Gay Erotic Stories

How I Became The Bear

by Biker.bear
30 Jun 2009

Bears, Daddies & Cubs Fantasy Hairy Sci-Fi Fantasy

How I became the Bear By Bikerbear

Guess you could say my new life started to use a cliché on a dark and stormy night.

I was trying to make this old mom and pop dinner/truck stop coming out of one of those steep Ozark passes when it happened. My breaks went followed by the drive tiers on my side of the truck which caused the truck to roll on to the driver side first which is why I survived even though I was so banged up I didn’t really want to live at that point. Luckily a military convoy was following me with a doctor and stopped to help me they got me out. Or at least that’s what I was told because in order to save my life the Doc said that they preformed some pretty radical and extremely TOP SECRET and not to mention just a little dangerous to yours truly not that I had much to loose at that point. The Doc installed what he called a JACK into my head and then proceeded to download my mind into a body that he had prepared. The body I was told belonged to a convicted mass murderer who had been brain wiped as the form of execution this then allowed the Doc to install what he called a maintenance program that causes the body to work out and generally allows it to follow the Doctors Orders. Then the doc had taken and altered the DNA and on this he was really vague as to how he achieved this suffice it to say everything that made up the former mass murderer was replaced. As I had come too in the back of the truck the Doc who was a hot Bear with a thick head of salt and pepper hair and a thick salt and pepper beard that hung down to his mid chest he had braided both his hair and his beard. I could see thick hair poking up out of his shirt collar and the shirt that he was wearing was stretched tight from the muscle that was in his arms and chest and the slight belly he had. He handed me a mirror so I could see myself and what I saw in that mirror was HOT I was auburn headed with thick hair like the Doc and like his mine was braided and the beard I saw was divided in two and plaited into two braids that with the heavy muscles I now had. The roughened features and all the chest hair I saw was a real turn on. And while I had been while I had been doing this the Doc had been removing his clothes and when I looked up at him I saw two immediate things one was that the Doc was not shy about the fact that he modeled my cock on his and the second was that the Doc had this shit-eatin’ grin on his face that told me what ever happened next I was going to enjoy it.

He tossed me a bottle of lube and said son its time to take and check those reflexes I snatched the lube out of the air lubed my cock and grabbed the Doc by the waist and dropped him on my cock. I heard him growl out yeah I knew ya liked it rough son you are going to really like your new life. At this point he stopped talking ‘cause the bucking I was giving him was causing is nut to be rubbed in all the right ways. Also Doc was starting to look more like the old grizzly I thought of when I saw him Doc was a werebear and we were mating and as I came I roared and so did he. I panicked because I realized I had changed as well. The Doc who now said I had earned the right to call him Papa Bear with that performance. Said calm down son and think about being human and just let it flow. As he petted my pelt I calmed down and I changed back to my human form. Papa bear said he was sorry about doing this to me. He had intended for this body to have artificial personality that he was building that’s why he had given it the change knowing that it couldn’t voluntarily change. It was going to go to the base and he was going to use it as a display model to show how a murderer could be transformed to a law abiding person. Now he would have to change things and let them in on the fact that he could change one person to another. That would necessitate that I help him a little. I looked him in the eye and said papa bear just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.

We pulled into the base hanger just as we were finishing dressing in my case dressing meant putting on the camo pants, H-shirt, and combat boots papa bear had for me in the process I learned I was a 48 inch waist and a 40 inch inseam also I wore a 6XL shirt. I foresaw very few off the rack purchases in my future. As we got out he told me that no matter what I couldn’t fuck or let anyone suck me off while we were here and that he would explain later, if I got into that kinda situation play but don’t get fucked or sucked.

We were met by some soldiers who took Papa and said what’s going on you told us he was a slab of meat and didn’t have a mind yet. Papas proceed to give the men a brief rundown on what happened on the way here. Well that means he doesn’t have clearance to go to the meeting so we’ll have PVT. Williamson here gives him a guided tour of the place while we deal with this new and interesting information that the Doctor here has brought us. So Williamson led me off and as I turned back I saw them unloading the equipment Papa bear had had them bring with him. So I said PVT what are we going to see today? He said were you really in another body I replied yeah about 4 hours ago I was a over weight trucker that had just crashed his truck and was dying a incredibly painful death. So where are we going huh? I thought we would try the cafeteria first I figured you might be hungry and I might as well feed ya. I said cool been feeling hunger pains for about an hour now and I knew there wasn’t any food in the truck. So for about an hour we sat and I ate filling up a tank that didn’t know it was empty. The PVT who said to call him Will after about 30 minutes of me calling him private because I had this shit eating grin on my face every time I said it was staring at me in awe. Dam man just how much do you eat? I don’t know I’ve never filled this body up with food before. I know I am a lot bigger now that I was four hours ago I just guess it needs more food to operate on.

