Gay Erotic Stories

The New Client

by Kissandcum
22 Jul 2008

Escort Confessions

Red notice: hi there, nice profile

NeedItNow: yeah, like yours too - background??!

Red notice: young horny guy... looking for some fun

Red notice: not interested in the usual aol tossers

NeedItNow: me too Jon 22 - 13st 6.2, 44c 32w blue/blond and hung!!

NeedItNow: such as - the usual??

NeedItNow: student!!

Red notice: you or me?

NeedItNow: born in Spain but British!!

NeedItNow: me!

Red notice: sounds different!

NeedItNow: good - where's yours from??

NeedItNow: stats? pic? sorry I have no pic yet!!

Red notice: i can send you a pic, no worries...

Red notice: hold on

NeedItNow: thanks!!

Red notice: there you go

NeedItNow: nice - very nice indeed - wish I could see more of u!!!!

Red notice: lol... one step at a time! but who knows, you sound kinda nice yourself

NeedItNow: thanks - stats?

Red notice: 5'11, 12.5st, 42c 32w, fit, supple, 8.5cut

NeedItNow: wow!! nice!! 8” cut here

NeedItNow: u sound as tho u could shoot onto yourself or fellate yourself!!

Red notice: i have nice nipples and a firm butt

Red notice: and i can suck myself off...!

NeedItNow: wow - thought u could!! love nippples and a nice butt - mines a wee bit hairy!!

Red notice: I have good control of my ass muscles if you like fucking guys - i can sometimes make guys cum just by contracting and releasing my ass muscles when they're still inside me

Red notice: and i shoot a long way too

NeedItNow: wow - fucking gr8 -sorry about being rude - but it sounds fab- tell me more!!

Red notice: well i started as a model quite young

NeedItNow: and? u sound nice and sexy and honest!!

Red notice: i had a photographer who kinda promoted me ... he was bi and a brilliant guy - he was 25 when i was 18 and he'd been in escort work for a few years

Red notice: he kinda taught me all i know

Red notice: how to exercise so that the right muscles got developed

Red notice: for modelling work - and for good sex

Red notice: how to get supple and stay fit

NeedItNow: wow - is he still around?

NeedItNow: nice!! like that!!

Red notice: he died a couple of years ago

NeedItNow: pity

NeedItNow: hope it wasn't of...??

Red notice: he left me his cartier

Red notice: nah - he was really careful

Red notice: and made sure i was too when i was young and naive

Red notice: modelling has its risks you know!

NeedItNow: such as??

Red notice: being exploited; guys coming onto you; kinky bastards some of them

Red notice: so tell me more about you

NeedItNow: what would u like to know!! I'm a student - history - like lots of fun and am very versatile - turned on by nice guys - bi or gay - or even str8 -like nice underwear, nice bodies, nice faces(love yours!!) and honest guys!!

NeedItNow: I did have a gf!!

NeedItNow: like to make love - not just screw!!

Red notice: sounds good to me - you've more depth than most!

Red notice: and i like passionate sex

Red notice: with lots of time and contact

Red notice: taking care to make each other really turned on

NeedItNow: me too!! like to work up to it and have long foreplay sessions and then very passionate lovemaking -love music to accompany it, candels etc.,!!

Red notice: i love the other guy to come at the same time as me

NeedItNow: exactly - love being carressed!

NeedItNow: me too!

Red notice: i'm tempted to send you another shot of me

Red notice: a bit more explicit!

NeedItNow: please I'd be very grateful!!

NeedItNow: love to cuddle all night - sometimes do so instead of just screwing!!

NeedItNow: love to fall asleep in a guys arms and wake up in the same position or vice versa!!

Red notice: i don't usually do this but i'm kinda turned on chatting to you online for some reason

NeedItNow: your pic is gr8 - i see a little bulge there!!???

NeedItNow: and same here - u just seem different and fun!!

