Gay Erotic Stories

Non-Fatal Attraction, Part 2

by Blondeallover
30 Aug 2006

Asian Delights Black and Beautiful Exhibitionism Gay Erotic Stories Interracial Sexual Identity Discovery Straight Men, Gay Sex

The magnetic allure of the locale was just too overwhelming to resist. My breathing became shallow and quick as I approached the first blocks on foot. I was distracted all through my late class in a daydream about the unthinkable risk I was about to take. A month earlier, if anyone had suggested I had such daring, I would have dismissed the very idea as pathologically insane. I knew that those who took such great offense at my prior intervention on that hapless night could be out prowling and could respond with even greater animus to my galling return to their jealously guarded turf. The recollection of their menacing threats set my loins on fire with a thick stewing buzz. It was a thrill to walk about these gritty streets with a stiff boner that would not quit. A simple twig snap could shoot a charge of adrenalin into my depths like lightening striking an old tree. I deliberately lingered by dark and dreary alley openings. I felt like a rabbit caught out in the open, beckoning a predator to pounce on its easily accessible prey.

And then, it happened. I was only a block and a half from a neighboring area that is more prosperous and better patrolled. Only yards from an alley opening in front of a barred-off closed store, he spoke from behind. "You got one hell of a nerve showing your queer ass around here, white man." As he spoke, he brusquely clasped me behind the neck with one large hand and used the other arm to clasp me around the middle. I was helpless as he slammed me front-faced against the bars. With incredible strength he squeezed me against the bars and raised a knee to my lower back to keep me pinned. He had one free hand to frisk me as he obviously sought out my firearm. He must of thought I carried my weapon about my waist or holstered on my hips for this is where his urgently probing paw started investigating me. My legs were splayed slightly open to steady myself, allowing him easy access to explore my ass and crotch. His hand reached and patted all the way through, encountering my straining bulge on the other side. His fat fingers traced the outline of my persistent excitement and stopped there. I heard him almost whisper, "Well, what do you know? White boy brought along his sissy gun this time."

He let down his guard by removing his other hand and knee. I lunged to free myself and this caught him by surprise. I managed to back away 10' from him and reach for my .38 out of my breast pocket in a flash. I had it trained on him before he had a chance to react. Directly confronting him, I could see he was the tallest and broadest of the five or so assailants of the week before.

Seeing the gun, he threw up his hands at head level. "Be cool, man. I don't mean no harm. Just wondering why you come back to chocolate streets. Hear what I'm sayin’?" He spoke an octave above his tone when he had me pinned against the bars, feigning sociability.

"Just stand back and don't come any closer." I couldn't muster a tone of authority that I thought suitable.

"I got no quarrel with you. I don't mean no disrespect, but from what you got hidden under your pants, I think I know what you come back for." He started to saunter backwards to the front of the alley where the streetlight rays were weaker. "Come closer back here, friend. There's something I would like to show you, you might be interested in."

"I am not your friend," I protested. "Please just go about your business and leave me alone." I was frightened as I never had been before, but I didn't mean the words I spoke as they jumbled from my mouth. To the contrary, I was encouraged by the remark he made about my return. I even took a couple of steps toward him as he backed away.

"Oohhh man! Don't be like that. After what happened las' time you were here at night, there must be a reason you come back. Here, you can even continue pointin' your piece at me if you let me show you something you'd like to look at. . . . Just let me lower one hand down to my pants. I ain't got nothn' down there that could hurt you."

Stupidly, I didn't reply. Of course I had enough of a libidinal imagination to surmise what it was that he wanted to show me. This was a large very broad-shouldered powerful man, I estimated to be 6' 3" and at least 210 lbs. A large head was crowned with a black turned around baseball cap and coal black eyes peered impressively from large sockets. My curiosity of what Tyrone, as I later learned he was called, wanted to show me was quickly surpassing any fear he instilled.

"That's better." As he slowly lowered his right hand below his waist. His left remained fully levitated. "Most o' you white boys never seen black licorice stick before." He spoke as he unzipped and reached through the open flap of his baggy basketball length shorts with the same hand. He bent forward slightly to better release what it was he planned to reveal for my inspection. The gun was shaking in my hands as I stepped forward even closer, aware that he may be in engaging in some kind of trick to subdue me.

Withdrawing and exposing his concealed member, in a flash I realized that this was no trick. This was the genuine article. He slowly broke into a wide knowing grin. I must have betrayed obvious interest by facial expression. The length surpassed anything I had ever seen first hand. Evidently it was at least 9" with bulging veins branching off from the underside. It had a comparatively small uncut red crown with a wide girth that accentuated in the middle of the shaft. This was a pleasing shape of cock for getting physical.

"I thought you'd like that," he spoke softly with his toothsome grin. "If you put down your piece, you can have this cock for any way you'd like to use it. . . We ain't got nothin' againts folks like you, in fact, we hope you come around to enjoy good times with us".

