Gay Erotic Stories

Face In The Mirror, Day 5, Part 1: Roberto and Rick

by Controlone
25 Mar 2004

Arm Pits Best Friends Bondage Discipline Fetish Friends Hairy Hypnosis Jockstraps Muscle Role Playing Romance S/M Straight Men, Gay Sex

Face In The Mirror Day 5—Part 1—Roberto and Rick

In the Organization’s suite at the posh Los Angeles hotel, Roberto paced back and forth while his charge, the Latino boy singer, knelt naked on the floor, wondering why his master seemed so distraught.

It was terribly strange for Roberto to be nervous. He’d spent forty years developing his suave sophistication. At 6’2” tall, 160 lbs, with wavy black hair, deep brown eyes, bronze skin and a square jaw he was truly a GQ kind of guy. In street lingo he was built like a brick shithouse and he knew it. He’d breezed through candidacy thirteen years ago, dazzling his masters with his beauty; proved himself a gifted human resources exec interacting smoothly with senior controllers while he was still a junior. His career to date had him on the fast track to leadership. Then he asked for a more challenging assignment: to master a candidate with a “public” life, a young Latin singing star, and “Rick” entered the picture.

Roberto knew from day one that he was intensely attracted to the twenty-eight year old boy, but he thought he could handle it; keep it in check; not let his personal feelings get in the way. Complications ensued; the kid was equally drawn to his controller, and it was more than the usual candidate “transference.” Rick began to fall for Roberto the first time they met, days before any of his hypnotic training began. In a matter of weeks lust gave way to love and the pair were hopelessly entangled.

All the responsibility for this mess was going to fall on the Roberto’s shoulders. He was the seasoned control master, well aware, from the start that he should notify his superiors; tell someone that he had been compromised. The boy would have been assigned a new controller and his training would have continued. But Roberto choked; he let his feelings cloud his judgment and he tried to act as both the kid’s supreme overlord AND his lover, an untenable dichotomy, especially from the beginning of the boy’s candidacy. Roberto was making love to his charge, frequently releasing him from his hypnotic state in order to screw each other senseless. Now it was the boy’s training that was hopelessly fucked! He’d need a complete evaluation and would probably have to re start his candidacy from beginning… under a new mentor. A problem this severe had never occurred. Till now they’d been detected early and corrected.

Roberto worried about his future in the Organization, but he was scared shitless of being permanently separated from Rick, the boy he loved with all his heart and soul. C had it in his discretion and power to send them to opposite ends of the earth. Roberto had been weaned on warm Mediterranean breezes; now he imagined the freezing winds blowing through him at his new posting in Siberia. That was his nightmare; BUT C could make it real with the stroke of a pen. Roberto knew how much Rick wanted to be part of the Organization, how happy he was to be a candidate. He also knew C was capable of erasing this love affair from Rick’s brain, making it all a distant echo. Roberto was well aware what C could do, but he had no idea what in fact he would do.

The knock at the door almost sent Roberto into cardiac arrest. He jumped a foot, and then ran to answer. It was his very good friend John, the doctor who had gone through candidacy with him.

John, looking dapper as hell, entered, “Hey Rob, how goes it?”

Roberto was tight as a drum, “Oh Christ John, I’ve really messed up this time. C’s got to be pretty angry. I’ve done everything wrong, gotten personally involved with my candidate, acted like an idiot and I may have compromised the Organization. Can you tell me anything? You know C a lot better than I do. How mad is he? What do you think he’s going to do?”

John forced a smile, “…. um, you sure did screw the pooch man. Why the fuck didn’t you tell someone, me for instance, you had a problem? When we spoke two weeks ago you said you had everything handled. You didn’t have things ‘handled;’ you just kept fucking around till you got caught. And holy shit, Rob, you got caught by a goddamned reporter…. a reporter. You can bet your ass C is going to be pissed. He has to fly out here and straighten out YOUR mess. If I were, you I’d be practicing my supplication…on my knees.”

Roberto asked the more pressing question, “Johnny, do you think…. would he…. Will C separate us, Rick and me forever? What can I do? What should I do? Oh Christ, Johnny, I love this kid. If C says we can’t ever see each other again, it will kill me. Oh God, Johnny… will he? Tell me what you think.”

John shook his head, “Jesus Rob, you’ve got more important issues to worry about. You don’t seem to realize that you screwed up that boy’s, YOUR BOY’S, candidacy. It sounds like you’re only thinking about yourself. YOU messed up, but your boy is going to pay for it. What about him?”

Roberto stared at the floor, “You’re wrong John, I’m thinking about him too. He feels the same way. He doesn’t know anything about this problem… doesn’t know about the photograph…. or that C is coming. I made sure the boy has no idea there’s a problem that could separate us forever. I don’t know what he’s going to do. He says he loves me as much as I love him.”

As John was about to answer there did Scott and James follow movement at the door, and a moment later C entered the room.

Once in the room, James was quickly out of his clothes and on his knees beside the chair his master had indicated with a nod. C went to the bar, took a deep breath, got a glass of cold water with a twist, walked over to the chair, and sat down. He raised his hand and James immediately removed his shoes and began to massage his feet.

As the other men found places to sit C said, “Roberto collect your boy and come over here where we can talk.”

Roberto moved to the loveseat across from C and motioned for Rick to come with him. Roberto sat; Rick knelt at his feet with the parachute harness he was so “attached to” dangling from his balls

C had Roberto put his boy into a hypnotically receptive state so that he could hear and understand everything he was about to hear. Then C began, “Roberto, you’ve made a substantial error and you should have known better. This affair with your charge began the day he was first assigned. I can’t tell you how disappointed I am in your unprofessional behavior. You’ve done yourself, this boy, and the Organization a titanic disservice.