Red notice: daniel took that photo by the flowers, a few weeks before he died

Red notice: so i kinda like it

NeedItNow: yeah me too - who took the other one!! nice too love ya man!!

Red notice: lol - hey don't get so excited

Red notice: not seen a cock before?

NeedItNow: yes but yours is so nice and it matches the face!!

Red notice: well i guess it would

Red notice: i'm getting hard now actually

NeedItNow: me too - would love to eat it all!!

Red notice: haven't cum for a couple of days - so balls feel really heavy

NeedItNow: me neither! how often do u usually come?!!

Red notice: with the right guy, 3 or 4 times in a night

NeedItNow: mmm 2/3 is my limit usually!!

Red notice: d'you know how to build up more spunk for a session before having sex with someone?

NeedItNow: no - please tell me!!

Red notice: ok... here's what to do

Red notice: don't cum the day before

NeedItNow: wow

NeedItNow: yes!! and??

Red notice: lets say you are meeting him at 6pm

NeedItNow: yes

Red notice: when you get up, wank until you can see pre-cum

Red notice: then stop

Red notice: have a wank to the same stage 4 hours before - so 2pm

Red notice: then again 2 hours before

NeedItNow: yes!!

NeedItNow: and??

Red notice: on the middle one, wank as far as you can go without cumming

Red notice: by sex at 6pm, your balls have manufactured a load more spunk!

Red notice: it works....

NeedItNow: wow!!!!

Red notice: you can double or triple your load if you work at it

Red notice: more if you don't cum for 2 dyas

NeedItNow: wow any more tips? how to increase length??!!!

Red notice: this is how guys in gay vids spunk bucket loads

NeedItNow: but does it make u come more times as well as give more volume??

Red notice: no

NeedItNow: just wondered!!!

Red notice: sometimes less - as you are so spent after shooting all that stuff

Red notice: but it impresses other guys usually!

NeedItNow: but u could then fall back into some spunk'y arms for a nice caress!!

NeedItNow: any more tips about sex?!!

Red notice: loads!

NeedItNow: well give me some ideas please - eer name???

NeedItNow: need some!!

Red notice: it was my profession for 3 years

NeedItNow: mmm and now u are retired?

Red notice: yep, i don't really need to work

NeedItNow: because u made so much dosh?!!!

NeedItNow: man where are u??!!!

Red notice: let's say i had a certain reputation at the top end of the market

NeedItNow: anywhere near Highbury?

NeedItNow: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Red notice: but clients always viewed it as value for money

NeedItNow: wow u horny hunk u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Red notice: often i got tips many times more than my fee

NeedItNow: u ever meet anyone well known???

NeedItNow: wow!!

Red notice: i can't say

NeedItNow: I' m sory shouldn't have asked!!

Red notice: discretion was and is very important

NeedItNow: one always wonders about certain guys like footballers and politicians and actors!!

Red notice: no problem - ask whatever you like - I can say no!

NeedItNow: yes i guess discretion IS the better part of valour!!

NeedItNow: well some tips for staying harder!!

Red notice: sometimes personal saftey dictates it - but it's part of doing business when you have rich and famous clients

Red notice: you don't have a pic marc?

NeedItNow: exactly!!! Danny??? -sorry so new to all this i haven't!! need some tho!!

NeedItNow: need someone to take some sexy ones!!

Red notice: daniel was my friend's name - my name is red

Red notice: well jon - if you have what it takes maybe i can teach you

NeedItNow: thank u i need a mentor -really do!!

Red notice: can i ask you some questions?

NeedItNow: yes!! please do!!

Red notice: i need honest answers

NeedItNow: ok Red notice: if you don't want to answer just say so

Red notice: ok

NeedItNow: ok

Red notice: can you touch your toes properly

NeedItNow: yes!!

Red notice: good

Red notice: do you smoke

NeedItNow: no

Red notice: drugs?

NeedItNow: no

Red notice: ever tried?

NeedItNow: no only ever tired poppers!!

