Gay Erotic Stories

Steve Is An Incredible Pig MOTN - Mike - Part 1

by Pauljames.moody
23 Jul 2008

Arm Pits Athletics Black and Beautiful Family Fun Free Form Gay Erotic Stories Gym Workouts Hairy Interracial Muscle Novellas Sex On The Ranch Tales From School Tales From The Locker Room


The chronology of the story has this chapter following STEVE IS AN INCREDIBLE PIG - MOTN - LOGAN - Part 3 which follows STEVE IS AN INCREDIBLE PIG - MOTN - Steve - Part 4. Though each chapter might get you off independently, character introductions and plot developments progress from chapter to chapter. So, check out Steve, parts 1 through 4 and then Logan parts 1 through 3 first if you want to read the chapters in chronological order.

Censorship sucks and it blows and not in any way that a man would enjoy. Censorship turns our stories upside-down. Please fight it everywhere.

All characters in this story are portrayed by persons who emerged from the author's imagination as being over the age of 18. -------------------------


I couldn't believe what was happening... Nancy had called early this morning. Lately she had been calling with bullshit excuses to get me to stop by the acreage where we had lived together for more than a year, but once I got there she would be all over me, trying to get me to fuck her. A couple of times I went ahead and gave her my 12-inch cock just the way she wanted it, but I had come to resent her. Though I had grown tired of her ditzy, dumb ass, I really liked living on that acreage and after she kicked me out, I didn't much appreciate having her invite me out to fuck her and then returning to the dumpy little house I had bought.

After the first couple of fucks I threw into her I didn't go back again for quite some time, but she called saying that she was having trouble with a couple of the horses and would I please come out to help. Well, I had bonded with one of those horses so I was concerned and went to help. When I got there she just bluntly told me that it was my horse-cock she wanted. I decided to teach her a bit of a lesson and bent her over the back of the sofa as I rammed my cock into her asshole. She screamed and cried for the first couple of minutes, but then kind of pissed me off when she started moaning and getting off.

She tried once more to get me out to the acreage last week, but I figured it was another lie and ignored her. When she called again this morning I thought that she was still trying to get me to meet her for a booty-call so I ignored it when I saw her number on the caller id screen. The message she left was a real whopper of a story and I just had to go check it out to see if she was being truthful this time.

I knew she was telling the truth as I approached the acreage and saw a couple of police cruisers and a truck with a horse trailer attached to it sitting in the drive-way. It turned out that Nancy had been paying the neighbor to take care of the horses, but after she kicked me out she didn't have a voice of reason in the house and she blew most of her money on expensive new furniture and appliances and had nothing left to pay the neighbor with. After I arrived she told me privately that since I wouldn't come back to help her with her needs, she planned to satisfy herself and pay him with sex when she didn't have enough money. Little did she know that the neighbor had been fucking her son Logan for several years and had no interest in women.

After several weeks of not getting paid and taking IOU’s from her the neighbor, Jeff, told her she would have to pay or he would stop doing the chores. Needless to say, the ditzy bitch decided to do the chores herself, but in barely a week she began neglecting them. After two weeks of neglect things were bad enough that Jeff called the sheriff and now they were there threatening to take the horses and charge her with animal neglect.

It had been a month or better since I had been there and when I saw the condition of the horses I was shocked at their appearance. It was obvious that their care had been sub-standard for quite some time. When Jeff told me that he had only been hired to do the chores three days per week things became clearer.

Now Nancy was concerned that if she were charged with a crime that would ruin her real-estate business and she wanted my help to get her out of this mess. Given that she had kicked me out, I should not have even considered helping her, except that she had only kicked me out after discovering my bi-sexual nature in the worst way possible, if you know what I mean. She was even going to call the police on me and make sure the whole episode became public. By then though, I had learned enough about some of her shady and illegal real-estate transactions that we were assured of our mutual destruction if she had done that. Though it was no longer likely that I might be charged with a crime, she could still ruin my career and cause me to lose my position at the college, so I figured I would see if there was something I could do to help.