Here’s what’s going to happen. The candidate, Rick, will immediately be assigned a new control master. He’s going to have to drop out of the public eye for perhaps two months, for reassessment and training. We will do our best to correct your mistake. I will see that the boy gets the necessary guidance and instruction he’ll need to make junior control successfully. He will be made whole.

Roberto, I have transferred you to our office in Naples for the next year. During that time you will have NO contact with THIS candidate, nor any other candidates nor anything to do with the training program; NEXT you will be assigned a staff psychiatrist for a complete psych evaluation and whatever counseling he deems appropriate; NEXT should you wish to master in the future I will require that you repeat the entire training course. Roberto, if you complete the next year without incident; if you do not try to contact Rick for that entire year; if our counseling staff give you a clean psych report; if Rick satisfies his candidacy; then if, at that time, you BOTH wish to see each other; I, we, the Organization will not interfere. Is that all clear Roberto?”

With tears clouding his eyes and a lump rising in his throat, Roberto leapt from his seat, pulled C out of his chair, and gave him a crushing hug, “Thank you C. God, I don’t know what to say. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

C returned the hug, perhaps not so enthusiastically, as both pussyboys watched in stunned amazement at their masters’ unusual display. James had been programmed to ignore most controller interaction, but this was so strange and unexpected that part of his mind had gone on alert, in case his master was in some sort of danger… and another part of James felt a pang of jealousy seeing another man display such affection to his… to David.

When the two men parted C thought for a moment. He had one more detail to consider, one last matter to settle. He walked over to the “Hollywood handsome,” honey skinned crooner kneeling next to the love seat. He put his hand under Rick’s chin and brought the boy’s eyes in line with his own. When he let go a second later the candidate’s head remained frozen in place, his gaze locked into C’s. C tapped the boy’s forehead with his index finger and said, “Deeper… and deeper…. and deeper.”

The young man’s whole body relaxed. But his eyes never moved a millimeter from C’s, or blinked.

C continued, “Boy, I am speaking directly to your unconscious. I want only the absolute truth. Nothing else. How do you feel about your master, Roberto?”

Without a moment’s hesitation he responded, “Sir, I love him with my whole heart.”

C responded, “Has he given you any suggestions…. any suggestions at all that might have influenced your feelings?”

“NO, SIR.”

C thought for a second, “Have you ever felt this way about any other man or woman?”


C responded, “Do you give yourself freely to him?”

“YES, SIR”… then the hint of a smile and, “…. as he gives himself freely to me.”

C finished, “That’s quite enough Boy. You may now return to your relaxed state.” He snapped his fingers.

C turned to Roberto with a benevolent smile, “Look… um… Roberto…. I’m going to break protocol and give you and your boy some time to say goodbye…. Use the suite at the end of the hall. You won’t be disturbed for the next…. couple hours. Someone will call you when the cars arrive to take you each to your next assignment. Throw a bathrobe on the kid, and get the hell out of here.”

For the second time in five minutes Roberto had C in a bear hug. He understood why everyone who knew C loved him so completely. C was truly a man’s man, who understood human weakness and love, and knew that when men’s hearts overruled their heads it wasn’t necessary to respond with draconian measures; that forgiveness could be the forge that wrought a sinner to a saint… and C was not a hypocrite. In the back of his mind were all his misgivings about James. How could he come down on Roberto with both feet when he had the same feelings boiling in his own belly? C was hoping the benevolent forces in the universe were looking down to guide him in making his own arduous decision to love James or not, to give in or to deny his feelings and himself. C felt almost as lost as Roberto.

Meanwhile Roberto raced to one of the suite’s bathrooms and grabbed a folded terry robe; he flew out, picked Rick off the floor, threw the robe over the boy’s shoulders, hustled him out the door and down the hall. Even before the automatic door to C’s suite closed they all heard the door at the other end of the hall slam with great force. The lovers were no doubt saying goodbye.

Scott looked at his brother, “Oh my god, you old softie you. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it.”

C wasn’t amused, “Shut the hell up. What did you think I was going to do, send him into exile somewhere, cut off his balls? Under the circumstances I did what was reasonable.”

John interjected, “C, I have to say that I expected you to get angry, blow up, do some yelling. I was surprised by your restraint. You do have a pretty famous temper.”

C answered, “Don’t you think Roberto has been screaming at himself. I’d bet his conscience had been driving him crazy. There’s nothing I could have said that would have been worse than what he’s been saying to himself. Getting angry or making a lot of noise wouldn’t have been productive. As it is they’re going to be separated for a year. If they really do love each other that’s going to be punishment enough……………… And what the fuck was that crack about my ‘famous temper?”

John tried to back peddle, “Nothing… I shouldn’t have said that….”

Before he could finish Scott added, “Get out of town David, I’ve seen you take a guy’s head off at the neck for pissing you off.”

C’s temper was in fact rising, “ONLY when it’s USEFUL. I’ll scream and yell if it serves a purpose. I’m happy to drop the hammer if the situation calls for it, to correct a candidate, to put a junior control in place, to make absolutely certain that EVERYONE in the room understands just how serious I am. THEN I’ll let loose. But what horrible offense did Roberto commit? He fell in love for Christ’s sake. I’ll be fucked before I use automatic weapons on a guy for losing his head after losing his heart. Besides, I can fix this with a few hours of my time. Sure, that boy, Rick, is going to have to repeat a big chunk of his candidacy. But that’s not going to harm him in the long run. And it’s just possible he found something almost as valuable.

Scott was taken aback, “Holy shit, brother. I think you’re becoming a romantic.”

C raised an eyebrow and wore the hint of a smile, “I’d like to think I’ve always been a romantic. Sometimes you people forget I’m as human as the rest of you a virtually infallible human, but human nevertheless. The only problem here is dealing with this punk reporter. Boys, that’s going to be a breeze, that’s going to be a picnic, that’s going to be fun.”

