Gay Erotic Stories

The Swimming Pool

by William Penn
09 Jun 2009

First Time

The Swimming Pool By William Penn

The swimming pool deals with William’s first steps into a gay fetish world that he will learn to embrace with a great deal of pleasure because of an older man he meets at the pool. William’s journey deals with the subjects of gay sex, Fetish sex and kink, so readers must be of legal age to read.

Chapter 1: A new life

I looked at the reflection in mirror and did not like what I could see. I had piled on the pounds in the last few years, blaming it on my job and any other excuses I could think of. My girlfriend had just dumped me saying that as I was always away and did not seem to care anymore about what I looked like there was no point in our relationship.

It was a wake up call that I needed and to be honest I was not that concerned about losing my girlfriend as I had lost all interest in her anyway, because as she said I was always away working on some oil project.

I suppose like so many I started to evaluate my life after hitting the mile stone of forty, I had always been a good looking guy that kept himself in shape, but ever since my middle thirties I did not seem to care anymore.

I decided to make some changes in my life, first of all I would cut down on the projects because I had made some good money over the years and my feeling was how much money does one need, after all we can’t take it with us.

Secondly I decide to get in shape with swimming being my best form of exercise because the old knees were a real pain if I tried to do much running. I sorted out my spare room at home, turning it back into a gym just like the old days. I knew I must build up steadily, only using small weights with loads of repetitions to help form the muscle but not build it as big as I had been in the old days.

My third decision was to call it a day with woman for now, to be honest with myself I had fucked just about any woman that I wanted through my late teens, twenties and early thirties. I had only ever met a couple of woman that I would have settled down with, but for what ever reason that was not to be.

No woman would take a backseat in my life and I would see what it was like to be truly single and not worry about being on time for a meal etc. I still had plenty of mates that I enjoyed a pint with down the local, so all in all I was happy with my new plan as I slowly built up my exercise program.

Six months down the line I was just about back in shape, I was now cycling to the pool, which was six miles from my house. I was swimming five miles most weeks, a mile each time and my times were fairly fast. I was buying new clothes each month as my waist was back to a thirty four from a thirty six, also the beer gut had gone.

I had only been on two dates in this time, but to be honest it was the age old problem they had young kids and that was a big problem for me. I had never wanted children which meant most of the woman I came into contact with I would never date even if I wanted too on the grounds of the problem I had always had, young kids drove me round the bend.

I had meet some really nice people since I started attending the swimming pool, most were a lot older as I like to swim in the afternoons when many retired people would also swim. I had cut my work back to just being away three months a year, which meant I would only be going away on three one month projects now, it was a big cut in earnings, but I did not need to chase the money anymore.

I felt a lot happier with my life and had told one guy that I had developed a good friendship with at the pool, his name was Robert and I had meet him for the first time a month before.

Robert was retired, a widower that had lost his wife many years before, he was a great swimmer because in his youth he had swum for his county. When he told me he was nearly sixty I could not believe it as he looked so much younger and had a great swimmer’s body. At six feet with a straight back he looked about fifty, being totally bald I suppose made it hard to tell his age and he had youthful blue eyes with hardly a line on his face.

We had hit it off straight away, he was a keen sportsman like me and a big sports fan, and he also had a passion for hand rolled cigars and real ale, which meant we had a lot in common. I would see Robert at the pool at least four times a week, because we had started to swim together in the fast lane, it was good because he was still a brilliant swimmer and this helped in pushing me as I was in my last fight to loose what was left of my love handles.

We had made a joke about my love handles on many occasions and I really liked Robert’s sense of humour, however even he had to agree they were all but gone. After our swim we always had a coffee together, talking about what plans we had for the rest of the day, Robert’s always seemed to involve some friends coming over to sample his home brew, then one day out of the blue Robert asked me if I wanted to go round for a pint instead of the coffee. I said yes as his home was not that far from the pool and on the way to mine, so as Robert drove off in his car to get the beers ready I started to cycle the two miles to his house.

After a five minute cycling up a dirt track I arrived at Robert’s house which had been a farm in the old days, he was sitting next to the pond smoking one of the biggest cigars I have ever seen and drinking a dark beer.

