Gay Erotic Stories

Parking Lot Blow-Out

by Kikrguy
05 Apr 2005

Chance Encounters Exhibitionism Outdoor Sex Straight Men, Gay Sex

There is a lot to be said for living in the country. Peace and quiet, the friendliness of the neighbors, being able to go out and plant a huge garden where I want, all of these are things I love about my choice to live where I do. Realistically, there is a downside as well. The peace and quiet can seem like isolation when the closest large grocery store is an hour away. This little incident happened the last time I was headed over to Huntsville to the SuperCenter to pick up some things.

I was in no hurry, so I left the house about 10:30, taking my time getting ready and just refusing to get in a rush. About half way over, I stopped at a little crossroads gas station to fill up. I remember when the old guy who built this place started out. Everybody said he was crazy; no one would stop out here in the middle of nowhere, not enough business to stay open. Obviously, he’d proven them all wrong, if the number of cars and trucks pulled up to the front of the store and at the gas pumps were any indication. They’d even added diesel pumps out back, and there were several eighteen-wheelers lined up out there. I don’t know how he managed it, but somehow he always had the lowest prices on gas anywhere around. I’m certain that had a lot to do with his success.

I pulled up to one of the pumps and parked. As I got out of the truck and opened up the gas cap, I took the opportunity to look around the lot and see if there was anything worth looking at. Over at the front corner there were a couple of young cowboys, both in starched and pressed Wranglers. They were jailbait, but hey, it doesn’t hurt to look. I turned and took the gas nozzle off the hook. I decided to get Unleaded Plus, since it was the same price here as Regular Unleaded back in my hometown. A cute little young daddy on the other side of the pump caught my eye. Van load of kids screaming and playing, his wife was sitting in the front seat, yelling at the kids to quiet down while she tried to put on way too much lipstick. He was a cutie, little bit of a belly, but showing a great ass in those trousers. I imagined how he’d shiver as I licked around his hole, while he stroked his cock…and suddenly I realized he was looking at me quizzically and I’d been lost in a daydream. I kinda smiled at him, and I thought I saw his eyes drift down my body and then come to rest on my crotch. Needless to say, my daydream had caused a little bit of a stir, and then his eyes snapped back to mine, and he smiled back. Hmmm, cute little married guy for some fun? I thought against it. Married men can be lots of fun, if you catch them away from the family with time to kill. Otherwise, the logistics of getting them loose from the grips can be way too aggravating. If anything, I was looking for something really quick. I smiled back at him and shook my head. As I turned away, a little Rodeo came pulling into the lot.

Not bad, I thought. Cute face, dark hair, fu man chu moustache. I watched as he pulled around to the side of the building, back by the dumpster. I continued to fill my tank as he got out of his SUV. He had on a white sleeveless t-shirt and a baseball cap on backwards. The best part, though, was that he was wearing some old green sweats, and he either had on boxers or he was free balling, as his package had a nice little bounce as he walked. He cast his eyes out my way a couple of times, noticing that I was looking. He did a double take just before he walked in the store, and stopped for a moment. Hey, I enjoy crotch watching, what can I say? Guess I was a little over-zealous and he caught me. Oh well, I just ducked my head and went on gassing up. A minute or so later, the handle clicked. I topped off the tank and hung up the nozzle. When I turned back around and was screwing on the cap, I saw him come back out. He walked out the door and caught my eye. I looked and he stood still for a minute, then started walking over to his car. I walked around the truck and toward the store to pay for my gas and maybe grab a soda. I took in every detail I could as he walked away. He had his sweats pushed up to his knees, showing off his muscular, hairy calves. Nice. Something about the way he walked suggested he played football. Most guys did around here, for one high school or another. He was no high schooler anymore, though. Late twenties, early thirties looked like. There was no doubt that he did have plenty of pit hair, another favorite thing of mine. You could see it peeking out under his arms as he carried his case of Busch back out to his car. I stopped for a second at the door, just short of stepping inside, to watch his tight ass as he went around the corner. If I wasn’t mistaken, he had taken another look back just at the same time.