Somehow Nancy had convinced the County Attorney to come to the acreage himself before the sheriff had made any decision to arrest her. It seems that being a small county, there isn't enough work for a full-time County Attorney so he had a private practice on the side where he handled many of Nancy's real-estate transactions. I wondered what sort of arrangement they had or how she went about paying him for his services. I didn't have to wonder for very long, though because I had dressed in sweats and a tee-shirt for a workout before I listened to Nancy's message and had not changed clothes before coming. The way he ogled my physique made me realize that he would not be too interested in anything she had to offer except for money.

From his reputation I knew that he was a fat, red-in-the-face, heavy sweating sort of conservative politician of the ilk that often left me thinking that there is no hope for this country. You know the sort, they stop by the local porn shop on Saturday evening to suck dick and a take a load or two up the ass and then go to church with a gargantuan wife and over-fed, fat kids every Sunday and then come Tuesday, they head to the polls to vote in favor of a constitutional ban on gay marriage.

No matter, though. I guess I had to do my best to play the hand I was dealt and even though it meant that I might have to let that gross man have his way with me; a devious plan began forming in my mind.

I had felt quite bad for Nancy's ex, Steve, ever since I had learned the details about how she cleaned him out during their divorce and felt even worse since learning that she had him over a barrel after catching him in a sexual escapade similar to the situation she had caught me in. After sharing many hours with Steve after splitting with Nancy, I knew that he would love to return to the acreage and I wouldn't mind being a frequently welcomed guest for reasons other than a booty call (Though booty calls would also be a great reason for being welcomed back with Steve there).

Luckily, Jeff had some over as soon as he saw the cruisers in the driveway and had fed and watered the horses after the animal control deputy got a good look at them. I asked the County Attorney, Mr. Carpenter, the sheriff, and his animal control deputy to go out to the barn with me to look at the horses. Though it tore at my heart to see the horses in such shape, it had been a couple of hours since Jeff had fed them and they were in high spirits. It didn't take much convincing to get the sheriff and the deputy to agree that the horses were going to be ok if left there until the next day and that would give everyone some time to think things over and carefully consider what actions to take. After reaching agreement to leave the horses where they were for the night, the sheriff and the deputy left (I made a mental note to learn a little more about Deputy Taylor since he tripped my gaydar a bit and looked like he had a nice, tight physique under his uniform).

That left me alone in the barn with Mr. Carpenter. He became quite nervous once he realized it was just the two of us there and began sweating profusely. I can't begin to describe how revolting this man was to me, but I had convinced myself that doing this for Steve was a sacrifice that I had to make.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks... only then at that very instant, I realized that I had fallen in love and would do practically anything to ensure that Steve got to return to this place that he had built. It didn't matter if he loved me in return or if I ever saw Steve again; I HAD to do this for him.

"So, Mr. Carpenter. It looks like we have a situation on our hands, don't we?" I asked.

Since Nancy had introduced us many months ago as 'Mike' and 'Tom' and I had called him Tom every time we had met since, he did a bit of a double-take as he realized that I had acknowledged his superior position by calling him Mister Carpenter. His nervousness dissipated quite quickly then and I could see the lawyer in him take charge. I just wasn't sure I was going to enjoy whatever it was this lawyer had in mind.

"Well, Mike, the way I see it is, Nancy has left me with few options. I can't ignore the fact that she does business with my private practice and truthfully, I should really refer this whole case the County Attorney next door in Cedar County to avoid any conflict of interest. However, it looks like the neighbor may have called in the law a little bit pre-maturely. It is obvious that he cares deeply for the animals on this farm and is very concerned that they are well cared for. But I'm not sure that the condition of these horses warrants a criminal charge, do you?" He asked.

"Except that for too long now Nancy has been being a bit selfish; trying to have her cake and eat it, too--if you get my drift?" I responded. "I'm afraid that sweeping this whole thing aside right now will just lead to more issues down the road. She'll feel like she can get away with this sort of thing and you may end up having to address this issue all over again. How do you think it would look for you to be criticized for allowing a client of your private practice to get a pass on animal neglect charges and then have the charges resurface again later - maybe even being more serious?"

"I see your point." said Tom. "I probably should just go ahead and refer the situation to the County Attorney over in Cedar County, but I'm going to have to formally charge her in order to do that."

