Gay Erotic Stories

The Good, The Bad, and the Horny! Part 1

by Luvfatpapas
19 Mar 2006


By Luvfatpapas

Riding along a high ridge, daydreaming about seeing his best friend and lover, Hank Raynor, again when he arrived at his sister's ranch, Matt's reverie was shattered by the sudden sound of gunfire from nearby. Looking up sharply, the young man saw two men standing on the edge of the long, narrow spit of rock further along the high butte a few hundreds yards ahead of him.

One was a short, stocky looking man with a look of surprise on his wizened face which turned to one of deep sadness, then quickly to a hard look of hate and cold fury as he turned to face the other man who was standing further back from the edge of the cliff holding the smoking pistol.

Since Matt was not sure what was going on, he decided to approach cautiously and quietly until he was sure of the situation and weather he should do anything about it or mind his own business and continue on his way.

The man with the gun stood with his back to Matthew so he didn't notice as the young cowboy dismount his horse and quietly make his way up behind him. The man with the pistol was large, over 6 feet tall, with a very broad back and shoulders, large looking arms and narrow waist, dressed in a green work shirt with a tan vest. Matt thought he looked awfully neat and clean for a man so far from a proper bath and a laundry.

But Matt's eyes were continuously drawn to the short stocky man being held at gunpoint who kept his hard, hate filled eyes on his adversary and was also unaware of the young mans' stealthy approach. The older man was about 5 foot 6 or so, 260 pounds of hard meat and muscle. With cold, flint blue eyes and a fleshy, round face abused from years of exposure to wind and sun, and had not seen the business end of a razor in some time. He had thick hands and fingers, which were currently raised in the air, supported by large arms that were covered by his grey, stained and much mended shirt from which Matt noted the abundant sprouting of white chest hair. He had a wide, heavy chest and portentous belly that strained the buttons on his well worn shirt and the wide leather belt he wore. His crotch was like that of an old, massive oak tree, with a few interesting looking knots thrown in, all supported by short, meaty legs covered in old, weathered denim pants and old beat up boots.

Hiding behind a large rocky outcropping, Matt had now gotten close enough to hear what they were saying.

"Now the gold is all mine, Jake!" the tall man proclaimed loudly and gleefully. "With you dead I'm the only one who knows the location of your gold mine! And it's all mine now! You were right not to trust me."

"But why Bart? I trusted you," The short, older man asked heatedly through clenched teeth. "What have you got to gain from killing me? There's plenty of gold in that mine for both of us."

"What? And have to share all that gold with an old fairy like you?" the younger man sneered. "Having you following me around all love sick and disgusting for the rest of my life?"

"You rotten bastard!" Jake spat back, his big hands turning into very big fists. "For that your going to kill me? I didn't take advantage of you, you came to me. I loved you, Bart. I'm no threat to you."

"You are a threat to me, Jake," Bart said nastily as he cocked the pistol as he prepared to shoot the older man before him and let his body disappear into the gorge below. "This way, no one will ever know what happened between us, nor that I ever associated with a godless heathen like you. You disgust me." Matt decided that he could not let this happen. But he was afraid he was too far away to stop it. "Hold it right there!" he yelled drawing his Colt and bolting from the shelter of the big rock, he cautiously made his way towards the two men.

Both men turned suddenly at Matt’s shout, but Jake was quicker to recover from the sudden turn of events and launched his squat, but powerful body at his adversary. The tall man turned his gun towards the sound of the new threat and was caught off guard by the older mans sudden attack.

"You greedy little cocksucker" Jake spat as he caught Bart's gun hand with his left hand and threw a solid roundhouse right into the taller man's jaw, sending him sprawling. Both men landed heavily on the rocky ground. Jake, using his weight and momentum, drove the air from Bart's lungs with a knee to the gut, leaving the younger man gasping and trying to maneuver the big gun between their tightly pressed bodies. "You were the worst lay I ever had, you sorry bastard!" And threw another solid left into Bart's face. Unable to maneuver the gun to shoot the enraged heavyset man atop him, Bart thrust his left hand up towards Jake's throat in an attempt block the rain of blows being delivered by the betrayed and furious prospector, and to try and throw the corpulent miner off of him.