At that point Papa bear comes jogging up and sits down next to me and says everything good they are more interested now in the fact that they can jump people around in bodies and get injured soldiers healed by putting them in the bodies of the condemned than what I was suppose to mean to them. Papa also told me that now I was Mac O’Connor and I was 21 according to the identity that has been created for me and I was for all intense and purposes now his son as he had built my past and had given me his last name and everything. Dad reached over and snagged some of the fries I had on my third plate and said seeing all the empty plates don’t worry son you’re apatite is just were it should be considering what’s going on and he winked at Will as he said this. Come on son walk with me to the elevator I need to get back up I just wanted to let you know what was going on. Standing there with Will and Dad I realized just how tall I really was now me Will and Dad just stood head and shoulders above everyone.

As we walked towards the elevator Dad said, “Will why don’t you take Mac down to the gym and let him work out? Mac don’t worry, the workout routine is embedded in your mind just let it take control son”. Dad also said that if I didn’t take and workout at least once a day I would start to get grumpy and if I kept it up I would start getting mad at everyone for no reason. Will said, “Cool Mac, I’ll spot for ya while the Doc finishes up and then if the Doc wants we’ll meet up with him afterwards in the hot tub.” Papa Bear looks at Will and that shit eating grin appeared on his face and said sure meet you there and winked at Will. We got down to the gym and I got this feeling of being there before and then my mind supplied the answer and my mouth said the words Doc has this exact same setup at the Doc’s place. Will looked at me and said how do you know that did you know the Doc before this happed? I said nope apparently the body has some memories that I can access like the Dad said I could and as I said dad Will turned to me and said you realize you just called the Doc dad don’t you? Did I yeah you did Will said replied that no I hadn’t and then I said let get started huh? Will said free weights or machines and I said free weight and moved over to the plate racks to start loading the bar. We were just finishing the routine that was loaded into my head and were sweating up a storm and Will said dammit man I need to stop or I’m going to hurt something.

I told him fine I was don’t anyway and I hadn’t expected him to be able to complete the full workout let alone the extra I had thrown in trying to find out some of the limits of my new body. I looked at Will and took a whiff of my underarms and said I need a shower and a change of clothes Will said yeah so do I so I will go and find some clothes you you and grab some for me if you will give me 5 min I said sure I need to stretch out anyway. I started my stretching and just as I finished Will came back and had 2 bundles with him he lead me into the shower and tossed me one of the bundles. It had pants shirt and a towel along with shampoo and soap Will said thought you could you those as well. I said thanks I’m use to having all this with me in my own kit guess I’ll need a new one. I started to take the braids out when I realized that I would need help getting them back in and turned to ask Will and saw that he had removed his shirt and his chest was covered in thick black hair and so were his arms and he had a neat circle at the base of his neck where he shaved everyday. I looked at him and said dam man the gorilla called he wants his chest back Will said yea yeah, yeah, well at least the bear you skinned for your is safely out of the picture or he’d want it back too. We kept kidding each other about our hairiness up till I dropped my pants and he dropped his. I turned to walk into the communal showers and saw that Will was carrying a huge piece of wood between his legs and that he saw me watching him he slowly started to get excited as did I from the fact that I saw that he was watching me. I said hey will that thing between your legs slowing you down or are you gonna take that shower he fired back its slowing me down just like that log between yours is slowing you down. We showered and I enjoyed the feel of the hot water on my body and I shampooed my hair and beard and while I was doing that Will turns and says man that’s something I miss since I joined the military I have to fucking shave every single day when I get out in two weeks I am going to let my beard grow and never shave again I said yeah but the only problem I’ve got is that now I have to re-braid everything Will looks at me and says man you really haven’t had a beard or long hair just take the braid thong and just tie back your hair and then re-braid the beard it will save you some time and still keep that Viking look the Doc had going for you bet the Doc has some leather biker pants and vest back at his place for ya I saw how the Doc looks at ya and I have seen him come down here on his hog decked out in leather man he is one hot fucker.