Red notice: how did you get on with it

NeedItNow: ok!!

Red notice: what's the youngest and olderst guys you've come with

Red notice: ages

NeedItNow: 19 and 39

Red notice: how did you feel abou the 39yr old

NeedItNow: gr8 - he knew what he was doing, had a nice body and pesronality!!

Red notice: what's off-limits right now when it comes to sex

Red notice: can i try you on a few?

Red notice: role play?

NeedItNow: anything unsafe - like no condoms, scat, ws, and tv and ff

NeedItNow: ok try me!!

Red notice: would you be comfortable with role play?

NeedItNow: yes as long as it wasn't too extreme -painful etc.,

NeedItNow: were u?

Red notice: with, say 5 guys together

NeedItNow: yes!!

Red notice: cool

Red notice: being fucked?

NeedItNow: yes - as long as condoms used!!

Red notice: swallowing?

NeedItNow: mmm -like to know a guy first!! and then only when I resally know well!!

NeedItNow: prefer to use condoms at first even for sucking!!

Red notice: ok - so that's enough Q's from me for one night!

NeedItNow: ok so how do I read!!

Red notice: sorry you probably felt it was an interrogation

Red notice: you're cool!

NeedItNow: no

NeedItNow: thank u!!

Red notice: i just wanted to make sure you were level headed

Red notice: some guys say yes to everything

NeedItNow: I have been accused of using condoms too much but I'd rather be safe - can't stand banana or choc ones tho!!!!

NeedItNow: guess they do!!

Red notice: they're usually sad cases after a while

NeedItNow: exactly!!!!!

Red notice: and they usually end up being abused

NeedItNow: sad!

Red notice: i always have strict limits too!

Red notice: but i'm just the best at what i do do...

NeedItNow: such as?

Red notice: sorry if that sounded a bit big headed

NeedItNow: no it doesn't!!!!!

NeedItNow: may I ask u something , please?

NeedItNow: of all the people u were with who was the best? not name - but profession or whatever -age? colour? size?

Red notice: i always liked young italian guys the best; i prefer average sized cocks; fit guys; nice hair; dark eyes and sensitive nipples

NeedItNow: nice!! were they always gay or bi?

NeedItNow: why average sized cocks? - 'cos they fit better or keep harder or what?!!

NeedItNow: once had a huge ozzie guy and much to my amazement it fitted really well! ouch!!

Red notice: my speciality towards the climax is passionate kissing, nipple playing with one hand, riding a guys shaft at the same time -real deep with my ass muscles clenching and relaxing... whilst fingering inside to find the guy's g-spot.... that usually makes him cum

NeedItNow: wow!!!

Red notice: most guys seem to like it

NeedItNow: who are best - gay str8 or bi - as presumably u have tried/ had a few of each as well!!

Red notice: not many have experienced it before

Red notice: bi guys are usually more sensual

NeedItNow: mm I agree!!

Red notice: gay guys can be more dominant

NeedItNow: yes!! pity!!! sometimes!!

NeedItNow: I had a str8 friend a few years ago. he was amazing and said it was the best sex ever!!

Red notice: how do you describe yourself

NeedItNow: always wanted soemthing to find his g spot!!

NeedItNow: mmm- usually an open guy!!

NeedItNow: u?

Red notice: i like that

Red notice: i'm difficult to get to know i guess

Red notice: cautious

NeedItNow: well I don't think any guy is 100% anything! but i could be wrong!!

NeedItNow: I am cautious to!!

Red notice: well that's a strength

NeedItNow: so many so called str8 guys today want to experience a guy!!

NeedItNow: they actually feel more relaxed and whole and complete!!

NeedItNow: like making love but the women are either too demaning or uninterested in experimenting!!

Red notice: the distinction gay/bi/str8 is completely artificial

Red notice: you sound like you have a lot of experience

NeedItNow: no - but I had a few friends at uni and we experimented a little

NeedItNow: my elder bro is gay

NeedItNow: he taught me a lot about people!!

