Gay Erotic Stories

Morgan's Happy Hour

by Skeebohyatt
12 Jul 2006

Bondage Crush Discipline Fantasy Fetish First Time Men At Work S/M Straight Men, Gay Sex Tales From The Workplace

Morgan just got off of work and I did too. I followed him down the stairs and out to the parking garage. He was a little bit ahead of me and was near my car. I looked around quickly to see if anyone was watching. No one was in sight. I pulled my dart gun out of my bag and shot him. It hit him right in the small of his back and as he realized he'd been stung, his muscles started to weaken. I love this special concoction I created. It is a semi-hypnotic agent. It essentially paralyzes all voluntary muscles while leaving the person fully conscious.

Great stuff. Anyway, I put my gun back in my bag and ran up in time to catch him before he fell. I popped the trunk of my car and pretty much just threw him inside. I closed up the trunk and got in the car. Started it up and started home, as if nothing unusual had happened. Except that I'd gotten a HOT body in the trunk of my car, paralyzed, ready for whatever I wanted to do with him. I drove home carefully, planning all the fun stuff I would do with him. He has a family and I know he'd be missed, so I certainly wouldn't be able to keep him for very long, but I would definitely enjoy him for as long as I could. Before I was done with him, we would be enjoying all the attention he was getting from me. The next time I took him, I wouldn't have to use anything like I did this time, but I'm getting ahead of myself again. He was in the trunk of my car. The clock was ticking. The drug coursing through his veins would only last for another hour and twenty minutes.

By the time I got home, there was only another thirty minutes left on the clock. I barely had enough time. I popped the trunk and saw him lying there, right where I left him. It was hot in the trunk so he was sweating pretty hard. I pulled his feet out so I could get a good grip on him. I kind of rolled him to the side so I didn't bang his head on the lid of the trunk as I took him out. Once he cleared the trunk, I hoisted him up on my shoulders, closed the trunk, and went inside. 25 minutes. I took him into my bedroom, closed the door, and laid him on the bed. I found some ropes and tied a rope to each leg of the bed. 15 minutes. He began moaning as he laid there paralyzed on the bed. I knew I didn't have enough time to strip him first or play with him in his paralyzed fear. I took each limb and tied it down with the ropes. He was secure now, but still fully clothed. Oh well. This could still be fun. 5 minutes left.

"Morgan, I injected you with a dart that paralyzed voluntary muscle movement. I then drove you to a secluded ranch in the middle of nowhere. I have restrained you rather hastily, in my opinion, because the effects of the injection are going to wear off in a few minutes," I explained so he would know exactly what was going on. With the drugs already wearing off, his facial expressions began to show not anger, but more a question of why I was doing this. "I think you're an extremely attractive man, Morgan." His expression turned to one of "oh shit." "I've wanted to pleasure you and to be pleasure by you from the moment I first saw you, but when I saw the picture of your wife and kid, I knew you were straight and wouldn't even consider half the stuff I've got planned for you." The drugs faded quickly now.

He struggled against the ropes, but they held fast. "I won't keep you any longer than I need to, Morgan, but you're not leaving until I'm done with you. That could be a few hours at least. Now, this could be the most exciting adventure of discovery of your life, or it could be the most terrifying and painful experience of your life. I'm going to do everything that I want to do to you, but how you remember this experience is entirely up to you."

"I'm not a fag, man. Why don't you do this shit with someone who is?" he said angrily. His look changed to one of hate. His face was reddened with anger.

"I already told you, Morgan. I want you. I've got you here with me. No one will ever know what happened here and now," and with that I stopped talking. I started with his left foot. I took off the tennis shoe and pulled off the sock. He has such beautiful feet. The smell of his feet was just intoxicating! Sweaty, the way they're supposed to be. I tightened the rope just a little bit, now that I had more time. He tried to kick me, but couldn't get much leverage. I then went to his right foot, taking off that sneaker and sock. Did I mention how beautiful his feet were? Oh... I could have creamed all over him right there just touching and smelling his feet.

I unbuttoned his shorts, bringing an immediate angry look from him. "Don't fucking touch me, you fag! I'll fucking kick your ass!" He struggled to get away from me. Where did he think he was going to go? Anyway, I unzipped his shorts and rubbed his dick through his boxers. The adrenaline was pumping now. I remember that he yelled something at me, but I couldn't hear any of it. My neighbors might be able to, though, I thought to myself. I grabbed an old t-shirt and wadded some of it up to shove in his mouth so he didn't bring everyone in the world over here.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch!" I yelled at him. I punched him the nuts and he screamed. I shoved the shirt in his mouth, muffling him pretty well. "I would much rather this was my cock I'm shoving in your mouth. I guess I'll just have to find another place for it." I could hear him protesting beneath the gag, but it was doing its job. He began to shake his head, trying to get it free. Thank heavens for duct tape. I secured the gag in place with the tape and went back to taking off his shorts and boxers. I normally revel in the reveal, but I wanted him badly and still had a ways to go. I pulled the shorts and boxers down as far as I could and then it was time for the fun part. He got a tease of freedom and I got to re-capture him.

