Gay Erotic Stories

Her Husband

by Uknowit
03 Sep 2006

Bathroom Tales Black and Beautiful Chance Encounters Crush Discreet Encounters First Time Friends Hairy Muscle Older/younger Parties To Remember

Her Husband By: Eljay

My email is my name is Eljay

All rights reserved by the author do not sell or reprint without Author’s permission.

Mike was a light skinned 20 year old college student majoring in Business Law. He was a very busy guy who didn’t have much time for anything. He had many friends, but only hung out on a regular basis with a select few. Alan, who is also around the same age, was Mike’s right hand man. They had only known each other for about two years, but in that time they both had been through a lot with each other and had grown very close as friends. Through his friendship with Alan, Mike met Lelani & Jay. They both are married with one son. Lelani & Jay have been married for 10+ years, and it’s been a rocky one for them. They married young which made it a difficult time for them on many occasions. They managed to make it through all the years, but lately the strain was taking its toll.

Lelani & Jay were in the late 20s both, but they still went to the club on the weekends and hung out just like their younger predecessors. Lelani worked for an insurance company and worked out to keep her figure that she had since her teenage years. Jay worked in the Military and worked out on a regular basis as required by his occupation. Mike, Alan, Lelani & Jay were a close knit of friends. Even though their age differences almost spanned 10 years, they still enjoyed each others company and never ran out of things to talk about.

Lelani & Jay had been planning a big Halloween party for months. It was just something they decided to do for their friends. They wanted to have the typical “dress up in your costume” Halloween party. On the morning of the party, Mike & Alan were just finishing up with decorating their house. The caterers had just arrived with the food, and Jay had just pulled into the driveway with the Alcohol.

“You guys are going to have fun tonight!” Lelani smiled as Mike & Alan walked into the room.

“I hope so! It’s all you have been talking about for the past few weeks” Mike replied.

Mike turned to see Jay walking up toward the house with his arms filled with cases of beer and Liquor.

“Let me get that for you!” Mike said to Jay as he took a case from under his arm.

“Thanks man! There’s more in the car” Jay responded as he winked at Mike.

Mike just smiled back and walked toward the car. Even though Mike had never been with a guy, there had been times when Mike was extremely horny and fantasized a tad bit about Jay. It wasn’t something that he ever thought to express in reality. He saw Jay as a good friend and that was it. He didn’t want to jeopardize that in anyway.

“That’s the last of it” Mike said has he entered the kitchen with the last cases of beer.

“Just set them over there.” Jay said pointed toward the counter by the frig. “I’m going to be bartending tonight, so you better tip!” Jay winked as took the bottles out of the cases.

“I will be sure to stop by the bank before I go home”, Mike said jokingly. They both laughed as they continued to take the bottles out of their cases. Dawn was nearing and it was time for the party to start.

“Hey I’m going to run home and get changed…I’ll be back around 9” Mike said has he grabbed his car keys.

“You do that! See you at 9” Jay responded has he was still setting up the kitchen.

“Don’t be late!” Lelani said as she walked into the kitchen.

“Am I ever late?” Mike said as he walked toward the front door. He bumped into Alan on the way out.

“Hey I am going home to go change, I will be back around 9” he explained to Alan.

“Okay I’m about to leave too” Alan responded. They both walked out to their cars and drove off. Mike was excited about the party. He wondered what everybody was going to be. During the planning of the party, nobody was to tell who they were going to come as. It was going to be a surprise when you showed up at the party. Mike had decided to dress up as Dr. Death. Mike mistakenly ordered the costume one size too small and when he put it on it showed every detail of his body. Mike was in-shape and muscular, so it wasn’t a bad thing that it showed everything.

As Mike arrived at the house, he saw multiply cars parked outside. He knew it was going to be difficult to find a parking space, as their house was at the end of the street. He found a spot a couple of houses away and began to walk toward the party. He could hear the music and the laughter spilling out from the walls of the house. As he walked up to the front porch he heard the laughter of the electronic skull that was sitting next to the door. He laughed to himself as he couldn’t believe it actually worked. He remembered it wasn’t so easy setting it up when he was helping out earlier that day. As he walked inside he was greeted by different styles of costumes and outfits. Since most people had on masks, he really didn’t know who was who.