Scott took the bait, “OK brother, fill us in. What have you got planned for this poor sap coming here to blackmail you? Jesus, David, what are you going to do to this kid?”

Now it was C’s turn to be annoying, “You’ll just have to wait and see. He’s not due for a few hours. So relax; get a drink; grab a section of the newspaper; take a shower; or, if you like, my pussyboy will give you the best massage, blow job, or fuck you’ve ever had ………as soon as I’m done with him.” C returned to his chair and his foot rub.

James was in his glory. He loved the warm slightly damp feel of C’s big wonderful wool socked feet; he loved everything about the man he faithfully served. In truth he wished he could take the socks off and slobber all over his master’s naked toes. James’ hard dick throbbed and pounded against his well-defined abs. C reached down and patted the boy’s platinum curls. James got the chills head to toe, and had to use all his control to keep from having a very unfortunate accident…. coming without permission would have cost him dearly


Roberto pulled Rick down the hall and into the vacant suite. He had the boy out of his hypnotic state and the robe before the door closed. The Latin singer at six-feet, was two inches shorter than his ex-controller. Both men had olive skin, black hair and brown eyes; the boy (28) had a smooth, well toned, muscular body with long hairy legs, big loose balls and an uncut seven inch reamer, while his mentor (40) had a fuzzy chest, with slightly larger sculpted muscles, long hairy legs, and an eight inch cut boy-tamer.

As Roberto hustled Rick into the bedroom and over to the bed the boy stopped in his tracks and faced his former master, “Rob, I want it all and I want it hard and I want it mean. Please, if you love me you’ll dial it up as far as you can go. I need to remember this fuck for a whole year. Be merciless.”

Roberto looked into the boy’s eyes, “You’re sure you want it that way?

Rick fired back, “…baby, if you love me, HARDER AND MEANER.”

Roberto answered, “We don’t have much to work with here but I’ll do my best, cum-breath.” And he savagely slapped the kid across the face.”

Rick grabbed his reddening cheek, winked at Roberto, and whispered, “…More baby, lots more…”

Roberto took Rick by his shoulders and threw him onto the bed. While Rick lay there watching, Roberto removed his suit coat and slowly snaked the tie out of his collar. He threw the coat onto a chair nearby, and tossed the tie onto the bed. He stepped out of his Gucci loafers, climbed onto the bed, and positioned his knees on either side of the boy’s chest presenting him with his crotch. “Kiss my big hard cock you worthless cunt.”

As the boy nuzzled and kissed the front of his master’s pants Roberto grabbed him by the hair and pushed his hot mouth more forcefully into his groin. He tightened his grip, pulling Rick’s hair harder and harder. “Do a better job you brain-dead faggot. The only thing you pussyboys are good for is a long hard fuck.”

With his engorged cock threatening to tear through his trousers Roberto pulled the boy’s head away from his cock, “NOW LOOK AT ME shithead, and convince me not to beat you senseless.”

Rick looked up into his lover’s angry eyes and said, “Oh master, Sir, if only you won’t beat me, Sir I will do anything you wish. I will suck your dick. I will bathe your balls with my mouth. I will clean your body from your toes to your armpits with my lips and tongue. I will rim you, Sir, for as long as it pleases you. Sir, if only you won’t beat me, I will do anything, Sir, anything you wish. Just name it, Sir.”

Roberto hardened his face, “Then suffer for me boy…. suffer for me.”

Roberto moved off Rick’s chest, and went to the end of the bed. He took hold of the kid’s ankles and in one quick move he flipped him over onto his stomach. “Give me your fucking hands dickbreath!”

As Rick complied Roberto jumped back onto the bed, grabbed his tie and used it to bind the boy’s wrists tightly. Kneeling there looking down at this rare specimen of masculine beauty Roberto was filled with lust. He took hold of Rick’s bound hands and wrenched his arms up further and further till the boy’s shoulders were straining and shaking; then Roberto raised his free left hand and began to deliver one blistering slap after another to the boy’s unprotected, perfectly smooth, bubble butt. SLLLAAAPPP! SLLLAAAPPP! SLLLAAAPPP! SLLLAAAPPP! SLLLAAAPPP! SLLLAAAPPP! SLLLAAAPPP! SLLLAAAPPP! SLLLAAAPPP! SLLLAAAPPP!

After the tenth blow he let go of Rick’s hands and took hold of his head, again using a handful of the kid’s black curls as a handle; he yanked it up to look into his charge’s eyes. Sure enough they were filled with tears. The boy broke and began to sob.

“Your tears don’t impress me cum-dump. They only make me angrier. Learn to take it like a man instead of the big pussy-girl you are. Now roll over and get ready to tongue your master’s balls.” Roberto climbed off the bed.

Rick struggled and turned over. It was obvious from his bouncing prick, covered in pre-jizz that, in spite of the tears, the boy was hotter than a pistol and ready for more.

Roberto barked, “Get off the fucking bed you lazy cunt. Down on the floor, on your knees in front of me. Get my pants off prick-face, and be quick or there’ll be ten more whacks. And, this time they’ll blister.”

Rick was young, in perfect form, and strong as a stallion. He maneuvered his body up and off the bed, fell to his knees and crawled to the front of his master’s pants. As a well-trained pussyboy his mouth, after months of practice, was talented at opening belts, undoing buttons, and unzipping zippers. In less than a minute Roberto’s pants fluttered down to his ankles and his student was deftly sliding his jock strap off his very stiff prick, careful not to so much as graze it with the elastic waistband (a punishable offense for candidates) and guiding it very slowly down his legs to join the pants. As Roberto unbuttoned his shirt his face remain like stone, grim and stern. He raised his left foot, allowing the boy to completely remove the pants and jock from that side. Then followed suit with the right.

