromones were beginning to overwhelm me with wanton desire. I opened my mouth accepting his tongue; are tongues darted around exploring our mouth’s, we began dueling with each other’s tongues. We were nibbling and sucking on each other’s lips; it was so sensual. We were both fully aroused at this point and breathing heavily. Chuck broke the kiss as he rolled over with more of his body covering mine his cock resting it in my crotch. I could feel our hot cocks pressing against each other’s bodies.

Chuck whispered in my ear, “God your cock is so damn hard and you are so fucking hot man.”

I said, “So is yours and so are you babe; should we get down to business and do something about it.”

Chuck said, “What you got in mind?”

“I’ll show you,’ having said that I turned in the bed our head and feet opposite each other, facing towards each other’s crotches.

Once into the sixty-nine position lying on our sides it was time for some action. I took my new lover’s hard cock into my mouth fully wetting and exploring it with my tongue. Chuck wasted no time reciprocating. Our tongues tenderly tantalized each other’s cockheads, we sucked each other’s ‘nads, and explored the taint. We smelled each other’s pubic hair and in general totally explored each other’s genital area not really trying to get the other to orgasm yet.

Finally, Chuck asked as we took a break from each other’s crotches, “How do you finish off? Do you swallow or do you just shoot it in the air and let it fly,” he giggled at the last part of the sentence.

I said, “I have done it both ways what about you?”

We were both still trying to tactfully feel each other out about how at ease we were with what we were doing that night, and what we wanted and liked sexually.

Chuck said, “Same with me.

I said, “Tell you what; while we’re sixty-nining, if either of us doesn’t want to swallow the others cum yet let’s signal each other with a slap on the ass cheeks when we’re ready to cum. The same signal applies if either one of us gets to deep into the process, you know bucking, moaning, and sucking a little too fast. I don’t know about you babe, but I want this night to last as long as possible.”

Chuck replied, “Okay. I agree totally with that man.” We then resumed sixty-nining each other.

We kissed, licked, and sucked each other’s sensitive cockheads for what seemed like eternity, slowing or stopping every once in a while to catch a breath and delay the inevitable – orgasm. I know that we both wanted the experience to last for as long as possible that night. But the inevitable can only be postponed for so long when two people are having great sex and enjoying each other. For me the big “O” was coming fast.

I could feel the ecstasy of an orgasm building within me. I was getting those little tingling signals in my legs and feet that I would get when I was jacking-off and just about ready to cum. We were bucking into each other fucking each other’s face with pure lustful passion. We began to slap each other on the ass, thereby spitting each other’s cocks out. We both began to jerk each other off to climax. We were bucking and moaning as we stroked each other to finality. A fourth of July fireworks display was going off inside my head; the band was playing loudly in my ears as the pressure of orgasm neared. I opened my eyes just as I unloaded the biggest load of jizz in my life.

Whitish ropes of spooge were flying in all directions from both our magnificent man meats. I unleashed maybe three good ropes of spooge and Chuck three or four, who was counting. Then the remaining opaque looking fluids dribbled and oozed out of our piss slits, running down over our cockheads as both of us went back down, licking the remaining droplets of cum from each other’s pink cockheads.

We lay there for a few minutes holding each other tenderly, kissing and licking our now softening schlongs that were fast becoming very sensitive to the touch. Finally, we were both too sensitive to continue on that course, so we just lay there soaking in the heavy aroma of sex that hung in the room.

After some minutes we both got up and silently headed towards the bathroom where we each took a piss, cleaned up, using the mouthwash we freshened our mouths. We headed back to bed where we snuggled in each other’s arms for the night. As we lay there not a further word was spoken between us, both of us knew we had experienced something very special and extraordinary that night. I knew that my sexual appetite for Private Chuck Campbell US Army, although whetted, was not yet fully satisfied. I knew I wanted more from this sexy hunk as I drifted off to sleep that Friday night in April of 1968.

You may want to print the story out for easier reading.

Send me e-mail: Subject line Young Army Buds at

All rights reserved. This story is protected under copyright laws and may not be reproduced or distributed on any sites or publications without the express written permission of the author. Comments and critics on the story are welcome and may be addressed to: Subject line Young Army Buds.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Mr Arousal

Army Buds, Chapter 1

Author: Mr. Arousal Chapter 1: A Weekend Together The acting Platoon Sergeant called the platoon to attention, did a smart about face, rendering a hand salute, and gave the morning report, “All present or accounted for, Sir!” That’s how the first day of training started for Class 119-A at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, on that mild Monday morning, April Fool’s Day, 1968. All the trainees


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