I straddled his left leg and untied the knot securing it. He immediately tried to lift his leg to kick me off. The first leg is always the hardest. He kicked and struggled with all his might to get me off of his leg, rack me in the balls, or anything else he could think to do. I eventually got his shorts and boxers off of that one leg. I got off of his leg to get the rope which was just out of my reach. I watched him for a while as he tried to kick his way to freedom. I was enjoying this game until he got the idea to use his toes to try at the knots at rope holding his other leg. I grabbed his foot and he started to try and kick me away. I held his leg down until I could straddle it. Once I did that, I had him tied up again and under control.

The second leg is always easier. I straddled it with my knee on his shin. I untied the rope, slipped the boxers and shorts off as he began to struggle, and tied him back up. No monkey-business this time. I ran my hands up his legs as I crawled up his body. I lingered over his cock as my fingers rubbed the inside of his legs, caressing his body as they approached his asshole. He was sweating it now and writhed a little to escape from my exploration. I let one finger lovingly touch his hole and press in just a little bit. He screamed at me through the gag, some torrents of cursing and promising and such. Who knows? Who cares?

I sniffed at his cock and looked up at him to see what face he was making now. A great face filled with horror, red with anger, and sweating from wondering what was next to come. I slipped my hand under his shirt and rubbed his hard, mostly hairless body. Oh yeah, he definitely works out. I could do laundry on that six-pack! Mmmm... I pulled his shirt up and over his head. I would need to take it off of him, so that he would be completely naked and vulnerable. Now, with shirts, you have the option of wrestling his arms out of the shirt or just taking a knife or something to it. I liked his shirt, so I wasn't about to hack it to pieces. No. The trick is to pin the shoulder down with your knees.

It's hard to punch or get any leverage with your shoulder pinned down. Or, you can use another set of ropes, but that's too easy. So yeah, I got the shirt down his arm enough that I could pin his shoulder down. Grabbing hold of his wrist, I untied the rope and he immediately began to try and twist and get free. With one hand, I slid the shirt further off his arm, grabbed his arm with my other hand, pulled the shirt off, and used my other knee to restrain him at the elbow. Within moments his arm was tied up again. His wrists were starting to look really red and raw. I guess he was fighting me more than I knew.

"If you keep fighting these ropes, you're going to start bleeding. As it is, you've already given yourself a nasty rope burn. Calm down, Morgan." The other arm didn't take long either. He was totally naked and helpless. I got out my camera and started taking pictures of him. "Just so neither of us forgets this." I got some great close-ups of cock and balls. Getting good pictures of his ass took a little work but there's one where my finger is just pushing inside his asshole that came out really nice. And the shots of his face scrunched in pain as I forced it a little deeper. Yeah, great pics.

Now for the things I wanted from him. I stripped down quickly. It was almost a snap of the fingers and I was totally naked. I crawled on top of his body as this look of disgust materialized on his face. I grabbed his cock and started to rub gently. I would have used a condom, but he can't cum inside of me if he's got a rubber on, can he? I continued to rub his cock and after a while there was some movement. It was starting to grow. Morgan turned his head to look away. Whether embarrassed about getting aroused or not, I cannot say. Anyway, I do like a good rough fuck, but not this time. I took his stiffening cock in my mouth to lube him up just a little bit. Within moments, he was rock hard and lubed enough for what I wanted. I positioned his dick at my asshole and slowly lowered myself down on him. He wasn't the biggest I've ever had. He was long and skinny, and those kinds have always had a special place in my heart (and my ass). I take the gag out of his mouth now to here him.

"Get the fuck off of me you fucking faggot!" he screamed at me.

"Faggot? You're the one with your dick up my ass," I said as I rode him. Oh he was good. His wife is so lucky. He resisted the sensations he was feeling as long as he could. More to my benefit! I rode him for what must have been a good twenty minutes before I could tell he was really getting into fucking me. I started to milk his cock, it was time for him to cum. He didn't disappoint either. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine hard squirts deep into my ass. I squeezed him to be sure that I got every last drop he had. I stayed there for a little bit, recovering my high and to let him come down from his orgasm too. It was so awesome!

Looking at his face, he had a kind of glow about him. He had just enjoyed the hell out of that. Then he realized what he'd just done. That happiness turned to shame and disgust. He looked away from me and didn't say anything.

"Morgan, I just raped you. That's one way to rape a man. I'm about to rape you again. You are about to experience what it is to be raped the other way."

"NO!" he screamed, "Let me go! I already gave you something! Don't fuck me! Help! Someone help me!" I flicked his nuts and he twitched. He got this look of horror again. I climbed off of his sweating body and untied his feet. It's no surprise that he tried all kinds of stuff to try and kick his way free. He was really flexible too. I was impressed with some of the ways he managed to move his body to try and escape me. I watched him for a little bit, just to see what he would try.

After a while, I was ready for him. I needed him. I needed to make him scream, cry, beg, moan, groan, and bleed. I got on the bed with him flailing his legs in every direction. I got on the bed, bringing direction to his chaos as he tried to kick me off the bed and away from him.

