Gay Erotic Stories

Parking Lot, Part 4: Suckin' on a Fireplug

by Jardonn
04 Dec 2004

Tales From The Workplace

by Jardonn

I came real close to being late for work. When I got into our office, the clock said 22:59, but I grabbed my card just as it changed to 23:00 and punched in. Doofus came through the door, as I was putting my card back in its slot.

"Hey, you better watch out tonight. There's some driver comin' in here and he's a real dick."

Assuming I knew to whom he referred, I started to agree that indeed, this man was a real dick. But I couldn't pull the trigger, knowing I'd have to dumb down my language in order to communicate with this moron. Frankly, I had no desire to communicate with him at all.

"How many times's he been in?"

"One time, but he's bitchin' 'bout everything. The guy's just a fuckin' dick."

I reached out for the keys. "Yeah, you said that already. Guess I'll just have to straighten him out. See ya."

I headed for the ramp. It wasn't too hard to figure out that dip shitsky had been sleeping again and forced Gary to wake him up. So what else is new?

I began making the rounds in the Jeep. The railroad guys had already brought the "spot", so once again I had nothing to do but check the automobiles and wait. Nearly an hour went by before I saw headlights turning to the entry lane. Opening up the gate, I could see that it was him. Gary pulled halfway through the gate and stopped, so I jumped up onto the sideboard to greet him.

"You started early. How many have you got left?"

"Two. You want the list?"

"Yeah. I'll write 'em down and meet you at the loading lane."

He was standing outside his cab and waiting for me when I pulled up, but he didn't look too happy. "That goofy three to eleven guy needs to have his ass kicked. I had to wait nearly 20 minutes for him to open the gate. He was sleeping so hard that I had to walk clear down to that far end of the fence and yell at him. Hell, that didn't even work. I had to start picking up rocks to throw onto the Jeep, until I finally hit the hood and woke him up. Why the hell don't they fire him?"

"I don't know, man, it's a mystery to me. Maybe he's related to the boss somehow. That's all I can figure."

I wondered why I had to listen to this shit, since I didn't have anything to do with it, but I know sometimes a fellow's just got to let off steam.

Gary was almost finished with the subject. "Well, if this crap keeps happening, he and his boss are both gonna get fired."

Now that this issue was put to rest, I drove Gary to his first vehicle and dropped him off, then proceeded to mine. We had his trailer loaded and ready to go in about 30 minutes and I waved him through the gate. Two hours later, all loads were delivered, rig parked and Jeep taking us back to the gate to leave the ramp.

Gary started the conversation. "I decided to come on in so I could work at my normal pace tonight. Guess you could say I had my workout this afternoon."

"You sure did. That wrestling thing was a blast."

"Too bad that lazy bum ruined my day."

"Yeah, well, it seems everywhere I've ever worked there's been someone like him. I don't know how they get away with that shit, but they always do and you just gotta work around it."

I waited a for a response, but got none. As we arrived at the gate and exited the Jeep, I politely asked, "You want me to come with you or are you worn out?"

"Oh, no. I feel great. Come on and follow me."

We headed for the drivers' shack and he made his phone call to corporate, while I unzipped his trousers to rev up his big dick with a hand rub. After he hung up, Gary grabbed my hand and moved it away.

"I got something else in mind tonight." He reached up and unzipped my jeans. "It's your turn, Kenny."

I started to ask him if he was sure. I wanted to tell him this wasn't necessary, but again, he had designated himself as the man in charge and I was willing to accept whatever he wanted to do. I remained silent.

He reached in and brought my already erect seven incher to freedom. He squeezed on me for awhile with his hand on the shaft, seemingly a bit hesitant to move on to the next step. Finally, he put both hands on my hips and pulled me towards him. I began to unbuckle my belt and unfasten the jeans, while Gary slowly approached the head of my dick with his lips. He flicked his tongue underneath my mushroom, causing the cock to spring upwards and defy gravity.

After I removed my t-shirt and pushed the jeans and boxers to ankle level, Gary closed his eyes and took the head of my penis into his warm, wet mouth.