"You know, maybe there is a way to convince Nancy to solve this problem for us." I said.

Tom sort of grunted; "Uh? I'm listening..."

I moved closer to him so it would seem that I wanted to speak to him in a conspiratorial whisper while actually putting my left nipple right at the level of his mouth. His eyes were crossing in order to take in my defined left tit as I flexed it once independently and said; "You know; Nancy's ex, Steve, built this place himself. I've heard that he was asking for help from anyone and everyone to get the house finished while Nancy was on three-months of bed-rest before delivering their son."

"Oh, yes, yes, yes. I do recall that. It was not long after I got elected to my first term as County Attorney and I was trying to figure out what to do with all of my criminal cases that I had been defending and suddenly found myself having to prosecute, too. That's when I worked out the deal with the County Attorney over in Cedar County so we each would handle things that the other couldn't." He replied, as he continued to stare at my chest.

I wasn't the least bit interested in hearing the details of his job but made sure he thought I was very interested as I leaned forward to get my nipple even closer to his lips and continued in an even lower whisper; "Well, after Steve and Nancy split; Nancy kept this place and Steve bought a nice house in town (it wasn't really very nice, but I wanted Tom to think it was) where he has been for a couple of years. Their son, Logan stayed here for the first year or so and that's when I lived here as well. Then about a year ago she sent Logan to live with his Dad and she split with me, too."

I continued; "I won't bore you with a lot of details, but my thought is; that the situation is reversed from what it actually should be. Nancy should be living in the house in town where she doesn't have a lot of chores to worry about and Steve should be here on the acreage he built along with Logan so they can see to it that the animals are properly cared for." With that said, I flexed my left pec muscle for emphasis.

Tom was obviously getting worked up staring at my chest and it seemed that he wanted me to keep my chest in his face as he encouraged me to continue talking. Except, I wanted him to suggest the solution himself, rather than having me spell it out for him so I said; "This barn gets pretty warm when you're working in it and it looks like I should do a few chores and cleaning up in here before I leave today. You don't mind if I get started on that while we talk, do you? Then I reached for the hem of my tee-shirt and pulled it up over my head.

As I reached up with my right arm to hang my tee-shirt from a convenient nail sticking out from a support beam, Tom leaned forward just slightly and took my left nipple into his mouth. He suckled and flicked his tongue over it for only a second as a low moan escaped from his throat when he must have suddenly come to his senses. Everything I had done and said so far could be interpreted as being professional and in concern for the welfare of the horses, but what he had just done was definitely not the least bit professional.

He yipped a little as he came to his senses and got a look of panic on his face as he started to move away from my chest, but I reached for his head and pulled his mouth back to my nipple. As I mashed his mouth back over my tit; with one simple statement I let him know that the situation was now reversed and I was in charge when I said; "Tom, you can just get back on that tit until I'm ready to have you servicing the other one."

His face was flushed and he was sweating profusely again, but he moaned as he suckled on my nipple and looked up at me with a pleading look in his eyes. I wasn't sure if he was frightened of me or if he was frightened of having a sexual experience with me, so I set aside my disgust at his corpulent body and leaned down to kiss him, saying; "Tom, I'm going to ruin you for women for the rest of your life by showing you how two men can enjoy one another's attentions."

I was surprised at how quickly and easily I achieved a raging hardon as he returned my kiss. I had come to enjoy Steve's large body, even as I encouraged him to get more exercise and drop a few pounds, but I guess I had become more attracted to heavy men than I realized because I moved beyond the thought that fucking this guy just be a necessary chore. Instead I was hard. My cock was pointing up and toward the left, the head and several inches of the shaft coming out the side of my jock pouch and pushing at the waist-band of my sweat-pants.

I must have said the right thing because as we broke our kiss, he reached for my right pec and began squeezing it as he returned to work-over my left one. He was laving my tit with his tongue, nibbling on it and moaning as I moved his mouth to my right nipple for him to start again on the other side. I was surprised at how proficient he was at servicing my tits. He took as much into his mouth as he could fit and sucked hard. I thought he might give me a hicky around my nipple except that my pecs are quite hairy and every time he sucked really hard, air would leak past my hair and he would lose his suction. As he sucked, he swiped his tongue back and forth across my nipple and periodically he bit it lightly.