“Glad to see you made it William,” said Robert with a warm smile, “you must be ready for one of these,” he said as he offered me a pint of dark beer.

“Very much,” I said and took the drink and sank half of the glass in one go. Jesus, god that is good, thanks.” I said.

“Robert, now sit down here, he said pointing to a chair opposite him, “before you fall over; you must be tired out after cycling and the swim?”

I smiled back to him and said, “Well Robert there is no pain with out gain,” and with that we both laughed out loud.

I noticed Robert take a really huge drag on his massive cigar and produce and hypnotic inhale as I starred transfixed. It was an open mouth inhale that many of my girlfriends had preformed for me as they knew I had a smoke fetish, but I had never seen it done so well before and never by a guy.

Robert formed a ball of smoke by rolling his lower jaw letting the ball escape from his mouth and then just when it looked like it would float harmlessly away he sucked the ball back into his mouth rubbing his tongue along the top row of his teeth as he inhaled for all he was worth.

Robert could see that I was watching him as he performed his inhale and after one of the longest streams of smoke I have ever seen being blown from his lungs he smiled and said, “You seemed to like that William.”

I told him I had always been fascinated with smoking since I was a child, especially cigars, they were a real passion for me and I thought it was great to see how much Robert liked to smoke.

Robert walked into his house and returned with two more pints and a cigar sticking out of his top pocket, “There you go William,” he said as he offered me one of the pints and the cigar. I said thanks, but I couldn’t accept the cigar, as they must cost a fortune. “Don’t be silly, said Robert, “I have a humidor full to the brim with them. Anyway I like to treat my friends, so here you go, use my punch cutter and lighter and let’s see if you can perform that open mouth inhale.” We sat there drinking most of the afternoon and I was determined to get the inhale right, we were on a second cigars and I was starting to get better. By now I was feeling a little drunk and we both could not stop laughing at my attempts at the open mouth inhale.

Robert said, “I can see I am going to have to teach you,” as he walked round and stood behind me. Right then William took a really big drag on that monster then held the smoke in your mouth, I did was I was told.

“Then Robert, put both hands on my lower jaw.” It felt nicely strange as he said, ”Now open wide, start rolling the jaw, that’s right and suck William suck” I did what Robert said and a large ball disappeared down into my lungs that caused the most satisfying feeling I had from smoking.

Robert said, “Well done William, I knew you had it in you, now do I need to stand here all day or do you think you can do another one without my help.”

I laughed and said, “As much as I like you touching me Robert, you will not be able to drink if you keep your hands there,” and with that Robert laughed out loud and returned to his seat.

Our conversation had moved away from cigars and on to women because we had already talked about sport most of the afternoon. After Robert had produced another pint and cigar, he said, “William what is a great looking guy like you being single?”

This took me a bit by surprise, but what with all the drink I had on board I started to spill my guts about how I had never wanted children and the only females that seemed interested he had kids and to be honest that was not my scene. I also waffled on about how I had not been with a woman for over six months and that I ought to join a monastery.

Robert looked straight at me and said, “William you know women are not the only form of sexual pleasure a man can have.”

I was a little taken back, but said, “What guys?”

“Yes, said Robert, “it is perfectly normal to be attracted to guys and have some wonderful sex with them, or do you not think so?”

I was not sure what to say, so I said, “Maybe but I have never given it any thought.”

Robert started to tell me that after the death of his wife he had lost interest in women, then one day he meet a man that changed his ideas and that had been over thirty years ago, he also said that never knock it to you have tried it, you never know you might just enjoy it.

I laughed out loud at this, but I could see that Robert had a smile on his face but he was not laughing this time. I quickly changed the subject and asked if I could use his toilet, he said of course and follow me.

After I had finished in the toilet I could see Robert had brought our things inside and was sitting in a wonderful black leather chair, “I thought we ought to come inside, the wind is picking up a bit and it looks like rain,” said Robert.