“I should make you fold them neatly and place them on a chair, but I haven’t the time. However, I will remember and hold it against you if you give me reason.” Roberto took the items and tossed them onto the chair. He gave his pussy-slave a “look,” and Rick immediately went to work.

The candidate used his lips and tongue to tease his master’s balls; next Rick lowered his whole torso and repositioned his head so that his master’s nuts rested on the boy’s brow; then he angled his face up so that he could reach Roberto’s asshole with the very tip of his tongue, and he tickled and teased and pushed and lapped at his ex-controller’s pucker; then he pulled back and licked and sucked on his perineum. Meanwhile Roberto’s pulsing prick dripped and drooled his own load of precum all over the boy’s jet-black locks.

“Get on my cock cunt-face, we haven’t got all fucking day. You’re pissing me off!”

Rick quickly pulled himself out from under Robert’s balls and swallowed his eight hard inches in one big gulp. It caught the controller at bit off guard and he found himself rising up onto his toes from the wild thrill it sent up his spine.

Roberto raised his left foot and put it into the leather loop under Rick’s special harness and applied some force. The “ball punisher” had been altered so that instead of having the usual metal ring for attaching weights there was a leather stirrup for Roberto’s foot. As Roberto added more and more of his weight to Rick’s balls the kid moaned the deepest, sweetest moan his master had ever heard, the sound of divine painful pleasure.

Rick swallowed and sucked. He drooled all over Roberto’s dick and slowly licked it dry; he put his lips around it and used his tongue to trace every vein and ridge; he nibbled all around the flange, then down and under and along the shaft till he got to the root where he applied several wet sloppy kisses; he soaked Roberto’s bush with his saliva and dried is with his lips and hot breath; he fucked his master’s piss hole with the very tip of his tongue.

And when Roberto could not bear another second he once more used the boy’s hair to pick him up off the floor and roughly drag him, crawling on his knees, back to the bed where he pulled him to his feet and heaved him onto the mattress. Without saying a word Roberto wrestled the boy onto his stomach so that he could untie his hands; then he grabbed his arm and forcefully turned him onto his back.

“HANDS!!! NOW!!!”

Rick’s hands shot out in front of him. Roberto tied his wrist tightly.


Rick folded his legs onto his chest and struggled to get his bound hands over his feet and behind his knees. It was a Herculean task; Roberto had bound the kid’s wrists together half way to his elbows; the boy had to bend and twist and flex till he was covered in a sweaty sheen. It took a while, but the boy was agile and he finally succeeded. Rick laid there, on his back, bound hands behind his knees; holding his hairy muscled legs up in the air over his head; leaving his ass, still bright red from the spanking, completely vulnerable to his master.

Roberto wasted no time; he dropped his shirt on the floor and took off his socks. A moment later he was looking down into his boy’s eyes, “Convince me not to fuck you dry.”

“Oh, my god! Master, please don’t fuck my ass without some lube. Oh, master, I am begging you not to rape my hole with your giant dick. I’m pleading, Sir, imploring you to use some grease, a drop of oil. You will kill me, Sir, with that enormous prick. It will tear me apart. It will leave my hole scarred and bleeding. PLEEEEEZE, MASTER! PLEEEEZE DON’T HURT ME! For the love of heaven, Sir, don’t rip me open. Don’t split my asshole. Pleeeze, Sir, pleeeeeeze! Sir, I will do anything you wish, say anything you ask, anything, Sir, ANYTHING! Please Master, won’t you let me lick and suck your cock Sir. Won’t you please let me wet your dick with my spit, Sir? You always know what is best, Sir. You are my leader, my supreme authority, my god Sir. I kneel at your feet. You are my lord. I do your bidding without question. For that master, all I pray is that you spit on my worthless hole. Please Sir some of your precious saliva…. just a drop Sir is all I ask………”

Roberto smiled a wicked smile as he stuffed both his socks into his stunning boy’s mouth; all the while Rick moaned and groaned and begged for mercy with his eyes as they filled with tears. Roberto got the belt off the robe and tied it around the boy’s head to keep the socks jammed in. “Listen jizz-breath I’ve been wearing those socks for almost two days. They need a good wash. SO GET BUSY. GO ON NOW DO IT. MOVE YOUR JAW. Work up a mouthful of juice. Get them good and wet. THEN MUNCH ON THEM SHITHEAD, until they taste good and clean. If I notice you stop chewing on those socks while I’m fucking your brains out, I swear I’ll beat your ass black and blue. IS THAT CLEAR?”

As Rick vigorously shook his head yes he began to fill his mouth with spit and chew on Roberto’s socks. He always obeyed…. without question…. He always obeyed.

Roberto sat on the boy’s right and while he watched him play washing machine Roberto began to pinch his nipple and lightly finger his anal ring. Rick’s hard dick bounced up and down burping up a drop of crystal clear goo. Then he leaned down and licked the boy’s tit. Rick closed his eyes and moaned. Roberto nibbled Rick’s nipple and tweaked the dark curls around his asshole. Rick got chills head to feet over head. Roberto bit down on the nub and plunged his unlubed finger into the kid’s hole. Rick’s eye’s shot open and he let out a muffled cry, “MMMM FFFFFF MMMMMM FFFFFF MMMMMM FFFFFFFF!”

Roberto wasn’t dissuaded. He chewed on Rick’s tender nip harder and harder till he tasted a drop of salty blood. After a minute the nipple was reddish purple, twice its normal size, and very erect. Roberto removed his mouth, grabbed the swollen boy-tit between his thumb and index finger, pinched hard and pulled with force. At the same time he replaced one finger with two and continued finger-raping his ass. Rick rocked back and forth; in this position there was nothing he could do… but get pinched and dry fucked.

