Gay Erotic Stories

Bar Service and Much, Much More ...

by AndyWilson
13 Jan 2009

Men's Clubs

I was a barman in a small town. You know, black shirt and Trousers and serving drinks to boring people. I was almost 20 and had known that I was gay for several years. This was dullsville and I wanted, no, I needed more out of life. I needed to get a life!

I had heard of a place further down the coast, a gay club called “The Naked Dungeon” that sounded very, very interesting. The more stories I heard of this club, the more I wanted to be part of the action.

So, one day I decided to just quit my job, pack up what little possessions I had into my car and head off to this club in the hope of landing a job there. I set off early one morning and headed south. It was early afternoon when I arrived. Parked in a side street just around the corner from the club in an untimed parking zone, I set off to try to obtain work at the club. I had on a nice shirt and my best jeans and sneakers (the best clothes I owned).

Upon entering the club I instantly became aware of the electric atmosphere, a certain ambiance. There were only a few guys in the bar, guess because it was mid afternoon after the lunch time rush and before the evening rush. I went up to the bar and took a seat. When the barman (who was in his mid thirties) approached the first thing I noticed was that he was only wearing a pair of lycra short shorts which really accentuated his enormous pouch and only covered two thirds of his bubble butt. Hmmm, I thought, cute.

When the Barman came over to me, he asked what he could get me and I said that I’d like to see the owner or manager about a job. He chuckled and said that he’d see what he could do. I had my resume with me and I hoped that my relatively short experience and awards would be enough as I just had to get more out of life. I knew that I would find it extremely hard to be gay in a small country town – I needed out.

This guy in his mid thirties approached me and asked what he could do for me. I told him my history briefly, saying that I had my resume with me and that I was looking for work at the club. He looked me over then sat down and waved the Barman over. He said that his name was Jeff and that he was the co-owner and asked what I would like to drink. I was set back not sure how to react to such a request so I decided to be a little bold and asked for a double scotch. “No worries” he said and requested two from the cute Barman.

Firstly he asked me if I knew what type of bar he ran and I said that I knew that it was a gay bar and that lots of interesting things happened there. I said that I wanted to be a part of the action and that I was more than willing to learn telling him that I was bored with my small town bar with very few gay guys. I handed him my resume which he just put on the bar. The drinks arrived and he said that resumes are fine but that he liked the personal assessment.

We chatted a while about the club in general while we drank. He said that I looked like a nice guy and was interested in continuing the interview in his office. He ordered another two double scotches and we proceeded to his office. Once inside his office he offered me a seat on the sofa while he explained the details of the club. Apart from obviously being a gay bar, there was another side. It had a downstairs dungeon where guys could go to have sex and play games. I was obviously interested and asked for more information. Jeff said that the staff (mostly young) were required to wear skimpy costumes provided by the club and collect classes etc and return them to the bar but that there were also the boy toys and that they would be naked and felt up often, and often carted off to the dungeon for sex or to perform sex acts on customers. When asked about this, I said that it sounded like fun. Jeff advised that some of the men at the club could be a bit rough and that sometimes there would be a few in the group that would want sex with me.

It was about that time that the barman entered with another two drinks. I was really beginning to like this place. I said that I was sure that I would really enjoy working here. He then introduced the other co-owner, the barman Aaron. Jeff looked at me quizzically with a smirk on his face. He approached me and lifted me to my feet. He embraced me and kissed me most passionately – I melted – he was so hot.

He then ripped my shirt open and off my back casting my shredded shirt aside. He then intensely sucked on my exposed nipples. My knees went weak. Jeff then moved me over to the front of his desk. When my butt touched the desk we stopped in a kind of passionate embrace. He pushed me gently back over his desk and deftly undid the button of my jeans and lowered the zipper. In one movement he grasped both sides of my open fly and ripped my jeans apart. He kept of tearing my jeans until they were ripped completely from my body. I was left standing in my briefs and sneakers.

I was so very excited by this time that my cock was sticking out the top of my briefs. Jeff noticed this and then grabbed them and ripped them to shreds and casting the items on his desk onto the floor, pushed me on my back on the desk. I was so hot that I wanted, no, I needed him to rape me there and then – which he did. Jeff pounded his cock up my ass repeatedly as I begged him to fuck me hard. Just as he was hammering my ass with his huge cock the cute barman, Aaron entered again with yet another drink. Jeff exploded with a volley of shots of cum up my ass. Once Jeff came down from his high he asked Aaron if he would like a piece of the action. He didn’t reply, he simple shucked his Lycra shorties and proceeded to fuck me. I was in heaven.