I went on in, storing the image of him away for later, and walked over to the cooler. I was looking around, not really sure what I wanted. There it was! RC! Always been my favorite, although I never was much for moon pies. I opened the cooler door, reached in, and just as I was shutting the door, I noticed that Mr. Man was walking back in. His eyes swept the store, until he saw me looking at him, then he dropped his eyes and walked down one of the aisles. Now, this was looking up.

I went up to the counter, waiting for my turn to pay. He walked up to the side, waiting his turn as well, and I indulged myself with a good, long look. Not much stirring in those sweats, but it was obvious that he had a really big head on that meat. I was enjoying the view, and the girl had to call me twice before she got my attention. I finished paying and turned to walk out. I did see him cut his eyes at me once or twice as I was walking by. When I got to the door, I turned and pushed it open with my back, so I could get another look at his ass as I left.

I walked across to my truck, and as I turned around the corner I looked back. He was walking around the side of the building by then, and he stopped and looked over his shoulder at me a minute, then went on around the corner. We’d both be pillars of salt, right? I got in the truck and started it up, wondering whether I was going to do this or not. I saw that he’d opened the door to his Rodeo and was sitting there with it open. I couldn’t see what he was doing from this angle, but he was looking down at his lap. Then he looked up at me, and our eyes locked, then he looked back down.

“Ah, hell,” I said, and backed the truck up from the pumps. I was starting to feel nervous about this, getting that shaking feeling, a mix of excitement and fear that always comes in these situations. I drove around the side of the building where he was parked, and started to pull in beside him. He reached out and shut the door as I pulled in. There was no one else on that side of the building, so the fact I parked right next to him should have told him something. I sat there for a minute, wondering if I was gonna get my ass kicked. I turned off the engine, and then looked over.

He dropped his eyes as I looked over, and I started to worry. Maybe he was too nervous. My hands were shaking, so I can imagine he was freaking out as well. I got out of the truck and started to walk around to his side. I noticed him leaning forward, reaching toward the ignition. I needed to connect before his nerves got the better of him.

“So what’s on the agenda today?” I yelled out.

He stopped, and then leaned his head out the window, “What’s that?” His voice was a little high-pitched, nervous. God, what beautiful green eyes!

“You headed to a party or something? I saw you picked up a whole case of beer.”

He looked over into the floorboard for a minute, as if he needed to figure out what I meant. From the side, I could see his lashes, long and delicate. That was a part of it, those long lashes and those damned green eyes. When he looked back, I had walked up to his window, leaning my elbow on his side-view mirror. His eyes had a bit of a hunted look, but there was something else there, too. Fear and maybe, anticipation? He looked down into his lap and then back up at me, and swallowed.

“No, not a party. Just had a couple of days off and thought I’d watch some TV and down a few.”

“Sounds like a good time to me,” I leaned into his window, not right in his face, but close enough that he drew back and his head hit the headrest. When I leaned in, I noticed that his right hand was in his lap, and his thumb was rubbing along his bulge. That’s what I needed to see. I went for broke. “Why don’t you pull those pants out and let me have a look at what you been rubbing on?”

The eyes opened wide, and he looked down, jerking his hand away from his crotch. So, it had been unconscious, huh? Surprise was in his face, and then a scrim fell down, closing off the windows. A smile twisted up the corners of his mouth, but it didn’t make it to those eyes.

“Shit man, who you think you’re foolin’?” His head started craning, looking back and forth. “Did Larry and Hank put you up to this? I’m not into all that, I ain’t queer.” He was acting as though it was a joke. That’s what was in his eyes, denial. No time to back up now.

“I don’t know Larry or Hank. I’ll tell you what I do know. You came out here, running around in those sweats with nothing under ‘em and showing off what you got, hoping for some kind of response. Well, you got one. I never said you was queer. In fact, I’d like to think you’re not. Makes it hotter for me, getting a straight guy. So, you up for it or what? You gonna let me see what you got in there?” I said, nodding my head to his crotch.