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. Un-bidden I began imagining that it was Steve doing this to me as Tom moved back and forth from nipple to nipple and pec to pec of his own volition. I was caught unaware when he knelt in front of me and pulled my sweats down to reveal my cock straining again the pouch of my jock strap. My imagination had convinced my mind that my dreams were real so much that I expected to see Steve slobbering over my cock when I opened my eyes and looked down. I nearly jumped when I saw it was Tom with his face in my crotch.

He was sliding his hand back and forth across my jock strap and along the length of my cock. Again I was surprised at how well he handled it. I could not have imagined that this porky-pig looking man would be an expert at handling another cock, but he proved that he knew quite well what to do with my dick.

Even though I'm circumcised, I have so much skin around the shaft of my cock that even when hard, there is enough to pull it up over my cock-head as though I were un-cut and Tom was definitely getting off on my extra skin. He pushed my jock strap to the side, revealing the full length of my cock and wrapped his fist around it as far as he could. He pulled the skin around my shaft upward until it appeared as though I was un-circumcised and then stuck his tongue into the space between the skin and my dick-head.

He moved his tongue all around the head of my cock within the folds of excess skin as though I was actually uncut and dug his tongue into my piss-slit. He had both hands wrapped around the shaft of my cock to pull my skin up over the head and he jacked it a bit while he did so.

He spent several more seconds working on the head of my dick while he used one hand to open his fly and starting jacking his own cock. Given the size of his belly and his position, I couldn't see his cock and at that point I wasn't really very interested in it, either.

He seemed to be letting go of himself as he jacked himself and sucked on my cock because he was getting more and more animated as the seconds passed. He began moaning and grunting while encircling my scrotum with his thumb and fore-finger; holding my nuts low in my sack and pulling my cock downward to point more directly at his wide-open mouth.

It shocked the hell out of me when he literally impaled himself on my cock! He simply lunged forward until more than half my cock was in his mouth and throat. He backed off quickly, though; gagging and choking. He had tears in his eyes as he looked up at me and apologized; "Sorry. You're a bit bigger than I've ever handled before and I didn't realize that your cock would gag me. I'll work on it for a couple of minutes to see if I can get past that."

Without another word, he put my cock back in his mouth and began sliding the head and the first couple of inches in and out of his throat. I told myself that I would have to find out a little bit more about this guy and find out where he learned to suck cock like that. All I could say was; "No worries, dude."

He was working me up to give him a nice blast of cum down his throat and given my earlier dislike of his porcine body, I probably would have cum in his mouth and ended things. Except that now he had aroused my interest as well as my cock so I held off.

I pulled my cock from his mouth and slapped it against his face a couple of times on each cheek, then I told him to stick out his tongue and I slapped it on that, too. He hadn't seemed too put off by his earlier gagging and was definitely handling my cock well just a few seconds earlier, so after a couple of good slaps of my dick on his tongue, I put my hand on the back of his head and pulled his mouth down on it.

I felt no resistance from him or from his throat as I sank 12 inches of ebony cock past his lips, over his tongue, and deep into his esophagus. Only when my pubes were tickling his nose did he have any reaction at all and that was only to wrinkle his nose as though the pubic hair was going to make him sneeze. I let go of his head and he kept his lips wrapped tightly around the base of my cock while bobbing his head up and down over the last few inches at the base of it.

I had eased off from my orgasm a bit when I pulled my cock out of his mouth earlier, but he had quickly gotten me nearly back to the point-of-no-return. I pulled my cock from his throat, nearly blowing my load in the process, but I managed to control it. He had enveloped my cock in an incredible amount of saliva and mucus. It hung off of my cock in long strings, dangling to the floor of the barn, and connecting his lips to the head of my cock.

He swiped his hand below my cock to catch the slick stuff in his palm and spread it over the top of my dick. Though I wanted to back off from cumming a little bit, he obvious just wanted my cock and my cum because he took my slime-covered dick back into his throat and started milking it.