It wasn’t long before someone recognized him and began to chat. Most of the people there Mike had met before in previous get-togethers that Lelani & Jay had hosted. He eventually made his way to the kitchen where he saw the rest of his crew. There was Lelani dressed as bat girl in her spiked heels. Alan was dressed as bat boy with his plastic muscular chest. And then he noticed Jay behind the homemade bar in his Fred Flintstone costume. The bottom of his costume came to his knees with his muscular legs and feet filling in the flip flops that he wore. For some reason this made Mike stop and stare a little bit longer than he intended too

“Hey!” Mike heard a voice behind him. This broke his fixated trance that he had on Jay. He turned to see Lelani gleaming with her bat girl mask on.

“Do you like?” she said as she slowly turned around so he could get a good view of her costume.

“Of course! You make anything look good” Mike said into her ear. The music was loud so talking at regular distant didn’t do any good. Lelani smiled and walked off to tend to her other guest. Just as she walked away Alan came strolling up.

“What the fuck is this? Spandex Doctor!?” Alan said as he noticed Mike’s tight Dr. Death costume.

“Fuck you! Hahaha, don’t be jealous because you can’t have a body like this!” Mike said as he flexed his muscles a little.

“Please! You wish. Anyway go get you a drink and mingle. There are a lot of Lelani’s single friends here tonight so we have a lot of work to do!” Alan winked as he walked toward the hallway.

Mike just smiled to turn toward the kitchen. There he saw Jay bartending away pouring drinks and dancing to the music.

“What’s up?” Mike yelled as he tried to speak up over the music.

“Oh hey man!” Jay replied as he was pouring another drink. “Can that costume get any smaller?”

Mike noticed Jay had looked down at his crotch as he asked that question.

“Hahaha actually it can. But we don’t want to see that happen!” Mike replied. They both laughed and Jay handed Mike a drink

“It’s one of my specialties, drink it. You will like it” Jay said with a confident look on his face. Mike took a sip and put his thumbs up to show that the drink was excellent. He was starting to get in the party mood and began to mingle with the rest of the party.

A few hours went by and the party was still jumping. By this time Jay was out from behind the bar and drinking amongst the guest. The bar was self serve now as everything started to go into full swing. The music was going and everybody was having a good time. Mike noticed Jay was getting a little drunk and watch as he bounce from group to group laughing and talking. He wondered how a man could look so good in a Fred Flintstone costume. He wondered if Jay had on any underwear under it. Many occasions throughout the night, Mike tried to look to see what Jay was wearing under it, but was unsuccessful to say the least. He didn’t want it to be too obvious and draw attention to himself.

Mother Nature was calling and it was time for Mike to take a leak once again. He tried the bathroom in the hall but it was locked. He heard what seemed like two or more people in there rustling about. God only knows what they were doing, but Mike didn’t care. All he cared about was draining his snake. He decided to try the upstairs hall bathroom. When he got there he again was greeted with another locked door. The party was in full swing and the effects of the alcohol were kicking in. So he wasn’t surprised when he was greeted with the same noise that he heard in the downstairs bathroom.

After finding another locked bathroom in the upstairs hallway, Mike walked into Lelani and Jay’s master bedroom. He knew they had a bathroom in there and he hoped that nobody was in it. As he approached the bathroom, he saw the light on and the door cracked. He heard some movement followed with a sound of piss hitting the water. “Oh great,” he thought. This bathroom was occupied too. As he turned to walk out the bedroom he noticed something orange out of the corner of his eye. He was curious and slowly opened the bathroom door. He couldn’t believe what he saw. There was Jay standing at the toilet pissing away. Jay had his costume lifted up to his chest with one hand, and his other hand had the waistband of his boxers pulled down past his crotch exposing his beautiful brown cock. Mike immediately noticed Jay’s cock slowly bouncing up and down as piss streamed out. Mike began to grow hard and his costume did a terrible job of covering it up. He began to cover himself so Jay wouldn’t notice. That’s when he realized that Jay was in a drunken haze. He was standing there taking a piss oblivious to Mike watching his every move.