I groaned with pleasure at this, as I suddenly realized it had been quite some time since my dick had been sucked. I didn't know if he wanted me to fuck his mouth, so I slowly brought my pelvis forward, forcing him to take me a little deeper, but I was interrupted.

"Better let me do it, Kenny. I don't know what I'm doing yet."

So I stood there and waited, while he slowly gained courage. I tried to stimulate myself with thoughts of the magnitude of this event. He cared enough about me to take a stab at giving me this pleasure, even though it was clear this wasn't really his bag. In fact, he had told me this very thing one night earlier, but this was his choice and he was willing to try, thinking this was what I wanted.

Now he was there, but he really didn't know what to do. I could barely feel him at all, as he lightly caressed my cock inside his mouth, still apprehensive to go at it full gusto. Each time he tried to take more, he would nearly gag and back off. His tongue was nowhere to be found. All I could really feel was his warm saliva sloshing over me. His lips were venturing no more than a couple of inches past the rim of my mushroom.

I tried everything - reliving all the wild fuck and suck sessions we'd had, dreaming about all the crazy fuck and suck sessions yet to come, even thinking about other men that had known the pleasures of my oral service, but nothing worked. I just wasn't getting anywhere and I could tell that Gary had gone about as far as he could with this.

He wasn't homosexual, not in my way of thinking, and his obvious distaste for sucking on my dick proved this. Even though I was moved by his desire to please me, I wished that he hadn't tried to be something that he was not. What he was to me was a ruggedly handsome, sexually explosive man. With his naturally powerful body and completely masculine demeanor, he fit perfectly into my definition of what a man should be. That's all I needed from him and it was the only thing that mattered.

I was within seconds of telling him we should try something else, when we were interrupted by an unfriendly sound - the honking of a car horn at the gate. I looked at my watch to see it was now 2:50 am.

"Holy shit!" I removed my dick from his mouth and pulled up the shorts and jeans. Grabbing the shirt and putting myself back together, I sprang from the shed and ran for the gate. The owner of the horn was the perfect person to set up this worst-case scenario - Jack Tolsen.

Now, when my half-wit co-worker referred to Gary as a "dick", he was way off the mark. If you ever wanted to meet a "dick", Jack Tolsen was your man. He drove for the same company as Gary, but with a completely different attitude. This man was soured on life. He bitched about everything, especially when something didn't go his way. I had on numerous occasions tried to converse with him, but his constantly hateful remarks and arrogant demeanor could not be softened by my light hearted banter. I had never once seen this man smile.

And now the moment he had dreamed of was here. He had a legitimate reason to chew me out and he stepped out of his car to proceed accordingly.

"Where the hell have you been? I've been waitin' here forever. What the hell were you doin' in our shed anyway?"

I scrambled for answers. "My boss wanted me to check on a load that's supposed to come in tonight. I had to get on the computer and..."

"Bullshit, you lyin' son of a bitch. I'll have your ass for this. I'm callin' my boss AND your boss. You're supposed to be on the ramp and nowhere else."

Sounded to me like it was time to fight fire with fire. "Go ahead, you piece of shit. You don't own me. I'm doin' what I was told to do and you're a low priority."

"What were you tryin' to steal? I oughta slap you down like the little thievin' punk you are."

"Go ahead, pal. I'm right here. Do what you gotta do, fuckhead."

This popped his cork. Tolsen brought a right hand from way outside and over his head, trying to slug me. I easily shifted to my left and avoided his wild swing, quickly following it up with a straight right to his jaw. This jolted him and he staggered sideways.

As Gary came around the corner of the shed in a steady, unconcerned pace, Tolsen recovered and charged towards me. Again, I deftly moved to my left, leaving my right leg extended for him to trip on as he rushed past. He fell flat on his face, crunching his nose onto the asphalt.

Tolsen laid there for awhile and moaned, as Gary joined the party, grinning at me with approval.

"Looks like you bit off a little more than you can chew there, Jack."