Still, I didn't speak. I just stared at the awesome specimen before me. I didn't implore him to leave and I made no attempt to withdraw. I just continued to stare and point my gun towards his head. My hands were weakening with the weight of the weapon and also the thrill of the intensifying lust. My knees felt as though they would buckle any minute.

"You know you want dis meat, white boy. All your kind do. Now jus' put down your weapon and you can have fun like you never known before. . . . Chill, man! Its goin` be alright." He was right. If only I could sniff it, taste it, feel its silky pulsing heat in my grasp, and feel it rub up and down my rear crack. My defensive resolve was fast weakening. I was succumbing to the most potent and animalistic seduction I had ever encountered. If I surrendered to my desires I would place myself at the mercy of unknown appetites. Of course, this knowledge had the effect of only further weakening my barriers. I started to lower my weapon. "Do it, white boy! You know you want this man meat ssooooooo bad. Put down your piece and I put it in a safe place while you have the time o' yer life. . . My cock wants you, bad. Ain't no bitches know what to do with a good cock like fag, er, cock boys like you do. . . . This cock is yours for the sucking. . . . Or, maybe you prefer to take long meat up the back end. Any way you want it, white boy. Just put down yer piece." He was adjusting his shorts as I was about to yield to curiosity and desire. His large plump balls flopped out. "I'll bet you never seen balls like dese, white boy. You ain`t never felt or tasted balls in a sac like this. They be full of lots of cum and you can have them too." This was the final blow to resistance. I was simply driven by overpowering compulsion and hedonistic pleasure to take an outrageous risk. Nervously, I kneeled down to place the .38 on the pavement.

Before I could complete straightening myself, they were upon me. I do not know where they came from, but three other men incapacitated me instantly in a series of wrestling holds, including a severe headlock. "Easy bros," Tyrone spoke up. "No need to be so rough with our little friend here. He be a cock bitch. He want it bad." He moved his large head within inches of my face. "You ain't jus' gonna get one cock, slut. You gonna get all our black night sticks. Now, do you want all our cocks, white boy?" The others painfully intensified their holds on me.

"Y-yes," I yelped.

"I didn't hear you, white boy. Yes, what?"

"Yes I want all your cocks, sir"

"Thats what we like to hear. Ease up bros, we gonna get our man sticks worked on by pussy boy, here. Jus` make sure you never bring a weapon `round here, again."

They relaxed their binds on me and grasped about the arms and shoulders. They gleefully spun out raunchy banter. I was being tightly escorted down the street, presumably to the destination of our impending physical interactions. Through this whole episode, my painfully stretched organ never relaxed a second. I knew my briefs were soaked with pre-cum about the front and the wetness was spreading into the crotch to the rear.


I was tersely led down a dark side street with many street lights busted out. We turned to climb a cast iron stoop in front of a narrow red-brick row house. My captors had taunted me all the way with boastful threats. "I don't know white pussy boy. You may love cock, but our black licorice sticks may be too much. Likely to split you apart. It'd serve you right you mother fuckn' white bitch!" I was terrified by their hostility but enthralled by the prospect of their intentions.

The house I entered had a small cozy looking sitting room. Directly ahead was a stairway with beat-up carpeting. They started to make me shuffle up the stairs when an occupant appeared. She was a short but "stacked" attractive woman I estimated to be in her early thirties with long wavy hair. Mysteriously, she was wearing sunglasses at night. "Tyrone, what you all doin' in my house? . . . What? . Who you got with you?"

"Leave us be, Mercy. We got us a pussy boy slut who aks for our cocks."

Her tone of voice changed from accusatory to almost contrite. "Can I watch? I never seen a white man bein' fucked before."

"Girl, you can watch but you just keep that big mouth shut."

"What you talkin' about big mouth, you lazy-assed big ni."

"You don't see nuthin' if you don't shut up," Tyrone boomed. It had the desired effect. Her ample desire to be voyeur to the pending salacious spectacle quelled her natural inclinations for a time.

I was led into a small bedroom to the left of the top of the stairs. A large king or queen sized antique bed was snug against a brightly painted spotless wall. The only window in the room was carefully draped just beyond the end of the bed. I was struck by how good a housekeeper it seemed Mercy was. For the first time since they jumped me, I was able to get a close look at my captors. They were all taller and more powerfully built than I am, although none with the stature the equal of Tyrone. They all bore looks of mean consternation as they studied me with some disapproval. All were dark complexioned and each had a facial feature that seemed somehow exaggerated. Buzz had a large nose and Nigel had piercing eyes that crossed slightly. All seated themselves on the sparse furniture or leaned against the window sash. I stood helpless and surrounded in the center of the room.

Tyrone was the last to seat himself, making himself comfortable on the side of the bed. "Now pussy boy, strip!" I started on my shirt buttons as commanded. "Uh uh, what do you say to that, slut?"

"Yes sir, I am happy to strip for all of you, sir"

"Do you want us to inspect you without any clothes? Do you want to show us your little white ass and dick, bitch?"