Just as Mike was deciding on what to do next he saw Jay look up at him. His heart almost stopped and fear jolted his body like a big shockwave. He sat there like a deer in headlights. He didn’t know what Jay would do. Jay was much older, bigger and muscular than him. Jay stared at Mike for a few seconds and then smiled. He then slowly turned his head back down to where it was before. Mike knew for a fact that Jay did not have a clue to what was going on. As this moment in time, Alcohol had the best of Jay. Mike decided that he was going to have a little fun with him. He slowly walked over to Jay who was finishing up. The last bit of piss streamed out his mushroom head. Mike gently grabbed Jay’s cock and shook it lightly. He made sure every last dropped had disappeared. He then began to rub is thumb gently over the piss slit. Jay was slightly bigger than Mike. His cock was very thick and veiny. Mike began to get rock hard has he continued to molest Jay.

Mike then turned to Jay and lightly kissed him on the lips. He was surprised when Jay returned another kiss this time with tongue. He could taste the alcohol that Jay had just recently consumed. As they tongue wrestled, Mike began to slowly stroke Jay. Mike realized that his costume was restricting his erection and wasted no time in freeing his monster. His dick bounced out and hit Jay’s hand. This sent chills down the core of his spine. He then felt Jay’s hand grasp his swollen member. He began to wonder if Jay knew what was going on. He decided to see how far he could take it before Jay protested. Mike continued to tongue wrestle and molest Jay. It wasn’t long before Jay was fully erect and throbbing. Mike continued to stroke Jay running his hand up and down his thick shaft. Mike couldn’t believe what he was doing. He fantasized about Jay, but never thought in a million years that he would actually be acting out his fantasy. He couldn’t wait to get a taste of Jay’s meat stick. He slowly lowered his mouth onto Jay’s aching cock. He gently licked his mushroom head. He swirled his tongue around the tip and inserted the tip of his tongue into Jay’s piss slit. Jay’s head fell back as he moaned lightly. He began to lift his costume up further past his nipples and started to rub and pinch them.

Mike then wrapped his warm mouth around Jay’s swollen boy and began to suck and slurp away. Mike had never sucked a cock before in his life. He was going by what he saw in porn movies. He sucked and swirled his tongue around the head and down the shaft. Precum began to pump out faster and faster. He then started to lick and chew on Jay’s big hairy balls. Jay’s cock slapped and bounced on Mike’s face as he chewed and sucked on Jay’s sperm sac.

“Oh fuck…” Jay whispered softly as his swollen pole was being devoured by Mike’s warm tight mouth.

Mike continued to suck and stroke Jay for about 10 minutes. He then began to feel Jay’s cock swell and expand. What happened next surprised and somewhat startled Mike. Jay’s hand quickly grasped the back of Mike’s head. As Jay’s cock being to swell, Mike knew that he was to cum. When he felt Jay’s hand on the back of his head, he knew that Jay was going to make him take the load in his mouth. Mike had never done this and wasn’t ready to take a load in his mouth. Jay began to pile drive his hips deep into Mike’s mouth. Mike tried to pull his head away, but couldn’t as Jay kept his hand on the back of his head forcing him to stay on his dick. Thick gobs of saliva and precum dripped out the sides of Mike’s mouth as Jay continued to rape his mouth. It wasn’t long before Jay grunted and thick ropes of cum shot to the back of Mike’s throat.

Mike didn’t know what to do. He tried to back his head away, but Jay was much stronger than him. All he could do was swallow his seed. He gulped down wad after wad as it hit the back of his throat. After what seem like eternity, Jay let got of Mike head and he immediately jerked away. Jay’s now limp cock slipped out of his mouth as he backed away. Cum dripped from Jay’s sensitive mushroom head. Mike immediately wiped his mouth in disgust. He felt humiliated, violated, and turned on at the same time.

“You have a good mouth,” Jay slurred.

Mike didn’t even answer. He just sat there in amazement to what just happened. Mike was still rock hard and it was his turn to expel his load. He got up off his knees and walked over into the bedroom. Just after he pulled his pants completely off, Jay came up behind him and football sacked him into the bed. This took Mike completely by surprise and the wind was knocked completely out of him. As he caught he breath he realized Jay was up against him and had him pinned to the bed on his stomach.

“What the hell are you doing?” Mike yelled trying to get Jay up off of him.

“Shhh!! Shut up! Shut up!” Jay grunted as he struggled to keep Mike pinned to the bed.

Mike felt Jay’s cock stiffen up against his ass checks as Jay lay on top of him. The realization of what was about to happened settled in. Mike had never taken it up the ass before and wasn’t planning on it happening tonight.