We eventually settled down, Aaron went back to work and Jeff offered to take me on a tour of the club. With nothing left to wear, I wore nothing as did Jeff. He took me back out to the bar where he introduced me to some of his locals who fondled my cock, balls, bubble butt and tight ass. Jeff advised that the bar was for drinking only and that the “other stuff” went on downstairs. He guided me through the bar and down some grand stairs into “The Dungeon”. Jeff gave a guided tour.

The Dungeon was divided in two with a hall running down the middle. The first room on the right called the horse room had a type of contraption in the centre of the room which Jeff described to me in detail but basically it was a short type of vaulting horse and actually placed me on it. The subject (me) was bent over it which exposed my rear end and my head at the other end. My hands were attached at the front with Velcro and the shape at the other end required my legs to be spread wide apart with my ankles secured with Velcro. This made me vulnerable at either end. Jeff walked around the front and proceeded to stick his fingers in my mouth as if to accentuate my position. He then walked behind me and stuck the same fingers in my ass. We moved on.

The room opposite was called The BDSM Room and contained several interesting apparatus. There were stocks, a type of massage bench with restraints and with a hole for your dick to drop through. The next room contained several types of restraints called the Ropes Room. On the walls with ropes, chains etc., there was even some ropes hanging from the ceiling. Hmmm interesting.

The next room called Bound to Satisfy had several devises around the walls. One was a cross with restraints on all four arms of the cross and some interesting gadgets on the floor. There was an open-spoke wheel with restraints around on the spokes and which had access from both sides – interesting concept.

I was then taken to where there was a large Jacuzzi and shower area. There were ample towels in the shower area and a large laundry bin for the used towels. There was also a sauna area which was meant for a recuperation area but probably more for yet another sex activity area.

On our way back to the bar area Jeff showed me another room which simply had a sling in the middle of the room. Jeff asked me if I had ever been in a sling. In my home town and sheltered life … No!

Jeff helped me into the sling, placing my butt in position. Then he placed my legs up on the supports, attaching them with Velcro straps, my legs which were at 45 degrees made my ass very vulnerable. Jeff then attached my arms to the supports with Velcro straps saying that if there were a lot of guys my hands would be free to “roam”. He proceeded to ram his cock in my mouth and then face fucked me. That was so hot. After a short time he moved to the other end where he stuck his rock hard cock up my ass and roughly fucked me. The whole swing was rocking with the fucking motion which on the return motion rammed my ass back onto his rigid cock. It was sending me over the top. When Jeff eventually exploded inside me I was so satisfied.

We returned back upstairs. The pace had picked up a little. Jeff asked me what I thought of his club – I simply said “’When do I start? … Now! Jeff said that there was staff accommodation upstairs with staff, and “fun room” and a completely private pool on the roof. I should go get my car and move to the car park and bring my things inside to my room. When I question that I had no clothes left other than those in my car, Jeff said “So!” Here are your keys. I went and moved my car from the street to the secure staff park.

Jeff then took me upstairs to the staff quarters, introduced me to my fellow sluts (staff members) and arranged for me to be completely shaved by them. I was to start work that night as they were a bit short staffed and it was a Saturday. Jeff also said that they would fill me on the finer points and requested that they did not fuck my brains out as we all had to work tonight.

There was Ryan, Jared, Kris, Brad and Dave (all naked). They proceeded to get the hot water, towel, lather and razor. They laid me down on a towel in the middle of the floor and proceeded with the task at hand. They took great delight in lathering me and shaving every hair from my pubic and ass area. I was so turned on by all the attention that I was hard as steel. After I was all shaved and cleaned up that is when the fun started. We were all hard and horny by that stage so one after the other they fucked my arse and deposited a load deep inside my love canal. Then they all took turns at riding my rigid cock until I exploded all over the place.

Clean up time. My fellow sluts took me to the shower room and gave me a double enema, showered, cleaned and groomed me into shape for the night. I really think I am going to love it here.

There was no need for clothes they said as we were naked most of the time in the club so why cover up in private. We had a leisurely dinner with a glass or two of wine – very relaxing. We did not start until 8 pm. Three of us would do bar duties for 3 hours while the other 3 would do sex duties for 3 hours then we’d swap. The day staff would undertake the duties during the day until 8 PM. Some of the day staff were the injured night staff.

The costume for the bar staff was a diamante collar with a small black bow tie and a Tarzan type lap lap with a stretch pouch attached to the front to cover our cock and balls – the elastic pouch enclosed behind our balls supposedly holding everything in place. The sex supervisor staff only had a diamante collar but other wise completely nude. They could be asked to perform activities such as restraining someone and lashing them with whips or to be themselves restrained and fucked depending on the wishes of the customer.

Part II to be continued This is a fictional story, a fantasy. In no way do I condone bare back. Condoms are there to use for your safety. Please use them at all times.

Andy. Please let me know if you want more of the same on


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