Gary reached over and put his hand on my shoulder, still grinning with delight. "That was beautiful, Kenny. Let's see if he's calmed down any."

We lifted Jack from the pavement, revealing a small stream of blood trickling from each nostril and settling into the hairs of his short, brown mustache. After standing him up, we both moved in front of him to see what he wanted to do next. Jack rubbed his nose to make sure it wasn't broken, then looked at Gary. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Just finished my final delivery and called it in. You know how it works."

"What've you got him in there for? Is he helping you make a phone call?"

"We're buddies. You got a problem with that?"

I beamed with pride. Gary had felt my punch before and knew I could take care of myself. This is why he hadn't rushed out to defend me, which I appreciated. Our admiration for each other was growing by leaps and bounds.

Jack looked up and down both of us. His eyes stopped at Gary's zipper, which he had forgotten to close from when I tried to get in.

Tolsen's aching jaw dropped. "What have you two been doin' in there? Fuckin'? Suckin'? You goddamn queers! I'm gonna have both your heads on a platter."

Gary looked at me and laughed. "Well, Kenny, looks like he's all riled up again. We better mellow him out." He nodded his head towards Tolsen and winked at me.

Tolsen made a break for his car. "Get away from me you perverts. You fags ain't touchin' me."

Gary rushed towards him and grabbed the back of his shirt collar. Then he spun Tolsen around and secured him in the same arm bar he'd used on me in our wrestling match. "Now, Jack, we aren't gonna hurt you."

"Goddamn it Gary, let me go. You're both gonna be in deep shit."

"It's ok, Jack. We'll see about that. Kenny, park his car next to mine."

And poor Jack was manhandled towards the drivers' shed. Suddenly, he wasn't such a tough guy after all. Every time he'd try to escape, Gary would lift the arm bar higher and threaten to break it off, causing Tolsen to scream and resume walking in the right direction. I parked the car and we all three were soon inside the drivers' shed.

As always, Gary was in charge. I stood and waited, while he tried to console our prisoner, still being held in the arm bar.

"Jack, calm down. Nobody's gonna hurt you. This fella here gives the best blow job in the world. Don't you like to get your dick sucked, Jack? You ain't never felt nothing like this. What d'ya say?"

"Fuck you! You better enjoy this while you can, 'cause I'm reportin' both of you first chance I get."

Gary looked at me with an evil smile. "Guess he's gonna fight us, Kenny. You'll have to soften him up."

And with that, Gary quickly secured the other arm and locked elbows with our guest. He pulled back on Tolsen's arms and forced the torso forward, while lifting Jack's feet off the ground. Then gave me instructions, "Open up his shirt and work on his belly with that big punch of yours."

I gladly did as I was told. I kindly unbuttoned Jack's shirt, even though I wanted to rip it open, and peeled it back to reveal his chest and abdomen. Tolsen desperately tried to kick me by lifting up a knee, but I sidestepped him again.

What a fireplug this guy was. Short and stocky, standing no more than five feet seven inches, his compact chest and belly were thick and solid. He, like Gary, had worked for the truck line many years and had a naturally powerful body. I placed my hand on his chest to feel the solid muscles there, then slowly moved down onto his stomach and belly. Not much hair, except around his navel, with a thin line trailing down into his hidden pubes.

Jack took another couple of shots at me with his knee, but each time he tried he missed. All the while, my powerful partner kept poor Jack's feet suspended off the floor and arms pulled back tight. I tugged down on his belt to expose more of the lower abdomen and went to work.

I landed a right hand just above his navel. Jack grunted from the impact into his brick wall, but Gary was unimpressed. "Don't hold back, Kenny. Give it everything you've got. We'll force him to enjoy what's comin'."

Gary pulled back on Jack's arms with all his might and I let him have it. I reared back and delivered two solid right hooks into Jack's gut, both landing to the right of his belly button. Then I repeated the attack with left hooks on that side of his navel, finishing him with a right upper cut into the pit of his stomach. Jack grunted and flexed his strong abdominal muscles to receive the blows, seeming to take them pretty well. But the upper cut got him good. The air rushed out of him and he struggled for a long time before he could inhale fresh oxygen. Now Gary taunted him.

