Gay Erotic Stories

My Workout Buddy, Part 6 The Boys Meet Gymboy

by Sidekick1985
25 Apr 2008

Muscle S/M Straight Men, Gay Sex

It had been three weeks since Tony made me sign that contract and I became an indentured servant to him. It said indentured servant but we both knew that I was his slave, his property. I read that contract at least twenty times when he wasn’t home. There were no loopholes anywhere in it. He owned me hook line and sinker.

For three weeks my cravings for my old life started to fade away. I was going nuts for a slice of pizza or even a chocolate bar for the first week and a half. But I noticed that it started to fade after time. Going out to the movies was my biggest vice to let go. There were a couple of big blockbuster movies and sequels I ended up missing. But I did overhear Tony talking about one or two of the movies to his friends over the phone.

I missed my television shows that I enjoyed watching. The only things I saw on TV were the shows Tony watched when he allowed me to watch with him and his home made adult movies he made. Truthfully, I enjoyed watching his home made movies, they were fucking amazing. Even to this day I have not seen a better adult movie. My only setback was I was not allowed to jerk off without his permission, which he hardly ever gave me. I found that after I let go of my old vices and dedicated my time to making Tony happy. I didn’t miss them. By the third week I noticed that they were fading and my new life was becoming second nature to me. I even started to enjoy all the other things he made me do besides being his Gymboy.

He not only used me for gym workouts, but also just about everything else as well. In that time he had made me become his houseboy. Every day I cleaned the apartment from top to bottom. I did the shopping and the cooking. He made me do his laundry. I didn’t mind that so much since I got to clean his jockstraps. I was allowed to wear any of his dirty workout clothes if I had to go outside for something, but I was forbidden to wear his jockstraps. That made them even more enticing to me. I never did put them on, but I did sniff them. They smelled like wonderful to me. Tony was the kind of guy who would pray cologne on his cock all the time. A few times I would put one of his jockstraps over my head and jack off. I imagined me being him and fucking a girl that I watched him fuck.

I was still his workout tool. He used me as weights every day. He told me that I was better than regular weight because my body weight shifted from side to side. He said it made him improve his balance and stability. He even made me wear weight vests for his workouts. He also made me workout also so I could build some muscle tone. He even regulated my dietary intake. I drank four whey protein shakes a day with vitamin supplements. The shakes were thick as pancake batter and had no taste to them whatsoever. The only thing I ever had that had taste was Tony’s man juice. It tasted like ambrosia to me. Nothing could taste better to me. Even when I tasted myself I didn’t taste like him.

Not only that but I still could not produce the levels he did. I’ll say this about him. If something happened in the world were every man was struck down and killed all but him, and he had to repopulate the world with all the women. The world would be replenished in less then ten years. I’m not kidding--he was like stud horse when it came to that. I heard that some men do have that condition were they over produce but I always thought it was nothing more than a bragging tale. Tony did tend to prove a lot of bragging tales to be true.

Not only that but also Tony still only made me suck his cock. That was the only sexual thing he made me do. I thought a few times he was going to do more to me but that was it. He still fucked women just about every night. He told me that from the day he owned me he was better at sex than he was ever before. He fucked more women harder, faster and longer. He said I was like a lucky charm. I felt that I just took a lot of stress out of his life.

That made me happy and wanted to do more for him. He gave me a list of orders and one of them was I had to suck his cock every morning to wake him up. I would walk quietly into his room and lift the sheets and swallow his morning wood all the way down to the base. He always woke up with a nice smile on his face. I got really good at sucking his cock. He said I gave better head then a woman gave. So many women sucked a cock like it was made out of rubber. They never realized that every part of the cock has a different feeling. The spongy head can feel the rush of blood when touched just right. The sides of the shaft stiffen, as they get closer to orgasm. I always thought it was that it’s a ‘takes one to know one’ kind of thing. He said it was much better than an alarm clock.

