Gay Erotic Stories

Friday the 13th

by MudSlut
17 Jan 2008

Fetish Leather HOT Action Outdoor Sex Straight Men, Gay Sex True Stories

Every Friday the 13th, bikers from all over the north-eastern U.S. and Ontario ride to the tiny town of Port Dover, on the north shore of Lake Erie, for a weekend of partying. When the weather is good, as it was this past July, over 150,000 bikers converge on this community of 6,000 people. The whole place is a sea of denim and black leather. There are also dozens of private parties held on the farms surrounding the town, and this year, after enjoying the entire Friday and part of Saturday in town, I was invited to join one of them.

That Saturday was a hot, sunny day, and as often happens in Ontario, a small thunderstorm blew up in late afternoon, drenching us in a sudden downpour as we rode to the farm. The hundreds of bikes pulling into the dirt field quickly turned the entrance into a large mud pit. Many bikes, especially those with big, slick rear tires, were getting stuck, so after parking my bike, I went back to the entrance to help push stuck bikes through the mud, to keep the flow of bikes into the property from jamming up. Several others were also helping, and in no time at all, our leathers were splattered all over with mud, and our boots and pants were covered with it. While I didn’t go out of my way to get muddy, I certainly didn’t avoid it either, as mud is a huge turn-on for me.

Right beside the gated main entrance was a giant BBQ pit, a few tables selling cold drinks, t-shirts and leathers, as well as a makeshift stage where a local band was setting up. The organizers kept bringing us bottles of cold water, both to thank us for helping the stuck bikes, and also to wash off with. Of course, being bikers, we ended up splashing half the water at each other, which only made the mud sloppier.

Before long, the BBQ was in full swing, somebody’s stereo was loudly cranking out tunes, the smell of weed filled the air, and the party was underway. The flow of bikes had slowed to a trickle, and then stopped as the large main gates were closed in the early evening. There had been a dozen or so of us helping out at the main gate, and as we walked over to the stage area, quite wet and covered in mud, we got a small cheer from the assembled bikers, and cold beers and hot burgers were pressed into our hands. The group of us stood by the stage and enjoyed our reward.

Although we were all covered in mud, it didn’t show as much on one of us. While almost everyone else at the party was in denim and black leather, Dan, a clean-shaven, well-muscled 40ish guy of about 6 feet, was wearing tight lace-up pants and a biker jacket made of “distressed” brown leather. His biker boots might have been black, but they were so muddy you couldn’t tell. The snug leathers looked great on him, but the real reason I kept glancing at him was the huge bulge in his crotch. I tried to not think about it, as my own cock was getting hard in my tight black leather pants.

The band took the stage, and started belting out very respectable covers of the usual biker rock-and-roll staples, much to the delight of the crowd. Many of the biker chicks present were already quite scantily clad, and several of them soon lost their tops, to the further delight of the bikers. One pair of particularly hot-looking girls, not more than 18 years old, put on quite a show of dancing with each other, with lots of touching, grinding together, kissing and some nipple-licking. They would go from guy to guy, dancing and generally being outrageous cock-teases. I remarked to Dan and the others that they must be looking to get gang-banged, and wondering who they rode in with. Stu, one of the other guys, said that they had gotten out of a taxi at the gate, and asked to be let in to party. He had given both of them a piggy-back ride across the mud, and expected to get his reward later.

Sure enough, when the band finished and the stereo resumed its play, the girls were seen being carried off to a corner where one group of riders had set up a camper, which they disappeared into, with Stu close behind. Dan and a couple of the others and I hung around nearby, although it was only the idea of very sloppy seconds (or tenths, more likely) that I was interested in. There was quite a crowd already in there, however, so I wandered off to check out the rest of the camp.

While I was away, the girls apparently decided they’d had enough, and I heard that they ran out the main gate to walk back to town, their biker gang-bang fantasy very, very fulfilled (and their little pussies very filled, too). It was close to 2am by now, and many of the partiers had either gone to sleep or passed out. Not tired at all, I wandered from campfire to campfire, welcomed at them all. By 4am, there were very few of those left, and I set off toward a small campfire off to one side of the main gate. There was only one person there, and to my surprise, it was Dan.