Roberto let go of the nipple and used the same two fingers to hold Rick’s nose closed; at roughly the same time he replaced two fingers with three and continued to fuck the kid’s asshole with greater intensity, making sure to pound the boy’s prostate with every thrust.

Rick’s mind was running wild darting between the pain in his ass and his growing need for oxygen. Roberto just smiled.

When Rick’s face was good and purple and his ass was good and sore Roberto pulled both hands away; he immediately grabbed Rick’s throbbing prick with and seized his balls. He firmly pistoned the kid’s cock and squeezed his nuts.

After a couple minutes of this brutal hand-cranking Rick arched his back and came so hard his first volley went over his head and hit the wall above the headboard. He shot…and shot…and shot…and shot.

When Rick’s dick stopped firing and he began to relax Roberto jammed the same three fingers up his ass and began more vigorously jacking the kid’s easing tool. Rick groaned. His cock was supersensitive and his master’s forceful fisting was decidedly painful… at first. Roberto’s fingers were pushing and squeezing Rick’s cum gland and it was beginning to produce a reaction; the young man’s nipples rose to stony points and his balls began to rumble. Jesus Christ, as uncomfortable as the activity was Rick felt his lust begin to return… another minute and his prick began to drool. Roberto pumped harder… faster…. and he added more pressure to the kid’s jizz generator. Another minute and Rick began to feel that old familiar need…rising and edging him on. He started to moan and wiggle around on the bed. He felt his body flush. Sweat began to erupt out of his forehead. The jet curls covering his head became wet and heavy. Even his legs glistened with moisture.

Minutes passed. Roberto never waived. He kept at it…harder…stronger. He was ruthless and unrelenting. The boy’s head was drenched and his eyes were wild. Rick was consumed with the desire to cum. It went on and on. Roberto’s jacking hand was a blur of rapid action. Precum was flipping and flying off the swollen head of Rick’s turgid prick. Without realizing it the boy began to grunt; his chest started to heave; with every breath he rocked back and forth, further and further, till he actually began touching the headboard with his toes, and pounding his head into the bed. He was biting down on his sock gag with all his might, his jaw trembling; grunting, and growling, “RRRRRUMMMM! RRRRUMMMM! RRRRUMMMM! RRRRUMMMM!”

Rick’s eye’s closed tight, rolled up in his head, and the lids began to flutter madly. Roberto saw that and pulled his fingers out of the boy’s hungry hole. While he continued to fist Rick’s dick he used his free hand to slap the young man’s ass as hard as he could. SLLLAAAPPP! SLLLAAAPPP! SLLLAAAPPP! SLLLAAAPPP! SLLLAAAPPP!

Welt after welt rose up; each a perfect handprint until it was overlaid by the next. SLLLAAAPPP! SLLLAAAPPP! SLLLAAAPPP! SLLLAAAPPP! SLLLAAAPPP!

Rick thought he might lose his mind in the fog of deranged sensation, but sure enough as Roberto delivered the sixth WALLOP Rick’s cock exploded. The jizz, more watery this time, shot out like a stream of glassy piss and hit Rick full force between the eyes. It sprayed all over his face. It painted his forehead and saturated his lips. It dripped off his cheeks and leaked into his ears. It rolled down his chin and filled the hollow in his throat. It was a wondrous sight to behold.

Roberto pounced on the boy, licking and sucking his face clean. He quickly untied Rick’s wrists, which freed his arms and legs. Then he tore off the gag and pulled the sodden socks from his mouth. A moment later he was on top of his beautiful Adonis, devouring his mouth in a hot sucking kiss while he ground his steely rod into Rick’s stomach. The boy was in his glory. He was in his lover’s embrace. It was Eden.

It was Rick’s turn to act. He arched his back, and let gravity and the sweat between them take their course. Gradually Roberto’s body slid down further and further; so while the master was consumed with sucking his mouth dry the boy thrust his pelvis up, and viola, the master’s cock was between the boy’s legs. Roberto’s dick sent his head an urgent message to WAKE UP! The overheated controller kept his lips on the boy’s as he bent his knees; Rick pulled his legs up and Roberto plunged his solid marble phallus into the kid’s ass. There was no lube and it was a tight fit. Neither man cared. Roberto didn’t stop till his balls slapped Rick’s butt and his cock was buried to the root. He remained there for a minute while he finished exploring the boy’s mouth with his tongue, then he lifted himself off Rick’s chest and looked him in the eye.

As they stared into each other’s souls Roberto pulled his hard dick all the way out and then quickly impaled the boy with one deft motion. Rick went wild and bucked so hard he almost threw his master off the bed. From there on it was a power fuck. Roberto was merciless. He balled the kid as hard and fast as he could. He huffed and puffed and growled and snorted. He became a bronco madly, wildly, galloping home. Roberto fucked like a man trying to save his soul, trying to make a statement, trying to express his affection, his devotion, his remorse, and his total frustration. Without realizing it he began to cry. His tears rained down on Rick, who found himself as involved, and just as moved. So, he cried too.

The men were racing toward an emotional conclusion. Both gave way to instinct of fright or flight that’s planted in our genetic code. They sobbed and throbbed and fucked like feral beasts. The sobs became cries of lust, desire and need. The cries became shrieks. Each man felt his blood boiling and his balls churning. Scrotums tightened up around the root of each prick, pressing the sperm cocktail into the vas. It pumped up the tubes that passed their pulsing pounding prostates. There it joined with more fluid. The momentum grew and grew with the pressure in their balls and the urges in the pits of their stomachs. Roberto threw his head back. Rick arched his body and thrust his pelvis up to meet his lover’s stroke. They opened their mouths and yelled for the world to hear that they were COOOOOMMMMMMMIIIIIIIINNNNNGGGGGG! NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW!