"Yes I am happy to strip naked for everyone, sir. I am happy to show you my dick and my ass." I said this with a note of fear and trepidation, but in truth I was eager to exhibit myself to the careful scrutiny of all in the room.

"Good. You catchin' on now, pussy boy. You can proceed now. Let's get a look at what the bitch has got to offer." I had my shirttails pulled away and just about to remove my shirt, when Tyrone shifted on the bed, unzipped, and withdrew his glorious hard manhood again. This had the distracting effect of slowing me down and probably painting that stupid focused expression on my face. Tyrone giggled with amusement with the apparent impatience of his cohorts. They reached out and finished the job for me. They knocked me down pulling away at my trousers and wrenching my shoes off. While one nearly tore the sleeves of my undershirt from my outstretched arms, the other tugged at the band of my briefs, peeling them down my legs and freeing my 6" uncut cock from uncomfortable constraint, at last.

Mercy spoke up for the first time in response to my complete exposure. "I ain't never seen dick weed that color on a man before."

One of the cohorts responded. "Dats because dis is just a pussy boy bitch. This ain't no real man!"

The colleague who stripped my briefs from me wore an exaggerated frown. He held up the damp garment between his thumb and forefinger and announced to all present, "Gawd ain't this disgustin'? The bitch's leaking dick got spunk juice all over his britches."

Mercy guffawed responding to that emark. "Lord, will yer look at the slick end of his little cock. That man wants it real bad. . Mmmmhh, mmhhhhhh!"

"Enough!", Tyrone bellowed. "I told you to keep your noisy trap closed, woman." He snapped his fingers. "Pick him up and put his horny white ass on the bed here next to me."

Three sets of strong hands picked me up completely off the floor about the legs and shoulders and practically dropped me on to the creaking bed next to Tyrone. The soft bedspread felt good against my sensitized skin. I adjusted myself to face Tyrone. "Now listen up pussy boy. Now that we seen you in your fuckable self, I just want to say that what we goin' to do is different from when you fiddle and diddle with your other pussy boy friends." The other men in the room audibly smirked and snickered with that declaration. Tyrone only had to shoot them an icy glare to render them silent. "We all here be real men with real men's cocks. Now do you still want our cocks to do you as we wish?"

"Yes sir, I want your cocks to do to me anything any of you wish." I meant it. By now my own joystick was visibly flinching.

"Then beg for it, bitch !!"

I sat up to face the others, softly stroking my own excitement as I spoke. "Pleeaase I want all your cocks. I need them. . . Gentlemen, please use your big meats to abuse me in any way that would satisfy you. . . . Plea_"

"That's ggooooodd", he interrupted with a big grin. He was pulling his sweat shirt and t-shirt together over his brawny broad and strikingly ebony shoulders. As such, he was almost naked. "Now listen up here bros'. I want you all to help make our pussy bitch relaxed so he can take what we all got to offer. Now strip. Get naked! None o' you got nuthin' we all ain't seen or Mercy ain't seen."

Predictably, Mercy was the only onlooker who did not protest this order. She silently rocked her grinning head up and down in approval. The others whined their displeasure. "What you sayin', man? Who cares if the slut ain't relaxed? You taking the element o' surprise away."

"FUCK THAT SHIT," Tyrone bellowed. His outburst made me nervous as well as the others present. "Ain't none o' you got anything as big as me where it matters. I been sittin' here with my hard memba hangin' out for ten minutes and ain't none o' you gonna show anything to beat that. Ain't gonna be no sooprizes in this room. . . Now STRIP!" I was astonished that Tyrone was insistent on making this gesture on my account. He was right that the extra stimulation of dealing with them all in the nude was going to facilitate matters for me. His nakedness revealed a powerful taut muscled body that evoked a stunning manly charm as well as an intimidating superior stature. "Sorry, pussy boy. Get up off the bed and turn around and face it. Bend over and relax yo' uppa half on the bed.

"Yes sir" I did as instructed as I heard the soft rustle of removing garments behind me. Tyrone heavily thumped off the bed to position himself behind me.

"Now spread your legs a little and reach back with yer hands to spread your buns so we can get a look at yer pussy hole." When I fulfilled this command he did not say anything at first. My cock pirouetted a little throbbing dance as I felt all eyes inspecting my hole with interest. "Hmm, its the little pink pussy of a boy bitch, alright. Dis pussy probably hasn't been fucked by anything other than the bitty peepees of other pussy boys." This observation generated another round of snickers from the undressing men.

One of the amused seemed to elicit a change in mood. "What you lookin' at, woman?"

"ENOUGH !!" Again, with the bombast. "Now I want all of you to know that as your leader, I got first dibs on this tight ass." He positioned himself behind me and pushed away my hands at my ass. I sighed as I felt him place a large hand at my right waist. I gasped as I felt his spongy heated cock crown trace up and down my crack. "You like the feel of the end of my black hoggy rubbin' up against the crack o' yer white ass, pussy boy?"