In seconds I was ready to blast my spooge into his gullet; my nuts pulled up to the base of my cock and each time he worked his throat muscles they pulled up a little higher and then relaxed and sank back down again. That continued for less than a minute as I just let my head loll backward and let him work his magic.

Though he probably didn't need any warning since my cock began twitching and jerking uncontrollably; I managed to grunt out; "I'm cuuuuummmiiinnnnnggg!!!"

I wasn't sure if he would pull away or keep my cock buried in his throat, so I wasn't surprised when he began pulling away. I figured he was going to pull off my cock and jack me off. Instead, he only pulled off my cock until the head was in his mouth while he used his hand to keep milking my shaft.

I was over the top! My cock was spasming, my nuts were jumping up and down, and he was sucking hard on the head of my dick while he jacked the shaft with one hand and jacked his own cock with the other. The next thing I knew I was blowing a huge wad of cum through the shaft of my cock and onto his tongue.

I was shooting so hard that I felt like my balls were going to come out of the end of my cock. Blast after blast of cum shot out of my cock and into his mouth. He was suckling at the tip of my cock; looking more and more like a greedy hog while furiously jacking his own dick.

Though it felt like I had shot out a gallon of cum, I knew it was much more than I usually shot, but Tom didn't seem to notice. He just swallowed it all, not letting a single drop spill out of his lips.

After I was done shooting my dick only got a bit spongy as it usually takes several minutes to go down so Tom still had a substantial mouthful to suck on as he continued to jack his own cock. He had kept some of my cum in his mouth and it glistened on my shaft as he bobbed his head up and down on my cock.

Within seconds he pulled off of my cock to lean backward and shoot. I could then see that he seemed to only have a five and a half to six inch cock sticking out from a nearly hairless crotch beneath his substantial belly.

He had several gooey wads of cum and spit smeared across his lips and chin as he bucked his hips upward to drive his cock into his fist. He stuck out his tongue to lick the cum from his lips and released a guttural moan as a couple of little shots of cum flew out of the end of his cock and splattered onto the bottoms of my sweat-pants. The first shots were followed by a couple more spurts that ran down the underside of his cock and onto his hand.

After he was done shooting I was surprised again when he raised his hand up to his mouth to lick the cum from his fingers. Once he had finished cleaning the cum from his hand he leaned forward again and began licking the cum from my cock. His tongue felt great swiping over my shaft and I was going to get hard again pretty quickly if he kept it up, but I knew Nancy too well. She would be out here snooping around pretty soon and we needed to get dressed.

I said as much to Tom so he gave the head of my cock one last lick and backed off. I pulled my jock and sweat-pants back up as he stood and zipped his pants. Nearly at the same instant as he finished zipping his pants I heard Nancy outside the barn on her way in. I suspected that the nosey bitch had been outside for a while and was only coming in now that we were done, but as long as she didn't say anything, I wouldn't either.

Tom still had a wad of cum on his chin that I didn't want Nancy to notice so I walked toward where the feed bags were kept and began talking about making sure the horses had enough feed in the troughs that they could eat as much as they wanted to until tomorrow.

Since Nancy was at the other end of the barn Tom had turned away from her to look at me as I talked. I turned slightly and deliberately wiped my hand across my chin. Tom noticed my exaggerated gesture and realized that I had done that for his benefit. He surreptitiously wiped a hand across his own chin and since Nancy was still some distance behind him, he quickly licked the jizz off his fingers.

By the time Nancy got to where Tom was standing the only evidence of our encounter was the cum splatters on my sweats and the smell of cum in the air, but since we were in a barn, there were many other more pungent aromas wafting around to disguise the smell of Tom's cum in the straw or the smell of my cum on his breath.

I hefted a bag of feed onto each shoulder and carried them toward the stalls to make sure each horse had enough food to begin the recovery process. I knew I looked good with my six-pack tightened and my chest sticking out and my shoulders and arms flexed to carry the weight because both Nancy and Tom just stared lustily as I walked by.

As I began pouring feed Tom began speaking to Nancy; "Nancy, it looks as though I'm going to have to file charges against you and since you're a client of my private practice I will have to refer this matter to the County Attorney over in Cedar County to handle."