"C'mon, Jack. What's the problem? It's just a little blow job. Believe me, you're in for a real treat."

"I'll report you both. I swear to god I will."

"Goddamn, you hard-headed jackass. Give him some more, Kenny."

So I pounded away on Jack's defenseless belly. I landed one fist after another, until I was nearly exhausted. He took his pounding like a man, never crying out or begging me to stop, just grunting and groaning with each blow. I could feel him softening with every punch and soon he lost the strength to fight us. He no longer lifted his knees in defense. All he could do was hang there suspended, flexing his belly muscles to receive my punishment. Gary released his arms and Jack collapsed to his knees on the floor, clutching his thoroughly battered gut.

Soon Tolsen was locked in a full nelson, as Gary knelt behind him. "Kenny, move that chair out of the way."

I lifted the chair and threw it behind me. Then my partner brought the victim back and they both laid chest up on the floor, Gary underneath and Jack on top. While I held Jack's ankles, Gary brought his legs from the outside of Tolsen's and pinned his legs to the floor.

Poor Jack was stretched spread eagle, while positioned on top of Gary's torso. "Ok, Kenny, he's all yours. Work your magic."

Kneeling between Tolsen's thighs, I unbuckled his belt and opened up the trousers to reveal basic white briefs. This was quite attractive, our prisoner restrained in a quasi-stretch rack, his powerful chest and belly exposed, vulnerable and rising high into the air, while those manly white briefs were the only protection left to him for whatever was tantalizingly hidden underneath.

Tolsen pleaded one more time. "Please don't do this, guys. I'll keep my mouth shut. Let's forget the whole thing. Ok Gary?"

"Too late, Jack. Can't trust you now. Don't start what you can't finish."

I leaned forward and placed my mouth on the bulge in his underwear, then blew hot air onto his cock.

"Please guys, stop."

As I pulled down the trousers and briefs to his knees, I got the feeling Jack's defiance had become half-assed. He made no effort to free his legs from their pinning and he really wasn't doing much to resist Gary's full nelson. When I saw that his cock was already semi-erect, I figured Jack was at least somewhat curious. More likely, though, he was excited and anxious to see what would happen next. Despite his supposed disgust and anger, he seemed fully prepared to find out about this blow job thing.

I, however, was not prepared. I wanted more of him exposed and at my mercy, so I took the pants and briefs all the way to his calves. One side of his shirt was covering the chest, until I peeled both sides back and down to the floor, revealing the bushy, dark brown hair of his arm pits. And just to make sure he remembered who was in charge, I landed another half-hearted punch to his helpless belly. His legs didn't even react to this, telling me his surrender was complete.

Now ready, I returned to kneel at his genitalia. I took his dick into my mouth and slowly massaged him with my warm, wet spit. As I used my tongue to stimulate the underside, Jack's cock expanded inside my mouth like a balloon. It kept getting thicker and wider, as opposed to longer. Just like his squat, compact body, Jack's manly organ was massively strong - five inches long and at least two inches thick. My jaw was forced to expand to maximum just to keep from touching him with my teeth.

I had to adjust my tactics in order to service this pulsating, five inch fireplug. I took him in deep and pressed my lips against his brown pubes. Once there, I squeezed him with the roof of my mouth, while gently scraping him underneath with the back of my tongue.

Jack twitched and flexed at this sensation, verbally issuing another desperate plea, "Oh, god. What are you doing to me?"

Gary tried to console our prisoner. "Quiet, Jack. Lay back and relax. It's just like masturbation, only ten times better and you don't have to do any of the work."

Jack closed his eyes, while I started doing a waltz on his cock. I'd move up and down on his fat meat once, twice and thrice. Stopping with my lips pressed tightly into his pubes and attacking him with my tongue, I'd hold him there for a count of two, then resume the oral stroke -- one, two, three squeeze, squeeze, squeeze -- one, two, three scrape, scrape, scrape.