Red notice: ever had sex with him

NeedItNow: my younger one is married but experienced!!

NeedItNow: no - wanted to but!! u?

Red notice: i have no siblings

NeedItNow: he knows I'm into guys and is happy - even sent a friend along!!

NeedItNow: one day!!

NeedItNow: and I couldn't do it!!

Red notice: two of my best clients were brothers

NeedItNow: I had to ring him up and invite him back!!

Red notice: they were so gentle with each other

NeedItNow: nice - 3 some?

NeedItNow: u ever have mixed sessions??!!!

Red notice: lol

NeedItNow: mm??

Red notice: i have NeedItNow: and???????!!!!!!!!!!!

Red notice: i've been to orgies with 50+ people

NeedItNow: I have always fancied some guys from TV!!

NeedItNow: wow!! men women and ???!!!!!

NeedItNow: always wondered if they were gay!!

Red notice: mostly men - a few women

NeedItNow: Well its past my bedtime!!!!Can we speak again , please?? NeedItNow: U have been so kind and friendly - quite cheered me up as well as getting me hard!!

Red notice: sure

NeedItNow: when are u mostly on line??

Red notice: i can give good phone sex too by the way!

NeedItNow: wow - well can I ring u please -sometime??!!! would love to hear your voice!!

Red notice: i don't give my number out these days - until i get to know guys face to face

NeedItNow: ok, I do understand!!

Red notice: i'll call you if you want if that's not an issue for you

Red notice: you sound like you're a little horny right now

NeedItNow: no mobile yet and this line is shared!! so perhaps i can e mail u and see if we can get on line at the same time!!

NeedItNow: I am very horny right now - dripping!! u?

Red notice: i'm discrete marc - i wouldn't call again unless i was speaking to you

Red notice: and i need to cum tonight myself now

Red notice: i'd love to share it with you

NeedItNow: well let me sort out a good time for u to call and then I'll send u number - can't do it now 'cos well wake the whole household when it rings -loud bell!!

NeedItNow: likewise - sorry!!

NeedItNow: must get a mobile!!I must!!

NeedItNow: sorry I feel as tho' I'm letting u down!! Red notice: i'd like to fuck you right now marc

Red notice: you're so sweet

NeedItNow: and I'd like to experienc u too!!! u are such a turn on!!!

NeedItNow: I think I'd shoot so much with u inside me!!

Red notice: lol - i think you'd enjoy yourself

NeedItNow: I'd love to make love in the open air with u!!

Red notice: yes i like sex outdoors

Red notice: in unexpected places

NeedItNow: the thrill of people possibly being able to see!!

NeedItNow: such as??

Red notice: three weeks ago i was having my hair cut - last in the day; jason shut up the shop and we had sex on the floor in amongst the hair clippings

Red notice: that was fun

NeedItNow: wow!!!!!

Red notice: he has a shower in the place so we sucked each other off under the water

NeedItNow: did it in the swimming baths once!! clutching the side!

NeedItNow: most unusual one was actually on the loo!!

Red notice: oh jon - i am so horny now!

NeedItNow: er most unexpected one i mean!!

NeedItNow: guy walked in on me!! smiled pulled his pants down pissed on my chest and then wanked me!!

NeedItNow: at uni!!

NeedItNow: must have seen me b4!!!

Red notice: lol

NeedItNow: I was totally gobsmakced!!

NeedItNow: luckily none of my clothe got wet!!

Red notice: are you hard jon?

NeedItNow: also did it in lift once - yes very - sorry your name!! im forgetful!! u hard and oozing love juice?

Red notice: i'm just rubbing my cock gently, playing with my nipples too

NeedItNow: man wish I was doing that for u!!

NeedItNow: u like being rimmed?

Red notice: yes i do

NeedItNow: u like nice underwear??

NeedItNow: such as....?

Red notice: do you want to cyber with me marc

Red notice: cum together

NeedItNow: yes!!