“Hey” he called out softly when he saw me, “did you get any?”

“Of the girls?” I asked. “Naw.”

“Fuckin’ little tarts” he grumbled. “Fuckin’ getting us all horned up like that and then fuckin’ leaving. They could at least have given me a blowjob on the way out.”

“Or a little mud-wrestling show” I said, “that would have been hot.”

“Oh, fuck, yeah” he said, “the two of them rolling around in the mud with each other... Fuck, I’d have lost it right there,” he laughed.

“Me too” I said, “nothing like a hot, slutty chick in the mud to turn me on.”

“Ha” he retorted, “you were showing how turned on you were before, and there weren’t any chicks around then”

I was suddenly glad for the dim light of the fire, so he couldn’t see my face turning red. “Oh, like you weren’t.” I shot back.

He laughed softly, and stood up. “I still am,” he said.

There was no hiding the way my eyes locked onto the huge bulge hanging down his pant leg. It was clearly visible, even in the dim firelight. I’m a solid 8" myself, but this thing was at least that long, and much thicker than my own. “Damn,” I muttered.

“Like that?” he asked. “Fuckin’ impressive” I admitted, still staring. There was a moment’s silence, and I tore my eyes away from it to find his eyes piercing me in the firelight. “Come here,” he said quietly.

My legs suddenly had a mind of their own. As I started to get up, he turned and walked around a parked pick-up truck, toward the main gate. “Come on,” he called softly over his shoulder. As I went around the truck, I suddenly couldn’t see where I was going, but I could feel the mud under my boots. “Over here,” said a voice in the dark. Following it, I could just make out Dan, leaning back against the gate. “Help me out, bro,” he said, “you want it as bad as I do.”

Well, there was no denying that, as the bulge in my own leather pants had grown to near-full hardness. I sank to my knees in the mud in front of him as he ripped open the metal snaps on his fly. He reached in and pulled his huge cock out. In the dark, I couldn’t see it, but I could actually feel the heat of it on my face in the cool night air, and the smell of man-crotch and leather gave me a sudden rush. I folded my hand around the shaft, feeling it’s hot thickness. Licking my lips, I gently sucked the head into my mouth. He was cut, and the head felt big and round on my tongue. Dan let out a groan. “Shhh!” I quietly hissed. “Ok, just don’t stop,” he whispered.

No problem, I thought, as I went back to sucking his cock. I slid my mouth further down his shaft, and suddenly tasted his pre-cum - salty and sweet. Getting into full slut mode, I slid my tongue down the underside of his shaft, and he softly groaned again. I carefully pushed my mouth further down on him, not wanting to start gagging in the early-morning stillness. The stereo was still playing quietly near the stage, and I knew there were still lots of bikers sitting around fires drinking. As I pulled my mouth back and then down the shaft again, Dan let out a sudden, but soft gasp. Another long, slow backstroke, and then down again, and I suddenly realized that my nose was right against his belly. He had no crotch hair, and I had his huge cock all the way into my mouth and down my throat. “Oh, fuck, yeah,” he said softly.

As I continued sucking, I wasn’t sure what to do with my hands. I placed my left hand on his leather-clad hip, slowly slipping it around to fondle his ass. Then I felt his hand on the back of my head, gently urging me down on his cock. As I kept sucking, I reached for his crotch with my right hand, wanting to fondle his balls through the leather. The leather was tight, and I couldn’t find them, but suddenly his other hand was in front of my face, and then his balls were hanging out the bottom of his fly. I began to fondle them while I continued my slow, wet blowjob, but then I felt him lifting his cock up, away from my mouth, and the hand on the back of my head pushing me downwards. I spread my legs and sank down in the mud so I could lick his balls, and stroked his shaft as I continued to squeeze his tight, leather-clad ass. “Oh, fuck, yeah,” he groaned again, louder this time.

Maybe I should have told him to be quiet again, but I was in heaven - on my knees in the mud sucking off a leather-clad biker. I pressed my nose into his nut sack, swirled my tongue around his balls, and gently stroked his shaft. I could feel him leaning further back against the gate as he enjoyed my oral skills. “Yeah, fuck yeah,” he moaned. I cupped his wet balls in my hand as I went back to sucking his cock. The back of my mouth quickly re-adjusted to his size, and I was soon feeling him entering my throat again. I gagged slightly, but kept going.