I also had to suck his cock on other occasions. During meals, during TV programs, when he was watching porn, when he was on the phone with a girl having phone sex, during cyber sex and also when he was on the toilet. Let’s just say this I sucked his cock on an average of five times a day and every time he gave me mouthfuls every time.

Also during this time I did have some people call the apartment looking for me; friends, family and work. He told them all that I no longer lived there and that I had left no forwarding address with him. Once when I was doing the shopping the police came and asked about me. He told them that one day I just took my stuff and moved out. They believed him and told my old family that I just moved. This resulted in Tony making me shave my head and wear sunglasses when I went out to do chores for him. He didn’t want anyone to recognize me. No one did since I hardly knew anyone where I lived.

Anyway, by the end of three weeks as his servant I had no regrets on our deal. I was completely content with being his servant for as long as he wanted me to be. I had no worries or bills to pay. In fact I would even say that I had no real stress since I became his servant. Now he did change a lot of things from the moment I became his slave. He changed my room into his own personal home gym and the following week he turned my bathroom into a large locker room shower. No sink, no toilet, just a large white tiled room with a shower built for five. He also took control of the food that came into the house. Only high protein foods and all carbohydrates were banned.

It was Super Bowl Sunday and Tony planned to have his buddies over for the game and show off his new home gym to them. I made the snacks, which were mostly energy drinks, grilled chicken, and steak on a stick. He refused to have any normal Super Bowl snacks in the place. He told me that those type of snacks are for the inferiors; talk about your food Nazis! He allowed me to wear some old clean gym clothes for the party. He said he didn’t want his buddies to smell me. Even thought it was his sweat on his clothes and technically it was his smell.

Everything was set and right; Tony walked through the door with his buddies Louis and Wayne. Every one of them were jacked with muscles and worked up an appetite after an afternoon of playing football in the park. Tony was wearing a form fitting blue tank top with a Superman symbol on the chest. His shoulders were all glistening and ripped with muscles. Playing out in the park gave him a tan and his arms looked even more defined then normal. All he was missing was a cape and he would look like a bad ass Superman. He had on a set of loose fitting shiny black basketball shorts and white new sneakers. He always looked his best, even when he played hard.

Louis was a bit taller then Tony and had a swimmers build body. His arms were over developed and his pecks were just way too big for his chest, but it made him look more like an action hero. His bronzed olive skin made him look good. He had long black slicked-back hair that was tied up in a ponytail. He was wearing a hot red tropical pattern unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt. Tribal armband tattoos on his biceps peeked out from the sleeves. He also had on baggy blue jeans and a leather belt with a large Puerto Rican flag buckle. Louis was about 28 years old and used to work at a gym with Tony and Wayne as a personal trainer. He recently became gymnastics and wrestling coach for a local university. He still does private personal training on the side.

Wayne also had muscular arms and looked like trouble to any guy with a girl with wondering eyes. His dark black, tight skin wrapped around some mean looking guns for arms. He had a smoothly shaven head and studded earring in his left ear. He had on a black Oakland Raiders football jersey and black track pants. Even though the pants were baggy they still showed off a large popping muscular butt and a very large package between his muscle popping legs. Wayne was 25 and went to school with Tony. He still worked at the gym as a trainer, but he was also the gym’s manager. I could not believe how much each of them in their own way was an example of male perfection. I wanted to be just like them.

I had just finished grilling the chicken and placing it on the on the table when they all came into the apartment. I quietly stood to the side and let them see the spread I made. Tony barked at me to get them some orange Gatorade. I went into the kitchen and took out three bottles and handed one to each of them. Tony didn’t even introduce me to his friends. I didn’t mind; I knew my place.

Tony pealed off his tank top and threw it at me with no warning. The damp sweaty, warm thing slapped me in the face. The stink of a hot summer day, sweat and testosterone rushed through my nose.