Matt was still too far away to be of any real help. He watched helplessly as he ran over the craggy ground towards the two struggling men. Seeing that brute force would not be enough to heave the burly older man off of him, Bart quickly managed to find a large stone and swung it at Jake's head, catching him with a glancing blow to the temple. The portly man was dazed and released his hold on the brawny assailant.

Matt saw the stocky older man suddenly slump to the side and the brawny younger man toss him aside, scramble to his feet and aim his pistol in Matts direction. Fortunately the still raw, young cowboy already had his gun drawn having seen the villain make his move, Matthew managed to lay down a cover fire for himself as he continued to close the distance between himself and the two combatants. There was no real cover to speak of and the stranger was quickly getting closer, which would leave Bart out manned and out gunned.

Though Jake had not yet bothered to draw his gun, Bart was well aware of what the older miner could do with it. Jake looked old and slow, but he could shoot the wings off a fly at twenty paces. Not to mention at how surprised Bart had been that Jake was pretty good with his fists too. For an old fairy he could take care of himself.

In bed and out of it the greedy claim jumper thought to himself remembering their last tussle at the cabin. But no, he thought to himself vehemently, I am not really like that. I just did it so Jake would trust me and show me where the gold was hid. The gold! That was what was important now.

Quickly considering all this Bart decided to make a run for it. But not before at least finishing what he started. With a sudden vicious kick to the face, Bart sent Jake rolling over the cliff edge.

As he saw the big man’s rotund body tumble over the edge he made a break for his horse tied near by, quickly mounted the animal and rode off at a full gallop. Leaving Matthew torn between racing after the dastardly Bart or seeing if the stocky prospector might have survived the fall.

As he watched Bart making his escape Matt suddenly heard a cry for help from the cliff edge. Looking down Matthew caught sight of Jake holding on by his fingertips to a shallow depression in the face of the rock. It was obvious he was not going to be able to hold on very long. Looking towards his trusty mount he decided the horse was too far away to get the rope from his saddle. Thinking quickly, Matt removed his gun belt, and wedging his hand into a small crevice, lowered the long, sturdy strap of leather down to the hapless engineer. "Grab hold of my belt and pull yourself up!" Matt yelled down the dangling man.

Jake managed to grab the life line and haul his battered body, slowly and painfully back up the cliff face. With a last monumental effort he threw himself up over the final lip of the precipice, landing neatly on top of a totally exhausted Matthew who had used his last ounce of strength to help haul the enervated miner back to safety.

With Jake once again on solid ground, both men lay there breathing heavily, the portly miner's body draped languidly over the young trail hand. Neither man was capable of moving even a finger, even if they had wanted to.

Looking at the bone tired prospector atop him, Matt noticed that Jake had lost his hat in his tumble over the cliff edge. His thick, silver hair shone with a sheen of sweat that ran down over his handsome, fleshy face, along with a thin stream of blood that ran down the side of his head from where Bart had hit him with the rock. It would definitely have to be attended to as soon as they got their strength back. In the mean time he was content to lie here and rest.

With a weary sigh Jake laid his powerfully painful head gratefully against the young cowboy's chest. "I don't know where you came from, stranger but, thank you," Jake puffed finally. "You saved my life."

"Matthew McMillan." the young man replied enjoying the feel of Jake's warm breath against his neck and the weight of the older man's body against his own. Matt could feel himself begin to respond to the situation.

Neither man seemed in a rush to move or even roll away from each other. Jake noticed that the young cowpoke seemed to like being pinned beneath his own sweaty, exhausted form.

"Jake Matson, prospector." The older man breathed, looking directly at Matthew for the first time, taking in his clear, honest and lust filled eyes and young, handsome face. And what he saw there ignited his own earthy passions as he felt the sudden hard flesh jabbing into his thigh.

"I 'm sorry," Matt continued, looking away. “I think he's made a clean get away." "Not your fault," the rasped the miner bitterly, looking towards the disappearing form of his would be killer. "Not your fault at all."

"If we hurry, we can still catch the varmint!"

"There's no hurry," Jake proclaimed. "The bastard thinks I'm dead and you don't know the location of the mine. He thinks he'll be safe. He'll hide there."

Jake looked down at the appealing face of the young man pinned beneath his enervated body. The kid was still breathing hard but Jake didn't think it was from exhaustion anymore, in fact from the feel of what felt like a long, smooth rock compressed between their bodies, Jake was sure this kid was anything but tired. When he felt the young man's arms go around his hips it was all the encouragement the portly engineer needed to tenderly lower his sweaty, dust caked lips to the lad's compliant lips.

