Gay Erotic Stories

Getting Off the Plane in Australia

by Mickey171717
19 May 2005

Chance Encounters Fantasy Man Meets His Man Men On Holiday Muscle

I remember how tall men have always impressed me. Even as a child, my cousin Ben who was at least 6’ 5” would seem to always stand out in family pictures and be the center of everyone’s interest. Anyways, here I was getting off this flight and following everybody off the plane when I spotted this incredible specimen of a man. He must have been at least as tall as my cousin Ben is, and built like a god, at least from what I could see from where I was standing, a few yards away. He walked with great assurance but still had a graceful stance. He was wearing tight jeans and a fitted T-shirt, which showed off his beautiful body to anyone who wanted to admire it. He was wearing one of those Crocodile Dundee hats that just let a feather of jet-black hair show at the nape of his strong neck. I thought to myself that this guy was surely an athlete, decathlon or something like that, to be in this great shape. He had long muscular legs almost like tree trunks that topped off the best-looking butt you could imagine, round and probably hard as rock. He had beautiful broad shoulders, muscular, leading to large strong arms. I couldn’t wait for him to turn around so I can get a look at the rest of him. At this point, I was starting to get a hard-on and I was quite self-conscious that it would show through my jeans.

The flight had been very long but after seeing this guy, I regained some energy. I was on my dream vacation, which I have been saving for the past 3 years. Ever since I was young, I have dreamed of going to Australia and visit this beautiful country but only had done so through books, movies and TV. Finally, here I was at 35 years old, going to fulfill my dream and the first beautiful thing I see is this spectacular specimen of a man. He was almost at the end of the tunnel leading from the plane to the terminal when I lost sight of him. Crap!!! I never even got to see his face. God, I was pissed off. I got to customs and went through the usually thing. The custom’s agent must have noticed how cross I was when she stressed the fact that she hoped I would have a good vacation in Australia. That shook me out of my mood. After all, I was on my dream vacation and surely, I would meet some great guys here. Aussie men do have the reputation of being hot. Here I was in this great place, doing something I had really worked hard for. My life was good. Everything I had, I owned, condominium, car, motorcycle, etc. I hadn’t been the luckiest guy in relationships but I had been with great guys even if it didn’t last. Moreover, that was mostly because of the choices I made. I think this trip was going to be the beginning of new life for me. I don’t know why but this is what I was feeling.

There were many flights landing at the same time because the airport was overflowing with travelers from all places. I was trying to get to the exit to find the bus to my hotel. I guess I had over packed because at this particular moment, I didn’t think bringing all this stuff was such a good idea. Anyways, I got outside, spotted my bus, and helped the driver to load my stuff in the baggage compartment keeping my small travel bag with me. I got in and sat right at the back near a window figuring I might see some sights on the way to the hotel.

All of sudden a deep masculine voice with an Australian accent was asking if I would mind sharing a seat. “G’day! Can I have this seat?”

Low and behold, it was my guy asking me to sit with me. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I responded sheepishly. “Of course, you’re welcome to any seat you want.”

“Thanks mate.” He responded with the greatest smile I’ve ever seen. He had a set of perfectly lined white teeth and beautiful full luscious lips, with the bottom lip ever so slightly under turned, a bit like Elvis Presley. He had beautiful strong features, squared off jaw, a nice straight nose with beautifully flared nostrils, incredible skin, and dense, jet-black hair. However, what were most impressive were his eyes. They were a very light shade of hazel almost tan if possible. When he looked at me, it felt like he was looking straight into my soul. God, could this be happening, I thought I had died and gone straight to heaven with my guardian angel sitting next to me on the way there.

He threw his travel bag in the overhead compartment. That gave me the chance to get a good look at what he was packing. To put it plainly, the front was as great looking as the back. I could see his biceps stretching out that T-shirt. He had large hands, but not like guys who work manually, stout and rough but more like say a piano player, long and very well groomed. His squared-off pecks were bulging under his shirt and you could see an outline of his nipples sticking out. He had washboard abs. I swear I could almost count the six-pack. His waist must have been no more than 30” or 31”. However, the main event was directly at eye level. Man, we’re talking about major beef! He must have been packing at least eight inches soft with huge balls, which I could make out partially through his tight fitting jeans.