Roberto delivered his load deep into his boy’s guts. Rick’s spurted up between them. They both shot again and AGAIN & AGAIN! Both men were utterly spent and Roberto dropped into the waiting arms of his lover.

For the next thirty minutes, the hot sweaty, steamy, sloppy, soggy couple held each other tightly and slipped and slid all over. Each covered the other’s body with warm wet kisses, until the rotten phone rang.


Back in C’s suite, Dr. John excused himself, headed for the john and a long hot bath. Scott smiled at his brother and crooked his head toward James, “While we’re waiting for this Fitzpatrick guy to show up, how’s about showing me what’s so special about this boy.”

C looked into his candidate’s eyes as the boy was vigorously rubbing the soles of C’s feet, “Boy, you may stop the massage.” James very gently set his master’s feet on the floor and waited for instruction.

Keeping his eyes locked with the boy’s C said, “James go to depth and bring up all your observational ability, NOW!” and he snapped his fingers. He waited a beat and said, “Are you there, boy?”

James’ eyes were glassy and he appeared to be far away. The voice that echoed from his throat had a strong, steady, solid tone. It was no longer the fearful, tentative pitch of a candidate. He responded, “Almost, Sir.”

C answered, “Well, get there, boy. Stop dilly-dallying.”

James responded, “Yes. Sir, I am there.”

C winked at Scott, “James, excluding our party, how many people did you see from the time we walked through the front doors of this hotel to the time we reached the door to this suite?”

James didn’t hesitate, “Sixty-four.”

C said, “James, don’t you mean sixty-five?”

James replied, “Respectfully, no, Sir. I remained four steps to your right. So, I didn’t see the man behind the reception area that went to fetch your messages. I did hear him, Sir. Would you like me to include all the people I heard as well?”

C was pleased, “That won’t be necessary. But, tell me about those you saw. Give me a breakdown by age in ten-year intervals.”

James was ready, “None below ten, six between 10 and 20, thirteen between 21 and 30, sixteen between 31 and 40, fourteen between 41 and 50, eleven between 51 and 60, three between 61 and 70, one between 71 and 80, and none above 80.”

C raised an eyebrow, “I’d make a few exceptions. There were ten between 51 and 60, and four between 61 and 70. I believe you under-aged the woman we passed in the gift shop by at least two years. That was a wig, Boy. It was a good facsimile. But, nevertheless it was a wig. The strands of hair sticking out here and there were pure white.”

James slowly nodded, “Naturally I would defer to your judgment, Sir. I noticed the wig, Sir. But, I missed the white hair. Sorry, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

C moved ahead, “Of those sixty-four people, how many were suspicious? Describe them and tell me why.”

James knew this one, “Three, Sir. A six-foot man, around fifty, in a navy pinstriped suit and dark glasses, standing in the lobby next to the mirrored pillar was wearing a gun in a shoulder holster. Another man, one or two inches shorter than the first, around thirty-five and dressed as a bellhop was loitering by the magazine stand. His facial expressions and demeanor were odd. He was holding a newspaper, but instead of reading it he was watching the activity at the front desk. And finally, the tall woman, perhaps thirty-four, in the burgundy business suit standing behind us on the elevator had a listening device in her left ear.”

C looked over at Scott, “He’s absolutely correct. There were three. Two of them work for us and one is probably hotel security.”

Scott was thunderstruck, “Christ, he’s good. I was never THAT observant, not as a candidate, and certainly not when I was attending to my controller. Do you have to program him before hand?”

C was very proud of his prodigy, “No, he’s just that gifted.”

Scott was excited, “More, David. Show me something else.”

C went on, “James, what mistake did I make on the limousine ride to the hotel.”

James didn’t falter, “You disingenuously referred to the young man rescued in Mexico as Tommy.”

C pushed him, “Explain.”

James continued, “You knew his name was Timmy, but chose to make the mistake.”

C prodded, “Why?”

James proceeded, “I believe you did it to put your brother at ease, to show him you were fallible, that even you make mistakes.”

Scott couldn’t contain himself, “James, how did you know that? You weren’t in Mexico. How did you know what my brother was doing?”

James had the hint of a self-satisfied smile, “Oh, Sir, by his tone, the inflection in his voice. I know my master’s voice, its quality and variation in sound. I live by his words. They nourish me. And, I love…”

C interrupted, “That’s quite enough, James.”

If he’d been give the chance, James would have happily professed his love for C’s voice, his love for everything about his controller, everything about Control One, about David. He didn’t just live by C’s voice and attend to it. The fact was he worshiped it.

James added, “Should I go on, Sir with the other mistakes?”

C inquired, “What other mistakes?’

James got a little bold, “Well, Sir, although your tie was meticulously knotted, the top button on your silk dress shirt was open.”

C’s eyes narrowed, “Boy, now you’re being presumptuous. That’s more a matter of style, of comfort than an actual mistake. Remember what I’ve told you. Don’t get carried away with your abilities and always keep your ego in check. You, my boy, have a strong tendency to show off. Now then, did I make any other ACTUAL mistakes?”

James sounded a little sheepish, “Well, Sir, does the use of uncommon contractions and colloquialisms that break the rules of grammar count as a mistakes?”

C was ready to take off his belt and tan James’ ass, “You know quite well they don’t. You’re intentionally being pedantic and I don’t like it one little bit. THAT DOES NOT IMPRESS ME!”

James lowered his head, “I do beg your pardon, Sir. I’m still learning and I’m very stupid, thick as a post, Sir, dumb as an ox. But, Sir, I do want to impress you. I very much want to astonish you. Oh, Master, it’s all for you. I do it all for you, Sir.”

C tried to tone down his annoyance, “Alright, James. But, I expect you to use your good judgment in these things. If I wanted to know every petty faux pas and tiny syntactical oddity I’d specifically ask you for them. They do not count as mistakes. In the future be sagacious, more analytical. Determine what’s important.”