Measure by measure, I composed my waltz, while Jack's mind drifted away from us. Little by little, he began to absorb the incredible sensations my oral worship caused, and I could sense his muscular little body relax and surrender. Seeing this, I increased my waltz tempo and began attacking him from different angles, stimulating the left, center and then right of his throbbing shaft, once again alternating the pattern in repetitive three's.

Jack had completely left us now. Occasionally, he would utter a slight groan of pleasure, but for the most part all we heard was his increasingly heavy breathing. Gary's full nelson was now only for precautionary measures, just in case Jack was trying to fool us in order to escape. Then our prisoner did something that surprised us both - he brought us into his fantasy.

"Please, sir. Don't beat me anymore. I will do anything you say."

Gary and I made eye contact, while I continued orally stroking our helpless victim. My partner gave me a questioning look, as though he was wondering if we should respond to this.

I also was a little puzzled. Jack had always come across as such a domineering, arrogant and pushy man, but now he seemed to desire being some sort of bitch or pretend slave. I decided to test these waters. Reaching up with both hands, I lightly scraped my fingernails across Jack's stretched nipples.

He flinched and puffed up his mighty chest, "No, please sir, no. I'll be obedient, just don't beat me so hard. Please, sir."

Wow, who would have guessed? That response confirmed what we thought. I motioned to Gary to take over working on our slave's nipples, while I brought my hands down and formed two fists. I began to throw mediocre punches into those taut, hard belly muscles like I was knocking on a door, all the while increasing the tempo of my cock sucking waltz.

Our tortured fireplug writhed and flexed from the pretend punishment inflicted upon him. He kept his arms stretched downward, the wrists parallel with his head. Together, his arms and shoulders remained in the shape of a "U", even though Gary had released him from the full nelson. I could see the thigh muscles flex, as he tried to stretch himself lengthwise in a pretend torture rack. He raised his chest higher into the air and sucked in that firm belly, inviting and daring us to continue punishing his nipples and gut.

His pitiful pleadings continued, "Why are you beating me so? I will serve you, just stop hurting me. I will be good. Please, sir please."

I could feel his fat, juicy cock growing stronger and harder in my mouth. I squeezed him with all my might, nearly breaking my jaw on his massive meat. Even though his dick was getting more thick and powerful, the buds of my tongue continued to mercilessly attack the underside of his throbbing shaft and head. I never once broke pattern -- one, two, three squeeze, squeeze, squeeze - left, center, right scrape, scrape, scrape - the pressure on him grew, as I crushed that magnificent, compact manhood in my salivating mouth.

Gary frantically scraped and pinched the man's stretched nipples, while I brutally poked and pounded on his flattened belly. Combining these two assaults with my endless stroking and crushing of his fat, throbbing cock, the three-pronged attack brought our prisoner to the brink of insanity.

His breathing stopped. His chest, arms, legs and belly flexed to capacity. I could see his powerful thighs tense up and feel his mighty penis begin to contract. Three times he flinched his scrotum and nothing was ejected, but on the fourth contraction he flooded my mouth with his tasty sperm. The initial shot jettisoned itself down my throat with such velocity, it must have instantly ended up in my waiting stomach. I continued to waltz on his massive tool, as he violently released the air from his lungs and sent to me the remainder of his load.

Gushing streams of cum gently flowed into my mouth and down the hatch. One contraction after another produced a seemingly endless supply of manly fluid, as our newfound slave writhed and contorted his powerful body in complete ecstasy. He made no sounds other than his labored breath, but he violently turned his head side to side and arched his tortured back until I thought it might break in two.

What a glorious sight this man was. So much strength compressed into such a small package, his incredible masculinity consumed me.

My excitement was heightened by the startling revelation that, despite his strong, dominating demeanor, his secret desire was to be a willing servant to me and Gary. This caused my own cock to nearly poke a hole through my jeans in a desperate attempt to escape.