He plopped next to me and I instantly was overwhelmed by his sweet scent. And the heat from him was almost unbearable to take. I could feel him next to me, leg against leg and shoulder to shoulder. I swear I thought I was going to pass out. There wasn’t much space for us since I am also quite tall. I’m 6’3” and I train at the gym 4 to 5 times a week at the gym. I swim regularly and do yoga every day. I am a bit of a fitness freak. I would say my body is comparable to this beautiful guy but slightly smaller around the legs and arms. I have my maternal grandfather’s looks. This I’ve been told time and time again by my mother and her sisters who thought their father was a beautiful man. If I look somehow as good as the pictures I’ve seen of him when he was my age, than I’m the lucky one. Even in his 70’s and until his death, he was still quite handsome, “As handsome as Paul Newman.” like my mom says.

Anyways, we got to talking on the way to the hotel. I mustered up the courage to start the conversation. Sticking my hand out: “Hi, my name is William Dubois. I am from Montreal.”

Answering in that deep baritone voice: “Hello, my name is Thomas McMahon. Strange I didn’t notice you on the flight before. I also got on in Montreal.” He was soft spoken and that Aussie accent was a major turn-on.

All I wanted to say was, “Yeah man, you didn’t notice me but I sure noticed you when I got off the plane." Then I thought it was strange that this Aussie was heading to a hotel instead of his home. I acted cool and asked, “Coming back from vacation in Canada.”

“No actually, I moved to Montreal last year. I was transferred from my job in Sidney to head our new sales office in Montreal and I am coming back to visit my dad and friends.”

“Aren’t you staying at your dad’s place during your vacation?”

“Well ordinarily I guess I would but he sold the house just before I left and moved into a small condo complex with other retirees. One of his sisters lives there also and it is easier for him since my mother died 2 years ago.”

“I’m sorry to here that. I still have my parents.”

“How about you? What are you doing this far from home?”

“I’m on my dream vacation. I’ve always wanted to come to Australia and visit Sidney, the Outback, Bondi, the Great Barrier Reef, see kangaroos and all of those great things.”

“You think you’ll be able to pack all of this into your vacation.”

“I sure hope I can. I guess I’ll have to find a good tourist guide while I’m here.”

“Well, maybe I can help you with that. When we settle in the hotel and maybe you would like to join me for dinner.”

“Aren’t you going to your dad’s place?”

“Well actually he’s in Melbourne for the weekend. He is visiting some friends there. We’ve already talked and agreed to spend time together when he comes back on Tuesday. So I’m yours for the evening if you’re interested.”

Am I ever, I thought to myself. How lucky can a guy get? Here I was heading to probably the most incredible evening of my life with this big beautiful stud but first I wanted to make sure everything was out of the way. “How about your friends; won’t they expect to see you when you first get in?”

“Actually I had planned to spend some time alone in Sidney before my dad got in but you seem to be good mate and I thought we would enjoy ourselves company. Anyway, except for a business meeting I must attend Monday morning at our head office, I’m free.”

“Well I’m all for it. Let’s check in and meet down in the lobby in an hour. Is that enough time for you?”

“Perfect, in an hour it is.”

“How should I dress? I let you decide where we’re going. Right?”

“Casual is fine. We’re just going to have a good meal and a few drinks. Real relaxed. How’s that?”


I was totally overjoyed. I couldn’t believe what was happening. We got to the desk and registered. We decided to take rooms on the same floor across from each other. I don’t think I ever got cleaned up so fast. I was a nervous wreck. All I could think about was this beautiful god who wanted to spend time with me. I couldn’t figure out if he was just a nice guy or he working his way to make a pass at me. The anticipation was killing me. I could imagine making love to him; sucking that glorious cock. He kissing me with those luscious lips our tongues teasing each other. I could almost feel the warmth of his bare skin touching mine, better than the warmth I felt on the bus, much better, my fingers running through that black mane of hair.

My body ached as I thought of him inside me, giving me all he had to give and rewarding me with his prize. That white seed that a man gives another as a gift to show their passion. All I knew was that I wanted him more than anything and I was going to try all to have him. I had the biggest, raging hard-on you could imagine and I had to let go of this load if I ever wanted to fit in those boxers to get to my dinner date. I whacked off over the bathroom sink. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought this guy would probably be pleased with my body. I really worked hard to get in this shape. I loved to show off my body. I was proud of it and flaunted it. I have a definite exhibitionist side to my personality. In the showers at the gym or the pool, I liked to lather in front of other guys, soaping up my biceps and pecks. I would take all the necessary time to get down my abs and then would go back and clean to my butt crack. I then would linger over my legs and finally get to my crotch. There I would take the washcloth and lather up my balls and pull my foreskin back to clean the head of my cock. I was turned on a lot more than I thought because I came after jerking off for what seemed only a minute. And what a load it was, squeezing my 9-inch dick till it was totally emptied of it juice. I jumped back in the shower to wash off and hurried to make sure I wouldn’t be late.