"Yes sir, your cock feels wonderful running up and down the crack of my ass, sir."

"Are you ready to take a real man's, a black man's cock into your pussy hole? Are you ready for me to push and poke and stick my meat far up so I can stretch yer little tight hole?"

I braced myself for the inevitable as I felt the large spit-lubed crown line itself up to my tiny puckering orifice. He had placed his other hand tightly on the other side of my waist to steady himself. I was willing to say anything to encourage him, thereby prompting him to commence the momentous sexual contact. "Yes please sir, I want you to stick your big black meat into my hole so bad. I want it to be filled and stretched by your pushing it up as far as it will go."

"He he. . . You gettin' what you want slut bitch." The breach and initial penetration was almost instant with the high pressure from a forceful thrust.

I must alert the reader that my writing skills fail me now. The heights of joy and intensity of erotic feeling at that time are indescribable. I am reminded of excerpts in a novel by a prominent beat generation author. The piercing of the skin by a needle is the initial pain that must occur to enjoy the euphoric moments accorded by "the fix." Eventually, one is conditioned to enjoy the pain in anticipation of the inevitable ecstasies to come. Such is the case when accepting a devoutly desired cock into the smooth tight passageway to the viscera. The moment of the initial pressure and stretching during breach is, at one and the same, cramping but intensely pleasurable. This is the inevitable overture to the sumptuous stroking of one's inner vitals by a throbbing mass of heated man flesh. "Aaaaawwwwwwwwwhhhh !!" Immediately, I hoped my groan would not pose a deterrent to the manly bearer of the great specimen that was impaling me. It was even more a guttural response to pleasure than pain.

He paused with about 2" of his splendid salami gripped by my avaricious ring. "You sure you want my big man meat crammin' into your little pussy hole, bitch?"

I spoke up assertively, now. "YES SIR. PLEASE DON'T STOP. Your big black tube steak feels wonderful in me. I need for you to pump it hard into my horny little pussy hole, sir."

"You got it, slut." Both he and I grunted in unison with every heavenly thrust. He managed to shove it in advance of about another 2" with every forward stroke. Blissfully, he was impaling my ass with his turgid pulsing hot flesh at an angle that bathed my delighted prostate with tight friction, building that exquisite heat extending from deep in my ass to the root of my cock. He was right. This was sex at an intensity I had never experienced. The length and girth of his manhood forcefully tore into tight tunneling, filling and stretching my sensitized vessel to dimensions heretofore never imagined.

"You like that fat hoggy up your hole, don't you bitch?"

"Sir, yes sir", I panted. "Fuck me as hard as you want, sir."

"Gotta hand it to ya, pussy boy. You got one tight pussy hole, there. Make my cock feel real good." At this point, I felt the crinkly crisp hairs of his sizeable but close cropped bush slam into my entry lips and the top of my ass. He was pummeling me in short sharp strokes and his thrusting tool was stroking all the way at the other end of my filled tunnel, slamming through another barrier into guts of my abdomen. As if intending to take me on another adventure in euphoria, he started to slide his long heated staff all the way back so that his crown was engulfed by the grip of my sphincter and then slide that silky shaft the full length of my hole all in one forward stroke. Each time he did this, he would thrust forward with greater force. By now I had adjusted to his size and shape and put the muscles of my hole and bowels to work to grip and massage his insistent gristle with each stroke. He expressed his approval of these maneuvers with loud breathy grunts.

Unexpectedly, he withdrew completely without warning. "I can't get too greedy and shoot my load into this slut bitch too quick. Buzz, get your scrawny ass over here. I like to sees my bitches suckin' another cock when I fucks them. . . Get up on that bed and spread your legs so pussy boy can suck your ol' lollipop."

Buzz was perhaps 2" shorter than Tyrone with a more slender but well-toned physique. He was dark but endowed with a lighter complexion than Tyrone: a sort of burnished dark brown and a healthy spread of jet black hair sweeping across sculpted pectorals. It was pleasing to watch his lanky limbs climb the bed and place his nude visage in front of me, seated with legs stretched to either side of my head, presenting his 7" or so uncut cock for my oral applications. He smirked as he peered through eye slits, leaning against the wall and thrusting his lower torso towards me to wag his knobby-crowned slender-shafted arousal toward my open mouth. I caught a whiff of his sex-charged scent, whetting my appetite for the feast about to begin. I heard the spectators from the other side of the room taunt their encouragement. "Do it Buzz. Make that bitch suck hard on your stiff cock. Make pussy boy choke on black man's horny tool."

Tyrone chimed in, "Go ahead slut, you know you want a taste, reach for it." I shifted forward an inch or so raising my head and clasping my fingers around a heated shaft to lick the leaking flow of pre-cum from the crown and its sensitive underside. He let out a little sigh of pleasure as my tongue took broader sweeps about the length of the flinching erection. The warmth, saltiness, sultry muskiness, and pulsing smoothness enervated me to surround the sweet bulging crown with sucking lips and exploring tongue. The more a willing cocksucker acquaints himself with a man's sex, the more enthusiastic he is to suck and milk it to a hot volcanic climax. My other hand cradled his plump handsome balls dangling in their brown soft-leather-like sac.