Finally, the victim relaxed his powerful body and began to return to earth. The contractions subsided and I manually squeezed his shaft from base to head, slowly draining every last drop of cum from the giant tube of toothpaste, just as I had done to Gary two nights before.

And then it was over - or so I thought. Jack Tolsen suddenly sprang up and grabbed my belt buckle. "Give me that thing."

Within seconds, he had the jeans and boxers pulled down to the knees and my hardened seven incher in his mouth. I was so shocked, as was Gary, that we couldn't decide if we should stop him. His legs were still on the floor on either side of me, as I knelt upright with my dick pointing forward and disappearing into his mouth.

Gary crawled over to stand on his knees just to Jack's left. He was fearful that Tolsen was up to no good and might hurt me. "You ok, little buddy?"

I looked over to him. He was fully prepared to pounce on Tolsen if I gave the word. Right then and there, I knew this man had become the best friend I could ever have in my life. "He's fine. Take off your shirt and let him go."

I was primed to shoot and Jack took me on like a seasoned pro. He forced me all the way to the back of his throat and began to repeat the pattern I had performed on him. As I collapsed to lie on my back, Jack followed me without missing a beat. He knelt between my thighs and his tongue worked me over good, savagely scraping the underside of my shaft and head. He'd squeeze me between tongue and roof of mouth, as though he remembered every detail of the job I'd done on him. He buried his hands under my shirt and began lightly scraping my nipples with his nails, causing me to arch my back and offer them up to his worship.

I looked over with eyes glazed to see Gary's gorgeous, exposed torso. I motioned for him to come closer. Once in range, I guided him with my hands to form a bridge over me on all fours. His powerfully masculine chest and belly were hovering just above my face and I placed my hands on his back to lower him towards me.

Soon, that glorious torso was within reach and I launched an attack with my lips and tongue. I inhaled every inch of this beautiful man, engulfing the fur, the muscles and, most importantly, those firm and manly nipples. As my orgasm approached, I pulled down on this man and put myself in total darkness. Gary's mighty, hairy chest completely covered my face, and I inhaled through my nostrils with the power of an industrial vacuum. The manly scent of his dried sweat was sucked out of every pore, filling my lungs to capacity. I pressed down on his back to bring him even closer, exhaled through my mouth, and sucked in once more through my nose. Very little oxygen got through, but Gary did. I absorbed every ounce of this man's power and naturally rugged, manly aroma, incorporating it into my lungs, my chest, my heart - into my very being.

I didn't even know that I had shot one incredibly gigantic wad of sperm deep into the back of Tolsen's throat. I was so enraptured by the man smothering my face, that my orgasm was not the focus of the event.

After my initial spurt, my mind began to realize that it was time to let it all go. Only then did I feel the ungodly streams of cum flowing from my penis.

Jack didn't flinch one bit. He thoroughly drained me of every possible drop my balls could produce, as he continued to savagely worship my dick with the same affection I had shown him. I exhaled and repeated the slow inhaling of Gary's manly chest for the last time, which produced another round of sperm-gushing contractions.

I coaxed Gary to rise a few inches above me and resumed kissing and licking him. Remembering me as his instructor, Jack formed a cock ring with his fingers to squeeze me dry - another tube of paste emptied. Amazingly, he expertly swallowed the entire bounty of my cum.

As I came back to reality, I looked up to see two of the most beautifully rugged and handsome men ever to grace this earth - one kneeling between my legs - the other bridged over my face -- and they were both mine. They both wanted to be with me!

Gary had a look of total pride and satisfaction, as he fully realized how important he was to me. I could have let him stand aside and watch, but I had wanted him to be the focal point of my orgasm. My pleasure would have meant nothing without him. Whatever fears he might have had that I was disappointed in him when the evening started were certainly vanquished. He had tried to suck me off and failed. I had started to tell him it didn't matter, but wisely had remained silent. Jack's interruption saved us. What I could never verbalize to him had been shown in an unexpected, but incredibly dramatic way. He now knew he could never disappoint me. All he had to do was to show up and be a man. That's what he was.