I made it to the lobby just in time. There he was, waiting for me. He welcomed me with a warm handshake and that incredible smile of his. He was a sight to behold. He was wearing a dark purple shirt that brought his incredible features out and black jeans giving even more definition to his large torso and small waist. His butt looked fabulous in the jeans. I couldn’t believe I was going to spend an evening with such an incredible example of masculinity.

I asked: “So where are we heading?”

“I thought we could dine in the harbour area and go for a walk near the opera house. How does that sound?”

“Wonderful. Lead the way.” I replied with a certain assurance.

We took a cab to the harbour district and got to the restaurant. It was quaint and quite appealing. The food was great and the company greater. We talked about our families and careers. He told me that he was married for a year and that it was total fiasco. It was not for him and that he would never get married again. He also told me he was 36 years old. I couldn’t believe that he was a year older than I was. He didn’t look a day over 25.

I only let on that I was in a few relationships that did not work out and that I was now single. I swear I was loosing myself in those eyes. I think he was starting to notice that I was turned on but he went with the flow and didn’t make a deal of it. We left the restaurant, he showed me where the botanical gardens were, and then we walked to the opera house. We walked side by side and as I got glances of us in plate glass windows, I noticed how much of a good-looking couple we were. I had to level with this man and tell how I was feeling. We took another cab back to the hotel. On the way, he asked me if I wanted to come to his room for a beer. I accepted almost too readily. He probably thought I was a bit too eager but who cares, I figured I could try my luck once we got to his room. He walked down the hall to his room, me following him. God, what an ass! What fortune would I pay to get my tongue between those butt cheeks? We walked in and he went to the fridge and took two beers out.

“Bottle or beer glass.”

“Don’t they say real men drink out of the bottle?”

Thomas chuckled: “Yeah, I guess we’ll be drinking out of the bottle. By the way, I don’t want to sound too forward, but I noticed in what good shape you are. I been looking for a gym in Montreal and haven’t found one that I like yet. Maybe you could recommend one.”

“Thanks for the compliment but you’re probably in the greatest shape of anybody I know.”

“Come on, you’ve probably seen other guys at your gym that are in better shape than me.”

“No, they don't have as well developed and well-balanced physique as yours. You’re really one top looking man. You’re tall, muscular and look incredibly healthy. And I swear when you told me you were 36 years old I couldn’t believe it. I thought you were not older than 25. I wish I looked as good as you do.”

Thomas moved close to me, looked me straight in the eye, and said: “Will. You don’t mind if I call you Will.”

“No, not at all. All my friends call me Will.” I said shyly smelling that great cologne of his and starting to pop a boner.

“Will, are you saying I turn you on?”

There it was in plain sight. He said it. I couldn’t have expected him to be more straightforward than that and what I answered would determine the outcome of this whole story.

“Actually, Thomas...”

He interrupted: “You can call me Tommy as all my friends do.”

I must have turned three shades of red. I took the courage needed and looked him straight in the eye and said: “Tommy, you are probably the most beautiful man I’ve ever laid my eyes on. By now, you’ve probably understood that I’m gay and I’d give anything to make love to you. If you don’t want to than I will understand and just leave you alone.”

Tommy just stood there, looked at me with those eyes, and moved in closer. I could smell the beer off his breath and I totally enjoyed it. It was intoxicating. He moved closer till our lips touched and he started kissing me ever so softly. His lips felt even softer than I had imagined and when our mouths opened to let each other tongues in, I wasn’t ready for such a kiss. It was wet but just right. His tongue moved inside my mouth with ease and we tasted each other for the first time. It was intense but heaven. He reached around to hold me in his arms and I did the same to complete this passionate embrace. Our bodies were clenched together in this long embraced that seemed to last forever but was over much too soon. He pulled away from our kiss but kept holding me in his arms. Our muscular bodies seemed locked together and I could feel his powerful body holding me so tight I could hardly breathe.

Tommy said softly to me. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do this? The sexual tension was killing me.”

“Yeah, me too. I wasn’t sure if you were interested especially after saying you were married. I figured maybe you weren’t interested in men.”

“Actually the reason my marriage didn’t work was because I came out while I was married and that’s why I called it a fiasco. Now I live my life as proud gay man.”

“Then let me show you how much I want you.”