"Mmhh, mmhh, darlin'," Mercy spoke, "I can tell you enjoy suckin' on a man's cock. You goin' to like it when he cums. Black man's cum is different…stronger, more funky like."

"I'm not going to tell you to SHUT UP, again. Get your loud mouth out o' here!!" I did not hear her respond to Tyrone's final order, but she did loudly step out of her chair and march out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

"Good riddance!", I heard Nigel exclaim. "Now it's just fun for the boys."

"Ooooooooooo", Buzz moaned with pleasure. "This bitch is goin' to town workin' on my meat. . . Here you white slut, eat all my licorice." He started to thrust his hips, sending inches more of tense heated flesh into my suctioning mouth; enough so as to ram into my gaping throat. At first my throat muscles were unprepared for the insistent impact and I gagged slightly in the adjustment. "Choke on it, bitch!!. . . You gonna find out what its like to swallow black man's cock."

Precisely at the moment of my first choking cough, Tyrone had straddled himself in position behind me once again and fiercely plowed his great growth of hard manhood back into my yielding hole once again all in one stroke. Successively, he would urgently thrust a couple of quick hard strokes deep inside before withdrawing completely and starting the process again. Each time, my muscles sought to clench his tool thrust in the sultry smoothness of my visceral grip before he could withdraw completely. "Das right, get tight on my dick like that, white whore boy." All this while Buzz was fervently cradling his hips up and down to effect an unrelenting face fuck. I never imagined myself so helplessly the object of such dominating sexual avarice: the manhandled living receptacle of perpetrators whose aim it was to seek intense gratification by my assault-like abuse. I was astonished that the more willing I was to submit, the more I desired their fierce undulations with greater pleasure and I moaned uninhibitedly with a mouth full of cock in appreciation. I reeled deliriously as their thrustings swayed me about from both ends.

After about seven or eight of such penetrations by Tyrone, I could hear him panting as he settled into just the quick strokes at the deep end. "Hope you ready for a fat fucker load o' cum up yer pussy hole, slut. . . . . Ahh, . . ahh, . . aaahhhhhhhhhooooo." A loud groan heralded the fixed throbs in my bowels as several deliciously sensed fleshy expansions squirted out warm streaks of his slithering seed so deep that they streaked back over his great meaty tube, the linings of my tightly stretched tunnel, and my sweetly massaged prostate. I felt his grip about my waist lighten as he started to relax with deep breaths. Slowly, the length and girth of this sumptuous specimen began to lighten in my delightfully flexed cavity.

Buzz's balls slapped against my chin as the fevered pace of strokes deep into my mouth became ever faster. Slamming his springy bulbous cock-head into the walls of my throat, my tongue was able to slather pressured swipes to the underside on each back stroke. He had sternly tilted my head back just enough that I could watch his open-mouthed gaping expression of mounting pleasures. A toothy wince heralded the overdrive in his groin as the roll of meat deep in my mouth and throat throbbed, squirting little shots of heated climax from his tender pee hole for me to drink and savor. Perhaps it was just the power of suggestion, but Mercy's information about the flavor and texture of cum seemed startlingly accurate. The fresh eruption of this young buck was somehow saltier, smokier, and more bleachy than any I had enjoyed in my varied cocksucking experience and I greedily swallowed all his offering. My oral hold of tight suction did not release him until I was satisfied that I had milked him of every drop of his tasty load. Buzz, in turn, was apparently satisfied as he lay back languishing in the glow of post-orgasmic relaxation. "Get OFF the bed and let your other bro's get some action", Tyrone sternly scolded.

I was then willingly subjected to the base urges of Nigel and his friend, Maurice. As I recall, each present enjoyed a second round. At one time, I would suck a cock while another would fuck me from behind. On other occasions I would service solo. I was fucked in a variety of positions to satisfy their whims: on my back with my legs raised or pinned back; on my side; seated on top so I could play with their nipples and flushed torsos as I would frantically raise and lower myself on their shafts synchronous with their own rhythms; from behind in a way that they could bend over, pull my head up by the hair and speak obscenities and demeaning epitaphs in my ear. I swooned with pleasure and delight to be the object of their aggressive and almost athletic physical assertions on my person. I relished being tossed about and pummeled by the sinuously muscled limbs that so unrestrictedly and urgently pumped up the seductively luxurious heat and electricity surging in their loins. I sucked or ass-clamped their demanding manhoods with as much conviction as I could muster to aid them in their insistent objective. No effort was made to clean my ass after each emission deep into its impacted cavity, resulting in a constantly drooling and sumptuously lubricated hole that emitted a conspicuous sloshing noise in time to the frantic rhythm of their nearly violent strokings.