I thought a couple of startled horses were going to come out of their stalls as Nancy began a shrill shrieking rant that he couldn't do that to her and she wouldn't stand for it and something like this would destroy her business and what the hell good was I for not handling this for her and how it wasn't her fault and that it was my fault and Jeff's fault and Logan's fault and Steve's fault and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Tom surprised me again by simply standing stoically in the face of her ranting. She normally wore her hair in one of those short gelled styles with her hair sticking up all over and her red-in-face ranting combined with her hair style made her seem comical. I was reminded of the angry appearance drawn for most Japanese Anime characters.

I finished emptying the first two bags and went back to get two more. This time I put one bag under each arm to show off my lats. Tom was ogling me again as Nancy ranted on, oblivious to everything except for herself. As I walked past them I didn't even break my stride as I spoke directly to her; "Nancy, shut the fuck up!"

Since I was always conscientious about maintaining a professional demeanor and rarely cursed (except during sex), my words were out of the ordinary enough that she stopped talking mid-sentence. She just looked at me and then at Tom and then back to me and back to Tom again.

"The only way I see of you getting out of this is for you to live somewhere else." said Tom.

That launched her into yet another tirade about how she can't sell this place because she would have to give half the proceeds to her ex and how there were several similar acreages in the area that had been on the market for years without an offer, and blah, blah, blah, blah.

I was heading back for yet another pair of feed bags and as I approached them I used my sideline voice that is reserved for a player who has just fucked up a play and said; "NANCY!"

She didn't even look at me this time; she just shut up and looked at Tom waiting to hear what he had to say. He looked at me and said; "Thank you, Mike." Then he turned back to Nancy and continued; "It seems to me that if your business is ruined, then you aren't going to be able to continue to make the mortgage payments on this place. Will you?"

Her response was almost a whisper as reality started to sink in; "No."

He continued; "Then the way I see it is, you won't be able to sell this place and if you stay here I'm gong to have to charge you with animal neglect which will destroy your income and you will lose this place to the bank because you won't be able to make the payments. Do you agree with that logic?"

"Yes." This time she was whispering. I would have missed it except that I had finished with the last of the feed bags and was walking back toward them as she answered.

I could see why Tom made a good County Attorney as he had eliminated her options before presenting her with her final option; "So the only thing you can do is to give it away."

This time one of the horses did rear up and spooked the others as Nancy began shrieking again, ranting about how it would be a cold day in hell before she would just give this place away and that she would sooner turn it back over to her ex than just give it away.

I had gone over to the horse that had reared up in her stall to try to calm her a bit when it finally hit Nancy that she had just said exactly what Tom had in mind; that she give the acreage back to Steve. It was obvious when the realization hit her because she stopped screaming mid-sentence and said in a seething voice; "Do you mean that I should just give this place to my ex?"

She was pissed off and it seemed that she was about to storm out of the barn when Tom replied; "Not exactly… transferring ownership to your ex would create a tax liability for him and for him to transfer ownership of his place to you would do the same to you. Instead I'm suggesting that you both transfer your properties into your son's name because you can do that without incurring the taxes."

Even though she visibly calmed down a bit, she was still pissed off because she knew that it would still 'effectively' be giving the place back to Steve. I saw the conniving bitch in her start to emerge as she threw one last curve ball at Tom to try to get him to back down. As her face twisted into an evil caricature of her usually pretty self; I could hear the words in my head before she even spoke them; "I saw what you two were doing in here. I came out to see what was going on as soon as the sheriff and that faggot deputy of his left. Tom, you got to find out from experience that Mikey here likes fat guys. Yessiree, he's a fuck buddy of my ex, Steve. Aren't you Mike?"

I didn't even have to wait for her ultimatum. I saw a look of panic begin on Tom's face and immediately got both of their attentions with another of my coach's bellows; "NANCY!"

With both of them paying attention to nothing other than me I continued more calmly; "There are a few things that are ALWAYS off limits and blackmailing a person over sex is one of them. If you think you can make this whole thing go away through sex or blackmail, you're sadly mistaken. Whether you like it or not you are going to lose this place. You said yourself that you can't sell it so either the bank will take it or you will give it to your son."