I kissed Tommy again and started to unbutton his shirt. I couldn’t wait to get him completely naked so I could admire this incredible body, as it should, in the buff. I kissed his neck and made my way to that huge chest. I pulled his shirt off revealing those pecks and abs. What a sight, those large man tits with hard nipples calling on me to suck and bite them. I took one in my mouth and started nursing it, nibbling occasionally on it. This drove Tommy wild. He moaned when I did this. I did not want his other nipple to be left out so I moved to it while still pinching the other I had just stopped devouring. I moved down to his abs, kissing and tonguing them. I had a destination to get to but I wanted to take my time to enjoy every moment of it. I put my hands on the ass I so wanted grab before. I couldn’t believe how firm and round those butt cheeks were.

I had my face in front of his crotch and starting mouthing at the bulge. It was humungous. I could feel his half-erect cock through his jeans. I slowly started to undo them so I could reveal this treasure. I pulled his jeans down and Tommy step out of them. I could tell that his briefs were already starting to be soaked with precum where it met the end of his cock. I clipped my indexes inside the waistband and started to pull. What anticipation, like finding a hidden gem. Finally there it was, in its full glory. Even if his uncut cock wasn’t completely hard, it was at least 10” long. His balls were almost as large as lemons. I fondled them, feeling the weight of them in my hand. His ball sack was large, soft and was quite smooth. I took one of them in my mouth rolling it around with my tongue changing to take the other one in my mouth. I could tell Tommy really enjoyed this because of his moans and the way he pushed my face into his crotch. He started slapping my face with his huge tool, which really turned me on. I grabbed it and pulled on the foreskin to reveal a huge pink cockhead. I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to have it. He was now completely hard. I kissed the end of his cock and opened my mouth to taste the precum coming out of the end. My tongue teased the opening and I let my lips form themselves to the contour of his dick head.

“Come on Will, stop teasing me! Take this big cock all the way. I know you can do it.”

Without hesitation, I started taking that monster in. Inch by inch, getting it all slippery with my saliva, I took more and more of his manhood. I could feel my throat stretching from the girth it had. He must have been at least 7” in circumference but I knew I wanted this and I would take it all the way. I grabbed his ass and pulled him into me gradually, coming out occasionally for air. Then without any warning, my throat seemed to relax and I had the whole thing down my throat, all the way to the base. He was fucking my head with that huge tool increasing in speed. He let a loud groan and then grabbing my head with both hands he said: “Will that feels so fucking good. Ahhhh! I’m cumming!!!” And that’s when he came, filling my mouth and throat until they overflowed with his cum. There were streams of cum shooting from his cock. I took it all and it tasted great. He tasted great.

He grabbed me by the armpits and practically lifted me off the floor. He grabbed my shirt and ripped it off my body with such energy it surprised me but it also turned me on. He undid my khakis and boxers pulling them right down to my ankles. My hard-on hit me in the gut when it was freed from my boxers. Tommy kneeled in front of me, picked up one leg and removed my shoes, socks, underwear and pant leg with one motion. He did the same for the other leg. In 5 seconds, I was completely naked in front of this Aussie god. I was intoxicated by the whole scenario and wanted so much for him to swallow my cock just as I had done to him.

He took my cock in his hand saying: “Really nice Will, it’s almost as big as mine. I hope you enjoy this as much as I will.” Then proceeded to take it in his mouth and swallow the thing in one gulp. His mouth felt incredible. I couldn’t believe with how much voracity he went for my cock. He really wanted it. My head was spinning. He would dive in all the way to the base and then with a sucking motion would pull back all the bringing back the foreskin over the head. He did this for a while then grabbed my ass as I had done before and starting fucking his mouth with my cock. I was close and knew he wouldn’t have to do much to get me over the edge. “Tommy I’m gonna cum!!!” I felt my whole body tremble and I thought my legs would give out under me. Tommy held me up and that’s when I came inside of him, giving my man juice, letting him milk me until nothing could be given anymore.

He stood up, took me in his arms, and kissed me deeply. I could taste my cum in his mouth. It was the hottest blowjob I ever got!

Tommy took my hand and led me to the bed. He lay on the bed and pulled me on top on him. I could feel his heart beating fast, almost as fast as mine. In a soft tone, he muttered, “Will, I want you to fuck me. Do you want to do that for me? I want to feel you inside of me. All the way in.”

I kissed him and said: “Yes, Tommy. Anything if it’s with you. As long as you fuck me afterwards.”

“Yes, anything.”