Their close brush with death had left both men with an all too deep sense of their own mortality. They needed to touch and be touched, to know and be known, to love, to prove to themselves that they were still alive. With the first tentative touching of lips, Matt was swept up in a wave of longing that burst upon his body like a stick of high quality dynamite. When their tongues touched it turned into a string of explosions and a tingling that raced from the top of his head to the tips of his boot clad toes. As the first explosive fireworks raced back towards his head they collided with the second series of blasts in his chest sending an incredible warmth all through his muscular body.

Matt could now feel Jake's equally hard pole of flesh tunneling its way up between their tightly pressed body.

Matt's hands roamed all over the Jake's back, down over his worn, denim clad ass, wanting to feel every part of the older man's body. He thrust his aching crotch hard against the aged prospector sending arousing thrills through both ardent men. They were no more than five feet from the edge of the escarpment as they began to tear at each others clothes. The plateau was hard, but smooth here, and the stone was naturally cool even as the sun beat down upon it. There ardor was such that they had to taste, feel and hold one another right here, right now. Nothing else mattered.

Their clothes were soon scattered around them. The view from the ridge was spectacular to say the least, but Matt and Jake only had eyes for each other as they, now naked before each other, kissed deeply and soulfully. Their hardened cocks rubbing against each other, their bodies touching from lips to groin in a passion filled embrace that had them locked in rapturous abandon.

Jake, using his strong, meaty arms and legs soon had them laid out on the cool rock, under the bright, warm sun, their arms and legs twining around each other as their mouths explored each others mouths and bodies.

Matthew soon became lost in the tonguing of Jake's plump pecs and nipples; the portly man's thick wiry chest hair tickled his face as he ran his tongue again and again over the prospectors taut pectorals.

Jake's hands caressed the young cowboys muscular shoulders, stroked down his strong back and fondle his trim, tight butt. He enjoyed the smooth feel of Matt’s smooth, warm skin under his rough and calloused hands. Matthew slowly and luxuriously made his way down over the chubby prospector's trembling with excitement, body.

"Oh, God, Matt," Jake sighed contentedly. "This feels so wonderful. I'll do anything you want to do. Just don't stop. Don't ever stop."

By this time Matthew had reached the older man's engorged, throbbing prick. He knew what he wanted to do with his new friend, but first he would have to get this monster slobbered up good and wet.

As Matt's very wet and dripping tongue made contact with Jake's aching dick the large man let out a groan of pleasure that echoed over the canyon below them. "Oh, God! Matthew. . . Mat-th-e-ew. . . Mat-th-e-ew. . .! YES! Oh, YES!. . Y-E-S!. . . Y-e-s!. . . y-e-s-s-s!"

It had been days since Matthew McMillan had parted company with his friend and mentor Hank Raynor on the trail to his sisters ranch, so that Hank could escort a band of settlers, that had been abandoned by their wagon master, to Fort Courage. To say he was feeling randy by this time was an understatement. When Matt's tongue felt the hard, silky ridge of Jake's big, hard cock, it was everything he could do not to suck the monster piece of flesh all the way to the back of his throat in one heart felt plunge and suck the sweet juice of life out of the rampant engineer. And Jake was more than willing to let him do it. The big man thrust his aching, hard dick into the young man's willing mouth with a desperate need for release. But not yet, not yet. Jake wanted to give as well as receive pleasure and with a little urging managed to swing Matt's equally rampant crotch over his face so they were in a ying and yang configuration and Jake was quick to take Matthew just as far just as quickly into his wet, warm mouth. His beefy arms encircled Matt's waist, pulling his crotch tight against his face as they both sucked, and licked, bit and nuzzled each other in ecstatic frenzy of passion and need. Matt was surprised and delighted to feel the bristly face of the older prospector release his drooling rod and continue to lap and gnaw up further between his wide spread legs until his quick, wet tongue found his puckered hole and slobbered ravenously all over and into it, almost making Matthew shoot his load due to the new and unexpected pleasure. He ground his butt down against Jake's unshaven face enjoying the twin pleasures of his tongue in his ass and the feel of his whiskers scrapping his tender thighs. It was wonderful.