She obviously didn't want to listen to reason and came right back with; "What will you do if I go public with this? Huh? You would be ruined. I would write the article for the newspaper myself. You, Tom, Steve, Jim; all of you would be up shit-creek without a paddle." (To this day, I don't really know what that phrase 'really' means, but I got the drift.)

I just had to toss my head back and laugh a bit… well, ok, I had to laugh a lot. Steve had recently financed a loan for the newspaper owner who had used his and his partner's house as collateral. I wasn't going to give her any more ammunition by admitting that, so I said; "You know, I'll bet that the newspaper will be a bit too concerned about a slander lawsuit to print whatever you might have to say about us and if it comes down to it, I and Steve and probably Logan, too will simply call you a crazy liar who is making shit up."

"So what will it be, Nancy?" I continued. "Do you want the bank president, the County Attorney, your son, and the head coach all telling people that you're a crazy liar?"

Even though I try my best to overcome them; I'll never understand how I developed my sexist attitudes. If one of the boys I coach starts crying my reaction is to become sympathetic and I try to make things better, but if a woman starts crying, I assume that she's deliberately trying to be manipulative and I get angry. So as the tears began to flow and Nancy began to snivel I got pissed. Luckily Tom, being a prosecutor, probably had to deal with crying and emotional people on a frequent basis so he was ignoring her.

"What the fuck do you think crying is going to solve?" I asked her. "Do you think a few tears will change things? You need to admit that you created this situation and now you need do as Tom has said in order to fix it. Now get your ass in the house and start packing because you are moving out tomorrow."

It was obvious that her tears were a sham when she turned them off like she would turn off a faucet. She spun on her heal saying; "I'll find some way of getting back at you faggots!"

Both Tom and I nearly fell over laughing when she tripped over her own feet while turning to leave and fell to her hands and knees with one hand perfectly centered on a pile of horse shit. She looked horrified at her hand with diamond and ruby rings on each shitty finger; as though she wanted to cut the shit covered hand from her arm. She stumbled out of the barn holding her hand well away from the rest of her body.

I watched out the door as she went to where the garden hose was to wash her hand before entering the house. Since there was more cleaning to do in the barn, I got the wheel barrow, scoop shovel and rake to clear away several piles of horse droppings. Tom saw what I was doing and quickly got behind the wheel barrow and followed me around as I used the rake and shovel to clear the droppings.

I told him how surprised I was at his 'level of experience'. He got my drift right away that I was talking about how he handled my cock and explained that he often surprised himself at what he had started doing with other men. He said it was a bit of a story with a few things in it that he wasn't too proud of but I almost felt like I was a family member to him and he would tell me his story if I was interested.

I looked around the barn and noted that there was probably about a half-hour to forty five minutes worth of work to be done and I would love to here it.

He explained that a few years earlier he had given up on trying to get his wife to give him head since she constantly refused, but since he had always fantasized about how a blow job would feel he finally stopped at the adult book store on one of his many trips to the state capitol.

After getting a blow job trough a glory hole in the arcade he was hooked. Every month afterward he always had an excuse to make a trip to the capitol where he would end up at the book store for a blow job.

Even though he had spurned several requests for a blow job in return before, one day a nice young man sucked him off and then got up and stuck his cock through the hole whispering for him to just jerk him off. Tom relented and for the first time he handled another man's cock; jerking the guy off and loving the way he was able to do the things that he liked done to his cock to another man's cock and seeing it react from the pleasurable sensations.

Over the next few months he got bolder and bolder when handling other men's cocks and began licking and sucking while jerking guys off at the glory hole. Once, he said, a guy surprised him by cumming in his mouth without warning and that's when he learned that he liked the flavor and texture and the spurting convulsions as a guy shot off in his mouth.

A couple of months later he realized that he had been to the bookstore three times and had spent the whole time sucking cock himself, never once sticking his own cock through the hole for the other guy to suck.

Nearly a year passed while he continued making his monthly trips to the capitol when one day he was just about to leave after sucking off five or six guys when a new cock came through the hole. It was 10 or 11 inches long, quite thick, uncut and very black. It wasn't his first black cock, but it was definitely the biggest cock he had ever seen so he got to work on it.