I sat down in another of his wonderful chairs and fired up another one of his cigars, he had poured a couple of brandies that he said would go better with the giant cigars. I had to agree the brandy made the cigar taste even more wonderful if that was possible. I looked at Robert and could not help blurting out, “I hope you do not think I was being rude outside, but I really needed the toilet, also Robert I would be a liar if I did not say that I have thought about men in the past, but I have never been with a guy before.”

Robert smiled and said, “Don’t be silly William, I know you were not being rude Also William, are you trying to tell me you want to experiment with a guy?”

I took a long inhale and performed the open mouth inhale like a pro, “Yes Robert I am saying that very much.”

We both rose from out chairs and meet in the middle, I placed my arms round Robert as he did the same to me, Robert looked me in the eyes and said, “Well William there is no time like the present,” then he kissed me searching my mouth with his tongue, my cock was so hard as I kissed him back with passion I never knew I had. We sat together on his sofa kissing and stroking each other for the next five minutes before he said, “Let’s get undressed.”

I was out of my clothes in record time, Robert took his time and it was as I had always suspected he had no body hair at all and his massive cock and balls were shaven. Robert started to kiss me once more and caress my body as he moved onto my nipples which have always been sensitive when I became aroused. It was not long before he was sucking my cock, the feeling was wonderful as it seemed so natural--and boy could Robert suck cock.

I knew it would not take long for me to cum if he carried on, but I could not stop myself as he deep throated my cock with an experts touched I shot my cum deep down his throat as my body seemed to lose control.

Robert kissed me full on the mouth and I could taste my salty hot cream on his tongue, he pulled away and said, “William, why don’t you take me in your mouth.”

I fell down to my knees and started to lick, caress and finial suck his massive cock, it felt and tasted so good, I wondered why I had never done this before. With Robert’s guidance I managed to take all of his cock in my throat as I gagged a few times. Robert told me to speed up with commands of faster, faster William until I tasted the seed from another man for the first time and I loved it.

I love the fact that I had been able to give Robert a wonderful orgasm, that I had pleasured him enough to feel his cum swimming down my throat. I did not go home that night; I stayed in Robert’s bed, another first for me and I felt happy and complete for the first time in my life.

Chapter 2: A special relationship begins

Robert had just called up to see if I was okay, wanting to know that now in the cold light of the day what did I think of our afternoon and evening together. I told him that I had loved it, however it still felt a bit strange for me because if someone had of told me a few days ago I was going to spend the night with an older man and enjoy it I would of thought they were mad.

Robert laughed at this remark saying he knew exactly how I was feeling as it had been the same for him, he finished the conversation by saying that there was so much to explore if I was still up for it, I told him even if I wanted to, I could not stop and again Robert seemed to enjoy this remark.

I told Robert I would come round after my swim if that was okay, he said of course and that he would have some food ready for us. I managed to shave some time off my mile in the pool which made me even happier if that was possible, so as I peddled my bike along the track to Robert’s house I felt on top of the world.

Robert called out, “I am in here darling,” as I walked through Robert’s wonderful house to find him in the kitchen. We kissed instantly and he tasted good, a mixture of cigars and some thing he had been eating danced on my taste buds.

“Sit down William,” he said pointing to a chair, he then poured some wine and we tucked into a late lunch of smoke salmon with a green salad that he had picked from the garden that morning.

After placing the plates in the dishwasher he refreshed our glasses and handed me a cigar. I sparked up saying I had been gagging for one since this morning, Robert laughed and said, “We can not have that can we, you must take some home with you, I have a desk humidor going spare, lets fill that up for you, I can’t have my boyfriend going without, what sort of guy would that make me.? I thought about his last remark, I released that Robert had meant it part jokingly however I did love the sound of it, so I turned to Robert after taking a huge open mouth inhale and said I would love that very much and I want you to teach me everything. He smiled at this and grabbed my hand, William follow me there is something I need to show you first, then we can talk about it.

We went through to a sort of study lounge that he called his den, “This is my favourite room in the house William, as it gives me so much pleasure.” he said. The room looked like a gentleman’s club that I had once visited in London, large comfortable leather chairs, a huge sofa that matched the one in the living room, their was also a large oak desk with a couple of flat screens, a couple of pc’s were busy working under the desk, I could just make out the LED’s shining brightly.