While I’d been talking, his fake smile had faded and his eyes had gotten serious. He knew it was the real deal; I wasn’t going to back out now. I’d presented a challenge to him, and it confused him. Somehow, he would be less of a man if he didn’t show me his dick. I could see that it confused him, but it wasn’t scaring him any longer. His eyes continued to stare into mine as his hands untied the string at the waist of his pants. His right hand found its way under the hem of his t-shirt, his thumb slipping inside the waistband. He pulled outward, and I broke eye contact.

There it was. Not quite hard, yet, but on its way. It seemed to enjoy the attention and the unspoken admiration that no doubt showed in my face. Nestled in a thatch of wiry black hairs was a nice cock, not real thick, but with the promised mushroom head, almost flattened, rising out of his sweats to slide over the back of his hand as it held them away from his body.

“Damn, buddy, it’s a nice one. Bet all the girls get a thrill outta that head pushing into ‘em, just like a battering ram.” I looked back up into his eyes.

I was gratified to see that he had relaxed a bit. There was still some anxiety, but my praise of his cock had helped calm him down. “Raise your shirt up a bit,” I instructed. His left hand grabbed the hem of his shirt and lifted it, showing off his belly and his treasure trail that I had hoped was there. Nice. I looked back and forth from his face to his cock, and my hand began to reach out for it. Just as I was about to touch it, his left hand shot out and grabbed my wrist.

“I just want to touch it, feel of it a little. Think that would be okay?” He looked over my shoulder, reassuring himself that, despite the rather continuous traffic, hidden between my truck and the dumpster no one could see us. He let go of my hand, but didn’t watch me.

I looked down as my hand finally reached its goal, enfolding it in my palm, feeling the heft and hardness of it, thanking me by pulsing up and swelling a bit. I ran my hand gingerly up and down his shaft, and then grabbed it firmly to let him know that a man had a holt of him. I started stroking him up and down, and he began to get into it. It started with him shifting around in his seat, then it became a thrust that came up to meet my hand on the down stroke. He liked for me to pull down hard, stretching his skin tight, making him feel long and hard.

“Guy, you’re about to burst at the seams! When’s the last time you dropped a load?”

“Been a couple days, maybe a week. Been working 12 on/12 off for the last three weeks, and when I get home I just wanna have a beer and go to bed.”

“I can’t wait to see you shoot off. Love to see a big load.”

“Well, you’re gonna see it if you keep that up.”

He pushed my hand away and pushed his sweats down to his ankles. Then he sat back and reached down beside his seat and let the back of the seat recline a little, and he slid a little further down and spread his knees, giving his balls some room to breathe. His scent hit me then, full in the face. Hot musk, male sweat, balls, a hint of piss. His cock stood up proud then, about seven inches I’d guess, maybe a little more, just a nice cock. I reached under his balls and let my fingertips trail across his sac, tingling them and making them dance and draw up toward his body. He arched his back, and raised his hips again. I got the message, and wrapped my hand back around his meat and started stroking.

By this time he had started to ooze a bit, and I took my thumb and rubbed it over his head. That made him grunt a bit, then he tossed his head back and forth a couple of times. I decided to taste his nectar from the source, and on one of the down strokes, when he pushed his hips up, I bent over and sucked the head into my mouth, licking around that big head that I could barely fit in my mouth. He practically stood up in his seat, trying to force it further down my throat, until I pulled off it with a pop, and he flopped back in the seat.

“Shit, man, anybody driving by could’ve seen me!” he said, but there was a smile on his face.

“I know, ain’t it cool?” He looked at me for a moment, then the meaning of what I said hit him and he grinned.

“You’re gonna get me in trouble.”

‘I hope not. I’d go to a lot of trouble, though, to get such a nice cock in my mouth.”

“You really think it’s nice? You like it?”