Suddenly, I heard another voice right behind me: “Fuck, she’s good.”

Shocked, I gagged again, and then again as Dan’s hand slammed my head all the way down on his cock. “Shut up!!” I heard him hiss to whoever was behind me.

“It’s cool, man,” the voice said, quieter. “We just want to watch. Unless she’s not your old lady, then we want some too.”

Dan’s hand continued to hold my head hard down on his cock, his cock was half-way down my throat, my face buried in his pants and my eyes were wide open in shock and fright. ‘We?!?’ I thought to myself. ‘Old lady?!?’ Then I realized that it was completely dark, and all they could see was some long-haired slut in a fringed black leather jacket, on her knees in the mud sucking cock.

“Keep your fuckin’ voice down” Dan hissed “and wait your fuckin’ turn.” As he said this, he gently pulled the back of my head downwards, so that I was looking up towards him. I couldn’t see clearly in the dark, but I guessed he was asking me if I’d suck off whoever else was there. My mouth full already, I nodded yes, and he pushed my head back down on his softening cock as I heard two guys behind me whisper “It’s cool,” and “OK.”

How many of them are there? I wondered as I gently sucked on Dan’s half-hard cock. I tenderly grabbed his balls again, and played with them as I swirled my tongue around his cock. Dan moaned softly, and his cock stiffened in my mouth. “Fuckin’ A,” said one of the other bikers, although very softly. I kept sucking, and Dan’s cock was quickly at full hardness. My throat eagerly accepted it as Dan pulled my head down on him. By this time, between his pre-cum and my drool, his cock, his balls and my hands were soaked, and I made some quiet little sucking noises on his cock. Dan groaned and leaned back even more, and the bikers behind me quietly voiced their approval. I slurped some more, and felt Dan’s balls start to tighten up. I pushed my head all the way down his shaft, but Dan pulled back on my hair as he pushed his ass back against the fence. His cock was pulled out of my mouth and dropped back down into the mud to lick his balls while my hand stroked his slick, hard cock. I turned my head to the side to try to gently suck his hardening balls into my mouth, and as I did, I heard a gasp from behind me.

“Fuck, it’s a dude!” one of the bikers quietly exclaimed, and suddenly Dan’s cock went rigid in my hand. “Fuck me!” another biker said, as I moved up to try and catch Dan’s cum in my mouth. “A fuckin’ guy!” I heard, just as Dan grunted and fired a huge wad of hot, thick cum right into my face. I tried to get my mouth onto his cock as one of the bikers behind me said “Fuck me!” again, but Dan held my head back by the hair, and another blast of hot cum hit me on the cheek, promptly sliding off and onto the front of my leather jacket, just as the next shot, less strong this time, joined it all down the front of my jacket. Dan’s grip had loosened, and I pulled his twitching cock into my mouth, gently running my tongue over it. He grunted one more time, and a last blob of cum oozed into my mouth. It was the first of his cum that I’d tasted, and it was just as sweet as his pre-cum had been.

“It’s a fuckin’ guy!” I heard from behind me again as I savoured Dan’s cum. Dan let out a huge sigh, and sank back against the gate. “Keep your fuckin’ voice down!!” he angrily hissed to whoever was behind me, his fingers slowly, finally untangling themselves from my hair. As his grip loosened, and his huge cock, slick with fresh cum, slipped from my mouth, he pulled my head to one side, turning me towards the other bikers.

With a shock, I realized that the first hint of dawn could be seen in the sky. There was just enough light for me to make out one big, burly guy and a second, stocky man standing a few feet away. The big guy must have been over 6 feet, about 230 lbs, but not grossly fat. He was wearing jeans and chaps and a biker jacket against the slight chill. His buddy was a little shorter, with a much smaller waist, and seemed to be wearing leather pants and a biker jacket.