On one wall the biggest flat screen I had ever seen looked so impressive and a walk in humidor full to the brim with expensive cigars, the large ones that he adored so much took up most of the adjoining wall.

“What do you think William?”

“Wow!” I said, “This little lot must have cost a fortune.” He smiled and said that it had, but he wasn’t getting any younger and “we can’t take it with us, can we?” he said with a smile. “Anyway, since the death of my late wife, I throw myself into my work working in the city and to be honest I have so much money I don’t know what to do with it.” He looked in a reflective mood when he continued telling me about how his world had fell a part, but due to a chance meeting not unlike ours he meet a guy that totally changed his life. He was an older man that took Robert under his wing; he helped him broker a deal that made both of their firms a lot of money and in turn themselves.

Then one night after a good drinking session at their hotel the guy had asked Robert to join him for a nightcap, little did he know that would change his life for ever. They spent the night together “and the rest is history” said Robert with a smile, “He helped open my eyes to all manner of pleasures that men can give to each other and there is not a day goes past that I never thank him for it.”

“Where is he now?” I asked.

“Oh he died a few years ago, that made my mind up to retire, so I ended up here in the country. I brought this place a couple of years ago, but only moved in a few months ago. It took a lot of work to get it how I wanted it, a local builder did most of the work, then a designer I know from London made the rest happen.”

“Well, it is a wonderful house,” I said, “must be worth a fortune.”

“Now it is William, but I had looked for a house like this for years, I wanted seclusion so I could entertain my friends without a nosy neighbour looking in. Look William, let me start this DVD, it tells you more about my lifestyle that I can waffling on...” he said with a smile.

The giant screen jumped into life showing one screen after another of all sorts of gay sex, I was spell bound by what I was seeing and I could see that Robert was happy with my expression. There was all sorts of kinky sex, large toys, loads of anal with these guys being seriously hung like Robert, my own seven inches started to go hard as I could see guys dressed in all sorts of rubber, leather, PVC, some were dressed to the nines as woman, others were dressed as masters, some were slaves, it was a world that I had heard about but never witnessed before. Cigars played a big part in all the scenes and it finally struck me that I was watching Robert and his collection of friends in action.

The screen went blank and Robert asked me what I thought. “It’s brilliant!” I blurted out. “Well William like I said, there are many ways to have pleasure and that is a sample of what I like,” he said with a smile.

I noted, “It was you in some of the scenes?”

“Yes, said Robert, “it was me and some of my friends that I have meet over the years. David my old lover introduced me to some of the guys, others I have found since on the Internet, I would be lost with out it,” he said pointing to the screen on his desk.

“We have our own site that we upload our movies and pictures, it’s mainly to find others with our interests, also there is a members section that only guys that meet are allowed to use, we soon get rid of the time wasters, only allowing guys with our interests to stay. So what do you think, want to join our little band of merry men?” said Robert with a glint in his eye.

“Yes of course,” I said.

“Right then William it is about time we broke that cherry of yours; come with me dear boy and lets see how far we can stretch that man cunt of yours.”

We stripped off before entering Roberts shower; he said that he wanted to shave me from head to toe. I had always kept my hair short on my head, also I had very little body hair, but he said shaven bodies were one of the things he found very exciting, I remembered that all the guys on the films were also shaven, so why not I thought, I had found it very stimulating to see this myself.

Robert went to work with the shaver, but I told him to leave my head alone as I was not ready to lose it, he understood and said that in my own time I would remove it as he had done.

After we were both dry, we went into his playroom as he called it and he selected some clothes for me to wear. He selected a pair of seemed stockings that felt wonderful as I pulled them gently up my now shaven legs. He helped me into a Basque that looked divine as I could not stop looking at myself in the full length mirror, he also said that pretty boys should wear make-up, so for the next hour, he went to work on my face, turning me into a Barbie doll with thick heavy eye makeup, false lashers, high painted arched eyebrows, thick ruby red lipstick that he applied on a heavy foundation base that gave me the appearance of a very sexy slut indeed.