Scott was thoroughly impressed, “Jesus, David. This kid is going to make one hell of a leader. I can only imagine what he’ll be able to do when he’s fully integrated, when he’s totally conscious and can use all his abilities in concert. David, do you realize he has the hots for you? He’s got it bad. My god, he fawns all over you, above and beyond any candidate to controller relationship I’ve ever seen. And, if you ask me I’d say…”

C interrupted, “But I didn’t ask you.”

Scott was not deterred, “See here, David, what’s good for the goose… You march into my life whenever you please. You give me advice. Hell, you tell me what to do. It’s your turn to listen. So, shut the fuck up. This kid loves you. He really loves you. What are you going to do about that? It’s not gonna go away. He’ll be junior control soon. What will you do then?”

For perhaps the first time in his life Scott saw his brother at a loss for words. Holy shit, C had a problem for which he didn’t know the answer. This was big. It was HUGE.

C spoke slowly considering his words, “Sailor-boy, I haven’t a clue. What’s worse, I’m not certain how I feel. This boy has a powerful effect on me. And, we must end this conversation NOW. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I will deal with it. When the time comes and it presents a problem, I’ll figure it out…I hope.”

C turned to his candidate, “James, I want you to block what Scott and I just said from your conscious memory. THAT IS AN ORDER, AN ORDER FROM YOUR CONTROLLER. AN ORDER FROM CONTROL ONE. AM I CLEAR?”

James pulled himself perfectly erect, “CRYSTAL CLEAR, SIR. IT’S BEEN PUT BEYOND MY REACH.”

Scott smiled at his brother, “David, that bridge you’re going to cross when you get to it, it’s getting closer every day. One more thing and then I’ll shut up.”

C returned, “As if that were possible.”

Scott loudly cleared his throat, “ONE MORE THING, love would do YOU a hell of a lot of good. And David, you’d be great at it. And, I think… No, I believe YOU LOVE THIS KID.”

C was firm, “ENOUGH!”

He made one error, a miscalculation. He didn’t have James block what Scott had just said. It resonated in the young man’s mind. Over the next hours, it ricocheted back and forth from his unconscious to his conscious and back again.

Scott skated past the issue, “So, David, what other feats of wonder can the magic Mr. Cunningham perform?”

C looked down at James’ perfect body and gave the boy a series of hand signals. The candidate rose gracefully to his feet, turned toward Scott, lowered his head slightly, and let his arms rest gently at his sides. The boy’s six-foot two-inch body was dazzling. From his platinum blond curls, his carved musculature, his flawless tan skin, his perfect stance, to his beautiful, almost always erect cut eight-inch prick. Even the yellow hair that peppered his chest & legs that grew thick and curly in his groin looked like spun gold.

C said, “It will begin in his feet.”

As Scott watched the boy’s feet he began to see the small muscles in his toes begin to grow larger and more defined. It gradually moved to the larger muscles in his foot then up past his ankles to James’ calf muscles, the tibialis, the soleus, and the gastronemius. Each in turn flexed and stood out. Every sinew, tendon, ligament, line and fold appeared in turn almost of their own accord. The trend moved up his legs to his hamstrings, quads and abductors. When the gradual “flesh quake” reached his groin, the boy’s scrotum contracted pulling his large balls up closer to the root of his dick. Then, his cock stretched. It got thicker, more engorged, the veins swelled, the color deepened and it lengthened by perhaps another inch till it covered his bellybutton. It continued. In back, the kid’s glutes, erectors and lats turned from flesh to stone. In front, his six-pack abs “popped” in perfect order from bottom to top. James’ internal and external obliques were exposed, every curve defined, every line and groove distinct and clear. As the wave of perfection flowed upwards, the transformation it produced remained frozen in its wake, like some god carved out of marble.

As if that wasn’t remarkable enough, the muscles of James’ abdomen hardened and grew, so did the muscles at the same level in the boy’s hands and forearms, up to his pecs, across his biceps and triceps, up to his delts and traps. Scott’s mouth dropped open. He’d never, ever seen anything like it: this model of absolute control. When James raised his head his body looked like something they’d use in medical school: the apotheosis of flawlessness. It was utter precision. It filled C with enormous pride. His boy was truly remarkable.

While Scott watched in awe James raised his perfectly flexed arms till they were parallel with the floor. Inch by inch his legs parted and moved out to the sides. James’ body sank down closer and closer to the floor in the most exquisite split. A minute later, the boy’s balls touched the carpet and he once again bowed his head.

Scott started to say something. But, C shook his head. The boy wasn’t finished.

In a deep commanding voice C said, “Boy, give me a controlled cum.”

Scott watched James, who raised his head and gazed dead ahead into nothing, his mind focused internally. Scott noticed the boy’s balls pull up closer to the base of his dick, which in turn pulled itself down. Christ, it looked like James’ prick was “cocking itself” like a shotgun. A moment later, the boy’s dick lurched straight up. It began to move like a piston: down then up, then down, then up.

James’ hard cock was jacking itself off, WITHOUT BEING TOUCHED! All the while, James held his perfect split, arms and legs parallel to the floor. A thin layer of sweat covered his body in a sheen and further outlining his magnificent musculature. The mind-boggling pumping continued for about a minute.

James took a deep breath and his petrified prong began to fire. The way the kid shot his load was another world wonder. Each volley was poetry in motion. His incarnate dick delivered a gob of jizz each time it blasted. It fired like a gun. Each dollop, looking like a flawless pearl, shot straight up nearly three-feet into the air. As it descended, James brought his right arm in like the ideal catcher’s mitt and intercepted it.

Splat…one pearl! Retract & fire…two pearls! Down and up…three pearls! Retract & fire…four pearls! Down and up…five pearls. The last milky pearl formed at the very top of James’ rifle barrel over his piss-hole.