Red notice: cool man!

NeedItNow: are u using poppers?

Red notice: not now

NeedItNow: but u have been or want to?

Red notice: i used to - now i stay 100% clean

NeedItNow: good!!!!

Red notice: life's too short!

NeedItNow: they are dangerous i guess in certain circumstances!!

Red notice: so jon - listen

NeedItNow: ok so lets cyber!!

NeedItNow: yup

NeedItNow: sorry your name is??

NeedItNow: red

Red notice: you have to let your imagination take hold here ok

NeedItNow: ok

Red notice: yes, red

NeedItNow: k

Red notice: where are we jon?

NeedItNow: wherever u want to be!!

Red notice: no tell me your fantasy place

NeedItNow: in the bathroom?!!

NeedItNow: or

NeedItNow: in a very luxurious bedroom with video and full sized screen!!

Red notice: ok

NeedItNow: k

Red notice: now - get comfortable - take off some clothing

Red notice: free up your cock and balls, let em hang loose

NeedItNow: k -done

Red notice: i want you to shut your eyes and spend a few moments just teasing your nipples

NeedItNow: yes

NeedItNow: with a bit of spit and no clamps!!

Red notice: we've just entered the bedroom of the hotel we're staying in

NeedItNow: nice

Red notice: it's a suite - there's a lounge with two sofas and easy chairs; the bedroom has a king size bed and soft down pillows

Red notice: i know one i'll take you to one day

Red notice: we're hot

NeedItNow: nice and Im feeling very horny and can't wait to get my hands onu!

NeedItNow: ok

Red notice: we pressed against each other in the lift on the wyay up

NeedItNow: nice

NeedItNow: I felt u!!

Red notice: i felt you were getting hard

NeedItNow: I kissed u

Red notice: yes

Red notice: now we're alone

NeedItNow: I stroked your ass!

NeedItNow: man I'm getting there!!

Red notice: i shut the door behind us and push you back against the door - my lips go onto yours and my tongue parts your mouth and searches for yours

Red notice: we kiss deeply

NeedItNow: man I'm getting so near - can't help myself!!

Red notice: my hands roam around your back and down towards your ass

NeedItNow: man suck it!!

Red notice: hey slow down, lol

NeedItNow: mmm

NeedItNow: big boy

Red notice: i grab you and push you towrads the bed - roll over on top of you - feel you hard

NeedItNow: your dick presses into me!!

Red notice: we rush to take each other’s clothes off

NeedItNow: I pull your flies open

NeedItNow: and drink!!

Red notice: we're naked and i lie on top of you - cocks together starting to throb

Red notice: i spit on my hand and get it so wet

NeedItNow: oooh

Red notice: take your cock in my hand and lube it up for you

Red notice: my other hand cupping your balls

NeedItNow: man -grab it

NeedItNow: they're yours!!

Red notice: i squeeze you gently and let sliva run out of my mouth over your hot shining stiff cock

Red notice: it dribbles down your shaft over your balls and i start to wank you

NeedItNow: man I’m about to shoot - without even touching myself!!

Red notice: your ass is wet and i run a finger up and down your crack

Red notice: i push in gently

NeedItNow: and in!!

Red notice: and in deeper, slowly

NeedItNow: man I'm shooting now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Red notice: i raise myself up over you and place your hard cock against my asshole

NeedItNow: sorry man it happended!!

Red notice: it does

NeedItNow: and slowly it slips in and upwards

Red notice: and i ride you and finger fuck you


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The New Client

Red notice: hi there, nice profile NeedItNow: yeah, like yours too - background??! Red notice: young horny guy... looking for some fun Red notice: not interested in the usual aol tossers NeedItNow: me too Jon 22 - 13st 6.2, 44c 32w blue/blond and hung!! NeedItNow: such as - the usual?? NeedItNow: student!! Red notice: you or me? NeedItNow: born in Spain but British!!


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