When they had satiated their carnal inclinations, they stretched themselves naked like large cats in their seats and no one spoke for long minutes. Finally, Tyrone spoke next to me on the bed which reeked of male sexual effluence. "How you feelin', pussy boy? You are one strong slut. I believe you wore us out."

"I feel fine sir, but I believe I am a little dizzy."

"God dang, boy! It's a wonder you haven't had your brains fucked out and choked to death. I`ll see you get home, alright."

Still stark naked, they all sorted through the clothes strewn on the floor and identified my items of clothing to politely hand to me before they attended to their own garments. The stretched feeling in my backside was pronounced enough that I needed their assistance to stand and walk.

As I was assisted down the stairs, Tyrone established ground rules for any future meetings. "You liked our gang bangn' you, didn't you blonde pussy? You may feel like you ate enough cum for a lifetime and don't want another cock anywheres near your boy pussy hole for a year, but you'll be back." He spoke with almost sage-like authority.

"And we'll be ready for you!"

"Don't interrupt!!!," Tyrone shouted at one of the others, glaring menacingly.

"Consider yourself protected when you pass through these neighborhoods, day or night. Don't ever bring a weapon here again, or I will fuck you up the ass with something that will end your fucking days for good. I will gives you back yer piece, but we removed the bullets from the clip."

I was assisted into a cab. Tyrone was true to his word about my gun. He had written down his telephone number for me and informed me that an alternative way of contacting him was to walk into the liquor store on the main strip and inform the manager that I wanted to meet with "Suds" at a designated time.

Tyrone was uncannily street-smart about sex. While I spent most of the next day in bed, I was back to my old self in no time. In less than a week, I found myself preoccupied in daydream by the exquisite ravishings I had endured at the disposal of my fierce captors.


From: Blonde To: Date: April 26, 1997 Subject: Join me for some MIND BLOWING sex !!

Dear Ari,

I am sorry I did not contact you last week. I know when you read what I am writing you will think I am insane and perverted. A few days ago, I returned to near the scene of your assault and had sex with the attackers who nearly raped you. I realized I was attracted to the danger and the baseness of your assailants eagerness to relieve their sexual tensions as a group.

The important point is my risk was rewarded with the intensity of an erotic experience that I expect could never be equaled under any other circumstances.

I could not blame you if you decided to forget that I ever existed, but I would like to make it up to you by asking you to accompany me for a return visit. My introduction and your willingness to cooperate with both me and them would allow you to share with me sex on a cosmic scale. You have more than once told me that your enduring fantasy is to have well hung men have their way with you. Now is the opportunity for you to have your fantasy realized.

You have recently had sex with a white guy for the first time. Now you have the opportunity to have sex with black studs.

Affectionately, Blonde


Two days later we spoke on the phone initially in somber tones. I apologized for my seeming betrayal, but reiterated my offer. Ari sounded reluctant. I reminded him that he had lamented that he would likely be celibate when he returned to his country after graduating the next month. A conservative culture and a socially sensitive career pursuit would relegate him back to the closet. Would he then wonder and regret the lost opportunity for sexual adventure? I reminded him of our first meeting. When I encountered him stripped naked, I wondered if his hard arousal was just on my account.


When the cab pulled up to the row house, Tyrone was waiting for us on the cast iron and red brick stoop. I had to almost coax Ari to climb out of the cab. A wary expression from my new companion in erotic adventure was put at ease by Tyrone breaking into a broad grin. "Whassup friends?"

From within the premises I heard a voice chuckle out, "probably their little dicks." He was right on my account. I could hardly wait to be inside with clothes off in their presence. I realized I was going to have to bench my impatience on Ari's behalf.

"Hey man," Tyrone beamed at Ari sincerely. "Sorry we got so rough with you that other time. Me and the bro's was just a little too horny. We wouldn't a done nuthin' to really hurt you. If you like your friend Blonde here, you gonna like what we got in store for you. We all's gonna do things only that makes us all happy." As he mouthed the words of his last remark, he shot a belligerent "or else" expression at his colleagues just the other side of the threshold.

In retrospect, it seems we almost drifted up that drooping stairway into the same intimate little room. Tyrone was accompanied by only two of his proteges on this occasion. "You pussy boys can strip now." Removing items of clothes seemed almost effortless to me, but I had to reassuringly assist Ari out of his garments simultaneously as he still suffered from pangs of reluctance. I discreetly massaged his gender zone as I did so, but he was already "at attention" when I first groped. Being naked, aroused, and conspicuously leaking excitement juice from my pee hole now seemed almost second nature to me. But I had to move aside Ari's hands to keep them from concealing his male organs from the scrutiny of others.

"We got ourselves a couple o' sweet pussy boys with their peepees ready for action," Tyrone exclaimed to the amusement of his friends. "Before we fucks them, let's find out what it looks like when boy bitches get it on. Show us how you fuck your Asian friend, Blonde pussy." This suggestion helped to put Ari at ease as he contemplated that activity was going to at least commence with sex between each other. I had managed to grab a small tube of lube from clothes as I guided Ari to the bed. The others spotting it prompted a playful round of consternation.