I pulled it off my face and walked into Tony’s room with it. Just before I went to go throw it in the hamper I took a big sniff of the shirt. I became intoxicated from the smell and it filled my head with a rush of exhilaration. I felt my cock welling up with hormones and it was no stopping from getting hard. I wanted so much to jerk off right at that moment the smell and thought of Tony fucking all those girls I saw him plow on those home movies rushed through my head like a freight train. It was thoughts like that; that made me forget my old life and love my new one.

I stored the shirt down at the bottom of the hamper and filled my head with mathematical numbers and just about everything else I could think of. I was hard since the last day I jerked off was the day he turned my old room into his gym. That was almost three weeks ago. Luckily it got the hard-on down enough so it wasn’t noticeable in the sweat pants. I went back into the living room and resumed my position as a servant.

Tony was sitting in his new leather chair. Ever since he completed the home gym he started to redecorate the rest of the place. New 40-inch plasma HDTV screen with Dolby surround sound. Black leather couch set that only an adult film actor should own. Plus everything else in the apartment was screaming that this was a bachelor pad.

The game got them going; all through the first part of the game their testosterone was pumped up and it made them wild. All three of them ate so much meat and drank so many energy drinks, then add in the excitement of the game, and you got three muscle bound macho figures energized, horny and primed to do a ram and slam on the next girl they see. God help her if they tag team one girl. She would not be able to walk for a week. Not to mention that she probably would never have that good of a fuck in her life ever again.

It was during the halftime show that Tony ordered me to come over and clean off the coffee table of all the paper plates and stuff.

Wayne handed me his paper plate. “My man, you cooked this chicken?” Wayne asked me.

I nodded my head yes. I was ordered by Tony to never speak to anyone with out his prior consent.

“This is fucking good steak on a stick!” Wayne replied.

I smiled at his approval and continued cleaning up the coffee table.

“Hey my friend I didn’t catch your name? So what do people call you?” Wayne asked me. It felt good to have some ask me a personal question again. The past three weeks all I got were commands. Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed the command, but to be asked a question was a breath of fresh air to me.

“I call him Gymboy,” Tony said to Wayne as he leaned back in his new Corinthian black leather hand-stitched easy chair.

“Yo Jimmy can you hook me up with some more steak and a Redbull?” Wayne said to me.

“Oh you got it wrong. It’s not Jimmy it’s Gym, G, Y, M. That’s what it is. It’s Gymboy.” Tony said, correcting Wayne.

I ignored the conversation--even though it was about me. I was not a part of it.

“Then what is his name?” Louis said to Tony.

“It… doesn’t have a name. I took that away from it” Tony said to him.

Wayne and Louis started to sense that there was more to me than met the eye. I knew any moment I was going to be looked at differently by the two. I continued on cleaning away and keeping to myself.

“Wait, hold up! You took away his name?” Wayne said as he sat on the edge of his seat.

“I took its name away,” Tony said correcting him.

I realized at that point Tony was referring to me as IT like I was no longer a person. To him I was nothing more than property. At first it was a bit alarming to think that, but then I realized that I enjoyed the fact that he looked at me as property and not a person. It felt liberating to me to know that the old rules and standard that a man has to follow don’t apply to me anymore.

“Wait a minute! You mean to tell me that Gymboy over there is your slave?” Wayne said in shock.

“No! Gymboy is my indentured servant. We don’t use the “S” word around here.” Tony said as he enjoyed shocking his friends with his reviling news.

“It does things for you, like what?” Louise asked.

“Anything I want it to do. It originally started out as nothing more than gym equipment, but then I expanded its job title to everything else I needed. It cooks, cleans and does just about anything else I want it to do” Tony said as he watched their faces become blank with shock and surprise.

“You fuck it in the ass?” Wayne asked in a low whisper so that I would not hear it. But I did hear it and I enjoyed his shock.

“No I never fucked it in the ass. I just make it suck my cock.” Tony said with no hesitation.

That struck a topic of hostile conversation with Wayne. He flailed his arms and shouted human rights issues and morality. It really riled him up. Seeing Wayne angry like that was exhilarating and upsetting to me at the same time. I just wished he had accepted it from the beginning.