“Hell, man, it’s got my engine going. Look at this,” and I stepped back from the side of the vehicle. He looked down at my crotch, where the obvious hard on stuck up toward my left hip.

He grinned at me again, and he looked back down at my hand.

“Go a little faster.”

So I picked up my pace a bit, using some of the spit from my short lick around his head to lube it up. He seemed to enjoy it, so I leaned over and dropped some more spit on my hand, making him nice and slippery. When I tightened my grip and started going up and down, he hissed and drew in his breath, thrusting up to my hand, reaching back with his hands and grabbing the headrest on either side of his head. Man, seeing those fans of hair under his arms was almost enough to finish me off. I reached out with my right hand and ran my fingers through his pit hair.

“You keep that up and you’re gonna see what my cum looks like. Damn, man!”

“Good, that’s what I want to see.” I picked up my pace again, really beginning to work on him. About every fourth or fifth stroke, I’d push down hard, pulling that skin tight. He was starting to swell, and I knew it wouldn’t be long. I was leaned in the window, watching intently.

“Unless you want a face full of my juice, man, you better back up. I’m gonna shoot!”

I stroked a couple more times, and then, when he took a hard thrust up to my hand, I ran my other hand under his ass and held him up, taking his dick deep in my throat, licking around and around the head with my tongue while I kept stroking him tightly up and down with my hand.

“Fuckin’ A! You’re gonna get a mouthful, bubba!” He almost screamed.

I felt him flex once, twice, then it came out. He was firing a hell of a load in my mouth, three, four, five shots. Creamy and musky, I rolled it over my tongue and swallowed, continuing to suck on the head of his cock.

“Drink it! Fuck, man, you’re’ swallowing my cream!” This was a little lower, as though he remembered we were in a parking lot in the middle of the day. I continued to hold him up and suck on him, getting every last drop I could. He finally grabbed my head and pulled himself away, and I took my arm out from under him and he flopped down in the seat.

“Holy Shit! Damn, fuck, shit! I can’t believe I just did that out here in the middle of the goddamn day!” He was looking at me with wonder, as though I had forced him to act in a way he never would have on his own. I ran my finger up the underside of his dick, forcing out the last drop of cum. He shivered at my touch, then looked intently at the shiny glob of cum on the end of my finger. I held it up in front of him, and then pointed my finger at his mouth. As it moved towards him, his eyes remained on mine, and his lips opened and his tongue reached out and licked the drop off the end of my finger.

“See why I wanted to taste you?”

“I’ve tasted myself before.” Rather abrupt. Now comes the blame. I didn’t need it.

“Well, I enjoyed it dude. See ya’ around.” I turned and walked around to my driver’s side door and got in. I sat there a minute, figuring he’d start his engine and peel out, trying to put some distance between himself and what happened. Instead, he just sat there. Finally, I started my engine and was about to turn back to watch myself as I backed up when I saw him getting out of his Rodeo. He knocked on the window, and I leaned over and rolled it down (yeah, I drive a truck, not a Cowboy Cadillac).

“What the hell is you’re name?” he asked.

I introduced myself and he told me his name was Kelly. We weren’t looking at each other, not in the face. We’d shared too much, seen too much of each other, but we talked on for a minute or two. Then it came.

“You wanna get together again some time?” I had my answer ready.

“Look, Kelly, it was fun and hot as hell. I mean, you don’t think I was hot, I’m sitting here with a wad of scum in my drawers right now from rubbing against the side of your car while you was cumming in my mouth. But if it’s gonna be any kind of regular thing, its gotta be both ways. I’m not gonna be just an old reliable cocksucker for no man.”

He grinned at me, and I looked up into his eyes. There was laughter there, floating in the green pools, and a bit of humility. “Hell, man, I never said I was straight, I just said I wasn’t no queer.”

I knew just what he meant, and our eyes locked again as we both laughed. Time ended in those damned green eyes.

Let me know what you thought of it. E-mail me at


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