The results of our attack upon Tolsen couldn't have been any better. Jack himself looked a little surprised, as though some sort of uncontrollable lust had taken over his mind and he wasn't quite sure what had just happened.

Gary reached down and ruffled up the hair on top of my head. As was usual, he was the first to break the silence. "Well, what did you think of that?"

"Surprised the hell out of me, not that I'm complaining. Holy shit, Jack, where did you learn to do that?"

He still appeared to be in a daze. "I don't know. I guess I just did what you did to me."

"You mean you've never sucked a dick before?"


"Could've fooled me. That's one of the best BJ's I've ever had."

Gary jumped in. "Come on, Jack. Who taught you, your wife?"

"No, I swear that's the first time ever. I never even dreamed of doing anything like that before."

Gary looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders. I figured anything might be possible when you let your inhibitions go. "Well Gary, I guess good old Jack just got caught up in the moment."

Seemingly satisfied with this explanation, Gary switched focus. "So, how was your's, Jack?"

"Incredible. Unbelievable. I never had my dick sucked before."

Gary laughed. "Come on. Not even when you were in high school?"

"Nope. Never. I thought that was a queer thing."

"What about your wife. She ever suck on ya?"

"Let me tell you guys something. My wife is very religious. Her idea of sex is strictly in the dark, under the covers, me on top and please finish this as soon as possible. That's all I've ever known. This is all new to me."

I looked at my watch. "Holy crap! It's six o'clock. My boss and the ramp guys will be coming in any time. Shit, the gate was supposed to be unlocked at 5:00. Let's get outta here."

We put everything back together and hightailed it. I looked at Gary and expressed my regrets. "Sorry, hot dog, we're out of time. Guess you'll have to hold it."

He gave me a big smile and put on his cap, boyishly tilted as always. "I ain't holdin' shit. I'll take care of it myself. Thanks for nothin'."

Gary went home, Jack and I went onto the ramp and I took him to his rig in the Jeep. Before I let him go, I soaked a rag with some coffee from my thermos and wiped the dried blood from his mustache.

"Your nose ok?"

"It's a little sore, but it'll be all right."

"Sorry, didn't mean to make you bleed."

"Don't worry about it. I had it comin'. Besides, I think you more than made up for it when you sucked my dick. Un-fucking-believable!"

"Hey, yours was great, too. Boy, you surprised the hell out of me."

"Hope nobody finds out. I'm kinda nervous about all this."

"Just be yourself, Jack - your grouchy, hateful self. Nobody will know a goddamn thing."

And for the first time since I'd known him, I saw Jack Tolsen smile. Guess me and Gary had made him happy for the first time in a long time, but we couldn't have him out of character this way. "That's a pretty smile, but don't do it again."

Jack scowled, "What's it to ya? Mind your own fuckin' business."

"That's the Jack I love. See ya."

I began circling the lot until I saw my boss pull up to our building. My day shift would soon begin. I hoped I'd have enough energy to finish the day's work, but I knew I'd be ok. Hell, I felt ready to hit it like a house on fire. Just think, now I was responsible for two persecuted, frustrated men. One was henpecked and neglected at home, so I satisfied him by letting him be the man in charge. The other was sexually suppressed at home, but Gary and I had given him a new found freedom. In his public life, he fancied himself to be a tough, domineering, take charge guy, but with us, he had discovered that he was turned on by playing the role of subservient ass-kisser.

Knowing Gary the way I did, I couldn't even begin to guess what wild and crazy plans he was scheming for the three of us. I tried to imagine what the pecking order would be and it made my dick hard all over again. So, I had to put these thoughts aside and go to work. But there was one revelation I couldn't get out of my mind - in one weekend, I had experienced enough thrills and chills to last a lifetime.