"Ohhh, you need `slick'em' to have your tight little pussies screwed by cocks. Well get 'em greased good, because when we shove our fat man cocks up your tight little holes, won't be no grease on 'em."

I encouraged my partner in this spectacle to lie back on the bed and lift and spread his legs that would otherwise hang over the side. I had to crouch only slightly to line up my dripping glans to the puckering hole that I had Ari expose by spreading his ass cheeks for theatrical explicitness.

"Dats right, sluts."

"Fuck like rabbits."

"Poke your little stick in brown slut's tight hole, you white pussy. He want it hard and fast."

"Give us a show. Show us how you queer boys do it." I had been encouraged in displays of open sexual activity before, but never with such eager and contemptuous derision. Rather than be humiliated by it, we were both stimulated and enervated to couple with boundless enthusiasm and fervent physical interactions. The tissues of his resistant ass ring collapsed to the insistent pressure of my ramrod and my man head and shaft pummeled all the way in to Ari's tightly gripping exquisitely moist and fleshy love tunnel all in one forward stroke. He gasped and moaned to the instant invasion and I deliberately moaned and grunted to enhance the effect for our focused audience. As Ari's ankles and calves relaxed on my shoulders, I grabbed the tops of his thighs and hips much tighter to enable a fast paced thrusting and stroking to franticly pump his flexing hole and exercise the urges of my contact-hungry male tool. I was delirious with mounting heat and Ari now used his hands and forearms to thrust his ass forward to meetthe aggressive forward strokes of my insatiable meat. Our audience was whistling and jeering to the presentation of base sexual contact between two males. As I felt the buildup of heat and pressure in my loins near my balls, I knew release was not far off. I reached with my right hand to play with and fondle my partner's pulsing wood and sac. He squealed with delight to these attentions while we both never skipped a beat. I brought hisresponsive swelled roll of meat to a dancing climax, his thin strongly aromatic white sluice jetting from his pee hole and striking him on the chinat first shot. The mechanics of his orgasmic function forcing a rigid hold on my penetrating probe, my loins exploded in a hot wet release. I moaned uninhibitedly with joy as the liquids of my heated eruption squirted deeply into the intimate cavern which was the source of my intense pleasures. Before my last shuddering spasm, my warm slippery offering was already slipping sweetly back over my throbbing buried joystick. Within seconds, I exited his posterior opening to a trail of my own white jism flowing down his lower back.

"That was a nice show, pussy friends." Tyrone applauded with the others. "It is sweet to see how you queer boys have fun with each other. Now it is time to get it on with the big boys!" Tyrone had stripped naked and his thick long tube steak with bulging veins was the object of an unrelenting stare by Ari. The compelling seductive attraction of Tyrone's and his gang mates hard unconcealed gender- defining organs erased whatever residual discomfort and fear my companion may have experienced. He immersed himself in the opportunity to be of service to our horny hosts with the same joy and galling initiative as I. He now shared with me the large sumptuous cocks to suck and lick and ride rough shod with the heavenly heated friction of our heartily humped ever-hungry love holes. He euphorically joined in as I reveled from the depths of my naked being as we were tussled about like vaguely animated sensual rag dolls. For the second time (and what I assumed would not be the last), I was subjected to what another might regard as degrading assaults. Once again, I was thrilled to be bandied about and brusquely handed over as a convenient object for which aggressive naked horny men could each in turn gratify their coarse physical drives, in a manner only limited by their lust absorbed imaginations.


The next month Ari, who took longer to recover than I from our mutual round of sexual escapade, completed his final exams and graduated. We spent his last two days in this country together mostly naked and in frequent sexual couplings. Try as we might, we could not re-create the heights of ecstasy we achieved at the disposal of our rugged and fearsome acquaintances. Our parting was a sad and tearful one. Somehow, I sensed that future rendezvous would be in order with my new demanding circle of friends as I contemplated leaving the city. I had completed all my course requirements for this graduate degree and it only remained for me to write my dissertation. That could be done in my "holler" nestled home, forsaking unnecessary future rental payments.

Hard at work on my academic pursuit, my libidinal urge seemed to take a back seat at home quarters. Several months later, when I realized that I would need to consult with department staff on the progress of my labors, my loins burst alive with feelings of thick hot lust as I contemplated a reunion with those who inspired such intense eroticism. From numbing dormancy, distractions of sexual fantasy were frequent and welcome as I was swept into a binge of lively jack offs.