But Tony talked about choices and labels. He said the whole just because you eat a salad doesn’t make you a vegetarian speech. After a few minutes of a heated conversation that got Wayne heated. He started to expect the fact that I was Tony’s property and I came into this position willy-nilly and of my own free will. Louis just sat there and didn’t interrupt them. Turns out when he was in college he won a bet over a roommate and made him his slave for an entire semester. He even fucked his roommate’s girlfriend right in front of him.

“Okay I just have to hear it from Gymboy! Gymboy come over here” Wayne barked at me.

I put down a tray I was cleaning and walked over to Wayne. I kept my head down to avoid eye contact. I did however notice that his giant cock was swaying back and forth and that there was no underwear holding it in place.

“My boy Tony here makes a valid point and all, but I have to hear it from you. Do you want to be a slave?” he said to me in a very condescending tone.

I looked up at him and his eyes were wide and his nostrils were flaring. I looked over at Tony.

“Go ahead, tell him the truth. You have my permission to speak,” Tony said in a very soothing voice.

I took a deep breath and choose my words carefully. I looked up at Wayne’s fearsome face. “I am the property of my master Tony. He offered me this and I alone choose to be his property. Following out his orders and commands makes me happy. My only purpose in life is to make my master happy. This is my choice,” I said in a very soft and meaningful voice.

I looked over at Tony and he smiled in approval at my words. Wayne took a step backs and caught his breath. Louis just sat back and relaxed and waited to see what followed.

“Well then I have only one thing I have to say…. Go into that kitchen and me my mother fucking steak and my mother fucking Red Bull!” Wayne said as he stretched out his massive muscle cannon arm and pointed me into the kitchen.

I humbly went into the kitchen and got him his steak and Red Bull. Laughter broke out in the living room as Wayne accepted the fact that Tony was a slave owner. I returned to living room and a new vibe filled the room. I walked over to Wayne and presented him his snack. He took it from me without saying thank you or looking at me.

“So Tony! So if I tell your Gymboy to do something it will do it?” Wayne asked.

“Absolutely with out a doubt! But it first has to get my permission” Tony said back.

Not only did Tony give me permission to obey Wayne, but he also gave me permission to obey Louis.

“Okay then, Gymboy suck my mother fucking big fat black cock!” Wayne said as he started to laugh.

Tony knew that Wayne thought that we might have been pulling his leg or something and now it was my time to show him that I was no joke.

I walked over to Wayne and stood in front of him. I got between his legs and got down on my knees. He rolled his eyes at me and reached down into his jogging pants and felt around.

“Oh so you are going to play that game?” he said thinking that I was trying to call his bluff.

He whipped out his cock and wiggled it in front of my face. He was hung like a bull. His cock was a giant. Then head looked like a giant mushroom and the base was as thick as a soda can. It was thicker than Tony’s but just as long. It was getting harder by the second. The odd thing was it wasn’t getting longer. It was getting wider. I grabbed the base of the cock and Wayne jumped back a bit. He realized neither Tony nor I were playing a joke. He looked around the room and saw that no one was laughing. Tony was sitting back with a grin and was enjoying the show. Louis just sat there with out saying a word. He just nodded to Wayne that it was okay. I stroked his massive example of manhood and was making it harder.

“I don’t know about this. I’ve only had bitches and ho’s do this,” Wayne stammered as he confessed to everyone in the room.

“If it makes you feel better, Gymboy can suck me next” Louise said to Wayne.

“Think of it as if it was massage. Gymboy gives it better than any woman can. It takes one to know one.” Tony said as he folded his arms behind his head and put his giant feet up on the coffee table and watched.

Louis reached over and grabbed the remote for the TV and turned the volume of the down. “I want to hear some serious slurping,” He said as he put the remote back on the table.

