Gay Erotic Stories

Summer Holidays

by Alfredo247
19 Nov 2004

Gay Erotic Stories

A good friend, Sanuk, has made a very good version of the a old story with the same title.

W... was the youngest of the adults among my parents friends in that mountain town where my family spent their vacations. I see my self at young men in an old picture, on the terrace by the pool. It was a dance on a Saturdays afternoon. Both, predators and prey are there. But which is predator and which the prey? There are others, but they all seem spectators now. They all know, they wait, they want for things to happen but they lack the boldness of spirit.

W... invites me to go for a ride on his motorcycle. My mother nods her consent and I climb on back of him. At first I hold on to the bar behind to keep my balance but when we take a sharp curve and I nearly fall, he stops and tells me to hold on to him. We will go faster. I am fearful as we round the next sharp curve and my hands grip his waist firmly. The next is even sharper and I grab his torso with my arms and press my cheeks against his back. Curves and more curves, the heat of his body, the coolness of the air, the scent of the pines, I start to relax and feel happy, very happy as I hold tight against his strong body. Fear becomes exhilaration.

He twists his head and shouts, he must go by his apartment for a few minutes, because his girlfriend waits for him.. After that he will take me back to my house. He calls her name as he steps through the door but she doesn't answer. She is on the bed; her body naked but half covered by a sheet. I know her from the pool, she is blond and very pretty girl and with a shapely body. I had masturbated many times thinking on her. She turns her face and is surprised to see us both. Her faces flushes red with shame and rage. I turn away as surprised as she, and from the outside I hear them. Voices are raised and at last she bolts from the door, clothed now, and mounts the motorcycle, guns its motor in anguish and is gone in a cloud of dust.

I am confused and angry. W... tries to calm me and tells me not to worry. He tells me she is very jealous of me but he does not care. Yesterday, he says, she made a scene when she discovered some pornographic magazines that he had hidden. He tells me come and he will show them to me. Inside he puts a stack on the table. I open the first one and see two dressed girls kissing on the mouth. Immediately my penis becomes erect. He stands behind me and watches as I turn the pages. I stop at one photo of a girl who had slipped her hand between the legs of another.

I feel his hand slide under my shirt. Barely touching my skin, he gently rubs my back. I stand petrified as his hand glides slowly round my waist, brushing my chest as it moves towards my throat. His strong hand presses my neck lightly. I swallow deeply as he caresses my smooth chest. I close my eyes and feel the pressure of his erect penis on my buttocks. While his fingers of one hand play on my nipples, the other unfastens my pants. Once opened, I feel his hand slide down between my legs, and he caresses me, without touching with my erection.

He holds me frozen in place. Our hearts pump, our chests heave, but all else is still. Through the open window the white oleanders send their strong perfume into my nostrils. I open my eyes as his body moves against mine. Now he removes his shirt, takes off his pants and underpants. His naked body touches mine as a gust of cool air announces that darkness is about to fall. I feel the heat of his cock on my buttocks as he presses me in his arms and bites my neck. Then I give myself to him completely. I will let him do to me what he does each afternoon to her. His left hand caresses my testicles, while his right takes my erect cock. On the tip of one finger he picks up the pre-seminal flow from the slit of my cock. He raises his finger to my lips, and I let him penetrate my mouth. His fingers search out my tongue and I lick my flow from him. His wet fingers insinuate between my buttocks. As one begins to penetrate me, he takes the other hand to my mouth and he introduces three fingers to it. We do not move till the telephone brings us back to life.

It is my mother worried about me. He tells her that we are playing a game and he will bring me home in one hour. He goes to the bathroom a moment telling me to wait for him on the bed. I get undressed completely and lie on the sheets that still reek of her perfume. I occupy her place now, nude and face down, my body partly covered by the sheet, I wait excited for his return.

I feel him close to me. He searches under the sheet and he turns me on my side. His hands are cool and strong against my heated skin. He caresses the inside my thighs, I open them for them. His skin is rough, and the chill but is soon warmed by the intimacy. I open my legs a little more and groan with pure pleasure as he takes possession of my body. His mouth kisses my neck. Against my back, his penis presses hard and warm. I am very happy that my body wakes such strong passion. He was a man who liked all the girls, but now he prefers me. It was my body that woke his passion.

He puts his arm around my body to caress my chest, at once it makes my nipples erect. His cock rubs against me more urgently. I turn back and I offer him my lips. He kisses me sweetly, and puts his tongue in my mouth and they both begin a dance. One hand pinches my nipples, the other one opens my buttocks and one of the fingers probes that moist recess. A wave of pleasure engulfs me . To stop my imminent orgasm, I lift my pelvis so that my penis does not touch the sheet. He interprets my movement as invitation and his finger penetrated me more deeply. This sends my semen bubbling from my cock. I offered him my tongue again, but he notices the contractions through my ass and picks up my milk with his hand. He drinks down part of it and offers me the rest. Thank you, I tell him, as I fall exhausted. Relaxed, wrapped in his arms, I close my eyes. Then I remember he has not had his pleasure. I must repay his gift to me. But what? I caress his cheek with my hand, and lay my leg on his. His hard cock presses on my thigh and so I begin to stroke him. His cock is warm and silky and at the same time hard, and he sighs into my ears as I play with his testicles. I lower my head , and caress his sex with my cheek. Now standing full erect above his abdomen his cock rears up bold and beautiful, like an idol. Drops of sweet manna wet my lips and the tip of my tongue worships everywhere, pausing on the blushed fissure to savor its honey. His moans become a soft and endless song.

Then I remember that my mother is waiting for me. I take his member in my two hands and I began to lick it with all desire. I give him the pleasure that he needs. With one strong contraction, I wrap the whole gland with my mouth and he fills it with his passion. It was my first time, and I believe that I made it very well. Again the telephone sounds. Now his girlfriend asks if I am still in the house. He tells her no, that I have already gone. She accuses him of lies. She has been to my house and I was not there. He tells her that he had left me in the village square. We dress quickly and jump onto the motorcycle. This time he did not need to tell me to hold him tight. When we arrive at the square she is there. They argue and I leave running for my house.

Two days later W... calls and asks me to take a trip with him through the mountains; he has already spoken to my mother.

Alfredo and Sanuk We would like any feedback.


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