I stayed down on my knees in the mud, awkwardly turning towards them, and waddling closer on my knees. “Fuck, yeah,” said the big guy as he fumbled at his waist. He started to unbuckle his chaps, but I put my hand on his to stop him, and started pulling open the button fly on his jeans. He wasn’t that fat, but I still preferred to just deal with his cock sticking out of jeans instead of his big naked belly in my face. He reached into his jeans and pulled his cock out. I took it from him, and by feel, guessed it to be about 6" and hard as a rock. I put my mouth on the head, and realized he was uncut. I was just started to tease the flap over his cockhead with my tongue when he quietly said “Oh, fuck, yeah!” grabbed the back of my head with both hands and pulled me all the way down on it, hard. I was caught by surprise, and gagged a little, even though he was nowhere near as big as Dan. His crotch hairs tickled my nose, but he held my head down hard on his cock, and I felt it twitch in my mouth, making me gag again. This must have turned him on, because he arched his hips to slam his cock as far into my mouth as he could, and I gagged again, and he slammed into my mouth again. “Fuckin’ cocksucker” he said and slammed into me again.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that the other guy had his cock out of his button-fly leather pants, and it looked to be a beauty, long and not too thick. By now, there was even enough light for me to see that the head was swollen and shiny; he must have been turned on by the mouth-raping I was getting too. “Fuck, fuck!” the big guy grunted, slamming into my mouth. This was obviously turning him on, so I let myself be gagged again and again. “Fuck, fuck, fuuucckkk...” I heard and suddenly a jet of hot cum hit the back of my throat, and then I really gagged, choking and trying to pull my head off his cock, put he held me down, firing gush after gush of salty cum into my mouth. I recovered quickly, and nursed the last few surges of cum from him, swallowing constantly to keep from choking on it. “Oh, fuck, oh, fuck, that’s good,” he said, as he relaxed his grip on my hair. I swallowed one last time and pulled my mouth off his still-hard cock “Oh, man”, he said as he staggered back in the mud.

I started to turn towards his buddy, but I didn’t need too. He stepped right up and grabbed my hair as his friend had. I was ready to dive onto his cock, but he pulled my head back, took one step back and said “Fuckin’ look at him!”

I couldn’t see it then, but I realized later that I had huge blobs of Dan’s cum all down the front of my leather jacket, and some of the big guy’s cum must have also spilled out of my mouth, because the long leather fringes were soaked, and matted together. My leather pants, tucked into my tall boots, were almost completely covered in mud from having gotten right down in it to lick Dan’s balls.

The sight must have been good for him, because he quickly stepped back up and shoved his cock into my mouth, but not as roughly as his friend had. It was truly a beautiful cock, about 7" and with a big mushroom head. I wanted to swallow it as I had Dan’s, but the abuse my throat had already taken was too much, and I started gagging again. He moaned in pleasure, but backed off, and after a second to let my mouth adjust, I started taking him as deep as I could, swirling my tongue on him, rubbing his balls through the leather, and letting my hand slide around to his tight ass. He moaned again, and I did too as I felt him start little thrusts into my mouth. ‘So soon?’ I thought, but then remembered that he’d been jerking himself off the whole time his buddy had been fucking my face right in front of him, not to mention what he might have been doing while watching me being Dan’s whore. I started to back off, to try and keep him going longer, but then realized how light it was getting, and thought better of it. I pulled his ass towards me, and he slid the whole length of his cock in, halfway out, and then in again, moaning quietly the whole time. “Fuckin’ look at him go” I heard the big guy say, accompanied by Dan’s harsh “Shhh!”

I gripped the base of his shaft tightly, and started making soft slurping noises on the head and upper shaft. As I continued this, I pulled my hand back from his ass to his crotch, and worked his balls through the leather some more. “Fuck, oh fuck” he groaned and suddenly I couldn’t feel his balls anymore. He pulled my head onto him and slammed into the back of my throat, his cock suddenly swelling to full hardness. Then just as suddenly and before I even had a chance to choke, he pulled my head off his cock and grabbed it himself, pumping it furiously. He held my head back, let out a hard grunt through clenched teeth, and a long, ropey stream of cum sprayed across the space between us, landing on the front of my already-soaked leather jacket. I sank back into the mud and leaned back as another stream followed, and then another. He stepped forward and pumped the last two ropes of cum onto me. I leaned even further back and smiled, hoping he was enjoying the picture in the early dawn light.

“Fuckin’ A” the big guy said.


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