Wayne settled back down in his chair. His breathing became steadier and he became totally relaxed. I rubbed his massive muscular calves with my free hand. His body heat was so hot it alone was making me sweat. I sucked my mouth and built up some more saliva and then licked my lips. I opened my mouth and lunged forward at his extra thick cock. To be continued…


More Gay Erotic Stories from Sidekick1985

My Workout Buddy, Part 1

My name is Toby. When I was 20 years old I moved to the big city by myself. I got a job designing novelty T-shirts for a company. Now I was not that good looking. I was average nothing special. I didn’t gross girls out but I didn’t exactly get my choice of women. I was a skinny, blond hair blue eye and not that much muscle In other words a run of the mill shy guy. Now my roommate Tony was

My Workout Buddy, Part 10 The Shower Trio

As I was dragged back into the shower room I looked up at Louis and Wayne. Their muscles were rippling and glistening from the sweat. There thick meaty cocks swung from side-to-side like a pendulum of a clock. Their balls were huge and hairy. They had seriously mean looks on their faces. Wayne looked angry about his pure white eyes wide opened and fixed on my like a sniper’s scope. His no

My Workout Buddy, Part 2

Tony pushed me into him and did not stop pushing when I started to choke on his throbbing cock. I felt it plumping up in my mouth. I could feel his heart beat thumping away from the massive veins on his cock. His head was slowly forcing its way down the back of my throat. It was so thick it filled my entire mouth up and now I felt the back of my throat getting tight. It was at this point I

My Workout Buddy, Part 3

I took a step back into my room and I put the note down on my dresser. I thought to my self that Tony was just kidding around. But Tony was the kind of guy that never kidded around. He always meant what he said and never let a person break a promise to him. I decided to overlook that fact and just think Tony was pulling my leg. I had other things to worry about. Last night my entire life came

My Workout Buddy, Part 4

It was late in the morning when I woke the next day. I could hear Tony out side in the apartment moving around. I was lying on the floor of the new gym that was my old bedroom just days ago. The carpeted floor put an imprint on my naked skin. I sat up and a headache rushed threw my head like a hot wave. I took in a deep breath threw my mouth and I could still taste the strong manly juices of

My Workout Buddy, Part 5

I stepped into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. The shower hissed as shot out from the showerhead. The steam was thick and hot. The walls were tiled up the ceiling in big white shiny tiles. A big mirror with vanity lights was hung over the sink. I closed the door behind me and found another mirror attached to the back of the door. There was a picture framed in glass of a golden-bronzed

My Workout Buddy, Part 6 The Boys Meet Gymboy

It had been three weeks since Tony made me sign that contract and I became an indentured servant to him. It said indentured servant but we both knew that I was his slave, his property. I read that contract at least twenty times when he wasn’t home. There were no loopholes anywhere in it. He owned me hook line and sinker. For three weeks my cravings for my old life started to fade away. I

My Workout Buddy, Part 7 Party With the Boys

Okay I know I left of with a big cliffhanger and you probably were thinking I read that whole freaking chapter and just when it was getting to the sex it ends. Well let’s just say that last chapter was worth it. I’ll just call if foreplay. Now on with my story! As I sunk my pink fleshy lips on to Wayne’s Wang, sorry I just had to say that, I intently tasted his saltiness envelope my tongue.

My Workout Buddy, Part 8 The Dark Side

I could hear a commotion going on outside in the gym room. I could hear them walking around room and moving things around. I heard a loud clacking of the latch snap shut on the running machine as it was folded up. I could hear them still talking about the football game as well as their experiences shoving their manhood’s down what I heard Louis calling it a snake pit. Something told me he used

My Workout Buddy, Part 8 The Latin Snake Tattoo

As I knelt down before this prime example of what a man should look like, I wished so much that I could be in his place Sure Tony was muscular and got women at the drop of the hat. Wayne exploded with muscle and any woman who slept with him would probably never recover from the stretch back to her original shape again, and will be forever looking for a black man for sexual satiation. Louis


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