I reached over and grabbed one of his big prominent nipples in my big ol’fingers and started to twist and pull on it like a man should. Pa said that I couldn’t Fuck and I couldn’t let people suck but that don’t mean your ass is safe it just means that I’m going to go easy on it soldier. He looked at me with this shocked look on his face and I went into my best over the top BEAR TOP act and said I saw you eyeing me while you soaped up that log of yours boy and I know you want it your going to get it there are just going to be some ground rules in place first that all. Then I said so show me where this hot tub is boy. He lead me into and room that was off the main locker area and into a small room that had a lockable door as I followed him into the room I turned the small knob that locked the door. Then I put my hands around his waist and turned him and lifted him so that his cock was at the same level as my mouth and sucked his cock into it and gave it a good working over with my tongue and mouth.

Then I took and stepped down into the hot tub still holding him so I could work on his cock. Once I got all the way in I sat him on the edge of the tub and slowly worked one of my big fingers up into him and then another and another until I had three of them up in his ass and started to work on them while working his cock with my mouth and tongue with the other hand I went back to working his nipples. He was a groanin’ and a growli’n so loud that I didn’t hear it when the door lock clicked and the door opened or the re-click of the lock engaging. So it came as a complete surprise when Papa rammed his big old fuck stick up my ass well as papa later said he came in and what does he see me with my ass in the air just begging someone to come along and shove a cock up in it and fuck it. My reaction to papa’s cock being rammed up my ass was for me to ram my hand up Wills ass and also I let out a roar that vibrated his prostate and that along with the hand up his ass caused poor will to take and start spewing cussing and cum at the same time even after he finished cumming he was still spewing cuss words and shaking and twitching like he was possessed at the end the just kept saying over and over again fuck, fuck, oh fuck.

Well son you hear the bear fuck him as papa bear said that I turned and looked at him and said you said no fucking. Yea well that was before I found out that Will was here so that being said I took and picked Will up and just dropped him on my still rigid cock I just started moving him up and down on it like he was a fuck doll. He was completely limp and unmoving just lying on my cock and as I started cumming he started twitching and moaning and he also started cumming again. After we had all cum and Will had stopped twitching with Papa said happed ever time he got sexed good although it usually took 4 or 5 bears and a good 12 hours of continuous fucking to get to the point we saw.

So while we just sat there and soaked in the hot water Papa sat there smoking on a big Cigar and suddenly I wanted one too but mine were on the dash of my old trashed truck. Papa looked at will and said son what are you doing here last I heard you were clear across the planet what happened? Well sir I was up for reassignment and I’m getting ready to muster out “dang son its that close” so the powers that be asked me were I wanted to go to and I said somewhere close to the Ozarks as that was were I was from and was going back to. So the fact that I carried TOP SECRET clearance and was from here they moved me to this place which has been nice, but I’m sure looking forward to getting back to the property back in those hills of mine. So will how do you like Mac here ya know he’s going to be living with me. So this won’t be the last time we get to play ha I knew pops here had a plan for ya so sir does it include biker leather??? You could see from the look on Will’s face that he thought that the two of us in bikers leather would probably cause every man we passed to pop their nut.

Yea boy it does he can’t ride that hog I have for him without it now can he, and I have your leathers put up so their ready for you when you get up to the compound. While papa and will were jousting about weather or not I was going to be in leather I listened to the way Will addressed papa and came to some conclusions. Papa watching my face while talking to will got that shit eating grin on his face and said hell son you’re only technically fucking your brother. Were bears don’t put the same intensity on sex that humans do we use sex as a way to control not only the aggression of our were, but build family connections and connections with other were bears. The sex helps to build up the feelings of caring and shows that we care for one another.

Papa said he had changed Will early in his life and Will hadn’t reached the point where he would appear to stop aging I on the other hand had been created when the body was at its bear prime. Will looking over at me said come on over here little bro and give your big bro a kiss. LITTLE, LITTLE I SHOW YOU LITTLE YOU and I walk over and wrap his neck in my arm and proceeded to give him a noogy papa started chuckling and said I can’t take you boys anywhere can I. Just as Papa finished saying that an announcement over the PA system was made PRIVATE WILLAMSON REPORT TO GENERAL SINCLAIR’S OFFICE ON THE DOUBLE Will sighed and said oh well back to work. Papa griped Wills arm and said come find us before we leave huh sure Will said.