James’ climax ceased. The boy brought his hand to his lips, focused his gaze directly into Scott’s eyes and ever so slowly, ever so sensually licked his palm clean. When he finished, he swooped his hand down and used his index finger to collect that last pearl. He brought it to his mouth and gradually applied it to his lips, till they looked moist and ready. Scott almost came in his pants.

C said, “Continue.”

James returned his arm to its former position, parallel to the floor and held the split for a few more seconds; then he gracefully lowered his torso to the carpet, brought his legs together behind him, and pulled his arms to his sides. As he lay perfectly straight on his stomach his whole body began to curve itself into arc. It was truly something to behold. His head and feet rose further and further off the floor as if James was bending his body back into a circle.

The human frame isn’t designed to bend that way. Ordinarily it’s not that flexible. When it looked like James was about to break in two, he began to rock back and forth. At first, the rocking was slow and gentle. As he increased the rhythm and intensity, more and more of his body would touch the floor with each roll forward & back. In a minute, James was rocking forward all the way to his forehead and back all the way to his toes.

Then it happened. In one superb and breathtaking motion the boy was up in a perfect shoulder stand, hands glued to his sides, body perfectly perpendicular to the floor. All movement stopped. James held the pose to a count of five and in one more spectacular display of control and agility, using his arms out for balance and the muscles in his neck and shoulders for strength, the boy “bounced” into a head stand. Once there, he brought his hands back to his sides for sheer precision.

As James stayed fixed, straight up and down like an arrow, his eyes caught C’s and told the story. They said, “All for you, Sir. It’s all for you.”

C held his breath. He felt his heart rising in his throat and realized that he loved this boy, that he loved James.

With equal poise and accuracy James brought his body down, crawled to his master and knelt at his feet.

Scott looked at C, “Can I ask him a question?”

C said, “Sure. He’s able to hear you.”

Scott had to know, “James, I went through candidacy and I was never able to do what you just did. How the hell did you learn that? Who taught you those amazing maneuvers?”

James was perplexed. The answer was so foolishly obvious he thought Scott might be playing some trick or being sarcastic.

The boy carefully responded, “My master of course. He’s spent weeks and months teaching this stupid, worthless pussy-boy how to be less awkward and clumsy. I only hope that someday I will understand and learn. As hopeless and thick and dim-witted as I am, my master never gives up. He is the most patient teacher on earth.”

Scott looked at his brother, “You taught him how to do that?”

Without saying anything, C rose from his chair, stepped two feet forward, unbuttoned his suit coat and hiked his pant legs up a few inches. Then he raised his arms till they were parallel to the floor and just as gracefully as his candidate, lowered himself in the same remarkable split. What’s more, Scott could clearly see his brother’s eleven inch erection as it pushed its way up till C’s gold PA and three inches of his prick sprouted straight up past the waistband of his trousers. C, however, chose not to come.

What Scott couldn’t see was that on the other side of C’s clothes his musculature matched James’ line for line, curve for curve. The boy had indeed learned from THE master.

Scott shook his head, “Jesus, you guys are waaaaaay too serious. You must spend all your free time in the gym. No wonder you don’t play musical instruments or have pets. You’re too busy obsessing.”

As C rose from the floor and went back to his chair, he shot James another hand signal. The boy immediately stretched out onto his belly and slowly began to crawl toward Scott, always keeping his body, arms and legs close to the floor. He inched across the carpet like a crab staring up deeply into Scott’s eyes.

Scott looked at C, “Now, what’s he doing?”

C smiled, “Why don’t you just shut the fuck up and enjoy his routine. He’s doing it for you.”

Scott shook his head, “Bullshit, everything this kid does, he does for you.”

C put his finger to his lips, “He’s doing this for you, with my permission. But, I assure you it’s his choice.”

Scott’s face glowed beet red. His embarrassment growing by the second, as James continued to undulate his stunning naked body closer and closer, always keeping his eyes glued to Scott’s. What Scott couldn’t deny was the lust and heat rising in his loins. He felt his dick pound and his balls vibrate as James got nearer and nearer. When the boy reached Scott’s shoes, he untied them with his teeth. Keeping his torso pressed to the rug he removed them, one at a time, then his socks. He began to bathe Scott’s toes with his tongue. James snaked his long wet licker around and between Scott’s toes. The boy began to nibble and suck each toe in turn. Scott closed his eyes. His cock jumped and started to drool. The rumbling in his balls got stronger and he began to hum.

After several minutes of lascivious foot play, Scott opened his eyes and found James staring up at him. He smiled down at the boy lapping at his ankle and James said, “Master it would be a pleasure to serve as your pussyboy; to have you fuck my worthless ass-cunt, anything to please you, Sir.”

Scott looked to C for guidance. C responded, “You heard the boy. He’ll be crushed if you deny him. He’ll feel like an utter failure.”

Scott blustered, “This is all your doing. You love to meddle in my life.”

C returned the sentiment, “Remember what I told you as your superior. You need to heal your body sexually. Take that boy, who will probably be your boss someday, and make him happy by fucking him senseless. The next time you see him, HE could be giving YOU orders.”

That made Scott smile, “Ya know David, sometimes I forget that once upon a time you were a candidate just like this boy down here on his belly, asking to be fucked. But, you just reminded me.”

C smiled a knowing smile, “We all start out crawling on our bellies. That keeps us humble. Of course, I was a candidate. I only hope I made my master as proud as this cunt-hole cum-dump makes me. Now, go fuck him.”

Scott got up from the chair, took James by the arm and pulled him into one of the adjoining bedrooms.


The next chapter is coming right up. Then I’m off to do a chapter of How I Got Under Your Skin. From now on, one story at a time! Let me know what you think.

Later boys,


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