"Just think Morgan, if anything happens, I'll say it was consensual sex. You fucked me first and then I fucked you. We took turns. End of story. Cops won't care more than that. Isn't it great?" Oh the look on his face was priceless. He had this defeated look for just a second. Then he started kicking at me again. First I grabbed his right leg and pinned it down under my left knee. He began to kick at me with his free leg to try and knock me down, but having done this so many times before, I grabbed that leg, sent the foot skywards and leaned in close to him. One leg pinned, the other over my shoulder I looked at him. He was thinking about how he could get away and was realizing there wasn't much hope of that. With one hand, I position my dick at his asshole. I realized I hadn't lubed either of us up for this. I hadn't fingered him or anything. He was going to be really tight. This would hurt him (and me) quite a bit. It would hurt him more though.

I started to push against his asshole and he tightened up everything as tight as he could. Patience. All you have to do is keep steady pressure on that little hole. It's like a lung. It runs out of air and has to breathe. So after a few minutes of gentle, but firm pushing, his asshole relaxed; feeling that happen, I pushed hard and slipped the head of my cock in his asshole. He screamed and started a whole new torrent of choice words and promises of what he'd do to me.

Once you've gotten this far, the hole caves in on you. Everything tightens up. You can't go any further, can't pull out (like you'd want to!), so you wait. At some point, every straight boy gets the idea that when you take a shit, the shit comes out, so why not the same thing with a dick? The reason you don't push out like you're taking a shit is because the dick can push back! Silly boy!

He pushed hard and I twitched and screamed "No!" and let my dick come out a little bit to make him think it was working. He lets loose this guttural scream and pushed as hard as he could. I grinned at him as I shoved my dick all the way in as deep as I could possibly go. He screamed and his body bucked wildly. He really tried to shake me off! I let the leg I had pinned down up and brought it also on my shoulders. This made it harder for him to get real leverage on me.

His bucking made for a fun ride though. I pulled my dick out a little bit again, just to tease him, and rammed it home hard. He screamed as I did this. Each time, the scream was a little weaker. It became a moan. His hole loosened with each thrust. His cock grew a little more with each thrust. Then I hit the magic button. His moan became one of intense pleasure as I massaged his prostate with my dick. Soon his cock was as hard as can be. I fucked him mercilessly. My dick was covered with bits of shit and blood, but it felt so good inside his tight ass. He moaned and held his breath just before he came again. As he came, his asshole tighten hard sending me into a whole new world and I came too. He squirted. I squirted. He screamed. I screamed. He cried. I cried. Wow.. it was so amazing the sensation I felt when I was inside of him ... and he had this big smile on his face. I leaned down to kiss him and, to my surprise, he kissed me back. I untied his arms and he just lay there.

I kissed him again and worked myself down to his stomach which was now covered in his hot, thick, sticky semen. It should be illegal to look as hot as he did then. He didn't know what to do, so he let me do whatever I wanted. I licked up his cum, salty and warm. I started sucking his dick, enjoying every drop I could find. To my amazement, it started to get hard yet again, so I continued sucking him as if his dick held the very drop of life. I sucked his dick as he bit his lip, closed his eyes, tilted his head back. He was moaning and groaning, truly enjoying this blowjob.

He put his hands on my head to guide me where he wanted me. I let him. He had already cum twice so far, so I was really surprised to taste another drop of precum. I sucked his dick hard and started to finger his ass. I wanted to tease him as I gave him pleasure. Two fingers made his dick wither a little bit. Then I sucked him hard. Three fingers made his dick wither a little bit. I continued to suck his dick. My boy lollipop. I shoved my fingers in deep and he arched his back, sending his cock deep into my throat. I held my mouth still so I didn't bite his dick off. Then I decided he was ready for my fist. The harder I pushed, the more he arched, but he didn't try to stop me. And oh his cock tasted so good. It was soft to the touch and delicious to taste. I was almost to the knuckles when he started to tell me to stop. So I pulled off of his cock, smiled at him and shoved my hand up his ass. He screamed and I could see the pain on his face. I tickled his prostate and all he could do was writhe and twitch as his body could only register orgasm, ograsm, orgasm! I swallowed his cock again, as I could tell he was close.

This time he shot deep in my throat, nine times again without any coaxing. He thought he was done cumming. Then I twisted my hand. Ten. Pulled it out slowly. Eleven. Still in at the knuckles. Twelve. Just the tips of my fingers. Thirteen. All the way out with a pop. Fourteen. In again with a fist. Fifteen, with a loud scream. Out again, sixteen, and he began to soften. I sucked his cock completely dry and he was finally spent. I lay down on the bed next to him and held him.

"I love you," he said, "please don't let me go." I held him there for another thirty minutes or so before I decided it was time to get him back home. I scooped him up in my arms and carried him to the bathroom so we could get cleaned up. Surely his wife would not appreciate the smell of cum, shit, and blood on her husband, at least not as much as I did. That was just one night.

I knew he would be coming over again soon and he knew it too.


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