He said there was something about that cock that had him mesmerized. He couldn't take the whole thing, he knew that it was so thick that he let his teeth scrape over it a couple of times and he knew the guy attached to it had to have thought he was completely inept, but he was an enthusiastic cock sucker and eager for the man to give him his cum.

Over the next few months he began looking forward to his trips to the capitol just to get a chance to suck that man's cock. He had taken to practicing with a large banana or cucumber prior to his trips so he could take more and more of that cock without choking or scraping his teeth on it.

Finally one day the guy pulled his cock away before cumming and said that he was tired of anonymous blow jobs in the book store and he wanted him to go to his apartment. Needless to say, Tom was quite nervous about how the man with such a perfect cock would react to his physical appearance, and he was also nervous about how the man whose cock he now craved might look. They both stepped out of the arcade booths into the dim corridor and could finally see that they both were nearly matched in height and weight, one dark skinned and the other light skinned. Otherwise they were both over-weight, middle-aged, with thinning hair and big bellies, in other words they were both bears.

They both looked the other over and the black guy told Tom to follow him. Since then Tom had never been back to the book store. Learning to give another man pleasure more completely than possible when a cock and balls are shoved through a glory hole and discovering the joy of getting fucked as well as taking pleasure in fucking another man. He admitted that it had been a couple of years since he had been with anyone else.

Tom said that he nearly laughed when I said that I would ruin him for women because that had already happened long ago on that last day he was at the book store.

In the half-hour that it took him to tell his story we had cleared the horse droppings and a couple of loads of soiled straw and I was just finishing up with putting down some fresh straw. Tom was admiring the harnesses and other tack hanging from the rack near the entrance and I asked him; "So that's it? You go to have sex with this guy about once a month and then come back here to be with your wife and kids the rest of the time?"

Tom sort barked out a derisive half laugh, half snort and said that several months earlier things had gotten sort of weird at home and he couldn't figure out what was going on so he had set up a hidden camera and discovered that his wife was having sex with their son. When confronted they quickly packed up and left town. Tom had been living alone ever since.

He said that he and his friend, Walt was his name, had talked about Walt moving here, but Tom wasn't sure how the people of the county would take it if word got out about their relationship. Walt was also hesitant because he was out and comfortable teaching high school history in the larger school system in the capitol city. Trying to transfer to our much smaller and much more rural school district made him nervous about job security. I could see his point. A black and gay man wanting to transfer to a nearly all white, mostly rural school district would probably raise some interesting questions.

It was getting close to 1:00 PM by then as I retrieved my shirt and we headed toward the house. Nancy came out with a make-up bag and a couple of suitcases that she threw into the back of the BMW. She looked like Tammy Fay with mascara running down her face from crying and as she got in the car she just choked out; "I'm going to a hotel. Call my cell phone once everything is moved."

As the car sped down the driveway to the road I thought that was pretty typical of her. Well I was certain that Steve and Logan would look at having to move her stuff as a small price to pay for getting to return to the acreage.

Thinking of Steve made me want to go and see him to give him the news right away. Tom was getting in his car talking about getting started on the paperwork to transfer ownership when suddenly things clicked in my head. I looked at him and said; "Walt Pearson?"

I don't think he could have looked more stunned than if I'd zapped him with a cattle-prod; "Yes. How did you know?"

"There aren't many black people anywhere in this state." I replied; "From your description of him I finally realized that you must have been talking about my half-brother, Walt."

"Oh, it's a small world, isn't it? He said. "I hope you won't mention our little tryst to him. Even though we met at the glory hole in the book store and we haven't really told each other that we wouldn't have sex with other men, I'm not sure he would understand if he found out that I had sucked off his half-brother."

"It'll be our secret." I told him. "Besides, I'm built more like our father and he's built more like his mother so we don't look much alike and I have used my step-father's last name since I was about eight so you couldn't guessed."

I laughed a little and said; "It seems that we are something like family members after all."

With a grateful smile and a thank you, he headed down the driveway. I thought for a second about calling Steve, but I really wanted to tell him in person so I locked the house and jumped in my truck to head for his place.


Thanks for reading guys! I would love to hear from you at


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