I left the Hot tub room as Mac slid around and put his head against Pop’s shoulder I could feel the contentment that was radiating from him like he finally had found everything that was missing in his life. I really wanted to be there when pop’s told him about the slow to no aging part of being a were bear. As I was thinking about this I had dressed and was on my way to the elevator that would take me to Gen. Sinclair’s office. I was starting to think of my interview with the General and about how he was a hansom fucker he had a close cropped brown hair and a striking pair of green eyes in a Clint Eastwood like face. As I approached the outer office of the General I heard a bellowed WILLIAMSON GET THAT ASS OF YOURS IN HERE NOW YOU FUCKER that was the creepiest things about the General at least as far as I’m concerned every single time I am around him he knows that I’m there and I mean always. If I didn’t know for a fact that he wasn’t a were bear by his sent I would have sworn he was though with the heavy musky cologne he always wore I wasn’t exactly certain what he real sent was.

As Williamson came through the door I could smell him and I knew for certain that he had been with Doc O’Connor and that new cub of his Mac I think the Doc said his name was he said that he was going to use all the prepared documents we had created for him since he couldn’t use his own Identity anymore. So unless Williamson had changed someone the new were sent had to be this Mac I hadn’t met yet. Williamson came in and I motioned him to sit. Will I said I hear that you grew up out were Doc O’Connor lives is that true? Yes sir he replied the property my daddy owned is joined along the Doc’s. Good I said I want you to go with the Doctor and for the last two weeks your serving I want you to play guard to the Doc and make sure there are no unknown side effects from the process that put Mac in that body he’s in. Yes Sir, He replied is that all or is there any thing else you need me to do? While we had been talking I had moved around the desk and was now sitting on the front edge of the desk with my legs spread wide showing off my large hard cock against the thin material of the dress pants I was wearing I saw will lick his lips as he said this.

I had long since had certain portions of the base made as sound proof as I could my office and the Hot tub room was two of them. I said in my best DI voice I WANT YOU BUCK ASS NAKED NOW PRIVATE as I bellowed this the room was flooded with my pheromones and he snapped to his feet and stripped of the uniform he was wearing so fast I thought he had teleported it off of himself. As for my self I just unzipped my fly and fished out my meat and waved it at poor will and he couldn’t help himself he came mussing over to me like the bear he was and took my cock in his mouth and explored ever inch of it with his tongue. God how I loved brand new cubs they have no control over their sex drives in their first two years when there around other bears. I smacked him on the back and said ok private now that you’ve gotten my cock good and wet show me that furry ass of yours. I rode his ass for at least a good 30 minutes and let loose with a roar that shook the room. As I was pulling out I said come on lets go down and see the Doc and Mac I want to meet that boy. Sir he said you know Mac isn’t really a 21 yr old right? Yeah I said but he is now legally a 21 yr and he needs to get use to it. So where are they soldier well sir the last I saw them they were in the hot tub room Will said to me.

Just as the door to the tub room closed I shifted myself around so that I could lay my head against Papa’s chest and listen to his heart beat. Papa looked at me and said son what’s wrong? Nothing I just realized that I am perfectly happy here surrounded by soldiers and knowing for a fact that they would beat the living shit out of me if they knew what I had been doing in here with you and will just a shot while ago. I wouldn’t change it for the world. Papa Bear why is that why this big change in me did you do some programming while you had the body or is it some thing else? We’ll I didn’t do no programming on ya son so that must mean that yous was meant to be a were bear usually ya get that feeling of contentment that all is right with the world and son it can be I’ll be there to help you get through the rough times and we’ll have some good times too. Some day though you’ll decide your ready and move out into the world on your own son and then well we’ll still have each other and more will get added and that only makes things better.

About that time I heard the door start to open and I moved away from papa so that whoever came in wouldn’t think anything was going on. Then in walks this hot bear with green eyes and Will is following him like a puppy that’s been scolded. I took a good sniff of the room and picked up papa’s sent and Will’s sent and this guys sent it was musky like a bad cologne and a something else I couldn’t identify because the cologne covered up everything else so I really couldn’t tell what he was just that he was more than what he appeared to be. As Will and the stranger moved down into the water Papa put his hand on my leg to keep me from doing anything rash. So O’Connor what do we have here a little father son bonding time huh. Big strong hairy Daddy getting close to his big strong hairy son aren’t you. He was unbelievable here he was standing in the middle of the room buck ass naked telling us he knew we had been screwing around before he walked in and I knew for a fact I had never seen him today or at any point before. As he got to the center of the tub the hot water helped to clear up the mystery of what he was his sent came to me clearly now and all stress left my body as I realized that here was another were bear and even though I didn’t know him he was kin of some sort. As the tension left me Papa’s had left my leg and I took that as permission to take and play.