“Get off of me!” Mike screamed as he struggled to free himself. It was no use, Jay was in the Marines, and knew all the tricks and trades to keeping somebody subdued. Jay was much older and a lot stronger. Mike knew he had no chance in keeping Jay from doing whatever it was he wanted to do to him.

“Shhh!!! I want you!” Jay slurred and began to lick Mike’s ear. Mike felt his hot breath moistening the inside of his ear. The alcohol on Jay’s breath was still strong. Mike knew that Jay was in a drunken sex rage and knew that after this was all over, Jay wouldn’t remember a thing.

“My wife won’t give it to me! And masturbating only gets you so far.” Jay began to rant. He began to lick the inside of Mike’s ear. “Don’t fight it, just let it happen” he whispered as he continued to lick his ear.

Mike couldn’t believe what was happening to him. He wanted anything for someone to walk into the room and save him from what was about to happen. But the booming sound of music from downstairs reassured him that nobody was coming. Jay shifted his weight to where he could move his arms but still keep Mike pinned to the bed. Mike felt Jay’s legs slither in between his and slowly spread them apart.

“Just stop! Your drunk” Mike pleaded. His words had no affect on Jay’s actions.

Mike then heard Jay spit and then felt a finger slip into his ass. The only thing that ever touched his asshole was tissue and a washcloth. Having a finger sink deep inside him was something he wasn’t prepared for. Mike winced in pain as Jay stuck another thick finger into his tight college butt.

“Oh yeah you’re tighter than Lelani!” Jay whispered has he continued to finger rape him.

Mike felt his ass loosening up and started another attempt to free himself. He was sadly confronted with the fact that Jay had all his body weight pressed down against him on the bed. There was no way for him to go anywhere. Jay continued to vigorously finger fuck him. His thick fingers slipped in and out of Mike’s now semi loosened asshole. Jay then slipped his fingers out of Mike which was a big relief for him. But this wonderful feeling was short lived when he felt Jay’s thick mushroom head pressing against his ass lips.

“Oh god, please don’t!” Mike pleaded. But Jay was in another world. He was in a drunken sexual rage that wasn’t going to go away until his sexual needs were satisfied. Jay grabbed Mike’s wrist and pinned them down to the bed. He lifted up in a “push up” position and carefully placed his head at the entrance of Mike’s waiting cherry chute. Once Mike felt Jay’s body weight lift off of him he tried to free himself once more. But with his wrist pinned down, all he could do was move his hips which didn’t do him any good in the situation he was in.

Jay slowly sunk his thick man pole inside of Mike’s cherry boy hole. His mushroom head press firmly against Mike’s ass lips, but eventually gave way to his thick pulsating invader. As Jay’s head slipped passed Mike’s ass ring we winced in pain.

“Oh you are too big! Fuck!” Mike screamed. Jay continued to sink his swollen member deeper inside Mike. Mike tried to squirm away but it was no use. Jay’s thick punisher continued to spread open his ass further and further. The pain to almost unbearably for Mike, tears started to roll down his eyes as his ass took its punishment. Inch after inch sank deeper into Mike. Finally Mike felt Jay’s pubic hair resting on this butt cheeks. He had taken all of Jay and the real fun was just about to begin.

“Fuck! You’re so tight; I’m going to break you in real good!” Jay grinned as he whispered in to Mike’s ear. Jay began to slowly pull his monster back out of Mike. Just as his head was about to plop out, he slammed it back in. Mike yelped as his butt was almost torn apart by Jay’s massive member. Jay began to slowly fuck Mike, each thrust faster than the last. Mike was so tight that his butt would lift up every time Jay would pull up. Mike felt Jay’s leg push his own wider and which gave Jay better access to Mike’s now cherry popped hole. Jay began to pile drive Mike into the next world. All you could hear in the darken room was Mike’s ass cheeks slapping against Jay’s crotch. Between the slaps you could hear Jay grunting and Mike slightly moaning in pain.

Mike could not believe Jay was taking advantage of him like this. His own dick was rock hard as Jay pressed against his prostate. Even though he was being forced to take Jay, for some reason it wasn’t all that bad. Mike was in Jay’s power now. He had no say in how fast Jay pumped his hole. Jay was in control and all Mike could do was moan as Jay’s mushroom head slammed back and forth against his prostate. Jay then started to take his thick rod completely out of Mike, and slam it back in full force to the hilt. Every time Jay slipped his cock out, you heard a big plop as Mike’s asshole tried to retract back to its former state.