"Hey Blondie man, you comin' to visit us at chocolate streets?" Tyrone piped up with obvious delight over the phone. "Your little tight boy pussy must be awful horny for big black man meat, by now." He was giggling in his gregarious tone. "You know where to come to get your problems solved. Jus' take off your clothes and we takes our meats and give your little hole a good reamin'"

I stayed with student friends in the city but was spotted in the liquor store buying beer as a house gift for my appointed reunion. "Well hello, darlin'." Mercy seemed genuinely pleased to see me. Her face lit up as she revealed a partial agenda for the next day. "You look reeeal good! All Tyrone has been talkin' 'bout is Blonde this and Blonde pussy that." I ignored the amused glares that were prompted by the last remark. Everyone stopped what they were doing when she blurted out her next statement. "We so happy to have you visit, Tyrone can hardly wait to shove his fat cock up your tight little back side. Anyways, don't eat before you come because I am cookin' up some fried chicken and mashed potatoes and greens for the occasion. We all will have one great feast." She hugged me and reached up to give me one sloppy kiss before leaving. I sheepily paid for the beer and exited quickly to the amusement of all present.

The next day I arrived at the premises and was greeted with continued enthusiasm and good humor. My urge for rough sexual contact was again satisfied in style by multiple partners. Before our physical interactions commenced, we ate Mercy's flavorful and hearty meal in the kitchen. I had been assisted out of all my clothes and I was the only one seated naked at the table, as if I were some honored dessert. At the time, this seemed completely natural and almost inevitable.

At the table, Tyrone insisted that everyone raise their glass in toast to me. "I drink to Blonde man as his fuckable self. Someone we always welcome and respect in this house."


More Gay Erotic Stories from Blondeallover

A Conniseur's Feast

One might consider me a connoisseur. I am a connoisseur of cock: hard cocks, soft cocks, cut cocks, uncut cocks, big cocks, little fat ones, straight cocks, arched or curved cocks, definitely thick cocks. They say, "Variety is the spice of life". When it comes to the male sex organs, I like life very spicy. I like to look at, feel, smell, and taste well formed, animated, responsive cock. When

A Connoisseur's Feast, Part 5

I broke away, and kissed, licked and nibbled about his thick neck. I treasured a few tender moments with my head nestled against his left shoulder. So inspired by his awesome physique again, I pleaded with him to let me give him a massage. He retrieved for me the massage oils from the chest of drawers where they had been placed the evening before. This time I willed the self-control to proceed

A Dude Loves Jude - part 1

Terri moved her hand down to her fiance’s lower torso and pressed her fingers into his pubic area to trace the thick plumping boner swelling against the fabric of his jeans. She surmised the warm stiffening was not just from the stimulus of her probing fingers, but the content of the card he was reading for the umpteenth time. This was one of the most precious things she enjoyed about the

A Dude Loves Jude - Part 2

Part 2 - A Note of New Year’s ResolutionAll the usual disclaimers apply. Before the month of February was out, Tristan got the phone call he had been expecting almost impatiently. Jude spoke in a terse demanding tone. But it was good news for Tristan. “She’s seen the pictures from our Valentine night tryst. She wants you to get your queer man buns over here ASAP so she can watch as

Initiating My Roommate

I had repressed feelings for my college roommate before I came to terms with my being gay. I came out my last semester after we had both made other rooming arrangements. Knowing him to be very open-minded, we remained on friendly terms, but I did not have the stamina to reveal my feelings for him. Many of my gay friends and ex-lovers marveled at his slim strawberry blonde good looks, complete

Male Rapture Across Cultures, Part 1

MALE RAPTURE ACROSS CULTURES - Part 1, Introduction by Crisis by Blonde The following is an account of fantasy collaboration between me and a cyber-friend. It is our imagined intimate encounters during his student days in this country. All the usual disclaimers apply. The university I was attending was in a mid-Atlantic city just the other side of a precariously reputed

Male Rapture Across Cultures, Part 2

MALE RAPTURE ACROSS CULTURES - Part 2, FIRST PARTY by Blonde The gist of my newfound friend's e-mail to me was how much fun he had had that weekend. He had enjoyed the sex and could hardly wait for the next round. The next weekend he agreed to let me escort him to a party of mostly gay students and academics close to my own residence. I was not sure how acquainted Ari was with

Male Raptures Across Cultures, Part 3

MALE RAPTURE ACROSS CULTURES - Part 3, FINAL PARTY by Blonde I wore a blue and white Hawaiian shirt I rescued from obscurity in the deeper recesses of my closet. The shorts I chose were longer than Bermuda-length; they ended stylishly below the knee. I was reminded by Ari's invocation, "keep it informal and simple" as I slipped on an old pair of sandals. After all, the late

Non-Fatal Attraction, Part 1

The following is a re-write of a story I submitted to MEN ON THE NET about a year ago entitled "Male Raptures Across Cultures". This first part generally coincides with the first part or two of the former. In the 2nd part, the story line diverges into a more extreme domain that I hope will further interest the reader. ***************************************************************

Non-Fatal Attraction, Part 2

The magnetic allure of the locale was just too overwhelming to resist. My breathing became shallow and quick as I approached the first blocks on foot. I was distracted all through my late class in a daydream about the unthinkable risk I was about to take. A month earlier, if anyone had suggested I had such daring, I would have dismissed the very idea as pathologically insane. I knew that


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