End of Part Four


More Gay Erotic Stories from Jardonn


This is the first part of Rail Yard Trilogy by Jardonn When I worked for the railroad, my job was to off-load vehicles from the auto racks (railcars filled with new automobiles) brought into our fenced yard (the ramp). That was my day job. On weekend nights, I would patrol the ramp to watch all the automobiles parked there, as they waited for distribution by trucks to all

Milking Tree, Parts 1 & 2

by Jardonn Part One -- Wrath of the Natashi Dr. Richard Cargill was a professor, explorer and treasure hunter. His painstaking research and planning had always brought him his prize. Every one of his campaigns had been a success--until this one. At the moment, Cargill found himself stripped naked and suspended from the wrists under a giant tree. This tree stood

Milking Tree, Parts 3 & 4

by Jardonn Part Three -- The Human Pendulum The three men escorted Cargill towards their hut. He wearily staggered, as they shuffled along, his body exhausted from hours of torturous suspension, beatings and denial of water. Once in the hut, he was laid chest down onto a straw floor mat, where he immediately fell asleep. The men began washing away the sweat and dirt from his body, but

Milking Tree, Parts 5 & 6

by Jardonn Part Five - Consecration Cargill was completely exhausted. He had been bound in suspended crucifixion for hours. His body had been beaten, poked and drained of manly sperm again and again. The enormous amount of sweat he had produced was beginning to dissolve the stimulating paste and allow his erection to fade. In the background stood Roger Trout; he

Parking Lot, Part 1

by Jardonn Part One – Working the Graveyard "Kenny, this is Gary. He'll be coming into the lot for the next couple of weeks during your watch. Be sure and keep an eye open so you can let him in." That was my boss introducing me to one of the truck drivers. I worked at the automobile ramp for one of the major railroads in town. During the day, we'd off-load cars and park them at the ramp

Parking Lot, Part 2: Axle Grease

by Jardonn Part Two - Axle Grease Gary pulled his dick away from my lips. "Watch this." He reached up with each hand and took his nipples between forefinger and thumb. "I discovered this back when I was a kid and first started jacking off. Let's see if it still works." He started turning his nipples back and forth like knobs on an old time radio, then closed his eyes and tilted back his

Parking Lot, Part 3: Greased Wrestling

by Jardonn Part Three - Greased Wrestling At 2:30 on Sunday afternoon, I was rudely awakened by someone knocking on my door. I debated for several seconds before deciding to at least see who it was. Slipping on my boxers, I gingerly stepped up to the peephole. It was him. As I opened the door, Gary stood there and smiled at me, mischievously awaiting my approval.

Parking Lot, Part 4: Suckin' on a Fireplug

by Jardonn I came real close to being late for work. When I got into our office, the clock said 22:59, but I grabbed my card just as it changed to 23:00 and punched in. Doofus came through the door, as I was putting my card back in its slot. "Hey, you better watch out tonight. There's some driver comin' in here and he's a real dick." Assuming I knew to whom he referred, I started to

Parking Lot, Part 5: Fire All Torpedoes

PARKING LOT by Jardonn Part Five – Fire All Torpedoes Mondays usually were lightweight for me and the ramp guys. Today was no exception, with only five railcars to off load and three to load. During my morning break in our building, I wrote down my address and phone number on a small piece of scrap paper. Then, I caught Tolsen driving down one of the rows in a new Acura he was taking to the

Super Bowl Sunday

SUPER BOWL SUNDAY by Jardonn Part One – The Road to the Big Game “Oh, look honey; your team scored a touchdown. I guess I’ll have to give you a little taste. No, wait, that’s the other team. Sorry, it’s not my fault your guys are no good.” Pity poor Boris. Not only was he being denied the chance to watch his favorite team play for the National Football League’s biggest prize, he also

The Ringboy

Jardonn’s Erotic Tales THE RING BOY by Jardonn Part One – Dick’s Recovery Dick Hodges was a dying breed. He was a wrestler in the purest sense of the word, but the “sport” of professional wrestling had disappeared before his very eyes. To me, he was the ultimate athlete and possessor of the most perfectly designed structure ever to house the soul of a man, although had you looked at him


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