I took and stretched for the ceiling to show off the outline of my muscles and just how hairy I actually was. Then I took and started scratching here and there to draw attention to my nipples and cock. I watched as his green eyes followed as I stretched and scratched. I saw the startled look on Wills face and realized that he hadn’t figured out that here stood another were like us. I approached the big bear as I moved my hand down to my cock and turned my head to Dad and said hey I think that he wants a little boding time as well what do you think dad?

Dad said with that shit eating grin on his face and sitting there chomping on that cigar of his said hell son after what you just did I want some more bonding time with you too. But I think your right I think he does want to bond with ya so why don’t you. With that I took and rammed my cock into his ass and said hell dad were bonding already, I started to work it in and out of his ass getting a good rhythm going I started to shift to half form and felt the guy twitch and groan as my cock increased in size and girth making it necessary to bite down on his shoulder with my muzzle so that I have a better grip a gasp of pleasure from the guy and then I hear papa moving around and hear him say to me my boy already fucking in half form I’m so proud I also love furry bear ass and with that he took and plunged his cock in and started to shift as well.

Well let me tell you now I realize why this guy was a groaning and a moaning as papa’s growing cock and cock head rubbed my prostate it started me on the short road to having one of the best orgasms in my life. As we pulled apart and sat down I turned to the new comer and said hi I’m Mac he said hell son were way past that point in the getting to know you phase of our relationship but since you do need something other than hey that guy I just fucked I’m Mike Sinclair also know as the boss of this mad house. And there was poor Will standing there mouth open in shock of what he thinks is two were bears’ fucking his General and turning him supposedly into a were and here he is seeing his boss joke and fondle these two half bears that were sitting on either side of him. So Mike what do you think of my sons? Well, if that boy of yours over there would stop acting like the world just caved in and come on over here it would be a very nice sandwich cause I want that boy sitting on my cock again. And where the hell did you find this other cub of yours; you’re gonna need a chain for him that boy is pure sin and everyone is going to go down hard. Yeah Papa bear said that’s the joy in it this one knows what this body is capable of and he’s determined to use it to the fullest extent it can be used.

So Mike said as he settled Will down on his cock and started slowly pumping it in and out of him. Will here, we’ll go on home with ya when you leave and his officially logged orders are to provide security for the next two weeks and report any side effects of Mac’s transformation. Unofficially I want him there to help with the new cub you have you and he are in a weird situation he’s a full transformed were bear but he doesn’t have any of the of the skills and knowledge you pick up while your waiting for the transformation the fact that he has such control of the switch when he fucked me was a complete surprise. That if I hadn’t know he was only a few hours switched I would have thought he had been a were for years. What are you going to do now Doc well were going to take and go home back to the farm and I’m going to teach my cub here what he needs to know. Okay, I’ll have a hum-vee ready for you to use and since Williamson here is going with you it won’t need to be returned until he gets ready to muster out. I put you and the cub Doc in one room by yourselves so you’re good and I think Will here is going to be in a late meeting with the boss.

The next day we took and left in the hum-vee and left the base and headed up into the mountains and after about a hour we passed a spot in the road that had recently had a fire. Will stopped the truck and Papa bear said ya son it’s the place where your truck rolled the soldiers torched the whole thing to make it look like the tanks caught and burned the cab so that what was left of the old you and what was done would be unrecognizable they know its you from your DNA and paid out on your insurance policies from what the army told me. And with that it all hit me at once that I could never go back to my family and friends old lovers. I started to shake and then Papa bear and Will were there holding me and stroking my back and head to help get me through the shock of realizing my old life was completely gone forever.

After about 10 minutes we got back in the truck and went on later that day we got up to Papa bears farm and found it to be a small but real farm there were no animals that needed to be taken care of but there was one field that acted more as a kitchen garden that a real go to market with field. Papa said it was easier to grow his own veggies than truck on down to the stores ever week. He said that he had been hunting for his meat and that he would teach me. Then will and Papa lead me into Papa’s bed room and stripped me and made love to me to convey all the love and caring they had for me and to take away all the lingering pain from seeing where I had died and been reborn.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Biker.bear

Clan of the Bear

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How I Became The Bear

How a old trucker took on a new life as a were

Jack Spat Demon of Instigaition

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The Devil and The Bear

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