I turned Tommy over on his stomach and pulled his ass up so he was on his knees doggy style. Then I started kissing his butt cheeks ever so lightly. This seemed to excite him because he pushed his knees further apart. His large cock and balls were hanging between his legs. I grabbed them with both hands and started rimming him. His asshole had really nice pucker and when I tried to push my tongue in it seemed to grab it at the tip. This action drove Tommy crazy. He moaned with pleasure and started to get hard again. I could feel his large member swelling in my grasp. That got me hard too. I started fingering him. His asshole was tight. I pushed further in first with one finger and then with two until I got three in. I worked his asshole until I knew he was ready and so was I. Tommy reached over in the nightstand and pulled out a bottle of lube. I spread a generous coat over my cock and Tommy’s asshole. I knelt between his spread out legs and pointed my cockhead at his asshole. I pushed in a little to let the head in. Tommy let out a small whimper.

“Are you all right buddy?” I asked a little worried.

“Yes mate! Just fuck me mate! I want that cock inside of me. Do it mate!”

With that, I pushed in my cock in, inch by inch until my pubes touched his ass. I penetrated him all the way to the base of my cock and pull out to the edge of my cockhead. Slowly I started pumping him, increasing the rhythm. Tommy was going wild. I was going at it furiously and I could feel my balls tightening up to the shaft of my cock. “Tommy, I’m going to cum.”

“Mate cum inside me. I want you to fill me up.” If possible, I think I came even more than before. I could feel my cum filling his asshole and dripping down my balls. I fell over him with my cock still inside of him. I kissed him in the back of his neck. “Tommy, I think it’s my turn.”

“Yes mate and I’ll make it worth your while.” Tommy got out from under me and then turned me onto my back. He lubed up my ass and started fingering me. As I did before, he used one finger, then two then three. I couldn’t stand it anymore. “Tommy, fuck me now.” With that, he lube up his dick, grab my thighs pushing them up to my chest and directed his cock to my asshole. He pushed in slowly. It felt like a baseball bat was being pushed up my ass. It hurt when he pushed in his cockhead. He stopped a while to let my asshole adjust to the size of that weapon. He then pushed more and stopped again. He did this few more times until he was completely in. I thought my ass couldn’t take such a large cock but he was inside. He leaned forward to kiss me covering me with his body. I wrapped my legs around him. Kissing me deeply, he started pumping my ass slowly. Pleasure took the place of pain and before I knew it, I was in ecstasy. I had never felt anything like it. We were both breathing heavily and I could feel Tommy’s weight on top of me. The harder he was pumping me, the greater the ecstasy I was feeling. Tommy then took my left leg, brought it up to my chest, and then spread my right leg on the side. He propped himself up by his arms and fucked me with the whole length of his cock. He would pull out his cock until only his cockhead was still in me and then would push back in up to the base of his cock. He would do this for a while and then would pump my ass hard for a few times. I could feel his cockhead pushing up against my prostate giving me an intense feeling of ecstasy every time he would go back all the way in. By then I was totally losing it. He would lean back down and kiss me passionately. He whispered, “Mate, you have the best ass I ever fucked.” I was moaning so much I couldn’t even answer back. At that point, I was hard as a rock and was ready to let another load go. Tommy was breathing heavily and started pumping me real hard. I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I had to cum! That’s when Tommy started heaving and grunting and I felt him cum inside and that was it, I came also at the same time he did.

Tommy pulled out of me and lay on top of me. I felt his whole weight on top of me. He held me tight and put his head over my shoulder breathing heavily on my neck. My heart was still beating fast and I could feel his pulse also racing.

In a subdued tone Tommy asked “Will, how long did you say you were staying in Australia?”

“Three weeks.”

“Then I guess we better pace ourselves, because we’ll need another week to recuperate before our vacation is over.” Tommy said with a sarcastic tone.

“Does this mean you’re not looking for a one night stand?” he asked naively.

“Come on Will, let’s be serious, you and I, it’s obviously something that has to be exploited all the way. I don’t know about you but I think there’s definite chemistry and I intend on seeing where we’re heading. Don’t you agree?”

“Yes, Tommy, I’ll go wherever you lead me.”

With that, we fell asleep in each other’s arms. I don’t think I’ve ever slept that well, I had found my dream in Australia.


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More Gay Erotic Stories from Mickey171717

Getting Off the Plane in Australia

I remember how tall men have always impressed me. Even as a child, my cousin Ben who was at least 6’ 5” would seem to always stand out in family pictures and be the center of everyone’s interest. Anyways, here I was getting off this flight and following everybody off the plane when I spotted this incredible specimen of a man. He must have been at least as tall as my cousin Ben is, and built


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