This sexual beating when on for about another 45 minutes; Mike was drenched with Jay’s sweat and musk as he continued to pound his ass. Mike’s prostate was taking a beating which had him fully erect and leaking precum like crazy. Mike could only take so much of this beating until it was too much for him. His swollen member ached to be relieved of his man seed. He lifted his butt into the air which threw Jay off guard. He began to jab his butt back onto Jay’s aching cock.

“Oh fuck! That feels so good,” Jay moaned as his dick continued to be fucked by Mike. Mike jabbed harder and harder onto Jay’s swollen man stick.

“I need to cum,” Mike complained to Jay as he continued to buck his hips back and forth into Jay’s crotch. Jay released his right hand off of Mike’s wrist and grabbed Mike’s aching member. He began to vigorously stroke Mike faster and faster.

“Oh! Ohhhhh!!” Mike screamed as thick wads of cum shot out of his tender aching head. Wad after wad splatter against the bed sheets as Mike emptied his ball sac.

“Oh yeah cum you little bitch,” Jay whispered as he continued to stroke Mike’s now sensitive member. Mike began to pile drive his hips faster and faster into Jay’s crotch. He wanted Jay to cum to he could finally get this ordeal over.

“You want this don’t you!” Mike taunted, as he continued to fuck Jay’s dick.

Jay replaced his hand back onto Mike’s wrist and slammed his crotch back down into Mike’s butt. This forced Mike’s hips back into the bed. Mike felt his sticky load that he just spent against his crotch as Jay power fucked him into the bed.

“Ohhhh!!! Shit!! Argh!” Mike screamed as Jay pumped faster and faster. He felt Jay’s pole thicken up and swell as he was about to dump his massive load.

“Pull out!” Mike yelled, but it was too late. Thick ropes spewed into his ass as Jay dumped load after load into his stretched out boy hole. Gobs oozed out as Jay continued to fuck Mike’s ass while showing no mercy.

“Argghhhhhhhhhhh!!!” Jay yelped as his monster was being drained by Mike’s poop chute.

After what seem like eternity, the last bit shot out of Jay’s head and he collapsed onto Mike breathing heavily. Cum slowly oozed out of his ass as Jay laid their on top of him. After a few seconds, Jay rolled off of Mike his dick plopped out as he back hit the bed.

“That was good” Jay said lying beside Mike.

Mike was relieved that Jay was finally off of him and began to get up. He felt his ass lips which were puffy, swollen, and oozing cum. He slowly walked to the bathroom; his ass ached every time he took a step. He finally took the piss that he wanted to do in the first place. As he stood at the toilet, piss streaming away, he felt his ass again. He couldn’t believe what just happened. Afterwards he walked back into the bedroom. The light of the bathroom was the only thing that lighted the room. He heard Jay snoring as he laid on his back, his limp cock lying on his thigh.

It still looked big even when it was soft. Mike realized that Jay wouldn’t remember tonight’s incident. He walked over to Jay and lightly kissed him on the lips. Even though Jay took advantage of him, he still thought Jay was sexy. Mike had to admit that it did turn him on a little being forced to take Jay’s dick. He’s just glad that nobody else saw or heard what had happen. He was reassured of this when his still heard the music downstairs bumping louder than before. He felt around on the floor for his costume but realized it had ripped somehow during his previous ordeal. He wasted no time in raiding Jay’s closet for something to wear. After he was dressed he walked out into the hallway. Right before he closed the bedroom door, he took one last peek at Jay as he was passed out naked on the bed covered in sex juices.

“What would Lelani think when she discovers him there later tonight?” he thought. After a few seconds of pondering his realized he didn’t care. Their marriage was shot anyway. He slowly closed the door and headed back downstairs. He slipped out of the house so nobody could see him. He didn’t want to have to explain as to why he was wearing Jay’s clothes. Maybe in the future he will return the clothes and explain to Jay what had happened. In the meantime he had an ass full of cum that was a clear reminder of what had just happened.

Please email me and tell me what you think! If you enjoyed this let me know.


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