He found some four inch spiked PVC thigh boots, and then supported me as I took my first steps, they felt so good and my cock was so hard I could not believe it was me looking back in the mirror. The large cigar finished the look so well and Robert snapped away with his camera as I posed in all sorts of positions, trying to look as demur and sultry as possible.

Robert had dressed as a leather master he looked and smelt fantastic especially with the black military peak hat. He was also wearing thick heavy make-up that looked so hot as I had always had a thing for older woman, so he looked like an old fantasy come to life for me, however instead of a pussy Robert’s huge cock was going to break me in and I could not wait any longer.

“Right then William, lay down on your front he said and push your arse in the air, it’s time I fucked that great arse of yours.”

I loved the way he directed me and I was eager to please him. I felt his hand start to caress my arse before he started to probe applying loads of lube as he gently push a finger into my arse telling me to relax and breathe deeply. The feeling felt nicely strange, some old girlfriends had used the odd finger on me in the past, but Robert was an expert and I was soon feeling two of his fingers working at my back door.

“Right then William,” said Robert, “now relax and do what I tell you.”

“Okay,” I said as I could feel Robert’s cock for the first time push up against my cunt. I thought I was ready to take the lot, but Christ it hurt, Robert told me to relax and push with my stomach muscles; however I was finding it so hard to concentrate as I felt like my arse was going to split. I pushed my head down into the pillar to help suppress the sounds of my moaning which was a real mixture of pain and pleasure.

At one point I did not think I could carry on, but Robert would not stop as I pleaded with him to pull out, nearly there now William was his reply, then I felt my anal tract muscles finally give way as his ten inch cock finally rammed home to the hilt, his balls were slapping against my arse cheeks as he started to fuck me hard. Again I had that feeling for him to stop, but managed to gain control each time the muscles in my tract gave way to his pleasure weapon as he pounded me for all he was worth.

It seemed like an age when I heard him cry out “I am cumming, I am cumming” repeating it over and over again as the heat in my stretch cunt started to extinguish as a huge amount of cum that covered the wall of my man pussy.

I had so many feelings at once, the pleasure was immense, but god did my cunt hurt as he slowly slipped his huge cock out of my pussy and I could feel the warm sensation of cum flow from my parted cheeks. I could see the flash of the camera again as he took loads of pictures of my dripping cunt, then he ordered me to turn round as he put his still hard cock in my mouth as I licked the remaining cum from his cock, the camera never stopped capturing the images.

After a few minutes and a much needed drink, Robert asked how I felt. “Strange,” I said, “I liked it very much, but god am I sore, my arse is on fire!”

He laughed as he placed his arm round me, “It’s natural the first tim; it will soon heal and each time it will get easier and more pleasurable, trust me, I know.” Robert explained.

“Now then, lets go down stairs and upload these pictures on the site, we have your profile to construct and I know the guys are going to go mad to meet you.”

“Okay,” I said and loved the thought that these guys were going to want to meet me, I was hooked and already I could feel that this was like the cigars--a wonderful addiction that I would never be able to stop. To be continued…


More Gay Erotic Stories from William Penn

Dutch Cigar Shop

William finds more than premium cigars to smoke at Jan’s cigar shop.

London Dom

William meets Albert on the net

Mr. Owens

The Magic Powder stories are fictional stories that contain graphic accounts of fetish based gay sex.

My First Male Lover

My first male lover tells the story of a love affair with a much older man. The experienced gain from Bill would help shape me into the man I am today.

My First Night Out With Jan and Rita

After a wonderful experience with Jan at his cigar shop in the late afternoon, William would find a new life had opened up to him. With Jan’s direction, William’s life would change for the better.

Sex Shop 1

Jason finds a lot more than a didlo at the sex shop

Stuck in London

William meets Bill in a small hotel

The Local Club

William joins the local club and finds his older lovers

The Swimming Pool

The swimming pool deals with William’s first steps into a gay fetish world that he will learn to embrace with a great deal of pleasure because of an older man he meets at the pool.


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