In response to the intense new pleasure that Jake was giving Matthew the callow youth redoubled his efforts on the brawny man's cock and balls. His lips, tongue, and teeth working in unison sliding up and down the hard shaft, eager to delight and satisfy as was being done to him. And delighted Jake was too. It was a great effort on his part not to shoot his load right then and there, but he wanted to really show this boy what he was made of, even though his balls felt as if he they would burst at any minute.

The feel of Jake's hot, wet tongue in his butt was driving Matt crazy with euphoria and it was not long before Jake's tongue was not enough. With the hot new sensations running through him, Matt's dick had been drooling steadily all over Jake's furry chest leaving a large puddle of precum that Jake now scooped up with is fingers and rubbed all over Matt's slobber wet ass crack. Then, slowly but firmly, Jake began to insert a finger into Matt's burning ass. Probing tentatively at first, feeling the boy's tight ass resist at first and then loosen and finally seem to pull Jake's very slick, very thick fingers deeper into his wriggling body.

Matt let Jake's equally slobber covered cock slide from his mouth and laid his smooth cheek against the older, heavier man's furry belly as the intense new sensations overran his electrified body. "Oh, God, Jake!!" the boy moaned in unbridled joy. "What are you doing to me? That feels so good."

Moving one of Matt's trembling thighs, Jake slid out from under the boy, but did not remove his thick fingers from his firm, round butt. Matthew did not move, but he did look over his shoulder to see what was coming next. He couldn't wait to find out. Moving up behind Matt, Jake gently removed his fingers from the young cow poke's butt and quickly slid his rampant dick into position. At the feel of the silky smooth, hard as a rock shaft poised at the slicked up aperture of his ass Matthew's legs almost buckled beneath him.

Matthew looked about in wonder. He had not realized that they were so close to the edge of the cliff. He took in the beautiful sight of the valley below and the wide river that ran through it. Matt was not sure but he thought he could make out the distant figures of a horse and two men following the course of the river. And then his mind was brought back to the here and now by the gentle insertion of the wide mushroom head of Jake's big dick into Matt's now pliant ass.

Jake leaned heavily into Matt's strong body and proceeded to pummel the firm, tender ass before him. Jake's big cock surged in and out again and again ringing cries of joy and ecstasy from the two coupled men.

Cries that echoed out over the valley below and return resoundingly to be joined with the hearty sound of flesh slapping flesh as Jake's wildly pistoning hips and Matt's wriggling butt slammed against each other over and over.

"Jake, Oh, God, Jake, fuck me, yeah, harder, give it to me!" Matt wailed as Jake penetrated deeper and harder with every thrust. Their balls were now banging against each other, and even that felt good. Jake's big belly ground against Jake's butt, his meaty fingers held tight to the young man's strong shoulders as he rode the young man's firm, muscular ass hard and fast. "Matt your ass feels is so tight and wet, it feels so wonderful! Oh, God! Matt!" Jake wailed as his mighty dick plunged wildly into Matt's clenching butt. Jake could feel the pleasant pressure building up in his balls. And with one last unbridled cry of joy and a final thrust of passion Jake's cock exploded, sending streams or hot spunk flooding into Matt's ass, and a very loud and long exultant cry of joy and happiness from the aged prospector.

The flood of burning cum gushing into him send a wave of rapture burning through him, sending him into a crashing orgasm that sprayed his spunk all over the hard ground and dripping down Jake's hairy thighs.

Jake laid his burly form across the spent and sated back of his partner in pleasure. Matt sighed contentedly at the feel if the big, round prospectors hairy, heavy body once more against his own, and the feel of his deflating dick slowly sliding from his sated body. Both men enjoyed the feel of their sweat soaked bodies conjoined. They then rolled apart to lie together holding each other under the beautifully setting sun.

Their pleasant reverie was shattered by the sudden sound of gunfire from nearby. Looking up sharply at each other in confusion and a feeling of de ja vu they then looked down into the canyon below and saw two men standing at a nearby bend in the river smiling and waving at the at the two lovers.

"I don't believe it!”Matt cried, a sudden joyous smile broke out on his tired face. "Who are they?" Jake asked a little embarrassed at being caught by a couple of strangers with his pants down as it was.

"I don't now who the young Indian is," Matt said waving back wildly at the men below. "But he big guy with the bushy mustache is my friend Hank!"

To be continued…


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